Doctor Who (1963–1989): Season 3, Episode 15 - Coronas of the Sun - full transcript
The Doctor, Steven and Sara escape Mira in a Dalek pursuit ship but when they find the ship is returning to Kembel, they are forced to come up with a new plan to avoid the Daleks.
You are surrounded.
You will come with us.
I'm afraid, my friends, the Daleks have won.
You will hand over the Taranium Core.
If I do, what guarantee is there that
you won't fire your guns afterwards, mm?
There is no guarantee.
Seismic detector shows that the
object he is carrying is the Taranium!
You will surrender it!
He will not!
Silence! You will not speak!
You dare not fire, because of this Taranium!
To end this stalemate, may I suggest...
There will be no more discussion!
The Core is to be handed over.
Re-form line!
Prepare to exterminate them!
What is that noise?
The invisible creatures are attacking in force!
Patrol alert! Patrol Alert!
Annihilate them! Annihilate them!
There's a good boy! Keep going!
The invisible creatures have been exterminated.
Search for the fugitives!
They must not escape.
We obey!
Communication received from the planet Mira.
Are the fugitives still evading capture?
Yes, there has been no further contact.
Reinforcements can be dispatched.
Our force already there is sufficient for the task.
Contact them and order that the Taranium is to be recovered.
Failure will not be tolerated!
There's only one guard.
Now you know what to do?
It'll never work!
It will! It's got to!
The other Daleks will be back here before he can get started.
Why should they?
They're out looking for us.
They won't expect us to come back here.
Look, they're not complete fools!
They know we've got to get off Mira
that their ship is our only chance.
Don't worry.
Like most of the Doctor's plans,
this one's simple, it won't take long.
Well, why doesn't he get started then?
Give him time.
He's got to get round there.
Look, you must learn to trust him.
He's had dealings with the Daleks before.
I have no choice. Let's hope you're right.
He should be in position by now. Come on.
Remain where you are.
I certainly will. I've come to give myself up.
Do you have the Taranium?
I have.
I realise, of course, that I am no match for the Daleks
so if I hand it over, will you help me
and my friends to get away from this planet?
Where are the others?
Oh, they will come when I call them, mm?
The Taranium.
Shall I give it to you or would you prefer
me to hand it to you in your ship, hmm?
You will wait there until the Patrol returns.
The others are to join you.
If you try to escape, you...
Escape! Oh, my tin friend, never!
You mustn't forget that I came here
and surrendered of my own free will.
Ahh! Help! Help!
Loss of vision! Loss of vision!
I'm under attack! I'm under attack!
Patrol alert! Patrol alert!
Cease firing before we sustain damage!
The fugitives boarded the Pursuit ship!
Alert all patrols!
Can you work it, Doctor?
Oh, one moment, my dear.
I'm... quite accustomed to this... Dalek technique.
Close the hatches, please.
The doors are not closing.
Vacuum-lock reading...
two point two four.
Oh, the power build-up is far too slow.
Feed in that extra energy.
Three point eight two, rising.
Yes, it should activate at five, zero, zero.
They're lining up to attack!
Four point three two, still rising.
Exterminate them! Exterminate them!
That was close! It was too close!
Auto-gyro... gyro-dynamo.
Coding nine, two. Red, blue, blue.
Coding one, zero, zero.
All blue readings, take off...
Hold tight!
Mavic Chen, you have failed in your task.
Failed! Is this my greeting?
I agree that my mission was to return to Earth and recover the Taranium.
This I have not done.
Failure will not be tolerated!
But I did notify you of the fugitives' whereabouts.
The planet Mira.
There the vital Core can be taken from them, without suspicion.
Their presence on Earth was a constant danger!
At anytime they could have contacted forces unsympathetic to our plans.
You make your incompetence sound like an achievement.
Incompetence now, is it?
You forget that the original blunder was not of my doing.
I journeyed to and from Earth to correct
a failing your security force should have dealt with.
The Core was stolen from here.
My actions have brought about a situation
which will allow you to recover the missing Taranium easily and simply.
If that is a failure, then I have failed.
The fugitives have stolen our Pursuit ship
and have left the planet Mira.
Stolen! Left the planet Mira!
Is their course being computed?
It is.
What news of our forces?
They are stranded on the planet
and under constant attack from the
invisible creatures that inhabit it.
Dispatch a rescue ship to their aid.
They will be dealt with on their return.
I will personally supervise recovery of the Core.
I obey.
And you had the audacity to accuse me,
Mavic Chen, of incompetence!
It is...
A Dalek ship stolen...
It is not...
It is not an emergency!
No. More like a catastrophe!
They may believe that they have
successfully escaped from us,
but we, the Daleks, are still in command!
Will it work, Doctor?
No, of course it won't, dear boy.
That's the whole point.
I mean your plan.
No, we shall have to make a copy.
A copy so exact that we can deceive the Daleks.
They'll still want this Taranium back, you know.
They won't rest until they get it.
Yes, but suppose...
There isn't time to suppose.
I'm sure the Doctor can copy it well enough.
Yes, thank you, thank you, my dear, thank you.
I'll have a good try, and I think that'll give us sufficient breathing space.
What's that?
We're changing course!
We're moving away on a selected route!
Good gracious, we're on the course for the planet Kembel.
You know, I'm very much afraid that we're...
under the Dalek influence.
Yes, it's obviously this that's causing the damage.
Ah, that settles that.
Well, isn't that a rather a drastic way of dealing with things?
Look, Sara, the technology of my age may be hundreds
of years behind yours and the Doctor's,
but there are still some things I can handle.
Yes, of course there is, dear boy. Of course there is!
Come along, young lady, let's get on with
our mineral whilst we still have the time, hmm.
Pursuit ship has broken free of our control.
Activate Magnetise Beam.
Magnetise Beam activated.
I sincerely hope there's not been any further bungling?
We have temporarily lost control
but once the Magnetise Beam reaches
them it will pull them to Kembel
where they will be exterminated!
After we have the Core of the Time Destructor...
in our possession, I trust.
Of course! Of course!
Yes, I think so.
Yes, yes, there - that's a good copy
although I say it myself, hmm?
Yes, but there's still the problem of charging it.
The Daleks will know immediately that it isn't the real Taranium.
I appreciate that, young lady,
but this is the right balance and the right weight, mm?
We're still on our own course.
The Daleks haven't attempted to divert us yet.
Oh good, good, good.
Well, you keep watching, there's a good fellow.
No, I should try that one.
This is excellent.
Hmm, hmm. Isn't it?
How do you propose to activate it?
Oh, we're working on that.
Yes, er, we're working on that.
Well, you know, we...
we could use the Gravity-force from the ship's power centre.
Well, I mean, there's an outlet, here.
What's wrong with that?
Too primitive, my boy.
Too primitive and far too dangerous.
Gravity-force as a source of energy was abandoned centuries ago.
We were still using it!
Oh yes, and the Romans used treadmills.
I still think G-force would do the trick.
We're changing course again.
Back to the... planet Kembel, what? hmm!
Oh, you know, it appears that we're, er... affected by magnetisation.
We're been held in a... very strong beam, hmm hmm!
That will take us right back to the Daleks.
Well, let's try and break it, child, come along!
Now we'll see about those treadmills!
My dear boy! What is it? What's happened?
He's still breathing.
The fool!
What? Hmm?
He's tried his... his experiment, with G-force and reliance power!
Oh, he's still alive, and lucky at that, hmm?
But it worked! Look, Doctor.
It's just like real Taranium!
Oh, isn't that wonderful? That's wonderful.
Steven's theory has proved successful.
What about the poor boy? Hmm?
Dalek pursuit ship has entered the atmosphere.
Reducing speed. Ten degrees of light...
It appears that you have at last succeeded in getting the Taranium back.
Of course.
And we shall deal with these fugitives
as with all those who oppose us.
Do you challenge us?
Of course not.
But might it not be advisable for me
to return them to Earth... for trial?
They will be tried... and found guilty as traitors to the Solar System.
After all, the woman is from Earth.
The Daleks will deal with them.
There is no need for the delay in their extermination.
Some people on Earth know that our traitors were transposed to Mira.
If they disappear for good, those people will be curious and ask what happened to them?
It's possible that they might find out... that the Daleks... executed them.
Then your plans could be hindered.
It is essential that you do not allow
your Earth people to become curious.
Human curiosity is something I can have no control over.
You must forestall their questions until it is too late.
Too late?
Yes! We will have conquered the Solar System
before our presence here is discovered.
It is possible.
Once we have the Taranium
there is nothing to stop us!
Very well. I leave their fate to you.
The Dalek reception force should now
be in position at the specified landing point.
Yes, they should.
And I think it's about time we left to join them.
Don't you?
Height and speed reducing.
Yes, we should be landing in about five minutes.
I'll see how Steven is.
I think the effect's wearing off.
No, my dear. He's adapting to it.
Can you talk, my boy, mm?
He's... he's still under the influence of that force field.
Nothing further will happen to you.
Now don't worry, mm?
Yes, nothing further's going to happen to him but I must confess I..
I have no cure for that condition, hmm.
He's enclosed in a force-field.
Yes, yes, I'm afraid so.
Hmm. Sara, bring me that fake Taranium, hmm?
Hmm. Yes, yes, yes.
Now, listen to me, Steven.
Try and understand.
This is very important, so you must trust me. You do understand?
Just try and indicate.
Pursuit ship is landing at precise point calculated.
Well, it appears that everything's going according to plan.
The Taranium will be recovered.
I hope you're right.
This time there will be no error
Well, we're here. Hmm hmm.
Now we've got to face the Daleks.
Open the doors, please.
Steven will lead the way.
This way, Steven.
But it won't... it can't work!
It's our only chance, my dear.
And remember, I will do all the talking, hmm?
The Taranium!
I would suggest that you give that to me, young man.
And remember, you cannot fire because of the Taranium.
You'd have another fifty years work, hmm?
Possibly, but you are still in no position to bargain.
will hand over the Taranium outside my ship, the TARDIS.
You heard the condition.
It is not acceptable!
You heard what the Dalek Supreme said.
Outside my ship, the TARDIS, or nowhere!
He seems determined. Does it really matter?
Very well. In front of his ship.
Thank you! Steven?
Sara, open the door please.
The young man will give you the Taranium
when the girl and I are safely inside my ship, the TARDIS.
Very well.
Making sure of your escape, eh, Doctor?
Remember to do exactly as I say, Steven.
I will give you further instructions from inside my TARDIS.
Steven, hand the box over to Chen.
Then come inside the TARDIS.
This is it! The Core of the Time Destructor!
Exterminate him!
The ray guns did not take effect!
All were operated at full power.
No human being can withstand their fire.
What happened is unimportant!
We have the Taranium!
The invasion can go ahead!
The universe will be ours!
Are you sure you're all right?
Yes, more or less.
The Dalek guns must have destroyed that force field completely.
It's a good thing they didn't fire a second time.
I don't really know what happened.
You were enclosed in a field of gravity force and reliance power.
You had a shield round, you know, similar to the one that protects the TARDIS.
Oh, that reminds me.
Where is that genuine Taranium, hmm?
Oh, over here.
Well, it's a pity I blanked out.
I mean, if we knew the ratio readings,
we could use the same force again, to protect us from the Daleks.
Certainly not!
What you did was very dangerous and extremely stupid.
Oh, come off it. It worked.
One more 'experiment' like that, and you really will be dead.
Oh, nonsense...
Now, now, now, you listen to me, young man.
I warned you it was dangerous before you tried it.
You might have killed yourself... and blown up the spaceship.
Then where would we all be, mm?
Well, I know where I'd be, I don't know about you.
Now, now, now, now, don't be cheeky!
Look, if it haven't been for me
how would you have charged the Taranium
and carried out the handover?
I think we should experiment further.
I don't care what you think, we're not going to repeat it.
Why do you think science turned down your discovery, hmm?
Because it isn't safe!
So perhaps in future you'll pay attention to what I say
and remember that I happen to be the leader of this 'expedition'
and I don't want to keep on repeating myself.
But Doctor...
Never mind the buts!
If you don't like it, you can get off! Mmm? Hmm!
All right, Doctor
I promise that I won't experiment with it any further.
I hope not.
Something's gone wrong.
What's the matter, hm?
It's stopped going up and down.
Oh, that means that we've landed.
That scanner's not working.
Can you mend it?
Yes, I shall have to repair it, of course, yes, yes, but that means...
Let's get...
...checking up on the whole circuit.
Let's get on with it.
Dah, dah, dah, dah! Don't you dare touch that.
Why not?
Well, just look at those dials, look!
Look here, Sara.
Do you see those dials?
Now, do you know what that means?
If either of you went outside, it would be extremely dangerous.
The whole atmosphere is entirely poisonous!
You will come with us.
I'm afraid, my friends, the Daleks have won.
You will hand over the Taranium Core.
If I do, what guarantee is there that
you won't fire your guns afterwards, mm?
There is no guarantee.
Seismic detector shows that the
object he is carrying is the Taranium!
You will surrender it!
He will not!
Silence! You will not speak!
You dare not fire, because of this Taranium!
To end this stalemate, may I suggest...
There will be no more discussion!
The Core is to be handed over.
Re-form line!
Prepare to exterminate them!
What is that noise?
The invisible creatures are attacking in force!
Patrol alert! Patrol Alert!
Annihilate them! Annihilate them!
There's a good boy! Keep going!
The invisible creatures have been exterminated.
Search for the fugitives!
They must not escape.
We obey!
Communication received from the planet Mira.
Are the fugitives still evading capture?
Yes, there has been no further contact.
Reinforcements can be dispatched.
Our force already there is sufficient for the task.
Contact them and order that the Taranium is to be recovered.
Failure will not be tolerated!
There's only one guard.
Now you know what to do?
It'll never work!
It will! It's got to!
The other Daleks will be back here before he can get started.
Why should they?
They're out looking for us.
They won't expect us to come back here.
Look, they're not complete fools!
They know we've got to get off Mira
that their ship is our only chance.
Don't worry.
Like most of the Doctor's plans,
this one's simple, it won't take long.
Well, why doesn't he get started then?
Give him time.
He's got to get round there.
Look, you must learn to trust him.
He's had dealings with the Daleks before.
I have no choice. Let's hope you're right.
He should be in position by now. Come on.
Remain where you are.
I certainly will. I've come to give myself up.
Do you have the Taranium?
I have.
I realise, of course, that I am no match for the Daleks
so if I hand it over, will you help me
and my friends to get away from this planet?
Where are the others?
Oh, they will come when I call them, mm?
The Taranium.
Shall I give it to you or would you prefer
me to hand it to you in your ship, hmm?
You will wait there until the Patrol returns.
The others are to join you.
If you try to escape, you...
Escape! Oh, my tin friend, never!
You mustn't forget that I came here
and surrendered of my own free will.
Ahh! Help! Help!
Loss of vision! Loss of vision!
I'm under attack! I'm under attack!
Patrol alert! Patrol alert!
Cease firing before we sustain damage!
The fugitives boarded the Pursuit ship!
Alert all patrols!
Can you work it, Doctor?
Oh, one moment, my dear.
I'm... quite accustomed to this... Dalek technique.
Close the hatches, please.
The doors are not closing.
Vacuum-lock reading...
two point two four.
Oh, the power build-up is far too slow.
Feed in that extra energy.
Three point eight two, rising.
Yes, it should activate at five, zero, zero.
They're lining up to attack!
Four point three two, still rising.
Exterminate them! Exterminate them!
That was close! It was too close!
Auto-gyro... gyro-dynamo.
Coding nine, two. Red, blue, blue.
Coding one, zero, zero.
All blue readings, take off...
Hold tight!
Mavic Chen, you have failed in your task.
Failed! Is this my greeting?
I agree that my mission was to return to Earth and recover the Taranium.
This I have not done.
Failure will not be tolerated!
But I did notify you of the fugitives' whereabouts.
The planet Mira.
There the vital Core can be taken from them, without suspicion.
Their presence on Earth was a constant danger!
At anytime they could have contacted forces unsympathetic to our plans.
You make your incompetence sound like an achievement.
Incompetence now, is it?
You forget that the original blunder was not of my doing.
I journeyed to and from Earth to correct
a failing your security force should have dealt with.
The Core was stolen from here.
My actions have brought about a situation
which will allow you to recover the missing Taranium easily and simply.
If that is a failure, then I have failed.
The fugitives have stolen our Pursuit ship
and have left the planet Mira.
Stolen! Left the planet Mira!
Is their course being computed?
It is.
What news of our forces?
They are stranded on the planet
and under constant attack from the
invisible creatures that inhabit it.
Dispatch a rescue ship to their aid.
They will be dealt with on their return.
I will personally supervise recovery of the Core.
I obey.
And you had the audacity to accuse me,
Mavic Chen, of incompetence!
It is...
A Dalek ship stolen...
It is not...
It is not an emergency!
No. More like a catastrophe!
They may believe that they have
successfully escaped from us,
but we, the Daleks, are still in command!
Will it work, Doctor?
No, of course it won't, dear boy.
That's the whole point.
I mean your plan.
No, we shall have to make a copy.
A copy so exact that we can deceive the Daleks.
They'll still want this Taranium back, you know.
They won't rest until they get it.
Yes, but suppose...
There isn't time to suppose.
I'm sure the Doctor can copy it well enough.
Yes, thank you, thank you, my dear, thank you.
I'll have a good try, and I think that'll give us sufficient breathing space.
What's that?
We're changing course!
We're moving away on a selected route!
Good gracious, we're on the course for the planet Kembel.
You know, I'm very much afraid that we're...
under the Dalek influence.
Yes, it's obviously this that's causing the damage.
Ah, that settles that.
Well, isn't that a rather a drastic way of dealing with things?
Look, Sara, the technology of my age may be hundreds
of years behind yours and the Doctor's,
but there are still some things I can handle.
Yes, of course there is, dear boy. Of course there is!
Come along, young lady, let's get on with
our mineral whilst we still have the time, hmm.
Pursuit ship has broken free of our control.
Activate Magnetise Beam.
Magnetise Beam activated.
I sincerely hope there's not been any further bungling?
We have temporarily lost control
but once the Magnetise Beam reaches
them it will pull them to Kembel
where they will be exterminated!
After we have the Core of the Time Destructor...
in our possession, I trust.
Of course! Of course!
Yes, I think so.
Yes, yes, there - that's a good copy
although I say it myself, hmm?
Yes, but there's still the problem of charging it.
The Daleks will know immediately that it isn't the real Taranium.
I appreciate that, young lady,
but this is the right balance and the right weight, mm?
We're still on our own course.
The Daleks haven't attempted to divert us yet.
Oh good, good, good.
Well, you keep watching, there's a good fellow.
No, I should try that one.
This is excellent.
Hmm, hmm. Isn't it?
How do you propose to activate it?
Oh, we're working on that.
Yes, er, we're working on that.
Well, you know, we...
we could use the Gravity-force from the ship's power centre.
Well, I mean, there's an outlet, here.
What's wrong with that?
Too primitive, my boy.
Too primitive and far too dangerous.
Gravity-force as a source of energy was abandoned centuries ago.
We were still using it!
Oh yes, and the Romans used treadmills.
I still think G-force would do the trick.
We're changing course again.
Back to the... planet Kembel, what? hmm!
Oh, you know, it appears that we're, er... affected by magnetisation.
We're been held in a... very strong beam, hmm hmm!
That will take us right back to the Daleks.
Well, let's try and break it, child, come along!
Now we'll see about those treadmills!
My dear boy! What is it? What's happened?
He's still breathing.
The fool!
What? Hmm?
He's tried his... his experiment, with G-force and reliance power!
Oh, he's still alive, and lucky at that, hmm?
But it worked! Look, Doctor.
It's just like real Taranium!
Oh, isn't that wonderful? That's wonderful.
Steven's theory has proved successful.
What about the poor boy? Hmm?
Dalek pursuit ship has entered the atmosphere.
Reducing speed. Ten degrees of light...
It appears that you have at last succeeded in getting the Taranium back.
Of course.
And we shall deal with these fugitives
as with all those who oppose us.
Do you challenge us?
Of course not.
But might it not be advisable for me
to return them to Earth... for trial?
They will be tried... and found guilty as traitors to the Solar System.
After all, the woman is from Earth.
The Daleks will deal with them.
There is no need for the delay in their extermination.
Some people on Earth know that our traitors were transposed to Mira.
If they disappear for good, those people will be curious and ask what happened to them?
It's possible that they might find out... that the Daleks... executed them.
Then your plans could be hindered.
It is essential that you do not allow
your Earth people to become curious.
Human curiosity is something I can have no control over.
You must forestall their questions until it is too late.
Too late?
Yes! We will have conquered the Solar System
before our presence here is discovered.
It is possible.
Once we have the Taranium
there is nothing to stop us!
Very well. I leave their fate to you.
The Dalek reception force should now
be in position at the specified landing point.
Yes, they should.
And I think it's about time we left to join them.
Don't you?
Height and speed reducing.
Yes, we should be landing in about five minutes.
I'll see how Steven is.
I think the effect's wearing off.
No, my dear. He's adapting to it.
Can you talk, my boy, mm?
He's... he's still under the influence of that force field.
Nothing further will happen to you.
Now don't worry, mm?
Yes, nothing further's going to happen to him but I must confess I..
I have no cure for that condition, hmm.
He's enclosed in a force-field.
Yes, yes, I'm afraid so.
Hmm. Sara, bring me that fake Taranium, hmm?
Hmm. Yes, yes, yes.
Now, listen to me, Steven.
Try and understand.
This is very important, so you must trust me. You do understand?
Just try and indicate.
Pursuit ship is landing at precise point calculated.
Well, it appears that everything's going according to plan.
The Taranium will be recovered.
I hope you're right.
This time there will be no error
Well, we're here. Hmm hmm.
Now we've got to face the Daleks.
Open the doors, please.
Steven will lead the way.
This way, Steven.
But it won't... it can't work!
It's our only chance, my dear.
And remember, I will do all the talking, hmm?
The Taranium!
I would suggest that you give that to me, young man.
And remember, you cannot fire because of the Taranium.
You'd have another fifty years work, hmm?
Possibly, but you are still in no position to bargain.
will hand over the Taranium outside my ship, the TARDIS.
You heard the condition.
It is not acceptable!
You heard what the Dalek Supreme said.
Outside my ship, the TARDIS, or nowhere!
He seems determined. Does it really matter?
Very well. In front of his ship.
Thank you! Steven?
Sara, open the door please.
The young man will give you the Taranium
when the girl and I are safely inside my ship, the TARDIS.
Very well.
Making sure of your escape, eh, Doctor?
Remember to do exactly as I say, Steven.
I will give you further instructions from inside my TARDIS.
Steven, hand the box over to Chen.
Then come inside the TARDIS.
This is it! The Core of the Time Destructor!
Exterminate him!
The ray guns did not take effect!
All were operated at full power.
No human being can withstand their fire.
What happened is unimportant!
We have the Taranium!
The invasion can go ahead!
The universe will be ours!
Are you sure you're all right?
Yes, more or less.
The Dalek guns must have destroyed that force field completely.
It's a good thing they didn't fire a second time.
I don't really know what happened.
You were enclosed in a field of gravity force and reliance power.
You had a shield round, you know, similar to the one that protects the TARDIS.
Oh, that reminds me.
Where is that genuine Taranium, hmm?
Oh, over here.
Well, it's a pity I blanked out.
I mean, if we knew the ratio readings,
we could use the same force again, to protect us from the Daleks.
Certainly not!
What you did was very dangerous and extremely stupid.
Oh, come off it. It worked.
One more 'experiment' like that, and you really will be dead.
Oh, nonsense...
Now, now, now, you listen to me, young man.
I warned you it was dangerous before you tried it.
You might have killed yourself... and blown up the spaceship.
Then where would we all be, mm?
Well, I know where I'd be, I don't know about you.
Now, now, now, now, don't be cheeky!
Look, if it haven't been for me
how would you have charged the Taranium
and carried out the handover?
I think we should experiment further.
I don't care what you think, we're not going to repeat it.
Why do you think science turned down your discovery, hmm?
Because it isn't safe!
So perhaps in future you'll pay attention to what I say
and remember that I happen to be the leader of this 'expedition'
and I don't want to keep on repeating myself.
But Doctor...
Never mind the buts!
If you don't like it, you can get off! Mmm? Hmm!
All right, Doctor
I promise that I won't experiment with it any further.
I hope not.
Something's gone wrong.
What's the matter, hm?
It's stopped going up and down.
Oh, that means that we've landed.
That scanner's not working.
Can you mend it?
Yes, I shall have to repair it, of course, yes, yes, but that means...
Let's get...
...checking up on the whole circuit.
Let's get on with it.
Dah, dah, dah, dah! Don't you dare touch that.
Why not?
Well, just look at those dials, look!
Look here, Sara.
Do you see those dials?
Now, do you know what that means?
If either of you went outside, it would be extremely dangerous.
The whole atmosphere is entirely poisonous!