Utopia (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Respect Your Purpose - full transcript

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Comfort her.
Her mom just got killed.

Jessica, what happened?




Let's get them down.


I had hoped that this flu
would never leave Peru.

I had hoped that it would never
come to the United States.

Or anywhere, really. But now...

That was
Dr. Michael Stearns

on-site at the quarantine zone
in St. Louis...

-More fucking puzzles.
-...which is now being

taken down.

So finally,
some good news there.

It appears a vaccine has indeed

been discovered.
We'll have more information

on this as it comes in.
In the meantime,

now back to the studio.

As the quarantine zone
gets dismantled...

No. Jessica.

They're upset.

Now that we have
the whole thing,

we are finally gonna make
some sense of this.


Right, Wilson?




Uh, just, uh,
broad strokes here.

Uh, Dystopia was
really Doctor Daddy's story.

Utopia, so far,
it seems it's Jessica's,

and it is a classic hero's...

Just say what the fuck it means.

I don't like puzzles. I am one.

I was about to get there.

I mean, nothing special.

But I have to say, Jessica,
yes, you are the puzzle,

but we're the puzzle solvers.

We can ask the right questions.

You have the only answers.

Remember how Artemis said
to burn Home to the ground?

Well, now we know why.

Home is all sorts of fucked up.

Jesus Christ.

There were children
in those crates?

Jessica, do you remember this?

There were kids at home,

but I didn't play with them.

I was my dad's special girl.


Jessica, you were gassed.

I was special.
I was protected.

They hurt you.


That is a lie.

So what is
the true version of Home?

Home is dark and nasty,
like in Dystopia,

until Jessica kills Mr. Rabbit.

The perfect Home is the ending.

What happens
once Mr. Rabbit is dead.

So, how does she find Home
so she can kill Mr. Rabbit?


I'm so sorry.

I had to make you remember.

What do I do?

Find home.


With the monster.

So the blue fairy wants us
to find a monster.

That shouldn't be difficult

-to spot.

answers are in here,
and we are gonna find it.

Right, team?

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Thanks. Thank you all.


Aw, this is amazing.

We need to get to the car.

Excuse me. Coming through.

Excuse me.

-I'll do it.

Thank you.

Thank you all so much.

Your support means everything.

My sweet little dad
thanks you, too.

He's just too shy to say so.

Uh, I have to go home now.

"Bed rest."

But keep up the pressure.

Tell the FDA
to free the vaccine.

Thank you all! Thank you. I have
to get my daughter home now.


-do you have a boyfriend?
-Excuse me, please.


Do you have any more symptoms?

Why are you rushing me?

Lily, you are supposed to be
the face of the cure.

Not the voice. Stop talking.

I'm selling the vaccine for you.

You being alive
sells the vaccine.

You being a person makes people
interested... in you.

Follow them!

Find anything yet?

I've got nothing.

No Undoing,
no Rabbit, no Home.

I mean, I'm good, but I'm not
one-flip-through good.

If I could solve this
after one flip,

I wouldn't even want
to solve it.

Hell, I wouldn't even be here.

Could this be it?


Now, on a second flip,

I have been known to uncover
quite a bit, I tell you.


I didn't think a virus
would be pretty.

-Wait, wait, wait, wait.

What about...?

This is the biggest fuck-you
to Diels I can think of.


Oh, fucking pillow.



Here. Here. Here.



- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, that was...

That was fast.

Everything before you come
is wasted time, anyway.

Dr. Mike!

Dr. Mike is here.

No-no-no, no. Lily!
Do not let him in this house!

-Dr. Mike.

-Welcome to our home.

-Come in.
-Oh, thank you.

Hi. How-how are you?
You-you look good.

-Hi. Hi.
-Oh, thank you. I'm-I'm better.

-You feeling okay?
-Yes, thank you.

Fuck. A. Duck.

Hey, you guys, I me--
Oh, my...!

-Oh, sh...

It's all good.

- It's all good.
- Oh, shit. Uh-huh.

Pretend I... wasn't here.

Ow! Shit!

I, uh... I-I-I got a lead,

and-and it's big.

-Okay. Thank you.
-Yeah, okay, we'll be right out.

- Right, right.
- No, take-take your time.

But hurry!

This is why she said no fucking.

- Oh, my God!
-Oh, my God!
All right.

All right, all right, all right.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Sam's page in Utopia.

Candy stripes on a deer.
That's not Christmas,

-that's not a deer.
-That was not a conversation.

That's-that's the red and white
of the Peruvian flag,

which-- what do you know--
has a llama.

And, um, now, the-the wings?

Bat wings.


Peruvian bat flu.
So nice to see you again,

The Undoing. And Mr. Rabbit
in a straitjacket?

Clearly, The Undoing
undoes him, right?

It exposes him,
it unfurls him...

Wilson, you are miles ahead.

Will you catch the slackers up?

Voluntary celibacy
sharpens the mind, Becky.

Now... who's on every channel,

and talking...

and talking
about his flu from Peru,

practically screaming at us?

Mr. Fucking Rabbit.

Hi, Mike.

Gotcha, Mike.

Okay, I'll give you
the Peru stuff.

But Dr. Stearns
being Mr. Rabbit?

He doesn't exactly strike me
as a super villain.

Uh, yeah, well, I guess

I wouldn't expect two people
who think this whole thing is

one big romantic romp, a, uh...

a couple skates
around the roller rink,

to actually grasp the depths

of what Utopia is
at its fucking core.

Dr. Mike isn't Mr. Rabbit.

He is the llama
that Mr. Rabbit rides.

He's being controlled
by Mr. Rabbit.


Well, it must feel
so good just being back at home.

It feels so wonderful.

I never thought
I'd see home again.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.

A return to normalcy.

You know,
I'd like to stay in town

and oversee
Charlotte's recovery personally.

Of course, Dr. Mike.

As far as I'm concerned,
my only purpose is...

We're grateful for your help,
Dr. Mike, but I...

I don't want my daughter
turned into a lab rabbit.

I just want her
to be a normal teenage girl.


I assure you, she'll still be
a normal teenage girl...

Dr. Christie knows where we are.

You know?
The CDC knows where we are.

The whole world, unfortunately,
knows where we are.

We've made extraordinary
sacrifices so far.

We've-we've done everything
that's been asked of us.

And now it needs to end.
I-I just want it to end.

Excuse me. It's, uh, CDC.

Charlotte, why don't you
tell Dr. Mike about

your interest in ballet?

I began ballet when I was three.

Maybe it was just because
of the tutus.

Uh, how-how long have you
and your dad, um...?

But I soon became
infatuated with it.

Last year,
I finally went en pointe.

How long have you and
your father lived in this house?

15 or nine months, maybe?

I don't know. Time flies.


Would you like
to see me go en pointe?

Uh... actually,
could I use your restroom?


She let Dr. Mike in the house.

And she led the media
right to our doorstep.

You realize it's the wrong twin.

Why would you say that?

Charlotte was the good girl.

Lily won't listen to me.

And our story is not gonna
hold up to serious scrutiny.

We can't withstand
all this media attention.

I'll handle Dr. Mike.
You hang tight.

Fear in the hearts
of many parents tonight

as the deadly Stearns flu

to strike school-aged children
across the country's heartland.

Children as young
as seven years old...

- Find everything?
- Oh!

Just a...

a glass of water?

So, uh, tell me
about your work, Dale.


My work is pointless.



Uh... hello?


I can get back to Chicago
right away.

Absolutely, I can make time
for Dr. Christie.

Dr. Christie needs me.

We all need you.

As the Stearns flu has now

been declared
a national pandemic,

thousands of protesters
around the nation

are demanding
the FDA approve the vaccine.

The flu is spreading,

but we still need to keep
our eye on the ball.

'Cause losing Cara
left a big hole.

And I think we should go with...

-a woman.

Or at least a "diversity,"
just because Cara was the only


That was a little louder than it
needed to be, don't you think?

I found Jessica Hyde.

Where is she?

I found Utopia.

Where is Utopia?

It's with Jessica Hyde.

Yes, I know.

It's all right. I understand.


Go to your room, now.


Give Arby back his rock.

You looked at Utopia?

I asked you not to.

Surprises me.

You've always been a boy of...
limited curiosity.

You saw something in Utopia
that upset you?

Where did I come from?

What do you remember?


I just remember Home.

That's where you're from.

We needed you, so we made you.

But... you didn't love me.

Love was contraindicated
in your case, Arby.

-I don't...
-Love was not your purpose,

so it was withheld from you.

But not Jessica.

And look how that turned out.

Mixed signals we gave her,
and look at her life now.

No friends, no family.

Running all the time.

You want that?

You have an enviable
consistency in your life

that few enjoy, Arby.

What's my name?

I've always been honest
with you.

And I want you to keep that fact

in the center of your mind.

-Can you do that?

I'm afraid Arby was a bit
of a nasty joke.

You always loved those raisins,
so, R.B., Raisin Boy.

I can't remember your real name.
I'm not sure you even had one.


Arby. R.B.

I understand
that you had a shock.

And I forgive you. Once.

But you will do
what you were born to do, Arby.

You will respect your purpose.

Or you can't belong anymore.

And how would you survive
out on your own?

You wouldn't, I'm afraid.

Oh! Oh.

Oh, where am I?

You're home,
and you haven't slept

-in 24 hours.

-Oh, God.
-Just drove through the night.


Baby, you've only been asleep
two hours. Oh.

Wait. Kevin Christie.

He-he wanted me to...

I need to, uh...
He wanted me...

Oh, that's weird.
He cancelled.

He was so insistent

-that I come.
-It's for the best.

-Look at you. You're beat.
-Uh, I know.

Oh, wait. The flu.

-Still spreading?

Knoxville, and now Cleveland.

-Oh, God.
-But there's nothing

anyone can do until
the FDA frees the vaccine.

Huh. Frees the vaccine.

Kevin Christie is
so good with that

- peppy propaganda.
- Michael, you're exhausted.

...from around the
country from concerned parents

and scientists,
the movement was given

an emotional jolt today
when Dale Warwick

committed suicide this morning;

father of Charlotte Warwick,

the sole survivor
of the flu epidemic.

What the fuck?

Well, if I recall,

I thought you said...

he was sturdy.

We thought
Dr. Stearns was timid,

we thought
that Lily was obedient,

we thought Arby was emotionless,

and yes, we thought
that Dale was sturdy.

The best predictor for future
behavior is past behavior.

You taught me that,
but humans are tricky.

Seven years of planning
and it comes down to that:

-humans are tricky.
-What do you want me to do?

Dale felt like
everyone's TV dad.

People are gonna be mourning.
Reporters are gonna be digging.

We need to build him an entire
life story by lunchtime.

Life, career, poignant details.

I want to know
who he lost his virginity to

and what song was playing
when he came in two hours.

Okay. Dale Warwick.

The media's looking
for this man who wasn't there.

And we have about two hours.

Yeah. Okay, so we need

to buy ourselves time
while we go to work.

Everything has to hold up
to scrutiny.

Lily-- she can be useful here.

Use her as interference.

I'm ready for you now.

You can let the media in.

The past 24 hours...

to go from the amazing joy
of coming back to life

to suffering
my father's death...

it's all too much for me.

Wait a minute here.

I was in St. Louis yesterday.


And yesterday, none of that--

the pillows, the gewgaws--
was there.

And there was nothing
on the walls, either.

So he had company and realized

the place needed
some sprucing up.

No man on earth accessorizes

hours before they throw
themselves in front of a semi.

Well, he wasn't
in his right mind.

So he went to Bed Bath & Beyond?

Okay, first up-- family history.

A wife and a mom and dad,

- all deceased.
- So sad.

But happy for me
'cause I don't have

to cast family for a funeral.

Poignant details.

Maybe a foodie thing?
Reporters love that shit.

Janey, I love that shit.

Chunky Monkey was
his favorite ice cream.

Sit the fuck up.

Where'd Dale grow up?

Houston. Massive population.

Hurricane fucked
a lot of records.

And that brings us to career.

I mean, he had
so much potential.

All those degrees on the wall,
and Stanford Institute.

-Yeesh, that's an
incredibly exclusive...
-Yeah, I know.

That jackass told Stearns that,
so we're kind of stuck with it.

Putting him in molecular biology
at the Stanford Institute.

Keep the ball rolling.

Take the Adderall
if you need it.

You know, I wonder if seeing
an old classmate

solve the flu crisis--

you know, save his daughter
when he couldn't--

I wonder if that's the thing
that put Sad Dale over the edge?

Do we make that the theme?

Ladies and gentlemen,
we make that the theme.

Okay, let's get this trending.

Dale Warwick narrative.

Poor, poor girl.
Sad face.

Hashtag Daddy Dale was a genius,

but the dude had a flameout.

He sees his college classmate
be a hero.

Okay? And that really
messed this dude up.

Real animal companion situation.

Truck emoji, Grim Reaper emoji,
crying cat emoji.

Don't forget,
we need to... disrupt!

So get on your hustle.
Go ham, go home. Right?

Let's do this; I want this
trending in five minutes.

Have fun and get to work.

And superspecial assignment.

I need immediate online profiles
for the following characters:

Gene Culacek, Emily Nowak
and Andrew Katz.

Boom, boom, boom.

Look at this.

Hello, Mister...

Andrew Katz.

This is Andrew.

Uh... Andrew Katz?

You got him.

Yeah, the... This is, uh...

This is Dr. Michael Stearns

-Flu doctor!

Saved Dale's girl.

I-I didn't save her.
The vaccine saved her, but,

listen, I was looking
at your blog post,

and I was just wondering,
how long did you know Dale?

Oh, sheesh... about 25 years.

I just can't believe it.

Well, I mean, I can.

Dale was always...


I'm not speaking ill of him.

No. No, I understand.
Wh-What is it?

Dale never achieved
what we all thought he would.

Nerves, depression,
I don't know.

He always felt he didn't add up.

I'm not trying
to put any guilt on you,

but I wonder if seeing you,
one of his old classmates,

swoop in and save his daughter
when he couldn't...

Might be hard
for a man like him.

Thank you for your time,
Mr. Katz.

Let's go.

Not exactly an upgrade.

We keep moving.

Artemis said always keep moving.

I miss the mansion.

Hey, let's go check out
the rest of the house.

It'll be fun.


I won't stay here.

What do you mean?

I want my mom.

I want my house... and my bed.

I want everything back.

- I'm going home.
That's not
how this works.

You're never going home again.

I'll go home if I want.

Sit down.

I'll leave if I want!

No! Stop!

- Jessica!
- Whoa, whoa!

Stop, stop. She's just a child.

-She's just a child!
-No. Please!


What are you doing?

Jessica, stop!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Get off me! Ah!

Let me go, you skinny shit!

Fuck you, you braided twat.

Jessica, stop.
You're hurting her.

What happened with Dale?

Dale never reached
his full potential.

Anxiety, depression.

He just...

He always felt
like he didn't add up.


Something is wrong here.

She just said
almost word for word

what Andrew Katz said to me.

And it's almost word for word
with other stories

that are out there
on the Internet.

I mean, there is "on message"

and then there is scripted.

It's like we're being sold
a whole package,

which is Dale Warwick,
so we won't investigate him

any further to see
who this man really is.

you're really scaring me.


You're doing that thing
that you did before.

The manic behavior,
the paranoia.

No, no! This... No.
This time it's different.

That's what you said
last time, and suddenly,

we were checking
into a mental hospital.

But this time, I'm right!

Dale and whoever else

are killing children...

But why... and how?

I mean, this virus
is really spreading wide.

From Alabama to St. Louis
to Knoxville.

But... it has traveled
quickly, too.

And killed quickly.

There's not enough time
for patient A

to have spread this
from city to city.

It's like...
it's being delivered.

To children!


No, no, that's enough.
No, that's enough. Stop.

-No, honey, I need to...
-Stop! Stop!

-I have to investigate...
-No, you... No!

You are exhausted!


-I'm worried about you. Come on!

I brought you something to read.

Give me some scissors.

Here, hang on.

Cut it.

Are you...?

Cut it off.


That bitch is never gonna
have me by the braid again.

Thanks for the comic.

Now you're talkin'.
I'll be right back.

Okay, let me

-tuck you in. All right?

- Like a little snuggle bunny.
- Mm, so tired.

-Oh. It feels good, right?
-It feels good.

Yeah, I know, I know.

All right, baby.

I love you.


That's right.

You ready?
Oh, you are ready.

Take a look at this.

The asylum photo.

I was looking at it again,
and, oh, what do you know?

Mr. Fucking Rabbit!

My dad?



That's Dr. Mike.

So he was in the asylum
with Jessica's dad?


This picture was taken two days
before the asylum burned down.

But somehow...

Dr. Mike survived.

Hang on.

If Dr. Mike is Mr. Rabbit,
why would he

sneak into the asylum?

Because Mr. Rabbit needs time
to talk to Jessica's dad

before he kills him--

see what else he put out there!

-The ultimate exit interview.

Then he burned the whole place
down just in case Jessica's dad,

you know, shared info
with anyone else.

Dr. Mike is Mr. Rabbit.

Told you. Told you!


Oh, shit!

- She can't breathe.
- Wha-What's happening?

- She has Diels.
- Diels?

She can't breathe!


Do something!

- What are you doing?
- Please.

No, no, no, no! What? Stop!
No, no, no!

Let me fucking do it!

Holy fuck.

Oh, fuck.

- Shit!
- What? Oh, my God!

Oh. Oh, fuck.

Is that safe?

Have you done this before?

Is she breathing?

She's not breathing-- Becky?
It's not working.

- She's not breathing.
- It's not... it's not working.

-Oh, my God.
-I can't fix this.

What do you mean
you can't fix this?! Jessica!

- Fix her!
- Jessica, take it out!

You have to fix it.
You cut a hole in her throat!


You fix her!
You're Jessica Hyde!

I can't fix this.

Yes, you can! Try again!
You're Jessica Hyde!

So what, Grant?

Becky's dead.

Good people die, too.

Here he is-- Dr. Mike.

Name and address
right there on Google.

It's like he's begging to die.

Jesus fucking Christ!

You killed her.

You murdered her.

Murdered who?

What is this?



You okay?
Oh, shit, you're breathing.

- Oh.
- Oh, my God.

Becky, you're alive.

- It's okay.
- Oh!

-I'm leaking.
-No, no, no, no, no, no.

Jessica, where are you going?!

Becky just woke.

From the dead.

Good job.

Now get in the car.

Just wrap it around,
wrap it around.

-Put pressure on it, put...

Oh, you're... you're...

you're alive.

To go from the amazing joy

of coming back to life...

to suffering my father's death.

It's all too much.

"Nature helps kids nurture."

Wait a minute.

Holy fuck.

- Colleen! I've got it!
- And if you stand by,

-we've got some
late-breaking news.
-It's the pets!

-Right now...
-It's the petting zoo!

-Those fuckers! Look!
-Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, Michael, Michael,
Michael, look, look!

The FDA has freed the vaccine.

Parents across
the United States can

-breathe a sigh of relief...
-Oh, no, no, no, no!

This can't happen!


Celebrations are sure to
continue all night...

It's The New York Times.

Calling for a statement,
I'm sure.

Look, it's the pets.

Honey, okay, I've figured out
how they're spreading it.

-Michael, Michael, Michael.
-Look, look...

I worry about you talking
to the press in this state.

-Well, no, I'm not in any state.

Parents finally have hope.

Your reputation?
All you've worked for?

The-the safety of hundreds
of thousands of children?

Exactly, which is why I can't
say that I approve when I have

grave concerns about basically
everyone involved in this.

I just don't want you
to make a major decision

when you're working
on two hours of sleep.

It's not like
I'm gonna go to sleep and then

I'm gonna wake up
cured of my belief.

No, I am going to say
to all the world that I believe

something ominous
is happening with the FDA

and the CDC

and-and Dale Warwick...

...the Nobel Prize.
And there you have it,

the latest update
on the vaccine, which also...


-I have to.


Baby, you've always told me
to stand my ground.


To believe in myself.

This is that time.


I love you.

I have to tell the world that
they need to keep a close eye...

Oh! Oh!


You won't.