Aquí no hay quien viva (2003–2006): Season 1, Episode 14 - Érase una avería - full transcript

Jose Miguel come have your breakfast! I'm not calling you again!

Yeah right!


I'm here

God, you 2 stress me out from first thing in the morning

Who knows what you'll do when I'm not around

Mum, there isn't a direct link

between the volume of your voice and how much attention we're gonna pay to you

I'm gonna take internet away from you because you come out with weirder and weirder stuff every day

And when are you gonna take a shower?

When Dad comes out

Oh God!

What's Dad doing in the bathroom?

I don't know

Juan, what are you doing in there?

There's no hot water!

I'll skip taking a shower

No you won't!

Fuck taking a shower with cold water!

Hey, this is torture, you know

Oh Juan, the boiler hasn't packed up, has it?

I don't know, I'll go down and talk to Emilio now

Well I can't get cold in my condition

What condition?

What! I'm pregnant!

God! I'd forgotten

Well don't you forget about it!

Have you taken your vitamins?


And have you taken the pill?


Ok get dressed then because you need to get to school

Alright, don't get your knickers in a twist

This is no kind of life for anyone, anyone, anyone

Every day's like this

and I couldn't imagine it when I moved here

All I was looking for was a bit of peace and quiet

And I wake up every day in the middle of a hurricane

This is no kind of life for anyone, anyone, anyone

The house is falling down on me

and the caretaker's nowhere to be seen

The neighbours watch everything I do

I can't take this place

Throw together in a cocktail shaker

thunder and lightning, an earthquake, and a volcano

and you'll get this staircase

This is no kind of life for anyone, anyone, anyone

Hey, why's this called a recorder when it doesn't record?

Stop slobbering all over my recorder, I've got an exam!


Look, here's that cocksucker come to get Belén

Honey, I'm downstairs now


It's on hands-free

Ok, I'm on my way down

Alright, I'll wait here for you

- Hello - Alright!

God I wanna get the mop and hit him like this with it!

No Emilio, that's not the right path. Afraid be you, perhaps

Fear leads to anger, anger leada to hate, hate leads to suffering

and suffering is the path to the dark side

What are you going on about!

It's Star Wars, man! That's what Yoda says

Yeah but nobody took Yoda's girlfriend away from him

Look at him in his convertible in the middle of winter

He must be freezing, the asshole

No because the seats in that car have got heating

Sure, you saw that in Star Wars as well, did you?

Hey Belén! Can we talk for a second?

No Emilio, not now!

What do you want?

No smartass, it's not about sex!

Well actually it is. What's he got that I haven't?

I'll tell you again...he's handsome, attentive, smart

He's got money and he's got a future

All superficial stuff. He won't love you like I do

Well that's the idea

Come on, show a bit of respect, Belén, this isn't a game

Emilio, you need to accept that we're not together anymore!

Our thing was nice while it lasted

It wasn't nice!

Ok, it wasn't nice

And it didn't last either!

Ok fine! Forget what I just said!

Look Belén, I've lost some of my stubble thanks to you

If my hair starts falling out too, I'll report you!

Belén? Is there a problem?

No, I'll be right there

No, one more thing!

What now!

Whose is bigger?

Emilio, size doesn't matter

That's because I win then

How are you, darling?

This seat's lovely and warm!


"See!" Shut your gob!

Emilio, why's the heating not working?

Well because it's really cold

But what's that got to do with it?

Things always break when you need them most, that's life for you

- Dad, we're gonna be late! - Coming

Well I've called the engineer but he can't come till tomorrow

so take a look at the heating because we can't go on without hot water!

Alright, I'll look at it but to me machines are like your kids to you

I don't understand them

- Dad! - Coming

God, now the boiler's broken, what a mess!

What do you expect? It's ancient, it's a miracle it's lasted this long

Hurry up honey, we're gonna be late

Fuck, Lucía! Why do we have to get up so early to see this church?

Because it's not 1 church: it's 15

Hopefully one will give us an early date

But do we have to see them all? Don't they have a phone number?

No, you have to talk to the priest in person, look

Here are the time slots

Look, why don't we get married in Las Vegas? It's way easier

I'll dress up as Elvis and you can be Madonna

Oh, what a great idea!

But let me remind you that you're the one who wants to get married in a church

I'd quite happily go to Menorca and get married in bare feet on the beach

Sure, how convenient!

My 87 year-old gran walking in high heels on the sand

Well there's no need to dress like at a conventional wedding

Alright, I'll tell her to wear a bikini

Right well as we're gonna get married in a church, let's find a nice one!

Fuck, I've gotta submit the Christmas special by the day after tomorrow

Well stay here and draw then

I'll take car of it, I'm on holiday anyways

No, we'll do it together


How hard can it be to organise a wedding? We'll be done in no time

- Right, let's go look at churches! - Let's go!

Roberto, this is gonna be so much fun

What are you doing? Did you sleep in here?

I had to choose between the rent for the flat and for the video store

I'm broke, man. It's shit running your own business!

I told you! And it's even worse with this business

Put a girl with a cubicle or something in here to help people

I've got an idea to get past the crisis but you need to help me

But I'm skint, man

I swear if I had any money, I'd give you some

No, the business is here online, listen to this idea

Wow, the name sells itself

but who are the chicks?

- That's where you come in - Me?

Yeah, you install some mini-cameras in Belen and Alicia's place

We'll hook them up to the computer so then people can watch them online

But we can't put cameras in a house to watch people's intimate moments!

That's really sick, man

No, there's a TV programme which does the same thing

Oh, if it's on TV, that's alright then

Anyway, don't you wanna see what Belén does with that prick Carlos?

No, no, no way....

- Have you got the cameras there? - Yeah

Right, let's go upstairs!

- Hi - Belén's not here

No, look, we've discovered a fault in the central heating system of the boiler

and the heart of the problem is in this flat

That's why there's no hot water, we need to fix it

Oh, ok, come in

I'm nearly done putting my make-up on

No, you can't stay, though

because we're going to adjust the radiators and toxic fluids could come out of the system

it could be fatal

But I thought radiators contain water

No, they can contain water or anything else you can think of

A broken radiator is like a kinder surprise, you never know what you're gonna find inside it

If you stay, on your head be it

No, I'll go

I need to buy a blank video tape anyway

Today my advertisement's being released: turkey sausages with cheese

They're so nice!

Oh, that's great, you're gonna be famous

I hope so

Hey, if you're gonna check the radiators, what do you need the ladder for?

In case we can't reach...

No! It's because we carry out tests at different levels

Sure, like the English courses

But you can relax, we'll have this fixed in no time

Don't worry

No, I'm not worried, it's Concha's flat

She's so hot, we're gonna make a killing

Right Michael Jackson, where shall I put this?

Look one there, another one over there, and 2 in the bedrooms

Ok, well get the ladder cos you're gonna install them


Paloma, you could at least have put on an electric heater to warm the place up a bit!

Sure, and a glass of cognac for everyone

But it's cold in here, dammit!

Listen up, please, here's the president of the community

Welcome everyone, let's begin the neighbours' meeting!

Switch off your phones and don't smoke

And I'm not telling you to raise your hand to speak anymore because no-one pays any fucking notice

Right, the reason for this meeting is to inform you that the boiler's broken down

and we don't have heating or hot water

You don't say!

What, he made us come downstairs just to tell us that?

Obviously not. The fact is that the boiler in question is over 25 years-old

and some time ago, we were advised to replace it with a new one

Ok well let's change it then and problem solved

Let my husband do the talking if you don't mind!

According to my research, a new boiler could cost in the region of 10 thousand euros

- 10 thousand euros? - Over 1.5 million pesetas

1.5 million, come off it!

That's over 300 thousand per flat

He hits us more than the tax office!

Quit Señor Cuesta, QUIT!

It's hardly my husband's fault if the boiler breaks down! Get outta here!

Look, things get old and stop breaking!

Here's an example of that


It was just a joke, I'm gonna fluff it soon too

and stop taking away my half of the blanket!

But do we know what's wrong with the boiler yet? Has someone been round to look at it?

The engineer's coming tomorrow but Emilio, on a preliminary visual inspection

detected an anomaly in its functioning

I detected what?

A fault

Oh yeah, it won't start. You press it, and it doesn't start

What a technical analysis, now we can all rest easy

But we'll only have to do without the boiler for the shortest possible time: 2 or 3 days at the most

As such, I would ask for your understanding and patience in dealing with this ordeal

In other words: everyone put up with the cold and end of discussion!

But we can't shower with cold water for 3 days!

Well it's very good for the skin

It's a bit late for that!

You should have done what we did

we got a 120 litre immersion heater installed

in order to carry on having hot water in the event of a breakdown

What are you talking about! Quiet!

So you mean you've got hot water in your house?


No! Of course we haven't

Sure, Daddy's money can buy so many things

Well I least I don't live off of my husband!

- What was that! - You heard me!

Hey, calm down! Anger leaves to hate and hate to the dark side where you can't see anything

She has the cheek to come and insult me in my own home, Juan!

But she started it!

Right, enough! We can't carry on like this all the time

Ok, to sum up, the engineer's coming tomorrow. and in the meantime

to cope with this situation, we need to have fortitude and strength of mind

Sure, we need to do what the guys who sell pirate CDs do: pull out the blankets

What on earth possessed you to tell the neighbours we've got hot water?

Sweetheart, if I go to a meeting, I do so to provide ideas

Meetings are like military service, it's best to keep your mouth shut

Right but I didn't mean to rub it in their faces

Well you rubbed it in good and proper. As if they didn't hate us enough already!

God, stop getting in a state about everything!

Hi, you don't mind if I take a shower here, do you?

Look lady, can't you shower in your own house?

You must be joking! One shower in cold water at my age and I could have a heart attack

Come on, don't exaggerate

Ok well look, on your head be it

No, Marisa! Come in!

Come on, it won't do any harm just this once

I'm really small anyway, I'll barely use any water

Right but immersion heaters run on electricity and need a ton of energy

Don't be a cheapskate, she's the one who pays the bills

And what do you know about it?

24 hour courtyard radio bulletin

By the way, have you got a towel? Because I forgot mine at home

Dont worry, I'll lend you one

And an ash tray?


Holy shit!

Look, here are the towels

What's this? Have you got a lift all to yourselves or what?

No, it's a whirlpool bath

They've got Walt Disney in one of these things, right?

Look, here are all the setttings: sauna, massage, hydro massage

then there's foot massage, back massage, radio

Has it got a radio as well?

Yeah, let's see, what setting shall I put on for you?

Give me everything, the whole lot!

Be careful with the sauna, you might give her breathing problems

Ok Marisa, we're outside, if you need anything, call me


Hey, can I light a match in here?

- No - A flaw

Fernando, what do you think about this for the dinner?

You're not getting dressed already, are you?

No, I'm trying on outfits

It's a really important moment in our relationship and the outfit needs to be right

What do you think?

God, who are you disguised as? If you grow a moustache, you'll look like my grandad

Should I wear something more gay?

No, not more gay, wear plain, ordinary clothes like you always do

Oh, so I'm plain and ordinary!

In other words, my clothes are cheap then?

No, look, wear whatever you like, ok?

Come on, help me out here, I'm nervous!

Well so am I

I'm about to tell my colleagues that I'm gay!

Don't back out now! I know what you're like

we'll show up at the dinner and you'll introduce me as your second cousin

No, I've made the decision now, I won't back out this time

Have you taken a tranquiliser pill yet?


Well take another one because I'm already on my third

Look, what bothers me most are the shoes because lawyers really pay attention to them

and I don't know which ones to pick even though I've got so many

I reckon this isn't working, there's something wrong here

Look! It is working!

We're gonna make a killing, man!

Right but can you already see this online?

Yeah, now this can be seen from anywhere in the world

in the Philippines, Japan, and all that?


Hurry up, they're gonna show my ad!

This is the last time I invite you to a premiere

But did they tell what time it's gonna be on?

Look, now Belen's here with that bastard

Turn up the sound

Oh, look! This is the one!

with 5 % turkey

that's why, they taste of turkey

I can't live without them

Well...what do you think?

Erm makes you wanna buy sausages

Yeah, it's really subtle, right? Really suggestive

It is, right?

I wanted to convey that it wasn't just another ad

to make sure it doesn't slip under the radar

No, it certainly doesn't do that

You didn't like it, did you?

It's terrible

Did they at least pay you well?

What do you know about this business? This is how Marilyn Monroe started

What, advertising sausages?

No, doing ads

Right, she did one like this and then topped herself

Don't get angry, girl!

Sod her, she made enough fun of me about me and Emilio

Yeah, that was really funny, though

I mean, what were you playing at with the caretaker? He's retarded

Emilio had his good points

Anyway, I was going through a bad time

It must have been really bad to end up with him!

I'm going up there to smash his face in!

Stay where you are, you can't know anything about this

But I'm hearing it right now!

Emilio please, don't mix business with love

Look, let's switch to number 2 because I bet Alicia's getting changed

No, put number 1 on cos I wanna see the living room

No, 2 cos that's not good for you

No, dammit! I wanna see what they're doing!

Right but I wanna see Alicia!

Look, you're driving me crazy here! Sit still!

The thing with Emilio was kinda weird

I still can't get my head round it

It's like that wasn't me. It's like when you go to the sales...

You don't need anything but you always buy something

Why? - No-one knows

Ok, but now you've got me

He's gonna kiss her!


Someone's coming!

Hey man, did you know Alicia and Belén are online? They've put cameras in...

Oh! So it was you two. What sons of bitches!

Hang on, what are you doing surfing those websites?

I was looking for Byron's biography and that came up

So I'm a sale, am I? Fine!

Emilio please, don't say anything because this is illegal

Well I've already told all my mates

That's fine cos we need to make money

Mum, if we invite Uncle Javier, we'll have to invite Aunt Marta

and if we invite Aunt Marta, we'll have to invite Uncle Joaquin

and you know Uncle Joaquin and Uncle Javier don't get on

ever since Aunt Marta left Uncle Joaquin for Uncle Javier

No, there's not gonna be any security

It's a wedding, not a Justin Bieber concert

Well look, we'll have to choose. Either security guards or orchestra

Lucía, that woman's been in there for an hour and a half

Maybe something's happened to her

Look mum, I'll talk to you soon, ok?

Bye, take care

Hey honey, we need to make the guest list

Didn't you hear me! I've been calling her and she's not answering

Alright, I'll take a look

Shit guys, I feel as good as new

This is so much better than sex

It's relaxing, right?

If they'd invented this 40 years ago, there's no bloody way I'd ever have married Manolo

Right, well back home now for a glass of milk and a bit of TV

Hang on, I might buy one of these

How much do they cost?

8,200 euros

Fuck girl, I'm being serious!

No, seriously, 8,200 euros

God, you can't retire nowadays

They need to give discounts on hydro massages, not on the buses

- Bye - Bye

Look, how happy she's gone away

That's what worries me

Look, it's like a car wash, you get bubbles everywhere

Look at my skin

It's smoother, right?

That's because I set the sauna

Oh, it's got a sauna as well then?

Yeah and a radio. I fulfilled my sexual fantasy: to take a shower with Chris Tarrant

A shower can't have a radio!

Right, if it gets wet, you'll get electrocuted

Vicenta, they've anticipated that

Keep in mind that the person who invented it wasn't you

Well I wanna try it!

Yeah, let's go get our dressing gowns!

But don't you see what the snob's game is?

She's rubbing her money in our faces! You're degrading yourselves

Oh well, it's worth it for a bit of hot water!

Paloma, you're just jealous cos she's not gonna let you use it

Like I'd want to! Or anyone else from my family!

Here we'd rather shower with cold water, right Juan?


Hi! We've come to use the shower

Marisa said the bubbles are amazing!

Hey, this isn't a spa for the elderly, you know

Son, my neck's in such a bad way

Hey honey, I'm meeting my mum

Concha and Vicenta wanna use the shower and I'm working!

Well if we let Marisa, we can't say no to them

I can, you watch me!

No babe, the poor things, it doesn't matter, it'll only take a second

Right, and who's the one lumbered with them?

Come on

Thanks a lot!

Us neighbours are here to help each other

Hey, is the dog gonna take a shower as well?

No, I'll leave him with you, he's no bother

Bugsy going first!

Hang on, let me explain how it works

Hey I'm off, honey, ok? I'll call you in a bit

Ok, bye

Meantime, I'll put the telly on. How does it switch on?

That's the phone!

Roberto! How do you stop the bubbles?

I told you to wait for me!

Shit, cover yourself up, woman!

Bye darling

Anger leads to hate, hate's the path to the dark side where I grab him and beat him up

How's it going, Emilio?

Just mopping, you know, what with me being a retard

Erm right, see you later

Hey look out, the floor's still wet

We wouldn't want you to slip and bang your head against the bannister

Oh no

Blows to the head can be fatal

Thanks. See you later

Tomorrow I'll wax

Honey, what did you forget?

No, it's me, so I'm a sale, am I?

Caretaker section, shags for a special price?

Emilio, have you been spying on me?

You're so retarded!

Not that again! Look Belén, I was gonna give you another chance

but now you've ruined it. I'm dumping you

But you can't dump me if I'm dating Carlos!

No, don't start making excuses, you won't make me change my mind

We're finished, get used to it!

Pain in the ass!

How did he find out about that?

Right, just relax and smile

God, what a stage! Are these the people you work with?

Now everything makes sense

Hey, which one's your boss?

The one next to the lady with all the jewellery

Holy crap! No, don't tell them, they're gonna take it really badly

It's decided, I just need to find the right moment


Let's go

What's up, Fernando?

Hey! Agustín, let me introduce a friend of mine, Mauri

Nice to meet you


This is my wife

- Hi, how are you? - Nice to meet you

- Good evening - Congratulations by the way!

This will be your third, right?

You know what happens when I put my mind to something!

And when's the baby due?

According to our reckonings, after dessert

Sit down or you'll miss your dinner

- Yeah, come on - Let's get out of here please!

No, let's sit down!

Hello, hello, we're here now

Alright there?

Hello Fernando

Oh, sorry, sorry!

- How silly - Are you alright?


Yeah, it's fine

I'll eat with my left hand

We should have set the cameras up in here cos this is where everyone's taking a shower

What a wonder! That's not taking a shower, it's something else entirely


It's your turn, isn't it?

No, you go first, I'll wait for the film to finish

The picture on this plasma TV is amazing!

Ooh, it's my turn! Here I go!

Hey, the shampoo's nearly run out

What! Don't use that, man, it's for hair loss and it costs a fortune!

Why do you bother with it, anyway?

Faith moves mountains, Roberto


- Hi - Hi, how's it going?

If it isn't the founder of Bubbles Without Borders

Paco, you haven't come to take a shower here too, have you?

Yeah, because he's living in the video store and the only shower there is the one in Psycho

Plus, I've given you a voucher: 6 movies for 36 euros

You've got some nerve! That's a standard price

I said a voucher, not a discount voucher. I need to make a living, you know

Lucía, can I have a word?


Hey, take your feet off the table!

Look, this is too much!

This isn't helping out, it's sponging

Yeah, but what we can do? Kick them out?

Yeah, fuck them, they can shower at home with cold water

Quiet! Relax, tomorrow they're gonna fix the boiler

They'd better

Look Roberto, when I'm rude to the neighbours, you get angry

and when I try and help them out, you're the same

They've used up all my shampoo!


Hang on, here come more of them

- Hi - Hi

Is there much of a queue?

No, only 2 of us

Oh ok, in that case I'll sit here and have a fag


What, you here again!

But you already had a shower this afternoon

Yeah, I like to keep clean. Do you want one?

Well Fernando, when are you gonna change that car of yours?

This company's got an image to uphold, you know

Yeah, to be honest it is a bit old

but I've grown so fond of it

Come on, man, there are so many cars out there nowadays

Get yourself a real car, not that nancyboy thing!

I'll tell them now in the break before dessert

No, hang on a second, don't get up!

A moment of your time, please

Yeah, listen up everyone, our NEW PARTNER...has something to say

What was that?

You've beaten us to it, Fernando, so I'm announcing it now

From the first of January, our work colleague, Fernando Navarro

will become a fully fledged partner

in the board of directors of this law firm


Thank you very much

Right Fernando, what were you going to say to us?

Nothing, just that he's really happy

No, yes...well in the first place, I'd like to thank you for the trust you've placed in me

I promise to do my best to be up to the position

But I'd also like to give you some information related to my private life

but which both my partner and I want to...

to share with all of you

Uh-oh, you're getting married on us! You're trapped now, man!

No, it's not that, I can't get married for the moment

No, what I wanted to tell you is that...

that I'm gay

and that this person here at my side is my boyfriend

Long live the grooms!

Thanks! Thanks a lot!

Juan, are you in the bathtub now?

Yeah! Hurry up, honey, I'm freezing

Ok! I'm coming

Right, bend your head over

Hang on, did you check the...

Shit Paloma, are you trying to kill me!

Alright! How would the little Lord like his water?

If possible, below boiling point

Mum, put a few eggs in there so we can eat them for breakfast

Your father's a cry-baby

Ok, who's next?

- Her - Him



Hey, hey! No jumping in, I'm next!

For God's sake! How did you get in?

Lucía let us in

Oh and she said she was going shopping

and if you want flavoured yoghurts to call her

You need to get some new magazines

Ooh you've got a blender, you can make loads of things with one of these, right?

How does it work?

Don't touch that!

Hey, what are you doing with my dumb-bells!

Working up a bit of a sweat before my shower

I need bigger muscles cos there's loads of competition

But what do you lot think this is! A gym?

Do you wanna come into the bedroom for a massage from Lucía?

Oh, does she give massages?

No, I was being sarcastic!

Right, come on, go and shower at home all of you!

Roberto, show a bit of compassion, we don't have any hot water

Anyway, Lucía said we could use the shower and it's her place

Hey, how much was this TV?

Lady please, I told you not to touch that!

Good morning neighbour

Look, the thing is, cold water's not for me

and I thought you wouldn't mind if I...

No, of course not!

Good, but this is an unoffical visit, ok?

If anyone asks, I was never here

Oh! Ok fine, come in

Look who it is, el señor Cuesta!

Oh God! Who's last in line please?


You're gonna flip out, man

Welcome to hydro massage wonderland!

Shit, it's really her

What's up Jose Mi?

Nothing, I've just brought a few friends who want you to sign an autograph for them

An autograph?

Ooh, you're my first fans

Did you like my advertisement?

Er, yeah they love your work

Yeah, my dad does too

Don't think becoming famous is easy. What's your name?


My grandad's hooked as well, he says you've got an ass to die for

Oh! Thanks a lot?

Ooh, sorry gotta leave you, it's my agent

No doubt to offer me more work

Ok, see you later

Stop drooling, you lot!

And Belén was making fun of my ad!

Hey Antonio! Your star speaking

What's your game? You think you're smart, is that it?


Alicia, what on earth possessed you to place cameras in your house

and show it online without saying anything to me?

What! But I haven't placed any cameras!

Sure you haven't! Put down the remote now, will you!

Hold on, where are you watching me from?

From my office computer

For your information, Alicia, 20 % of what you make goes to me

it's in your contract

Fuck! Quick, quick!

I told you that camera was really obvious!

Er yeah but there's an explanation for all of this

They're Paco's chicks so he'll explain it all to you

Go on!

It's a sociological study of the customs of single, modern, western women

Have you lost your minds!

No-one's seen me naked, have they?

No, don't worry, only when you got undressed

Don't report us please! We'll take out the cameras right now, I swear

Don't even think about it!

I want 50 % of the business

No, look, it has to be divided in equal shares, listem

30 % for me, 30 for him, and 30 for you

What about the other 10?

Oh, there's another 10?

Well for me then, for labour

Done! Thanks a lot

It's the perfect shop window

I'm gonna use it to display all my talent

I bet a film producer will see how well I play my part

Hey, if you're gonna play a part, then do Basic Instint or Emmanuelle, something that sells

Or do what you like and be yourself

Children, it has reached our ears that the upstairs neighbours have a shower

with hydro massage, sauna, short, a wonder

A completely useless and unnecessary wonder that some of our neighbours are using

And don't let me catch you going up there to use it!

Oh no! No-one is to go up there!

But why do you care? Roberto's my mate, he won't mind

But I do mind and I'm your mum!

Can't you see that fighting with the couple upstairs won't get you anywhere!

Right, cos you and Lucía get along great, don't you?

The snob's winning over the neighbours with that shower

I don't know, she's doing them a good turn

No! It's a strategy I'm telling you!

I know she wants to be president again

We need to buy a much better hydromassage than her one

Do you have any idea how much they cost!

Who cares? Armando works in a bank

so he can give us a loan

Sure, taking out a loan is very easy. The trouble is afterwards you have to pay it back!

Well, give private lessons in the evenings, we can't let your talent go to waste

I don't know...

If we'd opened the boutique, right now we'd be in our country house with a hydromassage in all 4 bathrooms

God, not the boutique again!

Alright, I'll talk to Armando and see what he says about the loan

That's it, honey, give me a kiss

Hey! That gel's not the stuff I buy

Well I don't know, I think it's the stuff I've always used

You haven't been upstairs for a shower, have you?

No, I'd never ever...

I can't take showers with cold water

Oh Juan! I'm pregnant and you're going up to the snob's place to take a shower!

I'm going to my room to cry, you've hurt me, Juan

You've really hurt me!

My husband doesn't understand me, my children ignore me

That snob wants my life

What a mess! When's that boiler man gonna come!


Well, how was work? How did you first gay day go?

To be honest, really well. They were all lovely to me

See, it was easy, and you've lifted a weight off your shoulders

Oh there was a letter from the practice here

Actually, I think Jose María made a pass at me in the bathroom

Jose María? Oh, but I thought he was married

Right he is

It's obvious, you'll see

They'll be coming out of the closet in their masses

like a gay explosion and this is just the beginning

in less than a year, you'll be running the firm, you'll see

What's wrong?

I've been fired


Yeah I've been fired, they're thanking me for services rendered

and terminating my contract

And they're doing it by letter!

But why they have fired you?

Why do you think?

It's because you're gay

No, it's because I told them. See, I was right!

This can't be happening, Fernando

Sure, coming out of the closet is lovely

because here we're all liberal and modern but the reality is different

people aren't ready!

But that's discrimination! Sue them!

Right and how am I gonna prove that they kicked me out for being gay?

No, they're terminating my contract, giving me severance pay and job done

Afterwards, they'll come up with any old excuse to justify it

- The sons of bitches! - Yeah

What a great idea that was! Come out of the closet just to go straight on the dole

I feel terrible, how was I to know they'd fire you?

No, don't worry, it's not your fault

Well no actually it is your fault!

But don't worry

But surely you're not gonna take it sitting down. You've got to do something!

Look, you know what I'm gonna do today? Go for a walk

because I need to get a bit of fresh air

Fernando, I'm so sorry, seriously

I'll show them!

They don't know what they've got themselves in for!

Ingrid, it's Mauri. Yeah, listen, I need a favour

Can you publish a really juicy article about sexual discrimination for me tomorrow?

Yeah, I know it's really late, but I'm asking for it as a personal favour

Ok, thanks, I'll send it to you in half an hour

Go get them! Let's go get them!

I thought this was an emergency service, it says 24 hours on the brochure!

Right, 24 hours is how long it takes us to come

Señor Cuesta, advertisements are like parables

you mustn't take them literally

Right, let's see what's wrong with this boiler!

Well, I'd say it's an open and shut case of malfunction

Emilio, let the man do his job



Already? What was wrong with it?

Nothing, the power must have conked out so you needed to press the restart button to unlock it

It's a security mechanism but the boiler's fine

In these situations, reading the instruction manual really helps, you know

And all this time I've been taking cold showers and getting burnt by wife!

How was I to know, Señor Juan?

Right, sign here for me because we're finished now

100 euros for labour!

But all you did was press a button!

I don't get paid for pressing a button but for knowing which button to press

Thank you very much, good afternoon

Did you at least notice which button he pressed?

Neighbours, I've got wonderful news for you: the boiler is working again

in record time and for the modest price of 100 euros

without VAT because we didn't write out an invoice

Great Juan

Now you can go back to enjoying your central heating and hot water

Don't all thank me at once

I wanted to get in the sauna before going out

The one time something didn't need fixing and he goes and rushes!

What a president!

This man never does anthing right

Can't you see that he does it just to annoy us?

Well this is all I needed!

You mean you're giving me an earful for solving the problem!

Ignore them Juan, ignore them

From now on, everyone washes in their own home and end of discussion!

And if you want bubbles, join a swimming pool

because you're retired and they'll give you a discount

Come on Juan

Oh well, all good things come to an end

No, no way! I can't live without bubbles

Me neither!

We've already had 30 thousand views in under 2 days

30 thousand views! Fuck, those 2 are gonna be more famous than Pamela Anderson's fake tits

Hey, I wanna go upstairs so my mum can see me

Has your mum got internet, though?

Oh shit, you're right, she hasn't

Ok, let's see what they're up to

Alicia, I'm going to the burger bar

Fuck, have you got an audition to be a game show host or something?

No, I'm staying home, why?

Well it's just that you've got your warpaint on

You're always laughing at me! I can't take it anymore!

You humiliate me! You make fun of my dreams!

And my hopes! And it hurts!

Oh, you're driving me crazy! CRAZY!

But what's wrong, are you alright?

I don't care. Let me tell you something, Belén

you don't appreciate the girl you've got for a flatmate

someone with talent, who studied performing arts for a year

speaks English and doesn't mind going nude if the part merits it

What's she playing at?

It's a shame she doesn't know how to act

That girl's not right in the head

Honey, have you got your guest list yet?

Yeah, here you go

Just these?

What do you mean just these? How many people do you want me to invite?

Well look at mine

Fucking hell! What is this, the electoral roll?

No, it's a first list, I mean we'll have to choose from it

I don't want any more than 300

Ah ok, I can put my mind at rest then

- Just a private gathering - Exactly


Right, now we know how many people we're gonna invite

we need to start looking for somewhere to hold the reception

But doesn't that come with the church?


Honey, don't get depressed, I'll take care of it, ok?

Hi, we're here for our evening shower

because we're under so much stress

Hang on a minute, you've got hot water now

Oh really? No-one has told us anything!

That president doesn't fill us in on anything


Well, as we've got our nighties on, we can come in to the party, right?

Yeah sure, come on, this is pure sponging now

Well yeah, what's the point in lying about it?

We're neighbours, though, right?

You can't take the hydro massage away from us all of a sudden because we'll get cold turkey

Right, come on, go and get over it at home

But now my bathroom makes me depressed

What, you wanna come and have a shower here for free every night, is that it?

Well, how about giving us a pass for a special price then?

Good night!

Young people nowadays! They wanna keep everything for themselves!

We live in a democracy, don't we?

Well we're all equal and I wanna live like those 2

What are we gonna do? Buy a hydro massage?

It's either that or smash up the boiler

No, there's no need

Those 2 are in and out all the time because of their wedding planning

Tomorrow when they go out, we'll get the keys from Emilio

and come up here for a shower

But how are we gonna go in without their permission?

She just told you! With the key!

You don't listen, Vicenta, you don't listen!

I just ran into the synchronised swimming team from the 1952 Olympics

What are you doing here? We didn't arrange to meet today

Yeah, but I thought I'd come and take you out to dinner

I can't, I've gotta go to the burger bar

Marcela's sick


Look, your job isn't worthy of your skills or your boyfriend

Right, but what am I supposed to do?

Because I've tried everything

There are more copies of my CV out there than the Yellow Pages

I don't know, come and work for me


My company's public relations department is looking for an attractive, self-assured girl who's good with people

Look Carlos, I don't believe in mixing love and work

but in this particular case I think it sounds great to me

- Let's celebrate! - Yeah

But first, a little present to welcome you to the company

What's he bought her? I can't see, this camera's shit!

It's a ring, man

Well he's fucked up then because Belén doesn't like cheesy stuff like that

Thanks darling!

Take me to the burger bar, I need to hand in my resignation

No, hang on

She called him darling!

Stop it, it's not the computer's fault!

Switch that thing off, those cameras were a stupid idea!

Look it's obvious, Belen's with Carlos because he takes care of her

Hey, I took care of her too!

Really? Did you give her presents?

No, that's what Santa's for

Did you take her out for dinner?

Did you take her to work or pick her up?

But she was scared of my moped and I was saving up to buy another helmet

See? You have to do nice things for girls

What did she ever do for me apart from cheating on me?

You lost her because you didn't put in any donkey work, man

I thought giving her my body was enough

No, that's not everything, Emilio

and less so in your case

I'm gonna go talk to her

No! You'll ruin everything!

Belén, we need to talk, you're making a big mistake

Not again!

Look, you're getting kind of annoying now

Listen, the dark side's saved you, otherwise I'd have smashed your face in

I'd like to see you try!

Emilio, calm down, Carlos is a black belt in Aikido

For your information, Belén told me my dick's bigger than yours


No, I never said that

You've sold yourself for the money, right?

Sure, when they give you rings and a new job

How do you know all that?

Leave him, he's not worth it

But there's no way he could know that!

Belén, think about it! Love can't be bought or sold, that's why it's not in the supermarket

What are you going on about!

I don't know!

Come on

Belén, I'm not telling Emilio your personal stuff

Well he's finding out stuff about my life that only you can know about!

About the ring, the fact he's retarded, the sale, everything

How could I tell him if I haven't seen him!

That's it! You're texting him

Do you seriously think I'm that twisted?

Alicia, you tried to ruin my relationship with Carlos from the start!

Whoa! As if I needed to!

What do you mean?

He's using you, Lucía's the one he's into, there's no future for you 2

Look who's talking! Your relationships last less time than a peace agreement in Palestine

Plus, since you started dating him, you've got so full of yourself

Well as madam's not happy and nor am I

the best thing is for you to find another place

And why do I have to move out?

How about because I'm the one who pays the rent!

Oh and that's a good enough reason, is it?

You're crazy

Look, tomorrow I want you to find another place

Some friend you are!


Why are you telling Belén stuff you saw through the cameras?

That's what I told him, he's gonna mess up the business

It was one of my crazy moments but I'm over it now

It's just that before I used to get them out of me with Belén in bed and now I can't

Well, if you wanna win her back, I can help you

Alright, let's hook up and make her jealous!

No, I'm not helping you all that much

But we could take advantage of the cameras to show Belén that Carlos is using her

Sounds good

Fernando, look what I've got

No, of course I'm angry, you don't do that kind of thing

No, tell Agustín that tomorrow I'm gonna have words with him

Yeah, I'm laughing but it's not funny

Ok, see you tomorrow

Look what I've had published!

Mauri, I haven't been fired!


Yeah, those bastards at the office played a joke on me

I swear I'll get them back for this

What did you wanna show me?

No nothing, just an article

but it's nothing compared to the amazing news you've given me

Let me see it!

No, it's not my best work

- The office - Don't answer

Let's go celebrate, ok?

Mauri give me my phone, it might be important

No, I bet it's just another joke. Look, they hung up

Come on, I'll throw away the newspaper and we'll go

Yes...yes speaking

I've been fired!

No, sorry, you're too late

They told me it was all a joke


No but in what newspaper?

Yes, Mauricio Hidalgo

No but there must be some kind of mistake

Wait, listen, I swear...


Let me see that newspaper!

Mauri, give me that newspaper!

Alright, alright

Here you go

No, I want the page

Would you mind telling me what this is?

The law doesn't discriminate

It's an opinion piece

But don't you realise the hornest's nest you've stirred up at my work? call them all kinds of stuff!

Come on, don't exagerrate, it's not that bad

It's basically a factual article with no disrespect intended

That rancid law firm, cesspit of homophobes, perverts and die hard Nazis straight out of Nuremberg

Alright, I might have allowed myself a bit of poetic license

but you're making it sound way worse than it is!

Right and who gave you permission to lead a crusade on my behalf?

I didn't name you, I just put your 2 initials

But who do you think you are? The Ghandi for gays?

Ok, I'll write a letter of retraction and problem solved

You'd better because they're suing you

What! Why?

For libel...what the hell possessed you to mess with a law firm?

Well you can defend me

I can't defend you if I work there!

Well worked I should say because they've fired me

See! They did fire you after all, the gang of homophobes

I'm going to the gym or to hell, we'll see

- Emilio - Yes

Go outside and get my girl's blouse for me, it fell off the washing line

How about putting the pegs on properly once in a while?

If I kept everything that falls off in 6 months, I could open a boutique

No, I'm the one opening the boutique, you get me the blouse

because Natalia wants to wear it to go out

She won't keep that on for long!


No nothing, I'm going

These are the ones

Ew, gross!

Doña Paloma, there's nothing here!

Have you had a good look?

You can't have a bad look here, there's only 2 square metres

Oh ok, sorry, I must have got confused, bye

First we'll call by the publisher's and then go see the church

But the priest needs to go get his hair cut because he's got a baptism at 1

Well, get him to make a slot for us and marry us there and then

Morning! Making arrangements for the wedding, are we?


Why don't you pop down to my house one day and I'll show you my wedding photos?

so you can get some ideas

Thanks a lot, we'll let you know

And let your hair grow, girl, so you can make yourself a bun

some curls or some waves, you'll look nicer

Ok, I'm going up, bye

It's such a lovely moment, enjoy it!

What's up with her today?

I don't know, maybe the bank gave her some crockery

Agustín, you have to tell Ramón that the dismissal thing

was a joke you played on me that Mauri took badly

I would but I'll get myself in trouble

Yeah but what about the trouble I'm in?

Right but I can't afford to lose my job because I've got kids

whereas you haven't and barring major breakthroughs you never will either

Very well, you force me to go to the office with the letter you sent me then

and let me remind you that you falsified the boss's signature

What are you doing?

Keeping my job

I'll put it back together right now and..

Give it to me! Give me the letter!

We're lawyers and we know what we're talking about

But I thought we were friends!

And we are!

Look, we can still play tennis together

and you're invited to my son's baptism

Anyway, relax, you're talented

You'll find something

Fuck this tastes bad!

What happened? What did he say?

Well basically he said he won't confess and he swallowed the letter

What do you mean he swallowed it?

Yeah, he ate it

You will insist on not putting out anything for guests to nibble on!

That's 5 years of work at that company gone down the drain

I'm gonna talk to your boss right now and explain everything to him

No Mauri, don't do anything else for me! Please, stay out of it

What are you playing at!

Are you deaf! I've been calling you!

I was thinking about things, what do you want?

The ones from the third floor have gone out, I saw them from the balcony

Have they gone out?

Dressing gowns on everyone! There's not much time left

Meeting in 5 minutes on the third floor landing

Here, have a bit of apple

Who is it?

Is that you Fernando? It's Ramón

Your boss, your boss is here!

What have you done?

I swear I haven't done anything or talked with anyone

You breathe, let me do the talking

No, I'll do the talking

- I'll just breathe then - Yeah

Open up

- Hello - Hello Fernando

Can we talk for a second?

Yes, I'll just go...

No, you stay here

Come in please, sit down

Would you something to nibble on?

Er no thanks

Fernando, I've got good news for you

One of your colleagues has cleared up this business of your dismissal

The first one or the second?

The first...the joke with the letter

Who told you? Agustin, right?

No, it was Jose María, he's taken up your case

Have it! That's because he's gay too


Fernando, he made a pass at you in the bathroom!

No, look, never mind about that

Fernando, you're a great lawyer and work hard at the firm

So as soon as your friend publishes a statement of rectification in his newspaper

we're willing to reinstate you straight away

and turn a blind eye to your sexual inclinations

Thanks a lot, I didn't mean to call you a die hard Nazi

No, wait a second, what do you mean "turn a blind eye to my sexual inclinations?"

Well, it's obvious that we'd rather the partners in the firm be normal people

but it's not essential, though

So you means gays aren't normal people?

No but it doesn't matter. You don't show it, anyway

Right, tomorrow I want to see you in the office

He'll be there without fail

No, sorry but I've just decided not to go back there

And you know what the best thing is?

Mauri's article was right so if you'd be so kind...

we're the ones who don't want abnormal people in our house so get going

Suit yourself

But you're letting a good opportunity go

Maybe you're the one who's doing that

Wow! Impressive!

That felt so good, seriously

Hey, you might be on the dole but you've got guts!


Alicia, what's going on up there?

Is the chick still in the nest? Over

I'm ready but they still haven't come out of the bedroom

and we're talking on the phone so don't say "over"!

I'll be right back, darling

Wait, don't hang up

Someone sure woke up on the right side of bed this morning

Oh, so you're still here

I'm gonna buy some oranges for breakfast

What! You've never made me fresh orange juice!

Well you've never done the things Carlos does for me either

Look out, she's on her way down. Let the show begin!

Ok, over and out!

She's coming down

Emilio, don't you see that if we show her the cameras, our business is over

God, what are you like! Your friend's suffering from a broken heart and all you can think about is money

Look, I'm lonely as well, the only company I've got is the cigarette machine in the video store

Often I just get a pack of fags to have someone to talk to

Look, there she is

Listen Emilio, we can't go on like this

Yeah, come on, I'll show you that the only thing that shines about your knight in shining armour

is the gold in his bank account

What are you going on about!

Go on

Come in and sit down


Carlos, have you got a second? I wanna talk to you

What's this?

Paco put some cameras in your house to make one of those sociological study things

Nobody's seen this, though, have they?

No, just Emilio and me

Well, us and another 40 thousand people on the internet

but just people from Japan, the Philippines and that

Are you 2 sick in the head or what!

You mean people out there have seen me in my birthday suit!

Relax, I bet they were all looking at Alicia

Right! That's how you kept finding out about everything

and why she wouldn't stop playing the fool around the house

Shut up and look how little this bloke loves you

Paco, give me sound, we can't hear anything

No, sit there because this is my good side

Oh, alright

Hey listen, I've been friends with Belén for a long time

and I think what you're doing to her is so wrong

You get what I'm saying, right?

Er no

If you're into Lucía, go conquer Lucía!

but don't take advantage of a poor girl who's got her heart set on you

who's had loads of traumatic experiences with men and is really insecure

because, you know, physically she's not as blessed as others

What's her problem?

Shush! We're missing things, let them finish and we'll discuss it afterwards

Look, between ourselves, I've always been into Lucía

and I admit that hooking up with Belén was the perfect chance for me to make her jealous

There you have it!

No more questions, Your Honour

So you don't have any feelings for Belén then?

No no, excuse me, from the moment I first met Belén

I knew she was a really special girl and I was gonna fall in love with her

She's tender, modest, caring

she's got everything I could ask for in a woman

so I don't even remember Lucía

Oh, and physically Belén is stunning

No, he saw the camera and he's making it up to talk his way out of it

Maybe the laptop's got a virus or something

Right, I'm off because I'm in a hurry

Oh, and if in half an hour, you haven't gone upstairs to remove the cameras

I'll report you both and you'll end up in jail

Maybe that way I'll come out on top. At least I can eat for free there

You can see he's lying

cos you're not tender or caring or anything

Look Emilio, I feel you, really I do

I know what it's like to be dumped

because that's what always happened to me before now

No, now as well because I dumped you, ok?

Alright, you dumped me

But we can get back together whenever we like

No Emilio, we're not gonna get back together

our relationship wasn't going anywhere

Anyway, it's better to have me as a friend than as a girlfriend

But why? just is, ok?




Hey, one last time?

- Emilio! - Alright, friends, friends

Ok, so we're agreed, I'll shower first

then my sister and then you because you take the longest

I bet the hot water will all be finished by then

Don't worry, cold water is really good for circulation

Oh God, are all 3 of you gonna use the shower?

Not you as well?

Don't say anything, I'm gonna make the most of the fact my wife's gone out for a walk

What a president! What a disgrace!

Hey, you're doing the same thing!

Listen, there's someone taking a shower in there

I thought you said they'd gone out!

I saw them leaving

Sure, but then you 2 took forever to get changed

Come on, let's go right now!

No, let's not go because they're coming

Who's that taking a shower in there then?

And what shall we do now?

Evasive action!


Hide, dammit!

Honey, I told you the priest had to leave and he left

Well I had to hand in my drawings

But why insist on coming with me if you have to work?

I'll call my sister and problem solved, the 2 of us can go together

Yeah but I want to help, I don't want you to think I'm...

No way!

What's wrong?

I thought you 2 were going to look at churches

Oh God, this is something out of science fiction!

Would you mind telling me how you got in my house?

Everyone's using the shower here. What's the big deal? Have you got a problem with me or what?

And to top it all off, she gets nasty!

So she breaks into our house, gets in the shower

puts on my dressing gown, and then to top it off, she gets nasty!

You can't have that in there

That ought to be in a gym. We're gonna hold a meeting to get rid of it

Paloma, are you sick in the head or what?

Get out of my house right now or I'll throw you out myself!

I'd like to see you try!

Come on! Keep calm!

But what's he doing here?

Come on, we're all neighbours

Hey, can one of us go use the shower while you're arguing?

No! Now look here, how many people are there breaking in here?

Juan, how could you come back up again! You've hurt me again!

No you listen to me! Who gave you the key? Emilio?

Well anyone with a key, give it back to me now!


As president of the community, I need to have a copy of all the keys

Any more?

Yeah, I've got another one at home but I'll bring it right up to you

We're so absent-minded you see

Really? You don't say!

Whose idea was it to make copies of my house keys?

We didn't like to bother you! Because we're coming in and out all the time

Fuck, it's just that you've got such a good life and one gets used to good things so quickly

Well I'm sorry but I've had it with you

so I'm reporting you all to the police!

Come on Lucía, it's almost Christmas!

You can hang the police report from the tree then

Right, that's it

So, you can't make copies of this type of key, right?

No, to make a copy...

you need to give head office a secret code so that then they can...

No, don't say it to me out loud

write it down for me on a bit of paper, ok?

Roberto, I swear I didn't give your key to anyone

they stole it from the box!

Well lock it with a key for fuck's sake!

But there's no budget for more locks

Look, I don't want you to lose your trust in me

especially with the Christmas bonus just around the corner and me needing another helmet for my bike

Oh, are these your wedding invitations? Am I invited?

No, these are UNICEF Christmas cards, don't you buy them?

No, what for?

Well because in addition to wishing people happy Christmas, you can help over 80 million children around the world

Oh, and whereabouts can I get them?

In the bank, the tobacco shop...

Ok, but you'll invite me to your wedding, won't you?

Sorry but I've come to inform you that this door

which you've installed without first consulting the community, is totally unacceptable

and radically alters the appearance of the staircase

Right, I'm off because I'm neutral like the Swiss

I would remind you that any modifications to public features of the building

need to be announced with 15 days notice

in order to be voted on in an emergency meeting

Although of course I could always turn a blind eye

if you withdraw the complaint you filed against us in the courts

See what they're like, Emilio?

It looks solid, it's a good door

These folk buy good quality things

Well, that's class for you, Señor Juan

I don't know where people get this idea that we're all equal from

Look at that door!

And it's nice as well!

Right, now all you need to do is come out of the closet with the neighbours

Mauri, after everything that's happened, I think I deserve a rest

I was just saying that because now you've hit your stride...

Look what happened to me at my work! Imagine what could happen if I tell these people

Come on, you just had a bit of bad luck, that's all

I mean, on coming out of the closet you tripped and banged your head

but it needn't always be like that

Well, we'll see when I tell them. For now, I've got enough on my plate with finding a job

Right, but you've got enough money for my Christmas present, right?

I've already bought you your present

Really, what is it?

I'm not telling you

It's not there

Give me a clue, what is it?

Give me a clue, go on! Is it big?

No, I'm not telling you anything

I don't care, I'll find it

I told you it's not there

It's just in case I didn't look well

You've ruined my night telling me that, I won't get any sleep now

Me neither

Vicenta! Vicenta, come here, I've got a surprise

- What is it? - Look, look

I bought a shower even better than Lucía's one

They're gonna install it

Are you mad!

Relax! We don't have to start paying for it for another 6 months

But where are we gonna get the money from?

We'll think about that in 6 months

Don't worry about it, old people don't go to prison!

I'm not old. Anyway, have they shown you how to use it?

A man's coming to explain it to us now

Ladies, congratulations on purchasing your top of the range hydro massage shower

Now I'll explain to you the basic operating procedures. They're very simple...

Any questions?

Good. A word of warning: don't use the sauna if you suffer from...

Enjoy it!

Have a good afternoon! And you too!

Why don't we send it back?

Well, for me, as long as the radio works...