Lost (2004–2010): Season 1, Episode 22 - Born to Run - full transcript

Jack suspects foul play when Michael becomes violently ill while building the raft. Meanwhile a secret from Kate's past is revealed, the mysterious hatch is shown to a few of the survivors, and Walt gives Locke a warning.

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I'm expecting a letter.
"Hold for guest arrival."

- Sure, what's your name?
- Joan Hart.

Joan Hart.



As in platinum record.

As in a million units sold.

Now, Drive Shaft's albums must've...

...spiked when everybody
found out that I died

in some catastrophic plane disaster.

But when I come back?


It's gonna be insane.

So, you think the raft's gonna work?

Of course. Look at that thing.

It's not a raft.
They built a sodding boat.

When they get picked up,
the helicopters will come,

making us ridiculously

and eternally famous.

What's the matter?

Don't you want to be famous?

...what I think. But the fact is...

What do you think's going on over there?

Sure. You can absolutely wait
a few weeks before you launch.

I was just assuming you
didn't want to die.

So, when's the next time
we can launch?

- Three... maybe four months.
- Come on!

Even a weatherman on TV
don't know what's gonna happen.

Why are we listening to Arzt?

Because I'm a doctor
and you're a hillbilly.

You're a damn
high school science teacher.

Hey, Sawyer,
let's just let the man talk.

It's been raining every afternoon.

That means that we are on
the cusp of monsoon season.

Monsoon season is bad. Now,

the trade winds are
blowing north right now.

Shipping lanes are north.

So north is exactly
where you want to be.

What's that mean?

It means, when the monsoon season hits,

the trade winds
are gonna shift to the south.

The raft goes with the wind.

Can anyone tell me what is the only
piece of land that's south of us?


That's right, Jack. Antarctica.

So when do we have to leave?


So, obviously you believe him.

Arzt? I don't know.
But I'm not taking any chances.

You think you'll be ready by tomorrow?

Man said not a day to waste.

Supplies all set?
You got food, fresh water, every...

Look, Kate, no offense,
but I got work to do.

Why the sudden interest?

Because I'm going with you.

Look, raft's full.
We need four, we got four.

- Including Sawyer?
- Including him.

We needed the stuff he had,
so he bought his way on.

On the first raft which burned.

I'm not gonna get into semantics.

- I told the guy...
- He doesn't know how to sail.

You do?

I spent two summers crewing J/boats.

I know my way around a sailboat.

Yeah... maybe so,
but a deal's a deal. I'm sorry.

You're bringing Walt too?

I'm just saying it's dangerous.

I decide what's best for my boy.

And right now, what's best for him
is to get the hell off this island.

The raft's full.

Hospital chaplain to the ICU.

Hospital chaplain.
Please report to the ICU.

I have a delivery for Diane Jansen.

She just came up from ICU.

- She's in room 208.
- OK.

Around the corner, to your right.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

Hey, Tom.

Holy... Katie?

What are you doing here?

Diane's dying of cancer.

I thought I owed it to her
to come see her.

I heard. I'm sorry.

Yeah, me too.

So, any particular reason why you're
hanging out in the back of my car?

I need your help.

How much further?

We're almost there.

Wanna tell me where we're going, Sayid?

It's better that you see it for yourself.

No, I'm not so sure it is.

Tell me why you brought me here
or I turn around.

He brought you out here
because I asked him to.

I asked him not to tell you.

I wanted you to have an open mind.

Open mind about what?

My God.

What is this thing?


I guess it's time we talked about this.

Yo, chief!

Dumb question here.
We're sailing out on the ocean right?

You mind?

Sulu over here is packing
a suitcase full of salted fish.


We can't catch fish?

Do you know anything
about surviving at sea?

Sailing? Navigating?

- Steering a raft?
- Do you?

Doesn't matter what I know, I built it.

Maybe you are the wrong guy
to go on the raft.

You gonna vote me off, Mickey?

And who the hell's gonna take my place?

- What the hell you think you're doing?
- Sorry?

Don't give me the "Aw, golly" eyes.

Michael just told me you were
jockeying for my spot on the raft.

I was just asking some questions.
He must've misunderstood me.

I know what you're doing.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Just like I know why you wanted
that Haliburton case so bad.

The one that belonged to the U.S. Marshal
who was flying with us.

You were his prisoner.

Let go of me.

Your only chance of running's
getting on that raft, ain't it?

If we get picked up by a ship,

when they come back
to rescue the rest of y'all,

gonna be a nice big asterisk
next to your name.

Well, don't worry, puddin',

your secret's safe with me.

But just so you know,

no way in hell you're getting
my spot on that raft.

Hey, Sawyer!

I want your spot, I'll get your spot.

Hey! Give me that water, man.

- Yo, Dad!
- Thanks.

So, what were you
and Sawyer arguing about?

I told him something
he didn't want to hear.

Why does he wanna get on
the raft so much?

'Cause he knows it's gonna work.

When we get rescued,

we're gonna come back
for everybody else, right?

Yeah. Sure. Of course.

But the thing is...

...this island...

...is... finding it again might be hard.

Can't we fly around and look for it?


But there's no guarantees.
That's why you and...


That's why... you and...


- Dad!
- Get Jack.


I need help! It's my dad.

- What's the matter?
- His stomach is really bad.

Take him back to Michael.

- I'll go get Jack.
- OK.

- Let's go.
- This way.


How long have you known about this?

Three weeks, give or take.

Three weeks.

You've been out here for three weeks
digging this thing up

and you never told me?

All due respect, Jack,
but since when do I report to you?

All due respect, John, but you lied.

How long did you have
that case full of guns

before you decided the
rest of us needed to know?

You used your best discretion.
I used mine.

So how do we open it?

What? You want to open it?


We should bury it.

I brought you here to
talk him out of this insanity.

- Anything could be inside.
- Best case scenario, supplies.

Worst case, we use it as a shelter.

Actually, Jack, I can think
of much worse cases than that.

You notice anything about this hatch?

There's no handle.

Could the reason
for that be more obvious?

Maybe it was never meant
to be opened from the outside.

Yeah! Over here!

It's Michael.
Something's wrong.

What'd you eat today?

Fruit, fish.

Drinking enough water?

Two, three bottles.

Where are you getting that water from?

The caves, like everybody else.

All right, listen, Michael.

You just take it easy.
You stay in the shade.

You try not to move too much.

We have to launch that raft tomorrow.
We have to.

I know. I need you to lay back.

Lay down.

Just lay down. OK?

Hello? Hey, Adam. Hey, listen,

can you carve out some time
for me on the MRI?

Yeah, it's... it's a favor
for a friend of a friend.

Oh, no, that'll work out great.

OK. Yeah, thanks, Adam.

His name's Connor.

How old is he?

Twenty-two months next week.

He's beautiful.

Yeah, well, that's Rachel,
that's not me.

Where is she?

She's over in Cedar Rapids
visiting her folks.

They get back on Sunday.

I got Diane in for an MRI.

They'll bring her
downstairs to radiology.

And her appointment's not until 5 am,

so we've got about three hours to kill.

- Tom...
- You're welcome.

You think it's still there?


You know what.

It's the middle of the night, Katie.

We might not get another chance.

One, two, three,

four, five, six.

What do you think it is?

No. He would've felt that coming on.

Bad fruit, maybe? Raw fish?

Michael and Jin are on the same diet.

- And Jin's fine.
- Jin's fine.

Whatever's making him sick
was metabolized fast.

It hit him quick, it hit him hard.

So you think it was the water?

No, I don't think it was the water.

I think it was something in the water.

Feeling any better?

Cramps are quieting down.

As long as I don't move,
or... or breathe.

You and Locke kiss and make up?


No, Michael.


Drink from that one.

- Somebody did this to me?
- I don't know.

I'm not sure of anything yet.


I'm on bamboo duty,
but sometimes I help refill the water.

Michael and Jin getting along?

They fight like a married couple
building a raft together.

You told him?

He thinks Sawyer might've done it.

Oh, 'cause of Kate?

- Kate?
- Yeah, I guess she wants on the raft.

So Sawyer went off on Michael because

he gets to decide who goes.
You don't think Kate did it?

Why would Kate poison Michael?

Well, you know,
the whole fugitive thing.

He doesn't know?

How am I supposed to keep straight
who knows what?

- Steve didn't know about the polar bear.
- What did she do?

I don't know.
Why don't you ask her?

You didn't think the others
should know about this?

Discretion, John.

OK, can you stop moving
or I'm gonna cut your ear off.

This is good.

I'm writing again.

I'm really feeling it, as well.

So, what's the first thing
you're gonna do

when we get rescued?

You know, I don't really know.

You can hang out with me in LA.

You and Turnip-Head. You know,

until you figure things out.

- Thanks.
- Smashing.

OK. Check this out.
This is track two. It's called...


It's called Monster Eats The Pilot.

How's Michael?

He's gonna be fine.

Is somebody gonna be taking
his place on the raft?

I don't know.

- Dr. Arzt said if they don't leave...
- Did you poison Michael, Kate?

- What?
- He's not sick. Someone did this.

Do you really think I'm capable of that?

I don't know what you're capable of.

You brought beer?

No self-respecting man in Iowa
goes anywhere without beer.

It's not fair, you know,

you coming back.

Here. Home.

Yeah, I know.


- Wow! Look at this stuff.
- Oh, my God!

My plane.

I can't believe I let you talk me
into putting this in there.

That was your idea.

Kate and Tom.


Is it on?

- I don't think it's on.
- It's on.

OK, this is Kate Austen
and Tom Brennan.

And this is our dedication
for our time capsule

here on August 15th, 1989.

Hey, give me that back!

Why are you putting this
stupid plane in there?

Because it's cool, Katie. I got it
when I flew to Dallas by myself.

That is cool!
Just like this time capsule.

It'll be totally cool when we
dig it up in, like, 20 years.

How do you know we'll be together?

'Cause we'll be married.

And you'll be a mom
and we'll have nine kids.

I don't think so.

As soon as I get my license,

we should just get in a car and drive.
Like, you know, run away.

You always wanna run away, Katie.

Yeah. And you know why.

Funny how things turn out.



Yeah, we better get to the hospital.


What happened?

I had a little accident.

- Does it hurt?
- Yep.

Something you wanna tell me, Walt?

I didn't do it.

Didn't do what?

I heard Jack.

He thinks somebody got my dad sick.

And I didn't do it.

You think because I know
you burned the first raft

I'd think you made your dad sick?

We're friends, aren't we Walt?

I didn't tell on you before,
and I'm not gonna now.

And I know you would never
do anything to hurt your dad.

- What's the matter?
- Don't open it.

- What did you say?
- Don't open it, Mr. Locke.

Don't open that thing.

What? What thing? What are you...?

Just don't open it!

Thought you might need that, boss.

Wouldn't want our pilot out of
commission before takeoff.

What? You feeling guilty?


You're off the raft.

Come again?

You're off the raft.

We had a deal.

Well, the deal ended
the minute you decided to poison me.

- I did what now?
- I'm done with you.

You ain't done with me
by a damn sight.

You said you needed four.

I got four.

You've been stealing stuff off of
dead bodies, keeping it for yourself,

using it to buy favors.
You're a liar and a criminal!

I'm not letting you near my boy!

Oh, I'm a criminal?
I poisoned you 'cause I'm a criminal?

Get your hands off me, boy.

Hey, sweet cheeks!

I had no idea how bad
you wanted off this rock.

Time to set things straight.

- Let go of me.
- Tell him who the criminal is.

- Leave her alone, man.
- Tell him.

- Give that back!
- Leave her alone.

- "Leave her alone."
- Give that back.


Look at this.

Sawyer, please.

You all remember Joanna, don't you?

The woman who drowned?

Now what's Kate doing
with poor Joanna's ID?

Could it be she'd do just about
anything to get on that raft,

so she could get herself rescued?

Run off with a new identity
before half the reporters in the world

descend on this damn island?

- She might poison the captain himself.
- Shut up.

She don't care about
nothing or nobody but herself.

This is good here. Thank you.

My office is right back there.
I'll wait for you.

Hi, Mom.

Can you hear me?


It's me, Katie.


It's me... Katherine.

I'm so sorry for everything
that I have put you through.

Help. Help.

It's OK, Mom. It's just me.

Help! Help!

It's OK.

- Help!
- Mom.

Help. Help me!

Help me! Somebody!

Help me! Help me!


Help me!

What's going on?

I'm her daughter. She's confused.
I was getting a doctor.

Hang on.
We got a situation...

- What happened?
- I need your car keys.

Kate? Katie?

- Get out.
- I am not letting you do this.

- You cooperate, they'll go easy.
- He's calling back-up. Get out!

- You can have a real life.
- Please.

- No.
- Now!

- Get out!
- No!


Oh, God. Tom!

No, no, no, no! Tom!
Come on, please wake up.

You wanna tell us why
you need to run so bad?

Wanna tell us the truth?

Yes. I was on the plane...

...with the Marshal.

Yes, I was wanted...

...and caught

and being transported back.

No matter what I say
about what happened,

about what I supposedly did...

...I'm going to jail.

But I didn't poison you.


- There you go.
- Good.

He looks determined.

Yes. He is.

You don't want him to go, do you?


Is that why you tried to make him sick?

Michael and Jin working together
all the time,

pretty easy for them to get
their water bottles mixed up.

I didn't want him to die out there.

I just didn't know what to do.

I only used enough to make him...

I wasn't trying to hurt him.

Are you gonna tell the others?

I don't see any reason
why they need to know.

But Sun...

...he's going.

If I were you, I'd...

I'd say goodbye.

I'm back on the raft.

Glad to hear it.

Michael's gonna cowboy up.

We set sail tomorrow.

Are you here to say sorry, Sawyer?

Sorry don't suit me.

You cornered me, Freckles.

- I did what I had to.
- I cornered you?

You said if you wanted my spot,
you were gonna take it.

Guess I believed you.

Well... that's that.

I got some packing to do.

Why is it so important for you
to be on that raft?

'Cause there ain't anything
on this island worth staying for.

Be safe, Sawyer.


- Dad?
- Hey, buddy!

You getting better?

Yeah. Yep, I'm gonna be all right.

Hey. Don't worry.

I'm gonna be on my feet soon

and we'll be sailing home
before you can even...

I'm the one that burned the raft.

I didn't wanna leave,
and I thought I could stop you.

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry, Dad.

Hey, it's OK, man.

We can stay here.

You and me.
We don't have to go.

Yes, we do.



Jack knows.

I didn't tell him it was your idea.


Why should you be punished?

You were only trying to help me.

He said he wouldn't tell the others.


Jack's good at keeping secrets.

When I was a little girl,

I believed that once
I found the man I loved...

...I would be happy...



Me too.