Mila in the Multiverse (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

- There's another universe, Mom?
- Many others!

Today, our operation takes its first step

toward our ultimate goal.

Mom, do you know what day it is?

Good morning, Principal Verônica.
Hi, Domênico.

- It's your birthday, right?
- Congrats.

- Thanks.
- Now go back to class, okay?

The value of the volume…

I have a surprise for you.

Mom, is everything okay?
Is something wrong?

Maybe she hit her head?

I don't know, girlfriend.
The woman's going crazy.

You know what it is?
Something from the lab.

No, no, no! What did I do?

Where am I? Mom, what's happening?

A communicator in the commons, Ludmila?

Bóris? I need that to go back home.

- Hold on. You know each other?
- I know him. You, not so much.

Sorry. It's just tea. Again, right?

You spilled my tea and thought
it was acid. In another universe.


Tell me. How do you know
what happened in the other universe?

Me? I don't know anything.
You're the one who knows.

No, no, no. Hang on!

The only thing I know is that my mom
created a device, and I ended up here.

Well, there you go.
That's plenty of information, isn't it?

No. It's not!

Whose hand is this?

What? Yours.
It's attached to your arm. It's yours.

No! This isn't my body.
I switched bodies with Mila.

So she's in my body, in my universe.

Is that right?

Listen, Mila.

Don't overthink it
or you'll lose your mind.

Trust me. Been there, done that.

Time for class. See ya. Good luck.


No, no, no. Wait!

Pierre. Pierre, please.

I need your help.
You're the only one who gets it.

Quiet, Ludmila. Shall we start?

All right, today we're going to talk
about plant communication.

One of the institute's
most fascinating topics.

No organism is more important
than another.

They all have a voice.

And they are part of a living network
in constant communication.

Can I start, Professor?

Vinícius has been researching this subject
for a year and a half now

and today he's sharing with us.

Absolute silence, please.
You can hit the lights.

This sound that we're hearing

is a conversation between the plants
in this greenhouse.

The most recent theory suggests

that every plant in the world
communicates this way.

It's like a large interconnected organism.

They talk to each other
about nearby pests,

or diseases, or things like that.

Wow, how incredible! I never…

That's an interesting idea.


Pierre, you said you'd help me.


No. I didn't say anything.

Please, Pierre.

Something happened to my mom.
She's running from someone.

- I need to find my POLLEN...
- Stop!

Enough! That's enough.

Promise that if I tell you
what I know, you'll leave me alone?

Okay. Cross my heart.

Okay. You have until the next bell
to ask me everything you want.

- After that, no more. Deal?
- Deal.

First off, why is everyone
sporting fanny packs?

Seriously? That's your first question?


Come here.

This is an alchemical institute.

You start at age 11

and everyone expects you
to leave here an alchemist

or something like that.

Jeez, isn't this dangerous, though?
Don't parents complain?

Their parents probably studied here too.

And the institute's a boarding school.
You're here until you turn 18.

Lots of science and absent parents.

Now I see why my mom
chose this awesome universe.

Was that a question? Do I have to answer?

No. No. My question is,

how many universes are out there?

And how do you know all this?

There are infinite universes.

I know all this
because I'm in all of them.

All of them? How are you in all of them?

It was an accident.

Kinda like this.

In another universe,
I witnessed an astronomical event.

I had no idea it was a super rare event…

a point where all the universes
in the multiverse converged.

All of the consciences,
of all the Pierres, also converged.

And I became one.

Living in infinite bodies,
in infinite universes,

existing as one.

- At the same time?
- At the same time.

It's pure chaos, and I already have
to deal with umpteen lives.

It takes a toll on me.

So, I'm sorry, but I can't help you.

The last thing I need right now
is more on my plate.

- That bell again!
- All right! Bye, Mila.


Pierre, Pierre, wait.

- One last question.
- No, time's up. Bye.

How do I talk to my mom? Call her?

Communicators are forbidden here.

- Can you please stop following me?
- Wait!

- How do I talk to her?
- Another question?

Ugh, Pierre, help me!
How do I talk to her?

I don't know. Talk with your mouth.
You're not making any sense.

But how do I talk to her
if I don't know where she is?

I've already told you a hundred times,
she's a teacher here!

- We're going to her class now.
- Pierre, you never said that.

Really? I thought I had.

Well, there you go. Bye, Mila.

- Luiz, you have to turn it off.
- I swear I didn't mean to…

But five times, Luiz?
You need to pay attention. Please.

Ludmila, please come in.

Of course, her again.

Excuse me, Professor,
but isn't this my… Elis Olena's class?

Yes, of course, but she's still on leave.

So today I'm going
to demonstrate how to handle the controls.

Actually, I'm not.

Today, our expert's daughter is going
to give the demonstration.

Ludmila, please.


No big deal, just increase the intensity.
That'll do the trick.

Go ahead.

Do I move these?

What's the matter with her?
She's handled the furnace since… forever.

Go on, Ludmila.

We're all here for you.


Class is dismissed.
That's enough for today.

Thanks, Professor.

She could have blown it up.

Ludmila, a moment, please.

You almost blew up the furnace.

What were you thinking?

Sorry, Professor. You see, my mom…

Your mom is a professor at this institute
and our alchemical fire expert.

She would be extremely embarrassed
if she saw what you did today.

I know.

I need to go to my office now.

Transmute this.

You can go now.


Ludmila! What are you doing here?

You know the teachers' wing
is off-limits to students.

Bóris, I need my device back, please.

- This story again, Ludmila?
- It's true, okay? Listen to me.

My mom's office was broken into.
I think she was kidnapped.

You'd better not be lying to me.

Come on.

- Principal?
- Dean.

- Can I help you, Bóris?
- Pardon me, Dean.

It's just that this student, Ludmila,
came to me to report

that Professor Olena's office
was broken into and I thought…

And what is a student doing
in a professor's office?

My point exactly.

Her office looks like this
because Dr. Olena

loves to ignore safety protocols
for her experiments.

She's now in a more suitable laboratory.

Okay. That explains it. Thank you, Dean.

Let's go, Ludmila.

- Bóris, wait.
- Ludmila, right now!

Bóris, I know she's lying, okay?

- My mom, she…
- Ludmila, that's enough!


It's one thing to say this to me.
But to the dean?

I'm warning you…

I'm warning you for your own good, okay?

You'd better knock it off.

I added another feature.

Now it can even cut beryllium wire.

Why would you need to cut beryllium wire?

Who knows? It could come in handy someday.

Juliana, she's staring at you again.

Ignore her.

It's impossible. Look at what she's doing.

Being raised by that nutcase,
no wonder she's off.

Living with your parents past 11
is just weird, you know?

Keep running!


Chill, I just want to help.

Help? Help? Help?

Help how? Help?

Help? Help? Help how? Help…


There's a breathing pattern my mom
taught me for when I'm really upset.

It goes like this, here…

Inhale for three.

One, two, three…

Then exhale for eight.

Two, three…

There, keep going.

Inhale again.

One, two, three.

That's it.

Feel the weight of your body in the chair.


It seems silly, but it helps a lot.

Juliana! What are you hiding?

Pierre, sorry for everything, okay?
And good luck with your umpteen lives.

Me? Nothing.

Juliana, I know you. Hand it over!

You're overreacting. It's just a project.

- See? It's nothing.
- Nothing? It's contraband.

You know how this goes, right?

You've got to be kidding me.
My pocketknife?



Where are you, Mom?

You know what?

This right here…

Here's the cafeteria.

And I guess here's the furnace.

If the furnace is here, then Bóris' office
should be right around here.


- Hey, forgot how to knock?
- Knock with what?

- You startled me.
- You scared me.

What's up, Pierre?

What you did for me today was cool,
and I was a jerk.

So I come bearing food… as an apology.

Does that make sense?
I thought it made sense…

Yes. It makes total sense. I'm starving.

Okay, how in the world
do you open this thing?

- Dude, that's awesome!
- Convenient, huh?

I hate this place.

But the food is amazing.

By the way, don't tell anyone
I came from another universe, okay?

Not that anyone would believe you.

I don't have anyone to tell anyway.

What's that?

A map of the institute.

No. No it's not. You have, like,
no spatial awareness, do you?

Check it out, this goes here,
this goes here, and there are stairs here.

Here's where I need to go.
That's where the POLLEN is.

The Contraband Room? That's Boris' room.

There's no way.

No one has ever been able
to get a confiscated item back.

- As far as I know, at least.
- But there has to be some way, right?

Yeah, there must be, but it'll be hard.
You can't do it alone.

Don't worry. I'll recruit more people.

My best friend's gonna help me.

Nicely done, class.


Do you see that? In this state,
even when it's very thin,

the material is extremely strong.

- Well done. Great job.
- Thanks.

Nice, Pierre.


Listen, this material is really sensitive
to pressure and heat.

Okay? Explore that idea.

Luiz, away from your eyes!

The material is incredibly toxic.

How are we doing, Ludmila?

I don't know. Am I doing it right?

What do you mean "right"?

What should I do, exactly?

What you're always supposed to do.

Explore the material,
discover new possibilities.

Okay, so am I doing it right?

Keep trying.

Watch your eyes, Luiz.

That's cool.

That stuff, the spiderweb.

It's a microfiber net.
You can cover various materials with it.

I think it's captivating and catchy.

Catchy, get it?

Excuse me, Vinícius? Can I sit with you?


Not to pry or anything,

but is it just me or is there
a vibe between you and that guy?

Am I that obvious?

Yeah. But don't worry, okay?

I'm good with these things.

And he's funny.

Do you have any idea how hard it is
to find a guy who's cute, smart and funny?

You've only had nice things
to say about the guy.

- His name's Felipe.
- Oh, yeah, Felipe.

But you broke up with him?

I had to. It's our junior year.

I need to study. I need to focus.

Wow, you take this place pretty seriously.

Of course. It's the institute.

What's going on here?

Hi, Juliana.
I was telling Mila about Felipe.

Now you both know about
my dramatic love saga.

- Telling Mila?
- Yeah. Sit with us.

No. I'd rather eat over there.

Juliana, wait.

- Bóris took something from you, right?
- My pocketknife. What about it?

How about we get it back?

Head from the lounge to the cafeteria,

pass by the dorms,
then to the Contraband Room.

It's impossible.

I want my POLLEN,
and Juliana wants her pocketknife.

And I want an amazing boyfriend
while getting perfect grades,

but like I said, it's impossible.

You need a passcode for the door,
and only Bóris has the passcode.

What's more, the passcode
also disables a motion detector.

There's no point breaking in or anything.
The alarm will go off.

And to make matters worse, every object
sits on top of a weight sensor.

Any change,

and the alarm will go off.

Wonderful. Now that we know the problems,
all we have to do is solve them.

All? Juliana, help me out here.

- We're in.
- No, we're not, we're not in.

I knew it. Thanks, girlfriend.

I'm not your friend.
But I want my pocketknife back.

Girls, can you not hear me? It won't work.

Without your help, probably not.

But if you help, we'll have a chance.

But this could go on our record.
We could get expelled.

Yeah, we could, but nobody's
forcing you to do anything, okay?

I totally understand
if you don't want to do it. It's okay.


But, Vini, I need it, okay?

I need your help. This is important to me.

I won't force you, but I'm begging you.
Please help me?

The guilt card? Really?

Okay, I'm in.

- Are you happy now?
- Very.

- Okay. Just us three?
- No. Pierre's in too.

- Who?
- Him, over there.

Oh, no. Seriously?

That guy's super weird.

Don't be like that, Ju. He's cool.
He's also going to help us.

Okay, okay, whatever.
And it's Juliana to you.

Let's go.

Welcome, Operator Zero.

Is this the eternal fire?

An inexhaustible source of energy.

Perfect for our objective.

Good work, Operator 37.

Good work!