Charmed (1998–2006): Season 3, Episode 18 - Sin Francisco - full transcript
Prue and Phoebe fight against a demon on the street, while a greedy mortal wants his box. When the human is hit by a bus and die and the demon vanishes, the sisters bring the mysterious box home and discloses that it belongs to the demon Lukas and inside is locked the seven deadly sins: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth. Lukas recovers his Pandora box and uses the sins against The Charmed Ones and Leo: pride against Prue; gluttony for Piper; lust for Phoebe; and sloth for Leo. After the exposure, Lukas expects them to self-destruct themselves for him to get their souls.
All right, it should be around here
And you can't be more precise
about what it is?
Okay. I told you,
it's some sort of evil-y thing.
Why did I let you talk me into this?
I should be at home procrastinating
my delinquent ethics paper,
not chasing some wild goose.
Wild demon, okay?
I was scrying for unnatural activity,
and this place came up
loud and clear.
Wait a minute.
Are you telling me you're actually
looking for trouble now?
Prue, what happened to
putting more balance in your life?
You know, less Wicca wonder,
more Prue.
Listen, I shot a magazine cover
yesterday, I had a date last night,
and this morning,
I'm searching for evil.
Can't get more balanced
than that.
Right, just your typical
everyday Cosmo girl.
Well, you and Piper don't need
me anymore,
so that leaves me plenty of time
to help those who do.
Is that what you think?
That we don't need you anymore?
It's just that ever since
Piper got married
and you hooked up with Cole,
I feel like I don't have to watch out
for you guys as much.
Prue, this is a good thing.
- I think that's it.
- Good.
All right, on the count of three:
One, two...
Oh, my God!
- It's the coffeemaker I wanted!
- Phoebe, it's just a carton.
Right. Of course.
See? I need you. You just protected
me from making a fool out of myself.
Now there's a full-time job.
Thank you very much.
Hey, so how's Cole?
I haven't seen him in a while.
Oh, he's been dodging
demonic bounty hunters, you know,
but he still manages to shimmer into
the bedroom when he has a chance.
Pops in and then pops right back out,
if you know what I'm talking about.
I vaguely remember.
And even though I'm really happy
to see him,
it's starting to raise old issues for me.
Like does he really love me, or is he
just interested in my charms?
Oh, Phoebe, come on. You know
for a magical fact that he loves you.
And think about how many times
he risked his life to save you.
I don't think that's just sex.
Yeah, but what if it was really,
really great sex?
Seek and ye shall find.
- Please, just one more...
- I told you!
What you want is no longer
in this box.
I need more.
Don't you understand?
I gotta have more!
You can never get enough greed,
can you?
The box.
- The box belongs to Lukas!
- Yeah?
Well, tell Lukas it's been impounded.
Hey, it's okay. It's over.
I gotta have more.
Don't you understand?
I gotta have more!
- Box.
- No!
This guy just came out of nowhere.
I have no idea where.
His ID shows he's Robert Pike.
- Robert Pike?
- Yeah.
Did you see any eyewitnesses?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Did you find out anything?
Nothing unusual.
Unfortunately, we get these
kind of suicides all the time.
Darryl, this was not a suicide, okay?
He was driven into the street,
demonically driven.
I think that I can recognise
the signs by now.
This Robert Pike.
He was married, with two kids,
worked for Bregson Investments
as a stockbroker. Very successful.
The demon accused him
of being greedy.
- I wonder if there's a connection.
- It's hard to believe.
It seems like Mr. Pike
wasn't your typical stockbroker.
From all accounts,
he was more of a philanthropist.
He even hosted a fundraiser for the
American Cancer Society last night.
Something must've changed
in a hurry
because when we saw him,
all he cared about was the box.
- What box?
- This one.
- What's in it?
- I don't know.
But whatever it is, apparently
it's worth dying for.
In your opinion, was there anything
the bus driver could've done
to avoid him?
No, it happened too fast.
He didn't have time to react.
All right. I think that's it.
If I could have your home number,
in case I have any other questions.
The same as my sister's.
We live together.
Just out of curiosity, what would you
say if one of my other questions was:
Can I take you out to dinner?
You caught me off guard
with that one.
- That's my job.
- Well, you're very good at it.
But I...
I think that it would be best if those
numbers stayed in your report.
- I'm seeing someone.
- I'm not surprised.
Excuse me.
Are you okay?
I don't know.
I keep thinking about
what we could've done differently
to try and save him.
- He ran into the street so fast and...
- We couldn't have saved him, Prue.
Not without knowing more about
the demon who did this to him.
To find him, we have to find
what's so special about this box.
Do you have any idea
how important that box is?
I thought you were working on
controlling your anger.
I am controlling my anger!
At least we got the businessman's
soul, Lukas.
Yes, but I need to deliver seven souls
for seven sins.
Can't you just locate the box?
Yes, but I have to figure out a way
to get around the witches first.
Thanks to you.
You know,
my own self-destruction
was supposed to bring me peace
from sin.
Instead, I am damned to spend
eternity inflicting others!
Gotta know the product to move it.
I know the product.
I know how sin warps human desire.
Which might be exactly the way
to get to the witches.
Yeah. Sure. Why not?
Witches have
human desires too, right?
You know, there's only one thing
that I can't quite figure out.
Why do I need you?
I needed to vent.
Don't open that.
- Let me go get Piper first.
- Why?
Well, gee, Prue, I don't know.
Maybe so you don't go running in
the street and get hit by a bus too.
Piper, we need...
- Expecting company?
- Oh, no.
I was just making Leo
something to eat, you know.
Break up his day.
And something to take up
all of yours?
Well, sushi don't roll itself.
Besides, I like taking care of him
and cooking for him
and dressing up for him.
I was actually thinking of going out
and buying him a new wardrobe.
You know, de-flannel him a little.
What, you're afraid you're
gonna lose him?
- Wait, are you?
- Well, I'm not gonna give the Elders
any excuse to take him away again,
that's for sure.
No, Piper, they wouldn't do that.
You guys are married now.
So? There's nothing in those
wedding vows
that says they still can't
break us apart.
Besides, I don't wanna be complacent
about my marriage.
Neither he nor they are gonna find
any fault in me.
Well, they might find fault in us.
Prue and I lost an innocent
this morning.
So we need you.
- What are you doing?
- Opening the box.
You're supposed to wait
for me and Piper.
Okay, so you're here.
I'm gonna open it.
What if you unleash
some huge abomination?
Whatever it is,
I'm sure we can handle it.
But at least I think we should call
my husband and ask his opinion first.
Okay, but we didn't need his opinion
before, when he was just Leo.
- You called?
- No.
But as long as you're here...
Box, intercepted from a demon.
- Open it? Yea or nay?
- You checked the Book of Shadows?
No, but that's a great idea.
Leo, you're a genius.
What would we do without him?
I don't know. I guess our lives
wouldn't be the smooth-running,
carefree existence
that they are today.
Phoebe, your ethics professor called
about your meeting today at 2.
- Well, obviously, I can't make it now.
- No, you should go.
You're too close to graduating
to mess up now.
The three of us can handle the box.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Go. Although you...
you might wanna change into,
I don't know, clothes,
an actual shirt?
- Okay.
- Okay.
That's very...
Let's go.
"Bottled at the source,
by the source."
So, what, it's a box of sin?
Good thing you didn't open it.
It would've been Pandora
all over again.
Not quite. But this may be
how the myth got started.
Only it's a much more specific
type of attack.
According to this,
the box contains seven balls of sin
used to corrupt paragons of good.
If you're a paragon of good,
how do you get corrupted?
Because no one is immune to sin,
whether it be pride, envy, gluttony,
lust, anger, greed or sloth,
whichever one you're predisposed to
is the one that attacks you.
The businessman must've been
attacked by greed.
That's why he kept
wanting more.
Only his greed was magnified
a thousand times.
It explains why my scrying worked.
I thought the unnatural activity
was a demon courier,
but it must've been the sin working
against the businessman's
good nature.
Okay, so, what do we do now?
The infector appears to be the link.
Destroy Lukas,
and the sins lose power.
Do we know anything
about these infectors?
Only that they were humans
consumed by sin during life
and in death.
So, what we need to do now
is find a spell
to remove the sin
from the infected human
in case Lukas strikes again, right?
You can't remove sin magically
or otherwise. That's part of all of us.
Even you?
Yes, even me.
Just a tiny-teeny little bit.
Nothing that anyone would notice
but me.
Okay, you guys, wish me luck!
- Hey...
- It's okay.
I think you're gonna like...
this one!
What was that?
What just happened?
Oh, no, don't tell me we got infected
with those sin thingies.
What do you mean?
What is she talking about?
Okay, nobody panic.
Does anybody feel different?
- No.
- Me neither.
All right, so maybe we're immune
because we're magical.
I don't know.
I better orb up and ask.
Do that. Piper and I will
recheck the Book.
You get your butt to that meeting and
charm the pants off your professor.
Go and get home soon as possible.
No, I'm sure. Go.
The problem is, it's an ethics course.
It's about the dialectic.
So when someone misses
as many classes as you have,
it's hard to catch up.
Are you okay?
- I don't know.
- Plus, you owe me a major paper.
- And if I don't get it soon...
- What are you gonna do to me?
I'll have to give you an incomplete.
I'll have no other choice.
Do you have anything to say
for yourself?
I'm not wearing any underwear.
- Excuse me?
- Yeah, I find it too...
- Are you making some kind of joke?
- No, I'm serious.
Dead serious.
I've been a bad girl.
A very bad girl. And I'll do anything
to make it up to you.
I'll do anything to pass. Anything.
No, that'll be it.
Just the two Armani suits, size 42,
the Donna Karan dress, the three
pairs of Stuart Weitzman shoes,
the one Gucci jacket
and the Prada bag.
- What's the total?
- We don't have much time...
I'm on the phone
with Bloomingdale's.
Okay. Well, then I'm gonna have to
split that on two credit cards.
You can put $5000 on the card
that's on file and...
- What are you doing?
- Saving your life,
or at least your credit rating,
which is your life.
Excuse me.
Leo needs suits.
Leo doesn't wear suits.
Are you drinking in the middle
of the day?
I was a little bummed
about this sin thing.
I thought I deserved
a little indulgence.
Would you like a bit of bubbly?
I'd like a little bit of help. We are
supposed to be tracking down Lukas.
Sorry. Catch me up.
All right, so it turns out
that those sin balls
work a lot faster than we thought.
Once infected, the victim
only has a few hours
before it drives him
to total self-destruction.
Well, it's a good thing we weren't
infected, then, huh?
Right, but now that Lukas has the
box, the question is, who will be?
I tried scrying for unnatural activity,
but it just kept on pointing back
to the manor.
Go figure.
Guess what. My ethics professor
kicked me out of class.
- What? Why, what happened?
- I don't know.
One minute I was telling him why
my paper was late,
and the next thing I knew, I was...
unzipping his pants with my teeth.
Oh, Phoebe, you do know that
"charming the pants off someone"
is just a figure of speech, don't you?
I don't know what
came over me, Prue.
I'm just glad that I realised
what was happening before I...
All right. Unfortunately,
what got into you was lust.
- As in, the sin of.
- Wait a minute.
Now you think we were infected?
Hello, gluttony, table for one.
- Leo!
- Oh, no, no.
Leo's not up there.
He's in the living room watching TV.
This coffee isn't as good
as it used to be.
I'll make a note of that.
But maybe someday
it'll get better.
- What are you doing?
- Just kicking back.
Something is wrong with this picture.
You need chips. I'll go get some.
Oh, turn on MTV. I wanna see
Carson Daly. He is so hot.
Okay. Excuse me.
Sins in a box?
Demon hunt, real life?
Can we please focus here?
Now what did they say
about Lukas' sneak attack?
I don't know. I didn't make it up there.
I orbed halfway up, and I got tired.
- What?
- After 60 years of constant vigilance,
I think I deserve a little downtime.
Pursuant to orders,
I halted on our side of the river.
- Here you go, honey.
- Oh, thanks, sweetie.
I'm gonna be thirsty soon.
I'm gonna be ill soon.
I'll get it.
- How gorgeous!
- Hi.
- Boy, this is a lot of flowers.
- I'll say.
I love a man in a uniform.
- Hey, who sent the flowers?
- I did. For myself.
This is just too much.
I bet you're too much.
All right, that's it. That's enough.
Nothing to see here.
Nothing to respond to. Get out.
You. What you smiling at, buddy?
- Why did you do that?
- Unless you guys want
those flowers at your funeral,
you had better get a grip, okay?
You've been infected.
Gluttony, lust, and that in there...
is sloth.
How did I get gluttony?
I don't overeat.
No, but you overdo. The sins are
drawn to our predispositions.
And lately, yours has been excess.
- What sin did you get hit with?
- Well, I didn't get hit.
I saw you get hit.
I must be strong enough
to fight it off.
I'm not showing any symptoms,
am I? And thank goodness, right?
One of us has to keep
our wits about us.
Hey, turn that up, lazy.
And now we'll go live
to Bay City Motor Cars.
The SWAT teams just arrived
outside Bay City Motor Cars,
a further signal that police
are taking seriously
Pastor Roger Tremble's threat
to shoot and kill his hostage
if his demands are not met.
Do you have any idea what exactly
the pastor's demands are?
Actually, yeah.
It's a little bizarre, but he claims
he wants a Jag.
Specifically, an XK8 convertible,
in British racing green.
- That's a new one.
- That newscaster's kind of cute.
What do you wanna bet the demon
infected the pastor with envy?
Prue, out of all the people
in San Francisco...
Still, he does fit the profile.
Paragon of good,
driven to an act of self-destruction.
Yeah, especially with
a SWAT team outside. All right.
We cannot let this demon steal
any more of our innocents' souls.
Piper, are you coming?
I was gonna stay here with Leo
and hold down the fort.
- More like hold down the couch.
- I'll come if you want me to.
No, it's fine. I'll just do
all of it myself if I have to.
Come on, Phoebe.
- Do you think she's mad?
- Probably.
- Those stained glass...
- Wait, turn that back.
We've almost sold our
entire stock of these deluxe...
Hand me the phone.
- stained glass flamingos.
Coming up after the break,
we'll have an ornate Asian curio
cabinet for your fine collectibles.
Make sure you keep them back.
Look, Darryl, just let me handle this.
Look, Prue, it's a highly charged,
highly public situation.
I can't ask SWAT to let you handle it.
I get enough flak from them as it is.
All right, would you rather me
astral-project myself in there?
Come on, Prue,
you're not being reasonable.
I have something to say.
I see that cute officer
from this morning.
Hey, stay on point!
We still have an innocent to save.
You're right, we all do.
Cops included.
Look, just let the hostage negotiators
handle it, will you, please?
Fine. What's the plan?
The plan is to talk the pastor down,
wait him out.
Oh, okay.
- It works in most cases, trust me.
- If he's been infected,
it will not work in this case, trust me.
- The pastor is only gonna get worse.
- What would you do to resolve it?
There's only one thing to do.
Wait! Hold your fire! Hold your fire!
What the hell?
Her sister...
They'd better hurry.
I can't wait much longer!
- Pastor Tremble?
- Who are you?
Okay, hold on. I'm here to help.
But I can't do that
unless you put the gun down.
- Get out of here.
- I just wanna talk.
I just want my Jag.
Do you want me to shoot you too?
- I swear I will.
- Okay. No, wait.
I know what's happened to you, okay?
You've been infected with sin.
- I warned you!
- No.
You all right?
Talk to me, Prue.
All right. Got it.
Everything is under control.
Don't worry.
I got it all under control.
He needs medical attention.
The pastor's inside, I kicked his ass.
He needs attention too.
He's knocked out.
- If I could ask a few questions?
- My name's Halliwell, Prue Halliwell.
- What made you run in?
- It's my job to protect the innocents.
- You work for the police?
- No, actually...
She's a Good Samaritan,
a very Good Samaritan.
No further questions.
Why'd you do that?
I was just getting started.
You were about to hang yourself.
You shouldn't talk to the press.
- Why not?
- Because they'll destroy you.
- What's the matter with you?
- Nothing can destroy me, Darryl.
Prue, are you bleeding?
I am. Oh, my.
Well, that bullet must've grazed me.
- You didn't even feel it?
- No.
- The adrenaline, it's no big deal.
- No big deal?
You almost got yourself killed.
I've never seen you run from danger,
but I've never seen you run toward it.
What have you got,
a death wish or something?
It does sound kind of self-destructive,
doesn't it?
Oh, that means I've been infected.
That must be why I can't control
my powers.
- What's going on?
- I don't have time.
Can you get Pastor Tremble to a safe
place where he won't hurt himself,
like a psychiatric hospital?
It shouldn't be a problem.
Okay, good, but nobody can know
that he's there, okay?
Because if so,
the demon will find him and kill him.
I don't know how long
I can keep it a secret.
Just long enough for me to find
the demon and vanquish him, okay?
Okay. Now where is my sister?
It's a good thing I came prepared.
- Officer!
- Phoebe!
- Wait, I can explain.
- Like hell you can. Get out of there!
- Hi.
- Get over here.
Here, put it on!
Are you out of your mind?
Yeah, I think so.
But if you're gonna go crazy...
Yeah, well my sin's not nearly
as much fun as yours.
Wait, your sin?
I thought you didn't get hit.
Well, that was the pride talking,
and it almost got me killed already.
You don't seem all that different.
Really? Well, back at you.
We need to get home and try
- and track down this demon, okay?
- No, I don't think so.
I'm having too much fun,
so I'll just see you later.
If I don't get you home,
there won't be a later.
What the hell is the matter with you?
Not only in the middle of the day,
- but in the middle of a crisis.
- Look, she attacked me.
I swear. I didn't have a choice.
Well, not much of one.
That's a pathetic excuse.
You're an officer, for crying out loud.
What did you want me to do?
Shoot her?
- You're suspended.
- What?
Go back to the station,
turn in your hardware.
You can't suspend me.
It was her fault. Damn it!
Do you know that anger
is one of the seven deadly sins?
Your blood pressure's rising.
Adrenaline's pumping.
- You wanna hit somebody, don't you?
- Who the hell are you?
I'm somebody who can help you
channel that anger.
You know, it wouldn't have killed you
to drive by the fire station for a look.
You know what? If you and Piper
do not get your sins under control...
Good, you're here.
The pashminas have arrived,
and they're to die for. Come see.
Hey. Hi. Almost decapitated.
Wow, Piper, you really put
the "glut" in gluttony.
- How did you get this stuff so fast?
- I just let my fingers do the walking
and the clicking and the flipping.
The flipping as in...
the pages of the Book of Shadows?
You used magic?
Well, yeah, I couldn't wait
six to eight weeks for delivery.
That is so personal gain.
- No, because we need all this stuff.
- Okay, Piper, this isn't you.
You're being consumed
by your consumption,
and it will only lead
to your total misuse of magic.
Soothing, isn't it?
Hey, Leo.
I'm watching TV.
I know something more exciting...
than television:
What the hell are you doing?
Come on, give it back.
- Phoebe!
- What?
Prue won't let me leave the house.
I have to make do with what I have.
Get your slutty hands
off of my husband!
- Make me.
- Gladly.
- Watch the remote.
- No!
You guys, the last I checked
we still had a demon to vanquish,
and an innocent to save.
You said Morris hid
the pastor someplace safe.
Yes, he did.
But envy's only the sixth sin,
which means there's still an
innocent out there infected with anger.
What would you
like us to do about it?
Leo, I would like for you
to orb up there and ask the Elders
what they know.
I'm too tired.
Leo, get up there right now!
You're a whitelighter, that's your job.
Why? You never listen
to me anyway.
I think I'm gonna orb upstairs
and take a nap.
Fine. Fine, fine, orb.
Who needs you anyway?
We still have the power of three.
Did you find out where
they're hiding the pastor?
- Where did you come from?
- Answer my question.
- No one's talking. At least not to me.
- That's not good enough.
Look, I don't know who
you think you are...!
Anger's the worst, isn't it?
Especially when the burning rage
saps you of all your strength
and reason,
and the relentless scream
blots out all hope.
Use it against the Halliwells.
Make them tell you
where the pastor is.
Trust me.
Anger always feels better
when it has a target.
There is nothing in the Book.
Why did only lame witches
precede us?
Because nobody is as good
as you, Prue.
You know, at least I am trying, Piper,
instead of getting a foot massage
or instead of sleeping.
I'm not sleeping.
I'm just having the best premonitions
of my life.
- Of what?
- It's a button off Officer Cutie's shirt.
And let me tell you, if the movie is
anything like the previews...
All right, is that all
that you care about?
Fine. I'll save the innocents,
I'll vanquish the demon,
and if I feel like it, maybe
when I'm done, I'll save you guys.
- Oh, don't do us any favours.
- Yeah, Prue, worry about yourself.
- You all right?
- What happened?
- You were shocked.
- I feel strange.
Well, if you'd had both feet in the
water, you wouldn't feel anything.
Who's that?
It's Officer Cutie from this morning.
Hey! Hey, up here!
- I'm gonna come down, okay?
- Phoebe, watch out.
For the love of sin,
you see what's happening?
That was close.
Prue, we just have different priorities
than you do.
You need a little pick-me-up.
How about I buy you some shoes?
I knew you'd come back for me.
This isn't a social call.
Are we role-playing?
- Did you bring your handcuffs?
- Where's the pastor?
- I don't know, I swear.
- You're lying!
You're something else,
you know that?
I got suspended because of you!
You think you can ruin
somebody's life and not pay for it?
Well, you're gonna pay.
You're gonna pay right now.
Please, don't shoot.
My stuff!
He unfroze!
Why are my powers not working?
- Where's the pastor?
- I don't know.
You can't save what's already lost.
Please, wake up.
You glowed.
Doesn't matter.
Where are you hurt?
No, you gotta go downstairs
and heal Phoebe first,
and then go find Prue,
because the demon took her.
You glowed too.
I did? Did you heal me?
No, not yet.
It's the sins.
We must've gotten rid of them.
Wait a minute, you said
there was no magical way to do that.
There isn't.
Maybe there's a human way.
Maybe by being selfless.
By you caring more about your sisters
and me caring more about you...
we overcame it.
Well, that means Phoebe must've
gotten rid of her sin too,
because she risked her life
to save me.
She's still breathing.
- Hey, honey.
- Hi.
Leo, what are you doing up?
- Fixing you.
- Where's Prue?
We don't know,
but we need to find her.
She won't admit it,
but she's in big trouble.
You think you can break free...
but you can't.
See, that's what makes pride
the deadliest of all the sins.
It makes you think that
you're invincible, above it all.
- My powers are...
- Useless now. Corrupted.
You have only a small window
of opportunity
to save your life before it's too late.
No demon has defeated me,
and you won't be the first.
You see,
but I don't have to defeat you.
You're gonna defeat yourself.
In mere minutes,
you'll be so far gone,
you will self-destruct
just like all the rest.
However, I am willing
to make you a deal.
- I don't make deals with demons.
- Do you listen to them?
Look, we both know that you
safeguarded the pastor,
which means that
I can't deliver his soul.
This late in the game,
I am willing to pay for it.
Tell me where the pastor is,
and I'll remove your sin.
- Go to hell.
- This is my hell, every rotten day of it.
Listen, I am giving you a chance
to save your life, Prue.
To end your hell.
If you remove my sin,
you'll still be one soul short.
That's true.
But once expunged,
I can use the sin again.
You see, it'll just pop right back
into my box.
And let you infect another innocent?
I don't think so. Screw you.
Witness the bottomless pit
of everlasting torment.
Pride goeth before a very long fall,
Prue. So, what's your decision?
Remember, if I lose, you lose.
All right.
All right, untie me.
Tell me where the pastor is first.
Oh, untie me first.
If I self-destruct,
you'll never get his soul.
All right, now where is he?
You lose, I win.
- Prue!
- Leo! Leo!
Why did she have to have pride?
Pride is the one sin you can't beat.
Beat this.
I see orbs.
Let me go! I can handle this!
- I was saving you.
- Saving me?
I had it under control.
I didn't need your help.
Looks like the only way to get the
pride out of Prue is to vanquish him.
- Who ordered the sweet sin balls?
- I did.
What did you...?
No! No!
Okay, whoa. What just happened?
I think you just lost your pride.
And these must be envy and anger...
which must mean the pastor
and cop are okay now.
Wait a minute. Is this another?
I don't think so.
Maybe it's the businessman's soul.
Well, then you should release it
someplace nice.
I know the perfect place.
Wow, we sure showed that demon.
Okay, you guys sure
showed that demon.
Thank you.
So I guess I needed you guys
a lot more than you needed me.
No, we all needed each other.
You got me back to the house,
saved the innocents.
- Yeah, but...
- Stop it, I don't like this humble Prue.
- I want my real sister back.
- Me too.
Well, I mean I did save that cop
from killing himself.
- I was smart enough...
- She's back.
to tell Darryl
to hide the pastor away, and...
- Here you go.
- Oh, no, I'm abstaining.
Piper, it's okay to indulge.
Just don't overindulge.
I guess we can thank Lukas
for teaching us
"Anything in moderation."
There was nothing that Lukas
could teach me.
Oh, really?
I'm doing it again, aren't I?
That whole pride thing.
I swear, I'm working on it.
It's a constant struggle.
Here's one thing that I'm willing
to admit I don't understand:
You, Phoebe and Leo
were able to get rid of your sins
with a selfless act.
I committed many selfless acts,
yet why did I have to wait for Lukas
to be vanquished to get
rid of my pride?
Well, Lukas said that pride
was the one sin you can't beat.
I think what he meant was
that there's no such thing
as a selfless act to pride.
I threw myself into the pit
for the pastor.
Yeah, but you did that to win.
So any good you did
during your prideful state
was for the greater glory of Prue.
All right, fine. Then here's to Leo.
For saving me from eternal torment.
And to me, for not trying to be
the perfect couple.
If it isn't good enough for them,
then screw them.
I'll drink to that.
Excuse me.
Hi, I'm so excited.
And not in any sexual kind of way.
Recent events inspired me
to write a paper on sexual politics,
claiming that my indiscretion
with Professor Kass
was an ethical experiment.
So I hand the paper in yesterday.
And, pause for dramatic effect...
- So did he buy it?
- I got a B.
Minus, but I got it fair and square,
which means I will be able
to graduate. And no man,
not even Cole,
is gonna stand in my way.
- Congratulations.
- I am very proud of you.
- Oh, and coming from you...
- Hey, be nice.
I don't even wanna think
about sin tonight.
Me neither.
So this is a pretty interesting band.
What's their name?
And you can't be more precise
about what it is?
Okay. I told you,
it's some sort of evil-y thing.
Why did I let you talk me into this?
I should be at home procrastinating
my delinquent ethics paper,
not chasing some wild goose.
Wild demon, okay?
I was scrying for unnatural activity,
and this place came up
loud and clear.
Wait a minute.
Are you telling me you're actually
looking for trouble now?
Prue, what happened to
putting more balance in your life?
You know, less Wicca wonder,
more Prue.
Listen, I shot a magazine cover
yesterday, I had a date last night,
and this morning,
I'm searching for evil.
Can't get more balanced
than that.
Right, just your typical
everyday Cosmo girl.
Well, you and Piper don't need
me anymore,
so that leaves me plenty of time
to help those who do.
Is that what you think?
That we don't need you anymore?
It's just that ever since
Piper got married
and you hooked up with Cole,
I feel like I don't have to watch out
for you guys as much.
Prue, this is a good thing.
- I think that's it.
- Good.
All right, on the count of three:
One, two...
Oh, my God!
- It's the coffeemaker I wanted!
- Phoebe, it's just a carton.
Right. Of course.
See? I need you. You just protected
me from making a fool out of myself.
Now there's a full-time job.
Thank you very much.
Hey, so how's Cole?
I haven't seen him in a while.
Oh, he's been dodging
demonic bounty hunters, you know,
but he still manages to shimmer into
the bedroom when he has a chance.
Pops in and then pops right back out,
if you know what I'm talking about.
I vaguely remember.
And even though I'm really happy
to see him,
it's starting to raise old issues for me.
Like does he really love me, or is he
just interested in my charms?
Oh, Phoebe, come on. You know
for a magical fact that he loves you.
And think about how many times
he risked his life to save you.
I don't think that's just sex.
Yeah, but what if it was really,
really great sex?
Seek and ye shall find.
- Please, just one more...
- I told you!
What you want is no longer
in this box.
I need more.
Don't you understand?
I gotta have more!
You can never get enough greed,
can you?
The box.
- The box belongs to Lukas!
- Yeah?
Well, tell Lukas it's been impounded.
Hey, it's okay. It's over.
I gotta have more.
Don't you understand?
I gotta have more!
- Box.
- No!
This guy just came out of nowhere.
I have no idea where.
His ID shows he's Robert Pike.
- Robert Pike?
- Yeah.
Did you see any eyewitnesses?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Did you find out anything?
Nothing unusual.
Unfortunately, we get these
kind of suicides all the time.
Darryl, this was not a suicide, okay?
He was driven into the street,
demonically driven.
I think that I can recognise
the signs by now.
This Robert Pike.
He was married, with two kids,
worked for Bregson Investments
as a stockbroker. Very successful.
The demon accused him
of being greedy.
- I wonder if there's a connection.
- It's hard to believe.
It seems like Mr. Pike
wasn't your typical stockbroker.
From all accounts,
he was more of a philanthropist.
He even hosted a fundraiser for the
American Cancer Society last night.
Something must've changed
in a hurry
because when we saw him,
all he cared about was the box.
- What box?
- This one.
- What's in it?
- I don't know.
But whatever it is, apparently
it's worth dying for.
In your opinion, was there anything
the bus driver could've done
to avoid him?
No, it happened too fast.
He didn't have time to react.
All right. I think that's it.
If I could have your home number,
in case I have any other questions.
The same as my sister's.
We live together.
Just out of curiosity, what would you
say if one of my other questions was:
Can I take you out to dinner?
You caught me off guard
with that one.
- That's my job.
- Well, you're very good at it.
But I...
I think that it would be best if those
numbers stayed in your report.
- I'm seeing someone.
- I'm not surprised.
Excuse me.
Are you okay?
I don't know.
I keep thinking about
what we could've done differently
to try and save him.
- He ran into the street so fast and...
- We couldn't have saved him, Prue.
Not without knowing more about
the demon who did this to him.
To find him, we have to find
what's so special about this box.
Do you have any idea
how important that box is?
I thought you were working on
controlling your anger.
I am controlling my anger!
At least we got the businessman's
soul, Lukas.
Yes, but I need to deliver seven souls
for seven sins.
Can't you just locate the box?
Yes, but I have to figure out a way
to get around the witches first.
Thanks to you.
You know,
my own self-destruction
was supposed to bring me peace
from sin.
Instead, I am damned to spend
eternity inflicting others!
Gotta know the product to move it.
I know the product.
I know how sin warps human desire.
Which might be exactly the way
to get to the witches.
Yeah. Sure. Why not?
Witches have
human desires too, right?
You know, there's only one thing
that I can't quite figure out.
Why do I need you?
I needed to vent.
Don't open that.
- Let me go get Piper first.
- Why?
Well, gee, Prue, I don't know.
Maybe so you don't go running in
the street and get hit by a bus too.
Piper, we need...
- Expecting company?
- Oh, no.
I was just making Leo
something to eat, you know.
Break up his day.
And something to take up
all of yours?
Well, sushi don't roll itself.
Besides, I like taking care of him
and cooking for him
and dressing up for him.
I was actually thinking of going out
and buying him a new wardrobe.
You know, de-flannel him a little.
What, you're afraid you're
gonna lose him?
- Wait, are you?
- Well, I'm not gonna give the Elders
any excuse to take him away again,
that's for sure.
No, Piper, they wouldn't do that.
You guys are married now.
So? There's nothing in those
wedding vows
that says they still can't
break us apart.
Besides, I don't wanna be complacent
about my marriage.
Neither he nor they are gonna find
any fault in me.
Well, they might find fault in us.
Prue and I lost an innocent
this morning.
So we need you.
- What are you doing?
- Opening the box.
You're supposed to wait
for me and Piper.
Okay, so you're here.
I'm gonna open it.
What if you unleash
some huge abomination?
Whatever it is,
I'm sure we can handle it.
But at least I think we should call
my husband and ask his opinion first.
Okay, but we didn't need his opinion
before, when he was just Leo.
- You called?
- No.
But as long as you're here...
Box, intercepted from a demon.
- Open it? Yea or nay?
- You checked the Book of Shadows?
No, but that's a great idea.
Leo, you're a genius.
What would we do without him?
I don't know. I guess our lives
wouldn't be the smooth-running,
carefree existence
that they are today.
Phoebe, your ethics professor called
about your meeting today at 2.
- Well, obviously, I can't make it now.
- No, you should go.
You're too close to graduating
to mess up now.
The three of us can handle the box.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Go. Although you...
you might wanna change into,
I don't know, clothes,
an actual shirt?
- Okay.
- Okay.
That's very...
Let's go.
"Bottled at the source,
by the source."
So, what, it's a box of sin?
Good thing you didn't open it.
It would've been Pandora
all over again.
Not quite. But this may be
how the myth got started.
Only it's a much more specific
type of attack.
According to this,
the box contains seven balls of sin
used to corrupt paragons of good.
If you're a paragon of good,
how do you get corrupted?
Because no one is immune to sin,
whether it be pride, envy, gluttony,
lust, anger, greed or sloth,
whichever one you're predisposed to
is the one that attacks you.
The businessman must've been
attacked by greed.
That's why he kept
wanting more.
Only his greed was magnified
a thousand times.
It explains why my scrying worked.
I thought the unnatural activity
was a demon courier,
but it must've been the sin working
against the businessman's
good nature.
Okay, so, what do we do now?
The infector appears to be the link.
Destroy Lukas,
and the sins lose power.
Do we know anything
about these infectors?
Only that they were humans
consumed by sin during life
and in death.
So, what we need to do now
is find a spell
to remove the sin
from the infected human
in case Lukas strikes again, right?
You can't remove sin magically
or otherwise. That's part of all of us.
Even you?
Yes, even me.
Just a tiny-teeny little bit.
Nothing that anyone would notice
but me.
Okay, you guys, wish me luck!
- Hey...
- It's okay.
I think you're gonna like...
this one!
What was that?
What just happened?
Oh, no, don't tell me we got infected
with those sin thingies.
What do you mean?
What is she talking about?
Okay, nobody panic.
Does anybody feel different?
- No.
- Me neither.
All right, so maybe we're immune
because we're magical.
I don't know.
I better orb up and ask.
Do that. Piper and I will
recheck the Book.
You get your butt to that meeting and
charm the pants off your professor.
Go and get home soon as possible.
No, I'm sure. Go.
The problem is, it's an ethics course.
It's about the dialectic.
So when someone misses
as many classes as you have,
it's hard to catch up.
Are you okay?
- I don't know.
- Plus, you owe me a major paper.
- And if I don't get it soon...
- What are you gonna do to me?
I'll have to give you an incomplete.
I'll have no other choice.
Do you have anything to say
for yourself?
I'm not wearing any underwear.
- Excuse me?
- Yeah, I find it too...
- Are you making some kind of joke?
- No, I'm serious.
Dead serious.
I've been a bad girl.
A very bad girl. And I'll do anything
to make it up to you.
I'll do anything to pass. Anything.
No, that'll be it.
Just the two Armani suits, size 42,
the Donna Karan dress, the three
pairs of Stuart Weitzman shoes,
the one Gucci jacket
and the Prada bag.
- What's the total?
- We don't have much time...
I'm on the phone
with Bloomingdale's.
Okay. Well, then I'm gonna have to
split that on two credit cards.
You can put $5000 on the card
that's on file and...
- What are you doing?
- Saving your life,
or at least your credit rating,
which is your life.
Excuse me.
Leo needs suits.
Leo doesn't wear suits.
Are you drinking in the middle
of the day?
I was a little bummed
about this sin thing.
I thought I deserved
a little indulgence.
Would you like a bit of bubbly?
I'd like a little bit of help. We are
supposed to be tracking down Lukas.
Sorry. Catch me up.
All right, so it turns out
that those sin balls
work a lot faster than we thought.
Once infected, the victim
only has a few hours
before it drives him
to total self-destruction.
Well, it's a good thing we weren't
infected, then, huh?
Right, but now that Lukas has the
box, the question is, who will be?
I tried scrying for unnatural activity,
but it just kept on pointing back
to the manor.
Go figure.
Guess what. My ethics professor
kicked me out of class.
- What? Why, what happened?
- I don't know.
One minute I was telling him why
my paper was late,
and the next thing I knew, I was...
unzipping his pants with my teeth.
Oh, Phoebe, you do know that
"charming the pants off someone"
is just a figure of speech, don't you?
I don't know what
came over me, Prue.
I'm just glad that I realised
what was happening before I...
All right. Unfortunately,
what got into you was lust.
- As in, the sin of.
- Wait a minute.
Now you think we were infected?
Hello, gluttony, table for one.
- Leo!
- Oh, no, no.
Leo's not up there.
He's in the living room watching TV.
This coffee isn't as good
as it used to be.
I'll make a note of that.
But maybe someday
it'll get better.
- What are you doing?
- Just kicking back.
Something is wrong with this picture.
You need chips. I'll go get some.
Oh, turn on MTV. I wanna see
Carson Daly. He is so hot.
Okay. Excuse me.
Sins in a box?
Demon hunt, real life?
Can we please focus here?
Now what did they say
about Lukas' sneak attack?
I don't know. I didn't make it up there.
I orbed halfway up, and I got tired.
- What?
- After 60 years of constant vigilance,
I think I deserve a little downtime.
Pursuant to orders,
I halted on our side of the river.
- Here you go, honey.
- Oh, thanks, sweetie.
I'm gonna be thirsty soon.
I'm gonna be ill soon.
I'll get it.
- How gorgeous!
- Hi.
- Boy, this is a lot of flowers.
- I'll say.
I love a man in a uniform.
- Hey, who sent the flowers?
- I did. For myself.
This is just too much.
I bet you're too much.
All right, that's it. That's enough.
Nothing to see here.
Nothing to respond to. Get out.
You. What you smiling at, buddy?
- Why did you do that?
- Unless you guys want
those flowers at your funeral,
you had better get a grip, okay?
You've been infected.
Gluttony, lust, and that in there...
is sloth.
How did I get gluttony?
I don't overeat.
No, but you overdo. The sins are
drawn to our predispositions.
And lately, yours has been excess.
- What sin did you get hit with?
- Well, I didn't get hit.
I saw you get hit.
I must be strong enough
to fight it off.
I'm not showing any symptoms,
am I? And thank goodness, right?
One of us has to keep
our wits about us.
Hey, turn that up, lazy.
And now we'll go live
to Bay City Motor Cars.
The SWAT teams just arrived
outside Bay City Motor Cars,
a further signal that police
are taking seriously
Pastor Roger Tremble's threat
to shoot and kill his hostage
if his demands are not met.
Do you have any idea what exactly
the pastor's demands are?
Actually, yeah.
It's a little bizarre, but he claims
he wants a Jag.
Specifically, an XK8 convertible,
in British racing green.
- That's a new one.
- That newscaster's kind of cute.
What do you wanna bet the demon
infected the pastor with envy?
Prue, out of all the people
in San Francisco...
Still, he does fit the profile.
Paragon of good,
driven to an act of self-destruction.
Yeah, especially with
a SWAT team outside. All right.
We cannot let this demon steal
any more of our innocents' souls.
Piper, are you coming?
I was gonna stay here with Leo
and hold down the fort.
- More like hold down the couch.
- I'll come if you want me to.
No, it's fine. I'll just do
all of it myself if I have to.
Come on, Phoebe.
- Do you think she's mad?
- Probably.
- Those stained glass...
- Wait, turn that back.
We've almost sold our
entire stock of these deluxe...
Hand me the phone.
- stained glass flamingos.
Coming up after the break,
we'll have an ornate Asian curio
cabinet for your fine collectibles.
Make sure you keep them back.
Look, Darryl, just let me handle this.
Look, Prue, it's a highly charged,
highly public situation.
I can't ask SWAT to let you handle it.
I get enough flak from them as it is.
All right, would you rather me
astral-project myself in there?
Come on, Prue,
you're not being reasonable.
I have something to say.
I see that cute officer
from this morning.
Hey, stay on point!
We still have an innocent to save.
You're right, we all do.
Cops included.
Look, just let the hostage negotiators
handle it, will you, please?
Fine. What's the plan?
The plan is to talk the pastor down,
wait him out.
Oh, okay.
- It works in most cases, trust me.
- If he's been infected,
it will not work in this case, trust me.
- The pastor is only gonna get worse.
- What would you do to resolve it?
There's only one thing to do.
Wait! Hold your fire! Hold your fire!
What the hell?
Her sister...
They'd better hurry.
I can't wait much longer!
- Pastor Tremble?
- Who are you?
Okay, hold on. I'm here to help.
But I can't do that
unless you put the gun down.
- Get out of here.
- I just wanna talk.
I just want my Jag.
Do you want me to shoot you too?
- I swear I will.
- Okay. No, wait.
I know what's happened to you, okay?
You've been infected with sin.
- I warned you!
- No.
You all right?
Talk to me, Prue.
All right. Got it.
Everything is under control.
Don't worry.
I got it all under control.
He needs medical attention.
The pastor's inside, I kicked his ass.
He needs attention too.
He's knocked out.
- If I could ask a few questions?
- My name's Halliwell, Prue Halliwell.
- What made you run in?
- It's my job to protect the innocents.
- You work for the police?
- No, actually...
She's a Good Samaritan,
a very Good Samaritan.
No further questions.
Why'd you do that?
I was just getting started.
You were about to hang yourself.
You shouldn't talk to the press.
- Why not?
- Because they'll destroy you.
- What's the matter with you?
- Nothing can destroy me, Darryl.
Prue, are you bleeding?
I am. Oh, my.
Well, that bullet must've grazed me.
- You didn't even feel it?
- No.
- The adrenaline, it's no big deal.
- No big deal?
You almost got yourself killed.
I've never seen you run from danger,
but I've never seen you run toward it.
What have you got,
a death wish or something?
It does sound kind of self-destructive,
doesn't it?
Oh, that means I've been infected.
That must be why I can't control
my powers.
- What's going on?
- I don't have time.
Can you get Pastor Tremble to a safe
place where he won't hurt himself,
like a psychiatric hospital?
It shouldn't be a problem.
Okay, good, but nobody can know
that he's there, okay?
Because if so,
the demon will find him and kill him.
I don't know how long
I can keep it a secret.
Just long enough for me to find
the demon and vanquish him, okay?
Okay. Now where is my sister?
It's a good thing I came prepared.
- Officer!
- Phoebe!
- Wait, I can explain.
- Like hell you can. Get out of there!
- Hi.
- Get over here.
Here, put it on!
Are you out of your mind?
Yeah, I think so.
But if you're gonna go crazy...
Yeah, well my sin's not nearly
as much fun as yours.
Wait, your sin?
I thought you didn't get hit.
Well, that was the pride talking,
and it almost got me killed already.
You don't seem all that different.
Really? Well, back at you.
We need to get home and try
- and track down this demon, okay?
- No, I don't think so.
I'm having too much fun,
so I'll just see you later.
If I don't get you home,
there won't be a later.
What the hell is the matter with you?
Not only in the middle of the day,
- but in the middle of a crisis.
- Look, she attacked me.
I swear. I didn't have a choice.
Well, not much of one.
That's a pathetic excuse.
You're an officer, for crying out loud.
What did you want me to do?
Shoot her?
- You're suspended.
- What?
Go back to the station,
turn in your hardware.
You can't suspend me.
It was her fault. Damn it!
Do you know that anger
is one of the seven deadly sins?
Your blood pressure's rising.
Adrenaline's pumping.
- You wanna hit somebody, don't you?
- Who the hell are you?
I'm somebody who can help you
channel that anger.
You know, it wouldn't have killed you
to drive by the fire station for a look.
You know what? If you and Piper
do not get your sins under control...
Good, you're here.
The pashminas have arrived,
and they're to die for. Come see.
Hey. Hi. Almost decapitated.
Wow, Piper, you really put
the "glut" in gluttony.
- How did you get this stuff so fast?
- I just let my fingers do the walking
and the clicking and the flipping.
The flipping as in...
the pages of the Book of Shadows?
You used magic?
Well, yeah, I couldn't wait
six to eight weeks for delivery.
That is so personal gain.
- No, because we need all this stuff.
- Okay, Piper, this isn't you.
You're being consumed
by your consumption,
and it will only lead
to your total misuse of magic.
Soothing, isn't it?
Hey, Leo.
I'm watching TV.
I know something more exciting...
than television:
What the hell are you doing?
Come on, give it back.
- Phoebe!
- What?
Prue won't let me leave the house.
I have to make do with what I have.
Get your slutty hands
off of my husband!
- Make me.
- Gladly.
- Watch the remote.
- No!
You guys, the last I checked
we still had a demon to vanquish,
and an innocent to save.
You said Morris hid
the pastor someplace safe.
Yes, he did.
But envy's only the sixth sin,
which means there's still an
innocent out there infected with anger.
What would you
like us to do about it?
Leo, I would like for you
to orb up there and ask the Elders
what they know.
I'm too tired.
Leo, get up there right now!
You're a whitelighter, that's your job.
Why? You never listen
to me anyway.
I think I'm gonna orb upstairs
and take a nap.
Fine. Fine, fine, orb.
Who needs you anyway?
We still have the power of three.
Did you find out where
they're hiding the pastor?
- Where did you come from?
- Answer my question.
- No one's talking. At least not to me.
- That's not good enough.
Look, I don't know who
you think you are...!
Anger's the worst, isn't it?
Especially when the burning rage
saps you of all your strength
and reason,
and the relentless scream
blots out all hope.
Use it against the Halliwells.
Make them tell you
where the pastor is.
Trust me.
Anger always feels better
when it has a target.
There is nothing in the Book.
Why did only lame witches
precede us?
Because nobody is as good
as you, Prue.
You know, at least I am trying, Piper,
instead of getting a foot massage
or instead of sleeping.
I'm not sleeping.
I'm just having the best premonitions
of my life.
- Of what?
- It's a button off Officer Cutie's shirt.
And let me tell you, if the movie is
anything like the previews...
All right, is that all
that you care about?
Fine. I'll save the innocents,
I'll vanquish the demon,
and if I feel like it, maybe
when I'm done, I'll save you guys.
- Oh, don't do us any favours.
- Yeah, Prue, worry about yourself.
- You all right?
- What happened?
- You were shocked.
- I feel strange.
Well, if you'd had both feet in the
water, you wouldn't feel anything.
Who's that?
It's Officer Cutie from this morning.
Hey! Hey, up here!
- I'm gonna come down, okay?
- Phoebe, watch out.
For the love of sin,
you see what's happening?
That was close.
Prue, we just have different priorities
than you do.
You need a little pick-me-up.
How about I buy you some shoes?
I knew you'd come back for me.
This isn't a social call.
Are we role-playing?
- Did you bring your handcuffs?
- Where's the pastor?
- I don't know, I swear.
- You're lying!
You're something else,
you know that?
I got suspended because of you!
You think you can ruin
somebody's life and not pay for it?
Well, you're gonna pay.
You're gonna pay right now.
Please, don't shoot.
My stuff!
He unfroze!
Why are my powers not working?
- Where's the pastor?
- I don't know.
You can't save what's already lost.
Please, wake up.
You glowed.
Doesn't matter.
Where are you hurt?
No, you gotta go downstairs
and heal Phoebe first,
and then go find Prue,
because the demon took her.
You glowed too.
I did? Did you heal me?
No, not yet.
It's the sins.
We must've gotten rid of them.
Wait a minute, you said
there was no magical way to do that.
There isn't.
Maybe there's a human way.
Maybe by being selfless.
By you caring more about your sisters
and me caring more about you...
we overcame it.
Well, that means Phoebe must've
gotten rid of her sin too,
because she risked her life
to save me.
She's still breathing.
- Hey, honey.
- Hi.
Leo, what are you doing up?
- Fixing you.
- Where's Prue?
We don't know,
but we need to find her.
She won't admit it,
but she's in big trouble.
You think you can break free...
but you can't.
See, that's what makes pride
the deadliest of all the sins.
It makes you think that
you're invincible, above it all.
- My powers are...
- Useless now. Corrupted.
You have only a small window
of opportunity
to save your life before it's too late.
No demon has defeated me,
and you won't be the first.
You see,
but I don't have to defeat you.
You're gonna defeat yourself.
In mere minutes,
you'll be so far gone,
you will self-destruct
just like all the rest.
However, I am willing
to make you a deal.
- I don't make deals with demons.
- Do you listen to them?
Look, we both know that you
safeguarded the pastor,
which means that
I can't deliver his soul.
This late in the game,
I am willing to pay for it.
Tell me where the pastor is,
and I'll remove your sin.
- Go to hell.
- This is my hell, every rotten day of it.
Listen, I am giving you a chance
to save your life, Prue.
To end your hell.
If you remove my sin,
you'll still be one soul short.
That's true.
But once expunged,
I can use the sin again.
You see, it'll just pop right back
into my box.
And let you infect another innocent?
I don't think so. Screw you.
Witness the bottomless pit
of everlasting torment.
Pride goeth before a very long fall,
Prue. So, what's your decision?
Remember, if I lose, you lose.
All right.
All right, untie me.
Tell me where the pastor is first.
Oh, untie me first.
If I self-destruct,
you'll never get his soul.
All right, now where is he?
You lose, I win.
- Prue!
- Leo! Leo!
Why did she have to have pride?
Pride is the one sin you can't beat.
Beat this.
I see orbs.
Let me go! I can handle this!
- I was saving you.
- Saving me?
I had it under control.
I didn't need your help.
Looks like the only way to get the
pride out of Prue is to vanquish him.
- Who ordered the sweet sin balls?
- I did.
What did you...?
No! No!
Okay, whoa. What just happened?
I think you just lost your pride.
And these must be envy and anger...
which must mean the pastor
and cop are okay now.
Wait a minute. Is this another?
I don't think so.
Maybe it's the businessman's soul.
Well, then you should release it
someplace nice.
I know the perfect place.
Wow, we sure showed that demon.
Okay, you guys sure
showed that demon.
Thank you.
So I guess I needed you guys
a lot more than you needed me.
No, we all needed each other.
You got me back to the house,
saved the innocents.
- Yeah, but...
- Stop it, I don't like this humble Prue.
- I want my real sister back.
- Me too.
Well, I mean I did save that cop
from killing himself.
- I was smart enough...
- She's back.
to tell Darryl
to hide the pastor away, and...
- Here you go.
- Oh, no, I'm abstaining.
Piper, it's okay to indulge.
Just don't overindulge.
I guess we can thank Lukas
for teaching us
"Anything in moderation."
There was nothing that Lukas
could teach me.
Oh, really?
I'm doing it again, aren't I?
That whole pride thing.
I swear, I'm working on it.
It's a constant struggle.
Here's one thing that I'm willing
to admit I don't understand:
You, Phoebe and Leo
were able to get rid of your sins
with a selfless act.
I committed many selfless acts,
yet why did I have to wait for Lukas
to be vanquished to get
rid of my pride?
Well, Lukas said that pride
was the one sin you can't beat.
I think what he meant was
that there's no such thing
as a selfless act to pride.
I threw myself into the pit
for the pastor.
Yeah, but you did that to win.
So any good you did
during your prideful state
was for the greater glory of Prue.
All right, fine. Then here's to Leo.
For saving me from eternal torment.
And to me, for not trying to be
the perfect couple.
If it isn't good enough for them,
then screw them.
I'll drink to that.
Excuse me.
Hi, I'm so excited.
And not in any sexual kind of way.
Recent events inspired me
to write a paper on sexual politics,
claiming that my indiscretion
with Professor Kass
was an ethical experiment.
So I hand the paper in yesterday.
And, pause for dramatic effect...
- So did he buy it?
- I got a B.
Minus, but I got it fair and square,
which means I will be able
to graduate. And no man,
not even Cole,
is gonna stand in my way.
- Congratulations.
- I am very proud of you.
- Oh, and coming from you...
- Hey, be nice.
I don't even wanna think
about sin tonight.
Me neither.
So this is a pretty interesting band.
What's their name?