Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–…): Season 9, Episode 5 - Thank You for Your Service - full transcript
Larry fails to be suitably patriotic when meeting Jeff's future son-in-law; he also tries to reset his relationships with his mail carrier and security guard.
Oh, shoot. Here we go.
- Good morning, Mr. David.
- Good morning, Sal.
- What a great day for golf, huh?
- Yeah.
And it's happening, Mr. David.
- Oh, yeah?
- It's happening.
- Oh.
- Right over at Will Rogers Park.
There's going to be
a reenactment
of the Revolutionary War,
which I partake in
every year.
You would not believe
some of the people they have.
- No kidding, yeah.
- I'm going to be a redcoat.
Interesting. You're going
to be in the British army?
I don't have a great
British accent,
but tell me if you think
this one works.
Yeah. Okay.
I'm thinking of two
different kinds.
Tell me which one
you like better.
"Oi, is that...
move that gun over here...
- ...and get ready. We're going."
- Yeah. Yeah.
- That's kind of a... a Cockney.
- That's Cockney, yeah.
But I don't know
if that's what they do.
I think, more often,
it's a... they...
"Gentlemen, strike the
flagstaff deep, Sir Knight."
Well, they're both pretty good.
They're good, so I...
it's gonna be a remarkable day for me.
Get in there and play some great
golf today, okay, Mr. David?
Oh, sir, you may find
the main lot full.
- Okay.
- Okay? You may find it full.
- You can...
- I got it, yeah.
You can... if you like,
you can just take...
make a right over here.
Right turn, got it.
- Okay, yeah.
- Go to the bottom of the hill.
- I think you'll find some open.
- Okay, yeah.
Have a great day.
Fairways and greens,
Mr. David. Don't forget.
So, every time I come in,
it's a whole conversation.
The worst mistake I ever made
was rolling down that window,
in the first place.
Just to be nice!
And it's been going on
for months and months.
And now, I'm in this
cycle that never ends.
Once the window goes down,
it cannot go back up.
- That's right.
- You are stuck.
I'm the only one in the club
who talks to this guy.
I guarantee you.
Do you talk to him?
Not for nine months.
He's annoying as hell.
I really would love to reset
the whole relationship
so I could just drive up,
wave, and be on my way.
I think it's a big
bowl of too late.
You're on your own.
I wish ill things on him so I
don't have to do this anymore.
It's a terrible thought,
but that's what I think.
By the way, where's
my John Adams biography?
I lent it to you
about six weeks ago.
Yeah, so sorry.
For what reason
do you want it back?
Just to what,
to impress people?
Well, I impressed myself first
that I finished it.
- It's a big book. It's a fat book.
- Did you?
- Yes.
- Did you finish it?
Of course I finished it.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- It was fantastic.
- It was, huh?
- Who knew about all this stuff?
- Yeah.
Thomas Jefferson,
and the arguing,
- and the White House, and...
- I'm gonna posit this.
I don't think you read it
in the first place.
- What is this, "Dragnet"?
- I don't think you read it.
- I read the inside flap.
- Okay, you read the flap.
- Good, you read the flap.
- I'll make sure he gets it back to you.
- Good afternoon, gentlemen.
- Hi.
I see you've had a chance
to take a look at the menu.
We do have one addition today.
It is a Dover sole sautéed
in a lemon butter sauce.
What are you getting?
I'm gonna get the beet
and goat cheese salad.
- The Vietnamese pho.
- How do they prepare the Dover sole?
- What did you say, sautéed?
- It's sautéed in a lemon butter sauce.
- Do you think they would broil it?
- I could ask.
Okay, look, ask, but if the chef
makes a face of any kind, okay,
just tell him
to forget it and sauté it.
- I understand.
- Okay, thank you.
I cannot stay long.
I have to go suit shopping
with my daughter
and my soon-to-be son-in-law
for the wedding.
Yeah, his daughter Sammi's
getting married.
You're kidding me.
- What kind of guy is he?
- He served in the war in Afghanistan.
- And, uh...
- Wow.
- Yeah.
- Is he okay?
No PTSD. He's one
of the lucky ones.
I asked the chef
to broil the sole,
and he didn't make
much of a face.
Didn't make much of a face.
What kind of face is
not much of a face?
Well, he can be
a bit inscrutable,
but I wouldn't describe it
as much of a face at all.
Hmm. I'd like to see that face.
What did...
show it to me.
I asked the chef if he
could broil the sole,
and he went...
Like that?
Well, that's not
much of a face.
- No.
- Okay.
- I'll get it... I'll get it broiled.
- All right.
- Hey, guys.
- All right, thank you so much.
- Hey, Larry. Hold on.
- Okay.
- How are you, Larry?
- Hey, Ken.
- How you doing?
- Good.
- Hey, Ken.
- How are you guys?
His wife just had a baby.
- Oh, the baby!
- Yeah.
- You got a picture?
- Boom. There you go.
Wow! Oh! Beautiful!
- Huh?
- Lucky man.
- Thank you so much.
- Ah.
My greatest treasure.
You know, she looks
a little Asian.
Um, wha-what do you...
what does that mean?
She has a look...
a little Asian look about her.
That's... that's weird.
It's a strange thing to say, Larry.
- Why? What's the big deal?
- What are you getting at, is all I'm asking.
'Cause most people would
just say, first,
- she's beautiful.
- I'm not getting at anything...
I'm saying that, you know, she
just has a slight Asian look to her.
I feel like you're maybe
saying something's...
something's off about her.
I'm not saying...
something's on about it.
It's good.
It's a good thing.
- Uh-huh.
- That's a compliment.
- In what way?
- Huge.
- How so?
- She's exotic.
I... I wish I looked
a little Asian.
Look, I just wanna walk away.
Can you just...
just take it back
so we can just
put this behind us?
I can apologize
for offending you,
but I can't take
back the remark.
I just want you to say,
"This was my fault. I apologize."
And then I can move on.
It's my fault for offending you.
I apologize. But she does
look a little Asian.
Okay, goodbye.
- We all think she's gorgeous.
- I'm... I'm sorry, Ken.
I'm sorry. It's a cute baby,
but she does look a little... you
didn't think she looked a little Asian?
She looked a little Asian.
- Who's there?
- U.S. Postal Service.
Mr. David? I need a signature.
Are you, uh...
are you the new mailman?
- Mailwoman?
- Mail carrier.
- Huh, okay. Mail carrier.
- Yeah.
Great. I will take this.
- You will take these.
- All right. Okay.
And I will take my pen.
- Oh, yeah.
- Thank you.
- People, they steal pens a lot.
- They really do, don't they?
- I bet you lose a lot of those...
- I have a truck full of 'em.
I haven't talked
to a mailman in a long...
mail carrier in a long time.
I remember in my building
in Brooklyn growing up,
the women, they used to
flirt with the mailmen.
They'd come down in the
morning with their shmatas.
- You know, it was...
- What's a shmata?
A shm... it's a... like,
a disgusting house dress.
- It's... they're hideous.
- Oh, boy. Oh.
You know, my mother
used to encourage me
to work in the post office
when I was younger
'cause she didn't think
I could amount to anything.
- And look what happened.
- And that's not to say that.. couldn't amount to anything.
But, you know,
she felt that way about me
'cause she wanted me to have the
security of a job, that's all, you know.
And she thought it
would be easy for me.
Not that it's easy, but she
thought it'd be easy for me,
because it's not
that much doing.
You bring mail,
you drop it off.
She thought I could do this.
Uh, yeah. Anyway, you could
do me a big favor.
Not big, small favor.
I... I don't wanna
taint the favor.
- It's a small favor.
- Okay.
Is Richard Lewis on your route?
He must be.
Richard... two blocks over?
Yes. Have you been to
his house yet today?
Not yet. No.
Could you drop
a book off for me?
I absolutely could.
You'd need to package it up
and put on a stamp.
Look, I could do that.
I mean, the idea is
that you're going there.
Why not just drop the book off,
do me a little favor?
It's a little favor.
It's nothing.
I'm pretty sure
the U.S. government
would consider that free mail,
which is kind of illegal.
Don't be such a stickler.
Why are you being such a stickler?
It's just...
Do you think that's a good
quality, stickling?
- Don't stickle. Don't be a stickler.
- Don't be a stickler?
No. You know what,
if you were going on a computer date,
one of those things, and you put down
"stickler," nobody would call you.
Well, it might be
why I'm still single.
Hey, Jeff, did you tell Lewis
about our new kitchen?
- No, I did not.
- In the new house?
Richie, it is massive,
this new kitchen.
I mean, it is just magnificent.
You, especially, are going
to appreciate it.
- I can't wait, honey.
- Why are you especially?
- I have no fucking idea.
- Yeah, I...
Can I just say something?
It was a genius idea to start with.
- Oh, fantastic.
- You know, for a married man, a realtor?
- Come on, man. The best.
- Oh, Jeff,
can you go to the basement and
get me a couple bottles of wine?
A red and a white, please?
Could I?
Well, I think I could.
I think I could.
Thank you.
Hey, did you get
the book?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, the mailwoman, wow!
She's gorgeous.
I'm thinking of making a move.
- On the mailwoman?
- I don't care what she does.
No profession's off-limits to
me if a woman's attractive.
All men are like that.
We don't care about what they do.
We care about what they look like.
Women are just the opposite.
I think you might be right.
I dated a garbage woman.
- And we'd shower.
- You dated your garbage woman?
We had the shower,
that was the only thing.
Yeah, she was great and smart,
but she needed the money.
- She had a couple of kids.
- I never even saw
a garbage woman in my life.
You make up this story to me
about fucking a garbage woman?
- A story would be this...
- That's really odd to me
that you would make up
this story for what?
- No, here's a fact...
- So I would think
that you fucked a garbage woman?
Why do you want me to think that?
- I didn't see her as a garbage woman.
- Hey, Lar?
All right, we're...
we're done. Yeah.
- Hey, Lar, eat something.
- Hey.
- Are these washed?
- Of course.
What are you... what kind
of question is that to ask me?
- They look a little sticky.
- They're washed and organic.
Hey, I got the wedding invite.
- No, you didn't.
- I didn't?
No, that was a save the date.
That was not the invite.
I haven't even had them
printed yet.
- Save the date?
- Yeah.
Are you serious?
That's so stupid.
Larry, everybody saves dates.
I don't save dates.
The whole system's screwed up.
You don't need
to send me something
to tell me you're gonna send
me something, just send it.
If I'm saying something to you,
I don't say to you,
"I'm gonna say something to you,"
and then say it.
I just say it.
This is the way things are done,
okay, asshole?
You're gonna come,
and you're gonna enjoy it!
All right. Watch this.
- Terrific.
- Ta-da!
Ta... come on.
- Ah, look who's here! The happy couple.
- Hi, everybody.
- Mrs. Greene.
- Oh, my baby.
- Hi, Mom.
- Victor, my boy.
How you doing?
How you doing?
Okay, so this is our friend,
Richard Lewis.
- Thank you for your service, bro.
- Oh, thank you. Thank you.
And our neighbors,
Leslie and John.
What a hero you are.
Thank you for your service.
Oh, thank you. The real
heroes are still there,
- but I appreciate that.
- Thank you for your service.
- Thank you.
- You have a grateful nation.
And this is our friend, Larry.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Nice to meet you.
Um, yeah, it's, uh...
You know what?
Um, I'm gonna excuse myself.
- Victor.
- Huh? What... what's...?
You didn't thank him
for his service, asshole.
They thanked him.
Three people thanked him.
Why do I have to thank him?
Fuck, how hard would it have been?
"Thank you for your service."
Does everybody have to
thank him for his service?
Now you've ruined
everything, Larry.
I'm making all this
delicious salmon,
and the whole night is ruined.
- Are you sautéing that?
- Yes.
Would you mind broiling mine?
- That a face?
- Get the fuck out. Leave.
Hmm. Okay.
- Thank you for serving the hors d'oeuvres.
- Out!
Um, thank you for being
a very good manager.
Thank you for coming over
in this brisk weather.
Thank you for leaving!
Must be a lot of work
carrying the mail bag around.
You know what you could use?
You could use a caddy
on the route.
- I would love a mail caddy.
- Right?
- Are you kidding me?
- They carry the mail for you.
'Cause you walk as much
as I do on a golf course.
- And you're, you know, you're carrying...
- Probably more.
- I have a caddy.
- I would love a mail caddy.
They'll give you instructions.
"Okay, go up the path,
make a right, you know,
watch out for the dog."
- Yeah.
- I'll mail caddy for you.
- Would you?
- Yeah.
Just talk to the
U.S. government.
I think your mom
would be so proud.
All right, so what
do you want again?
Do you want the...
did you say Milk Duds?
- Milk Duds, Reese's Pieces...
- Really?
...Junior Mints,
popcorn... big popcorn.
- And we'll mix them all together. It's...
- We'll what?
Oh, it's... it's like
the perfect bite.
It's, like, a little sweet
and a little salty.
- The textures...
- What are you mixing sweet and salty for?
they're in conflict.
No, they're in cahoots.
I don't want Reese's
Pieces in my popcorn.
It's the perfect
movie treat, I promise.
Do you have the tickets?
Oh, yeah. Here you go.
Oh, hey, thanks.
All right.
- I'll get a seat.
- Eh, get me an aisle.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Jean? Jean?
Jean? Jean?
- Jean?
- Shh.
Yeah, okay, okay.
Sorry, sorry.
- Jean?
- Shh.
Jean? Jean? Jean!
I'm right here. I'm here.
Oh, there you are. Great.
Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me.
Sorry. Excuse me. Excuse me.
- You're so loud.
- I'm so loud?
I don't understand. I've been
looking for you for five minutes.
- How come you didn't beckon?
- Why didn't... why didn't I beckon?
Yes, you beckon. You knew
I was coming into the theater.
You gotta wave. You gotta go
like this so I can see you.
Just look around.
I'm right here.
You... I can't see
anything from down there.
I'm not gonna make a scene.
Oh, who's telling you
to make a scene?
Just wave. Beckon.
Beckon. You gotta beckon.
- That's making a scene.
- Beckoning is not making a scene.
Making a scene is calling out
the name Jean 10 times.
- Would you shut up?
- You shut up.
Didn't have to
call out my name.
I did because
I couldn't find you.
- All you had to do was look.
- I did look.
What the fuck is going on here?
Okay, well, guess
I'll see you tomorrow.
Yeah, yeah,
you're delivering.
You know what?
I think we ought to go back
to our previous relationship
of homeowner and mailwoman.
'Cause I gotta tell you,
I have a very difficult time,
dating somebody who I'm seeing
on a daily basis... with you...
like, six times a week.
You know, I've gotta psych myself up
for dates. It's a big performance.
I gotta shower and shave
and prepare witticisms,
and, you know, it's...
it's a whole thing, and...
Is this what you
did for tonight?
Did you prepare
witticisms for tonight?
Yeah, that whole thing about the
made-up Jewish holiday "Shecooktus,"
that was all... that was
prepared beforehand, yeah.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
If you... if you're
working for UPS
and I saw you maybe
two times a week,
that would be...
that would be fine.
But I... I have to see you
six times a week.
So, I'd love to hit the reset
button and just, you know,
we go back to, uh,
- Why not... wha... no?
- No.
What, you feel we're
beyond resetting?
- Yeah, I think we are.
- Why?
- Why?
- Yeah, you reset.
- Let's hit the button.
- I don't think I can do that.
Yeah, we hit the...
we hit the big button.
You can't just press a button.
You can't just
press a button.
Why... why not?
That a face?
What was it?
What did the face mean?
Good... good night.
- Mr. David.
- Hey, Sal.
What ever happened
to rabbit ears?
I can't tell you how many
times my cable has gone down
right in the middle
of one of my favorite shows.
- Really?
- Has that ever happened to you?
It's one of those things.
You're sitting,
you're enjoying,
you've got a nice little
cup of coffee made,
you're ready to enjoy the news,
a little TV show...
boom, what happens?
The cable goes down.
- Sal, Sal.
- Isn't it horrible?
We can't do this anymore.
Do what, sir?
I'd like to hit the reset
button on our relationship
and... and go back
to the way it was
before I ever put the window
down and started talking.
You know, just drive in with the
window up, wave, and... and move on.
- You know, like everybody else.
- You don't enjoy our conversations?
No, I wouldn't say
I don't enjoy them, but...
- I haven't upset you in any way...
- No, I'm just...
- I'm very anxious to play...
- I don't mean to be forward, sir.
No, no, no,
it's nothing like that at all.
- I just like to get to the golf course.
- Yes, of course.
- You want to play with your friends.
- Yeah. Yeah.
I understand exactly what
you're saying, Mr. David.
- I'm excited to play, and I can't...
- Well, you can be excited.
You won't have me to
worry about anymore.
I'm not...
I'm not worried about...
it wasn't that.
Come on, d-don't be mad.
- I'm not mad, sir.
- I mean, I'll still drive by.
I'll still see you
with the window up,
and... I'll see you with the
window up and I'll wave,
you know, the way...
the way it used to be.
Good day, mister.
Eh. Ah.
I'm sorry.
Listen, I guess, I don't
wanna keep harping on it,
but Victor is so obsessed.
I won't even say hurt.
He's obsessed with you not
thanking him for his service.
- It really makes him nuts.
- There's something about the expression
that I can't quite
get it out of my mouth.
'Cause remember,
he loves "Seinfeld,"
was so looking forward
to spending time with you.
- He just wanted you to...
- Wow, really? My God.
- Just acknowledge the guy.
- Is there anything I can do?
Should I take him out to lunch?
You know that Sal
at the gate,
the security guard?
- Mm-hmm.
- He does this, um,
Revolutionary War
reenactment stuff.
There's one coming up right
here at Will Rogers.
Do you have any idea how
big that would be for him?
I've heard him talk
about those things.
- Really?
- Yes. He's never gone.
He will love it!
Oh, my God, would he love it.
W-we'll do...
we'll dress up as soldiers.
- You dress on up.
- I'd love to.
So it is a good thing you
lowered your window.
Sir, Mr. Takahashi
would like a word with you.
Well, send him my best.
This can't be good.
Ah, hey, Chef Curtis.
- Oh, hi.
- Hi. You got a second?
Uh, sure.
Do you remember the other day,
uh, a waiter asked if you
would broil the sole?
- Yeah, that's, um... yep.
- Remember that?
And I'm wondering when he
asked you that question,
did you... did you make
a face, by any chance?
- I may have made a small face,
- You made a small face?
Would you mind
showing me that face?
- I'd love to see it.
- It's... I don't...
- I don't think that's... mm.
- I'd love... I'd love to see the face.
Eh, nobody's watching.
Come on, make a face, make a face.
It was probably something like...
- Really?
- Yeah, that's...
You did a semi-horse whinny?
I... I mean, if you wanna
call it that, sure.
Wow, that's a pretty
strong reaction.
Well, it was a strong request.
- Was it?
- Yeah.
You know, I prepare it
the way I prepare it
- because it's better.
- I gotta tell you something.
That's not the face that
the waiter presented to me.
The face that was presented
to me was more like...
I don't...
No, I would never
make that face.
That face doesn't even
communicate anything.
What's that?
Well, maybe...
maybe it was more...
No, that's... I don't...
It was definitely
an expulsion...
there was an expulsion
of air, I'm sure.
That doesn't seem close.
- Not close?
- No, it doesn't seem close.
All right, so, anyway,
I want to apologize.
Had I known that you made a
horse whinny with an eye roll,
I never would've
told you to broil it.
- I made a face, so...
- Oh, you know what?
Well, yes, look,
there he is right here.
I'm gonna go talk to him.
So, uh, remember
the other day,
you made the face the, uh...
the chef made for me?
I remember.
Yeah, well...
I gotta say, you weren't even...
not even close.
Massively undersold it.
What are you talking about?
The chef said that
he went like this...
- No.
- That's nothing like what you did.
No, when I went back to him,
I said, "Can you broil the sole?"
And he said...
And I came back
and I showed you...
No, the chef went...
- with an eye roll and...
- I mean, he looked up.
- I don't think it was an eye roll.
- It was definitely an eye roll.
Shh. He went...
Not even... not even that.
He went...
No. According to him,
he was...
No. I went in, and I said,
"Can you broil it?" He said...
I said... and then I came
back to you and I said...
All right, well, it's a
little confusing, I must say.
I brought you exactly
what he gave me.
It's a clash of faces.
You wanna see me, Mr. Takahashi?
- Yes.
- Close the door?
so, what is the nature
of the summons?
It has been brought
to my attention
that you have disgraced Ken
Carmen and his wife, Shelly.
Oh, no.
I made a comment
about their child.
I said it looked
a little Asian,
and it does look
a little Asian.
So what?
It's a compliment...
We will decide what
punitive action to take.
Punitive action?
Why? Wh-why?
Expect a letter soon.
- Soon?
- Yes.
A day? Two days? Four days?
Everybody know what "soon" is.
I don't know what "soon" is.
Soon is soon.
- Soon is not soon.
- Soon is soon.
Soon is not soon.
Soon is when
I say it is.
All right, I'll expect
a letter in a couple of days
unless you tell me
otherwise right now.
Hey, did you get
the mail today?
- Haven't seen any mail.
- Did you check the box?
Twice. No mail.
Haven't seen any mail
in three days.
Hello. Who is it?
Hey. Did, uh...
did you get mail today?
Of course I got
the mail today.
- Why? What's wrong?
- Fuck!
All right, thanks.
Damn it!
We're not getting mail.
The mailwoman has
stopped delivering
since... since our date.
Had the same situation
with a girl at Burger King.
Haven't had a Whopper
in fucking three years.
Yeah. You can't
go back there, right?
I know, you can't...
you can never go out
with somebody you have
contact with on a daily basis
or weekly basis
or yearly basis.
You can only date
people you don't know
and you'll never, ever see.
She has a route to do.
She fucking delivers mail.
She has a fucking route
she gotta fucking hit.
There's also... there's also
a post office credo.
They should put
"spite" in there.
"Neither rain nor snow
nor heat nor spite
shall keep these couriers."
That'd be cool, but that's
not how this shit work.
You hit the fucking
reset button.
I wanted to go back to...
to just her delivering mail
and, uh, me saying hello.
Now look at us,
no fucking mail.
You know how much shit I got
coming to this house?
- What?
- I got my CD of the Month Club...
I'm not getting my fucking CDs...
my DVDs, all kinds
of shit comes here.
Yeah, you know what I got?
I got a letter from Mr. Takahashi,
who I'm waiting for, and...
and I'll never get it now.
And now I don't know
if I'm in the club or not.
So, next time
you tap that ass...
I didn't tap...
I didn't tap any ass.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.
Wait a minute.
You didn't tear that ass up?
- Just a fucking date?
- That's it.
You didn't hit it?
And you going through the
same shit if you had hit it?
Nope, nope. I didn't hit it,
I didn't tap it,
I didn't tear into it,
and we still get no mail.
Hey, Sal!
Hey, Sal, put the gate up?
I'm expecting this letter
from the club,
but I had a fight
with my mailwoman,
so I'm not getting any mail,
and I just wanted
to go find out about,
uh, what... what the letter
was all about, so.
You're supposed to get a letter?
Yeah, but the mailwoman wouldn't...
wouldn't deliver it.
And why is that, Mr. David?
Uh, I hit the...
the reset button.
- Oh, that button. Yeah.
- Yeah.
You've hit that before,
haven't you, sir?
Unfortunately, Mr. David, you are at
the very top of the do not admit list.
- You're kidding!
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, Sal.
- It's the truth.
- Huge misunderstanding here.
- Let me double-check.
No, you're completely forbidden
from entering the premises.
You're not gonna open the gate?
You're on our list, sir.
You know what, I was the only one
in this club who ever spoke to you.
- Sir, please back out.
- I regret every conversation
I had to sit through.
- So unbelievably boring...
- Do I need to call security?
...about your fucking cat.
I will call security or I will
deal with you myself, sir.
Not one person spoke
to you except me.
And now I'm being
punished for it?
Sir, you can
back out, please.
10 years I came up here,
I put the window down.
I talked to you,
and I was suffocating
from the bullshit and drivel
that was coming
out of your mouth...
Back out your car, please.
And don't bump into the
speaker on your way out.
Huh? What do you think, Victor?
That's a good look.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Yeah, you look very honorable.
Hey, look who's here.
- Hi.
- Good morning, gentlemen.
Good morning, Mr. Franklin.
And how are you this fine day?
I am fine. And you?
I'm... I'm well, thank you.
Now, gentlemen,
make haste slowly.
- Make... make haste slowly.
- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Make haste slowly.
- Huh? You like that?
- Yeah, I like that.
Attention, camp.
His Excellency,
General George Washington.
Thank you, General,
for the kind introduction.
As you were, gentlemen. And who
are these fine gentlemen here?
Recruits, sir.
Private Chesnik
reporting for duty, sir.
Lieutenant David
reporting for duty, sir!
I, uh, I elevated myself
somewhat, yes.
Okay, well, are you ready
to die for your country?
I'm ready to play dead
for my country,
which nobody could do like I
can if I put my mind to it.
Indeed, well, gentlemen, I have lots
of work to do to tend to an army,
- so we shall see you at the end.
- Yes. Go, tend to your army.
- Thank you very much.
- Yes.
He's quite a disappointment.
- Company!
- Ready!
- Forward at the half step.
- All right!
- March!
- March!
Forward... march!
Battalion halt!
- Halt!
- Halt!
Front rank, ready?
Make ready!
Take aim!
What are you...
what are you doing?
You got three hours
to go, here.
Are you crazy?
Get up. This is nuts.
By God, sir, get back in rank.
You're not gonna have any fun.
Come on, he's not
gonna have any fun.
That's not fair. It's not fair.
Let him live. Let him live.
Larry come on,
get back in line.
- Fall back, come on.
- No. It's so stupid.
Reload! Reload!
- Hey, Larry.
- What the hell was that?
- What was that?
- Was that real?
There's a crater
in the ground.
Oh, my God!
Larry! Larry!
What the hell is this, man?
- This is real! This is real!
- Oh, my God.
Somebody's shooting at us, man!
Ah! Incoming!
It's live rounds, Larry!
- What the fuck?
- It's Sal!
- Sal? Who's Sal?
- Sal.
He's a security guard
from my golf club.
Why is he trying
to kill us, man?
I told him I didn't wanna
say hello to him anymore.
Hello, Sal! I'm sorry!
How's your cat?
Hello, Sal. How you doing?
Hot. Hot contact, hot contact.
We need air now.
Man down! Man down!
Come on! Come on!
Let's go! Come on!
For Britain and King George!
Larry! Larry, get up, get up.
Are you all right?
Yeah. I'm good, yeah.
- What the...?
- Motherfucking redcoats!
God, those motherfuckers.
God damn it,
what the hell was that?
Come on, come on.
Fuck. God damn it.
- Come on.
- I have no idea where we are.
No idea.
You know what?
I think I know where the car is.
I think it's that way.
"Mister Tee"?
Hey, that's
Mr. Takahashi's car.
Who's Mr. Takahashi?
What the hell
is he doing here?
- Oh, fuck.
- Oh, my God.
Ken's wife?
This is interesting, because
I was coming over to the car
to ask you about the letter,
but, uh, I don't think
that'll be necessary anymore.
Do me a favor,
will you call the club
and tell them
I'm coming over
to play some golf?
See you at the club. Take care.
I knew that baby
looked a little Asian.
Hey, let's play some golf.
I don't know.
What? No, come on.
It'll be fun.
I think the car's that way.
Hello, Mr. David.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Randy. I'm new here.
How are you? I was told
you'd be heading over.
That's how you do it.
That's how you do it.
All right, look,
you know, I got...
I got clothes in my
locker we can wear
or we could just
take these jackets off.
Doesn't really matter
what we're playing in.
What the fuck is this?
You all right?
Oh, fuck.
Pull over! Pull over!
10:00. Redcoats, man.
Larry, there's
fucking redcoats, man!
- You motherfuckers!
- Hey.
Don't tread on me,
- Come on! Yeah!
- Hey! No!
It's your last day,
you bitches.
- Get the fuck outta here!
- They're valets!
Come on, man!
Hey, please!
Hey, asshole! Here's your mail.
Welcome home, soldier.
Thank you for your service.
- Good morning, Mr. David.
- Good morning, Sal.
- What a great day for golf, huh?
- Yeah.
And it's happening, Mr. David.
- Oh, yeah?
- It's happening.
- Oh.
- Right over at Will Rogers Park.
There's going to be
a reenactment
of the Revolutionary War,
which I partake in
every year.
You would not believe
some of the people they have.
- No kidding, yeah.
- I'm going to be a redcoat.
Interesting. You're going
to be in the British army?
I don't have a great
British accent,
but tell me if you think
this one works.
Yeah. Okay.
I'm thinking of two
different kinds.
Tell me which one
you like better.
"Oi, is that...
move that gun over here...
- ...and get ready. We're going."
- Yeah. Yeah.
- That's kind of a... a Cockney.
- That's Cockney, yeah.
But I don't know
if that's what they do.
I think, more often,
it's a... they...
"Gentlemen, strike the
flagstaff deep, Sir Knight."
Well, they're both pretty good.
They're good, so I...
it's gonna be a remarkable day for me.
Get in there and play some great
golf today, okay, Mr. David?
Oh, sir, you may find
the main lot full.
- Okay.
- Okay? You may find it full.
- You can...
- I got it, yeah.
You can... if you like,
you can just take...
make a right over here.
Right turn, got it.
- Okay, yeah.
- Go to the bottom of the hill.
- I think you'll find some open.
- Okay, yeah.
Have a great day.
Fairways and greens,
Mr. David. Don't forget.
So, every time I come in,
it's a whole conversation.
The worst mistake I ever made
was rolling down that window,
in the first place.
Just to be nice!
And it's been going on
for months and months.
And now, I'm in this
cycle that never ends.
Once the window goes down,
it cannot go back up.
- That's right.
- You are stuck.
I'm the only one in the club
who talks to this guy.
I guarantee you.
Do you talk to him?
Not for nine months.
He's annoying as hell.
I really would love to reset
the whole relationship
so I could just drive up,
wave, and be on my way.
I think it's a big
bowl of too late.
You're on your own.
I wish ill things on him so I
don't have to do this anymore.
It's a terrible thought,
but that's what I think.
By the way, where's
my John Adams biography?
I lent it to you
about six weeks ago.
Yeah, so sorry.
For what reason
do you want it back?
Just to what,
to impress people?
Well, I impressed myself first
that I finished it.
- It's a big book. It's a fat book.
- Did you?
- Yes.
- Did you finish it?
Of course I finished it.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- It was fantastic.
- It was, huh?
- Who knew about all this stuff?
- Yeah.
Thomas Jefferson,
and the arguing,
- and the White House, and...
- I'm gonna posit this.
I don't think you read it
in the first place.
- What is this, "Dragnet"?
- I don't think you read it.
- I read the inside flap.
- Okay, you read the flap.
- Good, you read the flap.
- I'll make sure he gets it back to you.
- Good afternoon, gentlemen.
- Hi.
I see you've had a chance
to take a look at the menu.
We do have one addition today.
It is a Dover sole sautéed
in a lemon butter sauce.
What are you getting?
I'm gonna get the beet
and goat cheese salad.
- The Vietnamese pho.
- How do they prepare the Dover sole?
- What did you say, sautéed?
- It's sautéed in a lemon butter sauce.
- Do you think they would broil it?
- I could ask.
Okay, look, ask, but if the chef
makes a face of any kind, okay,
just tell him
to forget it and sauté it.
- I understand.
- Okay, thank you.
I cannot stay long.
I have to go suit shopping
with my daughter
and my soon-to-be son-in-law
for the wedding.
Yeah, his daughter Sammi's
getting married.
You're kidding me.
- What kind of guy is he?
- He served in the war in Afghanistan.
- And, uh...
- Wow.
- Yeah.
- Is he okay?
No PTSD. He's one
of the lucky ones.
I asked the chef
to broil the sole,
and he didn't make
much of a face.
Didn't make much of a face.
What kind of face is
not much of a face?
Well, he can be
a bit inscrutable,
but I wouldn't describe it
as much of a face at all.
Hmm. I'd like to see that face.
What did...
show it to me.
I asked the chef if he
could broil the sole,
and he went...
Like that?
Well, that's not
much of a face.
- No.
- Okay.
- I'll get it... I'll get it broiled.
- All right.
- Hey, guys.
- All right, thank you so much.
- Hey, Larry. Hold on.
- Okay.
- How are you, Larry?
- Hey, Ken.
- How you doing?
- Good.
- Hey, Ken.
- How are you guys?
His wife just had a baby.
- Oh, the baby!
- Yeah.
- You got a picture?
- Boom. There you go.
Wow! Oh! Beautiful!
- Huh?
- Lucky man.
- Thank you so much.
- Ah.
My greatest treasure.
You know, she looks
a little Asian.
Um, wha-what do you...
what does that mean?
She has a look...
a little Asian look about her.
That's... that's weird.
It's a strange thing to say, Larry.
- Why? What's the big deal?
- What are you getting at, is all I'm asking.
'Cause most people would
just say, first,
- she's beautiful.
- I'm not getting at anything...
I'm saying that, you know, she
just has a slight Asian look to her.
I feel like you're maybe
saying something's...
something's off about her.
I'm not saying...
something's on about it.
It's good.
It's a good thing.
- Uh-huh.
- That's a compliment.
- In what way?
- Huge.
- How so?
- She's exotic.
I... I wish I looked
a little Asian.
Look, I just wanna walk away.
Can you just...
just take it back
so we can just
put this behind us?
I can apologize
for offending you,
but I can't take
back the remark.
I just want you to say,
"This was my fault. I apologize."
And then I can move on.
It's my fault for offending you.
I apologize. But she does
look a little Asian.
Okay, goodbye.
- We all think she's gorgeous.
- I'm... I'm sorry, Ken.
I'm sorry. It's a cute baby,
but she does look a little... you
didn't think she looked a little Asian?
She looked a little Asian.
- Who's there?
- U.S. Postal Service.
Mr. David? I need a signature.
Are you, uh...
are you the new mailman?
- Mailwoman?
- Mail carrier.
- Huh, okay. Mail carrier.
- Yeah.
Great. I will take this.
- You will take these.
- All right. Okay.
And I will take my pen.
- Oh, yeah.
- Thank you.
- People, they steal pens a lot.
- They really do, don't they?
- I bet you lose a lot of those...
- I have a truck full of 'em.
I haven't talked
to a mailman in a long...
mail carrier in a long time.
I remember in my building
in Brooklyn growing up,
the women, they used to
flirt with the mailmen.
They'd come down in the
morning with their shmatas.
- You know, it was...
- What's a shmata?
A shm... it's a... like,
a disgusting house dress.
- It's... they're hideous.
- Oh, boy. Oh.
You know, my mother
used to encourage me
to work in the post office
when I was younger
'cause she didn't think
I could amount to anything.
- And look what happened.
- And that's not to say that.. couldn't amount to anything.
But, you know,
she felt that way about me
'cause she wanted me to have the
security of a job, that's all, you know.
And she thought it
would be easy for me.
Not that it's easy, but she
thought it'd be easy for me,
because it's not
that much doing.
You bring mail,
you drop it off.
She thought I could do this.
Uh, yeah. Anyway, you could
do me a big favor.
Not big, small favor.
I... I don't wanna
taint the favor.
- It's a small favor.
- Okay.
Is Richard Lewis on your route?
He must be.
Richard... two blocks over?
Yes. Have you been to
his house yet today?
Not yet. No.
Could you drop
a book off for me?
I absolutely could.
You'd need to package it up
and put on a stamp.
Look, I could do that.
I mean, the idea is
that you're going there.
Why not just drop the book off,
do me a little favor?
It's a little favor.
It's nothing.
I'm pretty sure
the U.S. government
would consider that free mail,
which is kind of illegal.
Don't be such a stickler.
Why are you being such a stickler?
It's just...
Do you think that's a good
quality, stickling?
- Don't stickle. Don't be a stickler.
- Don't be a stickler?
No. You know what,
if you were going on a computer date,
one of those things, and you put down
"stickler," nobody would call you.
Well, it might be
why I'm still single.
Hey, Jeff, did you tell Lewis
about our new kitchen?
- No, I did not.
- In the new house?
Richie, it is massive,
this new kitchen.
I mean, it is just magnificent.
You, especially, are going
to appreciate it.
- I can't wait, honey.
- Why are you especially?
- I have no fucking idea.
- Yeah, I...
Can I just say something?
It was a genius idea to start with.
- Oh, fantastic.
- You know, for a married man, a realtor?
- Come on, man. The best.
- Oh, Jeff,
can you go to the basement and
get me a couple bottles of wine?
A red and a white, please?
Could I?
Well, I think I could.
I think I could.
Thank you.
Hey, did you get
the book?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, the mailwoman, wow!
She's gorgeous.
I'm thinking of making a move.
- On the mailwoman?
- I don't care what she does.
No profession's off-limits to
me if a woman's attractive.
All men are like that.
We don't care about what they do.
We care about what they look like.
Women are just the opposite.
I think you might be right.
I dated a garbage woman.
- And we'd shower.
- You dated your garbage woman?
We had the shower,
that was the only thing.
Yeah, she was great and smart,
but she needed the money.
- She had a couple of kids.
- I never even saw
a garbage woman in my life.
You make up this story to me
about fucking a garbage woman?
- A story would be this...
- That's really odd to me
that you would make up
this story for what?
- No, here's a fact...
- So I would think
that you fucked a garbage woman?
Why do you want me to think that?
- I didn't see her as a garbage woman.
- Hey, Lar?
All right, we're...
we're done. Yeah.
- Hey, Lar, eat something.
- Hey.
- Are these washed?
- Of course.
What are you... what kind
of question is that to ask me?
- They look a little sticky.
- They're washed and organic.
Hey, I got the wedding invite.
- No, you didn't.
- I didn't?
No, that was a save the date.
That was not the invite.
I haven't even had them
printed yet.
- Save the date?
- Yeah.
Are you serious?
That's so stupid.
Larry, everybody saves dates.
I don't save dates.
The whole system's screwed up.
You don't need
to send me something
to tell me you're gonna send
me something, just send it.
If I'm saying something to you,
I don't say to you,
"I'm gonna say something to you,"
and then say it.
I just say it.
This is the way things are done,
okay, asshole?
You're gonna come,
and you're gonna enjoy it!
All right. Watch this.
- Terrific.
- Ta-da!
Ta... come on.
- Ah, look who's here! The happy couple.
- Hi, everybody.
- Mrs. Greene.
- Oh, my baby.
- Hi, Mom.
- Victor, my boy.
How you doing?
How you doing?
Okay, so this is our friend,
Richard Lewis.
- Thank you for your service, bro.
- Oh, thank you. Thank you.
And our neighbors,
Leslie and John.
What a hero you are.
Thank you for your service.
Oh, thank you. The real
heroes are still there,
- but I appreciate that.
- Thank you for your service.
- Thank you.
- You have a grateful nation.
And this is our friend, Larry.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Nice to meet you.
Um, yeah, it's, uh...
You know what?
Um, I'm gonna excuse myself.
- Victor.
- Huh? What... what's...?
You didn't thank him
for his service, asshole.
They thanked him.
Three people thanked him.
Why do I have to thank him?
Fuck, how hard would it have been?
"Thank you for your service."
Does everybody have to
thank him for his service?
Now you've ruined
everything, Larry.
I'm making all this
delicious salmon,
and the whole night is ruined.
- Are you sautéing that?
- Yes.
Would you mind broiling mine?
- That a face?
- Get the fuck out. Leave.
Hmm. Okay.
- Thank you for serving the hors d'oeuvres.
- Out!
Um, thank you for being
a very good manager.
Thank you for coming over
in this brisk weather.
Thank you for leaving!
Must be a lot of work
carrying the mail bag around.
You know what you could use?
You could use a caddy
on the route.
- I would love a mail caddy.
- Right?
- Are you kidding me?
- They carry the mail for you.
'Cause you walk as much
as I do on a golf course.
- And you're, you know, you're carrying...
- Probably more.
- I have a caddy.
- I would love a mail caddy.
They'll give you instructions.
"Okay, go up the path,
make a right, you know,
watch out for the dog."
- Yeah.
- I'll mail caddy for you.
- Would you?
- Yeah.
Just talk to the
U.S. government.
I think your mom
would be so proud.
All right, so what
do you want again?
Do you want the...
did you say Milk Duds?
- Milk Duds, Reese's Pieces...
- Really?
...Junior Mints,
popcorn... big popcorn.
- And we'll mix them all together. It's...
- We'll what?
Oh, it's... it's like
the perfect bite.
It's, like, a little sweet
and a little salty.
- The textures...
- What are you mixing sweet and salty for?
they're in conflict.
No, they're in cahoots.
I don't want Reese's
Pieces in my popcorn.
It's the perfect
movie treat, I promise.
Do you have the tickets?
Oh, yeah. Here you go.
Oh, hey, thanks.
All right.
- I'll get a seat.
- Eh, get me an aisle.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Jean? Jean?
Jean? Jean?
- Jean?
- Shh.
Yeah, okay, okay.
Sorry, sorry.
- Jean?
- Shh.
Jean? Jean? Jean!
I'm right here. I'm here.
Oh, there you are. Great.
Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me.
Sorry. Excuse me. Excuse me.
- You're so loud.
- I'm so loud?
I don't understand. I've been
looking for you for five minutes.
- How come you didn't beckon?
- Why didn't... why didn't I beckon?
Yes, you beckon. You knew
I was coming into the theater.
You gotta wave. You gotta go
like this so I can see you.
Just look around.
I'm right here.
You... I can't see
anything from down there.
I'm not gonna make a scene.
Oh, who's telling you
to make a scene?
Just wave. Beckon.
Beckon. You gotta beckon.
- That's making a scene.
- Beckoning is not making a scene.
Making a scene is calling out
the name Jean 10 times.
- Would you shut up?
- You shut up.
Didn't have to
call out my name.
I did because
I couldn't find you.
- All you had to do was look.
- I did look.
What the fuck is going on here?
Okay, well, guess
I'll see you tomorrow.
Yeah, yeah,
you're delivering.
You know what?
I think we ought to go back
to our previous relationship
of homeowner and mailwoman.
'Cause I gotta tell you,
I have a very difficult time,
dating somebody who I'm seeing
on a daily basis... with you...
like, six times a week.
You know, I've gotta psych myself up
for dates. It's a big performance.
I gotta shower and shave
and prepare witticisms,
and, you know, it's...
it's a whole thing, and...
Is this what you
did for tonight?
Did you prepare
witticisms for tonight?
Yeah, that whole thing about the
made-up Jewish holiday "Shecooktus,"
that was all... that was
prepared beforehand, yeah.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
If you... if you're
working for UPS
and I saw you maybe
two times a week,
that would be...
that would be fine.
But I... I have to see you
six times a week.
So, I'd love to hit the reset
button and just, you know,
we go back to, uh,
- Why not... wha... no?
- No.
What, you feel we're
beyond resetting?
- Yeah, I think we are.
- Why?
- Why?
- Yeah, you reset.
- Let's hit the button.
- I don't think I can do that.
Yeah, we hit the...
we hit the big button.
You can't just press a button.
You can't just
press a button.
Why... why not?
That a face?
What was it?
What did the face mean?
Good... good night.
- Mr. David.
- Hey, Sal.
What ever happened
to rabbit ears?
I can't tell you how many
times my cable has gone down
right in the middle
of one of my favorite shows.
- Really?
- Has that ever happened to you?
It's one of those things.
You're sitting,
you're enjoying,
you've got a nice little
cup of coffee made,
you're ready to enjoy the news,
a little TV show...
boom, what happens?
The cable goes down.
- Sal, Sal.
- Isn't it horrible?
We can't do this anymore.
Do what, sir?
I'd like to hit the reset
button on our relationship
and... and go back
to the way it was
before I ever put the window
down and started talking.
You know, just drive in with the
window up, wave, and... and move on.
- You know, like everybody else.
- You don't enjoy our conversations?
No, I wouldn't say
I don't enjoy them, but...
- I haven't upset you in any way...
- No, I'm just...
- I'm very anxious to play...
- I don't mean to be forward, sir.
No, no, no,
it's nothing like that at all.
- I just like to get to the golf course.
- Yes, of course.
- You want to play with your friends.
- Yeah. Yeah.
I understand exactly what
you're saying, Mr. David.
- I'm excited to play, and I can't...
- Well, you can be excited.
You won't have me to
worry about anymore.
I'm not...
I'm not worried about...
it wasn't that.
Come on, d-don't be mad.
- I'm not mad, sir.
- I mean, I'll still drive by.
I'll still see you
with the window up,
and... I'll see you with the
window up and I'll wave,
you know, the way...
the way it used to be.
Good day, mister.
Eh. Ah.
I'm sorry.
Listen, I guess, I don't
wanna keep harping on it,
but Victor is so obsessed.
I won't even say hurt.
He's obsessed with you not
thanking him for his service.
- It really makes him nuts.
- There's something about the expression
that I can't quite
get it out of my mouth.
'Cause remember,
he loves "Seinfeld,"
was so looking forward
to spending time with you.
- He just wanted you to...
- Wow, really? My God.
- Just acknowledge the guy.
- Is there anything I can do?
Should I take him out to lunch?
You know that Sal
at the gate,
the security guard?
- Mm-hmm.
- He does this, um,
Revolutionary War
reenactment stuff.
There's one coming up right
here at Will Rogers.
Do you have any idea how
big that would be for him?
I've heard him talk
about those things.
- Really?
- Yes. He's never gone.
He will love it!
Oh, my God, would he love it.
W-we'll do...
we'll dress up as soldiers.
- You dress on up.
- I'd love to.
So it is a good thing you
lowered your window.
Sir, Mr. Takahashi
would like a word with you.
Well, send him my best.
This can't be good.
Ah, hey, Chef Curtis.
- Oh, hi.
- Hi. You got a second?
Uh, sure.
Do you remember the other day,
uh, a waiter asked if you
would broil the sole?
- Yeah, that's, um... yep.
- Remember that?
And I'm wondering when he
asked you that question,
did you... did you make
a face, by any chance?
- I may have made a small face,
- You made a small face?
Would you mind
showing me that face?
- I'd love to see it.
- It's... I don't...
- I don't think that's... mm.
- I'd love... I'd love to see the face.
Eh, nobody's watching.
Come on, make a face, make a face.
It was probably something like...
- Really?
- Yeah, that's...
You did a semi-horse whinny?
I... I mean, if you wanna
call it that, sure.
Wow, that's a pretty
strong reaction.
Well, it was a strong request.
- Was it?
- Yeah.
You know, I prepare it
the way I prepare it
- because it's better.
- I gotta tell you something.
That's not the face that
the waiter presented to me.
The face that was presented
to me was more like...
I don't...
No, I would never
make that face.
That face doesn't even
communicate anything.
What's that?
Well, maybe...
maybe it was more...
No, that's... I don't...
It was definitely
an expulsion...
there was an expulsion
of air, I'm sure.
That doesn't seem close.
- Not close?
- No, it doesn't seem close.
All right, so, anyway,
I want to apologize.
Had I known that you made a
horse whinny with an eye roll,
I never would've
told you to broil it.
- I made a face, so...
- Oh, you know what?
Well, yes, look,
there he is right here.
I'm gonna go talk to him.
So, uh, remember
the other day,
you made the face the, uh...
the chef made for me?
I remember.
Yeah, well...
I gotta say, you weren't even...
not even close.
Massively undersold it.
What are you talking about?
The chef said that
he went like this...
- No.
- That's nothing like what you did.
No, when I went back to him,
I said, "Can you broil the sole?"
And he said...
And I came back
and I showed you...
No, the chef went...
- with an eye roll and...
- I mean, he looked up.
- I don't think it was an eye roll.
- It was definitely an eye roll.
Shh. He went...
Not even... not even that.
He went...
No. According to him,
he was...
No. I went in, and I said,
"Can you broil it?" He said...
I said... and then I came
back to you and I said...
All right, well, it's a
little confusing, I must say.
I brought you exactly
what he gave me.
It's a clash of faces.
You wanna see me, Mr. Takahashi?
- Yes.
- Close the door?
so, what is the nature
of the summons?
It has been brought
to my attention
that you have disgraced Ken
Carmen and his wife, Shelly.
Oh, no.
I made a comment
about their child.
I said it looked
a little Asian,
and it does look
a little Asian.
So what?
It's a compliment...
We will decide what
punitive action to take.
Punitive action?
Why? Wh-why?
Expect a letter soon.
- Soon?
- Yes.
A day? Two days? Four days?
Everybody know what "soon" is.
I don't know what "soon" is.
Soon is soon.
- Soon is not soon.
- Soon is soon.
Soon is not soon.
Soon is when
I say it is.
All right, I'll expect
a letter in a couple of days
unless you tell me
otherwise right now.
Hey, did you get
the mail today?
- Haven't seen any mail.
- Did you check the box?
Twice. No mail.
Haven't seen any mail
in three days.
Hello. Who is it?
Hey. Did, uh...
did you get mail today?
Of course I got
the mail today.
- Why? What's wrong?
- Fuck!
All right, thanks.
Damn it!
We're not getting mail.
The mailwoman has
stopped delivering
since... since our date.
Had the same situation
with a girl at Burger King.
Haven't had a Whopper
in fucking three years.
Yeah. You can't
go back there, right?
I know, you can't...
you can never go out
with somebody you have
contact with on a daily basis
or weekly basis
or yearly basis.
You can only date
people you don't know
and you'll never, ever see.
She has a route to do.
She fucking delivers mail.
She has a fucking route
she gotta fucking hit.
There's also... there's also
a post office credo.
They should put
"spite" in there.
"Neither rain nor snow
nor heat nor spite
shall keep these couriers."
That'd be cool, but that's
not how this shit work.
You hit the fucking
reset button.
I wanted to go back to...
to just her delivering mail
and, uh, me saying hello.
Now look at us,
no fucking mail.
You know how much shit I got
coming to this house?
- What?
- I got my CD of the Month Club...
I'm not getting my fucking CDs...
my DVDs, all kinds
of shit comes here.
Yeah, you know what I got?
I got a letter from Mr. Takahashi,
who I'm waiting for, and...
and I'll never get it now.
And now I don't know
if I'm in the club or not.
So, next time
you tap that ass...
I didn't tap...
I didn't tap any ass.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.
Wait a minute.
You didn't tear that ass up?
- Just a fucking date?
- That's it.
You didn't hit it?
And you going through the
same shit if you had hit it?
Nope, nope. I didn't hit it,
I didn't tap it,
I didn't tear into it,
and we still get no mail.
Hey, Sal!
Hey, Sal, put the gate up?
I'm expecting this letter
from the club,
but I had a fight
with my mailwoman,
so I'm not getting any mail,
and I just wanted
to go find out about,
uh, what... what the letter
was all about, so.
You're supposed to get a letter?
Yeah, but the mailwoman wouldn't...
wouldn't deliver it.
And why is that, Mr. David?
Uh, I hit the...
the reset button.
- Oh, that button. Yeah.
- Yeah.
You've hit that before,
haven't you, sir?
Unfortunately, Mr. David, you are at
the very top of the do not admit list.
- You're kidding!
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, Sal.
- It's the truth.
- Huge misunderstanding here.
- Let me double-check.
No, you're completely forbidden
from entering the premises.
You're not gonna open the gate?
You're on our list, sir.
You know what, I was the only one
in this club who ever spoke to you.
- Sir, please back out.
- I regret every conversation
I had to sit through.
- So unbelievably boring...
- Do I need to call security?
...about your fucking cat.
I will call security or I will
deal with you myself, sir.
Not one person spoke
to you except me.
And now I'm being
punished for it?
Sir, you can
back out, please.
10 years I came up here,
I put the window down.
I talked to you,
and I was suffocating
from the bullshit and drivel
that was coming
out of your mouth...
Back out your car, please.
And don't bump into the
speaker on your way out.
Huh? What do you think, Victor?
That's a good look.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Yeah, you look very honorable.
Hey, look who's here.
- Hi.
- Good morning, gentlemen.
Good morning, Mr. Franklin.
And how are you this fine day?
I am fine. And you?
I'm... I'm well, thank you.
Now, gentlemen,
make haste slowly.
- Make... make haste slowly.
- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Make haste slowly.
- Huh? You like that?
- Yeah, I like that.
Attention, camp.
His Excellency,
General George Washington.
Thank you, General,
for the kind introduction.
As you were, gentlemen. And who
are these fine gentlemen here?
Recruits, sir.
Private Chesnik
reporting for duty, sir.
Lieutenant David
reporting for duty, sir!
I, uh, I elevated myself
somewhat, yes.
Okay, well, are you ready
to die for your country?
I'm ready to play dead
for my country,
which nobody could do like I
can if I put my mind to it.
Indeed, well, gentlemen, I have lots
of work to do to tend to an army,
- so we shall see you at the end.
- Yes. Go, tend to your army.
- Thank you very much.
- Yes.
He's quite a disappointment.
- Company!
- Ready!
- Forward at the half step.
- All right!
- March!
- March!
Forward... march!
Battalion halt!
- Halt!
- Halt!
Front rank, ready?
Make ready!
Take aim!
What are you...
what are you doing?
You got three hours
to go, here.
Are you crazy?
Get up. This is nuts.
By God, sir, get back in rank.
You're not gonna have any fun.
Come on, he's not
gonna have any fun.
That's not fair. It's not fair.
Let him live. Let him live.
Larry come on,
get back in line.
- Fall back, come on.
- No. It's so stupid.
Reload! Reload!
- Hey, Larry.
- What the hell was that?
- What was that?
- Was that real?
There's a crater
in the ground.
Oh, my God!
Larry! Larry!
What the hell is this, man?
- This is real! This is real!
- Oh, my God.
Somebody's shooting at us, man!
Ah! Incoming!
It's live rounds, Larry!
- What the fuck?
- It's Sal!
- Sal? Who's Sal?
- Sal.
He's a security guard
from my golf club.
Why is he trying
to kill us, man?
I told him I didn't wanna
say hello to him anymore.
Hello, Sal! I'm sorry!
How's your cat?
Hello, Sal. How you doing?
Hot. Hot contact, hot contact.
We need air now.
Man down! Man down!
Come on! Come on!
Let's go! Come on!
For Britain and King George!
Larry! Larry, get up, get up.
Are you all right?
Yeah. I'm good, yeah.
- What the...?
- Motherfucking redcoats!
God, those motherfuckers.
God damn it,
what the hell was that?
Come on, come on.
Fuck. God damn it.
- Come on.
- I have no idea where we are.
No idea.
You know what?
I think I know where the car is.
I think it's that way.
"Mister Tee"?
Hey, that's
Mr. Takahashi's car.
Who's Mr. Takahashi?
What the hell
is he doing here?
- Oh, fuck.
- Oh, my God.
Ken's wife?
This is interesting, because
I was coming over to the car
to ask you about the letter,
but, uh, I don't think
that'll be necessary anymore.
Do me a favor,
will you call the club
and tell them
I'm coming over
to play some golf?
See you at the club. Take care.
I knew that baby
looked a little Asian.
Hey, let's play some golf.
I don't know.
What? No, come on.
It'll be fun.
I think the car's that way.
Hello, Mr. David.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Randy. I'm new here.
How are you? I was told
you'd be heading over.
That's how you do it.
That's how you do it.
All right, look,
you know, I got...
I got clothes in my
locker we can wear
or we could just
take these jackets off.
Doesn't really matter
what we're playing in.
What the fuck is this?
You all right?
Oh, fuck.
Pull over! Pull over!
10:00. Redcoats, man.
Larry, there's
fucking redcoats, man!
- You motherfuckers!
- Hey.
Don't tread on me,
- Come on! Yeah!
- Hey! No!
It's your last day,
you bitches.
- Get the fuck outta here!
- They're valets!
Come on, man!
Hey, please!
Hey, asshole! Here's your mail.
Welcome home, soldier.
Thank you for your service.