Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–…): Season 5, Episode 6 - The Smoking Jacket - full transcript
Larry joins the "Make A Wish" foundation, and swaps his smoking jacket with Hugh Hefner.
Episode 5x06: The Smoking Jacket
All right!
Happy birthday!
What did you wish for?
That's personal.
Yeah. Yeah, I know what you wished for.
You don't know what I wished for... and it's none of your business, really.
- Oh, I know.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah, I do.
- What, what, what?
What did you wish for?
You know, it's a personal thing. It's a wish.
- You wished...
- I don't like to say what I wished for.
You wished that Louis Lewis would die,
so you don't have to give up your own kidney to Richard.
Yeah, right.
- That's what it was.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, trust me.
- No, it wasn't.
- Oh yes.
- Who would do something like that?
You! You, that's who... you!
You think I would wish for somebody who's in a coma,
who's practically a vegetable, to die,
just so I wouldn't have to give up my own kidney?
Let's go. Open her up.
Look at this.
- The guy got me a present, huh?
- It's nice.
- What a guy!
- Yes, indeed.
It's good to have a big friend, you can really smack him around.
You know, look at that!
- You know, it doesn't hurt.
- Don't feel a thing.
- Doesn't hurt him, doesn't feel anything.
- Don't feel a thing.
Take a pop at him. Go ahead, take a pop.
Take a pop. Doesn't feel anything.
- Here, let me help you.
- What? What are you doing?
- I got it.
- Come on. I wrapped it.
- I know how to do it.
- Doesn't matter. It's my gift!
- Let me do it!
- What? It's my present. Let go.
- Let go with the package.
- All right!
Let go.
- I know what it is.
- Yes, indeed.
- I know what it is.
- What is it? What is it?
It's a green... it's a green sport jacket.
He has one and I complimented him on it.
And he remembered what I said and he got me this.
This is the best birthday I ever had.
Best birthday a fellow could ever have.
I noticed that you haven't...
contributed anything to...
- I know, my gift is on hold.
I have to confirm something before I give it to you.
- Really?
- No, it's gonna be so good.
- It's gonna be so good.
- When am I going to get it?
- As soon as I have 100% confirmation.
- Really?
And you're going to love it. Just trust me.
- Aw.
- Yeah, but you'll love it.
- Come on.
- You're going to love it.
- Try the jacket on.
- Trust me.
Oh, one second.
- How are you?
- All right.
- How are you, Mr. Birthday boy today?
- Pretty good, pretty good.
- Oh, you remembered.
- Remember, please.
- I can't believe it.
- Who can forget? Oh, you kiddin'!
Who'd forget this day.
How's your dad?
He's... you know, he's all right.
The hearing is going and the mind is, you know, it's...
This is tragic, 'cause this guy, he was sharp.
Yeah, but he's not... he forgets things,
he doesn't remember stuff anymore. Yeah...
Well, at least it's not his hip.
Because once it's in the hip, then you're gone.
They all... they say you're gone.
- Look who's here.
- Hi, Andy. How are you, pal?
- Good to see you.
- How are you, Jeffrey?
Good to see you.
I forgot to tell you something so important.
Hef invited me to a party at the mansion.
- Really?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Want to go to the Playboy mansion?
Yeah, do I want to? Yeah, but can I? I don't know.
Come on. We'll be "going to a movie" or something.
- There's no way. Come on.
- Oh, come on. You'll have fun.
I'd love to go.
I got to go to the bathroom. Pardon me a sec.
Oh, hey, let me ask you something.
did your parents ever mention anything to you about me being...
When my father was lying on the hospital bed...
I've never heard anything like this.
Nat never said anything to me, to my mom,
- nothing.
- Parents never said anything?
This is wild.
- I hired a private investigator.
- No, you didn't.
Yeah, I should hear something pretty soon.
No! You know what, Larry? You're nuts.
You're out of your mind.
Just leave it alone.
I'm going to go say hey to Cheryl.
Oh, good afternoon.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Can I help you?
I'm a friend of his cousin.
Richard Lewis...
Oh, yes, yes. Mr. Lewis. Yes. Right, yeah.
Yes, that's too bad. It's too bad.
How's he doing?
Well, unfortunately he's not doing too well.
He's in an irreversible coma.
And uh, as you can see...
we got him set up on life support.
- I see, yeah.
Prognosis isn't good. So...
how long do you think he has?
- I beg your pardon?
- How long do you think he has?
It's hard to say. It could be days, weeks, months.
There's been cases where patients have been in comas for years.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah, yeah.
What do you think you're leaning more towards...
weeks or months?
It's hard to say.
If you had to pick one.
I don't know if I could pick one.
Take a shot.
What happens to the moustache in a coma?
- The moustache?
- Yeah, his moustache.
It continues to grow.
- There's a lady who comes in a couple times.
- Really?
The hospital has a barber?
Yeah. She's a nice lady.
She clips his moustache, she does his hair.
- She just works within the hospital or...
- Within the hospital, yes.
We just try and keep him comfortable,
and... you know...
seems a pity though, that...
these people like they... languish like this when the soul is crying to...
Yeah, I guess you could look at it that way.
He's got all these organs he could be donating.
You know what I mean?
Yeah. I suppose.
People they sit here with their organs and...
- Nice talking to you.
- People who are alive they need the...
What do you think you're doing?
You pull that plug and I'll tell.
No, it fell. It fell on the floor. I'm picking it up.
- Oh.
- Pulling plugs. Where did you get that from?
Well, you just looked like you were about to pull the plug.
You had your hands on it, you were kind of...
About to pull the plug? Are you crazy?
I heard your conversation.
So, what? You want this guy dead or something?
Listen, that's a very serious thing you're saying.
You're practically calling me a murderer. Okay, I'm not pulling any plug.
So, come on. Enough of that.
Okay. I'm willing to overlook this whole thing.
Are you? Boy. That's very nice of you, thank you.
- I appreciate that.
- If...
You grant my wish that the make-a-wish foundation turned down.
You'll forget about this?
You agree?
What was this wish that they wouldn't grant?
I want to see a naked woman.
- You want to see a naked woman?
- Um-hmm.
- That's your wish?
- Um-hmm.
- They wouldn't grant that wish?
- Of course not.
Imagine going through your whole life without seeing a naked woman.
- Hey, I almost did.
- Hmm...
So you're going to grant my wish?
Well, you know, I would love to help you out.
- What's your name?
- Wilson.
I'd like to help you out, Wilson, I really would,
but I don't know any naked women.
My wife, that's the only one I know.
- She's perfect.
- She's not going to do this.
Why not?
She's not going to come and take her clothes off for you.
Take me to your place.
Forget it. I would have to come up with somebody else.
Fine. That's your job.
- I'll think about it. Okay?
- You'll think about it?
- Yeah.
- You think about it.
Even if I had someone, how are you gonna get out of here anyway?
Oh, please, I sneak out all the time.
Have a nice day.
Oh, Andy.
This package is for you.
Open it up. What is it?
I don't know. It's from Nat.
- Oh, it's from your father.
- Yeah.
Look at that.
He sent me his smoking jacket.
- Wow.
- Wow. How lovely.
- Look at that.
- Why would he send this to me?
But it's beautiful.
- Wow.
- Okay. All right.
You know what this is about?
I'm sorry to tell you this.
This is probably a birthday gift for me.
I'll tell you why. 'Cause when we were younger,
whenever it was my birthday
my father would always send a gift to him so he wouldn't feel left out.
So, he kind of got confused,
you know, he's not... he's not the same as he was.
He kind of got confused and he must have written your name on it.
You think that he did not send this to me?
- Why would he send it to you?
- Look at this...
"Andy David."
Look up at the top, in the return is "Nat."
Andy, he didn't send me anything for my birthday.
- He always sends...
- You can't accept the fact that he sent me a gift.
He promised me this jacket.
- Who did?
- My father.
Oh, Larry, you're unbelievable.
You can't accept the fact that your father sent me a lovely gift.
He has no reason to send it to you. It's my birthday.
- Because he happens to love me.
- He's confused!
I have a question for you.
Have you seen that "us" magazine?
I had an "us" magazine that was...
it was in the other room, it...
I think I threw that out.
- Oh my god.
- What?
I had a phone number.
- A very important number written on it.
- What phone number?
Why did you throw away my magazine?
Because he took it in the bathroom and contaminated it.
- Oh...
- What?
- I what?
- Larry...
- All right Andy, let's get serious now, okay?
- What?
My father sent that jacket for me. That's a mistake.
My father would not just send you his jacket.
- He sent me a jacket.
- He promised me that jacket.
He gave it to me...
- He gave it to me because he likes me.
- It's a mistake.
You're taking advantage of an old man.
- You're like a little brat...
- I'm a brat?
You fucking moron! Give me that jacket.
No! No this is my jacket.
This is my jacket!
It's mine!
You know he promised that jacket to me.
It's unfair.
He didn't give me a birthday present. He's just confused.
It's so obvious.
It's a big bowl of wrong.
So, are you gonna go to the Playboy mansion?
I can't go, I'm so deep in the doghouse now.
She's really pissed off at me 'cause I threw away her magazine
that had a phone number on it.
Aw, come on man.
You're already in the doghouse, you can't get in any more trouble,
you might as well get your money's worth.
Yeah, might as well do something else wrong.
It's a "double transgression" theory.
- What an interesting theory.
- Well, thank you.
"Double transgression theory".
And I could ask that kid Wilson, to go with me.
Who's Wilson?
Oh, yeah, Wilson. I met this kid in the hospital...
They'll take less.
Trust me. Trust me, they'll take less.
Okay you call me back when you hear from them.
That'll be fine.
I'm on L.A. Time, okay?
All right. I'll talk to you later.
What is this? Huh?
Take this off.
This doesn't belong to you, you know it and I know it.
My father promised me this smoking jacket when I was 14 years old.
- Larry, move on. Move on...
- All right, you know what?
- Oh my goodness.
- I'm going to the Playboy mansion now, all right?
When I get back, I want you out of that jacket.
- You're going to the Playboy mansion?
- I don't want you walking around
in this jacket anymore.
- Hold on. Wait, wait, wait...
Larry... take me.
I want to go.
- Can I go?
- Really?
Oh, what would this do to my trip?
- To go to the Playboy mansion!
- That would be great, wouldn't it?
- Please.
- It's not really my decision.
- It would make my trip so beautiful.
- I know, Andy.
I wish I could help you.
I really do. I wish I could.
- You can help me. Just ask Jeff.
- I don't know...
What's one guy, what's two guys?
- Oh, I got an idea.
- What?
- You want to go to the Playboy mansion?
- Yeah.
You really want to go?
Give me the jacket.
You got it.
- I'm going to go up and change.
- Wait a second.
I'm taking it to the drycleaner. Take it off.
Here, here, here.
Speak into the rock.
What's your business, please?
Jeff Greene and three guests.
Proceed up the driveway please.
- Wow.
- Wow.
Look at this thing, huh?
Mercedes Benz, SL300 SI.
- You know it, huh?
- Um-hmm.
What did you do?
What is with you?
What? I...
- What did you do?
- I don't know.
I got to use the bathroom.
Well... hey...
- How do you do?
- Hello there.
- Hi, Larry David.
- Hugh Hefner.
- Yes, nice to meet you.
- My pleasure, welcome.
- Hi, I'm Holly.
- Hello. Hi.
- Bridget.
- Hello. Hi.
- You're a guest of...?
- Jeff Greene.
- Yes. Sure.
- Oh, you know him?
- Sure.
- See, I thought he was pretending the whole time.
- No, it's true.
- Ah interesting.
What's that animal walking around outside with the long neck?
What do you call that?
Well, it's probably a flamingo.
Oh, flamingo.
I'm not good at identifying birds and animals.
You know, like sneakers, I can identify.
Converse, Adidas, I know all that stuff.
I know sneakers, birds I don't know from.
This is...
you know what?
This smoking jacket...
my father's got the exact same smoking jacket.
Hmmm, I doubt it.
- Doubt it?
- Well, it's an original.
I have them imported from Italy.
- Really?
- It's a Roselli.
One of a kind.
I don't know.
- You know what?
- Hmm?
I got it right out in the car.
- Well, I'd like to see it.
- Would you?
- Sure.
- Can I go get it?
- Then stay right here.
- Okay.
I'll go get the smoking jacket. Stay right here.
I think it's the exact same one. I'm not kidding.
What's the matter with you?
- What's the matter with me?
- Yeah.
You ruined my wish.
It could have been a coincidence.
They ran away from you, Larry.
It wasn't my fault.
Well, it was obviously something about you that made them do that.
Do me a favor, hand me that jacket.
Because I want to show it to Hefner.
What do you mean you want to show it? Listen, get in the car.
Really, I'm... this whole day was just a mess.
Come on, hand me the jacket.
- No.
- What?
- No. Just get in the car, come on.
- What's the matter with you?
- I wanna go.
- Look, you little shit...
what the... give me that jacket!
I didn't knock.
I figured you knew I was going out...
- I could just come in...
- Sure.
So I took that liberty. I hope it's okay.
What do you think?
- I'm amazed.
- It's the same thing.
Well, it's not a Roselli but it's a great knock-off.
- Really?
- Yeah, let me try it on.
There you go.
It even fits.
Wait till my father hears that Hugh Hefner was trying on his smoking jacket.
He's going to freak out.
Wow. Pretty good.
- It looks good.
- Yeah.
Pretty, pretty good.
Let me look at it in the mirror.
Not bad.
Excuse me.
Where do you live?
In Los Angeles.
I noticed they got some...
- What, they got some monkeys out there, huh?
- Yeah.
You don't got much pockets in there, huh?
- Not too many pockets there.
- We don't need pockets.
I couldn't live without pockets.
Look, I'm not a dentist,
but I enjoy discussing dental hygiene...
They're monkeys, they'll attack you.
They'll claw you to death.
I'd say gum stimulation, very important,
There are people, though,
let's face it, who do have a foot odor problem.
Are you saying I have dirty feet?
- Your name is what again? I forgot.
- Bridget.
- And you are?
- Holly.
Maybe we should go bowling sometime?
I don't think you want to go bowling with me.
Let's pretend to be ventriloquists, okay?
They do impressive work in Korea.
You're wanted at the grotto now, baby.
Ah. Excuse me.
- See you later.
- Bye bye.
The Playboy mansion?
That's where you were?
You didn't think that I would mind that you're running around with nude women?
There's no nude women. They covered all up when they saw me.
You have no idea how hard I've been working on your birthday present.
I had this phone number written on the back of a magazine,
which you threw out.
- I'm sorry.
And I finally got it back.
I have arranged for you to have lunch and play a round of golf with Gary Player.
- Gary Player?
- Yes, because he's a huge "Seinfeld" fan,
and now I just feel like, why...?
- Wait, wait, wait!
- What are you doing? No, no, no!
- I'm think I'm just going to rip it up...
Wait, wait.
- No, I don't think you deserve this.
- Oh, my god.
- Yes.
- No, no, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
But what can I say?
I knew you were already mad at me for the magazine, okay?
So I figured, I might as well go to the mansion,
so one apology would cover both of them.
- That was your logic?
You know, it's like the dog who pees on the rug.
He knows he's getting sent to the doghouse,
so on the way, he grabs some food off the kitchen table.
It's the "double transgression" theory.
How did you even know that I like Gary Player, by the way?
I remember you said when you were a kid you loved Gary Player
and he was your favorite. You liked him more than Palmer...
- You remembered that?
- I remembered that.
Okay, watch the step. You got a step and you got a little carpet here.
Hey ya guys.
- Hi.
- Hey!
Hey, you know what I did last night?
- I had a date.
- The playmate?
You betcha. Bobbi Sue.
- It's going great. She's terrific.
- Fantastic.
- I know, huh?
- How about your nephew over here, huh?
Yeah, that's worth the trip from New York, huh?
How's it going, pops? How's the nursing home?
Eh, I don't like it there so much. You know.
- Why?
- We'll put you someplace else.
They steal from me.
I am telling you something, Larry.
- They're stealing from me.
- They're stealing?
You know my beautiful jacket, my smoking jacket?
With the red and the... and satin?
Yeah, sure. Your smoking jacket.
- They took it.
- No, no, no.
- They took my smoking jacket.
- Uncle Nat, no, no.
You sent it to me.
Well you actually probably meant to send it to me for my birthday.
No, you sent it to me because my name was on the package.
- You always said you wanted me to have it.
- You gave it to me.
- Hey, gentlemen!
- He sent it to me Larry!
- Yeah but he always...
- You said... Nat...
Why the hell would I send that beautiful jacket to either of you?
I love that jacket.
All right, hold on.
What's that?
What the heck is this?
This is not my... this is not my smoking jacket.
- It's not.
- Well I'm sorry.
My jacket is a Roselli jacket. Take a look at this thing.
Take a look at the seams here.
It's a shmata, man. It's not my...
this is a knock-off of my jacket.
- What?
- How did you get a hold of this dreck?
- This is a knock-off?
- It's a knock-off.
- It's a cheap, cheap imitation.
- This is not a Roselli?
This is not a Roselli.
How did you get it?
Holy shit.
All right. I'll get your jacket back.
- All right...
- Today. I'm getting it back today.
- All right.
- Hugh Hefner. He's got my jacket.
Hugh Hefner has your jacket?
Hugh Hefner took my jacket?
- Hi.
- Larry.
Sorry... sorry for bothering you but...
the other day when I was here, I mistakenly
took the wrong smoking jacket and...
I'm sorry, this is your smoking jacket.
That one's actually my father's. I apologize.
I don't think so.
This is a Roselli.
That's a knock-off.
No, no no.
This is the Roselli.
That's the knock-off.
That's my father's.
I can tell the difference.
- That's the knock-off.
- Well, here.
Maybe you should take another look at it.
I really haven't got time for this.
They're waiting for me upstairs.
- I'm sorry.
- You got the wrong jacket.
- I'm sorry.
- That's my father's jacket.
Who's waiting for you upstairs?
So, any... change?
Has he gotten any worse?
No, it's about the same.
No worse, no better.
- Damn.
- Yeah. You know,
I have to tell you that I'm quite impressed with your dedication...
- Really?
- visiting this patient.
Oh, thank you, Doctor.
That's very nice of you though.
Well, it is my friend's cousin.
How do you know if he's dead?
Well, it's pretty simple.
There's no heartbeat, no brain activity,
and if anything happens...
- Because he's an organ donor,
and his organs need to be free.
- Yes, I understand that.
We've got that under...
- If he sits here like a lox
for a couple of weeks the organs aren't going to be worth it.
Well, I don't think that will be a problem,
we got that covered.
- Okay. Well, thank you.
Okay, listen... once again like I said,
it's very nice of you to do what you're doing with him...
Oh yeah, it's the least I could do.
- Well, good. Good talking to you, okay?
- Okay. I'll see you later.
- Ah...!
- Wasn't that lovely?
Yes, look who's here.
Hmm. How's it going with the wish?
- I don't know, I'm kind of out of ideas.
- Um-hmm. Really?
- Hey, you know, I took you...
- You owe me!
I took you to the Playboy mansion.
- What else do you want me to do?
- I want to see a naked woman.
All right, get dressed. I'll think of something.
- Where are we going?
- I don't know. I'll have to think.
- Hurry up. Get dressed. Come on.
- Okay.
You're getting to be a real pain in the ass, you know that?
- What are we doing here?
- I forgot my cell phone.
My wife's in New York.
She gets very aggravated if she can't get in touch with me 24 hours a day.
I have to have constant contact all the time.
Whoa. Is this place your house?
Nah, we're just renting. They're working on my house.
Oh, my god.
So Wilson, have you thought about another wish?
Yes, I have.
My wish is for Hugh Hefner's smoking jacket.
The red one with the black trim.
The Roselli.
- Larry.
- Hey, Gary.
- What a pleasure.
- Great to meet you.
Oh, nice to meet you. I've been such a fan of "Seinfeld"
and to have lunch with you, and 18 holes of golf,
what a way to have a day.
- Oh, my god.
- Come right in.
I can't believe my wife got in touch with you to do this.
- It's unbelievable.
- Hang on to her, she's a good one.
This jacket?
My friend gave it to me for a birthday present.
It's uncanny, Larry.
That's exactly like the jacket they award you when you win the masters.
Now there's a 1961 masters jacket.
- Wow.
- Isn't that a beauty?
- Look at this? Exactly the same.
- Exactly.
- Why don't you try it on?
- Really?
Yeah, absolutely. Put it on.
I cannot get over how similar this jacket is to that.
You mind if I just go and have a look at this in the mirror?
What? This is the one you beat Palmer in '61, right?
Absolutely. Come on.
Look at that. Hey, it fits you.
You'll have to excuse me a minute.
Subtitles by Eyedol
Transcript by Raceman.
All right!
Happy birthday!
What did you wish for?
That's personal.
Yeah. Yeah, I know what you wished for.
You don't know what I wished for... and it's none of your business, really.
- Oh, I know.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah, I do.
- What, what, what?
What did you wish for?
You know, it's a personal thing. It's a wish.
- You wished...
- I don't like to say what I wished for.
You wished that Louis Lewis would die,
so you don't have to give up your own kidney to Richard.
Yeah, right.
- That's what it was.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, trust me.
- No, it wasn't.
- Oh yes.
- Who would do something like that?
You! You, that's who... you!
You think I would wish for somebody who's in a coma,
who's practically a vegetable, to die,
just so I wouldn't have to give up my own kidney?
Let's go. Open her up.
Look at this.
- The guy got me a present, huh?
- It's nice.
- What a guy!
- Yes, indeed.
It's good to have a big friend, you can really smack him around.
You know, look at that!
- You know, it doesn't hurt.
- Don't feel a thing.
- Doesn't hurt him, doesn't feel anything.
- Don't feel a thing.
Take a pop at him. Go ahead, take a pop.
Take a pop. Doesn't feel anything.
- Here, let me help you.
- What? What are you doing?
- I got it.
- Come on. I wrapped it.
- I know how to do it.
- Doesn't matter. It's my gift!
- Let me do it!
- What? It's my present. Let go.
- Let go with the package.
- All right!
Let go.
- I know what it is.
- Yes, indeed.
- I know what it is.
- What is it? What is it?
It's a green... it's a green sport jacket.
He has one and I complimented him on it.
And he remembered what I said and he got me this.
This is the best birthday I ever had.
Best birthday a fellow could ever have.
I noticed that you haven't...
contributed anything to...
- I know, my gift is on hold.
I have to confirm something before I give it to you.
- Really?
- No, it's gonna be so good.
- It's gonna be so good.
- When am I going to get it?
- As soon as I have 100% confirmation.
- Really?
And you're going to love it. Just trust me.
- Aw.
- Yeah, but you'll love it.
- Come on.
- You're going to love it.
- Try the jacket on.
- Trust me.
Oh, one second.
- How are you?
- All right.
- How are you, Mr. Birthday boy today?
- Pretty good, pretty good.
- Oh, you remembered.
- Remember, please.
- I can't believe it.
- Who can forget? Oh, you kiddin'!
Who'd forget this day.
How's your dad?
He's... you know, he's all right.
The hearing is going and the mind is, you know, it's...
This is tragic, 'cause this guy, he was sharp.
Yeah, but he's not... he forgets things,
he doesn't remember stuff anymore. Yeah...
Well, at least it's not his hip.
Because once it's in the hip, then you're gone.
They all... they say you're gone.
- Look who's here.
- Hi, Andy. How are you, pal?
- Good to see you.
- How are you, Jeffrey?
Good to see you.
I forgot to tell you something so important.
Hef invited me to a party at the mansion.
- Really?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Want to go to the Playboy mansion?
Yeah, do I want to? Yeah, but can I? I don't know.
Come on. We'll be "going to a movie" or something.
- There's no way. Come on.
- Oh, come on. You'll have fun.
I'd love to go.
I got to go to the bathroom. Pardon me a sec.
Oh, hey, let me ask you something.
did your parents ever mention anything to you about me being...
When my father was lying on the hospital bed...
I've never heard anything like this.
Nat never said anything to me, to my mom,
- nothing.
- Parents never said anything?
This is wild.
- I hired a private investigator.
- No, you didn't.
Yeah, I should hear something pretty soon.
No! You know what, Larry? You're nuts.
You're out of your mind.
Just leave it alone.
I'm going to go say hey to Cheryl.
Oh, good afternoon.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Can I help you?
I'm a friend of his cousin.
Richard Lewis...
Oh, yes, yes. Mr. Lewis. Yes. Right, yeah.
Yes, that's too bad. It's too bad.
How's he doing?
Well, unfortunately he's not doing too well.
He's in an irreversible coma.
And uh, as you can see...
we got him set up on life support.
- I see, yeah.
Prognosis isn't good. So...
how long do you think he has?
- I beg your pardon?
- How long do you think he has?
It's hard to say. It could be days, weeks, months.
There's been cases where patients have been in comas for years.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah, yeah.
What do you think you're leaning more towards...
weeks or months?
It's hard to say.
If you had to pick one.
I don't know if I could pick one.
Take a shot.
What happens to the moustache in a coma?
- The moustache?
- Yeah, his moustache.
It continues to grow.
- There's a lady who comes in a couple times.
- Really?
The hospital has a barber?
Yeah. She's a nice lady.
She clips his moustache, she does his hair.
- She just works within the hospital or...
- Within the hospital, yes.
We just try and keep him comfortable,
and... you know...
seems a pity though, that...
these people like they... languish like this when the soul is crying to...
Yeah, I guess you could look at it that way.
He's got all these organs he could be donating.
You know what I mean?
Yeah. I suppose.
People they sit here with their organs and...
- Nice talking to you.
- People who are alive they need the...
What do you think you're doing?
You pull that plug and I'll tell.
No, it fell. It fell on the floor. I'm picking it up.
- Oh.
- Pulling plugs. Where did you get that from?
Well, you just looked like you were about to pull the plug.
You had your hands on it, you were kind of...
About to pull the plug? Are you crazy?
I heard your conversation.
So, what? You want this guy dead or something?
Listen, that's a very serious thing you're saying.
You're practically calling me a murderer. Okay, I'm not pulling any plug.
So, come on. Enough of that.
Okay. I'm willing to overlook this whole thing.
Are you? Boy. That's very nice of you, thank you.
- I appreciate that.
- If...
You grant my wish that the make-a-wish foundation turned down.
You'll forget about this?
You agree?
What was this wish that they wouldn't grant?
I want to see a naked woman.
- You want to see a naked woman?
- Um-hmm.
- That's your wish?
- Um-hmm.
- They wouldn't grant that wish?
- Of course not.
Imagine going through your whole life without seeing a naked woman.
- Hey, I almost did.
- Hmm...
So you're going to grant my wish?
Well, you know, I would love to help you out.
- What's your name?
- Wilson.
I'd like to help you out, Wilson, I really would,
but I don't know any naked women.
My wife, that's the only one I know.
- She's perfect.
- She's not going to do this.
Why not?
She's not going to come and take her clothes off for you.
Take me to your place.
Forget it. I would have to come up with somebody else.
Fine. That's your job.
- I'll think about it. Okay?
- You'll think about it?
- Yeah.
- You think about it.
Even if I had someone, how are you gonna get out of here anyway?
Oh, please, I sneak out all the time.
Have a nice day.
Oh, Andy.
This package is for you.
Open it up. What is it?
I don't know. It's from Nat.
- Oh, it's from your father.
- Yeah.
Look at that.
He sent me his smoking jacket.
- Wow.
- Wow. How lovely.
- Look at that.
- Why would he send this to me?
But it's beautiful.
- Wow.
- Okay. All right.
You know what this is about?
I'm sorry to tell you this.
This is probably a birthday gift for me.
I'll tell you why. 'Cause when we were younger,
whenever it was my birthday
my father would always send a gift to him so he wouldn't feel left out.
So, he kind of got confused,
you know, he's not... he's not the same as he was.
He kind of got confused and he must have written your name on it.
You think that he did not send this to me?
- Why would he send it to you?
- Look at this...
"Andy David."
Look up at the top, in the return is "Nat."
Andy, he didn't send me anything for my birthday.
- He always sends...
- You can't accept the fact that he sent me a gift.
He promised me this jacket.
- Who did?
- My father.
Oh, Larry, you're unbelievable.
You can't accept the fact that your father sent me a lovely gift.
He has no reason to send it to you. It's my birthday.
- Because he happens to love me.
- He's confused!
I have a question for you.
Have you seen that "us" magazine?
I had an "us" magazine that was...
it was in the other room, it...
I think I threw that out.
- Oh my god.
- What?
I had a phone number.
- A very important number written on it.
- What phone number?
Why did you throw away my magazine?
Because he took it in the bathroom and contaminated it.
- Oh...
- What?
- I what?
- Larry...
- All right Andy, let's get serious now, okay?
- What?
My father sent that jacket for me. That's a mistake.
My father would not just send you his jacket.
- He sent me a jacket.
- He promised me that jacket.
He gave it to me...
- He gave it to me because he likes me.
- It's a mistake.
You're taking advantage of an old man.
- You're like a little brat...
- I'm a brat?
You fucking moron! Give me that jacket.
No! No this is my jacket.
This is my jacket!
It's mine!
You know he promised that jacket to me.
It's unfair.
He didn't give me a birthday present. He's just confused.
It's so obvious.
It's a big bowl of wrong.
So, are you gonna go to the Playboy mansion?
I can't go, I'm so deep in the doghouse now.
She's really pissed off at me 'cause I threw away her magazine
that had a phone number on it.
Aw, come on man.
You're already in the doghouse, you can't get in any more trouble,
you might as well get your money's worth.
Yeah, might as well do something else wrong.
It's a "double transgression" theory.
- What an interesting theory.
- Well, thank you.
"Double transgression theory".
And I could ask that kid Wilson, to go with me.
Who's Wilson?
Oh, yeah, Wilson. I met this kid in the hospital...
They'll take less.
Trust me. Trust me, they'll take less.
Okay you call me back when you hear from them.
That'll be fine.
I'm on L.A. Time, okay?
All right. I'll talk to you later.
What is this? Huh?
Take this off.
This doesn't belong to you, you know it and I know it.
My father promised me this smoking jacket when I was 14 years old.
- Larry, move on. Move on...
- All right, you know what?
- Oh my goodness.
- I'm going to the Playboy mansion now, all right?
When I get back, I want you out of that jacket.
- You're going to the Playboy mansion?
- I don't want you walking around
in this jacket anymore.
- Hold on. Wait, wait, wait...
Larry... take me.
I want to go.
- Can I go?
- Really?
Oh, what would this do to my trip?
- To go to the Playboy mansion!
- That would be great, wouldn't it?
- Please.
- It's not really my decision.
- It would make my trip so beautiful.
- I know, Andy.
I wish I could help you.
I really do. I wish I could.
- You can help me. Just ask Jeff.
- I don't know...
What's one guy, what's two guys?
- Oh, I got an idea.
- What?
- You want to go to the Playboy mansion?
- Yeah.
You really want to go?
Give me the jacket.
You got it.
- I'm going to go up and change.
- Wait a second.
I'm taking it to the drycleaner. Take it off.
Here, here, here.
Speak into the rock.
What's your business, please?
Jeff Greene and three guests.
Proceed up the driveway please.
- Wow.
- Wow.
Look at this thing, huh?
Mercedes Benz, SL300 SI.
- You know it, huh?
- Um-hmm.
What did you do?
What is with you?
What? I...
- What did you do?
- I don't know.
I got to use the bathroom.
Well... hey...
- How do you do?
- Hello there.
- Hi, Larry David.
- Hugh Hefner.
- Yes, nice to meet you.
- My pleasure, welcome.
- Hi, I'm Holly.
- Hello. Hi.
- Bridget.
- Hello. Hi.
- You're a guest of...?
- Jeff Greene.
- Yes. Sure.
- Oh, you know him?
- Sure.
- See, I thought he was pretending the whole time.
- No, it's true.
- Ah interesting.
What's that animal walking around outside with the long neck?
What do you call that?
Well, it's probably a flamingo.
Oh, flamingo.
I'm not good at identifying birds and animals.
You know, like sneakers, I can identify.
Converse, Adidas, I know all that stuff.
I know sneakers, birds I don't know from.
This is...
you know what?
This smoking jacket...
my father's got the exact same smoking jacket.
Hmmm, I doubt it.
- Doubt it?
- Well, it's an original.
I have them imported from Italy.
- Really?
- It's a Roselli.
One of a kind.
I don't know.
- You know what?
- Hmm?
I got it right out in the car.
- Well, I'd like to see it.
- Would you?
- Sure.
- Can I go get it?
- Then stay right here.
- Okay.
I'll go get the smoking jacket. Stay right here.
I think it's the exact same one. I'm not kidding.
What's the matter with you?
- What's the matter with me?
- Yeah.
You ruined my wish.
It could have been a coincidence.
They ran away from you, Larry.
It wasn't my fault.
Well, it was obviously something about you that made them do that.
Do me a favor, hand me that jacket.
Because I want to show it to Hefner.
What do you mean you want to show it? Listen, get in the car.
Really, I'm... this whole day was just a mess.
Come on, hand me the jacket.
- No.
- What?
- No. Just get in the car, come on.
- What's the matter with you?
- I wanna go.
- Look, you little shit...
what the... give me that jacket!
I didn't knock.
I figured you knew I was going out...
- I could just come in...
- Sure.
So I took that liberty. I hope it's okay.
What do you think?
- I'm amazed.
- It's the same thing.
Well, it's not a Roselli but it's a great knock-off.
- Really?
- Yeah, let me try it on.
There you go.
It even fits.
Wait till my father hears that Hugh Hefner was trying on his smoking jacket.
He's going to freak out.
Wow. Pretty good.
- It looks good.
- Yeah.
Pretty, pretty good.
Let me look at it in the mirror.
Not bad.
Excuse me.
Where do you live?
In Los Angeles.
I noticed they got some...
- What, they got some monkeys out there, huh?
- Yeah.
You don't got much pockets in there, huh?
- Not too many pockets there.
- We don't need pockets.
I couldn't live without pockets.
Look, I'm not a dentist,
but I enjoy discussing dental hygiene...
They're monkeys, they'll attack you.
They'll claw you to death.
I'd say gum stimulation, very important,
There are people, though,
let's face it, who do have a foot odor problem.
Are you saying I have dirty feet?
- Your name is what again? I forgot.
- Bridget.
- And you are?
- Holly.
Maybe we should go bowling sometime?
I don't think you want to go bowling with me.
Let's pretend to be ventriloquists, okay?
They do impressive work in Korea.
You're wanted at the grotto now, baby.
Ah. Excuse me.
- See you later.
- Bye bye.
The Playboy mansion?
That's where you were?
You didn't think that I would mind that you're running around with nude women?
There's no nude women. They covered all up when they saw me.
You have no idea how hard I've been working on your birthday present.
I had this phone number written on the back of a magazine,
which you threw out.
- I'm sorry.
And I finally got it back.
I have arranged for you to have lunch and play a round of golf with Gary Player.
- Gary Player?
- Yes, because he's a huge "Seinfeld" fan,
and now I just feel like, why...?
- Wait, wait, wait!
- What are you doing? No, no, no!
- I'm think I'm just going to rip it up...
Wait, wait.
- No, I don't think you deserve this.
- Oh, my god.
- Yes.
- No, no, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
But what can I say?
I knew you were already mad at me for the magazine, okay?
So I figured, I might as well go to the mansion,
so one apology would cover both of them.
- That was your logic?
You know, it's like the dog who pees on the rug.
He knows he's getting sent to the doghouse,
so on the way, he grabs some food off the kitchen table.
It's the "double transgression" theory.
How did you even know that I like Gary Player, by the way?
I remember you said when you were a kid you loved Gary Player
and he was your favorite. You liked him more than Palmer...
- You remembered that?
- I remembered that.
Okay, watch the step. You got a step and you got a little carpet here.
Hey ya guys.
- Hi.
- Hey!
Hey, you know what I did last night?
- I had a date.
- The playmate?
You betcha. Bobbi Sue.
- It's going great. She's terrific.
- Fantastic.
- I know, huh?
- How about your nephew over here, huh?
Yeah, that's worth the trip from New York, huh?
How's it going, pops? How's the nursing home?
Eh, I don't like it there so much. You know.
- Why?
- We'll put you someplace else.
They steal from me.
I am telling you something, Larry.
- They're stealing from me.
- They're stealing?
You know my beautiful jacket, my smoking jacket?
With the red and the... and satin?
Yeah, sure. Your smoking jacket.
- They took it.
- No, no, no.
- They took my smoking jacket.
- Uncle Nat, no, no.
You sent it to me.
Well you actually probably meant to send it to me for my birthday.
No, you sent it to me because my name was on the package.
- You always said you wanted me to have it.
- You gave it to me.
- Hey, gentlemen!
- He sent it to me Larry!
- Yeah but he always...
- You said... Nat...
Why the hell would I send that beautiful jacket to either of you?
I love that jacket.
All right, hold on.
What's that?
What the heck is this?
This is not my... this is not my smoking jacket.
- It's not.
- Well I'm sorry.
My jacket is a Roselli jacket. Take a look at this thing.
Take a look at the seams here.
It's a shmata, man. It's not my...
this is a knock-off of my jacket.
- What?
- How did you get a hold of this dreck?
- This is a knock-off?
- It's a knock-off.
- It's a cheap, cheap imitation.
- This is not a Roselli?
This is not a Roselli.
How did you get it?
Holy shit.
All right. I'll get your jacket back.
- All right...
- Today. I'm getting it back today.
- All right.
- Hugh Hefner. He's got my jacket.
Hugh Hefner has your jacket?
Hugh Hefner took my jacket?
- Hi.
- Larry.
Sorry... sorry for bothering you but...
the other day when I was here, I mistakenly
took the wrong smoking jacket and...
I'm sorry, this is your smoking jacket.
That one's actually my father's. I apologize.
I don't think so.
This is a Roselli.
That's a knock-off.
No, no no.
This is the Roselli.
That's the knock-off.
That's my father's.
I can tell the difference.
- That's the knock-off.
- Well, here.
Maybe you should take another look at it.
I really haven't got time for this.
They're waiting for me upstairs.
- I'm sorry.
- You got the wrong jacket.
- I'm sorry.
- That's my father's jacket.
Who's waiting for you upstairs?
So, any... change?
Has he gotten any worse?
No, it's about the same.
No worse, no better.
- Damn.
- Yeah. You know,
I have to tell you that I'm quite impressed with your dedication...
- Really?
- visiting this patient.
Oh, thank you, Doctor.
That's very nice of you though.
Well, it is my friend's cousin.
How do you know if he's dead?
Well, it's pretty simple.
There's no heartbeat, no brain activity,
and if anything happens...
- Because he's an organ donor,
and his organs need to be free.
- Yes, I understand that.
We've got that under...
- If he sits here like a lox
for a couple of weeks the organs aren't going to be worth it.
Well, I don't think that will be a problem,
we got that covered.
- Okay. Well, thank you.
Okay, listen... once again like I said,
it's very nice of you to do what you're doing with him...
Oh yeah, it's the least I could do.
- Well, good. Good talking to you, okay?
- Okay. I'll see you later.
- Ah...!
- Wasn't that lovely?
Yes, look who's here.
Hmm. How's it going with the wish?
- I don't know, I'm kind of out of ideas.
- Um-hmm. Really?
- Hey, you know, I took you...
- You owe me!
I took you to the Playboy mansion.
- What else do you want me to do?
- I want to see a naked woman.
All right, get dressed. I'll think of something.
- Where are we going?
- I don't know. I'll have to think.
- Hurry up. Get dressed. Come on.
- Okay.
You're getting to be a real pain in the ass, you know that?
- What are we doing here?
- I forgot my cell phone.
My wife's in New York.
She gets very aggravated if she can't get in touch with me 24 hours a day.
I have to have constant contact all the time.
Whoa. Is this place your house?
Nah, we're just renting. They're working on my house.
Oh, my god.
So Wilson, have you thought about another wish?
Yes, I have.
My wish is for Hugh Hefner's smoking jacket.
The red one with the black trim.
The Roselli.
- Larry.
- Hey, Gary.
- What a pleasure.
- Great to meet you.
Oh, nice to meet you. I've been such a fan of "Seinfeld"
and to have lunch with you, and 18 holes of golf,
what a way to have a day.
- Oh, my god.
- Come right in.
I can't believe my wife got in touch with you to do this.
- It's unbelievable.
- Hang on to her, she's a good one.
This jacket?
My friend gave it to me for a birthday present.
It's uncanny, Larry.
That's exactly like the jacket they award you when you win the masters.
Now there's a 1961 masters jacket.
- Wow.
- Isn't that a beauty?
- Look at this? Exactly the same.
- Exactly.
- Why don't you try it on?
- Really?
Yeah, absolutely. Put it on.
I cannot get over how similar this jacket is to that.
You mind if I just go and have a look at this in the mirror?
What? This is the one you beat Palmer in '61, right?
Absolutely. Come on.
Look at that. Hey, it fits you.
You'll have to excuse me a minute.
Subtitles by Eyedol
Transcript by Raceman.