Mila in the Multiverse (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - É Sério, mãe? - full transcript

When Mila turns 16, she has a strong discussion with her mother, Elis, which is interrupted by the arrival of The Operators, who have been chasing Elis for a long time. She flees upon their arrival, but not without giving Mila her...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Do you mean it, Mom?
There's another universe?

I do mean it. Many others.

Similar to ours, but different.
And each one is unique.

Can we visit them?

When you're older, ask me again. Okay?


I love talking to you. Know why?

- Why?
- Because you know everything.

And I love talking to you. Know why?

- Why?
- Because I love you.

Because of this dimple. And this one…

- Are you hungry?
- Yep.

Mom, what's this thing here?

No! Don't touch that, Mila!

You can't go around
fiddling with everything. It's dangerous.

- What was that thingy?
- A device.

What does it do?

It's not for kids.

Come on. Get up. We have to go. Now.

- Now?
- Now.

Let's go, Mila.

You could have hurt yourself
or someone else.

Sorry, Mom.

Let's go that way.


The peripheral universe is stable.

Normal fluctuation, Zero.
Nothing to report.

Good work, Operator 37.

we celebrate the first purification.

It took months of work,
but the day has finally come.

Today, our operation takes its first step
toward our ultimate goal.

Operation complete.


Congrats, Mila!


You're an old lady now!

Don't go in without me. I for sure
won't be late today of all days!

I want to be the first to give you a hug.
Happy birthday, girlfriend!

Mom, I made a sandwich.




Mom, do you know what day it is?

Mom! Can you hear me?

I made you a sandwich, okay?

Mila, I'm making a sandwich.

Hi, Valdir. I'll have a peach tea, okay?


Hey, Princess Mila!
Happy birthday, girlfriend!

Thanks, Ju.

So, did your mom make you
an awesome breakfast, at least?

Of course not. I didn't even see her.

Happy birthday, Mi!

Thanks, Rafa.

- So you mean I lost our bet?
- Of course you lost our bet.

But I told you! She never leaves that lab.
I doubt she even knows what day it is.

Mila! Happy birthday, darling!

Thanks, Lu.

So, the beach!
My mom's picking us up after school.

- Happy birthday, Mila!
- Thanks, Ju.

Is there anyone at this school
you don't know?

- Come on. Name one person.
- No way.

- Five, four, three, two…
- Okay. Hold on. Hold on! Hold on!

There, there. Him. Him!

The "Frozen lunch box" boy?

Yeah, "Frozen lunch box" boy.

Oh, stop it. Come on. He seems awesome.

- And I won.
- Fine.

Domênico, you're in charge
of the Festa Junina this year, okay?

No problem. I'll make canjica.

But be quick. We have very little time.

Relax. I'm good at this.

- Good morning, Ludmila.
- Good morning.

Good morning, Principal Verônica.

- Hi, Domênico.
- Hi.

- It's your birthday, right?
- Yeah. Yeah, it is.

- Congrats!
- Thanks.

- Cool! Happy birthday!
- Thanks.

Hi, Joana.

Hi, Vanessa. Hi, Domênico.

- Hi. Enjoy your class, girls.
- Thanks.

What do you think?

- You crazy? Being rude to the principal?
- If I'm Joana, she's Vanessa.

- Anyway, the beach is on, yeah?
- Okay. Cool.

- Let me talk to my mom.
- I'm going in.

Hi, Mom. Ju invited me to go to the beach
this weekend. Is that okay?



Hi, Mom. Ju invited me to go to the beach
this weekend. Is that okay?

We'll leave directly from school.
I'll be back on Sunday, okay?

So buoyancy depends
on these three factors. Correct?

The density of the liquid, gravity,
and the volume of the object.

The value of the volume
contained in the buoyancy formula

refers to how much of that volume
is actually inside the fluid.

Or to the volume of fluid
that is displaced.

Go ahead.

May I go to the bathroom?

Here's an example.

If I throw a bowling ball
into a swimming pool, what happens?

Hi, Mom. What's up?

You're in class, right?

- Of course I am!
- I'll be quick.

I just heard your message now.

Okay. Well? Can I go?

I had made other plans for your birthday.

You remembered?

Of course I remembered! Sheesh, Mila.

You really thought I wouldn't remember?
June 15th.

- The best day of my life.
- Day of your life. I know.

I know I've been very busy lately,

but I swear it's for a good reason.

I have a surprise for you.

- Really?
- Really.

We'll need to talk,
because it's something big and important.

Get ready,
because this will be a long talk.

And I promise
it'll be better than any beach.

Can I pick you up after school?

Okay, yeah. Yeah.

Then it's a deal.

- Mom?
- Go ahead.

I'm going to like
having a long talk with you.

Me too, sweetie.

See you in a bit?

Love you.

You know what I'm going to say, right?

I know. No phones in school.

No phones in school.
Especially in the middle of class. Really?

- Sorry, Bóris. It was urgent.
- Why was it urgent?

Because today's my birthday.

- I love birthdays. Happy birthday.
- Thanks.

- Now go back to class, okay?
- Okay. Okay. I'm going back.


Happy Birthday!

I am so curious
to find out what you're getting.

Maybe a motorcycle? That'd be amazeballs!

It would, but I don't think that's it.

She just said
it's something big and important.

Oh, no, no, no.
Maybe you guys are moving to France?

I hate France.

Wow, Ju. Poor France.

This sucks. I can never open these things.

Give me that.

- There.
- Thanks.

My mom's gonna take forever
to get here, huh?


What was that?
Not acid again, right? Was it boiling...

Pierre, relax. Relax, okay?
It was peach tea.

But it's okay.

Oh, no, tea's okay. Tea's okay.

But what do you mean? I don't get it.
What do you mean, "acid again"?

Tea's okay. No. Tea's okay.

Dude, what was that?

- That was Pierre.
- Okay, he's super weird.

Poor guy. He's a cutie, really.

You'd kiss Pierre?

You'd kiss Pierre!

You'd kiss Pierre! You'd kiss Pierre!

Stop acting crazy. Of course not.

You know I'm always on your side, right?

But, today,
you're making some weird choices.


My mom's here.

Hold on. One sec.

Have fun for me!

- We're having brigadeiro branco!
- Stop torturing me.

And the weather report
says sunny days all weekend.

- I hate you!
- You love me.

I love you and hate you.

Have a nice trip.

- And bring me some brigadeiro brancos.
- I will.

Enjoy your surprise.

I'm really glad
your mom remembered your birthday.


- Tell me everything later.
- Okay. Kisses. Bye!


Operator 376?

Mom, is everything okay?
Is something wrong? I don't know, traffic?


Mila, I was just about to call you.

- I am so, so stupid.
- Honey, wait, hold on...

No! I've had it!

- You'll understand it all when I explain.
- No more explanations! I was worried!

"Did she get in an accident?
Was she kidnapped?

Did she have a heart attack?" Anything.

- Please, listen to me!
- Of course not. Obviously!

You were holed up in that damn lab again!

You forgot about me, Mom. Again!

Now instead of going to the beach
with a friend who cares about me,

I'm spending my birthday alone.

I just wanted
one decent conversation with you.

Where you listen to me,
and I listen to you.

Is that too much to ask for?

Why aren't you like you used to be?

Mila. Mila.

Mila, I'll explain everything to you.

Please open the door.

Let me explain, please...

Mila, don't do this!


I knew you'd come back here.

So predictable.

You masked your signal.

It took some work, I admit.

It took me 10 years.

But I always get what I want.

Open it!


Attention. I want her alive!


Get out!

You're not her.

Only the peripheral Elis matters.

The peripheral Elis will need
to come back at some point.

If you see any fluctuation,
notify me immediately.






Have a seat. Eat something.
Look at all this food.

Yeah. I can see that.

So much good food. It's been a long time
since I ate this well.

Want some?

As if! Do you think
cheese is some kind of apology?

- I'm still mad at you.
- At me?

Oh, right. What did I do, again?

Are you out of your mind, Mom?

My birthday!

You left me sitting there, waiting.
I had to walk...

What are you doing?

Nothing. Eggs.

Mom, do you feel okay?

I'm great. Protein is very important.

- Do me a favor?
- Uh-huh.

Pour me some juice.

Since when are you right-handed?

You're using your right hand
for everything.

Yeah. I didn't even notice.

Mom, what's going on?

Mila, have a seat. Eat something.
Look at this!

I love this one. My favorite.

So good.

Then she turned on the shower
and started crying.


Because she was so happy there was water.

No, better yet, hot water.

Wow, really bizarre.

Maybe she hit her head? Or she's sick?

I don't know, girlfriend.

The woman's going crazy.

You know what it is?
Something from the lab.

There's lots of stuff there
that'll drive someone crazy.

You know, yesterday, when I came home,
there was smoke coming out from there!

"POLLEN, paradoxical"…

Thirty-five, seven, nine.

Employed Reg. from 01 to 03
Duplicate Reg. from 76 to 80


Mila, Happy birthday

The best day of my life
I love you

"The best day of my life." June 15th!

No, no, no! What did I do?


Where am I?

Where am I? Hello?

Where am I? Hello?

Where am I?


Where am I?

"Alchemical Institute of São Paulo"?


Mila... Can you hear me, honey?

I have to be quick because my POLLEN…


…another universe...

You've switched bodies
with the Mila from...

Mom, what's happening?

It's so amazing.

I was dying to go with you to...

What? What's going on, Mom?

- You have to go back home.
- No.

Run from the Operators.

- Mom.
- Run from the Operators, honey.

They can...

Who? Mom?

Hold on. Explain. Mom, please...

I love you, honey.

Device is about to break. Soon we'll...

Using a communicator
in the commons, Ludmila?

Bóris? You're here too?

Of course I'm here.

You know very well
communicators aren't allowed.

No. That's not a communicator, okay?
I need that to go back home.


You are home, Ludmila.

No. Wait. You don't understand. My mom...

Your mom has nothing to do with this,
young lady.

- You won't receive any special treatment.
- No, I know that, but...

What's that?

What do you mean, "what's that"?
The bell, Ludmila.

If you keep up these silly games,
I'll send you to the dean's office.

Would you like that?


Ju, do you see where we are?

You? Talking to me?

What? Of course I am.

Wow, your clothes sure are different.
Anyway, come here.

What are you doing, girl? Let go of me!

Geez, Ju.
Why are you talking to me like that?

Ludmila, right?

You must be mistaking me for someone else.

No. Of course not.

Ju, it's me. I love you. Remember?

- Juliana, is everything okay?
- Took you long enough!

The Frozen guy?

My name is Vinícius.

Hold on. You know each other?

I know him. You, not so much.

- What's "Frozen"?
- I have no idea.

Just walk. Don't look back.

What are you doing? What are you doing?
Stop this right now! Silence! Silence!

You know very well
that using the sound wave alternator

is only permitted
outside the institute's walls.

Which is not our current location.
So, please, go outside! Go…

Sorry. Sorry.

Oh, Pierre…

No, it's okay. It's okay.

It's just tea. Again, right?
Remember I thought it was acid?

No, but tea's okay. Tea's okay.



How do you know about the tea?
The other tea?


You spilled my tea
and thought it was acid.

In another universe.