The Good Doctor (2017–…): Season 5, Episode 16 - The Good Doctor - full transcript

As Shaun and Lea head toward their wedding day, a documentary filmmaker showcases their special relationship.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ I see trees of green

♪ Red roses, too

♪ I see them bloom

♪ For me and you

♪ And I think to myself

♪ What a wonderful world

♪ I see skies of blue ♪

♪ I see trees of green

♪ Red roses, too

♪ I see them bloom

♪ For me and you

♪ And I say to myself

♪ What a wonderful world ♪


Oh. I made pancakes.

Oh, your lips are very shiny.

It's just my normal lip gloss.

You don't normally have it on
for breakfast.


Mmm, these are delicious.


Where is my apple?

One of you
moved my apple.

Oh, it was just
blocking the shot.

Try not to look
directly into camera.


So, tell me about how
you two met and fell in love.


we were neighbors,

then we became friends,
then roommates.

We bonded over our love
of pancakes and karaoke.

And before we knew it,
we were having our first kiss.

We were drunk
from tequila,

and I vomited
immediately after.


And Lea said
we were just friends,

and she said that was all we
could be because of my autism,

and I thought she was
superficial and prejudiced.

But I was wrong about her,
and she was, too.

She could be happy
and in love with me.

So she asked me
to marry her, and I said yes.

You sure did.

I have to go.



We need you
to sign a release form.

I don't want
to be on TV.

Well, we can always
just blur you out.

You don't want to be blurred.
It'll be fun.

We'll be the younger,
more outrageous
supporting characters

in The Shaun Show.

It is not my show.

All this for you.

Oh, looks like Dr. Andrews

is hoping for
"Special Appearance by"

I didn't expect
to make it to California.

San Jose
St. Bonaventure Hospital

has one of
the most rigorous

training programs
in the country.

Only a select few make it

through this rigorous
five-year residency,

which traditionally
culminates with a test

to see if those residents
are prepared to be attendings.

Did I say "rigorous" twice?
I can take that again.

Uh, don't... Don't worry.
You're doing great.

Can I get
your autograph?

Dr. Murphy and Dr. Park,

today each of you
will be put in charge
of a surgical case

and evaluated based
on your O.R. performance,

your ability
to delegate responsibility,

to manage junior residents,
and think on your feet.

The next surgical cases
that come through the E.R.

will be all yours.


Dana Bradley, 34,

burns to her head
and left forearm.

At least 10%
total body surface area.

I see areas
of second-degree burns,

forehead, scalp, and cheek
with associated burn blisters,

likely mid-to-deep dermal
partial thickness burns.

Send blood for CBC, urea,
electrolytes, lactate,

and get EKG
and chest film.

Okay, give one milligram
of Dilaudid.

Dana, it's okay.
We're giving you something
stronger for the pain.

Start IV antibiotics.
Capillary refill is sluggish.

She needs acute surgery
to debride.

Let's go!

Grant Ferlin,
44-year-old firefighter,

level two trauma,
multiple injuries
from a fall.

What about burns?

No burns.
He saved a woman
from the fire,

then he got pinned
by a beam.

Sir, please go
to the waiting room.

We'll keep you updated.

Dr. Park,
this is your case.

Villanueva, we need
all hands on deck.

He's tachycardic
and hypotensive.

Could be bleeding
into his abdomen.

Give me the ultrasound.

Give me the ultrasound!

Intraperitoneal hemorrhage.

We need to open him up.
Let's go.

Excision knife.

Apply even pressure
against the wound.

Starting the tangential
sequential excision.

would be an asset
to any hospital.

He views the world
a bit differently

and therefore sees patients
a little bit differently.

But we accept him
just as he is.

Did you
always feel that way?

There was a time

where I didn't feel Shaun
belonged at this hospital.

I got my arm twisted.

Shaun's contributions
have far outweighed
his surgical gifts.

She's in v-tach.


Is he okay?
Why is he stopping?

he gets these ideas,

more like visions.

It's very effective.

I'm not sure
what that is.

Your lights are in my eyes.

Please turn them off.
Step back.

She's hypothermic.

We need more aggressive
fluid resuscitation.

I'll place a femoral line
using a rewarming catheter.


We need to assess
the duodenal rupture.

I'll run the bowel,

rule out
any other perforations.

Babcocks and OG tube
to suction.

His surgical technique
is really advanced.

He has such command
over the room.

Shut up.



I found the bleeder.


Next I'll repair
the rupture site.

Bleeding stopped.


Let's close him up,

get a post-op CT
to make sure
we got everything.

I've heard that Shaun
sometimes has visions?

What are they like?


Pretty good, huh?

Mm-mmm. Mm-mmm.

It's more like...

Um, sorry,
but you're no Shaun.

Nobody can do Shaun's
vision thingies but him.

It's his superpower,

like he has an X-Ray,
MRI, and CT

all in his head
all at the same time.

I'm never gonna be able
to do that.

But what I've learned
from watching Shaun is,

figure out
what you're good at
and lean into that.

What's your superpower?

How much time do you have?

The surgery was a success.

We were able to eliminate
all non-viable tissue

and use autograft
over the entire

burn surface area.

What are they
doing here?

They are taping me.
They will blur out
your face.

When can I see my family?

The nurse is bringing them.
They should be here shortly.

That hurts!

You are on
strong IV narcotics,

and the grafts
should still be numb.

Please stop.


It hurts!

I am not touching you.

There is significant
swelling and edema.

It is pulling on
the graft anchor sites.

That doesn't make sense.




I'm here.

I want to go home.

♪ What if I left
and it made no sense?

♪ And you tell your friends

♪ And they hold your hands

♪ Baby, never mind, never mind

I can't do this.
Okay, okay, okay.

♪ What if I left
and it made no sense?

♪ And you tell your friends

♪ And they hold your hands

♪ Baby, never mind ♪

Hello. Dana's autografts
were procured,

and secured perfectly.

We started IV Ancef before
surgery, continued post-op,

and confirmed none
of the tissues removed
had positive cultures.

The grafts
should not be failing.

Did you keep her
wound dressings moistened?

Yes, and her edema
is getting worse,

even after
replacing dressings.

You need to go
double-check her labs.

I know what I did.

I memorize all data
in my patient charts.

Did you use proper
sterile technique and prep

on all autograft sites?


Adequate fluid resuscitation
and replacement for losses?

I checked urine output
and central venous pressure

Hour, but she was
really uncomfortable,

so I skipped one,
but I don't think...

No, you cannot skip steps.

Go review
every vitals check,

all urine output
ins and outs,
and every CVP.


Hey. My boys tell me you're
a former brother in blue.

Walked the beat
for 15 years.

Can we talk privately?

Oh, we're all
squad here.

Grant, your CT showed
you have an unstable
lumbar fracture.

You'll need extensive
posterior fusion surgery
to stabilize it.

How long before
I'm back on the job?

You'll be up and walking
in a few days.

But after this kind of fusion,
your spine...

You won't be able
to be a firefighter anymore.

Then you need
to figure out
a different plan.

This is
the safest surgery.

Your abdominal injury poses
too many risks for us to...

We run into
burning buildings
for a living.

I'm not afraid
of a risk.

I trust you to get me
back to my team.


You okay?

I'm just double-checking
our patient's lab work.

That's some emotional
lab work.

Shaun thinks I caused
our patient's graft issues,

and he said so on camera.

And I'm...

I'm so angry at myself
for skipping a step.


But I don't think
I caused the edema.

Sorry about
this morning.

Rough day.
It happens.

I need approvals.

We implemented
a new system last week.

You're working
off the old one.

I'm sorry.
I didn't know.

You were late
on training day.
Redo it.

And maybe cool it
with the personal calls
on the floor.

Please let this be
an actual medical issue.

My patient's refusing
posterior fusion surgery.

We need an alternative
that will get him back
on his feet.

Posterior fusion would
get him on his feet.

He just wants to
carry someone
on his back.

We could try ventral surgery
through his abdomen.

L3 is hard
to get to ventrally,

even if everything
was perfect.

But if we try
a transpedicular approach,

we could do
a posterior cage placement

and short segment surgery.

There's a risk
of catastrophic
nerve injury

or an uncontrollable bleed

from placing
too large a cage.


Would you try it?

Your patient,
your call.


What do I love most
about Shaun?

I can't choose.

He's brilliant,
and he's so funny.

He makes me feel safe.

I know no matter what happens,
he's there for me.

And he's super cute.

Shaun, what do you love
the most about Lea?


I love...

That her eyes crinkle
when she is happy

or sad or angry
or worried.

And I know
which one means what.

You know
my eye crinkles?

That one
means she is happy.


I double-checked
every recorded vital sign

and hourly urine output.

All suggest
adequate blood pressure
to maintain graft profusion

and no signs
of fluid overload.

I don't know
what caused it,

but Dana's edema and graft
issues are not my fault.


I need to see
your footage.


Play it from there.


The grafts
should not be failing.

Something must
have gone wrong.

I need the answers to fix it.
Please rewind.



Play at half speed.


Right there.

When I pressed that burn area,
she did not feel it.

If they were second-degree,
mid-dermis burns,

it would have hurt.

Dana has
third-degree burns.

The tissue is dying
under the grafts

because I did not
debride deep enough.

Dana's problem
is my mistake.

Shaun has always been
great with medicine,

but romance, not so much.

I took him through boot camp,

and then he and Lea
got together.

I guess you could
call me Cupid.

You don't get credit
for Shaun and Lea
getting together.

You barely get credit
for us getting together.

I have to go practice
my surgery.

Your first surgery
did not work.

I didn't debride deep enough.
We need to fix it.

How's your pain level?

I'm... A monster.


No wonder Nicole ran away.


We have to do
another surgery,

or you could
become septic.

Will it fix
the way my face looks?

No. Your face
will look worse

because we have to
debride deeper.

I can't.

We have to fix the mistake.

How you look
doesn't impact your health.



Do you want me
to get your husband?

I'm sure he wants to see you
before you go into surgery.


Nicole needs him.


That's not gonna work.

You need to get
wider exposure
and corpectomy

before placing the cage.

There is
an easier solution.

Tell your patient
he's being an idiot.

It's not worth
risking his life
for his career.

I think he's right.

When I left the force,

I felt more alone than
any other time in my life.

I didn't just leave
a job, I...

I left a family.

He wants to fight
to keep his,

so I'm gonna do
what I can
to help him.

I'll drill off the complete
pedicle and L3 body.

You decompress on the lamina
above and below.

It'll allow for
a safer cage placement.

I don't think
Dana is ready

for the free tissue flap

We could start with
daily tissue removal.

No, we should not wait.

Deeper debridement
and temporoparietal
fascia surgery

will clear her edema.

It's a high-risk surgery
with high risk of blood loss

and flap necrosis.

Before we do
another big procedure,

she needs to recover

She could develop infection
and compartment syndrome
if we wait.

You missed
what the patient
was feeling

in your initial diagnosis,
and it affected her outcome.

You could be wrong
about this, too.

The free tissue flap surgery

will correct the damage
from her burns.

I am the attending.

This is my decision.


My patient...



what's going on?

My patient has to
have another surgery.

I thought she had
second-degree burns.

She also has
third-degree burns.

Okay, so do another surgery.

If I had not been distracted
by the cameras,

I do not think I would have
missed her reaction.

Third-degree burns
are always numb.

So you can do
another surgery.

This is my test to prove
I am ready to be
an attending, okay?

I made a mistake.

And you caught
the mistake.

But I shouldn't
have missed it, okay?

It was my fault.

so it was your fault.


Just like it was my fault
when I was attending

that I-I missed
a subdural empyema

and Park punctured
a fungal nodule

and Claire missed a PE.

The patient didn't die, right?

You can do another surgery.
So let's just focus on that.

I am different than you
and Claire and Dr. Park.

I do not
get to make mistakes.

Is this because
this video crew

has been
following you around
wherever you go?


I made two mistakes...

The burns
and letting them film me.

You know what?
Get rid of them.

If you don't want them around,
just get rid of them.

And another thing,

you can't expect
to be perfect
all the time.

It doesn't happen, ever,
for anyone.



Again, it's helpful

if you include the question
in the answer.

What was the question?

Do you see yourself
as Shaun's protector?

Oh, um...

No, I don't see myself
as Shaun's protector anymore.

How does that feel?

How does it feel?
I don't know.

It feels great.

I'm proud of him

and relieved...

...that he's gonna make it.

What changed?

He did.

He changed.

Can you elaborate?

He grew up and met Lea.

Okay, we need to talk.

Turn the camera off.

Sorry, no.

Okay, then I'm gonna have to
say what I have to say naked.

You can take five.
Thank you.

You need to
back off Shaun
a little bit.

It's my job
to ask questions.

I was expecting
wedding surprises,

and instead I feel like
you're exploiting his autism.

You knew
Shaun's ASD was gonna
be part of the show.

I didn't expect you
to make a highlight reel

out of his
most spectrum-y moments.

I'm not
manufacturing anything.

Shaun made a mistake
on a very important case,

and now that could end up
on your show.

He's totally rattled.

I know you want
to protect him.

This is not about
protecting Shaun.

This is about
the whole world seeing him

as a collection of quirks
and a single mistake.

But since that
is good TV...


has third-degree burns.

Dana has third-degree burns.

Dana has third-degree burns.

Her tissue is dying
under the graft

because I did not
debride deep enough.

Dana's problem is my mistake.

I'm not gonna use
any of the footage

related to your mistake.

It's not relevant.

This is a wedding show.

Lea reminded me
of that.

I do not want
to be dishonest.

It's not dishonest.

It's focused on you and Lea
and your relationship

and your amazing career
as a surgeon,

surrounded by all of these
people who support you.

That is what
will give hope

to people
who feel different
and alone.

That's why
I'm doing this.


Grant's case file.

I've successfully completed
the short-segment
posterior fusion

on the skills dummy


With a partner.

You've successfully done it
on real people over 50 times.

You should
take the lead.

Which would mean
removing yourself

as the attending
on this case.

I'm not risking my patient's
life to pass a test.

You're risking
your own career
to try to save his.

Grant deserves
the best shot to get back
to his crew.

Any cold feet?

Shaun is my person.

I know that beyond
a shadow of a doubt.

Do you think
I should let Sophie

remove my mistake
from the show?

I think
that is up to you.

How do you feel
about it?

It feels like a lie,

but is it more important
to give people truth or hope?

That's a tough question.


I say we stick
to the two of you,

who are getting married
in just a few days.

Any nerves about that?

Oh, no. She is also my person.

I have known that
for a long time.

I have to go prep
for my surgery.

Okay, I have to go prep
for my surgery.

It took you longer to be sure
that Shaun was the one.

In fact, you said
you couldn't get
involved with him

because of his ASD.

What changed?



I offered to take out
the mistake because
you were right.

I crossed a line.

Instead of
embarrassing Shaun,

now you're zeroing in on me?

I'm not trying
to embarrass anyone.

Can you please
slow down?

As a little person, the world
doesn't accommodate me.

That's why representation
matters, but when it's real.

I'm not asking you
to make us look
like a fairy tale.

Fairy tales have obstacles
and conflict.

The story
you want me to tell,

you two met and fell in love
and everything's great,

it's boring.

So you want me to play
the wicked witch.

You are are not defined
by your lowest moment,

but you can't deny it,

I am here
to tell the real story
of you as a couple.

Do you still trust me
to do that?


Your vitals are good,

and your volume status
is stable.

A nurse will come get you
for surgery soon.

I'm so sorry the cameras
added to your pain.

I was gonna have to
see myself eventually.

My daughter will have to
look at me every day...

...and pretend
she doesn't
see a monster.

She won't see you
that way forever.

Other people will.

Other kids will tease
and bully her...

...because of what
her mother looks like.

People have teased
and bullied me my whole life,

and it hurt
for a long time,

and I was too ashamed
to tell anyone.

I finally told my mom.

She taught me how to
stick up for myself.

You can be an example
of how to get back up

when life
knocks you down.

Your strength

will make her more
than most people

and more powerful
than any bully.




I'll come get you
as soon as your mom
is awake.

I don't want
to see her, Daddy.

It's okay to be scared.

You know what helps me
whenever I'm scared?

A big hug.

The best ones
are from my mom.

Do your mom's hugs
make you feel better?

I know Mommy looks different,
but her hugs are the same.

They're full
of the same love
as always.


We are doing Dana's
fascial flap surgery.

Are you here because
I am the attending

or because
you trust my judgment?

Mostly the latter.

Even after
my earlier mistake?

You're a great doctor.

I hope one day
I'm even close
to as good as you.

Your mistake
just made you more...


It gave me the confidence that
I'll find my superpower, too.


You cannot film
this surgery.

I cannot be distracted
while I am working.

Let's go.


I've drilled
most of the pedicle
and vertebral body.

What's next?

We need
to place the cage.

Good decompression.

One above, one below.

the expandable cage.

Heart rate's way up.
BP's dropping.

Vessel's torn.

It's detracted
away from the field.

What about giving
T.X.A. and bipolar

to pull the vessel
into view?

BP still dropping.

BP's 41 over 23.

He'll arrest if we
don't stop things now.

Vascular clip.


We could try
completing the corpectomy
from the other side.

No. It's not working.

We're changing course.

Let's do
the long segment L1-5
without a cage.

You sure?

My patient, my call.


Excision knife.


I need more sponges
and the suctions turned up.

She's losing
too much blood.

She's severely tachycardic,
blood pressure dropping.

This holding
pressure isn't durable.
She's gonna bleed out.

We have to
debride deeper.

The excision blade
is causing
too much bleeding.

Should we try the micro
dissection electrocautery?


won't work.

We need to preserve as much
normal tissue as we can.

A VERSAJET will debride
the appropriate plane
with less bleeding.


We repaired
your lumbar fracture.

But we had to
switch surgeries.

You can't
do the job anymore.

Your body
was giving out.

I couldn't let you die.


I trusted you.



The surgery was a success.

He had one of his visions,
saved the day again.

Oh, and I missed it!

I'll do the imitation

You can use all your footage,
even my mistake.

Great surgeons
can make mistakes
and still be inspirational.


Close the door.

You're writing me up?

Is this about
the charts?

And coming in late.

And taking personal calls,
calling off last-minute.

I need to be able
to count on you,
and right now, I can't.

I haven't been my best.

Things at home...


If I don't answer his calls,
he gets mad.

He checks my mileage
and my phone

and how much
makeup I wear.

I helped a patient go through
a domestic violence checklist

and realized...

It was me, too.


We'll figure this out.

My re-grafting surgery
was a success.

With restorative surgery,
you'll have an adequate
aesthetic outcome.



I look different, huh?

Your eyes
are the same.

They look like mine.


I saw Lim.


You passed your test.


For a long time,

I didn't think I could be
with someone like Shaun.

I thought
we were too different,

that I would have to
compromise too much.

And I worried
about what people
would think of us.

Of me.

And I didn't want
to be seen as different.

What changed?


Because of how Shaun saw me,

he made me believe
that I am stronger

than I give myself credit for.

And that together,
we are enough.

More than enough.

That was very nice.

Is it time
for the surprise?

And...take 'em off!



Sophie, it's beautiful.

The lights are very soothing,
and I like karaoke.

This is
a very nice surprise.



Are you sure
you're okay?

I'm okay.



Shaun and Lea.

This song is for you guys.

♪ Every step I take

♪ Every move I make

♪ Every single day
since I went away

♪ I've been missing you

♪ Thinkin' of the day

♪ When you went away


♪ What a life to take
What a bond to break

♪ I'll be missing you ♪

It's Claire!