Mila in the Multiverse (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

A communicator in the commons, Ludmila?

- I need that to go back home.
- Home?

Something happened to my mom.
She's running from someone.

I've already told you a hundred times,
she's a teacher here!

We're going to her class now.

Dr. Olena loves to ignore safety protocols
for her experiments.

She's now in a more suitable laboratory.

Welcome, Operator Zero.

Is this the eternal fire?

An inexhaustible source of energy.

Perfect for our objective.

It's contraband.


Here's where I need to go.
That's where the POLLEN is.

No one has ever been able
to get a confiscated item back.

You can't do it alone.

- Bóris took something from you, right?
- My pocketknife.

How about we get it back?


"Operation Otávio."

Who's Otávio?

My pocketknife.

Your pocketknife is called Otávio?

- Is that a problem?
- No, not at all. Beautiful name.

What's "POLLEN"?

- My device.
- You see? And she complains about Otávio.

Pierre, does your toy have a name too?


- Pierre?
- I've already told you.

Of course not. I'm not 12.

Okay, guys. Focus.

We need to get inside the Contraband Room
to recover the POLLEN...

- And Otávio.
- Precisely.

So we need to...

Make sure we're really committing
to this insanity.

- Fine, but let the record show I object.
- It's been noted.

Now, the next thing we need is the code.

Yeah, no code, no entry.
And only Bóris knows the code.

Maybe he wrote it down.

Where? In a diary?

I wonder if Bóris keeps a diary.

Imagine reading Bóris's diary?

We'd better find something else, right?


Let's go, Pierre!

What if we put a mirror over the door
and another one down the hall?

If we angle them just right,
we can see him entering the code.

He'd see the mirror right away.


Guys, guys. What if we found a way
to get Bóris fired?

And then get Vinícius hired in his place.

Then he'll have the code.

What? At least I'm coming up with ideas.

What if we send Bóris a fake note
from the Dean

asking for the code?

What if we put a
sleeping pill in Bóris's water

and ask him while he's asleep?

- No, I have an idea. If we...
- Mila!

Why all this noise today?
Why don't you guys stay quiet for a bit?

Pierre, this is called a conversation.
We're trying to solve the problem.

We can't have a conversation
with less talking?

What a freeloader, he hasn't helped once.

I'm supposed to help?

Why don't you use that material
we made in Domênico's class?

It's sensitive to heat and pressure.

You know, that is a good idea.

We can slip a biocard between the door
and frame and get the code.

And how do we make this card thing?

Biocard. We need lots of materials.

But it's all in Domênico's classroom.

All the professors love Vinícius, right?

So he can handle that job.

- Be both careful and responsible, okay?
- Thanks again, Professor.

No need to thank me.
My mission is to encourage my students.

But keep everything clean and tidy.

- You won't even know I've been here, sir.
- Okay. Have fun.

First time stirring a saline solution?

Large circles. Large.
It has to be homogenous.

No, I know. I know, large circles, see?

- What's this?
- Tungsten polyhydrate.

- But what is it for?
- To increase viscosity!

That's first-year stuff.
How can you not know this?

I do know.

I just forgot.

Is this good?

That consistency is perfect.

That's it?

- It's ready?
- It's ready.

- Well, just need to clean it.
- Pierre, your idea worked.

What idea?

The card.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Okay, now we just slip it
between the door and frame.

I got this.

Bóris, I want to talk to you
about classroom security.

Things are going missing.

Twice now, critical equipment
has gone missing before a class.

Yes. And you're positive
it wasn't a student you'd given access to?

I didn't give any student access.

Unless someone's
taking things without permission...

Of course. I assure you,
the Institute's security is…

Nothing will be misplaced…

Between the door and frame…


Okay. Now Bóris needs to use his code.

For that, he'll need to
confiscate an object.

What are these things?

Some of my best creations.

There's all sorts of stuff here,
but they all have one thing in common…


They're absolutely forbidden
at the Institute.

They'll expel me just for seeing them.

- What's this?
- No, stop!

Don't move.


this is explosive.

Actually, lots of these are explosive.

Great, a hot cup directly on wood?

Why do you even have a saucer?


Ludmila, what are you doing?

What's wrong, Bóris?


How brazen! Using a manual incinerator
in the commons during lunch.

These children…

It's really tricky.

Careful! The biocard is very fragile.



Was it supposed to do this?

- No, it's unstable.
- Run! Go, run!

Where do I put this?

Put it here!

Come on!

- This needs to work.
- It's fading in! Write it down.

- Pencil…
- Write it down, quick.

Anything, hurry…

- Here.
- Cool.

Twenty-five, one, eighty...

Wait. That's Bóris's code?

- Why?
- Because I could have guessed it!

Look. Twenty-five is
the number of professors at the Institute,

One furnace, 88 doors, 99 windows,
54 square meters per classroom.

Okay, that's fine. At least now
we have the code, right?

Next step, weight sensors.


As far as I remember,
the POLLEN weighs this much, give or take.

Ju, for God's sake,
that tiny pocketknife weighs all that?

My name is Juliana.
And that tiny pocketknife's called Otávio.

And it has more features
than a whole toolbox, you know?

Speaking of which,
what does your gizmo even do?

I need it to talk to my mom.

Really? You're doing all this
just to talk to your mom?

Ludmila, I will never understand you.


Now just one more thing,
distracting Bóris.

And getting our things back.

Really, no one has a better idea?

- Do you?
- No.

Stop complaining.
At least you have the easy job.

Easy? I have to become a delinquent!

It's still easier.

Are you ready, Pierre?

Yeah, I'm ready.

Ready to do what, again?

To fight.

Bóris! Bóris!

What happened?

Fighting in the commons!

Fighting? How so? Who?

Go, hurry! They'll kill each other!

What? How? Who?

- You're done, okay?
- No, you are!

Take that! And that!

Ouch! My eye!

Is this a fight?

I think so, but you can be more realistic.


Ouch! Help!

Vinícius, Pierre, what's going on?

- Did it work?
- Of course! Toss it over.

- He started it.
- I never started anything in my life!

- What got into you?
- I'll get you!

Stop! Stop right now!

- Come back here, kid!
- No, no, no! Stop!

I can't believe it broke.

Vinícius, what was that?

As for you lot, let's go…

Nothing to see here.

You're coming with me.

Go. 25-01-88-99-54-37-19…

Slow down, okay?

- Where did you stop?
- At 25! Go back!




These were all confiscated?

Bóris is an extremely busy person.

Look, girl, don't forget.
Don't touch anything. Be very careful!

I know.

Here's yours.

Your "pollen."

- Your pocketknife.
- Otávio.

Otávio, Otávio...

Excuse me.

Let's go, Ju!

Hold on! Wait, don't rush me.

Oh, no…

The door!

Oh, no! Otávio!

Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking.

Simply unbelievable!

Okay. I don't want to see
any more fighting. Understand?

No! Wait, Bóris. Wait!
Weren't you going to take me to detention?

- Just a warning this time, Vinícius.
- No! No…

The Institute's bylaws state,
"Fighting means detention."

Wait a minute, kid,
you actually want detention?

Oh, no, no, no…

- What happened?
- Otávio fell.

- Leave Otávio behind!
- After all this? Of course not!

You said it yourself,
we mustn't break the rules.

What about Pierre? Want me to find Pierre?

Bóris is coming!

- No, Bóris, wait!
- What, Vinícius? Spit it out!


Forget this whole thing,
I have another problem to deal with.

- What are you doing?
- I won't abandon you.

Thanks, but now we're both stuck here.

- No, we have to get out.
- There's no way out.

Then let's hide.

Bóris? Hey, Bóris?

What is it, Vinícius?

I gave it some more thought and I think
I really do want to go to detention.

Can you take me there?

Even better,

go alone, lock yourself in your room,
and stop pestering me.

- No…
- Either that or Dean Verônica's office.

Where was I?

Relax, Bóris…

Just have to start it all from scratch.

- There. Can we hide there?
- Nice one! Go on, climb up!

No, wait!

Go, climb up.

- What are you doing?
- If I can knock this shelf over,

it'll take him longer to figure it out.

Then let's push on three.



Relax, Bóris.

Just another normal day at the Institute.

Everything's a mess,
and who has to pick up the pieces?

I do! Of course.

I always pick up the pieces
all on my own at this Institute.

No problem. Relax.
That's it. Oh, no… Oh, no!

Not the biographical catalyst!


There we are…

But it's all right, relax.

You'll take care of this.

Stay calm.

Nice one, Bóris…

Now just the whole rest of the room.

I have to organize everything.
Now what do I do?

What do I do?

- Fix it, right, Bóris?
- Go, go, go.

After all, you fix everything.
You keep this Institute in order.

A bunch of...

I knew this self-sealing foam
would come in handy.

Bóris will never know we were here.

Okay, but where are we?

Between the walls.
This is a service corridor.

But how do we get out of here?

If I'm not mistaken, those stairs...
These stairs lead to the commons.


Did you hear that?


Now I did.

It must be coming from here.

Let me see, excuse me.

I'm going to ask you
for the last time, Dean,

where is the personal terminal
to control the furnace?

What is it?

It's the Dean, but I saw her today.

There… is no personal terminal,
I already told you.

Who is this guy? What's he doing to her?

I don't know.

- Wait.
- There are two of them?

- Any news?
- She swears there isn't one.

I looked in her office and Elis Olena's.

I think she's telling the truth.

Then we're using the control room.


Ugh, I can't bear to go without my helmet.

This universe smells disgusting.

I have to go.

Operator Zero is also interested
in this universe.

- Operator?
- What's an operator?


Move, let me close yours.

It's nothing.

Let me know if anything happens.

What? What are you looking at?

What was that? We saw two Verônicas.

A twin? She has an evil twin? Is that it?

I don't know. No idea.

We have to find out what she's doing...

Good, you're here! How did you escape?

It's complicated. And Pierre?

- Wait, don't change the subject!
- What subject?

I mean it, Vini. Where's Pierre?

I don't know! After we fought,
I accidentally broke his toy.

He freaked out and ran off.

Crap. That toy meant a lot to him.

Forget Pierre's little toy!
We saw two Verônicas.

One was weak and being interrogated,
the other was healthy and evil, and...

Juliana! This is dangerous.

What do you know about this?
You're hiding something.

I swear we'll talk about this later,
but first I need to talk to my mom.

We can't leave her there.

- There's a machine pointed at her...
- Don't tell anyone what we saw.

Juliana, what's going on?


I don't even know if you can hear me…

Mom, please help me.

This place is so confusing…

I saw two Verônicas, Mom. Two of them.

And one of them mentioned someone
called Operator Zero.

What does that mean?

I don't understand any of this.

No, no, no… What have I done?

I hear you, honey... Mila?


Mom, is that you?

They're duplicates.
Operators are duplicates.

- Duplicates?
- They destroy...

Duplicates... The operator version
of Verônica? Is that...

Operator Zero is the leader, he...

Use your POLLEN
to come back home, run away!

How do you want me to escape?
I'm stuck here!

Use your POLLEN!


But how do I use the POLLEN?

I can go back home.

Mom… No.

I'm sorry, okay?
I'm sorry I yelled at you.

But I won't go back.

Not alone.

We're going back home together.

Are these cables and boards enough,
or do you need anything else?

Seal off the entrance to the greenhouse.

This place belongs to us now.