Average Joe (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

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- No, don't shoot!

Don't shoot--

[muffled gunshots]

[thudding, glass shattering]

- [speaking Russian]


- Ah--

[edgy music]

♪ ♪

[police siren wailing]

- Ha ha ha ha!

[in English]

- [speaking Russian]

- [in English]

- [in English]

- [in Russian]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Ha!

[speaking Russian]

- [groans]

- Shh, shh, shh.

- No, no, no.
No, no, no, nyet, nyet.

[speaking Russian]

[in English] I want to see her.

- [speaking Russian]

[somber music]

♪ ♪

- Aah!

[dark music]

♪ ♪

- I still can't believe
we didn't find

not one fuckin' dime
in that Lambo.

- Yeah, man, I was really
looking forward

to having some fuck-you money.
- Me, too, Touch.

Me, too.

- So what do we do now? Huh?

- Well, your mother
goes to work,

you go back to school, and...

we all go back
to living our lives again.

- Okay, well,
that works for me.

- Yep. Me, too.
- Yeah.

- Fuck it.
- No--fuck that!

- No, fuck that!
That's what I meant, baby.

Fuck that!
- People came to our house

and tried to kill us.
We defended ourselves.

They don't do that type-a shit

unless it's real fuckin'
money out there.

- Hey...

it's over, Cathy.

We're done.
- In case you forgot,

there's still an investigation
going on out there.

- Yeah. Touch is gonna
clear on that.

- Yeah, I can keep
the heat away.

- Okay, what about
the head, Joe?

- Yeah, Daddy.
What about my boyfriend's head?

- What about it?

Wasn't like he was alive
when we cut it off.

- Oh, my God!

That is not the point!


- Jenn!
- Leave me alone.

- Look, you do that
stomping away, walking away

shit one more time...
- Leave me alone!

- You keep on walkin',
you hear me?

You keep on walkin'.

That white girl shit
she be doing--what the fuck

she be getting upset for?
- Just give her a second, okay?

- I ain't gon' keep
explaining to her

why we had to kill
that little motherfucker.

- Okay, well, that little
fucker was her first love.

- He didn't love her.
- Well, maybe not.

But she loved him,
and that's all that matters.

- [scoffs]

I know we all disappointed

about this motherfucking
money and shit.

It woulda changed all our
lives--I understand that.

But we have to accept the fact

that that money
ain't even out there, okay?

Probably never knows,
knowing my fuckin' father.

So you just gotta accept the
fact that it's not out there.

Go back to living your lives,

That's it.


It's fuckin' over.

[somber music]

- Nah.

It ain't fuckin' over.

[uneasy music]

♪ ♪

[toilet flushes]

[drill whines]

- Hey, Stan, Winny...

- Hello, Joe.

- Hi.
- Joe,

what were you doing
in there?

- In here?

Using the bathroom.

- I knew it.
- Is there a problem?

- Joe, if you need to use
the toilet,

would you be kind enough
to use the one

at the gas station
around the corner?

- The gas station?
- Around the corner.

This is gonna be
our home, Joe.

How would you feel if Stan
and I came to your house

and...made a number two?

- Stan took like 40 shits
in my house.

- You count my shits?
- What?

- What?
- What?

- This isn't a debate.
It's a simple request. Please.

Do not use the bathroom
in our house.

If you can't honor that,

then we'll find someone
who can, okay?

- Uh, yeah.

- And it was 43 shits.

Yeah, I counted.

Nasty motherfuckas.

[edgy music]

♪ ♪

- The victim's name
is Dimitri Dzhugasvili,

son of Nicolai Dzhugasvili.

[men murmuring]

Is it something you wanna

share with the class,

- Hickey.

- Hickey.

- No.
- No.

Then shut the fuck up.

[scattered laughs]
- Now I wanna share.

I heard about your moms.

A dirty cop, right?

She's in prison
for killing her partner.

He found out
she was on the take

working for that
piece of shit on the screen,

and she killed him.
Ain't that right?

[low murmuring]

- It's bullshit.
She was set up.

- No. You're bullshit.
And so is this task force.

We clear our own cases
around here.

Why don't you go back
to the fuckin' staties?

[low murmuring]

[door closes]

- Nicolai Dzhugasvili
is the head

of an entire crime syndicate
that deals heavily in guns,

drugs, and sex trafficking.

Hit the streets.
Find me something.

Let's go.

- [softly] Shit.

[background chatter]

[whispering] Oh, shit.

Perez, hey.

- Hey, Touch.

What's good?
- You, obviously.

You lookin' fit as fuck,
you handsome bastard.

You lose some weight?
- I been swimming.

Down 16 pounds.

Feel that.
- Yeah, it shows.

Hey, listen, um, how'd that
briefing go in there,

by the way?
I was supposed to sit in,

but I got stuck on a call.
- Not much to it.

Hickey was fuckin' with her
about her mom.

She's in the pen, you know,
for killing a cop.

- Yeah, it was her partner,

I heard about that.

He was on the take
or some shit.

She got any leads

on who may have
chopped that kid's head off?

- Not that she gave up.

She does think it's local,

Gang-related, maybe Russian
retaliation or some shit.

- No shit.

- Listen, I got some steps
I gotta get in.

You good?
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm good.

[uneasy music]

- All right.

[background chatter]

- Hey, you.

- Don't ask if I'm okay.

- I wasn't going to.
- Why not?

Everyone else has.
- Your granddaddy

just burned up in a fire.

Your dad just [softly]
murdered your boyfriend.

I mean, I'm just saying,
if you were okay,

I'd be seriously fuckin'

- My parents don't like it

when you say the f-word
around me.

- Fuck that.
- Fuck that.

[both giggling]

- Hey, Cathy,
what are you doing here?

Can I get you something
to go?

- A cup of coffee
would be nice.

But I think I'll have it
for here.

- Came all this way
for a cup of coffee?

- I was in the neighborhood.
- In the neighborhood.

- Mm-hmm.

- 'Scuse me, miss.
- Okay.

I got you.
Um...I'll get you your coffee.

And you need anything, Jenn?

- Mom, I already had
two slices of pie.

No. I'm gonna get fat.

- You're not gonna get fat.

- Well, that was some
weird energy.

- I hate this place.
- Well, I was getting ready

to go do a little shoppin',

Little splurge, hmm?

shit, because I deserve it.


And you deserve
to have some fun too.

You should come with.
Don't worry about money.

Aunt Cathy got ya, girl.

- A shopping spree?

- Mm-hmm.
- With your money?

I'd love to be
anywhere but here,

but my mom would
never let me leave.

- Then don't ask her.
- What?

- You heard me.
She can't say no

if you don't ask her.

Besides, you are 18.

[upbeat music]

[both laughing]

- Oh, my God!

- "With Aunt Cathy.
Love you."


[background chatter]

[pool balls clacking]

[mellow music over speakers]

♪ ♪

- Hey, sergeant.

- Tuchawuski.
How's it hanging?

- Uh, a little to the left
today but, you know,

I like to mix it up down there.
[small laugh]

Hey, Jimmy, Powers. Neat.
- You got it, Touch.

- You want anything?
- I'm good.

- So finding that head, huh?
That's some crazy fucking shit.

You don't see that
around here every day.

- Or anywhere.

- And it was Nicolai
Dzhugasvili's kid, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- So that narrows your suspect

list down to what, like 10,000?

- At least.

[bluesy music playing]

♪ ♪

- We're a far cry
from the Academy, aren't we?

You remember some of those
rookie hazings we took?

- Oh, man.
Don't say Cornflakes.

- Oh, fuck.
Cornflakes and molasses.

- Those assholes
stripped us to our underwear

then covered us in molasses
and Cornflakes.

And then made us
put our clothes back on

and forced us to walk
through Homewood.

- Oh, no, listen, I remember
every fucking minute of it.

Who knew that shit would set
like glue when it dried?

- Mmm.
- I nearly ripped

every fuckin' hair
outta my body

trying to take my clothes off.

- See, the trick
was to get in the shower

with your clothes on--that way
it dissolved the molasses.

- Ah, see, who knew that shit?

Me, I just...
bled for three fuckin' hours.

- [laughing]

- Ain't your mom
that cop-killing bitch?

- The fuck did you
just say to me?

- Hey! You got a fuckin'
problem, huh?

You wanna say somethin'?

Because I'm in the mood
to fuck somebody up right now,

so go ahead, say the word--
we can dance right now,

- Come on.

- [kisses]

- Any day, motherfucker.
Any day.

Sorry about that.
Fuckin' jerkoffs.

- Shit's gettin' old.

- Yeah. I can imagine.

- Uh, two more.


- Now you're talkin'.

[overlapping chatter,

[quiet music]

♪ ♪

- Oh--

- Oh!

[Southern accent]
Oh, Robbie.

All right,
let me take a look.

You're okay.
You're pretty tough, right?

[school bell rings]

Hey, don't forget,
tomorrow we are gonna

talk about the continents.

I wanna know which ones
are your favorites,

and which ones you and your
families have been to, okay?

all: Yes, Mrs. Miller.
- Thank you. Very good.

And I'm also lookin' forward
to meeting all y'all's parents

a little later today at the
Parent/Teacher conference.

But don't worry.

I only have great things
to say about all of you.

[school bell rings]

All right, bye, now.
Let's go.

Thank you.
You're so patient.

All right, head on out.
Oh, yep.

- Bye.
- Bye.

All right.

See you guys later.

- My mom...
she was set up, you know.

- No shit.
Set up by who?

- By--

A real piece of shit.

- Well, I'm sorry.
I didn't know that.

- Me too.

[phone rings]
- You know, I--

- Oh...finally.

Gimme a second.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Do your thing.
Go ahead.

- Talford.

Holy shit!

Okay. Let's start
calling around.

Find out if any local stores

sold a shit-ton of
peanut butter recently.

Look at Amazon and Instacart.

If someone's selling on Etsy,
I wanna talk to their ass too.

All right.

Gotta run,
but it was nice, Touchy.

- Yeah, you get something good?
- Oh, fuckin' A.

Kid's head was covered
in fuckin' peanut butter.

- Ah.
- Artisanal.

You do some checking for me?

- Yeah. I'll ask around, yeah.

[Pam mutters indistinctly]

Fucking Leon.


Good job, gentlemen.

That was perfect.
- Anytime, Touch.

You get what you needed?
- Oh, yeah.

Right on, boss.

- We specifically told you
to buy peanut butter

from different stores.
- Different goddamn stores!

- You also told me to find a
place that didn't have cameras.

I found the one store
in 10 miles that didn't have

a fucking camera.
- Obviously not.

- Where else was I
supposed to go?

- Why would you buy artisanal
fucking peanut butter?

Why wouldn't you buy
some regular shit niggas eat

like Skippy or Jiff
or some shit like that?

- It was all they had, okay?
It was some hippy-dippy place.

The guy running it looked like
his name was Blanket.

- Wait, wait, wait,
wait a minute.

Did you get that artisanal shit

from that raw food
hippy joint on the Strip?

- Yeah, so?

- So? Fuck! Leon,
that place has been robbed

a dozen times by high school
kids stealing beer.

I know for a fact
that they have a camera.

- No. No, no,
there is no way, okay?

'Cause I looked left, right,
side to side.

There was absolutely
no fucking camera there!

- Fuck. Fuckin' Leon.

We're fucked.

- Fuck!
- Oh, fuck, dude.

- Okay, it was-it was late,
I-I was panicking.

I musta missed it.
- Ya think?


What do we do now?
- No, no, no, hold on a second.

I know these kinds of cameras.

This is an older model,
so it doesn't upload

to the Cloud
or any shit like that.

It feeds directly
into a hard drive,

which is in the store.

So we just gotta
come back later

and steal the fuckin'
hard drive.

Are you fucking
kidding me with that?

Are you wearing
Dimitri's Cartier?

- I-I--
- Get the fuck outta here.

- I was afraid if Cathy
found it, she'd sell it.

- Facts. She will sell it.

- No, Cathy's
not gonna sell it.

It is fucking evidence, okay?

It's got Dimitri's
initials on it.

We're fucked if anybody
finds that on you.

Give it up. Come here.
- Come on, Touch!

- Give it up.
- I took it off the kid.

I should be able to keep it,

- Leon, you give me that watch,

or I'll chop your fucking hand
off and take it off you myself.

- You're gettin' a little
too comfortable

with this choppin' shit up

[light, edgy music]

- [whispering] Fuck.

- Now I don't know
what time it is.

- It has just been
an absolute delight

having Jeroni in my class.

She is such a gifted
artist for her age.

You know,
she's a natural leader,

and, I'm sure you've noticed,
a girl boss in the making.

- Well, that is just
wonderful to hear.

Thank you so much
for your time.

- You are so welcome.

Thank you for coming in.
- Of course.

- Take care now.

[knock on door]

I'm sorry, I thought
I'd met all the parents.

[man clears throat]

[uneasy music]

♪ ♪

[speaking Russian]

- [in English]
My son has been killed.

I need my chameleon

to find out
what happened to him

and bring anyone

and everyone responsible
for his death...

to me.

- That life
is forever behind me.

- Hmm.
- There is nothing you could

offer that would ever
bring me back to that world.

- [chuckles]

[dark music]

She is doing well.

Very smart.

[dramatic chords]

Like her mother.

Bring me who killed my boy.

And I will bring
your daughter to you.

- I will find the people
who killed your son.

And when I do...

you will give my daughter
back to me.

If not...

- [laughs]

I understand.

- Are you sure you
don't want something

more than a pop?

I mean, I'm not gonna
say nothing

if you order something
a little more adult.

- I don't know, I mean...
aren't they gonna card me?

- Oh, my God, you got so
much of your mama in you, girl.

Nobody's gonna ask you
for your ID.

Besides, you out here
lookin' like a whole-ass woman

in these new clothes.

Come on, drink with me.

Hey, um...1800 Tequila,

- Comin' right up.

- Ooh, girl, he fine as fuck.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm.

[mellow music playing]

- So...

we're gonna be okay, right?

- Girl, we gon' be fine.

And once we find
this $10 million,

we gon' be even better.

Honey, this is gonna be
our everyday life.

- I'm pretty sure us looking
for that money is kinda over.

My mom wants us to get
back to our old lives.

- Ha. Girl, that's bullshit.

That is not what
your mama wants.

Thank you.

- No, I...I'd better not.

- Fine. Suit yourself.

Line 'em up.

Yeah, girl.

- Aunt Cath--

- Oh, shit.


[edgy music]

♪ ♪

- [in English] So this was
where my Dimitri was living.

Bit of a shit-hole.
I thought I taught him better.

What the fuck is this?

Someone covers the mirror

and turn off the clock.

- [speaking Russian]

- [in English] It has not been
40 days yet.

Don't want my Dimitri's soul
trapped in here.

- Teddy Washington's Towing.

- Go.

- You two. With me.

- Remember,
no one kills them but me.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

[in Russian]

- Look, honey, your mama just
don't wanna tell you her real.

- What's her real?

- Her real--our real

is that, yes,
Dimitri was your boyfriend.

And I know you loved him,
but honey, he was bad news.

- You didn't know him.
- Ha. You know what I do know?

I know that you dodged
a bullet

with your dad doing
what he did.

If your pops hadn't made it
outta there alive,

Dimitri would have come
for you and your mom.

You wanna hate him
for what he did,

but you should be thanking him.

He did it because he loves you
more than anything.

And that's why
it's so important

that we keep looking
for all that money...

not for me, but for you,
for your family.

Joe could start
his own plumbing business.

- You know Stan won't even
let him use his restroom?

- Gir--I wish Stan would
tell me I can't use it.

I will piss on his
bathroom floor.

- [huffs]

And I could get Mom
outta that shitty diner.

- Outta there forever.
Goodbye and good riddance.

And get her healthy.

- The best doctors.
- The very best, okay?

"Grey's Anatomy" doctors, you
know what I'm talkin' about?

What about you?

What do you want?

What do you want?

I'm not talkin' about none
of that sugar-coated shit

that you would tell
your mom and dad.

You talkin' to me.

What do you really want?

- Really?
- Mm-hmm?

- I wanna become an actress.

- Oh, shit!

[both giggling]

I never knew that.
- I mean, no one knows.

Dimitri knew.

- Mm.

Well, then that is exactly
what we gon' do.

After you graduate
from Carnegie,

we gon' get you signed up
for some acting classes, kay?

- I...

I don't wanna go to college.

- Uh-uh.
- Aunt Cathy--

- No, no, no, no,
listen to me.

You are going
to fucking college.

You're the smartest girl
I know,

and you not gon' waste
that opportunity.

But...maybe you can
go to New York,

take some acting classes
in the summers,

and then after you graduate,

you can go off,
do whatever you wanna do.

Move to California--become
the star you were meant to be.

The star you deserve to be.

Shit, maybe I'll come wit' you.

- Oh, we could live in Malibu.

- Ooh. Or Bel-Air.

I feel like Bel-Air
might be more our style.

- Bel-Air!
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, Jenn, baby,

your best life is out there.

All we have to do

is find it.

- Jennifer. I have been
calling and texting all day.

Why didn't you tell me
you were leaving the diner?

What the hell is this?

You went shopping while I was
here, worried about you?

- I left you a note.
- You think I'm playing

with you, Jennifer?
- Mom...

relax, okay?
I was just bored

and tired of smelling
scrapple all day.

So, you know,
Aunt Cathy took me shopping.

- People are dead, Jennifer.

You don't get to be bored.
And Cathy should know that.

The only thing
that you get to do

is what I tell you,
so if I tell you

to sit your behind in a booth
and act normal,

then flipping do it!

- I'm 18 now, Mom.
You can say "fuck."

- Well...

if it helps to sink in,

I don't give a fuck
that you're 18.

Do what the fuck I say.

Do you...fucking understand me?

- Fuck, yeah!

I love you, Mom.

[soft, sentimental music]

♪ ♪

- What the hell just happened?

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- [scoffs]

[both speaking Russian]

- [speaking English]
It's not so bad.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- [in English] Same girl from
Dimitri's apartment.

- [in English]
Where is she going?

- [speaking Russian]

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
[speaking Russian]

- [in English] I am not

like fucking dog.
- [speaking Russian]

[soft honks]

[intense music]

♪ ♪

[tense, punchy music]

♪ ♪

- Let's get in, grab
the hard drive, and get

the fuck outta there--bing.
- Bang.

- Bonk.

- It's boom, motherfucker--
bing, bang, boom.

- We said bonk in my house.

- No wonder
you're all fucked up.

- Fuck you, Touch.
- Fuck you.

- Hey, shut the fuck up.

Are we good?
- Yeah.

We're good.
- No, no, wait, wait.

Tuck the bottom of your pants
into your socks.

We leave no evidence.

- [exhales] Let's do this.

- Mask and gloves?

- [in English]

- [speaking Russian]

- [in English]

- Ha.
[speaking Russian]

- [speaking Russian]
- [chuckles]

- [in English]

- [in Russian]

[both speaking Russian]

- [in English]

- [in English]

- Yeah?

- I think we need to talk
some more about today.

- [sighs]

Okay. Um...

I shouldn't have left
the diner without telling you.

You're right, and I'm sorry.

- Yeah, okay, yeah.

Thank you.

What you workin' on?

That's nice, baby, but
I don't--I don't understand.

- I think we should still
look for the $10 million.

- Where is this coming from?

Because just a day ago,

you didn't wanna talk about
Dimitri or the money,

and now you want us
to look for it?

- I'm just trying to make
sense of all this, Mom.

I know that Dimitri

might have loved me,
might have been a bad guy.

And that's probably why
I was so attracted to him.

And I now know that Dad
did what he had to do for me.

I mean, for you, for us...

because he had to.

So I think that's why we should
still look for the money

to help you guys.

This could be the logo
for Dad's new business.

And this is for you.

Don't just say no, okay?

Don't say that we're fine,
because we're not fine.

Please, just please tell me

you'll at least
think about it.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

- I'll think about it.
- Hmm?

- I'll think about it.

[uneasy music]

♪ ♪

- Shouldn't we park like
down the block or some shit?

- We're stealing the fucking
security footage.

- Good point.

- Let's go in and do this

- Okay.
- Mask on.

- I can't see shit.

- Because your mask
is too big.

- Well, switch with me.
You got a bigger head.

Your mask smells like...
really nice.

What is that, lavender?
- Yeah, I try to do a little

something with my body wash.
- It's good man, it's masculine

but like really--
- Can you ladies

shut the fuck up
so we can do this?

- Touch...

you know to pick this lock?

- Yeah.




- Damn it.

Another break-in.
- You have reached

emergency 9-1-1.
Your call will be answered

in the order it was received.

Do not hang up.

- Touch and I'll find
the hard drive.

You keep your eye on the door.

- Yeah. Go on ahead.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[dog barks]
- It's probably those kids

trying to steal our chocolate
double IPA again.

What do you think?

Should we go try to scare
these little bastards?

- Yeah. Oh, yeah.

- Here.
Here, here, here.

- [in English]
Hey, where you going?

[both speaking Russian]

- [in English] For last time,
I don't take order

from little girl.
Stop acting like pussy

and let us do the job
we are here to do.

[in Russian]

- ♪ Never, never
gonna give you up ♪

♪ I'm never,
never gonna stop... ♪

[punchy music]

♪ ♪

- Hey!

Yeah, I got it.

Uh, you know what?
Move some shit off that desk.

Make this look like
a burglary.

- [in Russian]

[door hinges squeak]

- Guys. Guys. Guys.

We have company,
and it's not the cops.

- How the fuck
did they find us?

- Fuck if I know.
- We gotta get--

- Shit!
- Come on!

- ♪ Stop the way
I feel about you ♪

♪ Girl, I just can't
live without you ♪

♪ I'm never ever
gonna quit-- ♪

[intense music]

♪ ♪

- Where are you?
We know you are here.

Where are you hiding?

- [whispering] Shh, shh, shh,
shh, shh, shh!

- We won't hurt you.
We're your friends, huh?

- Yes, friends.

[tense, percussive music]

♪ ♪


- Don't...leave me...

Please help...help me...


- Um...



[music intensifies]

♪ ♪