Police Woman (1974–1978): Season 1, Episode 5 - Anatomy of Two Rapes - full transcript

Pepper and the squad investigate a pair of alleged rapes. The first involves a wealthy woman who claims that she was attacked on the eve of her daughter's wedding. The second involves a the rape and murder of a married woman, who was known for being very wild. The squad then arrest a black man for the first rape, but serious questions arise about his guilt and whether a rape took place in the first place.

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You wanna play? Depends
on what you have in mind.

There are indications that the
lady had herself quite an evening.

[Pepper] Are you trying to
say she was promiscuous?

And his face was covered with a
stocking. But his hands were black.

Every time one of them
gets the idea they've

been raped, it has
to be by a black man!

You were intimate with her?

We both were.
We didn't kill her.

I didn't kill her! I swear! I...

How many times you
been to bed with him?

I never saw him
before. I didn't know him.

Oh, how many times
have we heard that before?

I don't care. It's the truth.

Are you used to going out alone
at 10:00 at night to get a bite?

If I have to, yes.

How many times have you had sexual
relations in the last two weeks, huh?

I don't have to answer that!

Look, that man threatened
to kill me. I was the victim.

I didn't do anything
wrong. He raped me.

Oh, this guy just walked up
to you out of the clear blue.

Is that what you're
trying to tell me? [Sniffles]



I think Sergeant Anderson
and Inspector Krug

gave us a nice little
melodramatic performance.

[Bill] But we thought that
since our unit's been assigned...

to investigate rape
victims' interrogation,

we'd just start out by
showing you what not to do.

I know it's shocking
to me that 90% of the

rapes in this country
are never reported...

because the women are afraid of
how we, the police, are gonna treat 'em.

Now, let's start all over again.
This time, we do it the right way.

I'm, uh... I'm sorry to put
you through this again, miss,

but tell me, please,
exactly what happened.

Oh. Do I have to tell it again?

He held a knife to my throat,

and he said if I didn't let him,
he was gonna kill me right there.

[Shutter Clicking] [Man] Nice.

[Clicking Continues] Beautiful.

Hey, you look great. Good.

The lips. The lips. Got it.

Nice. Oh, beautiful.

Come on, sweetheart. Hey, okay.

Good, good, good, good.

Okay, come on, baby. Come
on. Let me see it. Let me see it.

Good, good, good.

Beautiful. Okay, okay.

Up here, Wanda,
sweetheart. Come on now.

Sweetheart, look,
look. This way. No.

Wanda. Forget it.

Why forget it? Come on. We're
almost done. A couple more shots.

Forget it. I'm tired. I'm
cold. The light is perfect.

I'm not a professional.
Your time is up.

Besides, Mama
needs a drink. God.

God. You're starting
to work so well.

I just don't understand
you sometimes. [Laughs]

Oh, come on,
Wanda. And the loot.


What happened to
the 20 I just gave you?

Oh, honey, would
you do that to Mama?

Baby, I depend upon you.

Sure, sure. Who do I have?

Oh, baby. Smile!

Hey, I got a great idea.

Come with me
tonight to Jake's Place.

I'm gonna be so lonesome.

What, and watch you
operate? No chance. Pass.

[Chuckles] You
can't afford it all.

Oh, Papa-san! Papa-san! Hey!

Hey, no, no, don't!
Don't! Wanda!

Why, I better... Get
out of here! [Laughing]

- You two-bit tramp.
- I always knew you
were a fisherman.



[Pepper] "It has been impossible
to show that asphyxia alone...

"leaves any
persistent ill effects.

Plus, in a series,
um, of 90..." [Sighs]

Am I going too fast for
you, Joe? Are you kidding?

Joe, I could do better
than that with gloves on.

Will you eat your celery
and let me type, please?

[Chuckles] Okay, here we go.

"There is very little direct evidence
to support the theory of asphyxia."

Hey, Bill, does anybody
ever read these reports?

Only if they're neatly typed.
Celery? It's good for you.

I didn't know rabbits wore ties.

Yeah, uh, Tom,
Crowley. Did you call me?

Sure I do. Grainger

worth a cool 20 million the
last time I didn't clip my coupons.

Right. Pepper, we're on.

Hmm? What about the report?

You ever heard of Walter
Grainger, Grainger Manufacturing?

Sure. His wife just got raped.


[Man] I don't care what your superiors
told you. I want you out of here right now.

My wife is too upset to answer any
more questions, [Woman Sobbing]

and if you don't stop annoying
us, I'm going to the commissioner.

Excuse me, Mr. Grainger. I'm Sergeant
Crowley. This is Sergeant Anderson.

The captain asked
us to come right over.

Now, will you get these people
out of here? I can handle it from here.

Did the, uh, officers take a
statement from your wife, sir?

In intimate detail. She was so upset,
I finally had to call Captain Peters.

Yeah. Well, that's, uh, why
Sergeant Anderson's here.

It's easier, under these circumstances, for
them to talk to another woman as a rule.

Pep, you want to
go in? Excuse me.

[Sobbing Continues]

Mrs. Grainger. Mrs. Grainger.

I'm Sergeant Anderson.
Can we go someplace?

Mom, come on. No. Don't make
me say it again. Please, don't.

It's got to be done.
Come on. I'll stay with you.

Come on.


Carol, you don't have to answer any
more questions if you don't feel up to it.

Daddy, I'll take care
of her. It's all right.

Mr. Grainger, was
this up here all along?

It's Carol's.

He wasn't interested in robbery,
if that's what you're trying to imply.

I wasn't really trying to
imply anything, Mr. Grainger.

If you could, Mrs.
Grainger, from the beginning.

That's best.

Well, there was a
man here earlier.

H-He... He delivered chairs for my
daughter's wedding reception on Saturday,

and he was a black man.

And I thought he'd gone. And I
came in here to draw my bath,

and I pinned up my hair.

And then, uh, somebody
came up behind me.

And he tore my robe open,
and he spun me around.

And his face was
covered with a stocking.

But his hands were black.

He must have knocked
me unconscious,

because I woke up
and I was lying naked...

here on the bed.

And he cut my hair.

Attababy! Attababy!

Go for it!

Stupid ball!

Hey, Jake, come on. Don't
you think you've had enough?

[Chuckles] Well, it's a funny
time to start living clean.

Hey, Thelma. I see you
brought your father. [Laughing]

Oh, you got some
food. Thank you.

Things are looking up, old buddy.
You wanna play a little, honey?

Well, just depends on what kind of
game you want to play. [Laughing]

Hey, Jake, buy the
little lady a drink.

I'll drink to that. [Laughing]

Yeah, George, I mean, did
you touch Mrs. Grainger?

What's that supposed
to mean, did I touch her?

I mean, did you have sexual
relations with her, George?

What the hell are you
talkin'... Sit down, George!

I mean did you have
sexual relations with her?

- I delivered those chairs,
and that's all I did.
- [Bill] Then what did you do?

Then I went home. I was with a friend
of mine. We had some beers together.

And he can prove it.
Or doesn't proof matter?

Is it still just pick-'em-up and
lock-'em-up with people like me?

- Take off your shirt.
- Why?

Take off your shirt, George.


Turn around.

Joe, just for the record,

make a note that we didn't find
any scratches on Mr. Thomas's body.

Nevertheless, I'm
gonna have to hold you.

No! I didn't rape her! I didn't rape
her! What is it with these honky women?

Every time one of them thinks she's
been raped, it has to be by a black man!

It's happenin' to brothers of ours all
the time and it just keeps on happenin'.

Look, George. Right now,
you're neither black nor white.

You're our number one
suspect. Come on. Let's go.


[Slurred] Oh, give me another
one of them tame little drinks.

Mmm! Oh, don't be mad, lover boy.
It happens to everybody sometime.


Oh, Wanda doesn't have any
more. Do you have any more?

[Laughing] You don't have any!


[Screaming Continues]

[Screaming Stops]


Wait. You're pulling it.
Come on. Give me that!

Leave me alone. Leave me alone.

It's coming down. Look! I know! I know!
Just leave me alone, all right? I got it!

[Engine Sputtering]

You blew it, man!

Okay, Jim, I want a full
copy of everything first

thing in the morning
up in Crowley's office.

Make that duplicate. Maybe
even triplicate, all right?

All right, everybody, step aside.
Come on, move it aside. Make a hole.

All right, fellas, now please, I want
to have a full report from the coroner...

first thing in the
morning, all right?

It's very important that
we get it right away.

All right, let's move
it along. Okeydokey.

Hey, Bill. What
have we got here?

Well, it's murder/rape.
Probably rape. No I.D.

We found these in her handbag.

Not exactly the type of chick who'd
have to have her arm twisted, huh?

Who found her, Pete? Those
kids over there with Officer Hayes.

Stick these in your purse.

[Man] You say you've never
seen her? [Boy] No, sir. No.

- Oh, hi, Sarge. This is
Paul Majors and Larry...
- Kelso.

Kelso. They and the kids,
they found the young lady.

Was the girl familiar to any of you
guys? I mean, did you ever see her before?

- Never.
- What about you?

- Oh, no, sir.
- What about you, hon?

She was just lying there. She
had her dress on all backwards.

You kids come here a lot?

Yeah. Just about every week.
We come to fly our models.

Any of you see any newcomers or anybody
suspicious around here this morning?

- What about you? You?
- No.

- What about you, Paul?
- I just told him, no.


[Bill] Hey, Charlie, how'd she get
blood all over the bottoms of her feet?

It's not blood. It's spaghetti
sauce. Marinara, to be exact.

Looks like she
went wading in it.

And then there's some
red wax underneath her

fingernails. And on
her dress, some chalk.

You guys don't realize how
completely thorough we are down here.

[Bill] You got any other little
goodies you didn't tell us about?

Yeah. There are indications that
the lady had herself quite an evening.

- Are you trying to say
she was promiscuous?
- Now, you said that, not me.

Look, that's kind of unfair.
You know, we can't be sure.

Pepper, what's
the matter with you?

A hooker gets herself knocked
off and we hardly all go to pieces.

You can't be positive
that it isn't rape.

You know, that Grainger
lady up on the hill doesn't

exactly have the market
cornered on concern.

I don't like it a
bit. I'm just going...

I'm just going by the
evidence, sweetheart.

The point is you didn't see her hands tied
behind her back in the pictures, did you?

So what? Hey, Bill.

Look, I just put, uh, George Thomas
through a lineup with Mrs. Grainger.

Yeah, and? She thinks it's
him, but she's not positive.

What about the witness, the guy
that he was supposed to have visited?

Name's Williams.
He's out of town.

Out of town? Landlady
said he'd be back tomorrow.

Maybe. Maybe next
week or maybe next month.

♪♪ [Rock]

My Great-Aunt Margaret
used to work in a

bookstore 40 years.
Did I ever tell you that?

Maybe we can send her a
picture bookmark from here?

Mm-hmm. You'd look
pretty good in your skivvies.

No, no. I'm working now. I had to
give all that up. Any I.D. on the girl?

No. We've been showing them
pictures all over town, William.

The only guy that swallowed
hard when he saw them was inside.

Then he clammed up.
He knows something, Bill.

Let's go.

Am I blushing? You wish.

Listen, uh... [Clears Throat]

my wife and I are looking for a
little... I know what you're looking for.

Why don't you, uh, take an ad in
the paper, huh? This is a bookstore.

No. Listen, we're looking for a
little, uh, marital aid. Marital aid?

Yeah. See, uh, we want to find something
to put a little magic back in our marriage.

We've been married
seven years, you know,

and, well, something's
happened to the itch.

Yeah. Marital aid, huh?

Why don't you check the counter here.
You'll find everything you need in there.

Oh, listen, by the way, uh,
do you take credit cards?

Come on.

Come on, you guys, give
me a break, will you, huh?

What, are you having a
convention here or something?

All of a sudden, I'm
up to my armpits in fuzz.

Come on. It's been a long time
since you've been busted, right?

Right! Right. Not since
Lady Chatterley's Lover.

And there weren't
even any pictures.

Speaking of pictures, I brought
my family album along. Yeah?

Sure you don't know her?

Look, like I told your buddies,
I never seen her before.


[Clears Throat] You know, Sergeant,
isn't this the guy we got the report on?

Mm-hmm. Think so.

- What are you talkin'? What report?
- Yeah, I'm sure it was.

What report you talkin'... ♪♪
[Whistles] How do they do this?

Oh, now, wait a minute here...
The same way they do this.

I'm strictly legit now.
I'm strictly legit. Numbers.

I hear you're running numbers
out of this place. No, no, no, no.

No numbers. Nothin' like that. I'm
legit. Just good clean smut all around.

That's not what I heard.

On the other hand, Bill,
maybe we've been mistaken.

Right. Right. You made
a mistake. Sure. Arthur,

look at the pictures again.

- What happened to her?
- Somebody beat her to death.

- [Sighs] The girl I don't know.
- But?

The photographer, maybe.

He, uh... He always shoots
them, uh, bonsai trees,

uh, and them, what do
you call 'em, screens?

Shoji? Yeah, like you said.

The photographer
maybe, what's his name?

[Sighs] Matsuto. His
name is Matsuto. Mike.

I buy stuff from him
sometimes, you know.

But, uh, he's a little
classy for my clientele.

Uh, they go for the basic
stuff. Where can we find him?

Orange County, where else?

Any luck? Yeah.

Why don't you guys, uh, stick around
for a while, catch up on your reading.

You mean, you don't
want my man in there to

be making any
spur-of-the-moment phone calls.

Yeah, something like
that. Give us an hour.

And, uh, do be careful, fellas.
Eye strain can be very painful.

[Shutter Clicking]

Mr. Matsuto? Yeah.

We're police.

I'm Sergeant Crowley.
This is Sergeant Anderson.

So? So, we'd like to
ask you a few questions.

So ask.

[Shutter Clicks]


So what kind of questions?

Do you know this girl?

Why are you asking me? Well,
a friend said you might know her.

I don't have any friends.
Yeah, you got one.

Art Walker, has a little
mom-and-dad store down on Seventh.

Says he does business
with you occasionally.

Where did you get those shots?

Suppose you tell us first where you
were last night? I was here at the house.

- Can you verify that?
- No, I was alone.

- What's the name of your model?
- What right do you have
to invade my privacy?

- The name, Mr. Matsuto.
- She's in trouble, isn't she?

- What's her name?
- Wanda.

- Wanda May Kubelski. What's she done?
- She's dead.

- Dead?
- Last night she was
beaten to death.

You don't think I did it?

I loved her.

I would never hurt her. She
was like a... a crippled bird.

It was something I kept
trying to capture on film.

And sell to porno houses.

No. Never Wanda. Those
shots were for me only.

- Did she have any family?
- Oh, who knows?

She had friends... all men.

- You want to give us
some names?
- I don't know any.

Why don't you try down
at that cheap bar on

Mission Street where
she used to get smashed?

[Bill] She drink a
lot? Yeah. Too much.

I told her that
was no way to live.

[Sobbing] You want
to know something?

It was like she wanted to die.

[Woman On TV] The fire was put out
four hours later, and the latest report...

is that none of the four
victims is in serious condition.

Police report no new developments
in the Wanda Kubelski murder.

The young Alta Mesa model, the
apparent victim of a rape/homicide,

was reportedly last seen in a
suburban tavern... [Turns Off]

Why did you turn it off?

Oh, I didn't think it was
something you should listen to.

How are you feeling?

[Chuckles] How
do I look? Beautiful.

Yes, really beautiful.

- Where's Peggy?
- She's in her room, reading.

You mean she's not
going out with Mike tonight?

She talked to him on
the phone. She's alone.

No, I guess she's not going
out. Oh. [Clicks Tongue]

I didn't mean for this to spoil
anything. Hey, wait a minute.

What do you mean
you didn't mean?

It happened to you, Carol.

Oh, Walter, I, uh...

I don't think I can go through
with it. This mess, th-this case.

Carol, you are a strong woman.
You've always been strong.

Right now, I'm not.

Right now I want to tell
myself it never happened...

It was a nightmare
that never happened...

And go away with you,
darling, somewhere, anywhere,

and forget all this.

Carol, you were
attacked by an animal,

and that animal
has got to pay for it.

Don't you see? Women, like you,
the victims, you've got to do something.

You can't say to yourself
and the police, let's forget it.

Then what will happen?
Well, maybe I don't care.

Well, you'd better care!
Take a look at... yourself.


Not really so
beautiful right now.

I'm sorry, Carol. I'm sorry.

Oh, Carol.

You've got to care.

Do you understand that?


I understand.

Hey, that's Wanda. She was in here
last night. Did she leave with anybody?

Yeah. She cozied up to a couple of guys
who come in here every Wednesday night.

You know their names? Look, lady,
I don't want to get nobody in trouble.

Yeah, I know.

♪♪ [Man Humming]

♪♪ [Continues]

Hi. Hi. How are you?

Okay. What are you
washin' off your mats there?

Believe it or not, spaghetti sauce. I
had a little accident in my car last night.

Hey, Chuck. Get off. Come
here. This is my young one, Chuck.

I'm Sergeant Crowley. This is
Sergeant Anderson, Police Department.

Turn it off over there.

- [Woman] Hi.
- [Man] Hi, hon.

Uh, what's goin' on? I don't know,
honey. These are police officers.

This is my wife, Mary.

- You Ted Andrews?
- Yeah, that's right.

Uh, what's the matter?
Look, is something the matter?

I'm afraid there
is, Mrs. Andrews.

It's my duty to inform you,
Mr. Andrews, that you're under arrest.

- Under arrest for what?
- For the murder
of Wanda May Kubelski.

No! No! Ted, you tell
them! Go ahead, you them!

Look, it'll be all
right. Believe me.

[Pepper] Counselor. Thank you.

It's about time. Where you
been? Take it easy. Take it easy.

Hi, Crowley. Everything's fine.

All right, just for the
record, gentlemen,

either one of you want
to make a confession?

Just what do you think
you're doing, Crowley?

I'm just trying to save
some time, Counselor.

Both of these gentlemen are going to
be arraigned first thing in the morning.

- Arraigned? We didn't do anything.
- That's for a judge to decide.

I'm just trying to get
a little information

to help him make that
decision, understand?

All right. Look, Crowley,
you've got probable cause.

I'll grant that.

But you can never
make murder one stick.

These are two
law-abiding, ordinary guys...

who picked up a little floozy
and had some fun and that's all.

We didn't force
her to do anything.

You don't have to
say any more. Not now.

Okay, you want to go to court,
let's go to court. [Counselor] Hold it!


But I have no objection to
anybody making a statement.

I already said it. We
didn't do anything.

What about you, Mr. Andrews?
You want to say something?


All right, I got to tell you, the secretary
is gonna take down every word you say.

It's an official statement.
It'd better be accurate,

because they'll check
out every single word.

Don't let them get you uptight. You
just say what you told me. Okay. Okay!

All right. We picked her up.
We were just foolin' around.

But you better believe
she was hot to trot.

Our wives let us
out once a week...

Wednesdays... but we
never get into any trouble.

But Miss Kubelski was different.

Well, we were gonna
go out and get something

to eat, so we asked
her to come along.

We went to one of them...
Them spaghetti take-out places,

and... whew... Boy,
was she looped.

She spilled spaghetti all over
the floor of my car, all over her feet.

Then we let her out. She was
yelling, hollering, screaming.

I don't know what for, but she
was sure making a lot of noise.

- Where did you drop her off?
- At the corner of Mission
and Maple.

Is that the last
time you saw her?

That's the last time
we saw her. I swear it.

Did either of you rape the girl?

No. Hold it.

We went over this.
Take it easy now.

It wasn't necessary.
We didn't have to.

So you were intimate with her?

We both were. But
we didn't kill her.

[Counselor] Okay, that's enough.
Are you satisfied, Crowley?

Type that up tonight. Give me
a couple of copies right away.

You and your Wednesday
nights on the town.

What do you think?

She probably threatened to
tell their wives, they panicked,

one of them hit her on the
head with a bottle... hookers.

Mm, maybe, but I don't know.

Will you stop bleeding
for Wanda May?

I can't. I keep thinking
there's something else.

Look, she was a very friendly lady
who just liked to play with her friends.

Only she didn't have
an enemy in the world.

Honey, that's not for me.
That's Lieutenant Marsh.

You got a heart as big as
a washtub, you know that?

Since when are you the champion of the
working girl? Well, if not me, who else?

Uh, Bill? Yeah?

We picked up Wanda's husband
like you wanted. Oh, is that him?

Mm-hmm. Did you talk to him?

Has he got an alibi? Confirmed.
He was at his sister's for dinner.

Uh, is there anything you want
me for, Bill? No. Where you off to?

Well, my uncle's taking me
out for a cheese and walnut loaf.

Well, give your uncle a
big kiss for me. All right.

Well, champ, you want
to handle this? Yeah.

Uh, Mr. Kubelski, I'm Sergeant
Anderson. No, sit down.

And this is, uh, Bill
Crowley. How do you do, sir?

I just saw her... Wanda...
Down at the morgue.

Those guys did it
to her, didn't they?

We're not sure.
They said they didn't.

She had a good
upbringing, Wanda did.

She didn't smoke or run around.

What happened between you?

The baby drowned.

One of those
little wading pools.

She s-somehow...

She couldn't live
with me anymore.

She got real wild.
I tried to stop her.

I even took her to church and
made her get down on her knees...

and ask the Lord to forgive her.

She hollered,
hollered in church.

She didn't want
anybody to forgive her.

She went running out.

And that was the last
time I ever saw her.

[Pepper] Thank
you, Mr. Kubelski.

I feel sorry for him.

Can I get you one? No.

You're still wrong.

Huh? What, that
they're guilty? Mm-hmm.

I'm not 100% sure, no, but
do you wanna make a bet?

Money, marbles or chalk?


Charlie said there
was chalk on her dress.

Now, where do you find chalk?

As a bowler, he's a
great cop, isn't he?

Hey, Bill. We showed her picture
around. Nobody took the bait.

They said they hadn't
seen her, except one guy.

Who was that? Counter
man in the coffee shop.

[Joe] His name is Craig
Rogers. He gets off in 15 minutes.

You're not closed, are you?
No, ma'am. We're open all night.

One coffee. One
coffee coming up.

Are you a Scorpio?

How'd you guess? [Chuckles]

Uh, you want some cream?

- Got a girlfriend?
- Yeah, sure.

Why don't you have a cup
of coffee? Keep me company.

I'm sorry. I can't do that.

I'm not supposed to be foolin'
around with the customers.

Boy, I really did a dumb thing.

Went to a party, drank
too much bourbon.

Really had a fight with my
boyfriend. He really left me cold.

I really shouldn't
be driving anyway.

Listen, I get off in
about 10 minutes.

I mean, I could drive you home.

Oh, gee, that would be great.

- But how would you get home?
- Why don't we worry
about that later.

Are you really a Scorpio, Craig?

- How come you know my name?
- Well, you-you look, uh,
like a Craig... Bill!

I didn't kill her! I swear! I...

Polygraph test
shows the boy truthful.


Send him in.

Go ahead.

Sit down, Craig.

This guy you said you
met at the bowling alley

who was with you when
you picked up Wanda,

you said you made it with
her, but he didn't, is that right?

Right. What was he doing?

I don't know. Just kind of
watching in the rearview mirror.

And then? I don't know.

I mean, they dropped me off
near my house. What about his car?

- Do you remember
anything about his car?
- It was a red Mercury.

Kind of old.

Um, the front left fender
was sort of smashed in.

What about his windshield?
Did he have any stickers on it?

Anything hanging from
the rearview mirror? Um...

- One weird thing...
- What?

He had, uh, a couple of red
candles stuck on the dash.

Red candles? Yeah.

- I mean, I remember,
she picked them up.
- You mean Wanda?

Uh-huh. She asked him what he
used them for and he didn't say anything.

He just gave her
kind of a funny look.

Look, if we put
you with an artist,

do you think you could help
us draw up a sketch of this guy?

[Craig] I think it's the
mouth that's throwing it all off.

[Pete] The mouth. Why? What,
uh... What was with the mouth?

It was a bit thinner than that.
Make the mouth a little thinner.

How's it going? Well,
you can see for yourself.

We've got verbal descriptions sent
out to every bowling alley in the area.

Maybe this guy's got some other kind
of trip going besides knocking off ladies.

Mm-hmm. Well, Pep,
I've got some news for you.

Uh-oh. When you say it like
that, I know it all can't be good.

George Thomas's alibi just
showed up. It checked out.

He was with him all afternoon.

Well, that puts us right
back to square one.

Pep, come here.

Hey, good luck, Scorpio. Yeah?

Okay, you were
wrong about this one.

Just too easy to hang a guilty
label on George Thomas, wasn't it?

All right, I was a little tough on
Wanda Kubelski, so we're even.

Now, get over to Mrs. Grainger
and have another talk with her.

Go to jail. Go directly to jail.

Do not pass go. Do not
collect $200. See you later.

- Yes, I'm feeling
much better. Thank you.
- Good.

I understand the wedding
was postponed. Yes.

Indefinitely. Well,
that's what they wanted.

And, I don't know,
maybe it was for the best.

Now, what about the man?
You still have him in custody?

We released him this
morning. His alibi checks out.

You let him go? I...
I don't understand.

He couldn't have done it. Everything
checks out. There's no possibility.

Well, then who?

I thought it would help if
we could go over it again.

Oh, no. I can't.

Well, but I think it would be wise if
you would try. I mean... I can't. I...

Sooner or later, in court... I
won't. I've had enough of this.

You're gonna have
to tell someone.

No. All right. Then
let me tell you.

You were nervous and upset and you
didn't want your daughter to get married.

Isn't that true? How dare
you talk to me like that!

So you decided to do
something, something drastic.

I wanted Peggy to get married.

I wanted her to be happy.

I did nothing to stop her.

Absolutely nothing.
I don't believe that.

Well, I don't give a damn
whether you believe it or not.

Well, uh, you, uh... You
did fight off this man?

Of course I did.

Did you, uh... did you hit
him, kick him, scratch him?

I guess so. I... What
difference does it make?

Oh, a great deal. There were
no marks on George Thomas.

Well, I told you I... I wasn't
positive he was the man.

Well, you seemed quite
positive the other day.

But Thomas or
not, your... your hair.

Uh, the rapist, did he cut it
before or after you were attacked?

I was knocked unconscious.

When I came to, I... I was
lying naked on the bed,

[Together] and he'd cut my hair.

Did you rehearse those lines?

Because that's exactly the
way you said them the other day.

Exactly. And just
what do you mean?

I mean you lied.

You've been lying all along. There
was no rapist and there was no rape.

You are insane.

Now, you get out of this house,
lady, right now... Get out of this house.

You know, quite often
we cops make mistakes.

Not too often, but once in a
while, and they're real lulus.

We get a call to come
to the fancy part of town,

we find ourselves
taking it easy with people,

people like you, a Grainger.

Sometimes we ignore
the right questions.

Like, why didn't he take that
money, that $60 that was there?

Most rapists, uh, don't pass up a
few dollars if they're just sitting around.

Like, why did the rapist
take the time to cut your hair?

Now, butchering hair,
that's a female thing.

That's something
a woman would do.

Like, why didn't we, we the police,
take you right down to headquarters...

to see if there were any skin
fragments, any blood under your nails?

Oh, you had me buffaloed.

But that was the other
day and this is today.

And now I want the truth,
Mrs. Grainger. The truth.

My daughter.
You were right. I...

I didn't want her
to marry that boy.

But I'd resigned
myself to it, I... thought.


We were supposed to have a
party that night with his parents,

drinks and that sort of thing.

And, well, I didn't have time to
go to the hairdressers, you know?

So I...

I got very nervous and...

And I fixed myself a martini,

and then I fixed
myself another martini.

I don't even drink in
the middle of the day.

A-And then I started fooling around with
my hair, cutting it a little bit, you know?

There's this big mirror
in the bathroom, and...

Oh, I looked so tired.

And I kept cutting my hair and
cutting my hair. I don't know why. I...

My hands were shaking,

and I didn't know
what I was doing.

And suddenly, I started
running all over the house,

just throwing things
and breaking things,

like I was out of my mind.

And then I stopped.

Just stopped and looked
at myself in the mirror here.

And I started to cry.

Then I dug my nails into my
chest till it started to bleed.

Then I tore my robe off.

Then I thought...

how can I face them?

What can I tell
them? What can I say?

They'll put me away.

So that's when you decided to
accuse George Thomas. Is that right?

I didn't think they'd find him.

He wasn't even a person to me.

I didn't even remember his face.

- Does he look familiar to you?
- Sure. The boy who found
Wanda's body.

We checked him out last week.
Nothing. He doesn't even own a car.

What about his parents?

Oh, two Fords and
a Mercury. Red.

[Bill] Listen, you stay here. I'm gonna
get in there, take a look around, okay?

[Dog Barks In Distance]

Hey, what do you
people want here?

[Pepper] Mrs. Kelso? I
said, what do you want here?

We're from the Police
Department, Mrs. Kelso.

Can we come in,
please? What for?

Well, it's about your
son. We'd like to talk to

you about Larry. The
police already was here.

Well, we'd just like to ask a few
more questions, if you don't mind.

Well, it ain't cleaned up yet.

Larry ain't home. He's workin'.
When will he be home, Mrs. Kelso?

Well, he don't tell me what
time he's gonna get home.

Did he tell you about finding
Wanda May Kubelski? Yes.

Did he tell you anything
else about her? Anything? No.

I mean, what else is there
to tell about a girl like that.

Look, my husband's at work.
You come back when he's here.

Did Larry ever say he
ever met this girl before?

He didn't know her. He
just found her layin' there.

Like he said. Like
he told everybody.

Now, if you don't leave, I'm
gonna have to phone my husband...

- Bill, can I see you a minute?
- [Bill] Yeah.

Hey, wait a minute.

I'm callin' my
husband. [Dialing]

[Dialing Continues]

[Dialing Stops]


Let's get in back. Right.

[Clears Throat]

Oh, look at this.

You're gonna get me out of here.
Don't scream. Don't scream. Let go of me.

Shut up. There's no place to go.

They'll find you, and they'll
keep looking for you till they do.

You don't understand. I do.

No, you don't understand.
Now, will you shut up?

I... I will. You want
me to understand you.

You want everybody
to understand,

and they will.

It was you who
led us to the body.

See, I understand.

It was you, Larry.

I just... She was
standing on the corner.

And she was
looking for fun, and I...

We... We picked
her up and then he...

The other guy got in
the backseat, and then I...

Well, he left and I... I said how
about me too? And she said sure.

And I... We drove... We
drove out to the wash, and I...

You see, it was...

I-I couldn't.

And it was important to me.

It was important, and
she laughed at me.

See, she laughed at me and I...

I just... She had a whiskey bottle
on the floor and I... I hit her with it.


I... [Mumbling]

Mama. Mama.

I'm still pure.

I'm still... I didn't...

I didn't do anything to make
you ashamed of me, Mama.

I swear I didn't.

I swear it.

Long day, huh?

Forever. And for what?

We start out with two rape cases and
neither one of them ends up that way.

Well, Pep, that's
what you call irony.

Oh. And irony makes me hungry.

What would you say to
a nice, thick, rare steak?


Well? I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.

[Fingers Snapping] My treat.

Well, that's an upset.

It's true. You do have a
heart as big as a washtub.

And that's not all. What about
these passionate Italian eyes?

Now, William, one
appetite at a time.

First the steak
and then we'll see.

Passion or heartburn.