Charmed (1998–2006): Season 7, Episode 3 - Cheaper by the Coven - full transcript
When summoned for Chris' Wiccaning, Grams puts a spell on her grandchildren to stop their sibling rivalry and inadvertently reverts the sisters back to bickering teenagers.
I have things to do, too, you know.
I have all these parents on my back right now.
Oh, and my freshman potions class?
Let's see, I ordered five hundred dried toads.
What did I get?
Hmm, five hundred wet ones.
Look, Paige, it's just really hard for
me to get on board with this when Piper,
the actual mother,
is totally against doing a wiccaning.
That's what Grams is here for, to convince her.
Look at Wyatt.
He didn't have one until he was six months old,
and he almost turned evil.
Now, look at that little sweet face.
You want a repeat of that?
No, of course I don't.
Hear me now. Hear my cry.
Spirit from the other side,
cross now the great divide.
You mean she is still lying about her age?
Huh? Um ... what?
Not a good time, girls. I'm busy.
You're dead.
Well, it doesn't mean I can't have a life.
Oh, well. All right.
Hello, darlings.
Aw, sweetie.
Oh, so, what brings me down here?
A wiccaning for your great grandson.
Providing Piper doesn't kill us first.
A wiccaning? Uh, I thought we already did that.
Not for Baby Chris.
Um ... help me out here.
Last time I knew, he was a six-foot whitelighter.
Yeah, that was Chris from the future.
This is Baby Chris now.
Piper and Leo had this night...
do you really need us to explain this to you,
or can you just be happy to see him?
Oh, good gracious. Wyatt has a little baby brother.
Oh, you're so sweet.
So, when does Piper want to do this?
Well, technically ... ? Never.
You can't deny this child his ancestral blessings.
It's a witch's compass for good.
I mean, who knows what terrible evils
could befall him otherwise.
See, now that's the kind of stuff
that Piper needs to hear.
Wyatt, don't pick on your little brother like that.
Now give it back.
What was that all about?
He's fine.
He probably just orbed himself up to his room.
He's having a hard time right now.
His dad's never around.
His little brother's getting all the attention.
He's constantly being chased
by the underworld, you know?
Well, I'm afraid he's just
gonna have to get used to it.
He's two.
Right. Well, here.
I'll go up and apologize.
Still think this was a good idea?
Looks like I didn't get here a minute too soon.
Charmed Season 7 Episode 3
"Cheaper by the coven"
Transcripted by Intrepid.
Synchro by Greatouille.
Oh, no, that's ok, Jerry.
Just, you know, get here whenever you can.
Ok? Thanks. Bye.
You ok, Piper?
Yeah. Why?
Well, a beer shipment delayed so close to the weekend...
just figured there'd be more fireworks.
Oh, no. It's no big deal.
We'll just charge more for the ginger ale.
I'm kidding.
See, there you go again.
I don't know what, but something's going on.
No. You know how people just leave
things up to a higher power?
Well, I'm trying to live my life without any powers.
Makes for a lot less stress.
Until now.
What's that face for?
A sister can't come by without
there being something wrong?
What's up?
Nothing. Nothing's up.
You know, why would you think anything was up?
I just came by to tell my sister that
I finally won a Reader's Choice Award.
Yeah, and maybe there's one more thing, you know.
Something happened today after we summoned Grams.
What? What? Why did you summon Grams?
For Chris' wiccaning.
It was Paige's idea, not mine. Don't blame me.
What did I say? I don't want any magic.
Look, I know my kids can't have a completely normal life,
but I've got to give it a shot.
Yes, absolutely, and I think we should start tomorrow,
because, uh, a demon attacked Wyatt.
And you wait till now to tell me?!
Well, I didn't want to worry you.
And he's okay, Piper.
Oh, hi, sweetie. How are you?
Don't you "sweetie" me.
Where are the boys?
Oh, they're both perfectly fine.
Paige took them to magic school.
Leo, now!
Honey, are you sure you want him down here?
I mean, considering that
he can't even tell good from evil anymore.
Well, you know, lost soul and all.
Oh, uh, Paige filled me in.
Ok, first of all, our children's safety is Leo's number one priority.
No matter how "lost" he may be.
What's the matter? What happened?
A demon attacked Wyatt. He's okay. He's at the school ...
What kind of demon was it?
No idea. It had some sort of creepy mask.
Oh, and it struck me down with a lightning bolt.
I can't believe this is happening.
I can't do this again.
Don't worry. I'm gonna go back down there.
I'm gonna find out who it was.
Down there? As in the underworld?
Hang out there a lot, do you?
Best place to vanquish demons, isn't it?
Listen, Piper. Uh, far be it from me to meddle.
Then don't. Because you're already pressing
your luck being here in the first place.
Yeah, I know about the wiccaning.
I don't know why you're being so stubborn about it.
I mean, what better way to ward off demon attacks?
The demon went after Wyatt, not his brother.
Well, all the more reason to protect Chris.
Except for the fact that Wyatt's wiccaning
didn't really protect him, now, did it?
Aside from the fact that it almost destroyed you,
or do you not remember your friend the Necromancer?
I just need to find out who the hell is after my son.
I saw that, Wyatt. You give that back to your little
brother while I find out who's trying to kill you.
Well, whoever it is can't get to him here.
These guys are protected.
Yes, Wyatt is, but his little brother is not so protected from him.
It's gotta be tough for him.
He's a new kid on the block.
Suddenly he's yesterday's news now. I mean ...
Spoken like a true older brother.
Student Progress Reports?
But the year hasn't gone on long enough
for there to be any progress.
Afraid I can't help you with that, Miss Matthews,
but I did find something on masked demons.
"Paige", please. What do you got?
A couple of possibilities.
Could be an Aztec Demon, Chinese false face demon.
Any of those look familiar?
No, Ben, I'm sorry, they don't.
When I took this job I had no idea
just how much work it would be.
Who knows what I'm letting slip through the cracks?
I think I just found the first thing.
Your nephew.
Wyatt, where did you orb your little brother?
No, Paige, he's not here. Where the hell is he?
Oh, I hope this is yours, 'cause it sure isn't mine.
Thank god. I got him.
Hi there, you. And you.
Hi. I stepped up on the porch and
all of a sudden the little guy just flies into my arms.
Yeah. His brother orbed him from magic school.
Oh. Is that normal?
It has been lately.
Victor. What are you doing here?
And a big hello to you, too, Penny.
I was invited for a wiccaning.
Oh. Sorry.
Wiccanings are only for magical family members.
That's not what Paige says.
Well, Paige doesn't know all the rules.
Ok, I can see this is gonna go really well,
but it really doesn't matter who was invited
because there isn't going to be a wiccaning.
Paige seems to think that if she crams
enough family members down my throat
that I'm gonna give in, but it's not gonna work,
because nothing is working.
There is some creepy-ass demon after my son,
and now Wyatt wants to orb his brother
all over creation for god only knows what reason.
Well, isn't that just boys being boys?
I mean, there's always gonna be some sibling rivalry.
No, actually, it's not.
This is not them fighting over toys.
They nearly kill each other in the future.
You know, there's an easy way
to nip this thing in the bud.
And what would that be, exactly?
Snakes and ladders, a very unfortunate halter top,
but I don't see a little black book.
I do.
Oh. Thank you.
Don't want me looking up the old boyfriends, huh?
They were in a much bigger book, thank you.
No, these contain spells I used to use
on the girls when they were younger.
You used spells on my daughters?
Oh, every now and then. Hey.
You try raising three girls by yourself,
keeping them in line.
How else was I gonna stop them from misbehaving.
Oh, gee, I don't know. By talking to them?
Hey, how's about we just find that damn spell?
How's that sound?
That's your answer for everything, isn't it?
I was essentially a single parent.
Patty was dead, and it's not
as if you were ever around.
You wouldn't allow me to be.
Okay. Do I need to find something to separate you two?
You know, your daughters only ended up
saving the world every other week.
Believe it or not, it might have had
something to do with the way I raised them.
Found it.
"Spell to Resolve Sibling Rivalry."
Oh, good, good.
I'll get the boys, and you call your sisters.
We'll get rid of the rivalry, and then you can use
the Power of Three to vanquish the demon, okay?
Great. More magic.
Uh -- do you have any other suggestions?
I have a suggestion.
The next time "Ask Phoebe" wins an award,
you should probably try calling Phoebe.
Hey, let me get back to you, Diane.
Sorry. Research.
So what's goin' on?
Uh, did you just hear what I said?
Yeah. I wasn't trying to snake the award from you.
I was actually gonna accept it on
your behalf because I was under the,
now great mistaken impression
that you were actually taking some time off.
Just one second. Yeah, this is Leslie.
Hey, Rachel.
Hm. Research?
Uh ... ... no, this is personal.
Yeah, can I call you back?
Great. Now, where was I?
You were making some lame excuse
about how you were about
to accept an award for something you didn't write.
Actually, I did write it.
You know, Phoebe, when ...
I write these columns, I'm really...
I'm really trying to channel you and your "vibe".
Spare me the false humility.
Yeah, it was pretty false.
Well, look, why don't we go to this thing together?
It's today. It's not too late.
You can go and accept the award yourself.
No, I think that you should go accept it
and maybe bring one of your phone pals with you.
Okay. Let's make this quick.
I have four real angry parents
waiting for me in the office.
Well, here's my other grandson.
Um, come along, darling.
I need you to stand by your little brother. Right there.
You do know what you're doing, right?
Paige, dear. We're getting our wiccaning.
I said maybe we have a few more pressing issues
to deal with at the moment.
Hmm, what changed your mind?
Nothing. Although it's getting harder and harder to say
no with the arrival of a new family
member every five minutes.
All right, are you two ready to finally get along?
Cast your petty jealousies to darkest night.
Let these feuding siblings no longer fight.
Ok. Shouldn't those stop now?
Grams, are you sure this is the right spell?
Remind me to never go on sabbatical again.
'Cause that Leslie is such a jerkface!
Oh, please, you so like him.
- I do not!
- Do, too!
- I do not, Piper!
- So like him.
- I do not, Paige.
- Do, too!
- Do not, Piper!
Why don't you just marry him already?
Why don't you just marry Leo?
'Cause I already did.
Leo. Leo.
I don't want to get married.
Girls! He's here. Piper, blast him!
Hmm, any more great ideas?
I am so outta here!
Phoebe, do not go out that front door.
Try and stop me.
Jeez! Blow my head off, why don't you?
Oh, come on. It was an accident.
Paige, no one leaves this house until I reverse that spell.
- Phoebe, don't.
- I mean it, Paige!
Uh, Phoebe?
Phoebe, don't you dare leave this house.
Why not? Paige did.
That doesn't count.
She probably went to magic school.
Yeah, well, I'm going to the Reader's Choice Awards.
Phoebe, you've got more important things
to worry about than some silly award -
Way to go, Grams.
Piper, don't be rude.
Look, it's not my fault.
It's only the stupidest book ever.
And you said the stupid spell
would work, and it didn't.
So you know what? I'm ...
Let this girl, Quick as a sneeze,
Stop this snit and quickly freeze.
That's better.
Why is my daughter a statue?
She's fine. She'll thaw out in a minute.
How do I know she won't be this way forever,
that it won't backfire like your last brilliant spell?
Have you heard a peep out of those boys?
No. Because the spell worked,
pulled the rivalry right out of them.
Unfortunately, it went into the nearest set of siblings.
In this case, the girls.
Anyway, they know everything
that's going on in their adult lives.
The only difference is they're not adults.
Yeah, well, just tell me how to get them back to normal.
Easy. I just have to figure out a reversal spell.
Hopefully before the demon returns.
Oh, we've gotta get the boys to magic school.
They'll be safe there.
All right, tell me how to get there.
You don't. Magic school is not for mortals.
Well, they'll just have to make
an exception, won't they?
Forget it, Victor. Call Leo. He'll take them.
Kind of an odd place for an Elder to visit.
Then again, the word is you can't get enough
of the dark side these days.
Someone from the underworld is after my son.
I wanna know who.
You mean the demon? Nah.
I don't think so. They know better by now.
Obviously, somebody doesn't.
Tell me, what makes you so sure it's not an Elder,
someone who thinks that maybe
your friend Gideon was right?
Not any more Elders are gonna die by my hands.
I can't say the same thing for demons.
Can you even tell the difference anymore?
You know, I'm kinda liking
this new side of you. It's not as goopy.
Last time. Who's trying to kill my son?
You want an answer? You'll find it in there.
Looks like the only threat to your son is you.
No! It's a lie!
The pool never lies.
Ok, try this.
Words that cast a sibling glow ...
What? I told you, I'm not doing this.
I'm not writing anything down.
I'm not doing magic.
Do you remember the first time you were this age,
when I sat you and your sisters
down and we had "The Talk"?
Grams, I already know all about sex. And no offense,
but I don't wanna talk about it
with you 'cause that's really gross.
Oh, not the sex talk, silly.
The witch talk.
So what did you tell us?
Why being a witch was such an important part of my life
and what it meant to me and
what it might mean to you someday.
Did you tell us that Prue and mom were gonna die?
Or that Leo was gonna lose his marbles,
or that demons were gonna be chasing
after us all the time everywhere?
Piper, I didn't know any of
those things were going to happen.
But if I did, I would've done
everything in my power to stop it.
I'd like to think that being
a witch gave you the inner strength
you needed to deal with
all those sadnesses in your life.
Did you ever think about that?
You called?
But hi!
Victor called you. He's in the other room.
Piper, where are you going?
What's up?
How are you, Leo?
Hey, you don't look so good.
You know what, dad?
You could try maybe being a little bit nice to Leo.
What do you think, huh?
Piper, are you ok? You don't seem --
Oh, she's fine. We're fixing it.
Leo, we need you to take the boys
to magic school for their safety.
Do you have a problem with that?
Never mind. We'll, uh, just keep them here.
I can take them.
You don't look like you can.
What are you saying?
I don't know what's wrong with you, Leo --
Nothing is wrong with me.
Where are you going?
To protect my children.
You know, I don't understand
why you guys have to be so mean to Leo.
You know, in case you haven't heard,
he's kind of going through a hard time right about now.
I mean, jeez!
We gotta turn these girls back fast.
I'm gonna finish the spell and get Paige.
Uh, make yourself useful, okay? Get Phoebe.
Oh, I'll take one of those.
This is so cool. They didn't even card me.
I didn't expect to see you here.
No. I changed my mind 'cause it's my award,
and I'm not gonna share it with anybody. So there.
Phoebe, are you drunk?
If I could please have everyone's attention.
This year's winner of the San Francisco
reader's choice award for single best column is...
The Bay Mirror's Phoebe Halliwell.
Hey, it's not too late.
If you still want me to go up there for you, I can.
Yeah. Nice try.
Thank you. Wow. This...
I mean, this is so awesome.
This is so, like, totally, amazingly awesome.
Really, totally awesome. Thanks.
Uh, in your column...
Yeah. You mean the bestest column in all the world?
You gave great advice to that woman. I'm just curious.
Was it based on something that happened to you?
Um, yeah, actually. It did happen to me.
It was very sad. Okay, next question.
Wait. Wait.
Would you mind telling me what that thing was?
You mean, You mean what...
You mean what happened to me?
It was actually something that happened to me.
If I can answer the question.
I'm lucky enough to work with Phoebe at the paper.
Anyway, a few years back, this girl, she dumped me,
and I was really broken up about it,
'cause I thought she was "the one", you know
and the whole thing made me gun-shy about relationships...
So, anyway, Phoebe takes me aside one day,
and she says...
She says, uh, let me tell you about "The One."
The one is the person who sees you for the idiot you are,
but they still want you in their life. That's the one.
And I told her, I said,
"Phoebe, I think that's great advice"
and not just for me, and I guess
that's really how it got in her column.
Thank you. Yeah. That's what happened.
Thank you.
Oh, my god. Oh, my god, Leslie, thank you so much.
I was so scared up there, and I was so nervous
that I thought I was going to hurl.
You're welcome. Are you all right?
You still seem a little...
Yeah, I'm fine. I can't believe I just hugged you.
Okay, I have to go.
Miss Matthews.
Yeah. Stop calling me Miss Matthews. It's Paige.
Okay, uh, Paige,
is there something I can help you with?
I would actually like to talk
to you for a little bit if I could.
Paige, what's going on?
What'd you call me out here for?
Oh, my god. How old are you anyway?
Okay, big mistake. No. One kiss, okay?
Shh! That's it. We're not going to second base.
Oh, come on.
She said no.
Robbing the cradle. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Come along, dear. Time to grow up.
I'll dream about you.
This is Leslie. Hello? Hello?
All right, give it to me. I'm calling him myself.
No, don't you dare!
Phoebe, do you wanna know if he likes you or not?
Yeah, but wait. If he asks, I'm not here, okay?
I'm not even in the house anywhere.
Okay, already.
Phoebe and Leslie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Give it to me!
Stay here. Protect the boys.
You, come with me.
Close the door.
I found the demon who's after Wyatt.
You did? When? Where?
There he is.
No. You're making a huge mistake.
Get out of here, Leo. I'm warning you.
Penny, what the hell are you talking about?
I saw this monster attack Wyatt at magic school.
That wasn't me.
Well, it sure as hell looked like you.
I know it did. I can explain.
It must've been some kind of shapeshifter or something.
I don't know any shapeshifters who can get
into magic school or any who have Elder's powers.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you saying?
He attacked me, remember?
I was trying to protect Wyatt.
Yes. From yourself.
I hate it when they fight.
That's 'cause of the stupid magic. It's ruining our lives.
It's already ruined mine
because now Leslie knows I like him,
and I can never leave the house again.
This is my son we're talking about.
I would never hurt him.
Just like you would never hurt an Elder? Or kill one?
Who are you talking about?
I think you know who I'm talking about.
Look, I don't care what you say. Leo's right.
He would never hurt his son.
And how would you know?
Because I'm a father.
Victor, you have absolutely no idea
what the magical world is capable of.
He may not have an idea, but I do.
I am not capable of that.
No? Even after all you've been through?
Look at yourself.
Is it so hard to believe that maybe some dark alter ego
of yours might be acting on your true feelings.
What true feelings?
Maybe deep down inside, you think Gideon was right.
Your son doesn't belong in this world.
That's ridiculous.
Is it? Then how else do you explain what happened?
Where else could that demon have come from?
Change of plans. We're not reversing
the rivalry spell, or at least not yet.
Why not? I thought --
No, listen. If adult Piper were to find
out that Leo was trying to harm Wyatt,
it would devastate her.
She wouldn't be able to fight him off.
We're talking about my daughter here, so I get a say in this.
No. With birthdays and holidays, you get a say.
With magic and demons, what I say goes.
Now if you'll excuse me ...
I told the girls to stay downstairs
until we settle this.
There's nothing to settle.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm demon-proofing the attic.
I wanna keep the children safe.
Wait. Believe it or not,
I really appreciate what you've done for my daughters.
Buttering me up won't do you any good.
I'm not reversing the spell.
I don't expect you to.
But I do expect you to understand that even though
I couldn't be there when they
were growing up, I'm here now.
And just like you, I wanna do what's best for them.
We already are.
No, we're not.
And since I wanna reverse the spell and you don't,
I think we should bring in a third party
to break the tie, so to speak.
A third party?
Who'd you have in mind? Their mother?
Yes. That's exactly who I had in mind.
Do it.
Oh, all right. But she's not
going to side with you, you know.
Wow. Patty, you look great.
Oh, stop trying to sweet-talk her.
What's going on?
There's nothing more I can tell you about the demon.
You can tell me where it came from.
I have to know. Did it come from me?
Tell me.
Oh, what's the matter? Are you in pain?
Please, I -
See? I have a problem.
You kind of have a temper.
Yeah, and if I don't tell you, then, well,
you'll probably choke me to death.
And if I do tell you and you don't like the answer,
well, then you'll probably choke me to death.
I won't hurt you.
Yeah. That's not much of a guarantee.
But you could swear on the head of your precious son.
Leave him out of this.
There's that temper thing.
I'm not leaving here until I get an answer.
I'm telling you, she would never get over it.
Her own husband trying to kill their child?
Oh, bull! We don't even know that it's Leo.
Mom --
What if it is? You trust Leo to look after those boys?
Well, better than keeping them locked up
in the closet for the rest of their lives.
Ok, guys!
Can I just say here that --
Victor's right.
No, mom. We have to reverse
the sibling spell and get the girls back
to being adults so that they can
vanquish this thing, whoever it is.
But the danger to Piper--
She's in more danger if we don't.
Listen, Patty, I know these girls.
I've been with them every step of the way.
But we're their parents.
Oh. Oh, well, then fine.
I can see I'm not needed here.
No. Come on, come on. I--I-I --
She always was a bad loser.
Yeah. She'll get over it.
By the way, Victor, I've a question.
Why'd you call on me to settle this?
The girls were in trouble,
and you were the only person
I could think of, dead or alive.
Humph. Still. It was teenage trouble.
It's kind of unfamiliar territory for us.
Look, I know we had our troubles,
but I think that if we'd been given the chance,
we'd have done a really good job raising those girls.
You wanna see 'em?
Are you kidding?
Wait. Wait. Wait. When you said the girls reverted,
what exactly did you mean?
You'll see.
Hi, mommy!
Hi, mommy.
Mommy, I'd like to sing a song.
I see the problem.
Well, there's another problem.
Your mother took the reversal spell.
That's okay. I got one of my own.
Now, girls ... girls, calm down.
Mommy, I met this boy, and he's really, really cute.
We'll talk about the boy later and everything else
because we've got so much to catch up on,
but right now, I need you girls to stand over there.
Is Leo a demon --
She said now, Phoebe.
I heard her, Piper.
Ok. Ok, guys.
T-day, Phoebe!
You're so bossy.
Reverse the spell from the book
and please restore what was ... took.
I made it up when I was nine.
So, how's this work exactly.
You remember everything that happened?
Oh, my god. Yes. Leslie.
Oh, my goodness. I tongued a student.
Uh, Piper, there's something
I gotta tell you about Wyatt and Leo.
No, Dad, I already know, and you're right.
Leo would never hurt Wyatt.
We overheard everything you guys were talking about.
Okay, let's go. We've got a demon to kill and a child to save.
That's our girl.
Are you sure this is gonna work?
How many times are you gonna ask me that?
Sorry. I'm just nervous.
Just wish we knew what the hell is going on.
Yeah, well, whatever's going on,
it's pretty sure the demon has something to do with Leo.
What? I'm just saying.
Do you ever wonder what it would've been like if mom and dad both raised us?
All the time.
Oh, my god.
Piper, it's not Leo. Throw the potion.
Okay, that should've worked.
You promised that the potion would work.
It was supposed to.
I couldn't have made it any stronger.
Well, why didn't it? Are you kidding me?
We can't stop someone from stealing my son?
Okay, you need to calm down and
just try to focus on how to find him.
Girls, I think your mother may be onto something here.
It's just that this seems somehow
vaguely familiar to me. That's all.
Familiar how?
I'm not sure. You said you saw
the demon appear at magic school.
Do you know what Wyatt was doing before?
Or maybe dreaming.
He also appeared in the attic
when everyone was arguing.
In front of Wyatt.
The demon showed up right after Grams snapped at Wyatt.
Would somebody please tell me what's going on?
When you were a little girl,
right after your father and I split up --
You started having a lot of bad dreams.
Doctor called them night terrors.
He said it was your subconscious way
of blaming yourself for our breakup.
You're saying Piper is the cause of your divorce?
No, no. No. Of course not. It was ...
Other things.
Right. Yeah.
All this family history stuff is really interesting,
but how is this gonna help us find Wyatt?
I think what they're saying is it's the same thing.
Wyatt is blaming himself just like you blamed yourself.
Except because Wyatt is so powerful,
he made his night terrors come
to life whenever he felt conflict.
Why would he make something up
to hurt himself? And why Leo?
Because I'm the bad guy.
As far as he's concerned, if I hadn't killed Gideon
and saved him, I wouldn't be so lost.
I'd be around here. I'd be home.
He thinks it's all his fault.
That's ridiculous.
No, it's not. I can relate.
How did you figure this all out?
Let's just say somebody helped me look in the mirror.
So how do we find him?
We go to where he thinks it all started.
Where I killed Gideon.
This is gonna get your mommy and daddy back together...
one way or the other.
That's what you want most of all, isn't it?
It's not your fault, Wyatt.
None of this is.
You didn't do anything wrong.
I'm the reason things are all messed up... me, not you.
You and Chris and mommy mean everything to me.
You're the things that keep me from falling apart.
Come on, baby. Come home.
Daddy's not going anywhere, I promise.
I'm so sorry.
It's not your fault. It's not anybody's fault.
Still, I don't know what to do.
I-I don't know how to find my way again.
Yes, you do. You just have to try.
Can I come in?
Sure. It's your office.
May I sit down?
Please. Please.
I-I just came by to thank you
for what you did yesterday.
Are you kidding me?
After that nice, long hug, you know,
I figured I came out ahead on the deal.
Yeah. That--that was the three martinis talking.
Well, you had wine and just one glass. But anyway ...
W-well, I hugged you because I was just,
you know, grateful for what you did.
Well, I don't know. You squeezed me pretty tight.
Yeah, I was pretty grateful.
Oh, come on, there was nothing else
besides gratitude behind he hug?
What would you like there to be?
Just admit it. You like me.
How can you be so sure of that?
Well, I don't know,
the twenty-eight phone calls in two hours?
Caller I.D.
Yeah. Well, that was because
my redial button was broken.
So it just kept redialing.
Yeah. And you were the last number
I called, you know, so it just ...
Well, thank you.
If she turns around, that means she likes me.
Come on, Phoebe, don't let me down.
You can do it. Turn around.
Are you okay?
It's just leaving's always the hardest part.
Oh, maybe I shouldn't have...
No. No. No. I'm glad you did.
I wanted to be here for this, for them.
It's just ... hard.
You know. Price I pay for being dead, I guess.
We missed a lot...
not being able to raise them together.
I know. But we made up for it
a little bit today, didn't we?
All right, already. Break it up. Kids entering.
Gra-a-ams, are ya coming down?
Ah, she's being a martyr.
Grams, please?
Last call, woman!
Oh, very well.
Just so we're clear, my way would've worked, too.
Nevertheless, you're all forgiven, except Leo.
Why not me?
Because I owe you the apology.
I'm sorry, I thought you were evil.
Not that you could blame me.
Hah. That's an apology?
I'd take it if I were you.
All right, let's do this before I change my mind.
I call forth from space and time,
matriarchs from the Halliwell line.
Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends,
our family's spirit without end ...
I have all these parents on my back right now.
Oh, and my freshman potions class?
Let's see, I ordered five hundred dried toads.
What did I get?
Hmm, five hundred wet ones.
Look, Paige, it's just really hard for
me to get on board with this when Piper,
the actual mother,
is totally against doing a wiccaning.
That's what Grams is here for, to convince her.
Look at Wyatt.
He didn't have one until he was six months old,
and he almost turned evil.
Now, look at that little sweet face.
You want a repeat of that?
No, of course I don't.
Hear me now. Hear my cry.
Spirit from the other side,
cross now the great divide.
You mean she is still lying about her age?
Huh? Um ... what?
Not a good time, girls. I'm busy.
You're dead.
Well, it doesn't mean I can't have a life.
Oh, well. All right.
Hello, darlings.
Aw, sweetie.
Oh, so, what brings me down here?
A wiccaning for your great grandson.
Providing Piper doesn't kill us first.
A wiccaning? Uh, I thought we already did that.
Not for Baby Chris.
Um ... help me out here.
Last time I knew, he was a six-foot whitelighter.
Yeah, that was Chris from the future.
This is Baby Chris now.
Piper and Leo had this night...
do you really need us to explain this to you,
or can you just be happy to see him?
Oh, good gracious. Wyatt has a little baby brother.
Oh, you're so sweet.
So, when does Piper want to do this?
Well, technically ... ? Never.
You can't deny this child his ancestral blessings.
It's a witch's compass for good.
I mean, who knows what terrible evils
could befall him otherwise.
See, now that's the kind of stuff
that Piper needs to hear.
Wyatt, don't pick on your little brother like that.
Now give it back.
What was that all about?
He's fine.
He probably just orbed himself up to his room.
He's having a hard time right now.
His dad's never around.
His little brother's getting all the attention.
He's constantly being chased
by the underworld, you know?
Well, I'm afraid he's just
gonna have to get used to it.
He's two.
Right. Well, here.
I'll go up and apologize.
Still think this was a good idea?
Looks like I didn't get here a minute too soon.
Charmed Season 7 Episode 3
"Cheaper by the coven"
Transcripted by Intrepid.
Synchro by Greatouille.
Oh, no, that's ok, Jerry.
Just, you know, get here whenever you can.
Ok? Thanks. Bye.
You ok, Piper?
Yeah. Why?
Well, a beer shipment delayed so close to the weekend...
just figured there'd be more fireworks.
Oh, no. It's no big deal.
We'll just charge more for the ginger ale.
I'm kidding.
See, there you go again.
I don't know what, but something's going on.
No. You know how people just leave
things up to a higher power?
Well, I'm trying to live my life without any powers.
Makes for a lot less stress.
Until now.
What's that face for?
A sister can't come by without
there being something wrong?
What's up?
Nothing. Nothing's up.
You know, why would you think anything was up?
I just came by to tell my sister that
I finally won a Reader's Choice Award.
Yeah, and maybe there's one more thing, you know.
Something happened today after we summoned Grams.
What? What? Why did you summon Grams?
For Chris' wiccaning.
It was Paige's idea, not mine. Don't blame me.
What did I say? I don't want any magic.
Look, I know my kids can't have a completely normal life,
but I've got to give it a shot.
Yes, absolutely, and I think we should start tomorrow,
because, uh, a demon attacked Wyatt.
And you wait till now to tell me?!
Well, I didn't want to worry you.
And he's okay, Piper.
Oh, hi, sweetie. How are you?
Don't you "sweetie" me.
Where are the boys?
Oh, they're both perfectly fine.
Paige took them to magic school.
Leo, now!
Honey, are you sure you want him down here?
I mean, considering that
he can't even tell good from evil anymore.
Well, you know, lost soul and all.
Oh, uh, Paige filled me in.
Ok, first of all, our children's safety is Leo's number one priority.
No matter how "lost" he may be.
What's the matter? What happened?
A demon attacked Wyatt. He's okay. He's at the school ...
What kind of demon was it?
No idea. It had some sort of creepy mask.
Oh, and it struck me down with a lightning bolt.
I can't believe this is happening.
I can't do this again.
Don't worry. I'm gonna go back down there.
I'm gonna find out who it was.
Down there? As in the underworld?
Hang out there a lot, do you?
Best place to vanquish demons, isn't it?
Listen, Piper. Uh, far be it from me to meddle.
Then don't. Because you're already pressing
your luck being here in the first place.
Yeah, I know about the wiccaning.
I don't know why you're being so stubborn about it.
I mean, what better way to ward off demon attacks?
The demon went after Wyatt, not his brother.
Well, all the more reason to protect Chris.
Except for the fact that Wyatt's wiccaning
didn't really protect him, now, did it?
Aside from the fact that it almost destroyed you,
or do you not remember your friend the Necromancer?
I just need to find out who the hell is after my son.
I saw that, Wyatt. You give that back to your little
brother while I find out who's trying to kill you.
Well, whoever it is can't get to him here.
These guys are protected.
Yes, Wyatt is, but his little brother is not so protected from him.
It's gotta be tough for him.
He's a new kid on the block.
Suddenly he's yesterday's news now. I mean ...
Spoken like a true older brother.
Student Progress Reports?
But the year hasn't gone on long enough
for there to be any progress.
Afraid I can't help you with that, Miss Matthews,
but I did find something on masked demons.
"Paige", please. What do you got?
A couple of possibilities.
Could be an Aztec Demon, Chinese false face demon.
Any of those look familiar?
No, Ben, I'm sorry, they don't.
When I took this job I had no idea
just how much work it would be.
Who knows what I'm letting slip through the cracks?
I think I just found the first thing.
Your nephew.
Wyatt, where did you orb your little brother?
No, Paige, he's not here. Where the hell is he?
Oh, I hope this is yours, 'cause it sure isn't mine.
Thank god. I got him.
Hi there, you. And you.
Hi. I stepped up on the porch and
all of a sudden the little guy just flies into my arms.
Yeah. His brother orbed him from magic school.
Oh. Is that normal?
It has been lately.
Victor. What are you doing here?
And a big hello to you, too, Penny.
I was invited for a wiccaning.
Oh. Sorry.
Wiccanings are only for magical family members.
That's not what Paige says.
Well, Paige doesn't know all the rules.
Ok, I can see this is gonna go really well,
but it really doesn't matter who was invited
because there isn't going to be a wiccaning.
Paige seems to think that if she crams
enough family members down my throat
that I'm gonna give in, but it's not gonna work,
because nothing is working.
There is some creepy-ass demon after my son,
and now Wyatt wants to orb his brother
all over creation for god only knows what reason.
Well, isn't that just boys being boys?
I mean, there's always gonna be some sibling rivalry.
No, actually, it's not.
This is not them fighting over toys.
They nearly kill each other in the future.
You know, there's an easy way
to nip this thing in the bud.
And what would that be, exactly?
Snakes and ladders, a very unfortunate halter top,
but I don't see a little black book.
I do.
Oh. Thank you.
Don't want me looking up the old boyfriends, huh?
They were in a much bigger book, thank you.
No, these contain spells I used to use
on the girls when they were younger.
You used spells on my daughters?
Oh, every now and then. Hey.
You try raising three girls by yourself,
keeping them in line.
How else was I gonna stop them from misbehaving.
Oh, gee, I don't know. By talking to them?
Hey, how's about we just find that damn spell?
How's that sound?
That's your answer for everything, isn't it?
I was essentially a single parent.
Patty was dead, and it's not
as if you were ever around.
You wouldn't allow me to be.
Okay. Do I need to find something to separate you two?
You know, your daughters only ended up
saving the world every other week.
Believe it or not, it might have had
something to do with the way I raised them.
Found it.
"Spell to Resolve Sibling Rivalry."
Oh, good, good.
I'll get the boys, and you call your sisters.
We'll get rid of the rivalry, and then you can use
the Power of Three to vanquish the demon, okay?
Great. More magic.
Uh -- do you have any other suggestions?
I have a suggestion.
The next time "Ask Phoebe" wins an award,
you should probably try calling Phoebe.
Hey, let me get back to you, Diane.
Sorry. Research.
So what's goin' on?
Uh, did you just hear what I said?
Yeah. I wasn't trying to snake the award from you.
I was actually gonna accept it on
your behalf because I was under the,
now great mistaken impression
that you were actually taking some time off.
Just one second. Yeah, this is Leslie.
Hey, Rachel.
Hm. Research?
Uh ... ... no, this is personal.
Yeah, can I call you back?
Great. Now, where was I?
You were making some lame excuse
about how you were about
to accept an award for something you didn't write.
Actually, I did write it.
You know, Phoebe, when ...
I write these columns, I'm really...
I'm really trying to channel you and your "vibe".
Spare me the false humility.
Yeah, it was pretty false.
Well, look, why don't we go to this thing together?
It's today. It's not too late.
You can go and accept the award yourself.
No, I think that you should go accept it
and maybe bring one of your phone pals with you.
Okay. Let's make this quick.
I have four real angry parents
waiting for me in the office.
Well, here's my other grandson.
Um, come along, darling.
I need you to stand by your little brother. Right there.
You do know what you're doing, right?
Paige, dear. We're getting our wiccaning.
I said maybe we have a few more pressing issues
to deal with at the moment.
Hmm, what changed your mind?
Nothing. Although it's getting harder and harder to say
no with the arrival of a new family
member every five minutes.
All right, are you two ready to finally get along?
Cast your petty jealousies to darkest night.
Let these feuding siblings no longer fight.
Ok. Shouldn't those stop now?
Grams, are you sure this is the right spell?
Remind me to never go on sabbatical again.
'Cause that Leslie is such a jerkface!
Oh, please, you so like him.
- I do not!
- Do, too!
- I do not, Piper!
- So like him.
- I do not, Paige.
- Do, too!
- Do not, Piper!
Why don't you just marry him already?
Why don't you just marry Leo?
'Cause I already did.
Leo. Leo.
I don't want to get married.
Girls! He's here. Piper, blast him!
Hmm, any more great ideas?
I am so outta here!
Phoebe, do not go out that front door.
Try and stop me.
Jeez! Blow my head off, why don't you?
Oh, come on. It was an accident.
Paige, no one leaves this house until I reverse that spell.
- Phoebe, don't.
- I mean it, Paige!
Uh, Phoebe?
Phoebe, don't you dare leave this house.
Why not? Paige did.
That doesn't count.
She probably went to magic school.
Yeah, well, I'm going to the Reader's Choice Awards.
Phoebe, you've got more important things
to worry about than some silly award -
Way to go, Grams.
Piper, don't be rude.
Look, it's not my fault.
It's only the stupidest book ever.
And you said the stupid spell
would work, and it didn't.
So you know what? I'm ...
Let this girl, Quick as a sneeze,
Stop this snit and quickly freeze.
That's better.
Why is my daughter a statue?
She's fine. She'll thaw out in a minute.
How do I know she won't be this way forever,
that it won't backfire like your last brilliant spell?
Have you heard a peep out of those boys?
No. Because the spell worked,
pulled the rivalry right out of them.
Unfortunately, it went into the nearest set of siblings.
In this case, the girls.
Anyway, they know everything
that's going on in their adult lives.
The only difference is they're not adults.
Yeah, well, just tell me how to get them back to normal.
Easy. I just have to figure out a reversal spell.
Hopefully before the demon returns.
Oh, we've gotta get the boys to magic school.
They'll be safe there.
All right, tell me how to get there.
You don't. Magic school is not for mortals.
Well, they'll just have to make
an exception, won't they?
Forget it, Victor. Call Leo. He'll take them.
Kind of an odd place for an Elder to visit.
Then again, the word is you can't get enough
of the dark side these days.
Someone from the underworld is after my son.
I wanna know who.
You mean the demon? Nah.
I don't think so. They know better by now.
Obviously, somebody doesn't.
Tell me, what makes you so sure it's not an Elder,
someone who thinks that maybe
your friend Gideon was right?
Not any more Elders are gonna die by my hands.
I can't say the same thing for demons.
Can you even tell the difference anymore?
You know, I'm kinda liking
this new side of you. It's not as goopy.
Last time. Who's trying to kill my son?
You want an answer? You'll find it in there.
Looks like the only threat to your son is you.
No! It's a lie!
The pool never lies.
Ok, try this.
Words that cast a sibling glow ...
What? I told you, I'm not doing this.
I'm not writing anything down.
I'm not doing magic.
Do you remember the first time you were this age,
when I sat you and your sisters
down and we had "The Talk"?
Grams, I already know all about sex. And no offense,
but I don't wanna talk about it
with you 'cause that's really gross.
Oh, not the sex talk, silly.
The witch talk.
So what did you tell us?
Why being a witch was such an important part of my life
and what it meant to me and
what it might mean to you someday.
Did you tell us that Prue and mom were gonna die?
Or that Leo was gonna lose his marbles,
or that demons were gonna be chasing
after us all the time everywhere?
Piper, I didn't know any of
those things were going to happen.
But if I did, I would've done
everything in my power to stop it.
I'd like to think that being
a witch gave you the inner strength
you needed to deal with
all those sadnesses in your life.
Did you ever think about that?
You called?
But hi!
Victor called you. He's in the other room.
Piper, where are you going?
What's up?
How are you, Leo?
Hey, you don't look so good.
You know what, dad?
You could try maybe being a little bit nice to Leo.
What do you think, huh?
Piper, are you ok? You don't seem --
Oh, she's fine. We're fixing it.
Leo, we need you to take the boys
to magic school for their safety.
Do you have a problem with that?
Never mind. We'll, uh, just keep them here.
I can take them.
You don't look like you can.
What are you saying?
I don't know what's wrong with you, Leo --
Nothing is wrong with me.
Where are you going?
To protect my children.
You know, I don't understand
why you guys have to be so mean to Leo.
You know, in case you haven't heard,
he's kind of going through a hard time right about now.
I mean, jeez!
We gotta turn these girls back fast.
I'm gonna finish the spell and get Paige.
Uh, make yourself useful, okay? Get Phoebe.
Oh, I'll take one of those.
This is so cool. They didn't even card me.
I didn't expect to see you here.
No. I changed my mind 'cause it's my award,
and I'm not gonna share it with anybody. So there.
Phoebe, are you drunk?
If I could please have everyone's attention.
This year's winner of the San Francisco
reader's choice award for single best column is...
The Bay Mirror's Phoebe Halliwell.
Hey, it's not too late.
If you still want me to go up there for you, I can.
Yeah. Nice try.
Thank you. Wow. This...
I mean, this is so awesome.
This is so, like, totally, amazingly awesome.
Really, totally awesome. Thanks.
Uh, in your column...
Yeah. You mean the bestest column in all the world?
You gave great advice to that woman. I'm just curious.
Was it based on something that happened to you?
Um, yeah, actually. It did happen to me.
It was very sad. Okay, next question.
Wait. Wait.
Would you mind telling me what that thing was?
You mean, You mean what...
You mean what happened to me?
It was actually something that happened to me.
If I can answer the question.
I'm lucky enough to work with Phoebe at the paper.
Anyway, a few years back, this girl, she dumped me,
and I was really broken up about it,
'cause I thought she was "the one", you know
and the whole thing made me gun-shy about relationships...
So, anyway, Phoebe takes me aside one day,
and she says...
She says, uh, let me tell you about "The One."
The one is the person who sees you for the idiot you are,
but they still want you in their life. That's the one.
And I told her, I said,
"Phoebe, I think that's great advice"
and not just for me, and I guess
that's really how it got in her column.
Thank you. Yeah. That's what happened.
Thank you.
Oh, my god. Oh, my god, Leslie, thank you so much.
I was so scared up there, and I was so nervous
that I thought I was going to hurl.
You're welcome. Are you all right?
You still seem a little...
Yeah, I'm fine. I can't believe I just hugged you.
Okay, I have to go.
Miss Matthews.
Yeah. Stop calling me Miss Matthews. It's Paige.
Okay, uh, Paige,
is there something I can help you with?
I would actually like to talk
to you for a little bit if I could.
Paige, what's going on?
What'd you call me out here for?
Oh, my god. How old are you anyway?
Okay, big mistake. No. One kiss, okay?
Shh! That's it. We're not going to second base.
Oh, come on.
She said no.
Robbing the cradle. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Come along, dear. Time to grow up.
I'll dream about you.
This is Leslie. Hello? Hello?
All right, give it to me. I'm calling him myself.
No, don't you dare!
Phoebe, do you wanna know if he likes you or not?
Yeah, but wait. If he asks, I'm not here, okay?
I'm not even in the house anywhere.
Okay, already.
Phoebe and Leslie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Give it to me!
Stay here. Protect the boys.
You, come with me.
Close the door.
I found the demon who's after Wyatt.
You did? When? Where?
There he is.
No. You're making a huge mistake.
Get out of here, Leo. I'm warning you.
Penny, what the hell are you talking about?
I saw this monster attack Wyatt at magic school.
That wasn't me.
Well, it sure as hell looked like you.
I know it did. I can explain.
It must've been some kind of shapeshifter or something.
I don't know any shapeshifters who can get
into magic school or any who have Elder's powers.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you saying?
He attacked me, remember?
I was trying to protect Wyatt.
Yes. From yourself.
I hate it when they fight.
That's 'cause of the stupid magic. It's ruining our lives.
It's already ruined mine
because now Leslie knows I like him,
and I can never leave the house again.
This is my son we're talking about.
I would never hurt him.
Just like you would never hurt an Elder? Or kill one?
Who are you talking about?
I think you know who I'm talking about.
Look, I don't care what you say. Leo's right.
He would never hurt his son.
And how would you know?
Because I'm a father.
Victor, you have absolutely no idea
what the magical world is capable of.
He may not have an idea, but I do.
I am not capable of that.
No? Even after all you've been through?
Look at yourself.
Is it so hard to believe that maybe some dark alter ego
of yours might be acting on your true feelings.
What true feelings?
Maybe deep down inside, you think Gideon was right.
Your son doesn't belong in this world.
That's ridiculous.
Is it? Then how else do you explain what happened?
Where else could that demon have come from?
Change of plans. We're not reversing
the rivalry spell, or at least not yet.
Why not? I thought --
No, listen. If adult Piper were to find
out that Leo was trying to harm Wyatt,
it would devastate her.
She wouldn't be able to fight him off.
We're talking about my daughter here, so I get a say in this.
No. With birthdays and holidays, you get a say.
With magic and demons, what I say goes.
Now if you'll excuse me ...
I told the girls to stay downstairs
until we settle this.
There's nothing to settle.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm demon-proofing the attic.
I wanna keep the children safe.
Wait. Believe it or not,
I really appreciate what you've done for my daughters.
Buttering me up won't do you any good.
I'm not reversing the spell.
I don't expect you to.
But I do expect you to understand that even though
I couldn't be there when they
were growing up, I'm here now.
And just like you, I wanna do what's best for them.
We already are.
No, we're not.
And since I wanna reverse the spell and you don't,
I think we should bring in a third party
to break the tie, so to speak.
A third party?
Who'd you have in mind? Their mother?
Yes. That's exactly who I had in mind.
Do it.
Oh, all right. But she's not
going to side with you, you know.
Wow. Patty, you look great.
Oh, stop trying to sweet-talk her.
What's going on?
There's nothing more I can tell you about the demon.
You can tell me where it came from.
I have to know. Did it come from me?
Tell me.
Oh, what's the matter? Are you in pain?
Please, I -
See? I have a problem.
You kind of have a temper.
Yeah, and if I don't tell you, then, well,
you'll probably choke me to death.
And if I do tell you and you don't like the answer,
well, then you'll probably choke me to death.
I won't hurt you.
Yeah. That's not much of a guarantee.
But you could swear on the head of your precious son.
Leave him out of this.
There's that temper thing.
I'm not leaving here until I get an answer.
I'm telling you, she would never get over it.
Her own husband trying to kill their child?
Oh, bull! We don't even know that it's Leo.
Mom --
What if it is? You trust Leo to look after those boys?
Well, better than keeping them locked up
in the closet for the rest of their lives.
Ok, guys!
Can I just say here that --
Victor's right.
No, mom. We have to reverse
the sibling spell and get the girls back
to being adults so that they can
vanquish this thing, whoever it is.
But the danger to Piper--
She's in more danger if we don't.
Listen, Patty, I know these girls.
I've been with them every step of the way.
But we're their parents.
Oh. Oh, well, then fine.
I can see I'm not needed here.
No. Come on, come on. I--I-I --
She always was a bad loser.
Yeah. She'll get over it.
By the way, Victor, I've a question.
Why'd you call on me to settle this?
The girls were in trouble,
and you were the only person
I could think of, dead or alive.
Humph. Still. It was teenage trouble.
It's kind of unfamiliar territory for us.
Look, I know we had our troubles,
but I think that if we'd been given the chance,
we'd have done a really good job raising those girls.
You wanna see 'em?
Are you kidding?
Wait. Wait. Wait. When you said the girls reverted,
what exactly did you mean?
You'll see.
Hi, mommy!
Hi, mommy.
Mommy, I'd like to sing a song.
I see the problem.
Well, there's another problem.
Your mother took the reversal spell.
That's okay. I got one of my own.
Now, girls ... girls, calm down.
Mommy, I met this boy, and he's really, really cute.
We'll talk about the boy later and everything else
because we've got so much to catch up on,
but right now, I need you girls to stand over there.
Is Leo a demon --
She said now, Phoebe.
I heard her, Piper.
Ok. Ok, guys.
T-day, Phoebe!
You're so bossy.
Reverse the spell from the book
and please restore what was ... took.
I made it up when I was nine.
So, how's this work exactly.
You remember everything that happened?
Oh, my god. Yes. Leslie.
Oh, my goodness. I tongued a student.
Uh, Piper, there's something
I gotta tell you about Wyatt and Leo.
No, Dad, I already know, and you're right.
Leo would never hurt Wyatt.
We overheard everything you guys were talking about.
Okay, let's go. We've got a demon to kill and a child to save.
That's our girl.
Are you sure this is gonna work?
How many times are you gonna ask me that?
Sorry. I'm just nervous.
Just wish we knew what the hell is going on.
Yeah, well, whatever's going on,
it's pretty sure the demon has something to do with Leo.
What? I'm just saying.
Do you ever wonder what it would've been like if mom and dad both raised us?
All the time.
Oh, my god.
Piper, it's not Leo. Throw the potion.
Okay, that should've worked.
You promised that the potion would work.
It was supposed to.
I couldn't have made it any stronger.
Well, why didn't it? Are you kidding me?
We can't stop someone from stealing my son?
Okay, you need to calm down and
just try to focus on how to find him.
Girls, I think your mother may be onto something here.
It's just that this seems somehow
vaguely familiar to me. That's all.
Familiar how?
I'm not sure. You said you saw
the demon appear at magic school.
Do you know what Wyatt was doing before?
Or maybe dreaming.
He also appeared in the attic
when everyone was arguing.
In front of Wyatt.
The demon showed up right after Grams snapped at Wyatt.
Would somebody please tell me what's going on?
When you were a little girl,
right after your father and I split up --
You started having a lot of bad dreams.
Doctor called them night terrors.
He said it was your subconscious way
of blaming yourself for our breakup.
You're saying Piper is the cause of your divorce?
No, no. No. Of course not. It was ...
Other things.
Right. Yeah.
All this family history stuff is really interesting,
but how is this gonna help us find Wyatt?
I think what they're saying is it's the same thing.
Wyatt is blaming himself just like you blamed yourself.
Except because Wyatt is so powerful,
he made his night terrors come
to life whenever he felt conflict.
Why would he make something up
to hurt himself? And why Leo?
Because I'm the bad guy.
As far as he's concerned, if I hadn't killed Gideon
and saved him, I wouldn't be so lost.
I'd be around here. I'd be home.
He thinks it's all his fault.
That's ridiculous.
No, it's not. I can relate.
How did you figure this all out?
Let's just say somebody helped me look in the mirror.
So how do we find him?
We go to where he thinks it all started.
Where I killed Gideon.
This is gonna get your mommy and daddy back together...
one way or the other.
That's what you want most of all, isn't it?
It's not your fault, Wyatt.
None of this is.
You didn't do anything wrong.
I'm the reason things are all messed up... me, not you.
You and Chris and mommy mean everything to me.
You're the things that keep me from falling apart.
Come on, baby. Come home.
Daddy's not going anywhere, I promise.
I'm so sorry.
It's not your fault. It's not anybody's fault.
Still, I don't know what to do.
I-I don't know how to find my way again.
Yes, you do. You just have to try.
Can I come in?
Sure. It's your office.
May I sit down?
Please. Please.
I-I just came by to thank you
for what you did yesterday.
Are you kidding me?
After that nice, long hug, you know,
I figured I came out ahead on the deal.
Yeah. That--that was the three martinis talking.
Well, you had wine and just one glass. But anyway ...
W-well, I hugged you because I was just,
you know, grateful for what you did.
Well, I don't know. You squeezed me pretty tight.
Yeah, I was pretty grateful.
Oh, come on, there was nothing else
besides gratitude behind he hug?
What would you like there to be?
Just admit it. You like me.
How can you be so sure of that?
Well, I don't know,
the twenty-eight phone calls in two hours?
Caller I.D.
Yeah. Well, that was because
my redial button was broken.
So it just kept redialing.
Yeah. And you were the last number
I called, you know, so it just ...
Well, thank you.
If she turns around, that means she likes me.
Come on, Phoebe, don't let me down.
You can do it. Turn around.
Are you okay?
It's just leaving's always the hardest part.
Oh, maybe I shouldn't have...
No. No. No. I'm glad you did.
I wanted to be here for this, for them.
It's just ... hard.
You know. Price I pay for being dead, I guess.
We missed a lot...
not being able to raise them together.
I know. But we made up for it
a little bit today, didn't we?
All right, already. Break it up. Kids entering.
Gra-a-ams, are ya coming down?
Ah, she's being a martyr.
Grams, please?
Last call, woman!
Oh, very well.
Just so we're clear, my way would've worked, too.
Nevertheless, you're all forgiven, except Leo.
Why not me?
Because I owe you the apology.
I'm sorry, I thought you were evil.
Not that you could blame me.
Hah. That's an apology?
I'd take it if I were you.
All right, let's do this before I change my mind.
I call forth from space and time,
matriarchs from the Halliwell line.
Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends,
our family's spirit without end ...