Charmed (1998–2006): Season 3, Episode 19 - The Demon Who Came in from the Cold - full transcript
Cole returns and visits Phoebe, asking her to cast a spell to quit his evil powers. However, while walking with Cole, Phoebe unsuccessfully tries to save a street preacher vanquishing a demon, and Cole claims that the demon was his brother. Cole tells the Halliwell sisters and Leo that he was a member of the powerful demoniac Brotherhood of Thorn. He proposes to join the brotherhood again undercover to disclose their evil intentions, but Prue and Pipers do not trust on Cole. Meanwhile, the brotherhood accepts Cole back with restrictions, since they suspect of his true intentions. Cole has to prove that he is evil killing an important businessman, while The Charmed Ones plan how to save the victim without jeopardizing Cole.
I don't think we'll be able
to pull this off.
- We have to.
- We've been in tighter jams
- than this before.
- But we're running out of time.
- I don't think we're gonna make it.
- Phoebe, we can do this, okay?
If we just get a quick bite
to eat at Reds,
we can still make the 9:30 Faithless
at the Avalon.
The foreign film?
- I thought we were seeing a thriller.
- No, I wanna stop thinking about Cole
and his demon dodging,
not be reminded of it.
- Piper?
- Leo, it is three votes for Faithless.
Well, a thriller would be okay.
Okay, wait a second.
The vote's two against two?
- That's new.
- Welcome to the power of four.
I demand a recount.
Wait, that never works.
Something tells me you're not gonna
want to see either movie now.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I was so worried.
- I know, I'm sorry.
I couldn't come back
until it was safe.
- It's safe now?
- I think so.
For the moment.
Hey, welcome back.
Thanks, glad to be back.
Love to chat,
but we're late for a movie.
You wanna go?
We could use a tiebreaker.
Actually, I was hoping
Phoebe and I could catch up alone.
Works for me. Ciao.
Look at Phoebe and Cole trying
to be a normal couple.
- You know what that means.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're gonna go see the thriller as if
we don't have enough scary bad guys
around in our real life.
All right, come on.
I was starting to worry that you weren't
gonna make it back in time
for my graduation.
Wouldn't miss that for the world,
or the underworld.
It's really not safe for you here, is it?
No... Yeah, it is. I mean...
At least I think so.
Then what's wrong?
The truth is I don't know how much
longer I can keep doing this.
Doing what?
You know, the running and hiding.
Even if I stop, where do I go?
I'm still half human,
but I can't go back.
On the other hand, there's no place
for me in your world either.
What are you saying?
I'm just saying it's complicated.
It doesn't have to be, not with magic
on our side. I've been thinking.
Isn't there some spell in the Book
of Shadows that can strip my powers?
Wait, you want to give up
your powers?
If I don't have them, I can't be tempted
to use them. I could just stay good.
You would do that for me?
Prepare for the Brotherhood!
- Cole, what is it?
- The Thorn is coming!
Stop the Brotherhood! No Luxiron!
- Do you know him?
- Prepare for the Brotherhood!
No, but if he doesn't watch
what he's saying...
Phoebe, don't.
Where were you?
What happened to you?
You just vanquished my brother.
You know, Cole,
there's plenty working against us.
I just thought at least I could count
on you being honest with me.
I am.
Okay, so you just forgot
that you had a brother?
He's not that kind of brother.
How many kinds of brothers
are there?
- It's complicated.
- You know, I hate that word.
All right, we were just about
to find out
who the real killer is
and the pager goes off.
So this better be
a really good emergency.
Well, I'm the real killer.
I just vanquished Cole's brother.
This is so much better than
the movie.
I didn't want him to see me.
And we lost an innocent because of it.
Some poor street prophet who was
ranting about the Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood of the Thorn?
Yeah. I was a member.
I am a member.
What does that mean?
What does he mean?
You should have told us.
I've done a lot in 100 years.
It'll take a while to catch you up.
- Okay, so who are they?
- They're an elite gang.
They answer directly to The Source.
He selects the members himself.
Then they take a blood oath
to a lifelong pledge of loyalty.
Oh, that kind of brother.
All that matters now
is that they're surfacing.
They must have something big
in the works.
So why kill a crazy old street preacher?
Because not all of them are crazy,
or human.
Some of them are magical seers
who can foresee actual events,
but they're loud and dirty
so people ignore them.
If you call Inspector Morris,
he'll tell you other prophets
have been killed too.
For what? Just for talking about your...
This gang?
The Brotherhood can't risk anyone
figuring out what they're up to.
- Okay, so what are they up to?
- I have no idea.
I'm not exactly a member
in good standing anymore.
The prophet that I tried to save
was talking about Luxiron.
The Internet provider? What, the
demons want their own website now?
No, there must be more to it
than that.
All right, Phoebe, you check the net.
Piper, you got the Book of Shadows...
Save it. You can't stop
the Brotherhood with a little research
and your basic kick,
freeze and magical move.
No offence intended.
- Some taken.
- No, he's right.
They're way beyond anything
you've ever dealt with.
So we can't just let them go.
There's gotta be a way to find out
what they're planning.
There is one way.
- For me to go back.
- Cole.
If you want to find out
what they're up to, we have no choice.
Okay, but you'll be exposing yourself
to The Source.
- He'll kill you.
- Maybe not.
They've probably already surfaced,
set up camp in this world.
I won't have to go under completely.
It does kind of make sense.
Well, of course it makes sense
to you.
You always look for ways
to get Cole out of our lives.
This isn't about her, Phoebe.
- It's about me.
- No...
it's about us.
We might have a problem.
- With one of the prophets?
- No.
All the ones we've targeted
have been taken out, including Trigg's.
- So what's the problem?
- Trigg's missing.
I can't find him anywhere.
Which means someone
is on to our plan.
As long as the prophets are dead.
Keep searching for our brother.
I have to complete my assimilation.
We must move forward.
I'm worried, and not just about Cole,
but also Phoebe.
I mean, sending him back under is
like sending an alcoholic to a kegger.
- It's just setting him up to fall.
- I agree.
All right, look, this whole voting together
thing would be really, really cute
if it weren't so annoying.
I mean maybe you guys' vote
should just count as one from now on.
Bet you wouldn't mind
if we were voting with you.
What if we lose him? You don't
want that responsibility, do you?
Okay, look, the only votes
that count are Phoebe and Cole's,
and Cole has already volunteered.
Well, then maybe Phoebe
can talk him out of it.
Right, which is why we need
another plan.
So you guys work on
the Book of Shadows together
and I will call Morris
and see what he knows.
- Phoebe, I have to go.
- Nope. You can't.
- Phoebe.
- Remember the power-stripping potion
you asked me for, like, an hour ago
when everything was still wonderful?
Well, I have an idea.
I just need some time.
Phoebe, I have to go.
- I'll need my powers while I'm gone.
- Why? What are you gonna do?
Just blend in, that's it.
I won't do anything evil.
Well, let me make sure you can't.
I'll be smart, and careful.
I'll check in with you every two hours.
How? They'll track your shimmer.
Not if we meet in the mausoleum.
That's the second safest place I know.
- What's the safest?
- With you.
- I thought you'd be proud of me.
- Of what?
- Being suicidal?
- I'm coming back.
I always have.
How can you be so sure that
you're gonna come back this time?
Cole, you've been hiding from them
for months.
I don't understand.
There's a price on your head,
and now all of a sudden
you're willing to expose yourself?
- For what?
- For good.
You taught me not to walk away
and let evil win, to fight the good fight.
That's all I wanna do.
- They'll kill you.
- I have a plan.
Don't worry.
This is the right thing to do, Phoebe.
You know that, we both do.
Mausoleum, two hours, okay?
Well, look who's back.
- Kill him?
- In a minute.
Come in, come in.
Nice of you to come home to die.
Actually, I came to help.
I overheard the prophets talking.
- Afraid they'd spoil your plan.
- Who said we have one?
Tarkin, you always have a plan.
And after everything you've done,
you think you can just
walk back in,
pick up where you left off?
I'm here to do what's right, Vornac.
For the Brotherhood.
And what can you possibly offer
that will save your traitorous head?
The prophet's.
You actually expect me to believe
you killed the prophet?
He was a threat to you.
A bounty on your head
and yet you still think of us.
- The Brotherhood comes first.
- Words to live or die by.
Trigg was assigned
to kill that prophet.
- Did you see him?
- No.
How is my old friend?
Your old friend's missing, suspiciously.
Brothers missing, prophets talking,
I had no trouble tracking you down.
Pretty careless.
- What does Raynor think of this?
- Raynor thinks you're a disgrace.
- Why, because I killed the Triad?
- Isn't that enough?
They were plotting to kill The Source
so they could take over.
Which means they would have killed
every other demon in his inner circle,
including Raynor.
- We never did trust the Triad.
- Then why didn't he come back
and explain himself?
Why run?
Because I had no proof...
that's why.
I knew nobody would believe me.
Brothers for a hundred years,
and you...
disappeared without a word.
Left us with the rumours,
the accusations.
Were you thinking about
the Brotherhood then?
Check his story.
Back to work.
So who we after?
Not your concern.
Until Klea returns, he goes nowhere.
He always was a tight-ass,
wasn't he?
Do you blame him?
It's nice to have you back, Belthazor.
- I just hope it's for good.
- Yeah, me too.
Poor Phoebe, she must be going
out of her mind.
It's only been three hours.
Three and a half, way past the time
he said he would check in with her.
Leo, maybe you should orb
to the mausoleum
and see if she's heard from him.
Well, she said that she would call
if she had.
I should stay here till we figure out
what the Brotherhood's plan is.
So now you're voting with her?
Luxiron, that's what the prophet said,
"Merger talks between
Luxiron and MetaSatellite
faltered over the weekend."
Wait a minute. So Cole is risking
his life to preserve stock portfolios?
No, it's much bigger than that.
According to this,
if the merger goes through,
the world's information flow
will wind up
- in the hands of one company.
- Well, that sounds evil all by itself.
Except for one of the CEOs.
Frank Pirelli
is apparently getting cold feet
about it.
Want to bet the Brotherhood
wants this merger to go through
so they can take over the company?
Which means they'll have
to force Pirelli to vote for it.
Yeah, or kill him.
It sure would be nice to be able
to compare notes with Cole.
Well, we could if someone would orb
to the mausoleum.
I'm sure it's not as easy to break away
from there as he thought.
He'll show.
It's okay to be scared.
No, I'm not scared.
Concerned maybe, a little.
- We shouldn't have let him go.
- We didn't.
- He chose to.
- I know, and for what?
To prove to me that he's good?
He doesn't have to prove
anything to me.
Are you okay?
Did they buy your story?
For now, but I gotta get back.
They're suspicious enough as it is.
Well, then maybe
you shouldn't go back.
I want to, to stop them.
Look, I don't have much time.
All I know is they're after someone
who's gonna be at Pier and Pescadero
at 8 a.m.
- But I don't know who.
- We might.
Frank Pirelli runs Luxiron.
But he doesn't want
a big merger to happen.
And the Brotherhood does.
Makes sense. Explains why they've
taken over an investment banking firm.
How does it explain that?
The best way for evil to get a foothold
in the human world...
is to take over their businesses.
Work from the inside out.
You just learned that, did you?
So we need to safeguard Pirelli
till the merger vote at 11
and the Brotherhood loses.
Yes. But if you intervene, they might
think I had something to do with it.
You could blow my cover.
- We can't let them kill Pirelli.
- But you can let them kill me?
No. No. Cole, look at me.
We're gonna find a way to protect you.
You better get back.
All right.
I'm looking forward to seeing you
in your cap and gown.
Mind if I borrow this?
- Where did you go?
- I got thirsty.
Want a urine sample to prove it?
Your flippant attitude
almost got you killed once before.
Remember that?
I remember. You saved me.
All right, let's review.
We control the perimeter.
Re-route foot traffic.
I'll monitor security.
Once the limo's been cut off, Jaxel
will throw the energy ball and then...
No, wait.
Let's give Belthazor the honour.
What better way to make sure
he's truly back than to have him kill?
- Fine. What's the target?
- Why, does it matter?
It's time.
Me? No. I was just thinking.
Been a while since you've seen
this kind of action, hasn't it?
It'll come back to you.
It's in our blood.
Yeah, I know.
Just execute the plan, Belthazor.
No confusion, no consequences.
It's no more complicated than that,
Wouldn't it be nice to save the world
at a decent hour?
Well, we have to focus here, because
if we don't pull this off just right,
- Cole is screwed.
- Well, as long as we wait
until the last second,
Cole should be fine.
Let's just hope that killing Pirelli
isn't all they want.
Well, if it wasn't,
he would have told you, right?
I mean, unless you think
he's holding something back.
You know what, this is amazing.
First Prue can't sacrifice Cole
fast enough.
And now you can't wait to sell him out
as a traitor.
She was just asking a question,
That she should know the answer to,
we all should.
Cole is risking his life for this.
The least we can do is trust him.
- Well?
- I haven't been able to prove
Belthazor's story one way or the other.
That's all right.
We're about to find out
if he's telling the truth or not.
I got it, Mr. Pirelli.
What the hell is the matter with you?
Move your car now!
What are you waiting for? Kill.
Move your car!
Or be killed.
Can you hear me?
Hey, can you hear me?
What, are you deaf? Did you hear
what I said? Move your car!
Now! Where are you going?
Where are you going, damn it?
All right, Leo, go, go, go.
Maybe we should take Cole with us.
No, he has to look innocent
after the fact.
He's gotta figure out a way
to get out on his own.
Come on.
Go get the body.
What do you want the body for?
There won't be much left.
But even a trace could alert
the humans to the switch.
What switch?
This one.
All clear.
- Come on. Get into the car.
- Get me out of here.
Good. Go, go, go.
Feels great, doesn't it, Belthazor?
Welcome home, brother.
You've been missed.
Where's Pirelli's body?
- It wasn't there.
- What do you mean it wasn't there?
Pirelli's in the basement.
He's fine.
Phoebe's sleeping potion worked.
Me and my potions,
they solve everything.
- Didn't have any problems?
- No.
Phoebe wanted to bring home
a souvenir, but otherwise no.
I wonder if the kidnapping
made the morning news.
- What do we do now?
- I don't know, that's up to Cole.
He's gotta let us know
what the demon's next move is.
It's no coincidence
that just last night,
I changed my mind
and decided to support this merger.
Now someone's tried to kill me.
That convinces me
that I've made the right choice.
This merger will happen.
Thank you.
What was that about Cole
telling us everything?
If Cole knew about the switch,
he would have told us.
Are you sure?
He's back with his brothers now,
maybe he's switched too.
Oh, come on. Why all of a sudden
are you off his bandwagon?
- What changed?
- The plan blew up in our faces,
- that's what changed.
- And Cole is responsible for that?
Not knowing about the switch is a
big detail to miss, don't you think?
Aside from the whole
he-originally-tried-to-kill-us thing
that's coming to mind
right about now.
Okay, but, Piper, Cole's done
a lot of good since then, okay?
- We have to give him credit for that.
- Thank you.
You have to admit
you're a little worried about him.
About his getting killed, yes,
but not about his betraying us.
Pirelli is still out cold in the basement.
How are things up here?
Getting colder by the minute.
Okay, we need to work on a plan,
all right?
We need to be smart,
because Cole is counting on it.
So the merger voting is at 11,
that gives us two hours
to figure out a way to get the demon
impostor out of there.
Anything we do could point Cole out
as their leak.
So we have to let him know
what we're up to.
- Do we?
- Yeah. He deserves to know that.
Let me tell him to get out of there.
How you gonna get him
to meet you?
I slipped him a note at the attack,
asking him to meet me
at the mausoleum.
Let me try.
Okay. Be careful, and be fast.
And if, for whatever reason,
Cole doesn't meet you there,
get back here right away
- so we can start working on plan B.
- Okay.
Okay, be safe.
Well, since plan A is going so well,
I'd love to hear about plan B,
assuming that you have one.
I've got part of it, in the freezer.
The freezer?
Wait, we're gonna fight
the Brotherhood with Ben and Jerry's?
No, with a vanquishing potion made
from Belthazor flesh.
You kept that this long?
That's disgusting.
What makes you think
that it will work?
Well, you said that they were
connected by a blood oath, their blood.
So the potion that vanquishes one
should work on the others.
How lucky that we had
the key ingredient in our freezer.
I guess, in the back of my head,
I sort of thought that we might
need it again someday.
If the real Pirelli shows up here
and exposes us, we're dead.
Do you realize that?
Someone must have
removed the body.
That's the only thing we could figure.
That's impossible.
Not if it was done magically.
- What do you think?
- Me? I think...
Well, I think Klea's right.
Somebody intervened.
Like who?
- How would I know?
- Guess.
- Witches?
- How could witches be on to us?
Any thoughts?
We might have a leak.
Yeah, I think we do.
A traitor amongst us. Now...
who do you suppose
that could be?
Come on,
you can't think Belthazor...
Don't tell me what to think.
Give me a break. I'm not stupid
enough to come back home
- and betray you all in one day.
- That's not stupid.
- That's smart.
- She's right.
After all, it's so ludicrous,
who would suspect you?
You see, the thing that bothers
me most about this, Belthazor,
are the rumours.
The ones that say that while you were
a fugitive, you fell in love with a witch.
And now here we are,
confronted by the very real possibility
our entire operation
has been compromised by,
coincidence of coincidences, witches.
The rumours are true.
- What?
- I loved a witch.
Still do, actually.
At least my human half does.
But that was a mistake.
I realize that now.
I'd forgotten who I really was.
Raynor will demand he die
for his treason.
Or he will forgive me for being able
to salvage the operation.
I think I can get Pirelli back.
- How?
- The witch I was involved with,
her sister has the power to freeze.
A witch with that kind of power
could have taken Pirelli from the limo
without us even knowing it.
Another coincidence.
The witch you bedded, just happens
to be the one who is on to us.
Let me prove my loyalties.
Let me go to the witches,
get Pirelli, bring him back.
Then you can pass judgement.
Are you saving us, brother...
or leading us into a trap?
If he's telling the truth, help him.
If he's not...
kill him.
- Cole. Oh, my God, I've been so...
- No, don't.
It's too dangerous.
What do you mean?
What's the matter?
Just trust me. Where's Pirelli?
At the manor, in the basement.
- So you do have him.
- Yeah, of course.
- What's your plan?
- Our plan is to vanquish the demon
that took his place,
before the merger vote.
No, you can't.
That would be a huge mistake.
- Cole, you're scaring me.
- You should be scared.
You have no idea
who you're up against.
Oh, don't I?
Cole, what's happening to you?
What aren't you telling me?
I'm telling you to stay out of this.
All right?
Don't do anything, just go back home,
wait to hear from me.
I mean it.
- Hey, how did it go?
- I'm not sure, actually.
- What does that mean?
- I don't know, it was strange.
He was strange, almost mean.
But he doesn't want us to go after
the demon, he wants us to wait here.
- What? Why?
- He didn't say.
It doesn't make sense.
The whole thing doesn't make sense.
I think he's in trouble.
- Either that or...
- Or he's turned.
No, I don't believe that.
There's gotta be a good reason
Cole's doing what he's doing.
- How did they know where we live?
- How do you think?
- What is that?
- Demon-be-gone.
- You were right, the potion worked.
- What potion?
Okay, that was way too easy.
Oh, my God, Pirelli. Pirelli.
What do you think now?
All right, we need to get going, the
merger vote's in less than 30 minutes.
Why didn't you tell me you kept
some of the potion to kill Cole with?
Well, it's a good thing she did.
It came in pretty handy.
Look, Phoebe,
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
but the truth is, until recently,
I didn't really trust Cole.
I sort of felt like
I had to protect us just in case.
Just in case what,
he tried to kill us?
It wouldn't be the first time.
Well, it wouldn't.
Look, I know you love him.
And we all know that he loves you.
But sending demons to kidnap our
innocent kind of speaks for itself.
You were right. We never should have
let him go under.
I still think this is all part of
some plan of his. It has to be.
Okay, but right now
we need to stick to our plan,
which is to vanquish
the demon impostor.
Cole said not to. He said it was
a huge mistake, and I believe him.
Okay, but we don't.
All right, come on, you guys,
we really have to get going.
The vote's three to one, Pheebs.
You coming?
You cost me three of my best demons!
What the hell went wrong?
The witches were more prepared
than we thought.
Another coincidence?
- I didn't tip them.
- Did he?
He told the witch to go home.
Unless it was some sort of code.
It wasn't.
Look, the plan was to get Pirelli,
I did that.
- Then where is he?
- Somewhere you can't get him.
Not until I'm sure you won't kill me.
And how do I know
you really have him?
I was there. He has him.
And do I trust you anymore?
It's time. I have to get back.
But after the vote,
you'd better deliver Pirelli...
or I will kill you.
No, don't.
Don't what?
Don't go.
I know these witches, Vornac.
Now I've kidnapped Pirelli,
they'll do anything to stop us.
They'll try to vanquish you,
and they have the potion to do it too.
But will they vanquish you?
The vote's in, demon guy, you lose.
Piper, wait.
- Cole?
- Surprised?
What are you doing here?
- Where's the demon?
- He sent me instead, might be a test.
I think he's on to us.
On to us? You make it sound like
we're working together.
- Aren't we?
- Who are you kidding?
We should have vanquished you
on the spot. Where's Pirelli?
He's safe.
Cole, where is he?
Where else would he be?
The safest place you know...
the mausoleum.
- Isn't that what we agreed to?
No, unfortunately it isn't.
But how did you know?
Did you know?
The safest place that Cole knows
is with me.
He said so.
Easy. Easy.
I know I'm not very popular
right now,
but let the condemned man
have his last words.
I had no choice
but to play it this way.
They were so suspicious of me
I had to make everyone,
especially you, believe I was evil.
Or I was dead.
Some of us still think you're evil.
All right, so why did that demon
impersonate you?
He didn't trust me.
Wanted to find out whose side
I was really on.
I knew you wouldn't fall for it.
- What about Pirelli?
- I had to make you think
I'd actually betrayed you.
To give you motivation to kill Vornac
and me.
Forgive me.
I never doubted you.
Well, maybe just a little.
You'd better get Leo to the
mausoleum, get Pirelli back here
- before the merger.
- Can't you get Pirelli?
No. I have to get back.
You can't go back now.
Just to cover my tracks.
I don't want those guys
hunting me down.
I'll be out before your graduation
party tonight, I promise.
- You saw the witches kill Vornac?
- No. I saw what was left.
So I went to kill Pirelli,
but he was gone.
I can only assume
the witches found him.
This is a disaster.
What are we gonna tell Raynor?
He wants a full accounting,
you know.
Tell him I warned Vornac not to go,
but he didn't listen.
And now I have to go.
Go? Where?
I still have to find proof
for The Source to clear my name.
I can't very well do that here,
can I?
See you soon, my brother.
You can't go. Raynor wants
a full accounting, from you.
You can fill him in.
You know just as much as I do.
You were right, Raynor.
Belthazor has much to explain.
And much to answer for.
Congratulations, Phoebe.
Why can't we ever throw a party
or have a wedding,
or just live our lives
without evil screwing it up?
She'll start celebrating
as soon as Cole shows up.
What if he doesn't?
What if he can't?
Look, whatever happens,
he did the right thing.
I mean he helped us get Pirelli back
in time to cancel the merger.
- He helped us stop the Brotherhood.
- He proved he was good.
Yeah, but at what cost?
- You can't really think of it like that.
- Why not?
Shouldn't I get to protect
one part of my life and say,
"This, magic doesn't screw with,
this I get to keep."
Yes, you should.
Last night Cole was back,
and he wanted to strip his powers...
and I was graduating.
Yesterday everything was perfect.
And today it's all fallen apart.
Where is he?
What happened to him?
to pull this off.
- We have to.
- We've been in tighter jams
- than this before.
- But we're running out of time.
- I don't think we're gonna make it.
- Phoebe, we can do this, okay?
If we just get a quick bite
to eat at Reds,
we can still make the 9:30 Faithless
at the Avalon.
The foreign film?
- I thought we were seeing a thriller.
- No, I wanna stop thinking about Cole
and his demon dodging,
not be reminded of it.
- Piper?
- Leo, it is three votes for Faithless.
Well, a thriller would be okay.
Okay, wait a second.
The vote's two against two?
- That's new.
- Welcome to the power of four.
I demand a recount.
Wait, that never works.
Something tells me you're not gonna
want to see either movie now.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I was so worried.
- I know, I'm sorry.
I couldn't come back
until it was safe.
- It's safe now?
- I think so.
For the moment.
Hey, welcome back.
Thanks, glad to be back.
Love to chat,
but we're late for a movie.
You wanna go?
We could use a tiebreaker.
Actually, I was hoping
Phoebe and I could catch up alone.
Works for me. Ciao.
Look at Phoebe and Cole trying
to be a normal couple.
- You know what that means.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're gonna go see the thriller as if
we don't have enough scary bad guys
around in our real life.
All right, come on.
I was starting to worry that you weren't
gonna make it back in time
for my graduation.
Wouldn't miss that for the world,
or the underworld.
It's really not safe for you here, is it?
No... Yeah, it is. I mean...
At least I think so.
Then what's wrong?
The truth is I don't know how much
longer I can keep doing this.
Doing what?
You know, the running and hiding.
Even if I stop, where do I go?
I'm still half human,
but I can't go back.
On the other hand, there's no place
for me in your world either.
What are you saying?
I'm just saying it's complicated.
It doesn't have to be, not with magic
on our side. I've been thinking.
Isn't there some spell in the Book
of Shadows that can strip my powers?
Wait, you want to give up
your powers?
If I don't have them, I can't be tempted
to use them. I could just stay good.
You would do that for me?
Prepare for the Brotherhood!
- Cole, what is it?
- The Thorn is coming!
Stop the Brotherhood! No Luxiron!
- Do you know him?
- Prepare for the Brotherhood!
No, but if he doesn't watch
what he's saying...
Phoebe, don't.
Where were you?
What happened to you?
You just vanquished my brother.
You know, Cole,
there's plenty working against us.
I just thought at least I could count
on you being honest with me.
I am.
Okay, so you just forgot
that you had a brother?
He's not that kind of brother.
How many kinds of brothers
are there?
- It's complicated.
- You know, I hate that word.
All right, we were just about
to find out
who the real killer is
and the pager goes off.
So this better be
a really good emergency.
Well, I'm the real killer.
I just vanquished Cole's brother.
This is so much better than
the movie.
I didn't want him to see me.
And we lost an innocent because of it.
Some poor street prophet who was
ranting about the Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood of the Thorn?
Yeah. I was a member.
I am a member.
What does that mean?
What does he mean?
You should have told us.
I've done a lot in 100 years.
It'll take a while to catch you up.
- Okay, so who are they?
- They're an elite gang.
They answer directly to The Source.
He selects the members himself.
Then they take a blood oath
to a lifelong pledge of loyalty.
Oh, that kind of brother.
All that matters now
is that they're surfacing.
They must have something big
in the works.
So why kill a crazy old street preacher?
Because not all of them are crazy,
or human.
Some of them are magical seers
who can foresee actual events,
but they're loud and dirty
so people ignore them.
If you call Inspector Morris,
he'll tell you other prophets
have been killed too.
For what? Just for talking about your...
This gang?
The Brotherhood can't risk anyone
figuring out what they're up to.
- Okay, so what are they up to?
- I have no idea.
I'm not exactly a member
in good standing anymore.
The prophet that I tried to save
was talking about Luxiron.
The Internet provider? What, the
demons want their own website now?
No, there must be more to it
than that.
All right, Phoebe, you check the net.
Piper, you got the Book of Shadows...
Save it. You can't stop
the Brotherhood with a little research
and your basic kick,
freeze and magical move.
No offence intended.
- Some taken.
- No, he's right.
They're way beyond anything
you've ever dealt with.
So we can't just let them go.
There's gotta be a way to find out
what they're planning.
There is one way.
- For me to go back.
- Cole.
If you want to find out
what they're up to, we have no choice.
Okay, but you'll be exposing yourself
to The Source.
- He'll kill you.
- Maybe not.
They've probably already surfaced,
set up camp in this world.
I won't have to go under completely.
It does kind of make sense.
Well, of course it makes sense
to you.
You always look for ways
to get Cole out of our lives.
This isn't about her, Phoebe.
- It's about me.
- No...
it's about us.
We might have a problem.
- With one of the prophets?
- No.
All the ones we've targeted
have been taken out, including Trigg's.
- So what's the problem?
- Trigg's missing.
I can't find him anywhere.
Which means someone
is on to our plan.
As long as the prophets are dead.
Keep searching for our brother.
I have to complete my assimilation.
We must move forward.
I'm worried, and not just about Cole,
but also Phoebe.
I mean, sending him back under is
like sending an alcoholic to a kegger.
- It's just setting him up to fall.
- I agree.
All right, look, this whole voting together
thing would be really, really cute
if it weren't so annoying.
I mean maybe you guys' vote
should just count as one from now on.
Bet you wouldn't mind
if we were voting with you.
What if we lose him? You don't
want that responsibility, do you?
Okay, look, the only votes
that count are Phoebe and Cole's,
and Cole has already volunteered.
Well, then maybe Phoebe
can talk him out of it.
Right, which is why we need
another plan.
So you guys work on
the Book of Shadows together
and I will call Morris
and see what he knows.
- Phoebe, I have to go.
- Nope. You can't.
- Phoebe.
- Remember the power-stripping potion
you asked me for, like, an hour ago
when everything was still wonderful?
Well, I have an idea.
I just need some time.
Phoebe, I have to go.
- I'll need my powers while I'm gone.
- Why? What are you gonna do?
Just blend in, that's it.
I won't do anything evil.
Well, let me make sure you can't.
I'll be smart, and careful.
I'll check in with you every two hours.
How? They'll track your shimmer.
Not if we meet in the mausoleum.
That's the second safest place I know.
- What's the safest?
- With you.
- I thought you'd be proud of me.
- Of what?
- Being suicidal?
- I'm coming back.
I always have.
How can you be so sure that
you're gonna come back this time?
Cole, you've been hiding from them
for months.
I don't understand.
There's a price on your head,
and now all of a sudden
you're willing to expose yourself?
- For what?
- For good.
You taught me not to walk away
and let evil win, to fight the good fight.
That's all I wanna do.
- They'll kill you.
- I have a plan.
Don't worry.
This is the right thing to do, Phoebe.
You know that, we both do.
Mausoleum, two hours, okay?
Well, look who's back.
- Kill him?
- In a minute.
Come in, come in.
Nice of you to come home to die.
Actually, I came to help.
I overheard the prophets talking.
- Afraid they'd spoil your plan.
- Who said we have one?
Tarkin, you always have a plan.
And after everything you've done,
you think you can just
walk back in,
pick up where you left off?
I'm here to do what's right, Vornac.
For the Brotherhood.
And what can you possibly offer
that will save your traitorous head?
The prophet's.
You actually expect me to believe
you killed the prophet?
He was a threat to you.
A bounty on your head
and yet you still think of us.
- The Brotherhood comes first.
- Words to live or die by.
Trigg was assigned
to kill that prophet.
- Did you see him?
- No.
How is my old friend?
Your old friend's missing, suspiciously.
Brothers missing, prophets talking,
I had no trouble tracking you down.
Pretty careless.
- What does Raynor think of this?
- Raynor thinks you're a disgrace.
- Why, because I killed the Triad?
- Isn't that enough?
They were plotting to kill The Source
so they could take over.
Which means they would have killed
every other demon in his inner circle,
including Raynor.
- We never did trust the Triad.
- Then why didn't he come back
and explain himself?
Why run?
Because I had no proof...
that's why.
I knew nobody would believe me.
Brothers for a hundred years,
and you...
disappeared without a word.
Left us with the rumours,
the accusations.
Were you thinking about
the Brotherhood then?
Check his story.
Back to work.
So who we after?
Not your concern.
Until Klea returns, he goes nowhere.
He always was a tight-ass,
wasn't he?
Do you blame him?
It's nice to have you back, Belthazor.
- I just hope it's for good.
- Yeah, me too.
Poor Phoebe, she must be going
out of her mind.
It's only been three hours.
Three and a half, way past the time
he said he would check in with her.
Leo, maybe you should orb
to the mausoleum
and see if she's heard from him.
Well, she said that she would call
if she had.
I should stay here till we figure out
what the Brotherhood's plan is.
So now you're voting with her?
Luxiron, that's what the prophet said,
"Merger talks between
Luxiron and MetaSatellite
faltered over the weekend."
Wait a minute. So Cole is risking
his life to preserve stock portfolios?
No, it's much bigger than that.
According to this,
if the merger goes through,
the world's information flow
will wind up
- in the hands of one company.
- Well, that sounds evil all by itself.
Except for one of the CEOs.
Frank Pirelli
is apparently getting cold feet
about it.
Want to bet the Brotherhood
wants this merger to go through
so they can take over the company?
Which means they'll have
to force Pirelli to vote for it.
Yeah, or kill him.
It sure would be nice to be able
to compare notes with Cole.
Well, we could if someone would orb
to the mausoleum.
I'm sure it's not as easy to break away
from there as he thought.
He'll show.
It's okay to be scared.
No, I'm not scared.
Concerned maybe, a little.
- We shouldn't have let him go.
- We didn't.
- He chose to.
- I know, and for what?
To prove to me that he's good?
He doesn't have to prove
anything to me.
Are you okay?
Did they buy your story?
For now, but I gotta get back.
They're suspicious enough as it is.
Well, then maybe
you shouldn't go back.
I want to, to stop them.
Look, I don't have much time.
All I know is they're after someone
who's gonna be at Pier and Pescadero
at 8 a.m.
- But I don't know who.
- We might.
Frank Pirelli runs Luxiron.
But he doesn't want
a big merger to happen.
And the Brotherhood does.
Makes sense. Explains why they've
taken over an investment banking firm.
How does it explain that?
The best way for evil to get a foothold
in the human world...
is to take over their businesses.
Work from the inside out.
You just learned that, did you?
So we need to safeguard Pirelli
till the merger vote at 11
and the Brotherhood loses.
Yes. But if you intervene, they might
think I had something to do with it.
You could blow my cover.
- We can't let them kill Pirelli.
- But you can let them kill me?
No. No. Cole, look at me.
We're gonna find a way to protect you.
You better get back.
All right.
I'm looking forward to seeing you
in your cap and gown.
Mind if I borrow this?
- Where did you go?
- I got thirsty.
Want a urine sample to prove it?
Your flippant attitude
almost got you killed once before.
Remember that?
I remember. You saved me.
All right, let's review.
We control the perimeter.
Re-route foot traffic.
I'll monitor security.
Once the limo's been cut off, Jaxel
will throw the energy ball and then...
No, wait.
Let's give Belthazor the honour.
What better way to make sure
he's truly back than to have him kill?
- Fine. What's the target?
- Why, does it matter?
It's time.
Me? No. I was just thinking.
Been a while since you've seen
this kind of action, hasn't it?
It'll come back to you.
It's in our blood.
Yeah, I know.
Just execute the plan, Belthazor.
No confusion, no consequences.
It's no more complicated than that,
Wouldn't it be nice to save the world
at a decent hour?
Well, we have to focus here, because
if we don't pull this off just right,
- Cole is screwed.
- Well, as long as we wait
until the last second,
Cole should be fine.
Let's just hope that killing Pirelli
isn't all they want.
Well, if it wasn't,
he would have told you, right?
I mean, unless you think
he's holding something back.
You know what, this is amazing.
First Prue can't sacrifice Cole
fast enough.
And now you can't wait to sell him out
as a traitor.
She was just asking a question,
That she should know the answer to,
we all should.
Cole is risking his life for this.
The least we can do is trust him.
- Well?
- I haven't been able to prove
Belthazor's story one way or the other.
That's all right.
We're about to find out
if he's telling the truth or not.
I got it, Mr. Pirelli.
What the hell is the matter with you?
Move your car now!
What are you waiting for? Kill.
Move your car!
Or be killed.
Can you hear me?
Hey, can you hear me?
What, are you deaf? Did you hear
what I said? Move your car!
Now! Where are you going?
Where are you going, damn it?
All right, Leo, go, go, go.
Maybe we should take Cole with us.
No, he has to look innocent
after the fact.
He's gotta figure out a way
to get out on his own.
Come on.
Go get the body.
What do you want the body for?
There won't be much left.
But even a trace could alert
the humans to the switch.
What switch?
This one.
All clear.
- Come on. Get into the car.
- Get me out of here.
Good. Go, go, go.
Feels great, doesn't it, Belthazor?
Welcome home, brother.
You've been missed.
Where's Pirelli's body?
- It wasn't there.
- What do you mean it wasn't there?
Pirelli's in the basement.
He's fine.
Phoebe's sleeping potion worked.
Me and my potions,
they solve everything.
- Didn't have any problems?
- No.
Phoebe wanted to bring home
a souvenir, but otherwise no.
I wonder if the kidnapping
made the morning news.
- What do we do now?
- I don't know, that's up to Cole.
He's gotta let us know
what the demon's next move is.
It's no coincidence
that just last night,
I changed my mind
and decided to support this merger.
Now someone's tried to kill me.
That convinces me
that I've made the right choice.
This merger will happen.
Thank you.
What was that about Cole
telling us everything?
If Cole knew about the switch,
he would have told us.
Are you sure?
He's back with his brothers now,
maybe he's switched too.
Oh, come on. Why all of a sudden
are you off his bandwagon?
- What changed?
- The plan blew up in our faces,
- that's what changed.
- And Cole is responsible for that?
Not knowing about the switch is a
big detail to miss, don't you think?
Aside from the whole
he-originally-tried-to-kill-us thing
that's coming to mind
right about now.
Okay, but, Piper, Cole's done
a lot of good since then, okay?
- We have to give him credit for that.
- Thank you.
You have to admit
you're a little worried about him.
About his getting killed, yes,
but not about his betraying us.
Pirelli is still out cold in the basement.
How are things up here?
Getting colder by the minute.
Okay, we need to work on a plan,
all right?
We need to be smart,
because Cole is counting on it.
So the merger voting is at 11,
that gives us two hours
to figure out a way to get the demon
impostor out of there.
Anything we do could point Cole out
as their leak.
So we have to let him know
what we're up to.
- Do we?
- Yeah. He deserves to know that.
Let me tell him to get out of there.
How you gonna get him
to meet you?
I slipped him a note at the attack,
asking him to meet me
at the mausoleum.
Let me try.
Okay. Be careful, and be fast.
And if, for whatever reason,
Cole doesn't meet you there,
get back here right away
- so we can start working on plan B.
- Okay.
Okay, be safe.
Well, since plan A is going so well,
I'd love to hear about plan B,
assuming that you have one.
I've got part of it, in the freezer.
The freezer?
Wait, we're gonna fight
the Brotherhood with Ben and Jerry's?
No, with a vanquishing potion made
from Belthazor flesh.
You kept that this long?
That's disgusting.
What makes you think
that it will work?
Well, you said that they were
connected by a blood oath, their blood.
So the potion that vanquishes one
should work on the others.
How lucky that we had
the key ingredient in our freezer.
I guess, in the back of my head,
I sort of thought that we might
need it again someday.
If the real Pirelli shows up here
and exposes us, we're dead.
Do you realize that?
Someone must have
removed the body.
That's the only thing we could figure.
That's impossible.
Not if it was done magically.
- What do you think?
- Me? I think...
Well, I think Klea's right.
Somebody intervened.
Like who?
- How would I know?
- Guess.
- Witches?
- How could witches be on to us?
Any thoughts?
We might have a leak.
Yeah, I think we do.
A traitor amongst us. Now...
who do you suppose
that could be?
Come on,
you can't think Belthazor...
Don't tell me what to think.
Give me a break. I'm not stupid
enough to come back home
- and betray you all in one day.
- That's not stupid.
- That's smart.
- She's right.
After all, it's so ludicrous,
who would suspect you?
You see, the thing that bothers
me most about this, Belthazor,
are the rumours.
The ones that say that while you were
a fugitive, you fell in love with a witch.
And now here we are,
confronted by the very real possibility
our entire operation
has been compromised by,
coincidence of coincidences, witches.
The rumours are true.
- What?
- I loved a witch.
Still do, actually.
At least my human half does.
But that was a mistake.
I realize that now.
I'd forgotten who I really was.
Raynor will demand he die
for his treason.
Or he will forgive me for being able
to salvage the operation.
I think I can get Pirelli back.
- How?
- The witch I was involved with,
her sister has the power to freeze.
A witch with that kind of power
could have taken Pirelli from the limo
without us even knowing it.
Another coincidence.
The witch you bedded, just happens
to be the one who is on to us.
Let me prove my loyalties.
Let me go to the witches,
get Pirelli, bring him back.
Then you can pass judgement.
Are you saving us, brother...
or leading us into a trap?
If he's telling the truth, help him.
If he's not...
kill him.
- Cole. Oh, my God, I've been so...
- No, don't.
It's too dangerous.
What do you mean?
What's the matter?
Just trust me. Where's Pirelli?
At the manor, in the basement.
- So you do have him.
- Yeah, of course.
- What's your plan?
- Our plan is to vanquish the demon
that took his place,
before the merger vote.
No, you can't.
That would be a huge mistake.
- Cole, you're scaring me.
- You should be scared.
You have no idea
who you're up against.
Oh, don't I?
Cole, what's happening to you?
What aren't you telling me?
I'm telling you to stay out of this.
All right?
Don't do anything, just go back home,
wait to hear from me.
I mean it.
- Hey, how did it go?
- I'm not sure, actually.
- What does that mean?
- I don't know, it was strange.
He was strange, almost mean.
But he doesn't want us to go after
the demon, he wants us to wait here.
- What? Why?
- He didn't say.
It doesn't make sense.
The whole thing doesn't make sense.
I think he's in trouble.
- Either that or...
- Or he's turned.
No, I don't believe that.
There's gotta be a good reason
Cole's doing what he's doing.
- How did they know where we live?
- How do you think?
- What is that?
- Demon-be-gone.
- You were right, the potion worked.
- What potion?
Okay, that was way too easy.
Oh, my God, Pirelli. Pirelli.
What do you think now?
All right, we need to get going, the
merger vote's in less than 30 minutes.
Why didn't you tell me you kept
some of the potion to kill Cole with?
Well, it's a good thing she did.
It came in pretty handy.
Look, Phoebe,
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
but the truth is, until recently,
I didn't really trust Cole.
I sort of felt like
I had to protect us just in case.
Just in case what,
he tried to kill us?
It wouldn't be the first time.
Well, it wouldn't.
Look, I know you love him.
And we all know that he loves you.
But sending demons to kidnap our
innocent kind of speaks for itself.
You were right. We never should have
let him go under.
I still think this is all part of
some plan of his. It has to be.
Okay, but right now
we need to stick to our plan,
which is to vanquish
the demon impostor.
Cole said not to. He said it was
a huge mistake, and I believe him.
Okay, but we don't.
All right, come on, you guys,
we really have to get going.
The vote's three to one, Pheebs.
You coming?
You cost me three of my best demons!
What the hell went wrong?
The witches were more prepared
than we thought.
Another coincidence?
- I didn't tip them.
- Did he?
He told the witch to go home.
Unless it was some sort of code.
It wasn't.
Look, the plan was to get Pirelli,
I did that.
- Then where is he?
- Somewhere you can't get him.
Not until I'm sure you won't kill me.
And how do I know
you really have him?
I was there. He has him.
And do I trust you anymore?
It's time. I have to get back.
But after the vote,
you'd better deliver Pirelli...
or I will kill you.
No, don't.
Don't what?
Don't go.
I know these witches, Vornac.
Now I've kidnapped Pirelli,
they'll do anything to stop us.
They'll try to vanquish you,
and they have the potion to do it too.
But will they vanquish you?
The vote's in, demon guy, you lose.
Piper, wait.
- Cole?
- Surprised?
What are you doing here?
- Where's the demon?
- He sent me instead, might be a test.
I think he's on to us.
On to us? You make it sound like
we're working together.
- Aren't we?
- Who are you kidding?
We should have vanquished you
on the spot. Where's Pirelli?
He's safe.
Cole, where is he?
Where else would he be?
The safest place you know...
the mausoleum.
- Isn't that what we agreed to?
No, unfortunately it isn't.
But how did you know?
Did you know?
The safest place that Cole knows
is with me.
He said so.
Easy. Easy.
I know I'm not very popular
right now,
but let the condemned man
have his last words.
I had no choice
but to play it this way.
They were so suspicious of me
I had to make everyone,
especially you, believe I was evil.
Or I was dead.
Some of us still think you're evil.
All right, so why did that demon
impersonate you?
He didn't trust me.
Wanted to find out whose side
I was really on.
I knew you wouldn't fall for it.
- What about Pirelli?
- I had to make you think
I'd actually betrayed you.
To give you motivation to kill Vornac
and me.
Forgive me.
I never doubted you.
Well, maybe just a little.
You'd better get Leo to the
mausoleum, get Pirelli back here
- before the merger.
- Can't you get Pirelli?
No. I have to get back.
You can't go back now.
Just to cover my tracks.
I don't want those guys
hunting me down.
I'll be out before your graduation
party tonight, I promise.
- You saw the witches kill Vornac?
- No. I saw what was left.
So I went to kill Pirelli,
but he was gone.
I can only assume
the witches found him.
This is a disaster.
What are we gonna tell Raynor?
He wants a full accounting,
you know.
Tell him I warned Vornac not to go,
but he didn't listen.
And now I have to go.
Go? Where?
I still have to find proof
for The Source to clear my name.
I can't very well do that here,
can I?
See you soon, my brother.
You can't go. Raynor wants
a full accounting, from you.
You can fill him in.
You know just as much as I do.
You were right, Raynor.
Belthazor has much to explain.
And much to answer for.
Congratulations, Phoebe.
Why can't we ever throw a party
or have a wedding,
or just live our lives
without evil screwing it up?
She'll start celebrating
as soon as Cole shows up.
What if he doesn't?
What if he can't?
Look, whatever happens,
he did the right thing.
I mean he helped us get Pirelli back
in time to cancel the merger.
- He helped us stop the Brotherhood.
- He proved he was good.
Yeah, but at what cost?
- You can't really think of it like that.
- Why not?
Shouldn't I get to protect
one part of my life and say,
"This, magic doesn't screw with,
this I get to keep."
Yes, you should.
Last night Cole was back,
and he wanted to strip his powers...
and I was graduating.
Yesterday everything was perfect.
And today it's all fallen apart.
Where is he?
What happened to him?