Utopia (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Talking Hurts - full transcript

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I need you to focus.


Look in your laptop, will you?

There's a file embedded
in a folder marked "Fun."



I don't understand.

Do it.

Oh, my God.

What is this? Oh, no, no, no.
These pictures aren't mine.

-I would never do something
like this. I wouldn't...
-Wouldn't you?

Two years of snuff porn,
traded and stockpiled by you.

Nine young women
and three young men

defiled and murdered
for your pleasure.

The records and time stamps
are very clear.

What the fuck?!

This is Colleen checking in.

Operation Fun has been deployed.

Operation Fun
has been deployed.

Colleen, I don't understand.

What is going on?

You think I married you
for your good looks? Hmm?

Or your, uh, your brave
and daring nature, hmm?

And I've looked after you.

That is my purpose.

So... listen closely.

You will do exactly
as I tell you, which is nothing.

I have, uh, I've written
a statement for you,

supporting and lauding
the decision

to green-light the vaccine.

Note how there's no talk
about further testing,

no talk about home decor,
lack thereof,

no talk about petting zoos
or Dale or anyone else.

You will read this statement
to the press over and over

with a smile on your face,
or so help me,

you will be looking
at two decades

of endless, repetitious ass rape
in Attica.

And we have Christie Corp
vice president Thomas Christie

live on the phone.

Thomas, thanks
for being here with us.

- Thank you, John.
- I'm glad to speak with you.

How did the news
of Dale's passing

affect those of you
at Christie Corp?

Well, we were all
shocked to learn about Dale.

It's such a sad story.
However, we cannot

let it distract us from the job
that we have to do.

Once the FDA freed the vaccine,
we all jumped into high gear,

and we plan to have
the shelves stocked

tomorrow morning.
All day, we've had

our trucks coming in,
and we are gearing up to ship.

Can you give the viewers
any idea

of how long people will have
to wait to be vaccinated?

Well, demand is pretty high
right now,

but I would recommend
that people do everything

in their power to make sure
their families are safe.

Thomas, we appreciate
you talking with us today.

- My pleasure, John.
- Thanks for having me.

That, again, was Thomas
Christie of Christie Corp.

We now pivot
to our on-scene reporter,

who is outside the home
of Charlotte Warwick.

Can you shed any light
on what happened yesterday?

Feeling better today?

- Good.
- Charlotte

and her family have been inside

the home all morning.

Here she is.
Charlotte, do you have time

for a couple of questions?

Are you back with us?



We had no one but each other.

We were... intensely close.

Uh, not like a...

normal... father-daughter.

Not normal how?

I am an orphan, but...

I'm trying to think of this
as a new start for me.

Probably a healthier start.

Um... my father was
a very disturbed man.

This is not your purpose.

We had a complicated,

not entirely...

proper relationship.

- What the fuck?
- What do you mean

-by "not proper"?
-I don't want
to say any more right now.

I'm sorry. I... I probably
already said too much.

did your father molest you?


Who the fuck does she think
she is?!

This goddamn little...!

We make up the stories!

That needs to be shut down.

I trust your judgment.
Can you do that?

...only yesterday.

However, the joyous occasion
is already...

Go... now.

Dale ended his own life...


No matter what you think
of the life we gave you,

it's a million times better than
any life you would have had,

and you're earning your place
in this crowded world...

every day.

Earning your place.

I met you when I was 43.

I thought
that I would never be...


That I...
just wasn't meant for it.

But then...

we met and fell in love, and...

I just thought,
"Wow. It's so simple."


My purpose was
to make you love me,

so I did.

I showed you my real self,

stuff I keep hidden
from the world,

my weaknesses.

Oh, Michael.

You show that to everybody.

That's why I was needed.

-Mm. Like a neon sign.


Well, we fixed that, didn't we?

We made sure that your vaccine
is going to save the world.

Wait a minute.

This was at Dale's.

Who do you work for?

People who matter.

People who will change
the world.

You work for them, too.

Wait for me in here.

Ignore the screams.

I could not be more thrilled

with the FDA's decision
to free the vaccine.

They have done a great service

to the countless children

who will now be saved
from the Stearns Flu.

But this vaccine
isn't just for kids.

It's for families,

and that's why I think
that every man, woman and child

should get the vaccine.

That man in there--

is he why my mom's dead?

Yeah, we think
he might be, yeah.

There's no need to waste time

because this vaccine works...

And the flu is still spreading.

Who the hell...?!

You've been doing
a lot of talking

this past week, Dr. Mike.

Now you're gonna talk to me.



Guys, she said to stay...
Oh, shit.

Oh, fuck.

Who the fuck are you?


I am a young
and beautiful girl.

I'm a young and beautiful...

Hello, Lily.

-The police are out...

How much did you tell them?


Nothing about Home.


You were told
not to talk at all.

You were told not
to raise interest.

Why do you keep talking?

Is this a good time
for good news?

So, we've heard from Colleen.

Operation Fun was deployed,

and it was... a huge success.

The fact that there even had
to be an Operation Fun

means you failed, means
the Dale sob story didn't stick,

didn't convince the one guy,
the one guy

you needed it to convince.

Michael won't be a problem.

'Cause once the vaccine ships,
there won't be a Michael.

What happens
to the good doctor then?


So, I'm thinking...

...a little Bruce Ivins, baby.

I want Michael to get

the full anthrax treatment.

He'll be alone
in his basement lab

when he... infects himself.

Can't live with what he'd done.

All because he needs
a little recognition.


He wanted to play the hero.

So sad.

And... we did have Colleen
commit him, so...

Good idea.

I really needed you
to have a good idea.

I'm sorry, okay?

All my life I waited
to fulfill my purpose.

-What was your purpose?
-It was martyr.


But Charlotte got
to do it instead,

and then suddenly
I was out in the world, and...

and I'd never left home before.

And I'd never seen
so many people.

Hundreds and thousands
of people,

and I didn't know
what their purposes were,

and they didn't know what
their purposes were.

Can you imagine?


I felt like I might...


And I wanted to talk to people,

not using words
that I'd memorized, and...

and once I started,
I-I couldn't stop.

You should have stopped.

Arby, the world is so big.

You like the world?

I love the world.


Have you ever had Pepsi?

No Chinese lettering.

No scars.

-There has to be.
-He's not Mr. Rabbit.

I'm Dr. Michael Stearns!

Feet up.


Check it all.

Check it all.


All clear.

Do you have a good paring knife?

You look like someone
who would have

-a good paring knife.
-Jessica, he's not Mr. Rabbit.

I don't give up that easy.

Hold my gun.

-Sit down.

-Yeah, okay, okay.

You don't have the scar, fine.

But why were you here?

The asylum?

Well, 'cause of my anxiety.

I was in a bad place.

I was seeing things.

Hea-Hearing things.

That was you.

Wasn't it?
You put me there.

I did, Michael, to save you.


Ow! No, stop!

Stop! It was her!

She's some kind of secret agent!

Uh, she said that our marriage

was the... was the point,
that it was her purpose.

Join the conversation.
Are you Harvest?

I'm in mortgages. He's the one
with all the degrees,

-the-the scientist.
-She's playing dumb!

Do you want the Dahlia?

Are you Harvest?

I'm from Lincoln, Nebraska.

My mom taught third grade,
and my dad sold life insurance.

I was just a housewife until...

Just-a-wife would scream.


She's Harvest.

Geez! Who is this lady?

I don't know who she is.

My purpose. Mine. Mine!

- Somebody help her!
- Do something! Now!




I know you can kill me
if you wanted to.

I know you'll kill me
if they tell you to.

Oh, come on, Arby,

you always do
what they tell you.

You're not doing
what they told you.

I'm doing what's best.

Dr. Christie won't live forever.

The next generation needs
to step up.

Ten years from now,

when everybody starts
to understand what's happening,

I'll be in my prime.

I'll be able to provide solace.



That's my purpose.


You can't decide
your own purpose.

I thought that, too, Arby.

Do you think Doctor loves you?

I think it was
the most efficient way

for him to train me
how to fulfill my purpose.

Do you think
you can forgive them?

I don't mind that they made me,

but it's wrong
that they made me a...

a monster.

Every child needs love.

I think.

I've known you my whole life,

since I was born, Arby,
and you...

Don't want
to be called Arby anymore.


What should I call you?


So, what's your plan?

I think I'll bring you back.

Like a cat bringing home
a mouse?

A bird.

I think you're a bird.


Put it on.


There you go.

Good as...


You know, we all, uh,
we all get s... sad.

Sometimes I get...

I get very sad sometimes.

Whenever I feel that way,
I just force myself

to do something silly,
make myself feel better.


that made me happy.

But only for a second.

Now I feel worse.

How about now?

Whoa... oh!

You're smiling.

-Oh, uh-oh.
-Come on, we can jump.

- Come on.
- I don't know.

And this one?

Aah! I don't know!
I don't know!

I don't know! Uh...

Just-just, yeah...

It says "Enyo"--
I don't know!

Enyo, goddess of destruction.

Her fairy godmother is
the goddess of destruction?

-That makes sense.
-It's Milner. Remember?

She made that joke,
"My-my cosplay name is Enyo."

It wasn't a joke.

What in the good fuck

are you maniacs talking about?!

Holy shit, how did we miss that?

- Blue Fairy is Homeland.
- Wha...?

Are there any clues
on this page?

What? Aah! Aah!

I don't know.


Hey, wait a second.

These are bat wings.


that is the imprint

of my virus right there.

Listen, stop, stop,
stop, please!

Look... I don't know
why my virus is in here,

but I do know how this flu
is spreading.

It's not being spread.

It's being delivered.

So I discovered
the Stearns flu in Peru.

In bats.

Now children are getting the flu

not by bats.

Someone has engineered my flu.

Wait, so how-how are
they catching it?

By bunny.

They've put my flu
inside of rabbits.

They've weaponized them.

So kids are going
to the petting zoo,

playing with some fluffy,
innocent, little bunny,

and then 12, 24, 36 hours later,

bam, they come down
with the flu.

It looks like an outbreak.

The zoo moves on.

It's like a traveling
petri dish.

Here, I'll show you.


All right, here we go, look.

Alabama, Mississippi, St. Louis,

Knoxville, Cleveland,
and tomorrow?


But we can fight it.

Let's go to the bathroom.

Look at this shit.

Bread makers and cake mixers
and... gravy boats.




We're not even human anymore.

We're just a mass assemblage

of data points collected online

and then aimed back at us,
you know?

Buy this car,
gift this tchotchke,

elect this president,
you know, and if you feel bad

about all the stupid shit
that you buy,

throw a few bucks
at a foundation.

Save the planet.
Help the kids.

That should make you
feel better, right?

But then you go back to buying

the same shit over
and over again because

God forbid it would make you
get out of your little

creature comfort zones
of fucking trans fats

and bump stocks
and avocado fucking toast!

I mean, humans,
we just take and take!

We're just like insects

Fucking little insects!

Dude, you have
way too much stuff!

Are they gonna
make me disappear?

Just... say what they
tell you to say.

It's not my purpose.



Is he home?

He's home.

And he's very disappointed.

Then... good night, John.

Good night, Lily.

Do you know
why I started Home, Lily?

To raise kids
to be how humans should be.

That's right.

A society in a vacuum.

No racism, no sexism,
no inequality.

We raise kids to be thoughtful
and brave, selfless...

Resilient, useful.

And a few
very special children...

Get special purposes.

Did you get one?

Martyr, but I wasn't able

to actually be a martyr. I...

And what did you do?

I endangered Home

with my reckless,
my selfish behavior.

What should we do with you now?

Getting close to the lab.
Is it still alive?


How long before the flu kills?

No one has lasted longer
than 24 hours, except Charlotte.

How long before we can kill it?


Do you have snacks?

Can I ask you a question?

Y... Yes?

Why would you not want to die?

Because then I'd be dead.

I don't know.
If you're alive,

you at least have
a chance to...

make things better.

If you're dead, that's it.

But, really, why not just die?

Think I'd like to stop running,

stop thinking... stop.

So many great things
could come next.

So far, nothing good
has come next.

Well, we are getting close
to figuring out...

I know.

I want answers
and I want revenge.

That's all I've been living for.

But then what?


you can start living
a wonderful life.

The earth is burning
and flooding, and

-there's people everywhere.
-People are nice.

You talk to them.

They look at phones.

They take pictures of themselves

and then look at the pictures
on their phones.

They're making memories.

And then you get old
and you lose those memories.

And in the end,
it's all gone anyway.

-No one wins.

Living a good life is the win.

It's just...

hard to be alive.

I wish I knew
it was worth the trouble.

Well, life isn't always trouble.

Sometimes it's nice and small.

Those are the best times.

All right, almost there.


I did not just

murder a bunch
of bunnies for "Huh."


They're not the murder weapon?

No, they are.
They're the vector.

-But what?

It's not mine. I don't know
what's killing those kids,

but it's not my flu.

So your vaccine won't work.

You said the vaccine worked.

-You went on TV, you...
-I did.

I saw it with my own eyes.

I cured Charlotte.

I... I...

At least I think I did.

I don't know anything anymore.
I thought my wife loved me.

- I thought she was my wife.
- What is the point?

Why would you give people
false hope

with a vaccine that won't work?

Kevin Christie.

Of course.

He's... He owns it.

He's selling it.

Every man, woman and child

in this country
will get that vaccine,

and he'll make billions
and bill... Aah!

Kevin Christie is Mr. Rabbit.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

but M-Mr. Rabbit's point
isn't just money.

Disease, murder--
that's his point.

There must be something awful
in that vaccine.

Has to be. Something
that's gonna kill us all.

-Well, then we have to stop it.

Wait. No, no, no, no.
Kevin Christie's a giant.

-I mean, he's got money,
he's got security.
-I don't care.

I know who can help us.

The Blue Fairy.

Milner. In Utopia,
she's Jessica's guardian angel.

In real life, she's Homeland.

Well? Who the fuck are you?

I have the same question, Enyo.


How did you know my dad?

And I'm in a hurry.

That's great news.

Indeed it is, yes.

Dr. Christie, I'll ask
what America is asking.

-How soon?
-We will be producing

200,000 vials a day,

and the first shipment begins
at dawn.

-That's great.

And I see
you have a friend with you.


As I'm sure our viewers know,
with us is Charlotte Warwick,

the lone survivor of
the Stearns Flu, who tragically

lost her father this week.

Charlotte, how are you?

I'm focusing on being grateful

and thankful for being alive.

And for Dr. Christie
and his family for taking me in

while I get on my feet
and restore my sanity.

Our family's very, very happy
to have Charlotte with us,

and we hope
you'll respect her privacy

as the healing process

And as America starts
its healing process.


Thank you both.

We got it?

- Good? Okay.
- Good.

Sorry again, about the Simpro...

-Water under the bridge.

Can I just ask a few questions?

Hey, this way.

-Thousands of families
are already lined up...
-Well done.

...in what, so far,
is an orderly fashion.

Sometimes the perfect can be
the enemy of the good.

This week, we did good.

And in just a few hours...

We earn our place
in this crowded world.

...panicking to make sure

their kids are the ones
who get this first shipment.

Before Mr. Rabbit
took control of him,

your father was part
of Homeland's

biological crime unit.

I was his partner.

He would help me
with the cases I was working.

Your father had no idea
how to take care of you.

You were such
a teeny little thing.

Do you remember me?

In Utopia,

you're Jessica's
fairy godmother.

You give her a blanket.

Like this?

You loved it.

It was yours.

By the time Homeland had
become aware of Mr. Rabbit,

he'd already gotten ahold
of your father.

And your father's wonderful,
groundbreaking work

became illness for profit,

horror to the highest bidder.

And... next thing I know,

you two were gone.

You were both gone.

You just left this blanket.

And I've been searching
for you ever since.

I'm sorry
I couldn't protect you.

Yeah, but, uh,

hey, you can protect her now.

We know who Mr. Rabbit is.

Kevin Christie.

Okay. I'll bite.

Why Christie?

All right, the flu
that's killing children?

He created it,
and the vaccine doesn't work.


I don't know-- something in it.

The FDA approved of it.

Um, unless you disagree
with the FDA?

Uh, yeah, all the time.

The vaccine is about to ship,

and it will save hundreds
of thousands of lives.

It's gonna kill hundreds
of thousands of lives.

I mean, is it SARS again?
Is that what he's doing?

Ebola? Maybe... maybe Zika?

You have to help us
stop the shipment.

I've met Christie... many times.

Conferences, fundraisers.

He's a good person.

He is not Mr. Rabbit.

So you're not gonna help us?

Of course you aren't.

No, I'm not, because all you're
giving me is some paranoid hunch

-that I can find
in any reddit chatroom.
-Forget her.

We'll get the vaccine ourselves.

Jessica, if you are caught
or jailed,

you're just gonna make it easier
for Mr. Rabbit to destroy you.

Then I won't get caught.

Where'd you guys go?

We killed a bunch of bunnies,
lit a petting zoo on fire,

talked to Milner, and proved
Christie is Mr. Rabbit.

And we're going to stop
the vaccines and then kill him.

How were the sundaes?

We need to get going.

What about Grant and Alice?

We're coming.

Well... are we home?