Utopia (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Stay Alive, Jessica Hyde - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it - foodval.com
Okay, okay.


It's gonna take
a little bit, all right?

That's all I can tell you.

Just stay in line.

- Oh, fuck.
- One, two.


Shit, shit, shit. Shit.

Yes, I'm sending them
right now.

Find him.

If you see Jessica...

I want to see Jessica, alive.

If you see Arby...

I don't care
what you do to Arby.

Jessica Hyde.


Do you remember me at all?

I used to give you cookies.

Well, um,

this is not where
I expected to be

hours before we shipped.

And, obviously, it's a bit
ironic to be presented like prey

to the people
I've been hunting so hard

by the person who was
supposed to be hunting them.

That's right.


Oh, yeah, you got a big fan.

I just want
to thank you all for coming.

It's gonna be such
an exciting night.

Do you care
if he bleeds in here?

Go right ahead.

God, duct tape insulates.

You. You used me.

You used my flu.

You desecrated all of my work.

You disrespected science.

What the hell did you put
in that vaccine?

Where is your lovely wife,


She was one of our best girls.

Brains and charm, Mike.

Only the best for you.

How long did she work for you?

Not working for us.
She was one of us.

Think of her more
as a sleeper cell, Dr. Mike.

She may never
have been activated.

I think she genuinely liked you.

You know,
you're a likeable guy.

You kept her on her toes
this past week, though.

She had a fine time
steering you around.

I thought
she was there to help me.

Help me...
be the man I should be.

Help you be the man
we needed you to be.

For a guy
who flosses unfailingly

at noon and 9:00,
and fucks every Tuesday

and Thursday, you were
surprisingly unpredictable.

Thank God
Colleen was so creative.

Operation Fun?

Colleen's idea from the start,
in case of emergency.

Pretty fuckin' effective,
wasn't it?

After all the curves
you threw at us,

the lengths we had to go to.

Twins in St. Louis, Mike.

Your piece still got done.

To Colleen, who respected
her purpose at every turn.

Who killed her, by the way?

I mean, certainly not you,

Not me.


My goodness.
Well, that's impressive.

You know,
I shouldn't be that surprised.

Due to societal
and cultural changes--

the rise of women
in business and politics--

aggressiveness and violence
in girls is on the rise.

-What's your name, sweetheart?
-Come on, Alice.

Why don't we go back
to your pages? Come on.

-Don't talk to her!

- There you go.
- Wait.

-Twins in St. Louis?

You mean Charlotte was...

And Lily were part
of a shipment from...

Let's see.
So many impoverished countries,

and so many parents
unfortunately willing

to sell off their children.

She and Lily came
from Ukraine, I believe,

but it could be Romania.

The crates... from Utopia.

Shipments of children.

Charlotte died,
and Lily took her place.

We honor Charlotte's sacrifice.

And when this vaccine fails,

I'll be the scapegoat.

A lot of important works
have been sidelined

simply 'cause people
aren't stubborn enough.

Not me.

If we need twins in St. Louis,
we get twins in St. Louis.

That was their purpose,
after all.

-To die.
-To be available.

Matching sets are useful to us.

You have a purpose, too,

You curious?

-Wait. No, Jessica.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
-No. Wait!

What are you doing? Stop! Stop!

Holy shit.

What do you all think that is?

I guarantee
you have no idea what it means.

It means he's Mr. Rabbit.

He created a flu
that sparked a demand

for a vaccine that doesn't work.

After everyone in the country
is vaccinated...

And the world.

...he'll have murdered millions.

Nope. Nope.
You don't have it.

We need to go now, before

that vaccine ships
and more people die.

Becky, before you go,
I just want to confirm, in 2004,

you were a schoolchild
in Biloxi, Durham or Missoula?


Oh. You had a sore throat.

You went to the nurse.

She gave you a spray.
Our spray.


Durham was a vigorous batch.

-No. No.
-Let's go.
-How did you find it?

-Don't fucking talk to her!

Diels was when we were still
thinking small.

Give a certain percentage of
the population a fatal illness,

and you make sure it's genetic.

See, that was the exciting part.
You pass it down.

So if you have children
before you die...

Becky, do you have children?

He said don't talk to her.

Don't fucking talk to her.

I'd almost forgotten
about Diels.

I've done so many terrible,
terrible things in my life.

Horrible, wicked shit.

I can't even fathom
who the fuck you are.

A human being with a mind
as brilliant as yours--

You could do anything.

And instead, you choose
to rain down misery and death.

No, you don't have it.

How much evil do you have to do
to do good?


The answer is none.
None evil.

Oh, there.

It's not very nice, is it?


Alice, how did you...?

What is this?

You just look for patterns.


I thought it wanted
to be a snowflake,

but I think it's too angry
to be a snowflake.

It's a virus.

It's not my flu.

That's something new.
It's bigger.

That's what's in the vaccine
from Christie Labs.

That's why he wants Utopia.

He knows it'll implicate him.

Is this what broke my dad?

What did you two do?
What is this?

What is that virus?

And what does any of it
have to do with me?

You really are a remarkable
girl, and so pretty.

Do you like science, too?

This is the end.

You're done.

Let me give you all
a little perspective.

The key figure in a massive
global world-changing--

I'll use your word, conspiracy,

a conspiracy that has already
taken the lives

of several hundred children
this past week alone--

is sitting in your living room,

and you're all standing around
listening to me talk

instead of running away from me
as fast as you can.

That tells me
you're not gonna last.

Not to the end.
Not even Jessica Hyde.

Do you know why?

People think humans are driven
by the search

for happiness, meaning.

That's not true.

People are driven by the need

to know what happens next.

Do you want to know
what happens next?

Your father created
a world-changing--

not world-ending--
a world-changing,

world-improving omnivirus.

And we have taken that virus
and embedded it

in the vaccine
of the Stearns Flu.

I knew it.

- I knew it.
- You created a panic,

and now everybody's begging
for the vaccine.

No, no, no.
They're demanding it,

with all the entitlement
of a first-world country.

Yes. And now
we have exactly what we want.

Hundreds of millions
of Americans lining up,

offering us their arms

and letting us give them
our creation.

I'm pretty sure when every
vaccinated person starts dying,

they'll trace it back to you,
undetectable virus or not.

You've all been very busy,
and you're all very sharp.

Are you sure none of you would
like to come and work for me?

No? Better than dying
a terrible, violent death.

Then understand this.

What we are doing is
far bigger than death.

Wait. This virus is not deadly?

It looks pretty damn deadly.

Tell me this.

What have you done today

to earn your place
in this crowded world?


Everything I do is a cure

for our current situation.

-Wait, how is it a cure if...?
-You're killing people.

I told you, it does not kill.

That was the amazing epiphany
we had.

We didn't have to kill
to accomplish our goal.

Which is


Hello. May I help you?

We intend
to stop human reproduction

for three generations.

The busy, endless, global
assembly line of babies...

will grind to a halt.

You're sterilizing people?


In the first five years,

we'll start to see
major birth rate declines

as teenagers vaccinated today
hit their childbearing years.

You're controlling the future
of human civilization?

Is that what they're calling it?

It's a very nice euphemism
for a species

that has replicated like
a contagion across the planet,

killing all other species
in its wake.

Except things that are cute,
like puppies or koalas.


Never in history
has there been a creature

begging for extinction
more than the fucking panda.

Except us.


-You hate people that much?
-On the contrary.

-I love people.
-Then how...? Why would you...?

Doing what our government,
our citizenry is too spoiled

or self-indulgent to do.

We are saving ourselves
from ourselves.

Halting overpopulation.

A hundred years ago,

the global population
was 1.7 billion.

-In 2011, it reached...
-Seven billion.

People live too long,
die less often,

- fuck too much,
shit out babies like...
In 2050,

- they say it's gonna plateau.
- Uh-uh. Uh-uh.

We'll blow past 11 billion
and then slowly begin to...

- decline.
- But by then,

it'll be too late to save an
Earth that bears any resemblance

to a world we actually want
to live in.

This planet...
I love this planet.

So I decided to take care
of the problem.


By injecting

your virus into the veins
of every human on it?

Global warming,
mass extinctions,

food, water shortages.

All these problems
can be boiled down to one thing:


It's not

- as simple as that.
- But it is.

At 1.7 billion,
we can be as decadent,

and shitty as we want.

At ten billion,
we have to live strategically.

We have to live modestly.

We have to live selflessly.

And as you know,
we're not that good at it.

And you're beta-testing it on
Americans since we're the worst.

If we don't do something now,

right now, in a decade,
our world will experience

extraordinary privations.

- The war of all against all.
- Water.

We'll go to war over water,

and the people
who will die first

are the ones without power
and money.

And by then,
we'll be fighting over a world

that really isn't worth
fighting for.

Y-You can't just decide people
won't have babies because...

I can and I did.

Think of me as the stern parent

who tells the children they
can't play with the family gun.

What about what this does to...

- to people, society?
- Salvation.

We can form a new society.


The grand social experiment.

So why do you want to kill me?

I don't want to kill you.

I don't want to kill anybody.

-I want you back.
-She's one of us.

That's very cute of you to say,
and you're a very good friend.

But she belongs to me.

Your father created you...
for me.

What is this?

Oh. The inoculation scar.

A gift from your father.

No. He was protecting me.

From you, your virus.

Not protecting.

Testing. On you.

You won't be having
any children.

No, my dad loved me.

My dear,
he didn't care about you.

At all.

He didn't give a fuck about you.

My dad loved me.

By keeping you locked in a cage?

I was in my Yellow House.

Cage, house-- that's semantics.

He kept you locked
in a fucking dog kennel

until it was time for you
to take your vapor

so he could do his work.


this should be
underlined in blood.

You belong to me.

Please... I...
I don't have my wallet with me.

I won't say anything,
I didn't...

I didn't see anything. I...

This is so fucked up.

So, what do we do with him?

Let's shoot him and stack him
with the other one.

Harvest will find a way
to cover it up.

We break in, destroy the
vaccines, and it has to be now.

We'd just be going
into the belly of the beast.

Practically begging
to be slaughtered.

I mean, how heavily guarded
is it? You know?

How do we even get in?

I mean, do you really think
that this...

ragtag crew of underdogs
can pull this off?


Oh. Oh, you do know
that you may get injured, right?


-And you may even be killed.

Yeah. What-what?

That's extreme, but...

All right.

Let's say we succeed
in destroying all the vaccines.

Well, somewhere inside
that facility

is the Mother Egg that contains
the original virus.

They can just make
new vaccines within a week.

But even if we destroy
the Mother Egg,

there's still Christie
to deal with.

Not exactly
a permanent solution, I guess.


I know how we do it.

I'll video
Christie making a confession.

He'll admit it was all just
a mass, money-making scheme.

I mean, we'll stay away
from the sterilization bit.

Who would believe that, right?
But... but greed.

People will believe greed.

He'll tell the camera that
he killed hundreds of children

to trigger a demand
for a vaccine that's useless.

A great philanthropist
brought down by his own greed.

Yes. And then he'll turn
the camera off...

...and shoot himself
in the head.

People will talk about it
for generations to come.

Hell, it'll be the grandfather
of all conspiracy theories.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

How do we get in your facility?

You're choosing these people?

They're my... people.

You heard her. How do we get
into your facility?

To destroy the vaccines?

What's the point?
You can destroy the vaccines.

Then I'll remake the vaccines,

and my security team
will kill all of you.

Even little Alice.

Do you all want to die?

What an odd choice.

All right, well,
you'll have to take my thumb.

- It's a trap.
- I just told you it was a trap.

I just told you, you'll all die.

All right.

Take it.
Take the thumb.

Chopping off a thumb is gonna be
easier said than done.

- If you really want to...
- Oh!

-Oh, God!
-Oh, God!

- Oh, shit!
- Oh!



Are you not coming?

Of course not.
She's staying

for the "shoot himself
in the head" part.

We haven't gotten all
the answers from Christie yet.

- We need you.
- Hold... hold on.

Jessica. We can't take down
the lab without you.

You guys are ready.

Guys, wait! Shit. Hot peas!

Hot peas.

The entry will be biometric.

This will keep the thumb...

...body temperature.

All right, you guys should go.

Fucking go!

Here is Jessica Hyde.

Don't be afraid.

I was born to help you.

-Help me?



I want to go Home.


are you sure?

Then I'll take you.


you're not well.

Stay alive, Jessica Hyde.

I'd like that.

Uh, come on, this could be
bigger than Hamilton.

Nobody knows
who Millard Fillmore is.

Nobody knew who Hamilton was...

till he started rapping.


We have a car
through the barrier,

bit of a Molotov cocktail.

-You should take a look.
-Copy that.

Probably some bio-freaks.

Copy that.

Not bio-freaks.

Just us.

Oh, shit. Let's go!

Come on!

- Come on, come on, come on!
- Get around the other side!

Looks like they're gathered
at the loading dock.

- Okay.
- Come on, come on!

Go, go...

You-you didn't get to hurt him.

Go around the other side...

Oh, thank you.

Let's go! Let's go!

Here goes.

It's opening.

Okay, let's go!

Let's go!

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Guys! Guys! Stay back.

- Stay back, stay back.
- Come on.

Close, close, close.

Oh... come on.

-That's a lot of vaccines.

How much time do we have?


until they get ahold of this.

Or break down that.

You guys are in big trouble

if you don't open this door!

Oh, you'd better open up!


You strike me
as a unique thinker.

You do well at school?

I dropped out.

Sure, 'cause you're
a unique thinker.

Yeah, well, most people

don't like to think
for themselves.

It requires too much work.

And that's the problem
with our society-- complacency.

Takes effort and resolve
to lead a meaningful life.

Yeah, well,
that's why hardly anyone does.

-Say the words.

No, I will not.

I like your idea, though.

End a conspiracy
with a conspiracy theory?

-It's genuinely inspired...
-Yeah, "I, Kevin Christie,

confess to orchestrating
a national conspiracy."

I'm not saying any of that.

Say the words.

Just shoot me.

-Say the words.

You're resolved, I'm resolved.

But I respect resolve.

That's what it takes
to lead a worthwhile life.

That's why we thought Americans
might actually like our plan.

It requires no resolve.

We're actually helping them
not do something.


Ah, don't worry, Americans.

Oh, man, just keep your eyes
glued to your screens,

your lazy asses
in your beanbags,

and just chill out
in your glazed sloth.


Want to know
the final shoe to drop, Wilson?

-No kidding.

I'm on the side of life.

I am.

No kidding?


You fucking murdered my dad.

I killed my protégé this week.

And her children.

Lots of children, actually.

And I love children, Wilson.

I much prefer 'em to adults.

It makes me sick what I do
for this shitty planet.

Genuinely, I look
at that gun, and I say,

"Hand it over,
I'll give you a finale."

But I don't get to rest.

Not yet.

Our movement involves
vital sacrifice.

Extreme clarity.

I think you understand that.

What exactly are we thrusting
upon the world

without its consent?

Room to move?

Time to breathe?

Space to think?

I've got five kids--
four adopted--

and I love 'em dearly.

But, man, oh, man,
they take up a lot of energy.

Imagine human beings freed
from that drain.

Imagine what we can accomplish
with our focus,

intellect and passion aimed
at making a better world.

Imagine the global groan
of goddamn relief.

We say we can't go on like this,
but then we go on like this,

but we can't go on.

Not anymore.

And you know it.

You slaughtered my family.

You erased...

my dad.

I did, I sure did.

Say the words.


Say the words.
Say the words.

Try the spoon.

Everybody get ready.

Only one place to go!

It was crazy to do this
without Jessica.

We don't need Jessica.

Vroom, vroom.

Hey! Hit it! Go!

We got to go.
Ian, we got to go.

We got to go, come on.

Jessica gave me this.
Uh, I'm not even

exactly sure why,
but I just feel like

it would look better
on you, so, um...

Damn it!

Don't-don't worry,
it's not an engagement ring.

I'm not even sure
I believe in marriage.

I mean, if that was something
that you wanted down the road,

that would be fine, but, uh...

Oh, thank God.

Holy shit.

Okay, I-I got to go find
the lab, destroy the Mother Egg.

Whoever holds the egg
holds the power.

Thanks for the thumb, kid.

Oh, here we go.

Okay, come on, come on, come on.

Go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go, go, go.

Ladies and gentlemen,
this is Thomas Christie.

I need your attention.

Christie Corp is under attack
by bioterrorists,

and we are officially
on lockdown.

The warehouse
has been breached.

The vaccines have been

They got fucking everything.

-My friends did good.

Almost Home.


Windows down is nice.

- You guys. You guys.
- Wait, wait, wait.

Let's just walk.

-Let's just walk for a sec.
-Walking's boring.

Do you want to... race?

No fair. Cheater.

-I'm sick of running.
-Me, too.

Guys, wait up!

Come on.

I'm so thirsty.

Shit. Shit.


Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

Hey, that's the kid.

-The Frostfield shooter.

-Grant, Grant, no!
-Go, Becky!

Hey! Ow!

Go, Becky!

-Got a runner!
-Hey, we got one runner!

No! No, no. We won't be able
to save them

if we get caught, too.

Get in.

These children?

Some help with experiments.

Lab rats.

Some are trained, like me.

Some are martyrs.

Children can go places
and hear things

that grown-ups can't.

Children can be useful.

I wish it weren't like that.

It doesn't have to be like that.

Becky! Get in!

Get in! Come on!

Get in. Come on.


We trusted you.

So, we have

two of you now.
The rest are

scattered to the winds.

Nature would call that
a hive collapse.

We've won.

We wiped you out.

Just until I find Jessica Hyde.

I think I have a hunch.

It's okay.

Fuck you, Wilson.

"She's troubled
like the restless sea.

"She's feeble,
faint and fearful.

She's plagued
by every foul disease."

"Just how can she be cheerful?"

Come on.

Let's go.

We kept it for you...

in case.

Hello, Lily.

Hello, John.

Jessica's happy.


Your blood is slowly saving you.

Remember that

and be grateful...

when the next part begins.

Is Homeland here?

I'm not Homeland.

I'm Home.

-But Christie...
-Christie and I
have parted ways.

He just doesn't know it yet.

Let's say we have, uh,
different definitions

of what Utopia means.

You think I want Utopia?

Utopia was just bait.

A story about a little girl, who

against all odds,

battled her way home.

Your very own hero's journey.

Come Home.

You have delivered to me
the one thing I need!

You have given me Jessica Hyde.

We're not just gonna
save the world.

We're going to rebirth it.

Your father and I had a vision.
We called it Utopia--

a paradise where people would

behave and act correctly.

Freed of their biological
shortcomings and impulses,

they can choose no path other
than the right one.

And so...

thanks to you,
humans will be immune

from acting with vanity,
pettiness, greed,


You're such a shitty,
little thing, Jessica.

But you carry the future

on your back.

Just waiting to be harvested.

Stay alive, Jessica Hyde.

I have your daughter.