Average Joe (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Donuts & Whiskey? - full transcript

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- Dad?

[soft dramatic music]


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[mysterious dramatic music]

♪ ♪

No, no, no!
I've been going in circles.


♪ ♪

Thanks for driving me home.
- Glad we could help.

♪ ♪

- Are you insane?

You do not abandon my son
in the woods by himself

so he can find his way home.

- The boy needs to learn that
it's a nasty world out there.

It's gonna eat
his Black ass up,

and when the boy gets back,
I'ma do the same goddamn thing

to him tomorrow, understand?

He's got to learn
that he can't rely

on anybody but himself.

That's what
my daddy showed me,

and now he's gonna learn
how to be tough too.

He got to.

- He is tough,
and he is decent,

and you try to bully
that out of him.

- Hey, Netty, breathe.

Please, help, help!

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- [breathing deeply]

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪


- [snarls softly]

♪ ♪

[whimpers softly]

♪ ♪

- Joey, you can't
keep coming here.

This is a police impound,

and you're ruining
my guard dogs.

- [whimpers softly]

- Tell you what.

I'll finish making my rounds,

and then
I'm gonna call your mom.

♪ ♪

- You know you don't have
to go to work today, right?

- I don't go to work,
I don't get paid,

and the bills keep coming.
- Yeah.

I just meant,
you know, after yesterday.

- Yesterday is in the past,

and we're gonna keep it
that way.

- Okay.
- Jenn, come on, I got to go.

- Why do I have
to go to the diner?

That's not my thing--

- Because I want you
with me today, okay?

- Why?

It's not like me and my friends

are gonna go
on some killing spree.

- Jenn, will you get
in the car please?

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

- Leon.

Babe, I can't believe
you still in the bed.

Come on, baby,
you got to get up.

- What?
Ah, what's happening?

- You gotta open the store.
- I don't wanna.

The store is dead.
Lowe's killed it.

- Fuck Lowe's.

- That's what I've been saying
- Hm.

- How about...
- Oh.

- We stay here,
we order in some wings,

maybe get us
some dipping sauces,

watch a movie,
or don't watch a movie.

- As much as I would love
to stay in bed and not watch

a movie with you...
- Mm-hmm.

- Every one of the crime shows
I watch always say

that the way
that people get caught

is by deviating
from their usual.

That's why I kept
this early-ass braid apartment,

and that's why you have
to go in and open up the store.

- Listen, baby,
I appreciate you going

to set it off or whatever,
but look,

the Russians are probably
coyote chow by now.

- There's still $10 million
out there.

- Well, even if that's true,
Joe has no idea

where his pops hid the money.

- Did you forget
that we have this?

- [chuckles]

That's Joe's key, Cathy.
- I know.

And I'm gonna give it
back to him

so he can get us our money.

It's only next of kin that can
open a safe deposit box anyway,

and once he does,

we can finally get out
of this goddamn city.

- What do you mean
get out of the city?

I don't want to move.
I like it here.

- You'll like it better
somewhere else.

Come on, get up.

I will call you
if I need anything, okay?

Look, I promise you,
if everything goes as planned

that we will spend
our last night

in this shit city
not watching a movie together.


[alarm beeping]

[phone ringing]

- [sighs]


No fucking way.
It's my day off.

what do you mean?

What kind of head?
[inhales sharply]

[tense music]


Wait, where?
Are you sure?


yeah, no, no, no, that's--

I'm on my way, yeah.
Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, that was funny, yeah.
Fuck me.

Oh, fuck!
Fucking Leon!

Fuck! Fuck!

- Jesus, Touch,
you look like shit.

- Yeah, what can I say?

Your mom
wore me out last night.

- Listen, Touch,
you step in that sand trap,

it's your ass.

- Don't bust my balls, Perez.
- Oh, Jesus Christ.

Okay, um, this whole circus
belongs to the staties now.

- Are you fucking kidding me?
- Hey, it's not on me.

Dip and shit over there,
they found the head,

and they uploaded pictures
of that thing.

State police, they made an ID.

They poached
the whole fucking case.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Where's my fucking head?
- Shit.

♪ ♪

- Oh, shit.
- Everybody, clear out.

Holy fuck.

Dimitri Dzhugashvili.
It's really you.

Listen up.

I'm Sergeant Pamela Talford

of the Pennsylvania
State Police

Organized Crime
Task Force Division.

That's right, Talford.
You know that last name.

And if any of you have
a fucking problem with that,

speak now.
Nobody? Good.

I want anything
to do with this head,

prints, DNA, anything,
turned around in record time.

I want to talk
to the greenskeepers,

club members, staff,
anyone who might have seen

how in the holy fuck
a severed head

ended up
in a goddamn sand trap.

Nothing gets released
to the media without my okay.

We're doing this by the book,
and anyone who fuck up,

they answer to me.

Okay, now point me
to the gentlemen

who found the deceased.
- Over here, Sergeant.

- All right.

- Sergeant Talford.
- Tuchawuski.

I see you're still in uniform.

- Well,
I'm not ready to retire.

- Or promote.

- Yeah, I don't look so hot
in plain clothes,

unlike you.
You look great.

I like this whole
monochromatic thing.

It really works on you.
- Mm-hmm.

- Listen, what's your read
on our head over there?

- Our head?
- Yeah.

- Let's be clear, Touch.

This case is mine, and you know
I don't play well with others.

- Yeah, yeah, no, no,
that makes sense.

I get that.

I'm just saying
I know this town

better than anybody else,

and that might be
worth something to you.

You can trust me.
- [exhales sharply]

Maybe you're right.
Maybe I can trust you.

Trust you to scour the woods
around this golf course

until you find me the body
that this head was attached to.

Oh, and I trust you'll work

through the night
if you have to.

♪ ♪

- Fuck me.

♪ ♪

- Fuck!

You sure it's Dimitri's head?

Well, then make sure
they misplace it.

What you talking about?

Cops misplace evidence
all the goddamn time.

Yelling doesn't
make it better, Touch.

[door clatters]

- Somebody's there, Touch.
I gotta go.

Oh, shit, Cathy.
- Shit, Joe.

What's wrong with you?

- What is it?
Where's Leon at?

- He's at work.
Nothing's wrong.

Why are you so jumpy?

- The cops found Dimitri head.

- Fuck.

- And they opened
a homicide investigation.

- Shit.

All right, it's cool.
We can manage this.

The first 48 hours
of the investigation

are the most important.
We just gotta move fast.

- Move fast?
Fast on what?

They found the head.
We gotta figure this out.

- I already got it figured out.

Your daddy's key.

It opens a safety deposit box
at the bank I used at.

♪ ♪

- Safety deposit box?
- Yes.

And the bank opens
in 20 minutes.

In 30 minutes,
we could be millionaires.

That's our plan.

- Cathy, even if I wanted
to open that box,

I made a promise to Angela
that this is over,

and that's just
what it's gotta be.

I told her we wouldn't do it,
so we can't do it.

- Okay, fine,
but you won't mind me

taking the key and see
if I can do something with it.

- Wait, just--
hold up, just wait.

Just wait.

♪ ♪

The key stays with me.

It's my dad's.
It just stays with me.

♪ ♪

- Fine.

But if you get tired
of fixing toilets

and would rather be
a millionaire,

let a bitch know.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]
[door buzzing]

[door clicks]

- Why in the hell
did you come here?

Everyone in this room
knows you're police,

and that means
that I've gotta spend

the next three weeks
fighting off all these bitches

thinking I'm a snitch.

- Hi, Mom.
Nice to see you too.

How have you been?
- Fucked is how I've been.

- Dimitri Dzhugashvili is dead.

- Oh, so you're not here just
to check on your dear, old mom?

This is about Nicolai?
Don't waste my fucking time.

- How the fuck
can you just walk away?

The son of a bitch
has your partner murdered

and framed you for it.

Look, I've been trying
to prove your innocence

and get you out of here
for a decade.

Why won't you help me?

- Do you know how hard
my life will be

if you keep fucking
with Nicolai?

It's time to let
that shit go, Pam.

Get married, have a kid,
get divorced,

anything that would keep you
from obsessing about things

that you can't change.


- Control, when you're ready,
go ahead and open three.

- Don't come back here again.

- [sighs]

- Angela, Angela.
- Yeah.

- We're ready to order.
- Okay, here I come.

All right,
what can I get you two?

- I'll have the fruit cup,
extra berries.

I don't want it
if it's mostly melon.

A fruit cup
shouldn't be mostly melon.

- I'll get you a mix.
- I'll get you a mix.

And Stan?

- Two eggs, toast,
white bread, not burnt,

and bacon, very crisp.

- And how
do you want your eggs?

- On a plate would be great.

- [laughs]
- Scrambled.

- Anything else?
- Oh, and a coffee.

- All right.
- From a fresh pot.

- Yep.
- And Angie.

- Uh-huh.

- I left my purse at my house

when we were there
for Teddy's memorial.

Did you find it?
- No, I didn't.

I didn't find a purse.

Um, did--
you sure you brought it in?

- Well, of course, I'm sure,
and it should still be there

unless one of your friends
helped themselves to it.

- I don't think
one of my friends

would help themselves to it.

- Okay, well,
then it should still be there.

When should I come over?

- Uh, you know what?
Let me look, and I'll call you.

- Okay, don't forget.
- I won't.

- You know, Stan could have
picked any one of his guys...

- Oh.

- To do the plumbing
on our new house,

but he chose Joe.

You should feel really good
about that.

- I do.
Thank you.

Now I'm gonna get the order.

[glass clatters]

[ominous music]

- Mom?

- [breathes deeply]

- Mom.

Where are your--
where are your pills?

- [gasps]
It's not the poly, Jenn.

It's just--I'm just
feeling a little dizzy.

- Mom, Mom, Mom,
you're having a flare-up, okay?

Where are your pills?
- Um, home.

- Okay, then that's
where we're going.

Okay, I'll go get the car.
- All right.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

What's wrong?

- The Internet is abuzz today
with a raw video

taken at a local golf course.

We caution viewers
that the following images

are both graphic
and disturbing.

This morning, a pair of golfers
discovered a severed head

on the seventh hole
at Smoky Pines Golf Course.

The golfers shot a video
of themselves...

- Oh, oh,
that's a head, Danny!

- I'm gonna kick it,
all right?

- I'ma be sick!

- With the severed head
and uploaded it

to several social media...
- Oh, God.

His head--
his fucking head--

- Jenn,
you've got to calm down.

- No, all my friends saw this,
And then they--

- Shh, baby--
- Everyone knows.

All of them know.
- Shh.

- No, no, no, no.
- Jenn, Jenn!

♪ ♪

Oh, my God.

- Angela?
- Yoo-hoo!

- Coffee.
- And my fruit cup.

- Shut up!
Both of you, shut the fuck up!

Okay, yeah, well,
if she comes by

or she calls,
will you tell her to call me?

Yeah, okay, bye.

- You heard from her?
- No, nothing.

- [sighs]

I done went by
her friend's house.

I done went by the mall,
coffee shop.

Nobody's seen her,
heard from her, anything.

- Okay, well, what about Touch?
Can we do a BOLO or something?

- Touch still dealing
with Dimitri head.

Fucking Leon.

- I should have never
let her leave the diner.

- Ange, don't put that on you.

- No, Joe,
you didn't see her...


Not what she thinks about us.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
I got that.

Don't worry about that.
- Oh.

- Aha, good news.
- What?

- The roofers...
- [sighs]

- Want their fucking money.

- Oh, God.

- All right,
you need your medicine?

- No, I'm just--
I'm just stressed.

[phone chirps]

That might be Jenn.

It's Jenn.
- It's her?

- Thank God, yeah.

She says she's at Teresa's

and that she'll be there
for a little bit.

She'll be back later.
Where you going?

- Tell her
I'm coming to get her,

and she's coming home
right fucking--

- No, Joe, Joe, don't go.

Just give her a second, okay?

She's safe.

That's the only thing
that matters.

- Well, it's good to know
she's safe.

Found this in dad's safe.

Key to a safety deposit box.
- [sighs]

- Cathy says she knows
what bank.

- [chuckles]

Yeah, I'm sure she does.

Joe, we decided that we
weren't gonna do this.

- We did.
I know I made you a promise.

And I know--
- No.

No, so many horrible things
have happened already, Joe.

We are not doing this.

- Every day that I wake up,
I cannot stop thinking

about there is $10 million
out there.

That shit is on my mind
every minute, every second

of the day.
$10 million.

$10 million.
- 10 million problems.

Baby, we are--
we're getting by.

We're doing fine.
- That's the fucking problem.

I'm tired of getting by.

You are too.
I know it.

The fucking poly, the diner,
the fucking bills,

all that can go away.

We can make all of that
go away

if you just let me use this.

I need to find out what's in
that safety deposit box,

but I need you to want to, too,
and I can't do it without you,

and I won't.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- What bank?

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct PA chatter]

- Yeah, he still doesn't
really know the time of death.

- Turns out the brain
cools a lot faster

when the head's
not attached to a body.

That's science.
- No shit.

What else?

- 'Cause of death was
a break in the occipital,

and the head was cut off
hours later.

- Bruising?
- Consistent with a struggle.

- Have the lab
check the head for DNA.

Mouth, teeth,
eyeballs, everything.

If Dimitri was in a fight
with his killer,

maybe he got some
of the perp on him,

and if we're lucky,

he's probably already
in the system.

- Uncle Touch.
- Jenn, Jesus.

Where the hell have you been?

Your dad's been looking
everywhere for you.

- Do you know what he did
last night?

Oh, do you know anything
about it?

- Hey, listen,
I'm gonna drive you home,

and we're gonna talk about
all of this.

- No, I don't want to go home.
- No, no.

- Everyone is lying to me
at home.

You have to tell me the truth
about what happened.

What happened last night?
Uncle Touch, stop!

Did Dad cut Dimitri's head off?

- Jenn, please,
not here, not now.

Just get in the car.
I'll tell you the whole story.

- 58,000 hits!
I'm on full fucking fire!

- No, you motherfuckers!
- What the hell?

- You're sick!

You're who posted
those shit pictures?

- What the fuck?
- Hey!

- My screen's cracked!

I want to charge this bitch
with assault!

- Hey.
- No, oh!

- You need to watch
your fucking mouth, kid.

- Tuchawuski, there a problem?

- There's no problem.
Is there a problem?

- No problem, no problem.
- No problem whatsoever.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Let's go home.

[dramatic electronic music]

♪ ♪

- What is taking so long?

What if Jenn comes home
and we're not back?

- I'm gonna go talk
to somebody.

[door clicks]

- I'm sorry.
Sorry about the delay.

Your father's death certificate
wasn't entered into the system.


[soft dramatic music]

Take all the time you need,

and when you're ready,
just dial 7.

- Thank you.

♪ ♪

- A goddamn Lambo.
- A goddamn Lambo.

- Is that a compass?

♪ ♪

- Yeah.

It's mine.

♪ ♪

I know exactly
where Dad hid the Lambo.

- Son of a bitch.
- Yep.

- It's real.

Your father was into
some serious shit, Joe.

- Yep.
- What the--

- The hell?

- I've been following you
since you left work.

- Why am I surprised?

- Because you always
underestimate me.

- Okay, so what
are we doing now?

- Now we come up with a plan

to get that sweet fucking ride
out of here.

- Or we can keep things simple.

- Joe, be careful.

- Ah, chill,
this is my happy place.

♪ ♪

[dogs barking]
- Oh.

- Oh, okay.
- Uh-oh.

- Oh.
[dogs barking]

Okay, all right.

- Your happy place
got some pretty unhappy dogs.

- Okay.

All right,
maybe we need a new plan.

- Head, Danny!

- I'm gonna kick it,
all right?

- I'ma be sick!

- Let me see.

They took my baby's head?

[screams in Russian]
- Vasily, Stepan.

- This is all your fault!
Why did you send him?

- Vasily, take my wife
to her room.

- Damn you to hell!

- See to it
that she's comfortable.

- Damn you to hell for this!
- Of course, sir.

[speaks Russian]
- No!

This is all your fault!

- [speaks Russian]
- This is all your fault!

He never should have...

- We're going to Georgia first,
then to Pittsburgh.

- [sobbing]

- When we find
who did this to my boy,

only I kill them.

- Ange, put Jenn
on the phone right now.

She went to the cops.

She can't go
to the fucking cops.

Look, I'm sorry
that she found out

that we cut that
little fucker's head off,

but--I'm not--

I'm not hollering
at you right now.

Look, just tell her I'm sorry,
I'll be home soon,

and we need to talk, okay?
Goodbye. Love you.

- You're good?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Uh, where did we leave off at?

- Well, once we get the tow
inside the lot,

someone's gonna need
to distract the guards.

- Yeah.

- Cathy can do that while
me and you search the Lambo--

- Oh, hell no.
You can distract the guards.

I'm digging through the Lambo.

- What difference does it make
who distracts the guards?

- Well, if it don't make
no difference,

why don't you do it?

- Why can't you
just support me?

- I'ma support my foot
up in your ass,

you talk to me crazy
like that again.

- I'll distract the guards.
- Yeah.

- Hey.

Christ, you people could not
look any more conspiratorial.

- You people?

- Yeah, Black people
in general, Cathy.

You know what I mean, okay?

- Hey, thanks
for bringing Jenn back.

- Yeah, yeah, no problem.

Listen, you gotta talk to her,
though, Joe.

She can't just be showing up
at the station like that.

- Like what?

Jenn went
to the police station?

Why the fuck
would she call the cops?

- She saw the video
of Dimitri's head, okay?

But I got her out of there
before she spilled anything.

we got bigger problems now

thanks to Leon's fuck up.
- What? My fuck up?

Don't put this shit all on me.

We were both throwing around
heads last night.

- It was Dimitri's head, Leon.
You had Dimitri's head.

- Well, I'm sorry.
It was dark.

I thought I heard a bear,
and I was carrying

a decapitated
fucking human head.

- Well, you didn't see any of
the parts that I was carrying

end up in
a fucking country club.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I don't do head shit!

- Congratulations, you can--
- Enough!

You said
we got bigger problems.

- Yeah,
the fucking state police

have taken over
the investigation of the head.

- Come on.
- Oh, wow.

- They sent Pamela Talford
to head up the task force.

I know her.
I did the academy with her.

She is a badass
who closes cases fast,

so we need to get her as far
away from us as possible--

what the fuck is this,
by the way?

- This?

Oh, this is nothing
but a pretty-ass impound lot.

- Why do we need a--

- We found the Lambo.
- The fucking Lambo?

- The motherfucking Lambo.
- Holy shit.

And the money?
- In the Lambo.

- [chuckles]

- But it's in
the police impound.

- Oh, shit.
- We gotta distract the guards.

- Okay, which impound lot?
- Springfield.

- Where you used
to hide as a kid.

- Yes.

- I think we finally caught
ourselves a fucking break.

- Girl, I ain't even trying
to talk to him no more.

Made me
a goddamn grilled cheese

on a motherfucking
Foreman grill.

Wasn't even no fucking soup.

Girl, let me hit you back.
All right.

All right.
- [chuckles]

- How did you do?
- Okay, I think.

This is all from the cars
that came in today.

From the trunk of the Beemer.
- Ooh, there we go.

Yeah, this that 12.9 iPad Pro.
Get 500 easy.

- Yeah.

Bowers & Wilkins, hell yeah.

I've been looking
for a pair of these.

Hey, yo, how about straight up,

you keep the iPad,
I keep the phones?

- Done.

- "Noice."

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[siren whoops]

[car horn blares]

- Oh, okay, we got company.

♪ ♪

[car horn blares]

♪ ♪

All right, I'm comin', shit.

♪ ♪

- [exhales deeply]

What's going on, Debby?
- What up, Touch?

Long time.
- Yeah, well, same shit...

Different goddamn day.

- Yeah.

You working
with Richie tonight?

- Yeah, we still at it.
- All right.

Well, I may have brought
some Better-Maid's.

- Donuts?
No, you didn't.

- Mm-hmm,
and maybe a little something

to wash it down with?

- Boy, get your ass
in here now.

- [laughs]
Thought you'd never ask.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- For fuck's sakes.

- This is
a really spacious trunk.

- Get your ass out of there.
Hurry up, come on.

Move fast.
Stay quiet.

Stick to the script.

- Got it.

♪ ♪

[car beeps]

♪ ♪

- Hey!

- Mm, these are delicious,

but I think Muraski's
does a better cruller.

- Yeah,
Muraski's makes a good one,

but their bear claws
are for shit.

Mm, mm, mm.
- Yeah, amen to that.

- You don't say amen
to something being shit.

You say amen
to something being great.

- I don't see
how it makes a difference.

- It makes a difference.

- Well, agree to disagree.
- Whatever.

Hey, to Teddy.
- Oh, yeah.

- To Teddy.
- Yeah, to Teddy.

♪ ♪

- Man, your daddy
was a piece of work, Joe.

Mm-hmm, you know I caught him
lifting car batteries out here

couple months back?
- No shit.

- Mm-hmm, I let it go though.

Person's gotta hustle
to stay afloat these days.

- Yeah, Dad knew
how to stay afloat.

- Yeah.
- You taking over his business?

- Oh, just helping out.
- Yeah?

- Yeah, until I can get
somebody up in there.

I'm a plumber.

♪ ♪

- Mm.
- A plumber?

- Yeah.
- Hell.

I'd rather drive tow
than be knee-deep

in somebody else's
toilet water.


- Amen to that.

- Do you even know
how to use language?

- Hey, refill.

- All right, here we go.

- Come on, get in there.
- It keeps the...

- Hey, hey, thanks.
- Come on, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- It keeps the cold away.

♪ ♪

- The money's not here.
- It has to be.

Just keep looking.

- Maybe it's in the tires
or something.

- Why would it be in the tires?
- I don't know.

The muffler maybe?
- Yes, Leon.

There's $10 million
inside of a muffler.

- I'm just trying
to think like money.

- Okay, I like
where your head's at.

Keep looking.

- Look, look, look,
you know what?

Now, now, look, I want y'all
to pay attention, okay?

- All right, we're listening.
- Now pay attention.

Now, every shitty sandwich shop
in this town

claim they got
the best sandwich, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- All but one
of these motherfuckers

is a goddamn liar, right?

See, when I open up my shop,
there's gonna be

a big neon out front that say,

second best sandwich."

- Yeah.

- Ain't nobody gonna argue
that shit, huh?


And second best is still
a good goddamn sandwich, right?

- Damn good.
- Ain't it good?

- I'd eat it.

That's good.
- Okay.

Well, I think maybe
that's enough whisky

and donuts for tonight.
What do you say, Joe?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, no.

We're gonna let you guys
do your thing.

No, it was fun.
- Man, been great, man.

- We gotta get out of--
[chair clatters]

- Oh!
- Hey!


- You can't pull nobody over.

- Hope we don't
get pulled over!

- That would be fucked up.

- Yeah, we'll be watching.
- All right, all right.

- Oh, hey, by the way,
I've been getting

a bunch of reports
of some high-end items

being stolen
out of towed vehicles.

- Uh-huh.

- Yous two wouldn't know
anything about that,

would you?
- Nah. Nothing.

- That's what I thought.

We weren't here tonight, yeah?
- Nobody was.

- Okay then.
Take care.

- Yeah, see you, Touch.

♪ ♪

- Hey.

What the fuck
is taking so long?

- The money's not here.
- The money is here.

We just have
to keep looking for it.

- We gotta get the fuck
out of here now.

- Okay, let's go.
Come on.

- Okay, let's go,
get the fuck out.

Let's go, let's go.

- Cathy, Leon,
get in the tow truck.


Touch, we're taking the car.
- Yeah, follow us out.

♪ ♪

[engine rumbles]

♪ ♪

We're stealing
a fucking car here.

Let's go.
We gotta go.

Come on, come on.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Come on, Touch.
Come on, Touch.

- Come on, Joe.
Let's go, buddy.

Let's go.

[engine rumbles]

[tires squeak]

- God damn it!

♪ ♪

[engine clicking and whirring]

♪ ♪

- Ooh, that Jameson
is hitting hard.

I think I'ma do a lap.
- [grunts]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Hold up,
broke nigga turned rich ♪

♪ Love the game like Mitch ♪

♪ And if I leave,
you think them pretty hoes ♪

♪ Gon' still suck my dick? ♪
[dog barks]

♪ It was somethin'
'bout that Rollie ♪

♪ When it first
touched my wrist ♪

♪ Had me feelin' like that
dope boy when he first ♪

♪ Touched that brick,
I'm gone ♪

♪ ♪

- [sighs]


It's not here, Joe.
We checked the car twice.

- Come on, you bitch.

Ah, shit.
There's no fucking money here.

- I just said that, yeah.
- We keep looking.

- For what, Cathy?
There's no fucking money.

- I don't know
where the money--

- Look, if Cathy says
to keep looking,

we keep looking.
- Oh, hey, look.

The wife let you take
your balls out

for a test drive tonight?

- Yeah, and they're looking
really good

dangling from
your fucking chin.

- What?
The fuck does that mean?

- You know what it means.
- I don't think I do.

That's some weird shit
to say, Leon.

- Is it? Is it?
- Put your balls on my chin...

- Or is it that fucking...
- Enough, enough.

Ain't no
fucking money here, man.

- No, there has to be.

Your dad left you that key
for a reason, Joe.

- He left the key
'cause he's an asshole.

Son of a bitch is dead,
and he's still testing.

Him testing and me failing.

- Hey, Joe, let's go inside
and get you some rest, okay?

- Ten fucking years old.

Fucking left me
in the fucking woods.

[somber music]

I finally get back home,

and she never told me
she was sick.

♪ ♪

My father never told me
she was sick neither.

She died later that day.

I never got a chance
to say goodbye.

I never got a chance to say
goodbye or say nothing to her,

and that's all I ever wanted,
was just to--

I just wanted to say goodbye.

I just wanted to hold her
one last time,

and he took that opportunity
from me.

♪ ♪

There's nothing here.

♪ ♪

- [sobbing softly]

[speaking Russian]

- Shh, shh, shh,
shh, shh, shh, shh.

I loved him too.

- You never love nothing.

I will never forgive you.

It should have been you.

- If I could take his place...

- Dimitri had your eyes...

but his eyes were so kind.

Your eyes used to be kind.

- [breathes deeply]

I cannot bear
to see you in such pain.

- [muffled whimpering]

[tense music]

[muffled screaming]

♪ ♪

[muffled whimpering]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪