Utopia (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Order 2472 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it - foodval.com
More and more children have
been brought to the hospital

-with dangerously high...
Our top story
tonight, we follow up on

-the dangerous...
What looked like
a normal flu season

- has been anything but that.
- Doctors working

to contain the outbreak.

This is now the deadliest flu
on record.

The frightening thing
about this pandemic

is that so far, there have
been absolutely no survivors.



They say having a child is like

having your heart go walking
outside your body.

I just want you
to understand, Dale,

the risks of complications
are high

and it may not even work.

I don't want you
to get your hope...

You have the vaccine
with you, correct?

-And you came here
to test it, didn't you?

That's why you came here, right?

Is she allergic to anything?

-Is she immunosuppressed?

-Any family history of lupus?


You'll do it?

Uh, I mean, uh,

ideally, technically,
we would be in a...

No-no, please. Michael.

Doctor to doctor.

Parent to par...

Human to human, I beg you.

I'll need a nurse to assist me.

And we'll have to take a blood
sample to establish a baseline.

-I'll prepare the vaccine.
-Please hurry.

Don't. We haven't decided.


We should decide.

But first,

what you requested.

Last meal?

Ooh, look at this one.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm just gonna eat the crust.


Stop it.

That's bumpy.

It's kind of good, though.

It's kind of slimy.

This is actually
kind of, it's kind of sweet.

No, it's too much work.
I don't want to do it.

I can do it for you,
if you want more, Charlotte.

Okay. Thanks.

- Sure.
- What's this?

Uh, that's Jell-O.

It's a sort of...

It's so weird.

Little hats.

Hello, sweethearts.

You girls are having
a veritable feast.

-I had a sip of champagne.
-I ate a whole chocolate bar.

I'm glad you're pleased.

Have you decided?

- We wanted you to pick.
- Oh, no.

I couldn't possibly.

All right.

Strong and brave,
that's who we are.

You are Christie's
shooting star.

Resilient, useful,
full of grace.

This is how you earn your place.

Don't be sad.

- Are you ready?
- Right-right now?

- Can't we just wait
until Dr. S...
I'm afraid

time is of the essence.


- This is the purest form.
- It'll go fast.

What have you done today

to earn your place
in this crowded world?

What is this place?

Oligarchs are never home.

Does being rich compel you
to want lots of shit

or does wanting a lot of shit
compel you to be rich?

Okay, no more fucking around.

-Where's the rest of Utopia?
-Don't worry, I'll get it.

Is it with the guy
you stole it from?

No. I think the weirdo
killed him.

Describe the weirdo.

He's white,
he has a terrible haircut.

And he uses an inhaler.

That's the guy who took my eye.

What did he do with your eye?

Sautéed it, grilled it,
probably ate it.

I don't know. He's a weirdo.


-I left the other half
with a friend.

I'm just saying...

That was smart.

We were strangers.

But now I need to see it.

So, where is it?

Beck-Becky. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's the deal?
Are you choking?

Are-are you choking?
Are you ch...

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay, it's okay.

I got you. I got, I got...

Just breathe. Breathe, breathe.

It's okay. It's okay.

I got you, I got you.

High-risk PPE is required
in this area.

High-risk PPE is required...

- Jesus.
- We're doing it?

We're doing it.

Hello, Charlotte.

I'm Dr. Michael Stearns,
and I'm here to help.

Well, to try.

You ready?


This is for the PCR,
to establish a baseline

for the viral load.

And now...

That's it.

What now?

We should know within about
12 hours whether or not...

So, if you'd like to pray or...

...watch TV or just...

have doctor talk?

Where did you go
to medical school, anyway?


S-Stan-- So did I.
What years were you there?

Um, may I have some time
with my daughter?


If, God forbid...

No, of course. Of course.

I'll, uh, I'll check back in
in a couple hours.

Thank you.

Do you want to do
the photographer now?

Uh-uh. Don't push yourself.

We should do the photos.

While I'm still...

It's okay, Dale.

It's not.

It's not at all.

- I'm sorry.
Daddy Dale,
we practiced this.

You practiced for this.

-They never should have
named us.
-I named you.

You shouldn't have gotten
so attached to her.

-She's my girl.
-She's your charge,
you're her sponsor.

There's a difference.

You were supposed
to raise us to our purpose

and then deliver us to it,

So no blubbering.
It's not useful.

Daddy Dale, think:
how many people

get to fulfill
their purpose in life?

You should be happy for me.



Okay, you are a Pisces,
rising sign Pisces,

and I'm a Virgo rising sign...


Okay, let's see, you...

are "emotional."

Don't shoot the messenger.

And, uh, you "see the beauty
in the world."


And I am...

Hmm. Kind of a prick.

-Yeah, seriously.

"Rigid" and "turned on
by detail"?

Or what's this?

"When combined, these two signs

will save humanity
against world-ending flus."

What do you know? The stars
are surprisingly accurate.


You've seen it.

The Diels.

How bad it is.


There's no cure.

We're gonna figure this out.

I can't emphasize
how important it is...

Come on, man, just tell us
where Utopia is.

Utopia is at Alice's.

Where is that?

I can't tell you.

-Oh, my fucking God.
-You will tell me.

No, I mean, I can't.

I don't know any street names
around here.

I need to show you the way.

Where'd you rush off to?

Just got a little spooked.


-Oh, no...
-I'm not being nice. Drink it.

Only one shot of liquor
per hour.

You can't get drunk,
and you can't get spooked. Ever.

Fear is a luxury.

So is
boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

Yeah. Gotcha.

No relationships.
Just meaningless sex.

No sex. Never.

Come on, Jessica.

You never take a minute or two
for sex?

Never. When they come
busting through that door,

the last thing you want
is someone's dick in you.

Makes it very hard to run.

Tragedy tonight in Chicago,

where an entire family
has been killed

in a senseless act of violence.
Grant Bishop, ten years old,

is allegedly the youngest mass
shooter in United States...

Yo, what the fuck?!

Footage of Bishop
entering the home

has been obtained
by the police,

as well as
the young man's fingerprints

on the suspected weapon
inside the house.

Things are getting dangerous.

- Bishop is still at large.
- Police are asking for...

Dale, it's time.

One, two, three.

Wait, hold on.

To remember her by.

Don't worry.

She's going straight
to the incinerator.

But they do not keep bad guys
from getting guns.

- A ten-year-old boy?
- I didn't do that!

-I was never there!
-I know.

It wasn't you.
They want Utopia.

Off. Now.

You have Utopia.

They just made sure
every person in the country

is looking for you.

- They can't do that!
That is exactly
what they do.

They frame you, they kill
friends, they kill family.


...the idea to murder
a whole family from a movie?

Oh, well, Grant Bishop
didn't just...

Oh, my God.

...decide to kill these people
on his own.

Oh, my God.

They poisoned my family.

This is what happens.

-They went after my family.
-Oh, Ian, I'm so sorry.

Are they dead?

They're in critical condition.

-Move over.
-Wait, Wilson, no.

- Move! Move!
- Okay, okay.

Move. Give me this.

You told me they were okay.

Monika. My dad.


They're dead!

They're dead.

Oh, shit!

Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.

You let me live for two days
not knowing that they were dead!

I have to go home.

- You fucking bitch.
- I have to go home...

You lying fucking bitch!
You told me that they were okay!

This is fucking bullshit, man!

Yeah. I lied.

This is fucking bullshit!

Get off the computer now, Becky.

Are you okay?
Are you sure?

Friends? Pets?
Nothing happened to you?

I-I seem to be fine.


You're fine?

What's wrong with this picture?
Hmm, guys?

Grant's framed for mass murder.

Ian's family
is in critical care.

My family has been
fucking wiped out!

And Becky's fine?!

I don't have a family
to hurt, Wilson.

Why is Becky fine?
Hmm? Huh?

-Fuck you, Ian!

- I want to know
why Becky is fine.
Wilson, you have

known me for a year.
Do you really think

-that I'm the bad guy here?
-I don't know.

Okay, well, would it
make you feel better

if someone that I love
were dead, Wilson?

No, nothing is gonna make me
fucking feel better, Becky!

-Raise your voice to me, Wilson.
-Calm down, Wilson.

-Not right now.
-Who were you texting
that morning?

-This is not the time.
Wilson. Wilson.
-Was it Olivia?

Because I find it
to be a fucking coincidence...

-My God, leave her alone!
-...that you two go to get
doughnuts and coffee,

-and I get
my fucking eye scooped out!
-Shut up, everyone.


Ian, they're using your family
as bait.

Show up at the hospital

and they'll take you
and your family will still die.

Wilson, I didn't tell you
about your family

because I didn't have time
for you to have a breakdown.

I still don't have time.

And what about Becky?

Becky's fine.

Exactly my point, man.
She's fine.


The Harvest kills.

They don't sew eyepatches
for the blind.

I need Utopia, Grant.
And you're a mass murderer now,

so you can't come with me.

-What's Alice's last name?
-Don't know.

-Where's her house?
-Don't know.

I need to see stuff to remember
how to get back there.

What if I torture you? Do you
think that'll make you remember?

Don't know.

Get me a razor.

And where does the razor go?

In the, uh... jugular.

No, no, no, no.


All right.
Guess we're walking.

Which direction?

That way.

Come on.

Just keep your head down
and look entitled.

Useless piles of shit.

I just heard the news.

Was it a good death?

It was a purposeful death.

Lily's in place,
so we heading home now?

You were supposed to be
a twin, you know that?

Just not feeling
like ourselves.

Because this is
spreading so fast...

Yeah, he died in the womb.
Wasn't strong enough, so...

nature cut him loose.

Sometimes... I wonder
if you both survived,

whether it'd be you

in that tent instead of Lily
and Charlotte.

I don't know if I could do it.

'Cause I love you so much.

I think that's something
to work on.

Me being your only
biological child,

I think people think that
that means that you've

shielded me from sacrifice,
and neither of us want that.

I wish it mattered what we want.

Cara. Her family.

It's a fucking nightmare.

I knew Cara Frostfield...

since she interned for me
during college.

I was at her wedding.

Her kids' fucking christenings.

I know, Dad.

She was a good person.

She was a good person.

Who rejected the program.

St. Louis Health Department
issued this warning:

Avoid persons with colds...

Arby. Charlotte. Lily. Adam.

- They saved us today.
- ...to demand answers.

CDC is implementing...

We grow useful children.

Dale, you have no reason
to be sad.

Come on, what have you done
to earn your place today

in this crowded world?

I killed a child.

What have you done today
to earn your place

in this crowded world?

I committed murder.

I took a child that I've
nurtured since she was seven...

and, uh...

I helped murder her.

Dale! What have you done today
to earn your place

in this crowded world?

What have you done today
to earn your place?

What have you done?

I made a sacrifice for a safer,
happier and healthier future.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

He's coming.


It's unbelievable.

Michael, look at her.
Look at my girl.

In-in this past hour, I've
watched her go from death's door

back to Charlotte again.

How do you feel?

- W-Weak.
Well, weak?

That's... that makes sense,
I mean...

That's understandable, right?

Here. Please.


This is remarkable.
I, uh-- The-the speed is, uh--

I'm gonna need to take
a blood sample.


We're so goddamn grateful,

Well, let's just see
what we get here first. Okay?

But I have to say that
I am pleased.

I am very, very pleased.

I'll, uh-- I'm just gonna--

I'll be right back.

- Michael, what's happened?
- What's wrong?

Nothing is wrong.

Nothing's wrong.
In fact, she seems better.

And by better, I mean, like,

completely 100% better
in every way, shape or form,

completely recovered,
like she was never sick at all.

Michael, oh, my God,
that's incredible.

It's like nothing
I've ever seen.

But I don't--
I don't have the data yet.

And I need to--
I won't know until I...



What? What? What's happening?

Was that-- wh-- Is-is that
a good "Jesus Christ"

or a bad "Jesus Christ"?

Good Jesus!

Good Jesus Christ.
It's a good Jesus Christ!

Oh, my God, it-it worked.

It worked.
She's-she's clear.

Her blood is completely clean.

It's like-- it's like nothing
I've ever seen before.

Oh, sweetheart.

I am so proud of you, Michael.

I'm proud of me, too.

A little champagne won't
hurt you, I guess.

To Charlotte,
who came back to us. Huh?

To Dr. Mike,
who brought me back.

-Thank you.
-Oh, you're quite welcome.

-You're quite welcome.
-Oh, my God.

A cure.

And more importantly,
a vaccine. Mm-hmm.

We have to spread the news.

-We have to tell everyone.
-Excuse me?

-We have to tell everyone.
-No. Dale.

There's a cure!

-We found a cure!
-No, Dale...

-Dale, wait.
-We found a cure!

-Don't. No!
-You found a cure?

There's a cure! Yeah!

There's a cure.
There's a cure!

It's the bats. It's the bats.

It's the bats.
Holy shit, it's the bats.

It's the bats. Bats.

Bats. Bats.


-We have a cure!
-What? What?!

My daughter has been cured!

Dr. Michael Stearns
tested his vaccine

on my daughter.

He's identified the virus,
and he killed it.

He killed it!

This is my daughter Charlotte.

Honey, do you want to--
do you want to say something?

-Yeah, okay.
-You don't have to.

-I want to.
-Easy, easy.

After all the darkness,
there is some light.

We do now have hope.

I'm standing here
before you today

because we have found a cure,

but more importantly,
we've found a vaccine.

I want to thank Dr. Mike...

...my sweet, brave hero,

for saving my life
from the Stearns Flu

with the Stearns vaccine.

I thank you.

I am a survivor, but I don't
want to be the lone survivor.

I urge every parent
in the country

to get their child this vaccine
before it's too late.

- Tell us about the vaccine.
- How can parents

- get this vaccine?
- How was the vaccine

-God bless you, Dr. Mike.

The vaccine was developed...

We have got to get you
that vaccine.

I hate shots.

Oh, suck it up.

...in Chicago, a senseless home
shooting that claimed the lives

of a family of seven,
four of them children.

Most shocking is the age
of the suspected killer:

just ten years old, which makes
Grant Bishop the youngest

-alleged mass shooter in the
history of the United States.

- Oh, my dear God.
- Grant Bishop

is a young man in America,
a country which suffers...

It's okay.

Grant Bishop was
an elementary schooler

failed by a failing
public school system.

No, just one per hour.


You should go home.

- You can check on them.
- What?

You heard Jessica.

That's only gonna
make things worse.

It'll put me in danger.

Only if you go alone.


No. You are not giving up.

No. I'm not giving up.

Once you're there,
set up and safe,

-I will come back here.
-I'm not going anywhere.

Okay? I'm not running.

I'm not going anywhere.

-Ian, if this is about us...

It's not.

It is, somewhat,
but it is way bigger than that.

In the last 48 hours, I've...

I fucking watched my friend
get murdered in front of me,

I went toe to toe
with Homeland Security,

I fucking buried a body.

And I'm just supposed
to go back to what?

Cubicles and commissions?

My-my mom, she...

she would really like you.

She-she'd probably say, "What's
she hanging around you for?"

Well, I will be sure
to tell her someday.

It's okay.

Oh, look, the government's here.

Great, now they show up!

Now they're here!

Can somebody give us an update?

Excuse me.

Hello. Uh, Dr. Stearns?

-Toni Tambler, FDA.

-So nice to meet you.

on your preliminary findings.

We're very eager to start
the necessary studies.

Well, i-it's been studied,
in 2013,

and it was completely vetted.

Well, sure, in Peru,
but we need to proceed...

No, I know, I know. This is
exactly what I thought, too.

And that's why I came here,
'cause I needed

-to back up my studies myself.
-Ah, well...

Could you excuse us
for just a moment?

Doctor, could I speak with you
over here for a moment?

Uh, Doctor, let me explain
something to you.

I'm glad the girl's alive.

But I'm not interested
in being the insulation

between you
and a class action lawsuit.

Listen to me. Okay?
Just cut the bureaucracy.

-Not another child needs to die.
-Just follow my lead.

I've done a million of these.

No, you're not listening to me.
I'm telling you...

I'm Toni Tambler with the FDA,

and I'm here to address
your concerns

and answer your questions.

First, I'd like
to congratulate and thank

Dr. Michael Stearns
for his preliminary testing.

- Yes!
- Yes!

What's gonna happen now

is we're gonna put the vaccine
through a series of trials.

This is basic protocol
for any new vaccine

- that's going to be...
- It's been tested!

We need a vaccine!

We need expert opinion.

- We need proof.
- We have proof!

We don't know

it's 100% effective.

We know it's 100% fatal without.

We love you, Dr. Mike!

No, I'm sorry, excuse me.

I understand the concern
of the FDA. I-I-I really do.

Uh, and I understand that this
is unorthodox, but my vaccine

has already been
vigorously tested.

So, I say the only danger
is the danger of delay.

-You're not...
-These children,

these children have-have
a right to be well.

The right to be well!
The right to be well!

The right to be well!

It's time.

The right to be well!

Stearns administered
the vaccine to the young girl

when she was just hours away
from certain death.

Charlotte Warwick
is now expected

to make a full recovery,

the first recorded since
the deadly outbreak began...

Shipping order 2472, please.

The vaccine was developed
by Dr. S...

All right. Hey.

What you got there?


-No, no, no.
-Let me check this out.

Head down. Walk normal.

Keep walking.

Watch out.

You want to play?

We have an all-point alert
for a Grant Bishop,

last seen in the vicinity
of 300 West 18th Place.

Save our kids!

Save our kids! Save our kids!

Save our kids!
Save our kids!

Save our kids! Save our kids!

Save our kids!
Save our kids!

St. Louis! St. Louis!

We see you!

Glad to have you back
on the side of the angels, Mike.

I-I've always been on the...

the s-side of the...

St. Louis!

You may know me

as a man
who has dedicated his life

to helping children.

You may also know me as the guy

who had
a nasty little interaction

with the FDA last week.

But I'm not here
to nurse wounds.

I'm here because I'm willing
to do anything

to stop this pandemic.

We have identified the flu!

We have the vaccine!



Christie Labs is producing
the vaccine right now.

And all we need
is the FDA's approval

to let us give it to you
to save our kids!



we are begging you,

begging you
to do the right thing.

We are at your mercy!

Do the right thing!

On our knees, we beg you!

Free the vaccine!

- Free the vaccine!
- Free the vaccine!

Free the vaccine!

- Free the vaccine!
- Free the vaccine!

Free the vaccine!
Free the vaccine!

Free the vaccine! Free
the vaccine!

- Free the vaccine!
- Free the vaccine!

Free the vaccine!
Free the vaccine!

-Free the vaccine!
-Free the vaccine!

- Free the vaccine!
- Free the vaccine...

Now we can go home.

Free the vaccine!

Free the vaccine!

This one.

Which stop?

I'll know when I see it.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please stay away

from the platform edges,
especially when trains

are entering
and leaving the station.

Please do not block the doors

while the train
is in the station.


Um, I'm confused.

I'm still having trouble
with your story.

The idea that you would let
your little daughter here

be exposed to a kid
off the street...

It's not her fault.

Well, okay.
Then where did he get the gun?

I have no idea.

You let him in your house.

He's got a gun...

Nothing to worry about.

Killers don't ring doorbells.

It's our guy
from Juvenile Services.

You okay?

Officer Alex Tuttle here with
the Juvenile Services liaison.

Nathanson wanted me to drop by,

talk to the girl.

Oh, my God!

-Alice, go upstairs.


Where's the boy?

I don't know.
He's not here.

Where is Jessica Hyde?

We don't know a Jessica Hyde.

Where is Utopia?

-What is that?
I don't know what that is.

I-I have it!
I have it!


Oh, no, no, no, no.

Just stay right here.

She's going to get it. Please,
please, please don't hurt her.

Please don't hurt her.
Please don't hurt her.

She's gonna go get it.

-Please, please, please...
-Here it is. Here it is.

-Here it is.
-Thank you, little one.

Be quiet.

Mom, no! Please...

-No, Mom. No...
-Be quiet.


Please, Mom.

-Don't leave.
-Be quiet, please.

Come with me.

Sit down, please.

Shouldn't be long now,

I don't think.


I remember Mary.
We're close.

We're here.

Oh, God.



Where is Jessica Hyde?

Here is Jessica Hyde.

I'm Arby.

It's no use, Jessica Hyde.

I'll always win.

Don't feel bad.

It's my purpose.

I'm supposed to take you
and Utopia with me, for them.


...I don't want to anymore.


-Do you want it?

I think it's a very bad idea
for you to look at it.

I don't care.


Are you okay?

You should leave.

Others will come.

You'll want to eat
before you look at it.

You won't want to eat after.

We have the same gun.

If you ever need me,
Jessica Hyde,

you can find me...

back Home.