Police Woman (1974–1978): Season 1, Episode 6 - It's Only a Game - full transcript

Pepper plays a dumb blonde in order to penetrate the inner circle of a major drug ring. Joining Crowley's team is a rookie detective, son of a retired department veteran, who must endure intense pressure to excel from his demanding father.

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Kevin's first-rate. He'd
be good for the unit.

My dad said that you were one of the
most beautiful women he'd ever seen.

[Giggles] For a cop.

Even a moron knows
he's gotta announce!

844 P.C.! Basic
police technique!

Here's the money. And if
you do me one more favor...

Come on, Sergio. I don't
even care about the money.

Will you cut it out?

Police! You're all under arrest!

♪♪ [Disco]

♪♪ [Stops] [Sighs] Phew!


Hey, I was watching.
You're real good.

Thanks. First time here?

First time. You too?


It's a good place to meet.
Me, I'm still looking though.

Pep? Uh-huh?

There, at the bar.

[No Audible Dialogue]

The little one?

He's the one can
take us to the man.

[No Audible Dialogue]

[Loudly] You know
something? This place bores me.

Get lost.

Are you alone?


Me too. So I see.

You want to dance? Why not?


Crowley. Yeah, Lieu?

I made the connection. No, not
the name, but I've got the address.

Square one.

[Pepper] One Union
Square. Not here.

We'll just wait.

This man in the bar, you couldn't
identify him through "R and I," huh?

No. He was a funny-lookin'
little guy, funny mustache.

So sad.

Funny business he's in.
It's a barrel of laughs. Hey.

Where the hell's he goin'?

Hey, Lieu!



Afternoon, Bill.

Hi, Ned. How are you?
How's the old rocking chair?

Look, even if I had one, I
wouldn't have time to sit in it.



I'm sorry, this is Ned
Duffy, ex-Lieutenant

of Detectives. Meet
Sergeant Pepper Anderson.

How do you do?

What he really means is
X-rated. Get it? X-rated? [Laughs]

No time for jokes, huh?

Brunswick was
married? No, he wasn't.

Well, that makes
it a lot easier.

Me, I quit going to
funerals the day I retired.

But Kevin was there, of course.

[Clears Throat] Listen, Duff.
I talked to Captain Peters.

He told me you phoned.

- Kevin's a first-rate cop, Bill.
- Yeah, spoken like
a true father.

You would be good for him,
and he'd be good for the unit.

He just made detective.
He's a little young, isn't he?

Come on, will you? You were two years
younger than him when you joined C.C.I.!

Look, Bill, uh,
Peters talked to me.

He told me you went
over the boy's record,

and you couldn't find
anything that special.

But, see... Okay. Okay. Okay.

So there's nothing
that special so far.

Now, all I'm asking is that you give
him a chance, the incentive he needs.

Would you talk to him? Please?

Okay, Duff. I'll talk to him.

Hey, Joe. Joe Styles,
Investigator Kevin Duffy.

Hi, Joe. Pretty good.

Pete Royster. Hey, how are you?

And over here, we have the
infamous Sergeant Anderson.


Nice to know you, Pepper. It's a
privilege to be working with you.

Thank you.

Well, you might not
think it's such a privilege...

when she stops everything
and, uh, powders her nose.

It's shiny, I powder.

Yeah, but in the
middle of a shootout?

Oh, come on, you
guys. Grab a seat.

I'll tell you what we're up to.

We've been working
with a bunch of Cuban junk

dealers who moved
out here from the East.

They've all banded together
under one guy, one man.

We want to know who
he is, this connection.

The only thing we've been able to dig up
so far is a couple of low-level informers.

Yeah, we've been working
with a guy named Willy Lester.

He's made a couple of small buys for
Joe here. The other one belongs to Pepper.

But we're, uh, keeping him cooled
off in the wings for the time being.

Any questions?

Yeah, I was wondering...

Are they the ones who
blew up Lieu Brunswick?

Maybe. We don't know.

Chances are we may never know.


That's Willy.

How solid is he?

They trust him enough to let him mule
small amounts back to Chicago and Detroit.

But, as a buyer, all
they'll give him is ounces.

So we're gonna duke Styles
in and see what he can get.

He knows we're comin'?
Yeah, he knows, man.

Everything is set? Mm-hmm.

[Giggles] Yes?

Willy, man.

♪♪ [Disco]

Hey, what's happenin',
blood? Mmm.

Come on in, man.

Dig it. I want you to
meet my partner, man.

Sonny, this is Ham
Peters, outta Chicago.

Outta sight. What's
happenin'? Nothin' much.

Why don't you make
yourself at home?

Hey, mama. What's
happenin'? Grab a chair, Willy.

Mmm. The Windy
City, huh? [Chuckles]

How long you two been
knowin' each other?

Off and on, 'bout five years. He's been
takin' care of my situation back there.

But all of a sudden it got warm in the
dead of winter, if you know what I mean.

Yeah, I can dig it.

Yeah, so he's out here
havin' a look at the palm trees.

- You could've done worse.
- I believe you.

How much you wanna buy?

- Three ounces.
- That's too big.

One's the absolute tops. I'm surprised
my man Willy didn't explain that.

Yeah, I am too, Willy boy.


Where's Royster?
Isn't he in on this?

We're keeping Pete
low-key for a while.

[Sighs] My dad, he's
got a real sharp eye.

Yeah? How's that?

He said that you were one of the most
beautiful women that he'd ever seen.

[Giggles] For a cop.

You said that. He didn't.

Well, thank him
for me. That's nice.

He's quite a guy,
isn't he, Kevin?

Duff? He's got his
faults, like everybody else.

But, yeah, he's quite a guy.

Looks okay to me.

How many times
can it be stepped on?

One time, brother.

Next occasion I'm in town, why
don't you see if you can float the quota?

[Giggles] You just bought
yourself the limit, baby.

Oh? What's the matter?
Don't your people trust you?

Look, you gonna swing with
me, man, you deal with ounces.

I can't do you no pounds, even
if you are the big dude from Chi.

[All Chuckling]

Hi. Hi. Hi.

Two coffees, honey. Two coffees?

Yeah. Two.

Well, come on. Don't
keep us in suspense.

He's only an ounce dealer.

- His limit?
- Somebody's limit. And he's
holding to it like glue.

- Anything on Brunswick?
- He's slick.

We don't have
anything on him yet.

Man, this is ridiculous. We've
laid out over a thousand on this guy.

It's a dead end. All we're
doing is buying dope.

Look, let's bust him. At least maybe we
can get him to roll over on his connection.

- When do we go in?
- Right now.

You want me to call Pete? No.
Pete's out. So is Pep for now.

Listen, give Jordan a call.
I want him to go in with us.

That means I'm in.

You're in.

This is your big moment, kid.

We'll go on my signal. You okay?

It's been so long since I've done anything
like this, I've forgotten how to enjoy it.

Can I take the front door?
Think you can handle it?

You bet. You got it.


[Joe] Police officers!

[Cans Rattle]



I don't like it, Bill.

You think they're dealing?
I wish they were dealing.

Why is it every D.A. we get
turns out to be a tower of jelly?

I'd like to know what
the girl's tellin' 'em.

I'm afraid we've
had it, gentlemen.

The defendant claims when
you forced entry to his premises,

no one bothered to announce
you were police officers.

What the hell are you
talking about, Benedetti?

Ask him. Or ask her.

He didn't announce nothin'!

Well, I-I guess... everything
that was happening...

I forgot.

The People versus
Sylvester S. Garrett.

Is the defense ready?
We are, Your Honor.

Are The People ready?

Your Honor, we have a
motion to make before the court.

What's your motion,
Mr. Benedetti?

We move, Your Honor,
that the case be dismissed.

[Judge] For what reason?

[Benedetti] The
arresting officers failed to

comply with Section
844 of the Penal Code.

This case is hereby dismissed.


I'm sorry, fellas.

But unless you comply with the code,
all you do is waste everybody's time.

Yeah, listen. Uh, you want us to
send this dope back to him too?

Maybe we can help him sell it and
send him a check. Is that all right?

Let's go.

Better luck next time, pig.


I couldn't think of
anything stupider than

that! Even a moron
knows he's gotta announce!

844 P.C.! Basic
police technique!

It should be so instilled in your
brain, you don't even have to think.

Any cop who can blow something like
that oughta be shining shoes down on Fifth!

Didn't you ever, just once in
your life, make a mistake, Dad?

No, never! Nothing like that!

How the hell could you
forget to 844 a door?

I guess I was nervous. You
guess you were nervous?

I wanted to get in there before
that guy started flushing the junk...

You announce! Damn
it, you announce.

Will you listen to him?

When he was kicking in doors,
you didn't even have to wear a badge.

It's like brushing your teeth
and putting on your pants!

Look, I'll talk to
you later. Yeah.

Look, I've been teaching you
responsibilities for the past 10 years.

Longer than that...
Since you were a kid.

But after I go beg for
you, I humiliate myself,

you go blow the first
case you're assigned to!

Hey, what's all the
noise? Butt out, Bill.

These things happen, Duff.

It never happened to me. In 25
years, it never happened to me!

Maybe it should have. It might
have been better for both of us.

- Look, he flies
off the handle...
- Yeah, he's real tough!

Hey, Ray, what do you know?

Not enough to keep me out
of trouble. Who's your friend?

New partner.

Pepper says you
can score for us.

Sure. Why not?

Guy's over there waiting for me
in that green and yellow house.

Apples, Pepper?

Uh, celery. Do you
know his name?

Sergio. He's Cuban.
They speak funny Spanish.

[Chuckles] Have you
ever been to Spain, Ray?

In Spain, they think
you talk funny Spanish.

- How much can you buy?
- Pieces.

- What's the tab?
- 450. You want me
to take you in?

First, we want you to make a
couple of small buys on your own.

Half a piece. See how he moves.

See if he has to go trip for the stuff, or
if he's got it right there in his own pad.

When he trusts you, we'll see if we can
get pounds, maybe flush out his connection.

Just as long as you
don't burn me in court.

You won't have to testify.
You've got my word on that.

After you get the stuff,
meet us at the car.

Here's your groceries, Pepper.

What'd they stick
you for the groceries?

$1.90 for that little
bit. You believe it?

Want a peach? Yeah.

Hey, I've got an idea. Yeah?

After we put away our toys, why
don't the two of us have dinner?

Um, no, I don't think so.

Hey, I don't mean candlelight and
wine, if that's what you're afraid of.

I'm talking about a pepperoni
pizza with anchovies and a beer.

Thanks, but, uh, no, thanks.

May I ask why?


[Chuckles] Why?

I try to make it a habit not to get
involved with the men I work with.

Especially the ones I ride with.

Is that Crowley's rule?

No, it's my rule.

Here comes our boy.

See? I'm paying attention
to the job, even if you aren't.

You're right. I'm not.

Uh, look...

Why don't we have that pizza
and beer? Only no anchovies, okay?

Is that all right with you?

Hey, fine.

Is that the woman in you or
just sudden hunger pangs?

Probably a little of both. But
I'll drive myself home, okay?

Oh, pero sí. I mean, who
could ask for anything more?

Almost everybody.

[Scoffs] Yeah.

One, two, three ounces.
We're getting warm, Bill.

Oh, very good.

Where's, uh, old Kevin?
Downstairs in the garage.

Is he parking cars?

Could I have a
cup of coffee too?

How was your date last night?

[Sighs] My date? Mm-hmm.

Mighty Mouse Masters saw you two at a pizza
joint, and the whole place is buzzing.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. Oh,
nothing's sacred anymore.

All right, I'll confess.
We're eloping Saturday.

I was hoping you, Joe and
Pete would be best men.

Saturday, Saturday.

Can't. I got to do
my laundry Saturday.

I'll tell you what, I'll send you
some flowers. I love sweet peas.

The kid likes you.

I like him.

Bill, what's with his father?

What's the real story
between the two of them?

[Sighs] Pep, that's much too
long a story to get into now.

I get the feeling that Kevin
doesn't want to be a cop.

That's pretty severe.

Maybe he's just not sure about all this...
his life, what he wants to do with it.

Did you know the mother?

Yeah. She was a beautiful lady.

I mean, a really nice lady.

But she and the father?

Well, she loved old Duff.

She put up with him, like most
cops' wives. You know about that.

Did she want Kevin to be a cop?

That's an interesting question.

That's my question.

No, as a matter
of fact, she didn't.

Look, can we get some
work done around here?

Yeah, Sergio wants Ray to drive
some junk back from the border.

So it looks like the whole
thing's going wide open.

I told them we had
a serious buyer,

and he said that if I'd mule for
him, he'd move us up into pounds.

Looks like things
are going good.

When's he want you to go?

Tomorrow morning. He wants me to
meet a guy in San Ysidro named Ramirez.


Can you take her with you?

Sure. I've always wanted to
go for a long ride with Pepper.

[Giggles] I hope you're a
good driver. [Speaks Spanish]

Listen, see if you can swing this
Sergio. Tell him she's your woman.

Tell him you can't live from
here to San Ysidro without her.


Bye, Ray.

♪♪ [Classical]


¿Quién es? [Ray] Sergio.

¡Raymondo! Sí.

Ay, negro. Hey,
man, how's it going?

It's always going, one
way or the other. Hi-hi.

Oh, hi-hi-hi-hi to you
too. This is Grace Heller.

Come on in. Ooh, thank you.

Ay, mi dio, papi... Tan bonita.

Ooh, nice. Cariña.

I like the music. The only kind.

Well, I prefer a little with a
beat, you know? I bet you do.

Coming from Havana, you must...

Oh, isn't that cute?
Thank you, but it's not cute.

[On Radio] 456 separate
pieces. 181 actual moving parts.

I wanna talk to you. I was engaged to a
man who had one like this... a real one!

Believe it or not. He bought it
secondhand from his father-in-law.

If you were engaged, how could
he have a father-in-law, huh?

You can be engaged
to a married man, sí, sí?

[Sergio] Oh, yeah?
She's somethin' else.

[Ray] If tomorrow is still on,
I'd like to take Grace with me.

It's good to have a woman in
the car. It cools things down.

Ah, ah, ah, please. Some
of that was just glued.

Oh, I don't know how
you have the patience.

I would never have
the pa... Look, Ray.

Look at this one.
Look at the motor.

What do you say, Sergio? The heat's
off me. Please, that's my favorite one.

[Speaks Spanish] This is a...

I'm sorry. I just picked it up, and it's
not glued on very good. Ay, mi dios.

Take her. Take her,
please. May I have the car?

[Ray] Say, why don't we take a little
detour down the road, just you and me?

[Chuckles] Listen.

You've never had more cops
watching you in your whole life.

We'd never make
it to the turnoff.

Say, when you bust Sergio, why
don't you let me have his toy cars?

[Pepper] Well, you might
have to wait till Christmas, Ray.

We're gonna let this load go through and
see if it takes us to the number-one man.

This is 12-Y-50. Can
you see from over there?

This is 12-Y-52. Roger.

Yeah, we're right on
the 50-yard line, Bill.


Soy Solis. Yo soy Ramirez.

Esta es Grace Heller.

Hasta la vista.

[Speaks Spanish]

[Pepper] Me no speak
Spanish. [Ramirez Laughs]

No me importa. Pasa, pasa.

[Ray Speaking Spanish]
[Ramirez] Sí, sí, sí.

What' are they sayin'? He
doesn't like the new speed limit.

[Ray And Ramirez Speak Spanish]

[Sighs] He thinks
Pepper's a doll. Terrific.

[Ramirez Speaks Spanish]

[Radio Quiets]

Is that thing
workin'? Who knows?

What the hell are they doin'?

What the hell are they
so quiet about up there?

I don't know, Joe. Maybe
they're counting the bread...

or maybe her nose got
shiny again or something.

Ah... [Chuckles]

[Pepper] Well, it's been
very nice meeting you...

and I hope to see you again
soon. [Ramirez] Está bien.

Están viendo. Huh?

They're comin' out.

[Speaking Spanish]

[Speaking Spanish]

[Speaks Spanish] Ciao.


Looks like we
might've hit pay dirt.

I think you're right,
Joe. [Starts Engine]

[Buzzer Sounds]

You never do fasten your
safety belt, do you, Joe?


Sergio just came out.

Five'll get you 10, he's gonna
take that load straight to the man.

Pepper, bail out of here. If
he spots you, we're dead.

[Joe On Radio] Suspect turning west
onto Lookout Road. We're going ahead.

Okay, we got him.

Think the guy's hinky.
He's speeding up.

[Joe On Radio]
Want us to come in?

[Bill] No. He's made
us. Keep your distance.

[Tires Screech]

[No Audible Dialogue]

We blew it!

Make yourself at home, Duff.

You didn't expect me to
wait in the hall, did you?

Oh, no, Duff, not
you. Certainly not you.

Hey, this is a pretty good
report Kevin made out.

A few too many adjectives, but
on the whole, it's a pretty solid job.

How's he doing, Bill?

Well, he hasn't embarrassed you in
the past week, if that's what you mean.

Come on. Where's that
famous Crowley grin? Huh?

I guess I'm just
tired today, that's all.

What was it? A redhead?

You guessed it.
It was a redhead.

He's doing okay.

You know, I get the impression you're
not exactly doing cartwheels over the boy.

I'm not. I said it.
He's doing okay.

Want some coffee? No.


Come on. What's
the matter, Bill?

All right, you don't
have to say it. I know.

You think I was too hard on the
boy the other day, right? Right?


Well, let's put it this way. An old man
still has certain rights over his own kid.

What about the kid?
What about his rights?

Now, what's that
supposed to mean?

Oh, come on, Duffy. You may be
a lot of things, but you're not dense.

You know, I don't think I
like the tone of your voice.

I'm sorry. It's the
way I talk when I...

- When you what?
- When I'm tired.

When you what, Bill?

When I see somebody, a
human being, being crowded,

being suffocated by
somebody else's fantasies.

Suffocated. Fantasies.

Very fancy words, but what do
they mean? What're you talkin' about?

I'll tell you what I'm talkin' about.
I'm talkin' about you and your boy.

I've been thinkin'
a lot about you two.

I realize that that
kid's where he is today,

I mean, here, a cop, in this unit,
not because he wants to be here,

but because you want him to be
here... because you pushed him here.

What parent doesn't push when
he's got the chance, the right?

The right to do what? To turn him into a
hot dog? To maybe see him end up dead?

Nobody's gonna end up dead if
you pay a little attention to him, fella!


It's your responsibility, Sergeant.
It's your job to make him a good cop.

I'll tell you what my
responsibility is, Duffy.

My responsibility
is to run this unit.

Your responsibility was...
was... To leave him alone...

and give him the chance to find
out who he is, what he wanted.

I don't think you ever
gave him that chance!

You know, I used
to like this place.

I used to like it a lot.

Who says cops aren't around
when you really need 'em?

What do you got, Ray? I
got a call from our toy maker.

He wants us to make
another run. Same place?

I think it's a big one.
Word's around that

some of the big Cubano
dealers are in town.

Hey, Ray, what would happen
if you suddenly got appendicitis?

He'd probably ask Pepper to go.

He's been after her since the day he
met her. I guess he digs dumb blondes.

Okay. When we leave here we're gonna
check you into County General Hospital.

Hey, I've already had
my appendix taken out.

So you make medical history.

- Can I go with Pepper?
- No.

- Why not, Bill?
- I want you to go with Pete.

You're afraid I'd blow it.

It's nothing personal, Kevin.

I'm afraid Sergio might've
seen your face when he made us.

That was one split second.

That's all it takes, man, is one
split second. Then you're both dead.

[Speaking Spanish]


[Speaking Spanish] Mm-hmm.

[Speaking Spanish]

[Hangs Up Receiver]

Did he tell you I was
taking his place? Yeah.



Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco,
seis, siete, ocho, nueve...

Yeah, it's all there.

Pure heroin.

I'd say four kilos.

Gracias, señor. And you're
under arrest. Police officer.

Turn around. Put your hands
on the wall. Turn around!



[Joe] Bill said you do
good work. Well, hello, Joe.

Hi-hi. Hi-hi-hi.

Welcome home, with, I
hope and trust, no problems.

No problems,
Sergio. Just take it.

Oh, nice. You've done
a fine job, both of you.

Where's the dinero, man?

Oh, uh, come,
Grace. I'll get it for you.

Hey, don't touch any of my cars.

- I used to go with a guy who
drove a black one like that.
- Yes, I know the guy.

Hey, come in. I won't hurt you.

As long as you're engaged
to Solis, I won't lift a finger.

Or are you engaged
to Pedro now, huh?

I don't like the way you're
looking at me, Sergio.

All right. Don't worry!

Here's the money... for Pedro.

And if you do me one more
little favor, I'll double yours.

What's the favor?

I think I've been
followed lately. So I

would like you to
accompany me, in your car,

[Sergio On Radio] to a little
place right here in the city.

He's gonna mule
her right to the man.

[Pepper On Radio] Oh, you want
me to carry the package, is that it?

No risk and twice the money.

In case you're stopped.

But, your friend has
to go home. Okay?

I'll ask him. Good.


Here you go. Nice work.

Uh, Sergio wants
me to do him a favor.

Can I borrow your car?

Come on. I'm a good driver.
Let me have your car. Sure.

[Pepper] You listening, fellas?

Same route as last time. We
just turned west on Lookout Road.

Uh-oh, this is it.

4365 Lookout Road.

♪♪ [Humming]

Ooh. [Chuckles]

I caught my purse on the
door. You made it, huh?

Hola, Roberto.


Your bet.

Kevin and I got the front.
You guys take the back.

Nobody makes a move
till Pepper's out of there.

Uh-uh. What's the big hurry?


Oh, Ray'll kill you.

Don't kid yourself.

Come on. Sergio, I don't
even care about the money.

You will later, when
you don't have it.

You'll kick yourself for
missing this fine opportunity.

Cut it out. Cut it out.

I said, cut it out.

Not now, not this time. Stop it!

Let's go.

[Speaking Spanish]

[Continues Speaking Spanish]

[Sergio Laughing]

[Blows Kiss, Laughs]

[Speaking Spanish]

Pep, will you get over here?

Thanks a bunch. What
kept you? A cribbage game?

The guy said stop it...
You should've been there.

Will you get out of here?

[Kevin] Police officers! Open
up! You're all under arrest!

[Kevin] Freeze!
Police! [Gunfire]

Drop your guns!

All right. Throw 'em out.

[Speaking Spanish]
Don't shoot, please.

Go! Get your face down there.

Police officer! Halt!

[No Audible Dialogue]

[No Audible Dialogue]


You're gonna be all right.

Kevin, you're
gonna be all right.

We're going to the hospital.
We'll get you there right away.

The doctors are
waiting for you, Kevin.

[Woman On P.A.] Will the resident
in charge of 59 West call 133 West?


Yeah, Duff?

The doc called, said he
came to. You seen him?

Yeah, he's gonna make it.

That's good. Oh, excuse
my manners. Hi, Sergeant.

That's okay. Hi.

It's funny. I'm a little
afraid to go in the room.

I mean, I can't believe
it, after those reports.

You thought he was gonna die.

That's what I thought.

He almost did, Duff.

Thanks to me? Is
that what you mean?

That's exactly what I mean.

Bill, why...

Now, I remember you
that day at the courthouse.

"You announce," you hollered
at him. "You announce!"

Well, I'm saying it to you again
now, in case you didn't hear me.

You pushed. You push.

You push too damn hard.

He'll never win
any awards for tact.

I never did. He's allowed
to say what he thinks.

Well, do you want to know
what I think, Lieutenant Duffy?

I know your son.

I've gotten to know him pretty
well in the past few weeks.

And he's one of the nicest,
nicest men I've ever met.

And he's good. He's
brave. And you're his father.

And I know that some of those
qualities had to come from you.

At least that's what I
think, Lieutenant Duffy.

Now, if you go in
there to see him,

I bet you're gonna find out
there's nothing to be afraid of.

Thanks, Sergeant.

[Woman On P.A., Indistinct]

How you feeling?

Not too bad. [Scoffs]

Yeah, I know. It only hurts
when you inhale and exhale, huh?

I don't mind telling you,
um, I've been worried.

I guess I'm the lucky one.

I mean, for a few days, I
didn't know what was going on.

Look, son.

Look, if-if you want to
take a leave of absence...

You know, to think?

Or if you want to quit
and go back to school...

Hey, remember you used to talk about
going to law school sometimes? Huh?

I'm kind of groggy now, Dad.

We can decide...

You'll decide.

All right.

[Woman On P.A.] Callahan,
Dr. Callahan. Call 156.

Oh, there you are.
I just phoned in.

We got a whole hour
off. Wanna eat? Okay.

You were pretty hard on him.

It was the way I felt.

I mean, you were right,
but you were pretty hard.

Yeah. How many
times you have to say it?

Twice is enough. [Sighs]
I'll phone him tonight.

And be less... You know.
I'll be exactly the way I feel.

[Dings] Okay.

They got a pretty good cafeteria
downstairs. [Clears Throat]

They serve a lunch for $1.10.
Is that some sort of invitation?

What's the matter? Haven't you ever
been propositioned on an elevator before?

Not for $1.10, no. But who could
resist such natural charm? I accept.