Desperate Housewives (2004–2012): Season 6, Episode 18 - My Two Young Men - full transcript
Patrick Logan finally reveals himself; Gabrielle and Susan go to shameless lengths to top each other's kids in school; Andrew doesn't approve of Sam; Katherine finally comes out of the closet.
Previously on Desperate Housewives.
Preston buy these for me in Paris.
That woman is a gold digger.
There was a shocking announcement.
You proposed?
She's the one. I know it.
The other night was a mistake.
A surprising move.
Mr. Logan?
A dangerous disclosure.
I'll tell you where she lives
when I get my $ 1,000.
A stunning discovery.
What are you doing
with a picture of Rex?
He was my father.
And a welcoming embrace.
You should never
trust family photos.
They are designed to be misleading.
A mother's bright smile
may hide a lifetime of disappointment.
A son's sweet expression
could conceal boundless rage.
A daughter's sedate pose might
obscure years of unladylike behavior.
And as for that father
with the air of dignity,
there's always the chance
he has another family elsewhere.
- I... I don't know what to say.
- Well, I'm not surprised.
It's a shocking bit of news,
to say the least.
- So, you're my brother?
- Half-brother, to be precise.
I can't believe this.
Andrew, you have every right
to be upset.
Your father should have told us
about this years ago,
but please don't be angry with Sam.
It's not his fault.
I'm fine.
I just need to be by myself for a while.
Of course. We understand.
- If you don't mind, I'll hug you later.
- Take your time.
Well, he certainly handled that better
than I expected.
When the shock wears off,
I think we'll end up good friends.
And wait till you meet Danielle.
Her flight comes in tomorrow
and I just know the two of you
are really gonna hit it off.
Don't you agree, Orson?
Uh, yes, I'm sure.
Sam, would you mind
locking up the test kitchen?
Happy to.
Again, thank you for everything.
So, when did you speak to Danielle?
An hour ago, and she was
just as stunned as Andrew,
but when I said I was gonna have
a little dinner for Sam,
she was determined to be here.
Well, you've certainly wasted no time
welcoming Sam to the family.
Why not? That skeleton's been kept
in the closet long enough.
I understand.
And I agree that Andrew and Danielle
should try to make a connection
to Sam. He's their blood relative.
I'm just not sure
why you're so excited by it.
- Excited? I'm ashamed!
- Ashamed?
Rex kept that boy in the shadows
for years.
I can't look at Sam
without feeling overwhelming guilt.
- But you have nothing to feel guilty for.
- It doesn't matter.
Rex is gone, and someone needs
to make it up to him.
He is a Van De Kamp,
and I'm gonna see to it
that he is treated like one.
Yes, be careful
when looking at family photos.
Like certain members of the family,
they are not to be trusted.
Every year, Oakridge
Private School held a fundraising drive.
Students were asked to sell
$3 bars of chocolate.
Whoever sold the most
would receive a prize.
Of course, for someone to win,
someone else had to lose.
Hey, MJ. Have you gone in
and gotten your candy yet?
- No.
- Well, you better hurry up,
'cause I already saw some kids
selling candy outside.
- It doesn't matter.
- Why not?
'Cause I'm not gonna win.
I never win anything.
You promised him he'd win?
He was about to cry.
What was I supposed to say?
How about, "If at first
you don't succeed, try, try again"?
He tries all the time.
He never wins anything.
He's horrible at sports,
he's lousy at card games,
and let us not forget his humiliation
at that spelling bee.
Why did he think "kayak" had a Q in it?
My point is that I want him
to feel good about himself.
Every child should win something
at least once.
See, you win everything.
I know what it's like to lose.
Dear God,
not the jump-rope competition.
It was sixth grade
and there was a jump-rope competition.
It was down to me and Barbara Briscoe.
She had asthma
and it was dandelion season
and her eyes were swollen
and she was jumping blind,
until her mom gave her
an antihistamine shot,
which is technically a steroid,
and she was juiced!
So are you gonna be supportive or not?
Yes, I will.
If you promise
to never tell that story again.
Was good?
If I had any government secrets,
they'd be yours.
Irina? I'm sorry,
I need to get the laundry.
Hold one second.
I have yet to get decent.
- Come in.
- Thanks.
Huh. I thought I made that bed
this morning.
I take nap.
Feel much better.
Yeah, I bet you do.
Well, I will see you downstairs.
Man, that was close. Crap.
Your father and I told you,
no sleeping together in this house,
and here you are, openly defying us.
Well, not openly.
We were hoping to get away with it.
That is not funny!
Your 11-year-old sister
is in the next room.
I don't want you setting
that kind of example.
Dude, look out.
Mom's back from the store.
- This is what I was looking for.
- I'd better get dressed.
Preston! Preston! Get back here!
I don't want a repeat of this, Irina.
Do you understand?
Why don't you just speak truth?
I mean,
if Preston was seeing another girl,
you would not much care.
You just don't like me.
That is not true.
I'm still getting to know you,
and I am sure that, over time,
I will come to think of you
as a valued member of our...
Here's what I was looking for.
Well, you were right.
That was more refreshing
than taking a nap.
I told you.
- Honey.
- Yeah?
Don't dress in front of the window.
I'm afraid of what your body could do
to Roy's heart.
- So, did you ever call him back?
- Yeah, this morning.
Mrs. McCluskey had her surgery
and apparently she's cancer-free,
so Roy's throwing a party to celebrate.
That's so sweet!
I hope you told him we'll be there.
Can we talk about that?
I told him we'd go,
but I don't think we should go together.
- What do you mean?
- Well, it's just, except for Susan,
people don't really know
what's going on with us.
Hey, you know what's funny?
Neither do I.
So, what is going on between us?
I mean, are we friends with benefits,
are we just dating, what?
- Do we have to put a label on it?
- No, I just...
- I just want to know how you're feeling.
- I really like you. That's how I feel.
Can't that be enough for now?
It could be.
But it could also be pretty wonderful
to let people know
how happy we make each other.
I don't know.
Hey. I was right about the "nap."
Hello, ladies.
Hide the booze. We have a guest.
- Hey there, Juanita.
- Okay, hit it.
"Hi. My name is Juanita Solis
and I am in the third grade."
- You're losing them. Get to the pitch.
- "Won't you support me?
"I am selling candy
so I can stay in school
"and not end up on the street
selling drugs."
I'll take it from here. It's a fundraiser.
Three bucks a bar.
Whip out your wallets.
Well, I'd hate to see Juanita on crack,
so I'll buy one.
- Me, too. Do you have caramel?
- One lousy bar?
Ladies, it's a contest.
Juanita plans to win.
Come on. Need I remind
you of all the crap I've bought
from your kids over the years?
And I do mean crap.
Not like this quality processed sugar
I am peddling today.
Juanita, MJ is playing
in the other room.
Why don't you go join him?
Here's the thing. Before you got here,
Bree and Lynette agreed
to buy eight bars from MJ.
It's okay.
They can buy from Juanita, too.
Well, it's a little more complicated
than that.
See, MJ is having a bit
of a self-esteem crisis lately,
and he feels like
he's on a losing streak,
so I really, really need him
to win this one.
- You understand, right?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
- I understand, I just don't care.
- Excuse me?
- Juanita's having a crisis of her own.
She's new to Oakridge
and she's having trouble
making new friends.
As you know,
the winner gets a big party
and they can invite whoever they want,
which could go a long way
in helping her fit in.
You understand, right?
Sure. Of course.
It's just,
he's never won anything before.
She has no friends.
So, what are we doing?
Well, it seems to me if we buy
the same amount from both of you,
it'll just be a wash, right? So, really,
we don't need to buy any at all.
Get out your wallet.
I was so shocked
to hear you had lung cancer.
- I didn't even know you smoked.
- I didn't. That's the thing.
People think you have to be a smoker
to get it, but you don't.
A girl your age
was having the same surgery I had,
- never smoked a day in her life.
- You could be that girl, Gabby.
Let's get a drink.
You know, since we're dying anyway.
- Now, remember...
- We're not a couple. I know.
We're on a covert lesbian mission.
I'm sorry. I just want people
not to figure out we're together.
- It'll blow their minds.
- Oh, please.
You stabbed yourself and blamed Mike,
and this will blow their minds?
- Hey, ladies.
- Hi, Tom. Having fun?
Best cancer party ever.
Listen, I was talking to Karen's doctor.
You made quite the impression on him.
- Me?
- Yeah, he begged me to introduce you.
Do you mind?
Why would I? We're only roommates.
- And here's your change. Enjoy.
- Hey! Willy Wonka!
Selling candy
at an "I survived cancer" party? Tacky.
Chocolate is filled with antioxidants
which, as we all know, fight disease.
So, you could say
that I just saved a life.
Yeah, right.
The competition is between the kids.
They're supposed to be doing
the selling, not the parents.
Gabby! Speedo season
is a month away
and you have the nerve to sell this
to my husband?
and he was a doctor,
he was a surgeon.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
I always knew I'd go to med school.
You know, that incredible feeling
of helping people.
Plus, they give you that little pad
and you can write
any prescription you want.
Beautiful and laughs at my jokes.
Two more cocktails
and I may be proposing.
Hi. Sorry to interrupt.
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Will you excuse me, David?
And she never smoked a day
in her life.
You could be that girl, Lee.
Look, it's one thing
to hide our relationship.
It's another to flirt with a man
right in my face.
I wasn't flirting. He was flirting with me.
- I saw your face. You were enjoying it.
- Okay.
Hey, listen up, everyone.
I just want to thank you all for coming
and to say to Karen,
thank God you're all right, baby.
Thanks, everybody.
And I also want to thank
the big guy upstairs.
Now, if we could all take a moment
to remember the people
who weren't as lucky as I was.
Make up your mind, Katherine!
Are you gay or straight?
I don't know! Just because I enjoy
having sex with you
doesn't make me a lesbian!
Look at this.
I wonder what Rex would say
if he saw us here all together?
Probably, "Who's the guy
in the wheelchair?"
So, Sam, Mom tells me
you got some fancy degree?
His MBA, which he earned
while working two jobs
and nursing his sick mother.
- I just did what I had to do.
- Don't be so modest.
He also spent a summer in Micronesia
helping to dig wells.
It was challenging, but I really wanted
to work with the poor.
Sounds like my first job.
You worked in the food court
at the mall.
The outlet mall.
Trust me, I know what it's like
to work with poor people.
They're always late.
Rex and I always hoped the children
would take an interest in working
with those less fortunate, but...
We saw an opportunity
to disappoint them once again
and we grabbed it.
So, my father was interested
in charity work.
- What else?
- So many things.
Travel, history, the arts.
He especially loved music.
- Really? Me, too. I play the guitar.
- You do?
Stay right there.
- That was lovely.
- I'm really rusty.
Yeah, I could hear that.
This is pretty cool.
I'm actually playing my dad's guitar.
It's just been sitting in that closet
for years, gathering dust.
- In fact, why don't you keep it?
- What?
Why not? You should have something
to remember your father by.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute.
What if I want it?
- What if Danielle wants it?
- I don't want it.
Don't you have a flight to catch?
Andrew, you've never shown
any interest in that thing.
It's my dad's guitar.
I'm plenty interested.
- But you don't even play.
- I do so.
I took lessons, okay?
Well, by all means.
We'd love to hear.
What fun, indeed.
Now would you please
give Sam the guitar?
Well, if Andrew wants it that badly...
He doesn't care about the guitar.
He's just being unreasonable.
You're giving out my dad's stuff
to a total stranger
and I'm unreasonable?
Sam is a member of this family.
Now, give him the guitar.
Hey, I've got an idea.
Why don't we split it?
I must apologize.
My presence here
is clearly causing unhappiness.
- I think I should go.
- No need to apologize.
You have behaved
with the utmost dignity
in the face of unthinkable rudeness.
Thank you.
Yeah, I know. He's the perfect son.
Problem is, he's not yours.
So, we talking yet?
Jeez, Ang! What the hell?
I'm getting bored
with the silent treatment.
So you might as well shoot me.
- You had no right to tell her.
- I know my mom, Nick.
There was no other way
she was letting go of Danny.
So, are we over this? Because if not,
I would really prefer a bullet
in my head.
It used to be just you,
me and Patrick knew.
- Now your mom. What if he finds out?
- She is not gonna tell him.
Ang, I love that boy.
I was the one in the delivery room.
I was the first one to hold him.
- Even before you.
- I know.
I cannot let him find out
from somebody else.
- I have got to tell him.
- No. You are his father.
You gave up your life to protect him.
You're the only father
he needs to know about.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
Now please,
get this the hell out of here, huh?
Before someone gets hurt.
I mean, I didn't think you'd do it,
but I'm not stupid.
- Hello?
- It's Patrick Logan.
Just got into town
and I was hoping to drop by,
you know, for the information?
How about tomorrow night?
See you then.
And I've got a case
of selective Alzheimer's,
so don't forget the cash.
Hey, Tina, it's Susan Bremer.
I know, it's been a long time,
not since graduation.
So listen, do you remember the night
that you got caught streaking
and I had to bail you out of jail,
and you said you owed me one?
Well, I hope you like chocolate.
Is that Mrs. Solis?
Tina, I'm gonna have to call you back.
Oh, my God.
Is she selling candy?
Among other things.
I'm gonna lose this contest, aren't I?
No. You're gonna win.
'Cause Mommy's done playing fair.
Irina and I were talking,
and we feel really bad about yesterday.
Look, we don't want to come down
too hard on you guys.
We're just not comfortable having
a couple of unmarried kids
sleeping together in our house.
- You understand.
- Oh, yes.
That is why Preston
must tell you something now.
Irina and I have decided
to get our own apartment.
- What?
- That way, it'll be our place
- and we can do whatever we want.
- No. No, no, no.
We're getting married
in six months, anyway. Why not?
Why not?
Lynette, you want to take this one?
I think it's a terrific idea.
They're not kids anymore.
They're old enough
to make this decision.
Thank you, Lynette.
It's good to know we have your support.
- See you later.
- Okay.
Have fun.
What are you doing?
We're supposed to pull them apart,
not push them together.
Do you remember that apartment
we moved into
when we were saving for this house?
That dump?
Yeah, it was the size of a closet.
You remember
how we treated each other?
I remember a lot of yelling
and throwing stuff.
God, there were a few times
I was afraid that we were gonna...
Break up?
Lynette, you are devious and evil,
and I have never been
more in love with you.
- Susan Delfino, you are so busted!
- Gabby? What are you doing here?
Alice Gibson told me
what you were up to,
but I couldn't believe
you would sink so low.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Okay, folks, we're on a break.
Somebody's gotta take their meds.
No, not yet, not yet.
Will you stop at nothing
to win this competition?
- That's funny, coming from you.
- Me? I have nothing to be ashamed of.
Well, let me jog your memory.
Construction site, cold wind, no bra.
- You saw that?
- Yeah.
Did I not tell you
how important this was to MJ?
Yes, and I told you about Juanita.
But apparently your son's problems
are more important
- than anybody else's!
- That is not what I'm saying.
Whatever. We are done here.
And just so you know,
I am taking the gloves off.
Well, why not?
You've taken off everything else.
Candy for sale!
Help a young boy walk again.
Hi, Katherine.
I haven't seen you since the party.
How you doing?
- Still humiliated. Thanks for asking.
- Come on. It wasn't that bad.
My sex life was laid bare
for the entire neighborhood.
What could be worse?
Let's see. You could've thrown a party
to celebrate getting over cancer
and had a couple of lesbians
steal your thunder.
Sorry about that.
But it's not funny, knowing everyone
is out there judging me.
Let me ask you something.
Do you really like this girl?
I don't know.
I think I might.
Then why do you give a damn
what anyone else thinks?
People just stopped seeing me
as the crazy lady on the street.
I'm not ready for them
to start seeing me
as the middle-aged lesbian, okay?
Well, if you care that much
about what people think,
you've got two choices.
Dump the girl, or move someplace
where people don't gossip,
if such a place exists.
Not much of a choice.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
I get it. Thank you.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Break it up.
This is how rumors get started.
What smells so good?
- That's borscht.
- Borscht!
Irina's making dinner.
You kids have been so busy
looking for your apartment,
we've hardly seen you
the last couple of days.
Yeah, you find something you like?
Put down a deposit
on a place yesterday.
Don't be freaked out about the size.
You two will have so much fun
that you won't even notice
how small it is.
Is not small.
Three bedrooms and a balcony.
How are you going
to afford a three-bedroom apartment
- while you're going to college?
- You tell them. I serve borscht.
- Tell us what?
- Well, you're right.
We can't afford anything nice
on our budget,
so I'm gonna put off college
and get a job.
Say something.
Are you sure
you've thought this thing through?
Because, you know, you need to have
a college education to get a good job.
- I already got a good job.
- You did? Where?
The meat-packing plant. I'm a gutter.
- A gutter?
- Well, I'm the guy who scoops out all...
Yeah. Yeah, I know what it is!
Well, did you know I get paid
14 bucks an hour plus benefits?
Seriously? What is it, a union job?
Those jobs are hard to get.
You'll probably get a discount
on steaks, too.
Your son just announced
that he's giving up college
so he can be the guy in charge of guts,
and all you can say is,
"Oh, boy, free meat"?
This is good job. The money is a lot.
What is problem?
Maybe in Russia
it's every mother's dream
for her son to see
what the inside of a cow looks like,
- but not in my home!
- Lynette, calm down.
You could be a doctor.
You could be a lawyer.
Why are you so intent
on throwing your life away?
- Mom.
- He is going to support his wife.
That is what men do
for woman they love.
He's not in love!
He's blinded by a piece
of self-serving Euro-trash
who would sell her own mother
for a pair of designer jeans!
- Hey. Thanks.
- What's with the bike?
Eddie thinks he can get me
a couple shifts down at the coffee shop,
and since you guys are too cheap
to buy me a car...
First job. Hey, look at you.
- God, what happened to my little boy?
- I grew up.
- That's kind of the way it works.
- No, I know, I know. It's just...
God, you never think it's gonna go
as fast as it does.
You're so busy
just getting through the day,
you don't realize
they're starting to add up.
- What's wrong?
- What do you mean?
Well, you got that look that says,
"I got something to tell you,
and it ain't gonna be pretty."
- Yeah, well, you know me, right?
- Of course I do. You're my dad.
So, what's up?
Yeah, you're right. I am your dad.
Nothing. Forget about it.
Work on your bike.
Congrats on the job.
- Who is it?
- Patrick Logan.
Hope you like roses.
I'm sorry I couldn't get an address
or anything.
- You got me everything I needed.
- Good.
So, then I guess...
Of course.
I know you've been looking for Angie
for a long time,
but there's not gonna be
any trouble, right?
Well, you're not gonna, like,
hurt her or anything?
She took something of mine.
I want it back.
It's just... I like Rose,
and I don't ever want to hear
that something bad's happened
to her kid.
You should get that money to the bank.
This place doesn't seem
very safe to me.
What are you talking about?
Look at all those locks.
Yeah, but what if someone
were to come up this fire escape?
That window's always locked.
You think that's gonna stop them?
What are you doing?
Then they reach through,
unlock the window,
and now you're in trouble.
May I speak to you?
How will this conversation end?
With beef Stroganoff on my head?
I am sorry. Please do forgive.
I want us to be friends.
- Really?
- Think how hard it is for Preston.
Caught in the middle
between our fighting,
when he wants us
to love each other only. Yes?
I don't want to put Preston
in the middle,
but I am his mother, and I will fight
for his best interests till the day I die.
You mean you will fight me.
Yeah. You understand English
just fine.
Now you should understand.
I told Preston I want
to move up wedding to next week,
- and he said yes.
- Next week?
The wedding is not
for another six months.
We cannot wait that long.
It is too hard for Preston to choose
between a mother and a girlfriend.
So, once I am his wife,
choice will be much easier.
No. No, you can't do this.
You met each other six weeks ago.
Preston barely knows you.
But you do, yes?
You think you know all about me,
and in much less time than that.
There. From one Mrs. Scavo to another.
I found some of your father's
old yearbooks up in the attic.
I thought you might enjoy
looking at them.
- He played football?
- Yes,
and he was student body president.
So what else
can you tell me about him?
Even my mom didn't really know him
that well.
He was incredibly smart, funny,
and so graceful.
What's wrong?
I just never get
to talk about Rex anymore.
Since I remarried,
it just doesn't seem appropriate.
I hadn't realized
how much I miss him.
Well, you can talk to me about him
anytime you want.
You have his smile.
What are you doing out here?
Mostly kicking myself.
- I can't believe how I acted at dinner.
- Well, it was a fraught situation.
There was bound to be
some sort of scene.
Look, I know he's my brother,
I know I should try to like him,
but there's something about him
I just don't trust.
- I know what you mean.
- You do?
He's trying awfully hard
to get close to Bree.
- I, for one, would like to know why.
- You think he has an agenda?
We all have agendas, Andrew.
Mine is to protect your mother.
- What do we really know about Sam?
- Just the stuff he tells us.
Mmm. Which seems a bit too good
to be true, doesn't it?
Maybe my agenda should be
to find out everything I can.
Why shouldn't you? He's your brother.
Hey, Jean, quick question.
How is MJ doing?
You know, I'd like to see
a little more effort in math.
Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, not in class.
I mean the candy drive.
Today's the last day.
Susan, you should be so proud.
He is a selling machine.
- Way out ahead of the whole school.
- Yes!
- Except for Juanita Solis.
- No!
But don't worry,
she is just two bars ahead.
You'd better get him out there.
Gabby Solis told me
she's taking Juanita
to sell outside a weight-loss clinic.
Mrs. Delfino, can I go now?
My mom wants to pick me up
a couple of minutes early.
Does she?
Sure, sweetheart.
Why don't you just help Vanessa
put her brushes away first?
What is that?
Did someone bring a cell phone
into my classroom?
Juanita Solis, is this your cell phone?
Come on, now. It was in your bag.
Whose else could it be?
Yours. My mom gave it to you
for your birthday.
- So are you saying that you stole it?
- No!
Now you're yelling at me!
Someone just bought herself
three hours of detention.
Hello? Hi, Principal Hobson.
Everything okay?
No, no, no! We only have
a few hours left to sell candy.
Who gave her detention?
She did, huh?
Thanks for letting me know.
Hi, MJ.
Must be getting thirsty,
walking around in this heat.
Doesn't a nice, big,
ice-cold cup of soda sound good?
- Hello?
- I have something that belongs to you.
Check your cell phone.
He's supposed to be out selling.
He was.
Then you gave my daughter detention.
Bad move.
- All right. What do you want?
- Let her go and I let him go.
- I don't trust you.
- I don't blame you.
Bring him here.
We'll make the exchange.
Fine. But I'm warning you.
If there is one chocolate bar missing
from that girl's box,
you'll answer to me.
Your mom will be here soon.
Don't worry, you'll be out
selling your candy in no time.
I hope so. I gotta win.
You know, Juanita, there are other kids
that want to win, too.
I know.
I just want my mom to be proud of me.
Your mom is proud of you.
Sometimes I think she's embarrassed
because I don't have any friends.
Every day I come home and she asks,
"Did you make any friends today?"
She just wants to make sure
that you're happy, sweetie. That's all.
I guess.
I just wish I could make friends
as easy as she does.
I try and I try, but I just can't.
We would've gotten here sooner,
but your son can't hold his soda.
Juanita, come on.
We've got candy to sell.
Mom, we've gotta go, too,
otherwise Juanita's gonna beat me.
I know you want to win,
but let's talk about
what winning really means.
I've rehearsed this speech
a hundred times.
Well, I think I know how it ends.
I can't live my life with everyone
in the neighborhood watching me
and judging me.
I care too much
about what people think.
- So you want me to leave.
- Yeah.
But if you wouldn't mind,
I'd like to go with you.
I want to figure out what we have here.
And once I know,
maybe I won't care what anyone thinks.
- Well, you know what I think?
- What?
I've always wanted to see Paris.
And the winner
of this year's candy drive is...
Juanita Solis.
We did it! You did it.
Okay, now, go invite
your brand new friends to your party.
- Mrs. Henderson. Tell me, was it close?
- Really close.
Until the last day,
when Juanita sold 40 bars
and MJ didn't sell any.
Really? That's weird.
Hey, MJ.
- I'm sorry you didn't win.
- That's okay.
I'm curious about something.
How come you didn't
sell any candy yesterday?
My mom says it's a secret.
She says it's only a good deed
if we don't tell.
Well, you should listen to your mother,
because she's a winner, just like you.
There are a lot of ways
to win in this world.
Some battles are won
with a hasty retreat.
Some victories are claimed
by those willing to cheat.
Some opponents are defeated
with nothing more than a smile.
Of course, for some,
it's not enough to win.
Someone else has got to lose.
Preston buy these for me in Paris.
That woman is a gold digger.
There was a shocking announcement.
You proposed?
She's the one. I know it.
The other night was a mistake.
A surprising move.
Mr. Logan?
A dangerous disclosure.
I'll tell you where she lives
when I get my $ 1,000.
A stunning discovery.
What are you doing
with a picture of Rex?
He was my father.
And a welcoming embrace.
You should never
trust family photos.
They are designed to be misleading.
A mother's bright smile
may hide a lifetime of disappointment.
A son's sweet expression
could conceal boundless rage.
A daughter's sedate pose might
obscure years of unladylike behavior.
And as for that father
with the air of dignity,
there's always the chance
he has another family elsewhere.
- I... I don't know what to say.
- Well, I'm not surprised.
It's a shocking bit of news,
to say the least.
- So, you're my brother?
- Half-brother, to be precise.
I can't believe this.
Andrew, you have every right
to be upset.
Your father should have told us
about this years ago,
but please don't be angry with Sam.
It's not his fault.
I'm fine.
I just need to be by myself for a while.
Of course. We understand.
- If you don't mind, I'll hug you later.
- Take your time.
Well, he certainly handled that better
than I expected.
When the shock wears off,
I think we'll end up good friends.
And wait till you meet Danielle.
Her flight comes in tomorrow
and I just know the two of you
are really gonna hit it off.
Don't you agree, Orson?
Uh, yes, I'm sure.
Sam, would you mind
locking up the test kitchen?
Happy to.
Again, thank you for everything.
So, when did you speak to Danielle?
An hour ago, and she was
just as stunned as Andrew,
but when I said I was gonna have
a little dinner for Sam,
she was determined to be here.
Well, you've certainly wasted no time
welcoming Sam to the family.
Why not? That skeleton's been kept
in the closet long enough.
I understand.
And I agree that Andrew and Danielle
should try to make a connection
to Sam. He's their blood relative.
I'm just not sure
why you're so excited by it.
- Excited? I'm ashamed!
- Ashamed?
Rex kept that boy in the shadows
for years.
I can't look at Sam
without feeling overwhelming guilt.
- But you have nothing to feel guilty for.
- It doesn't matter.
Rex is gone, and someone needs
to make it up to him.
He is a Van De Kamp,
and I'm gonna see to it
that he is treated like one.
Yes, be careful
when looking at family photos.
Like certain members of the family,
they are not to be trusted.
Every year, Oakridge
Private School held a fundraising drive.
Students were asked to sell
$3 bars of chocolate.
Whoever sold the most
would receive a prize.
Of course, for someone to win,
someone else had to lose.
Hey, MJ. Have you gone in
and gotten your candy yet?
- No.
- Well, you better hurry up,
'cause I already saw some kids
selling candy outside.
- It doesn't matter.
- Why not?
'Cause I'm not gonna win.
I never win anything.
You promised him he'd win?
He was about to cry.
What was I supposed to say?
How about, "If at first
you don't succeed, try, try again"?
He tries all the time.
He never wins anything.
He's horrible at sports,
he's lousy at card games,
and let us not forget his humiliation
at that spelling bee.
Why did he think "kayak" had a Q in it?
My point is that I want him
to feel good about himself.
Every child should win something
at least once.
See, you win everything.
I know what it's like to lose.
Dear God,
not the jump-rope competition.
It was sixth grade
and there was a jump-rope competition.
It was down to me and Barbara Briscoe.
She had asthma
and it was dandelion season
and her eyes were swollen
and she was jumping blind,
until her mom gave her
an antihistamine shot,
which is technically a steroid,
and she was juiced!
So are you gonna be supportive or not?
Yes, I will.
If you promise
to never tell that story again.
Was good?
If I had any government secrets,
they'd be yours.
Irina? I'm sorry,
I need to get the laundry.
Hold one second.
I have yet to get decent.
- Come in.
- Thanks.
Huh. I thought I made that bed
this morning.
I take nap.
Feel much better.
Yeah, I bet you do.
Well, I will see you downstairs.
Man, that was close. Crap.
Your father and I told you,
no sleeping together in this house,
and here you are, openly defying us.
Well, not openly.
We were hoping to get away with it.
That is not funny!
Your 11-year-old sister
is in the next room.
I don't want you setting
that kind of example.
Dude, look out.
Mom's back from the store.
- This is what I was looking for.
- I'd better get dressed.
Preston! Preston! Get back here!
I don't want a repeat of this, Irina.
Do you understand?
Why don't you just speak truth?
I mean,
if Preston was seeing another girl,
you would not much care.
You just don't like me.
That is not true.
I'm still getting to know you,
and I am sure that, over time,
I will come to think of you
as a valued member of our...
Here's what I was looking for.
Well, you were right.
That was more refreshing
than taking a nap.
I told you.
- Honey.
- Yeah?
Don't dress in front of the window.
I'm afraid of what your body could do
to Roy's heart.
- So, did you ever call him back?
- Yeah, this morning.
Mrs. McCluskey had her surgery
and apparently she's cancer-free,
so Roy's throwing a party to celebrate.
That's so sweet!
I hope you told him we'll be there.
Can we talk about that?
I told him we'd go,
but I don't think we should go together.
- What do you mean?
- Well, it's just, except for Susan,
people don't really know
what's going on with us.
Hey, you know what's funny?
Neither do I.
So, what is going on between us?
I mean, are we friends with benefits,
are we just dating, what?
- Do we have to put a label on it?
- No, I just...
- I just want to know how you're feeling.
- I really like you. That's how I feel.
Can't that be enough for now?
It could be.
But it could also be pretty wonderful
to let people know
how happy we make each other.
I don't know.
Hey. I was right about the "nap."
Hello, ladies.
Hide the booze. We have a guest.
- Hey there, Juanita.
- Okay, hit it.
"Hi. My name is Juanita Solis
and I am in the third grade."
- You're losing them. Get to the pitch.
- "Won't you support me?
"I am selling candy
so I can stay in school
"and not end up on the street
selling drugs."
I'll take it from here. It's a fundraiser.
Three bucks a bar.
Whip out your wallets.
Well, I'd hate to see Juanita on crack,
so I'll buy one.
- Me, too. Do you have caramel?
- One lousy bar?
Ladies, it's a contest.
Juanita plans to win.
Come on. Need I remind
you of all the crap I've bought
from your kids over the years?
And I do mean crap.
Not like this quality processed sugar
I am peddling today.
Juanita, MJ is playing
in the other room.
Why don't you go join him?
Here's the thing. Before you got here,
Bree and Lynette agreed
to buy eight bars from MJ.
It's okay.
They can buy from Juanita, too.
Well, it's a little more complicated
than that.
See, MJ is having a bit
of a self-esteem crisis lately,
and he feels like
he's on a losing streak,
so I really, really need him
to win this one.
- You understand, right?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
- I understand, I just don't care.
- Excuse me?
- Juanita's having a crisis of her own.
She's new to Oakridge
and she's having trouble
making new friends.
As you know,
the winner gets a big party
and they can invite whoever they want,
which could go a long way
in helping her fit in.
You understand, right?
Sure. Of course.
It's just,
he's never won anything before.
She has no friends.
So, what are we doing?
Well, it seems to me if we buy
the same amount from both of you,
it'll just be a wash, right? So, really,
we don't need to buy any at all.
Get out your wallet.
I was so shocked
to hear you had lung cancer.
- I didn't even know you smoked.
- I didn't. That's the thing.
People think you have to be a smoker
to get it, but you don't.
A girl your age
was having the same surgery I had,
- never smoked a day in her life.
- You could be that girl, Gabby.
Let's get a drink.
You know, since we're dying anyway.
- Now, remember...
- We're not a couple. I know.
We're on a covert lesbian mission.
I'm sorry. I just want people
not to figure out we're together.
- It'll blow their minds.
- Oh, please.
You stabbed yourself and blamed Mike,
and this will blow their minds?
- Hey, ladies.
- Hi, Tom. Having fun?
Best cancer party ever.
Listen, I was talking to Karen's doctor.
You made quite the impression on him.
- Me?
- Yeah, he begged me to introduce you.
Do you mind?
Why would I? We're only roommates.
- And here's your change. Enjoy.
- Hey! Willy Wonka!
Selling candy
at an "I survived cancer" party? Tacky.
Chocolate is filled with antioxidants
which, as we all know, fight disease.
So, you could say
that I just saved a life.
Yeah, right.
The competition is between the kids.
They're supposed to be doing
the selling, not the parents.
Gabby! Speedo season
is a month away
and you have the nerve to sell this
to my husband?
and he was a doctor,
he was a surgeon.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
I always knew I'd go to med school.
You know, that incredible feeling
of helping people.
Plus, they give you that little pad
and you can write
any prescription you want.
Beautiful and laughs at my jokes.
Two more cocktails
and I may be proposing.
Hi. Sorry to interrupt.
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Will you excuse me, David?
And she never smoked a day
in her life.
You could be that girl, Lee.
Look, it's one thing
to hide our relationship.
It's another to flirt with a man
right in my face.
I wasn't flirting. He was flirting with me.
- I saw your face. You were enjoying it.
- Okay.
Hey, listen up, everyone.
I just want to thank you all for coming
and to say to Karen,
thank God you're all right, baby.
Thanks, everybody.
And I also want to thank
the big guy upstairs.
Now, if we could all take a moment
to remember the people
who weren't as lucky as I was.
Make up your mind, Katherine!
Are you gay or straight?
I don't know! Just because I enjoy
having sex with you
doesn't make me a lesbian!
Look at this.
I wonder what Rex would say
if he saw us here all together?
Probably, "Who's the guy
in the wheelchair?"
So, Sam, Mom tells me
you got some fancy degree?
His MBA, which he earned
while working two jobs
and nursing his sick mother.
- I just did what I had to do.
- Don't be so modest.
He also spent a summer in Micronesia
helping to dig wells.
It was challenging, but I really wanted
to work with the poor.
Sounds like my first job.
You worked in the food court
at the mall.
The outlet mall.
Trust me, I know what it's like
to work with poor people.
They're always late.
Rex and I always hoped the children
would take an interest in working
with those less fortunate, but...
We saw an opportunity
to disappoint them once again
and we grabbed it.
So, my father was interested
in charity work.
- What else?
- So many things.
Travel, history, the arts.
He especially loved music.
- Really? Me, too. I play the guitar.
- You do?
Stay right there.
- That was lovely.
- I'm really rusty.
Yeah, I could hear that.
This is pretty cool.
I'm actually playing my dad's guitar.
It's just been sitting in that closet
for years, gathering dust.
- In fact, why don't you keep it?
- What?
Why not? You should have something
to remember your father by.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute.
What if I want it?
- What if Danielle wants it?
- I don't want it.
Don't you have a flight to catch?
Andrew, you've never shown
any interest in that thing.
It's my dad's guitar.
I'm plenty interested.
- But you don't even play.
- I do so.
I took lessons, okay?
Well, by all means.
We'd love to hear.
What fun, indeed.
Now would you please
give Sam the guitar?
Well, if Andrew wants it that badly...
He doesn't care about the guitar.
He's just being unreasonable.
You're giving out my dad's stuff
to a total stranger
and I'm unreasonable?
Sam is a member of this family.
Now, give him the guitar.
Hey, I've got an idea.
Why don't we split it?
I must apologize.
My presence here
is clearly causing unhappiness.
- I think I should go.
- No need to apologize.
You have behaved
with the utmost dignity
in the face of unthinkable rudeness.
Thank you.
Yeah, I know. He's the perfect son.
Problem is, he's not yours.
So, we talking yet?
Jeez, Ang! What the hell?
I'm getting bored
with the silent treatment.
So you might as well shoot me.
- You had no right to tell her.
- I know my mom, Nick.
There was no other way
she was letting go of Danny.
So, are we over this? Because if not,
I would really prefer a bullet
in my head.
It used to be just you,
me and Patrick knew.
- Now your mom. What if he finds out?
- She is not gonna tell him.
Ang, I love that boy.
I was the one in the delivery room.
I was the first one to hold him.
- Even before you.
- I know.
I cannot let him find out
from somebody else.
- I have got to tell him.
- No. You are his father.
You gave up your life to protect him.
You're the only father
he needs to know about.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
Now please,
get this the hell out of here, huh?
Before someone gets hurt.
I mean, I didn't think you'd do it,
but I'm not stupid.
- Hello?
- It's Patrick Logan.
Just got into town
and I was hoping to drop by,
you know, for the information?
How about tomorrow night?
See you then.
And I've got a case
of selective Alzheimer's,
so don't forget the cash.
Hey, Tina, it's Susan Bremer.
I know, it's been a long time,
not since graduation.
So listen, do you remember the night
that you got caught streaking
and I had to bail you out of jail,
and you said you owed me one?
Well, I hope you like chocolate.
Is that Mrs. Solis?
Tina, I'm gonna have to call you back.
Oh, my God.
Is she selling candy?
Among other things.
I'm gonna lose this contest, aren't I?
No. You're gonna win.
'Cause Mommy's done playing fair.
Irina and I were talking,
and we feel really bad about yesterday.
Look, we don't want to come down
too hard on you guys.
We're just not comfortable having
a couple of unmarried kids
sleeping together in our house.
- You understand.
- Oh, yes.
That is why Preston
must tell you something now.
Irina and I have decided
to get our own apartment.
- What?
- That way, it'll be our place
- and we can do whatever we want.
- No. No, no, no.
We're getting married
in six months, anyway. Why not?
Why not?
Lynette, you want to take this one?
I think it's a terrific idea.
They're not kids anymore.
They're old enough
to make this decision.
Thank you, Lynette.
It's good to know we have your support.
- See you later.
- Okay.
Have fun.
What are you doing?
We're supposed to pull them apart,
not push them together.
Do you remember that apartment
we moved into
when we were saving for this house?
That dump?
Yeah, it was the size of a closet.
You remember
how we treated each other?
I remember a lot of yelling
and throwing stuff.
God, there were a few times
I was afraid that we were gonna...
Break up?
Lynette, you are devious and evil,
and I have never been
more in love with you.
- Susan Delfino, you are so busted!
- Gabby? What are you doing here?
Alice Gibson told me
what you were up to,
but I couldn't believe
you would sink so low.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Okay, folks, we're on a break.
Somebody's gotta take their meds.
No, not yet, not yet.
Will you stop at nothing
to win this competition?
- That's funny, coming from you.
- Me? I have nothing to be ashamed of.
Well, let me jog your memory.
Construction site, cold wind, no bra.
- You saw that?
- Yeah.
Did I not tell you
how important this was to MJ?
Yes, and I told you about Juanita.
But apparently your son's problems
are more important
- than anybody else's!
- That is not what I'm saying.
Whatever. We are done here.
And just so you know,
I am taking the gloves off.
Well, why not?
You've taken off everything else.
Candy for sale!
Help a young boy walk again.
Hi, Katherine.
I haven't seen you since the party.
How you doing?
- Still humiliated. Thanks for asking.
- Come on. It wasn't that bad.
My sex life was laid bare
for the entire neighborhood.
What could be worse?
Let's see. You could've thrown a party
to celebrate getting over cancer
and had a couple of lesbians
steal your thunder.
Sorry about that.
But it's not funny, knowing everyone
is out there judging me.
Let me ask you something.
Do you really like this girl?
I don't know.
I think I might.
Then why do you give a damn
what anyone else thinks?
People just stopped seeing me
as the crazy lady on the street.
I'm not ready for them
to start seeing me
as the middle-aged lesbian, okay?
Well, if you care that much
about what people think,
you've got two choices.
Dump the girl, or move someplace
where people don't gossip,
if such a place exists.
Not much of a choice.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
I get it. Thank you.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Break it up.
This is how rumors get started.
What smells so good?
- That's borscht.
- Borscht!
Irina's making dinner.
You kids have been so busy
looking for your apartment,
we've hardly seen you
the last couple of days.
Yeah, you find something you like?
Put down a deposit
on a place yesterday.
Don't be freaked out about the size.
You two will have so much fun
that you won't even notice
how small it is.
Is not small.
Three bedrooms and a balcony.
How are you going
to afford a three-bedroom apartment
- while you're going to college?
- You tell them. I serve borscht.
- Tell us what?
- Well, you're right.
We can't afford anything nice
on our budget,
so I'm gonna put off college
and get a job.
Say something.
Are you sure
you've thought this thing through?
Because, you know, you need to have
a college education to get a good job.
- I already got a good job.
- You did? Where?
The meat-packing plant. I'm a gutter.
- A gutter?
- Well, I'm the guy who scoops out all...
Yeah. Yeah, I know what it is!
Well, did you know I get paid
14 bucks an hour plus benefits?
Seriously? What is it, a union job?
Those jobs are hard to get.
You'll probably get a discount
on steaks, too.
Your son just announced
that he's giving up college
so he can be the guy in charge of guts,
and all you can say is,
"Oh, boy, free meat"?
This is good job. The money is a lot.
What is problem?
Maybe in Russia
it's every mother's dream
for her son to see
what the inside of a cow looks like,
- but not in my home!
- Lynette, calm down.
You could be a doctor.
You could be a lawyer.
Why are you so intent
on throwing your life away?
- Mom.
- He is going to support his wife.
That is what men do
for woman they love.
He's not in love!
He's blinded by a piece
of self-serving Euro-trash
who would sell her own mother
for a pair of designer jeans!
- Hey. Thanks.
- What's with the bike?
Eddie thinks he can get me
a couple shifts down at the coffee shop,
and since you guys are too cheap
to buy me a car...
First job. Hey, look at you.
- God, what happened to my little boy?
- I grew up.
- That's kind of the way it works.
- No, I know, I know. It's just...
God, you never think it's gonna go
as fast as it does.
You're so busy
just getting through the day,
you don't realize
they're starting to add up.
- What's wrong?
- What do you mean?
Well, you got that look that says,
"I got something to tell you,
and it ain't gonna be pretty."
- Yeah, well, you know me, right?
- Of course I do. You're my dad.
So, what's up?
Yeah, you're right. I am your dad.
Nothing. Forget about it.
Work on your bike.
Congrats on the job.
- Who is it?
- Patrick Logan.
Hope you like roses.
I'm sorry I couldn't get an address
or anything.
- You got me everything I needed.
- Good.
So, then I guess...
Of course.
I know you've been looking for Angie
for a long time,
but there's not gonna be
any trouble, right?
Well, you're not gonna, like,
hurt her or anything?
She took something of mine.
I want it back.
It's just... I like Rose,
and I don't ever want to hear
that something bad's happened
to her kid.
You should get that money to the bank.
This place doesn't seem
very safe to me.
What are you talking about?
Look at all those locks.
Yeah, but what if someone
were to come up this fire escape?
That window's always locked.
You think that's gonna stop them?
What are you doing?
Then they reach through,
unlock the window,
and now you're in trouble.
May I speak to you?
How will this conversation end?
With beef Stroganoff on my head?
I am sorry. Please do forgive.
I want us to be friends.
- Really?
- Think how hard it is for Preston.
Caught in the middle
between our fighting,
when he wants us
to love each other only. Yes?
I don't want to put Preston
in the middle,
but I am his mother, and I will fight
for his best interests till the day I die.
You mean you will fight me.
Yeah. You understand English
just fine.
Now you should understand.
I told Preston I want
to move up wedding to next week,
- and he said yes.
- Next week?
The wedding is not
for another six months.
We cannot wait that long.
It is too hard for Preston to choose
between a mother and a girlfriend.
So, once I am his wife,
choice will be much easier.
No. No, you can't do this.
You met each other six weeks ago.
Preston barely knows you.
But you do, yes?
You think you know all about me,
and in much less time than that.
There. From one Mrs. Scavo to another.
I found some of your father's
old yearbooks up in the attic.
I thought you might enjoy
looking at them.
- He played football?
- Yes,
and he was student body president.
So what else
can you tell me about him?
Even my mom didn't really know him
that well.
He was incredibly smart, funny,
and so graceful.
What's wrong?
I just never get
to talk about Rex anymore.
Since I remarried,
it just doesn't seem appropriate.
I hadn't realized
how much I miss him.
Well, you can talk to me about him
anytime you want.
You have his smile.
What are you doing out here?
Mostly kicking myself.
- I can't believe how I acted at dinner.
- Well, it was a fraught situation.
There was bound to be
some sort of scene.
Look, I know he's my brother,
I know I should try to like him,
but there's something about him
I just don't trust.
- I know what you mean.
- You do?
He's trying awfully hard
to get close to Bree.
- I, for one, would like to know why.
- You think he has an agenda?
We all have agendas, Andrew.
Mine is to protect your mother.
- What do we really know about Sam?
- Just the stuff he tells us.
Mmm. Which seems a bit too good
to be true, doesn't it?
Maybe my agenda should be
to find out everything I can.
Why shouldn't you? He's your brother.
Hey, Jean, quick question.
How is MJ doing?
You know, I'd like to see
a little more effort in math.
Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, not in class.
I mean the candy drive.
Today's the last day.
Susan, you should be so proud.
He is a selling machine.
- Way out ahead of the whole school.
- Yes!
- Except for Juanita Solis.
- No!
But don't worry,
she is just two bars ahead.
You'd better get him out there.
Gabby Solis told me
she's taking Juanita
to sell outside a weight-loss clinic.
Mrs. Delfino, can I go now?
My mom wants to pick me up
a couple of minutes early.
Does she?
Sure, sweetheart.
Why don't you just help Vanessa
put her brushes away first?
What is that?
Did someone bring a cell phone
into my classroom?
Juanita Solis, is this your cell phone?
Come on, now. It was in your bag.
Whose else could it be?
Yours. My mom gave it to you
for your birthday.
- So are you saying that you stole it?
- No!
Now you're yelling at me!
Someone just bought herself
three hours of detention.
Hello? Hi, Principal Hobson.
Everything okay?
No, no, no! We only have
a few hours left to sell candy.
Who gave her detention?
She did, huh?
Thanks for letting me know.
Hi, MJ.
Must be getting thirsty,
walking around in this heat.
Doesn't a nice, big,
ice-cold cup of soda sound good?
- Hello?
- I have something that belongs to you.
Check your cell phone.
He's supposed to be out selling.
He was.
Then you gave my daughter detention.
Bad move.
- All right. What do you want?
- Let her go and I let him go.
- I don't trust you.
- I don't blame you.
Bring him here.
We'll make the exchange.
Fine. But I'm warning you.
If there is one chocolate bar missing
from that girl's box,
you'll answer to me.
Your mom will be here soon.
Don't worry, you'll be out
selling your candy in no time.
I hope so. I gotta win.
You know, Juanita, there are other kids
that want to win, too.
I know.
I just want my mom to be proud of me.
Your mom is proud of you.
Sometimes I think she's embarrassed
because I don't have any friends.
Every day I come home and she asks,
"Did you make any friends today?"
She just wants to make sure
that you're happy, sweetie. That's all.
I guess.
I just wish I could make friends
as easy as she does.
I try and I try, but I just can't.
We would've gotten here sooner,
but your son can't hold his soda.
Juanita, come on.
We've got candy to sell.
Mom, we've gotta go, too,
otherwise Juanita's gonna beat me.
I know you want to win,
but let's talk about
what winning really means.
I've rehearsed this speech
a hundred times.
Well, I think I know how it ends.
I can't live my life with everyone
in the neighborhood watching me
and judging me.
I care too much
about what people think.
- So you want me to leave.
- Yeah.
But if you wouldn't mind,
I'd like to go with you.
I want to figure out what we have here.
And once I know,
maybe I won't care what anyone thinks.
- Well, you know what I think?
- What?
I've always wanted to see Paris.
And the winner
of this year's candy drive is...
Juanita Solis.
We did it! You did it.
Okay, now, go invite
your brand new friends to your party.
- Mrs. Henderson. Tell me, was it close?
- Really close.
Until the last day,
when Juanita sold 40 bars
and MJ didn't sell any.
Really? That's weird.
Hey, MJ.
- I'm sorry you didn't win.
- That's okay.
I'm curious about something.
How come you didn't
sell any candy yesterday?
My mom says it's a secret.
She says it's only a good deed
if we don't tell.
Well, you should listen to your mother,
because she's a winner, just like you.
There are a lot of ways
to win in this world.
Some battles are won
with a hasty retreat.
Some victories are claimed
by those willing to cheat.
Some opponents are defeated
with nothing more than a smile.
Of course, for some,
it's not enough to win.
Someone else has got to lose.