Average Joe (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - A Cautionary Tale of Frontier Justice - full transcript

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♪ ♪

[phone chiming]

- I'll talk to her.

Yeah. Listen, I'm about to--

- Alexandra.
- Daddy, where are you?

- I know.
I'm sorry, sweetheart.

Listen, I just got in the Lyft.

I'll be there
in five, ten minutes tops.

- Mom didn't think you were
gonna show up anyway.

- I'll speak to her.
- Love you.

- Love you too. All right.

Sorry about that.

I've been stuck
in court all day.

Then my car got a flat tire,

and now my ex-wife has found
a way to ruin

my daughter's
surprise birthday party.

But you, thank you so much
for picking me up so quickly.

How's your day been?

And the hits just
keep on hitting.

Sorry to bother you.

- [sighs]

My day is fine, Michael.


- Oh, my God.

Angela Baker?
- [sighs]

- [chuckles]
You look amazing.

- [laughs]
Oh, yeah, I look amazing

after sitting in the car
for three hours.

- No, no, no, I mean it.

I can't believe you're--
- A Lyft driver?

- No, no, no,
I can't believe you're here.

We're here.

You're--how have you--

who have you--

- Well,
I'm Angela Washington now.

This is my husband Joe.

This is my daughter Jenn.

I left the firm
a year after you did.

Got pregnant.

And my life is--is good.

- Amazing.

I just assumed you'd go
from paralegal to attorney.

- Yeah, I thought about that.

But I wanted to put
my family first.

So I did.

I mean, and what about you?

I mean, youngest partner ever
at BD&P.

- You've been stalking me?
- [laughs]

I may have followed you
a minute after you left

just to see how my favorite
attorney was doing.

So you have a daughter, huh?

- Yes, Alexandra.

- Mm-hmm.
- Sweet 16.

She lives with her mom.

- Sorry about you
and your wife.

- Oh, God, don't be.
She's awful.

- [laughs]

[clears throat]

Well, looks like we're here.

So if you could give me
a five-star rating,

I would really appreciate it.

- Hmm. I don't know.

You were driving
pretty erratically.

I believe you failed to yield.

- What--I failed to yield?

No, no, no, no, I yield
with the best of them.

I have a yield award.
- A yield award?

- Mm-hmm.
- Well, then I stand corrected.

Five stars it is.

It was really great
to see you, Ange.

- It's good to see you too,

- You know,
I wish I'd never left

without telling you
how much I--

[soft music]

I hope you've been happy.

I've always hoped for that.
- I have been.

I mean, I--I have.

- Maybe we could grab a drink
after you're done yielding.

- Goodbye, Michael.

- Of course.

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

[indistinct TV chatter]

- Hi, Mom.
- Hey, baby.

So I think
I may have found a way

to get you to Europe
this summer.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, Mom.

No, you didn't.
- Shh.

Not a word to your father,

Let me tell him
when he's ready.

- Can I at least tell Becka?

- You can tell Becka.

- [laughs]

Thank you so much.

- You're welcome.
- I'ma call her.

- All right.


- Hey, there she is.

Queen of the book club.
[both laugh]

Tell me,
any scintillating conversations

about "Winnie-the-Pooh"

- Actually, it was
"The Vanishing Half."

- "Vanishing Half." Mm.
- Yes.

- Kay.

That was really rude.
I was watching that.

- You are coming with me.

- I am?


I am.

- You are.
- Okay.

- [laughs]
- Wow.

What was in that book you read?

Ooh, should I read it too?

- You're about to find out.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah, okay. All right.


[suspenseful music]

- Joe.


Come on.

What the fuck are you doing?

- Please, don't--

don't leave.


- Oh, my God.

[breathing heavily]

♪ ♪

Don't shoot me.

Please, just don't shoot me.

Don't do it.

- On your knees, plumber.

- Touch, shoot her now!
Shoot her!

♪ ♪

[gun cocks]

♪ ♪

- [breathing heavily]

♪ ♪

Let's go, go, go.
- Go, go, go, go.

- Oh, no, no!
- I got a plan. Wait here.

♪ ♪

- Come on. Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe.

[engine turns over]

[tires screech]

[both grunting]

[tires screeching]

- You got it. Over here.
Leon, hey!

- [breathing heavily]

- Joe. Joe.

- [breathing heavily]

- Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

- [grunts]
- Joe, Joe, Joe.

- No, we got to go, man.

- [screams]

- Let's go. Let's go.

- Go, go, go.

[tires screeching]

- [breathing heavily]

[distant sirens wailing]

♪ ♪

- The fuck
were you thinking, Joe?

You almost got us killed.

- I thought he was--
I thought I was, like--

we got to go back.
- Go back to what,

the cops and that
fucking headshot lady?

- No, no, no,
that was no fucking lady.

- You two don't have
to go with me,

but I got to do something.

I got to turn myself in.

- No. No, you don't.
- I got to turn myself in.

- You--no, you are not
thinking straight.

- I am fucking
thinking straight!

An innocent man died
because of me tonight!

Because of me,
he's fucking dead right now!

I got to do something.

- Like what,
you think turning yourself in

is gonna change all that?
'Cause it's not.

- I can't keep
living like this, man.

- No, no, no, no, no,
listen, Leon is right, okay?

- Fuck this shit!
- No, turning yourself in

is not gonna change anything.
- Ah!

- Besides, what good
is you being locked up

gonna do to Jenn and Ange?

What's gonna happen
to them, huh?

- Fuck am I supposed
to tell them?

- Well, you tell them
whatever you have to tell them.

You understand me?
But you need to get them

the fuck out of that house
as quickly as you can.

You grab whatever you can,
you put them both in the car,

and you leave,
because whoever the fuck

it was back there probably
tracked us from your house.

And it is only a matter of time
before they double back.

Joe, are you
fucking hearing me?

In and out.
- I fucking hear you.

In and out. I hear you.

Just take me the fuck home.

I know a place we can hide.

♪ ♪

- How'd it go?

Is that blood?

Joe, are you okay?
- I'm fine.

Just trust me.
We got to get out of here.

Come on. Let's go.

♪ ♪

We're leaving now. Come on.

Grab some--
- Wait, what? Leaving? Where?

- Jenn, come on. We got to go.

- Dad, what the hell?
What happened?

- Let's go, Jenn.
- What happened?

- Come on, Jenn. We need to go.

- Go where? Where are we going?

- Just grab some stuff.
Let's go.

- What? Why?

- Just do what he says.

- All right.


- Shit.

[sirens wailing]


[tense music]

♪ ♪

[puppy whines]

Hey, puppy dog.

♪ ♪

Hey, Perez.

Holy shit.

We got anything?
- Nada.

Well, Venezia is trying
to suck up to Talford,

hoping she'll let him
work this.

- That guy's a fucking gnat.

You mind if I--
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

- Yeah, see? Look at this.

See what's going on?

This doesn't look
like a simple robbery.

Russian mafia.

I'm thinking the store is
a front for a rival gang,

and these two tried
to get even tonight.

- Except dispatch said
the owner called in

the break-in from home.

So they were here
before he got here.

Only question is, why?

You got something, Touch?

- It might be nothing,
but something's sticking out

of his pocket right there.

♪ ♪

- DD.

This is Dimitri's watch.

- Maybe Venezia is right.

Maybe this is
a revenge hit, you know?

- You have to get this
to forensics.

Bag it.
- Big time.

From "Die Hard?"

- Touch, you work this with me.
- Yeah, all right.

- But Sarge,
he's a desk jockey.

- You heard the lady, fuck-o.

- And bag
that peanut butter too.

- I'll take care of it.

- Put a rush on the results.

I want to see if it's a match
for the head.

♪ ♪

- Like it's not bad enough
we have to hide out

in this half-finished shithole
Joe's working on.

But on top of that,
you bought 35 fucking jars

of peanut butter
from the same store, Leon?

- Can you give me a break?

It was an honest mistake,

- Everything with you is.

Is there anything
you've ever done on purpose

that turned out right?
- Yeah, marrying you.

- Look around, Leon.

What about this feels right?

We're stuck inside this
unfinished dusty-ass house

without anywhere
to even wash our asses.

- Look, it's just
for the night, okay?

Joe says he's gonna
have the plumbing

up and running by the morning.
- Joe. Joe says. Joe says.

Joe also said there was
gonna be $10 million

in a Lamborghini.

- What do you want me to say?

- I want you to be

I want you to come up
with a plan

instead of sitting around

with Joe's broke fingers
up your ass

telling you what to do.

So do you have a plan?

Do you?

- I plan on leaving
this conversation.

- [scoffs]

Fine by me.

Ask your plumber friend
to fix the fucking shower.

- We're never going home,
are we?

- What? No, of course, we are.

Your father just needs
to figure this out.

- When?
- I don't know, Jenn.

- Well, we can't stay here
without clothes, food, or heat.

I mean, what's Dad gonna do?
- I don't know.

- What do you know?

I mean, I can't be the only one

thinking that Dad's lost
his mind.

- Stop raising your voice
in our house.

- This isn't our house!

This isn't our house.


- Fuck.

Joe, we need to talk.

- What? What? What?

Is something wrong? What?

- "Is something wrong?"

- I'm sorry.
That came out wrong.

- No, I don't need you
to be sorry, Joe.

I need you to be the man
that I married.

- I am that man.
- No, Joe, you're not.

Do you have any idea
what this is like,

to suddenly be
afraid of the man

that you have loved
your entire life

because you don't know
what horror

that man is gonna
bring home next?

- You're afraid of me?
- Yes.

I mean,
ever since this started,

you've got this
bizarre twinkle in your eye

about finding
Teddy's blood money.

Joe, is this still about us?

Or are you trying to prove
something to your dead father?

- I ain't shit to prove
to that motherfucker.

You understand me?
- Joe.

- Not a goddamn--
[door slams]

- Shit!
- Goddamn, Touch.

Announce yourself
when you come through.

- Sorry, I didn't want to pull
into the driveway

of our hideout
in a fucking patrol car.

Is everybody here?
- Yes.

- All right, guys,
come in here for a second

and gather around the table.


All right. Listen up.

New phones.

Old ones go into the bag.

- What?
- What?

- [sighs] The Russians
tracked us tonight.

Sergeant Talford's been
breathing down our necks.

So from now on,
we are using these phones

and these phones only, okay?

Put each other's numbers
in there,

but nothing else.

No apps.

No photos.

No social media.
None of that shit.

Change your PINs
and your passwords

to something that nobody knows.

Jenn, that means you too.
Come on.

- Come on.
- Let's go.

- [sighs]
Oh, my God. Fine.

- So what's the deal, man?
We're going to jail?

We're not?
Are they looking for us?

- I think I may have
bought us some time.

- Oh, good.

- I sent Pam
on a wild goose chase.

But she is testing
that peanut butter

to see if it's a match
for the shit that we put on--

- Put on what?

- She's just testing it.

- But then you got
that hard drive, then.

- What hard drive?

- It's--it's nothing.

- It's obviously something.

- You did get the hard drive,
didn't you?

- Yes, I got the hard drive.
I just--

- Leon, tell me
you have the hard drive.

- Yeah, I have it.
I just--I got it.

- Tell me you have
the hard drive.

- I got it. I got it.
I just don't remember what--

I have--everyone relax! Okay?

- Jesus Christ.
- I got the fucking hard drive.

Fucking had the shit.

- Well, what--
what's on the hard drive?

And what happened tonight?

- Nothing.
- Nothing happened.

Now give it to me
before you fuck that up too.

- Fuck you, Joe.

- That's my man.
Kick his ass, Lee.

- Okay, you know what?

We're gonna go
in the other room.

Jenn, come--now!

- Finally got
a pair of balls, huh?

Fuck me, huh? Fuck me?

You're the reason we in
this fucking mess tonight.

- I am?
- Yeah.

- Every motherfucking store
in Pittsburgh has a camera.

How the hell
was I supposed to get

35 different jars
of peanut butter

from different stores
without being seen?

- Focus, motherfucker,
that's how.

- Maybe we should have
used pigs.

both: What?
- Pigs?

- Most farms
don't have cameras.

- What the fuck are you
talking about, pigs?

- I heard on a forensics
podcast once that--

that 16 pigs could eat
a 200-pound man

in eight minutes.

Leaves no trace.
- Oh, bullshit.

- Yeah, pigs will eat anything
if they hungry enough.

Shit, even each other.

Haven't you ever wondered
why everybody lost their shit

when Dorothy fell
into the pig pen

in "The Wizard of Oz"?
- "Wizard of Oz."

- I have not.

- So you're saying we didn't
have to chop up those bodies?

- No, we still would have
had to chop them up

plus remove their teeth

because pigs can't
digest teeth.

Plus, we would have had
to find 16 pigs

and then starve them for a w--

You know what?
Maybe pigs was a bad idea.

- No, you know
what the bad idea was?

Your fucking man.
- Hey.

- Leon was the bad idea.
- Come on, Joe.

- No, no, no, no,
I'm just getting started

with this motherfucker, baby.

- You need to check yourself,

Leon didn't start this shit.

Your daddy did.

So you can keep huffing
and fucking puffing

all you want to,
but the shit is on you,

and you fucking know it.

- Guys, you just--

do you ever stop talking
and talking and talking?

- I stop talking
when I fight somebody.

I'll tell you that!
- You know what?

[all shouting]

Just cut it out, damn it,
right now!

Damn it!
- Both of us!

- Fuck!

We are getting nowhere
fighting about the past.

We need to focus on the future.

What we need is a plan.


- You know I would have
knocked your ass out.

- You're still--
- Okay, what are we gonna--

what are we gonna do?

What are we gonna do?

- Well, if you ask me,

I mean, I think the only way
out of this is--

is to leave town.

- So that's it?

Just abandon everything
that we built here?

That's--that's your big idea?

You're a fucking cop.

- Considering
the circumstances, Joe.

- You can't think
of other cop things to do?

- Yeah, you have--

- This the best
fucking idea you got?

- You know what, Joe?
Joe, I think--

I think
Touch is right about this.

- [scoffs]
- Considering everything

that we've been through,

maybe--maybe a fresh start
is a good thing.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

Let's say we do it.

We still got to tie up
loose ends to make sure

that the cops and the Russians
don't follow us.

Leon, tomorrow, you and Cathy
should take the tow truck,

dump the Lambo on Lake Fargo
like we discussed.

- Yeah, I'll try
not to fuck it up.

- Yeah, yeah,
try not to fuck it up.

Touch, when you go down
to the police station,

do whatever you can possible
to steer any conversation

away from us, okay?
- Yeah.

- And what you doing besides
barking orders at everybody?

♪ ♪

- That woman saw
my face tonight.

You all will be safer
if I just stayed put.

♪ ♪

- [breathing heavily]

- Sorry. Sorry.

- Move down just a little bit.
- Down?

- Mm-hmm. Yeah, right there.
That's good.

Yeah, that's good.
Thank you, baby.

- [groans]

- You forgot Mom's meds.

- We forgot. I'm fine.

- No, Mom,
you need a hot shower.


- Don't worry.

I'll fix it.

- I'm okay, Joe.

- No, I promise.
I'll--I'll fix it.

- [groaning]



- [grunts]

[wrench clunking]

- [groans]

- [grunting]

- What are you doing?

- Shower works.

- Oh, good.

I can finally wash
last night off of me.

You seen Cathy?

- No.

- Good talk.



- Hey, Lee,

I'm sorry about last night,

Cathy was right.

You know, I put that shit
in motion and got a man killed.

And I just--

I got to live
with that shit now.

- We all played
our part, right?

We good, man.

[soft music]

Hey, you do me a favor.

You don't let Cathy know
she was right

because, otherwise,
she'll never let me

hear the end of it.

- [laughs]
- You got it?

- I swear to you,
I would not do that.

[both laugh]

- Hey, what do you want
to do about this?

♪ ♪

- That's how you do this shit.

- That's how you do that shit.

[both laugh]

- [moaning]

So instead of bringing me
the plumber--


and his merry little band
of petty thieves,

you killed two of my men?

- Our deal was, I find out
who killed your son

and I get my daughter,

not to kill everyone
I cross paths with.

I did what I did because
those men didn't listen,

and they were going
to get you killed.

- [laughs]

And this would make you
very happy, hmm?

- You're getting sloppy.

- Oh.


- You can die
when I get my daughter back.

- Oh!

Taste it. Hmm?

Come on. Taste it.

Taste it.

There you go.


- It's delicious.

- [laughs]
Yes. Yes.

It's healthy food.

Even the name pierogi
is fun to say.

Say it. Say it. "Pierogi."

Say it with me.

both: Pierogi.

- There you go.

Beautiful. Beautiful.

Find out more
about this plumber.

Call me sloppy again,

I will burn
your daughter's eyes out.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- So you didn't touch the head
or move the head?

- No, we just took the video.

- And a couple photos.

[knock at door]

- Hey.

- Hey.
- I figured you could use this.

- Oh, thank you.
- Yeah.

[indistinct chatter]

- Mm.

- I don't know.

I won't tell if you don't.


So what did I miss?

- Not much.

No DNA on the head.

Too much sand, peanut butter,
and bug shit

on it to get anything usable.
- Huh.

- And we're still waiting
to see if that peanut butter

from the hippy store matches
what we found on the head.

- Yeah, and what do you got
going there?

- Figured I'd go back
to the beginning.

- Well, I don't think
Beavis and Butt-Head

are gonna give you much.

- They didn't.

But it got me thinking
about that girl

who was yelling at them.

I saw her talking to you.
Who was that?

♪ ♪

- She's--

Her name is Jennifer.

She's the daughter
of a friend of mine.

- And--and what exactly
did Jennifer want?

- You know, to--to see if
we found anything related

to her boyfriend's killing.

♪ ♪

- And her boyfriend
is the head?

- Yeah. Well, was the head.

'Cause he's dead.

- The fuck, Touch?
- I--

- You were gonna
tell me this when?

- Soon. You know, now.

That's why I was coming.

Look, I just was hoping
that we'd find the fucks

that cut that kid up
so I wouldn't have

to involve her, you know?

Her family's been through
a tough run lately.

- Boo-fucking-hoo.

She was Dimitri's girlfriend,

I need to talk to her, now.

- Yeah.

- Now. Right now.
- Yeah, I--yeah.

Yeah, okay.
I'll--I'll meet you outside.


♪ ♪

[doorbell rings]

[knocking at door]

[doorbell ringing]

- Joe!


- We'll have
to try again later.

Come on.
- No, Stan.

This is the third time I've
come back here from my purse.

At this point, they're thieves.

Are you gonna help me
find the spare key

or just stand there
looking like a tit?

- Winny, you cannot break
into someone's house.

- If I get my purse back,

I'll let you break
inside me later.

- Through the back door?

- However you like.

- There's got to be a key
around here somewhere.

♪ ♪

- We'll be in and out, Stan.


Who are you?

What are you doing here?
You shouldn't be here.

- [in American accent]
I'm Olivia Moss.

I'm the realtor for this home.

- No.

I'm the realtor for this home.

Stan, go get my purse.

Angela said she found it
in the kitchen.

- Yep.

- Joe never told us
they were moving.

Neither did Angela.

I sold them this house.

So if they were moving,
I'd know,

not you, Ms...

what was it again?

- Moss.

- Funny, that name
doesn't ring a bell.

What agency are you with?

- The Cohen Group.

- Is that C-O-E-N or C-O-H-E-N?

You know what?

Just give me
your corporate number.

- Found it, honey.
- Great.

So you'll be leaving now
and I can get back to work.

- I'll take that number now.

♪ ♪

- The number is 987-115-5544.

[line ringing]

- Watch.

Yes, hello.

Yes. Good afternoon.

I'm calling about an agent

whose name is Olivia Moss.

- [in normal accent]
I'm sorry.

- Do you have an agent
over there by that name?

I've never heard of her.
- [grunting]

- This is Winny Harris
from the Privilege Group.

Yes, that's right.

No, this is an emergency.

Yeah, is your
office manager there?


- I told you to leave.

- [gasps]

- You should have listened.

- [gasping]


Oh, God! Oh!


[suspenseful music]


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- You said the family had
a tough run of it lately?

What did you mean?

- Well, Jennifer,
the girl, her grandfather,

who she was very close with,
passed away recently.

And then, of course,
the thing with her boyfriend,

you know, with the--
[clicks tongue]

And her mom is sick.

Her dad broke his arm recently
and he can't work.

So yeah, tough run.

- What's wrong with the mom?

- Polymyalgia.

- Always in pain.

- Yeah.

- Sucks.

That said, you hold
something back from me again,

you're gonna be
the one in pain.

You hear me?

- Yeah, loud and clear.

- All right.

- Wait a second.

Joe would never leave
his door open like that.

[tense music]

♪ ♪


Joe, you in there?

- Eyes open.

♪ ♪

[floorboard creaks]

♪ ♪

Oh, fuck.

♪ ♪

[camera shutter clicks]

♪ ♪

- Shit.

- Hey.

- Ah! Fuck, sorry.

You scared the shit out of me.

- Upstairs is clear.

You find anything down here?

- No. Nothing.

- We should get out of here.

So the daughter?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm on it.

I'll tell her dad that we
really need to talk to her.

- No "we." Me.

I can't have you in there.
You know that.

- You still don't
trust me, huh?

- Just bring her in.

♪ ♪

- I just got off
the phone with Touch.

And he said
that Sergeant Talford wants you

to come down for questioning.

Now, look, it is very important
that you allow

me and your mother to--
- Jenn. Jenn.

Baby, we got to talk
to the police.

I'ma need you to pay attention
to your father, okay?

- Touch said
keep your answers brief.

Few words as possible, okay?

And let me and your mother
handle the rest.

Jenn, look at me.

- What really happened
last night?

- We're just gonna
stick to the task at hand.

- Someone died, right?

I heard you and Uncle Leon
last night.

That makes five.

Five people dead.

Are there more?

- No.

It's five.

No more.

- Five people are dead
because I got close to Dimitri.

I--I allowed him to get
close to our family.

- No, look, no.

- If it wasn't for me...
- No.

- None of this
would have happened.

- No, baby.
- Oh, Jenn.

- And Dimitri would
still be here.

- That's not true.
- Jenn, Jenn, Jenn, baby.

- [crying]
- Look at me. Look at me.

Don't you put this shit on you.

None of this is your fault.
You hear me?

None of it.

You've been incredibly brave.

And once you get through
this interrogation,

all this will be over.

Then we can go back to having
things the way that they were.

Better than the way we were.

[somber music]

You hear me?

♪ ♪

- Few words as possible.

- Few words as possible.

- What?

What--what are we doing here?

- Change of plans.

- Change of plan--no.

- Yes, Leon.

Do you know how much
a black market Lambo goes for?

We are sitting on an easy
50 grand back there.

- Just no.

We cannot afford
any more loose ends, okay?

We just need to dump the car in
the lake like we promised Joe.

- Man, fuck Joe!

Besides, dumping it in the lake
is way more risky

than taking it to a chop shop.

Shit, these motherfuckers will
have that thing disassembled

and out the door
in under ten minutes.

- Yeah, I don't know, Cath.

- All right. Fine. Fuck it.

You know,
long as you got Joe's back.

You know,
maybe one of these days,

you'll have your wife's back.

- Can you cut it out
for a second, please?

You're driving me crazy.

[tapping fingers]

- So how much?

- I could give you $20,000.

- Fuck that. 60.

- It's not an easy car
to get rid of.

- [scoffs]
- 25,000, cash.

Take it or leave it.

I count to three,
then go back to work.



- Hold on.


I don't think that
motherfucker's gonna budge.

You think we should take it?

- Whatever you think is right.

- Shit.

- Hey.

I got you.

You know what?
We got another buyer.

Can you bring the car around?

- 30.
That's as high as I can go.

- 50.

And my generosity
goes away in three,


- Fine.


[JVKE's "golden hour"]

- ♪ It was just two lovers ♪

♪ Sitting in the car,
listening to "Blonde" ♪

♪ Falling for each other ♪

♪ I was all alone
with the love of my life ♪

♪ She's got glitter for skin ♪

♪ My radiant beam
in the night ♪

♪ I don't need no light
to see you ♪

♪ Shine ♪

♪ It's your golden hour ♪

- [panting]

That's--that's some weird shit.

- Yeah, I was trying
something different.

- No, no, no, no, no,
that's great.

[breathing heavily]

Terry Bradshaw

and Neil O'Donnell

- Yeah, side-by-side. Yeah.

- No.

- That's so weird.

Why would--why would
Teddy put Bradshaw,

who won us four Super Bowls,
next to O'Donnell,

who lost us Super Bowl 30?

He hated O'Donnell.
- Right?

[both breathing heavily]

Oh, shit.

I got it.

- Huh?
- I got it.

- Oh. Yes.
- Yes.

[both groaning]

- So who was Dimitri to you?

- Boyfriend.

- How'd you meet?

- A party.

- Did you love him?

- Yes.

- Did you ever meet his family?

- No.

No, he--he was an orphan.

- He lied to you.

- Men lie.

- So if there's nothing else--

- Actually, there's more.

Do you recognize
the people in this photo?

- My God,
is that Stan and Winny?

- Jesus Christ.

- I found them
dead in your house.

- What?
- In our house?

How would they be in our--how--
like, what--what do you mean?

Like, we haven't--we haven't
even seen them since, like--

- Since when?
- Since his father's funeral.

Look, I--we had
nothing to do with this.

You got to know that.

- Oh, I know.

A professional killed them.

This is Dimitri's father,
who is very much alive.

He's the head of one of
the biggest crime families

in the Eastern United States.

And over the last week,
he has been incredibly active.

You might have her
look away for this.

I believe that, like me,
he is on the hunt

to find his son's killer.

And maybe Nicolai found out
who Dimitri's girlfriend was,

who her family is.

But they weren't home.

- So you think that they
would have killed us,

but Stan and Winny were there?

- That's exactly what I think.

Nicolai is not gonna rest

until he finds out
who killed his son.

And he will kill anyone
who gets in their way.

- Okay, so then what do we do?

What? No, absolutely not.

- No fucking way.

- Listen, we can keep her safe.

Me and my team can use Jenn
to draw Nicolai out.

Then we can nail him
and end this nightmare.

- Okay, we're leaving.

Do you have kids?
- No.

- You should be
ashamed of yourself.

- If you find yourself
needing help,

please don't hesitate to call.

I'm not the enemy.

- Never said you was.

- Hey, guys.
What's up?

- Ange. How'd it go?

- Joe, we're gonna be
in the car.

Come on, Jenn.

- Joe.

- What the fuck
was that in there?

- What?

- Did you know about
Stan and Winny?

- What about Stan and Winny?
- They're fucking dead.

- What? What do you mean?
- Dead in my fucking--

- What?

- Murdered in my
motherfucking house.

- What? Wait.
Hey, I didn't know.

Joe, I didn't know.

- Touch, you should have
fucking known.

You should have fucking known.

[tense music]


- What if she can help us?

- By using our daughter?

Absolutely not.

Over my dead body. No.

- Well, how about some way
we can do it without using her?

- Sergeant Talford said

that this Nicolai person
knows about her.

- I don't think--
I don't think he knows, Mom.

Dimitri was always weird
about taking pictures

and never posted them.

And he told me
that his parents were dead.

[sighs] If Dimitri
told Nicolai about me,

I would have been
his first stop.

But he was probably trying
to protect me

'cause he knew what his dad
was capable of.

But you, Dad, you said that
they saw your face last night.

- Yeah.

- We would have been
Stan and Winny

if we hadn't left the house.

- We need to run, Joe.

- Yeah, we got to get
the hell out of here

while we can.

- Hey, why the fuck didn't you
tell me about Stan and Winny?

- Joe's your friend.

I didn't want you to prep him
like you prepped his daughter.

- The fuck
are you talking about?

- One-word answers.
Really, Touch?

- You know, I did
what you asked me to, okay?

Joe brought Jenn.

You said
if I hold anything back,

that we're through.

Well, it seems like to me
the only one

who was holding shit back
around here is you.

- Calm down. Take a seat.

- Fuck.

- Have a drink.

We'll talk.
- Fuck you.

- Have a fucking drink, Touch.

[indistinct chatter]

- Ah, the Lambo
is taken care of.

- Not now, Cathy. Not now.
- Not now, Cathy.

- What?
- Sorry.

- Slow down.
What is going on?

- We get to get
out of here right now.

We suggest you two do the same.
- Joe, what happened?

- We just found out
that the Russians killed

Stan and Winny in our house.

- Oh, praise God!

Maybe the Russians
ain't so bad after all.

Oh, come on.

Stop acting like
y'all didn't think

that Stan and Winny were a pair
of assholes who had it coming.

- Cathy.

- Anywho...

Joe, come over here.

Look at this.

- Shit, Cathy, I ain't got time
for this shit right now.

- But this, you do.
Come here.

Come on. Ange, Jenn, come on.

- What, Cathy?
- What?

- What?

- These are from the Lambo.

Do you notice anything?
- I don't see shit.

- Look, it's the next clue.
All right?

The--the names.

- What are they doing together?

- What numbers do they wear?

- O'Donnell, 14.
Bradshaw is 12.

- Now flip this shit.

- 12. 14.

Oh, fuck.

- That's our address.

- There's a reason
your dad put the home address

on the Lamborghini.

- 10 million reasons.

♪ ♪

- The money's in our house.

both: The money's in the house.

[both laughing]

♪ ♪

- Money is in the house.

- We got it, baby.

- Ange, did you hear me?
I said ten minutes--

- I heard you, Joe.

And here's what
you're gonna do.

You're gonna leave here.

And you're gonna find
Teddy's money.

- I am?

- You are.

[soft music]

- I am.

- And you're not
gonna do it for me.

You're not gonna do it for you.

You're gonna do it for Jenn
because her life is in danger.

Whoever killed Stan and Winny
are looking for us.

And that money might be
the only thing

that can save her,

that saves us.

So fucking find it.

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- Stan and Winny fucking us
from beyond the grave.

- How the fuck are we supposed
to get into our house now?

- [sighs]

[tires screech]