Police Woman (1974–1978): Season 1, Episode 4 - Seven Eleven - full transcript

Pepper goes undercover and impersonates an airline stewardess who is a link in a complex heroin smuggling chain.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it - foodval.com
Are you telling me the money
came from the sale of narcotics?

- How much trouble am I in?
- You're in a lot of trouble,

Police officer! Freeze!

It finally penetrated
my thick skull...

that I could go to jail forever
for what I'm doing for you.

It'd pay you to be friendly.
You know what I mean?

Yeah. It means you're a pimp.

There are about 400 other policewomen
who can follow orders if you can't!

What kind of stewardess
carries a gun? Who are you?

[Man] That's not Gloria Hendrix.

[Dog Snarling]

[Cat Meowing]

[Cat Screeches]

[Rapid Footsteps]

Hestor. I bet you
thought I wouldn't make it.

It hurts so bad.

You're gonna be all right.
You know that, Hestor.

Uh, I got it.

7... 11.

Is that an address?

It's... plane.

What's plain, Hestor?




[Tires Screeching]

How you doin'?

Okay. [Car Doors Closing]

You know, that could've
been you instead of Hestor.

Now, what the hell are you
doin' down here by yourself?

- My job. Why?
- Look, if you want to solo,

I'll get you a job directing
traffic down at Sixth and Hill.

Now, there are about 400 other policewomen
who can follow orders if you can't.

Who do you think you
are? I was at home.

She called and wanted
to meet me alone.

Now, she is my snitch and didn't want
company along. That's the way we worked.

Are you getting my message?

I'm sorry. I've
felt better, Bill.

Remember, Pep, it's just a job.

What did she have, Pep?

She heard about a big
shipment of junk coming in.

- When?
- Tomorrow.

She works for Hummel...

She worked for
Hummel Construction.

He's a social conscience
type, hires ex-cons.

Her husband's one.
He works there too.

He overheard a lot of
talk about a shipment,

passed it on to her, and she
was trying to pass it on to me.

What's Hestor's old man's name?

Willie Roper.


♪♪ [Blues]

- Yeah?
- [Pepper] Mr. Roper?

Mm-hmm. Sergeant Anderson.

Oh, yeah. You're a friend
of Hestor's. Just a minute.

Investigator Joe Styles.

[Laughs] Investigator
Joe Styles.

You must be a friend
of Sergeant Anderson.

Oh, this is a friend of
mine. An old friend of mine.

- Came by to see me.
- Hestor's dead.

- How? O.D.'d?
- Somebody shot her.

- I thought you'd like to know.
- Did they get him?

- Not yet. What about that information?
- What information?

Hestor phoned me that you
overheard something about a shipment.

She said wrong or you heard wrong, 'cause
I don't know nothin' about no shipment.

You sure about that?

Try and prove otherwise, nigga.

Here. See that she
gets a decent headstone.

She earned it.

And make sure
that's how you use it.

Man, she's a cold chick. "I
thought you'd like to know."

Shut up, damn it,
and pour me a drink.

[Snickers] That's it.

I mean, that's gotta be it.

Anybody home? Hey.

What, are we going somewhere? No, we
figured out what the Roper woman meant.

She wasn't saying, "It's plain,
man." She was saying, "It's a plane."

We checked it out.

Yeah, 711 is a weekend special.

Flies down from Vancouver
Friday nights; deadheads till Sunday.

Organized Crime Information
at the airport came up with this.

Frankie Conray, a.k.a.
Frankie Royal. Hey.

Oh, he was the one in the
French slammer, isn't he?

Paroled three months ago.
Been traveling ever since.

He's been a repeat passenger
on 711... flight from Vancouver...

Four times in the
past two months.

Do we cut the fed
narcs in on this?

Uh, no, I don't
think so. Not yet.

I mean, it might not go. He could
be here without the stuff this trip.

Could be just for a meet.
Know what I was thinkin'...

I thought I'd have Customs lay
down a special search tomorrow.

- But not just his bags. Everybody's.
- Good.

[Woman On P.A.] Mr. Manuel Segaris,
please report to the information desk.

Mr. Manuel Segaris.

Okay, he made it through clean.

You two take the point.

You on him? Right.

They look like button
men to you, Bill?

I don't know. Must
be from out of town.

[Engine Starts]

All right! Hold it right there!

Against the wall.

You tailed Mr. Royal
from the airport.

We kept an eye on your car.

You know, Pete, he doesn't
sound like a crook to me.

I detect traces of "Hahvahd."

Harvard? What? Are they
turning out crooks these days?

[Man] What were you doing?
[Crowley] We were doing our job!

You thought. That's
right, Fred. We thought.

Do you want an apology? No, I
just want... [Continues, Indistinct]

Hey, Sarge. How did
the feds get in on the act?

Well, it seems Mr. Royal
had a change of heart.

He's been flying in periodically
to talk to the fed narcs.

They want him to appear
before a secret grand jury.

I could have briefed you
on Royal's status, Bill.

This, uh... [Clears Throat]

fiasco only proves that we
should keep in closer touch.

Yeah, Fred, you're
absolutely right.

You hear what he said?

A fiasco. You hear that?

[Doorbell Rings]

Hi. Hi, Pep.

Hey, Pep, we got your message.

Want some coffee? Cream only.

Yeah. Two sugars.

We've, uh, just been
out checking the hypes,

and they're happy hypes.

All that good stuff
just hit the streets.

Hestor called the shot.

Well, I've been
doing some thinking.

It has occurred to me that there were other
regulars on that flight besides Royal.

Like who? Like the crew.

The crew? Well, why not, Bill?

I mean, those cats just waltz through
Customs with all that good stuff.

It's not that easy, Pete.

Hey, uh, maybe they
just boogalu through.

All right. I never said that.

Look, we'd have to put a
tail on all six crew members.

That means six squads.
That's 26... 24 investigators.

What do we need 24 investigators
for? Why not just one to start with?

- Who?
- Pep, when you were growing up,
did you wanna be a stewardess?

- No.
- Good. You'll learn to love it.

We'll put you on 711
as an extra girl... trainee.

That's not a bad idea. I mean,
what have we got to lose?

What does he mean, "we"?

[Passengers Chattering]

Watch out for the
old goat in 17-B.

Oh, you mean the
pincher. [Laughs]

Nobody knows where
the wild goose goes.

One more hour and
sunny... I hope... California.

By the way, where are you from?

Uh, Winnipeg. Hi.

Hi, Matt. Hi.

You're both invited.
We accept. To what?

Cap's throwing a party for
Sherry right after we land.

One of our stews back in coach.

She's, uh, leaving us to marry
a rich Texan. You'll come?

- Love to.
- Good.

[Buzzer Buzzing]

Ugh, 17-B. Uh-oh.

Better put on my iron pants.

Oh, by the way, if I didn't
say, welcome aboard, Eve.

Oh, thanks, Gloria. [Chuckles]

Good luck. Thanks.

♪♪ [Up-tempo Jazz]

[Matt] And a ginger ale.


You've got to.

Thank you. You sure I can't
get you something stronger,

like maybe a root beer?

[Laughs] This'll
be fine. Cin-cin.

Let's not forget the
rest of the anatomy.

Oh, here comes Gloria.

Hi, troops. Having fun? Hi.

Well, we're building
to it. Lots of it.

Honey with the daydreams.

- Wrong. I only
dream at night.
- At night.

Hey, how about a
drink? No, I don't think so.

I don't really feel like partying.
I'm getting this migraine.

I think I'm just gonna go on into the
hotel, and I'll see you guys later, okay?

Sure. Okay.

I'll be right back.

[Woman On P.A., Indistinct]

Gloria, I want to talk to you.

Matt being a lech?

I'm a police officer.

I want to see what
you've got in the bag.

Are you crazy? What have
you got in the flight bag?

Nothing. Nothing.
See for yourself.

Open the door!

I'm not playing any games,
Gloria. I want the junk.

[Gasps] You don't
have anything on me.

Gloria, believe me. We know
every move you've made.


Will somebody inside
there please open that door!

How much trouble am I in?

Open this door,
or I'll call the cops!

You're in a lot
of trouble, Gloria.

Now, we'd like to
help you if we can,

but it's only possible if
you cooperate with us.

I'll tell you something.
We're not interested in you.

You're just a little fish to us.
We're interested in the big sharks.

Do you understand?

[Gloria] There
was this passenger.

I met him on an
overnight to Montreal,

and we became... intimate.

And then I woke up
one morning in a motel...

terribly hungover,

and I think now I was drugged.

And he had taken some
photographs of me the night before.

You should've
gone to the police.

I thought about that.
But he gave me a choice:

either a thousand
dollars per delivery...

or those photographs thumbtacked
to the bulletin board at Air Flight.

So you took the thousand bucks.

Well, he said there was no risk.

If I tell you everything I know,
I mean, that'll help, won't it?

All right, Miss Hendrix, want to tell
us who you make your deliveries to?

I don't know.

I put the bag in
an airport locker,

and then I put the
key with Scotch tape...

in the slot of a cigarette
vending machine, and that's it.

And then I leave. You mean,
you've never even seen each other?

- No.
- Come here.

[Door Closes]

Now, look, I know
what you've got in mind,

but somebody in this
town's gonna know her.

Maybe not. She was
recruited in Vancouver.

I'll be wired. If the roof falls
in, you'll be the first to know.

Okay. But first we cut the junk down
to 10 percent and make the switch.

Then you're on your own.

[Woman On P.A.] Pan Pacific Airlines
Flight 29 is ready to board at Gate 32.

Wrong locker.

[Sighs] Key to the right
one'll cost you $10,000.

Who are you?

You know who I am.

Listen, I'm just a messenger,
ma'am. I don't have any $10,000.

Whoa. I'd stay
put if I were you.

Well, I guess there's
no point in it, all right.

If I don't show with the goods,
they'll think I crossed them.

[Pepper On Radio] Why don't you
just tell them to give me my 10,000?

Where's she wearing
it? Two guesses.

It's not that easy. There's
only one way to contact them.

Show me.

[Messenger On
Radio] Okay. Come on.

[Woman On P.A., Indistinct]

It's a drop. A drop?

Yeah, a place I leave the stuff
to be picked up by someone else.

I don't meet him,
and he don't meet me.

My only connection is a voice on
the telephone that tells me what to do.

This guy is a dead end,
just like that Hendrix girl.

Either that, or he's
a hell of an actor.

[Pepper On Radio] All right,
we'll leave a note with this drop,

telling them what I want
and where to find us.

By the way, what's your name?

Oh. H-Harold. Harold Miller.

Hi, Harold.

[Miller] Where do we meet?
[Pepper] I said we'd be on the terrace.

Pete. Right.

- You married?
- Oh, this? No, not really.

My wife left me.

She took the kids.
What happened?

I got into this trouble.

I began to blow up. Too much.

I couldn't tell her about it,

'cause she thought it was
another woman. What was it?

[Miller] What it
always is... money.

My partner and I, we had this
little factory... marine equipment.

Things started to fall apart,

started to go under.

We needed bread bad, so I
borrowed from this loan shark.

Dumb? Dumb.

[Miller] Yeah.

Well, what do you know?

Scrap Iron Simpson.

Who you mean? The fighter?

They should've called
him Canvasback.

Great left hook. Glass jaw.


I already paid that twice on interest
without even denting the principal.

Why don't you just
tell him to get lost?

Yeah, my partner tried that.

He died while
crossing the street.

Said it was a hit-and-run.


A couple of weeks
later, I get this phone call.

They told me if I run this errand
that they'll forget the principal.

[Miller] Look, want
some friendly advice?

I mean, you don't know
me, and I don't know you.

Forget the money. Get out of
this. Get away. It's a nightmare.

And tomorrow's a blur... maybe.

Why don't you? Get out?

I told you before...
Already hooked into it.

There are times when I wake up in
the middle of the night, and I'm sweatin',

and I'm thinkin' about the day
I'm gonna sing to that grand jury.

Someone at the bar would like to
buy you a drink. Gray suit, striped tie.

Oh, no. Not you, my man.

Why don't you stay here with
me and sort of enjoy the breeze.


You're Gloria.

He says. And she says, "Fly me."


Want a drink? No,
I'm here on business.

What can I do for you, Gloria?

You can listen to
me very carefully.

It finally penetrated
my thick skull...

that I could go to jail forever
for what I'm doing for you.

So I decided I might as well
be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

You're trying to
rip us off, Gloria.

Not at all. I think
10,000 is perfectly fair...

for a delivery
worth two million.

"Street price," I
think, is the phrase.

[Man] Street price, huh?

Are you sure you're a
stewardess? Mm-hmm.

And my boyfriend's a
pilot. Hong Kong run.

He keeps hearing a
lot about big money.

Big junk money.

Well, we're close to it now,
and we want some very much.

Somebody's gonna do it.

Are you forgetting about those
pictures they took of you in Vancouver?

I understand they
weren't exactly art studies.

Well, why don't you have a set
made up for each of my friends...

and an 8-by-10
glossy for my mother?

You're puttin' me on.

It pays to advertise.

You sold me, Gloria.

Well, that was just the come-on.

Now I've got the
real good stuff for you.

Yeah. Go on.

The junk comes from Marseille.

I could transfer to
Canadian Overseas.

My boyfriend figures
somebody like you... and I...

could make the pickup at the source
and eliminate the middleman in Vancouver.

I got a suite here.

Let's go there and
talk this all over.

Love to. Yeah?

After I get my money.

All right.

I want you to stay right here.

Don't go away. Mm-mm.

Thank you.

Tony Bonner? Himself.

Condominiums are
the coming thing.

I'm starting another
Rosewood tomorrow.

Why don't you go public, Lester,

so that we all can
get a yacht like this?

[Men Laughing]


Oh, excuse me, will
you, Judge? Certainly.

- Have a good time.
- Yes. Thank you.


Did I tell you that you are the most
gorgeous thing I have ever seen?

I don't like it. It's the first
time anyone's gotten to you.

But we could use her.
She's a very smart girl.

Did Miller meet you too?

No. Just Simpson.

Listen. Miller...
He's gettin' nervous.

All right, mention
that to Simpson.

He's the one that
mentioned it to me.

By the way, this stewardess...
She's a very foxy chick.

You know, you're
giving me ideas.

Giving you ideas?

Privileges of rank, Tony.

Oh. Miller will have to go.

Here... 10,000.

Tell her she gets the
other half after delivery.

When things quiet down, I
want you to bring her aboard.

Maybe after you talk to her,
you'll agree with me that she's...

Tony, we'll see...
after I interview her.

All right.

It's all set. Meet you
out front in two minutes.

Big yacht. Don't know who
he contacted. Went below.

But the tub belongs
to Lester Hummel.

Willie Roper works for Hummel
Construction. Coincidence?

Maybe. Let's just run Hummel
through Criminal Intelligence.


Okay, we'll be right behind you.

Aren't you forgetting something?

You get the other
half when you deliver.

What kind of a
stewardess carries a gun?

- Who are you? Talk!
- Don't hurt her.

It's not her gun! Hold it.

It's mine.

You oughta thank me for
making him put it in my purse.

It was making a bulge in his
sweater a cop could spot a mile away.

What if I got
busted or somethin'?

[Sighs] All right. Pick him up.

That's for messing up my hairdo.

- I'm sorry.
- [Pepper] You should be.

- [Bonner] Later?
- Maybe.

Thanks for bailing me
out with those creeps.

Who are you?

Name, rank and serial number.

[Miller On Radio]
Are you the police?

[Pepper On Radio]
That was just a joke.

[Miller] That gun was no joke.

I told you I'm down here on
business. Serious business.

Now, maybe I've
seen too many movies,

but I thought I oughta have a
gun to protect myself, if necessary.

[Man On Radio]
Information from Intelligence.

Hummel, Lester.
Charged, labor racketeering.

New York City, 1959. Acquitted.

Charged, embezzlement. Construction outfit,
Chicago. Dismissed. Lack of evidence.

His company,
Hummel Construction,

borrowing three million from the
Truckers' Alliance Pension Fund, 1974.

[Sirens Wailing On TV]

[Horn Honks]

[Woman On P.A.] Trans American
Flight 101 from New York City...

is now arriving at Gate 14.

[Woman On P.A.] Will all members
of the Williams Travel Club...

please assemble in
the Captain's Lounge.

[Woman On P.A.] Mr. Joseph Styles,
please report to the information desk.

Uh, could you, uh,
wait here just a second.

I have to, uh, get some tissues.

Hummel? Lester Hummel.

Yeah, I know him.

In fact, I tried to hit
him up for a loan.

He, uh... He turned me down.

Then, out of the clear blue sky,

your friendly neighborhood
loan shark called you.

Yeah, he said that...

Do you mean to tell me that
Lester Hummel put him up to it?

Man. Who would've believed it?

[Miller On Radio] How do you
know all this about Lester Hummel?

[Pepper] I did my homework.

I take it from here. You two
go with him. I'll meet you later.

Give me the bag. Oh, no.
This deal is strictly C.O.D.

Until I'm paid, I stay
with the merchandise.

Give me the keys. Come on.

Thank you.

Hey, George, I'm with you.

Yeah, I'll stick with Pepper.
You two take Simpson and Miller.

[Engine Starts]

♪♪ [Funk]

What'll you have?

Ya got a clean glass?

What are you... a health nut?

Give me a bourbon
and branch water.

♪♪ [Continues]

Where are we going?

Just walk straight ahead.

Hey, he's gonna dust him.

Police officer! Freeze!

Drop the gun.

Drop it! Drop it!

Turn around! Turn
around! And slow, buddy.


No, no, no, no! Don't
shoot him! We need him!

[Dog Barking]

[Dog Snarling]

Hey, Pete, better
call an ambulance.

Mr. Miller, we're
gonna have an ambul...

Hey, Pete, better
make that the coroner.

We being stood up, lover?

♪♪ [Funk]

Give me a shot of
tequila. Give me a beer.

He's still got the
flight bag. Mm-hmm.

Joe, see if he
stashed it in the head.


He still has it. I think he's
setting up a meeting now.

Maybe he already did.
You mean with him?

♪♪ [Continues]

Let's go.

I got bad vibes about
Old Mustache there.

I think I'll hang out with him.

Hang tough. Drop a dime
when you get the chance.

Where are we goin', lover?

Back to the marina.

The marina? Why
all that jazz at the bar?

S-1. [Dispatcher] Go ahead, S-1.

I'm requesting
backup units, stand by,

vicinity of the Marina del
Sol restaurant parking lot.

Tell 'em to await my signal
before entering the lot.

Also, have another unit meet Royster,
assist in the surveillance of the bar.

- Where to now?
- [Bonner On Radio] Dig Yachts?

I don't believe it. Hummel wouldn't
take that junk aboard in a million years.

Doesn't make sense,
unless the meet's at sea.

George, call in and have the
Harbor Patrol stand by with a boat.

Then have them move the troops
up to here. And quietly. Let's go.

That's it. You're about
to meet the connection.

He wants to talk to you about
this Marseille idea of yours.

Well, what about the
other half of those bills?

He'll give them to you. Oh,
and, uh, he's kind of a swinger,

so it'd pay you to be friendly.

You know what I mean.

Yeah. It means you're a pimp.

Hey. Ouch!

Guests coming aboard.

Cap'n, this is Gloria Hendrix,

the little stewardess that's
getting into so much trouble.

Well, she may be worth it.
Nice to meet you, my dear.

- You're a beautiful
young woman.
- The word is determined.

I know you want to
talk about your Marseille

idea, but you've had
an exhausting evening.

Now, why not go down
below to my cabin, freshen up.

I'll be down in a little
while, and we'll... talk.

Tony, I don't know who your friend
is, but I've seen the photographs.

That's not Gloria Hendrix.

This is Sergeant Anderson coming
to you from Wet Lips' boudoir.

I have already performed above
and beyond the call this evening.

Tony, help cast off, will
you? I'm short of crew. Yeah.

[Engine Running] He started
the motors. Bill, come on!

[Engine Stops] What happened?

- I don't know. He killed the
engine. Mike, what's wrong?
- All right, freeze.

- Police officer. You're under arrest.
- What's the meaning of this?

What's your charge anyway?

Thanks, lover.

Mr. Bonner is investing
in one of my projects.

Free enterprise, I
believe it's called.

I don't think anyone's
passed a law against it yet.

I'd appreciate your
uncuffing my mate.

♪♪ [Funk]

And I want your badge number.

4983. Sergeant William Crowley.

Well, Sergeant Crowley, I'm
sure it's been an honest mistake.

I think an apology
will be enough.

Police officer. I
want to talk with you.

[Grunts, Groans]

You ain't goin' nowhere.

This is hardly what
you'd call our best night.

Hummel's clean, and
we lost Harold Miller.

Lost him? Yeah, shot.

[Joe] Probably the same
guy that dusted Hestor.

But they're
interrogatin' him now.

Come on, Pep. Let's go.

[Pete On Radio] S-2
to S-1. Come in, S-1.

Yeah, Pete?

You'll find nothin' in that
flight bag but bread, Bill.

Yeah, so what else is new?

Well, Bonner made
the switch in the john.

We got Old Mustache,
and I got all the good stuff.

Nice goin', Pete.

Listen, call in the office.
Tell them what's happenin'.

We'll take the boat.
Come on, Pep. Let's go.

9-Y-51 to 9-Y-90.

Can you believe it? [Laughing]

Bonner, you're under arrest.

For what?

We know all about the
switch you made in the head.

I gotta inform you
of your rights...

It's gonna be a short swim.

[Siren Wailing]

Sergeant, are you telling me that the
money Bonner wanted to invest with me...

came from the sale of narcotics?

That's a terrible thing.

Does that mean the sergeant
doesn't have to apologize?

I'd like to search your boat.

All right. So there's
no further doubts.

You want to search? Be my guest.

Let's humor the little lady.

What were you going to
do with me, Mr. Hummel?

A little fun and games before I
got the Harold Miller treatment?

[Laughs] Oh, come
on. That's nonsense.

Although I grant that Bonner said he was
gonna bring along some swinging stewardess.

Who expected the rest of
her payoff for delivering junk.

Still nonsense.

You thought with your big
yacht and all your money...

that I'd succumb
to your manly...

Manly charms?


So what? Some torn bills.

With serial numbers. How unpleasant for you
if they match those that Bonner gave me.

- That was an illegal search.
- Oh, it was perfectly
legal, man.

You gave your consent.
I can even quote you.

"Be my guest. Let's
humor the little lady."

I just didn't know you
had that much humor.

Evening, Bill. Nice bust, huh?

Well, it's not much by your
standards, Fred. Just six kilos.

- Why didn't you cut us in?
- Well, I would have, Fred,

but it looked like it was gonna turn
into a... well, I don't know... a fiasco,

and I didn't think you fed narcs
should be involved in anything like that.

You know what I
mean? Appreciate it, Bill.

Honey with the grin.

Yeah, how about that?