Lost (2004–2010): Season 1, Episode 21 - The Greater Good - full transcript

After burying one of their own, tempers flare as the castaways' suspicions of each other grow -- and an unlikely survivor vows revenge. Meanwhile, Claire and Charlie struggle to calm her newborn.

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Previously on Lost:

Three points of a triangle.

One here on the beach. Another,
Kate will position in the jungle

roughly two kilometres in.

And the third,
I'll take to high ground.

Where are you? Where are you?

Mayday! Mayday!
Anybody out there? Hello!

We're survivors of the crash
of Oceanic flight 815.

Please copy.

John, tell me exactly
what happened.

John? Locke!

- It fell... the plane.
- Locke said you fell from a cliff.

- It's because of the hatch.
- What hatch?

John said not to tell.

What'd Locke do?

- Where's Shannon?
- I don't know.

- Well, she's his sister...
- I don't know where she is!

Jack. Where are you going?

To find John Locke.

Is there anything
I can do for you?

Sun said he wouldn't let
Jack take his leg.

Didn't want him using up
the antibiotics.

She said he knew
what was happening to him.

That he was brave.

[PA] This is a special
security announcement.

Heathrow Airport Authority
reminds travelling passengers...

OK, Sayid.

Eighteen hours in a holding cell
should be enough.

Let's get to it, shall we? I'm
Melissa Cole from Central Intelligence.

This is Robbie Hewitt from ASIS.

- You're gonna do us a favour.
- A favour?

Three hundred pounds
of C-4 explosives were stolen

from an army base
outside of Melbourne.

The men responsible
are members of a terrorist cell

intent on disrupting
the coalition presence in Iraq.

Three hundred pounds of C-4.

I want it back.

You're the CIA.

- Plant a few bugs.
- Oh, we have.

- You're gonna get inside first...
- I am Iraqi.

I am not a terrorist.

We didn't snatch you up
because you were a terrorist, Sayid.

We snatched you up
because you know one.

Essam Tazir. Your roommate
at Cairo University.

- He's a member of the cell.
- And why should I care?

- You'd be saving lives.
- Why should I care?

We know where she is.

Seven years since you left Iraq.

Six months here,
three months there.

Always moving.

There's only two reasons
why a man would do that, Sayid.

Either he's running away
from something,

or looking for something.

Noor Abed Jaseem.

Nobody calls her Noor.

You want to know
where she is?

Then we're going to Sydney.

Kate, what are you doing out here?

- Looking for you.
- Well, you found me.

You're walking in circles.
You need to come back.

Not without Locke.

- You haven't slept, gave Boone blood...
- Locke lied.

- Well, now you're...
- He lied, Kate.

Boone did not fall off any cliff.

His leg was crushed.

And I based my
medical treatment on his lie.

People are scared and upset.

They don't know what's going on.

We need you to come back, Jack.



Do you wanna...?

Do you wanna say something?


I didn't know Boone very well,

and for that I'm sorry.

On our sixth day here,

a woman named Joanna died.

She drowned.

And Boone was the first one
into the water.

I didn't know him...

...but I'll remember his courage...

...and I know he will be missed.

It was my fault.

We found a plane,
a Beechcraft, in the jungle.

It was lodged in the canopy.

I would have gone up, but...

My leg was hurt, so he...

There was a radio inside,
and he thought he could...

His weight must have made
the plane shift and it fell and...

Happened because
he was trying to help us.

He was a hero.

Where were you?

Where were you?

Where the hell were you,
you son of a bitch?

- What did you do to him?
- Wait! Jack, stop!

- What did you do?
- Wait!

Where were you?

You just left him to die.
You lied to me!

Where were you?

- Jack, it's OK.
- Where were you?

Jack, what's the matter?
Are you OK?

Oh, God.

Get some water!

Breathe. He's OK.

Just breathe.

- He's lying.
- You're suffering from fatigue.

- Locke told Boone not to tell.
- Not to tell about what?

Something about a hatch.
Locke's hiding something.

- Jack, listen...
- The man is hiding something.

Listen to me.

We need the doctor
on this island to get some sleep.

- I'm fine. I don't need it.
- Jack.

You need some rest.

Come on.


- It is you.
- Essam.

So you haven't forgotten me.


- What are you doing in Sydney?
- I've been travelling. And you?

I live here.
Almost a year now.

- I'm a tree cutter. I cut trees.
- Sounds like good, honest work.

So much for my philosophy degree.

Whatever puts food on your table.

How is Zahraa?

She died.

A stray bomb, while she
was shopping for a dress.

I'm so sorry.

Listen, we've got
a lot of catching up to do.

Why don't you come over?

I'd love to.

Damn it. I'm out of ammo.

- Use the crowbar.
- That only works on the zombies.

- Not the big bugs.
- Indeed.

The three of you live here?

Sydney's very expensive.
It's the best we can afford.

And what is it you do?

- At the moment, I'm at liberty.
- He's on holiday.

You'll love the beaches here.

There is something to be said
for Australian women.

I've had the misfortune of being
landlocked for several years.

The last beach I was at
was Sharm El Sheikh

with you, Essam, remember?

Before our English exams?

I hear the beaches here are very nice.

Especially the women.

Perhaps we can go.

Tell me, exactly
what kind of trees do you cut?

- Who are you?
- I was a communications officer.

Sayid was Republican Guard.
He knows things.

Perhaps it's not happenstance

that you and Essam
met at the mosque.

Perhaps it is fate.

It's OK.

Look, I'm fine. Really. OK?

You need rest, Claire.
Sun, tell her.

In a hospital,
they would have you sleep.

The nurses would take your baby.

But I'm not in a hospital.

All the more reason
to take extra care, Claire.

I can take care of
Turnip-Head for a while.


It's what I'm calling him
till you give him a name.

'Cause his head
looks like a turnip.

What if he needs something, OK?

You'll be there after you sleep.


Claire, no one is going to take
this baby away from you.

You don't know that.
You can't say that.

I won't let it happen.

Just be really careful, OK?

If he gets hot,
take his blanket off.

- His neck. Around his neck.
- I got him.

This was his.

I didn't go through it.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Storm coming.

I should have said no.

First time he offered to hunt with me,
I should have said no.

He would've gone anyway.

Yeah, I suppose he would've.

I know how confused and angry
you must be right now.

I can't say I understand
what you're going through, but...

...I know what it feels like
when you lose family.

I hope you can forgive me.

I'm sorry.

You asked if you could
do anything for me.


John Locke killed my brother.

Will you do something about that?

- A little more.
- No.

- You need your blood sugar level up.
- Enough already. I've rested.

- Jack...
- I'm fine.

Where are you going?

- I'm gonna talk to Locke.
- You need to lie down.

- No, I don't.
- I strongly advise it.

You advise? Advice?

All right, what's going on now?

Lie down. OK?

I crushed up some sleeping pills,
put 'em in your juice.

Why would you...?
You drugged me?




How did you get that?

War wound.

- Looks more like a surgical scar.
- Like I said, war wound.

The plane's radio.
Was Boone able to pick up a signal?

I was on the ground.
All I could hear was static.

- So it was working.
- Yeah.

But I can't imagine
it survived the fall.

Some of its parts might work in the
transmitter I'm building for the raft...

...if you'd be willing to take me.

Of course.

- How did you find this plane?
- Luck.

You and Boone were hunting?

- That a question?
- Yes.

Boar got scarce
a couple weeks back.

We weren't hunting,
we were exploring.

So you just happened upon
a Beechcraft perched in the trees?


At the funeral, you said
your leg was injured.

It was just a charley horse.

A cramp.

I know what
a charley horse is, John.

Back in Iraq,
you were an interrogator?

- Is that a question?
- Yeah.

A long time ago, I was.

Well, you haven't lost your touch.

Why would I interrogate you, John?

Jack called me a liar in front of
every man, woman and child

I've come to know
over the past month.

There's a part of you that thinks
maybe there isn't a plane here at all.

I know when I'm being lied to.

There's a plane.

Like I said,
you haven't lost your touch.

You've lost your edge, old man.

I never had one
when I played you.

Were you always this slow?

Come on, let's play.

You have to get out of that apartment.
Practice more.

Haddad would like that.

More blending in
with the community.

He's got his eye on a target.

What makes you say that?

For two weeks, he's been
asking me about explosives.

Blast radius. Transport.

Haddad's very thorough.

Has he gotten hold of any yet?

Explosives? I don't know.

All I know is there's going
to be an operation...

...and there is
going to be a martyr.


Haddad told me this morning.

Come on, let's keep playing.

- Essam.
- I'm going to wipe the floor with you.

What is it?

What is it?

I don't think I can do it.

- You're kidding me, right?
- Listen to me.

I can get Essam to turn himself in.

- Does he know where the C-4 is?
- The other two are the ones you want.

- Essam's confused...
- Does he know where it is?

- No.
- Then he's useless.

These cells run top down.
It's all need-to-know.

The recruit's handed a bomb and a target
at the last possible moment.

The way to find the C-4 is wait for
Essam to walk outwith a target to hit.

He's in over his head,
doesn't know why...

That's why you convince him
to go through with it.

No. I will not.

- Excuse me?
- I'm done. It's over.

You're not close
to being done, my friend.

- What are you going to do, arrest me?
- No.

We'll arrest her.

Your girlfriend's an Iraqi living abroad
with a record of insurgency.

Wouldn't it be terrible if she
got picked up as an enemy combatant?

So, if you want any chance
of ever seeing her again,

go and talk
your good friend Essam

into blowing himself up.

The itsy-bitsy spider
climbed up the spout

Down came the rain
and drowned the spider out

- When the...
- Dude, it's "washed".

"Washed the spider out."

Unless there's some
kind of British version.


Down came the rain
and washed the spider...

- Oh, bollocks.
- What's the matter, man?

I can't get the bloody thing
to stop crying.

Maybe he's hungry.

No. Claire nursed him five times.

He make any deposits,
you know, diaper-wise?

All right...

...time to break out the big guns.

Dude, that's all I got.


Cargo hold is full of it.

Best I can figure,
they were smugglers.

The plane was perched
in the canopy?

Right up there.

And Boone climbed up by himself,
because of your charley horse.

Yes. That's right.

Why did you lie?

I made a mistake.

I'm going to salvage
what I can of the radio.

If we leave now, we should
beat the storm back.

Why don't you trust me, Sayid?

For one thing...

...you've been carrying a gun
you've told no one about.

We found one of the smugglers
about half a click west of here

dressed as a priest,
Nigerian currency in his pockets.

And this.

Now you're armed and I'm not.

Does that earn me any trust?

You gave this to me
because I caught you concealing it.

That earns you adaptability.

I'll tell you something
you don't know.

Please do.

A week after the crash,
there was a cave-in.

- Jack was trapped. Remember?
- Of course.

You, Kate and Sawyer

went out into the jungle
to triangulate a signal.

You were hit,
knocked unconscious.

When you woke up, the transceiver,
your equipment was destroyed.

That was me.

This time you better
not be telling the truth.

- It was in everyone's interest.
- Ruined my chance to find the source...

Of a distress call saying,
"They're dead. It killed 'em all".

Is that a place you really want
to lead people to?

Why wait all this time?
Why not tell me then?

Because back then you wouldn't have
engaged in a reasonable debate.

Nobody else would. You were
so focused to get off the island

you weren't seeing things clearly,
like what's happening with the raft.

- Did you burn the raft?
- No, I didn't.

What is the hatch?

The hatch?

Boone mentioned it
before he died.

The hatch?

Two hatches on a plane.
Could be forward... or aft.

I'm not sure if I can do this.

You wouldn't be a martyr if you
didn't have to overcome fear...

I'm not afraid to die.

It's all the innocent lives,
all those people.

The imam preaches peace, Sayid,

that every human life is sacred.

It's true. Innocent lives will be lost
In service of a greater good.

What if I'm doing this
because I'm angry?

Because they killed her?

What if you are?

Should we just accept
what happened to Zahraa?

What about others like her?
We just accept their deaths?

Because if we do, it means
ultimately we care nothing about them.

I lost someone, too, Essam.

I will never be whole again.

There need to be consequences
for those responsible.

That's my duty,
how I will honour her.

Haddad was right.

It was fate that
brought us back together.


...will you do this with me?

I will.

How are you?

- Do you want to take a walk?
- Sure.

- I spoke to Locke.
- What did he say?

He took me to the plane.

I believe what happened
was an accident.

Then why did he lie?

I have no idea.

But I don't believe
he meant to harm Boone.

So that's it?

I know how strong the need
can be to find someone to blame...

You don't get it, do you?

- Shannon.
- Just forget about it, OK?

How much weight can this hold?

I don't know.

A lot. Enough.

Yeah. Tighter. Got it.

- What if it tips over?
- It won't.

That's why we made it this wide.

There, that should do it.

Right? Good?


- All right.
- What if a shark attacks?

Sharks ain't getting
anywhere near us, man.

What if we die?

We are not gonna die.

Boone died.

Michael, do you know
anything about babies?

I can't get this guy to be quiet.

- Walk with him. He'll calm down.
- I tried that.

Jin, have you seen Sun?

I need some help
with this baby.

- No.
- OK.

Chucky, you wanna
keep that kid quiet?

Baby Huey's
like nails on a chalkboard.

There you go. You happy now?

I was.

If you're gonna play nursemaid
at least do the damn job.

Say something else.

- Just say something, anything.
- Fine.

I liked that thing a lot better
inside than outside.


Brought you something to eat.

- What's in it? Chloroform?
- Soup.

Thanks, but I think I'll...

- Who was in here?
- I don't know. What's the matter?

- Was anybody in here?
- No, why are you...?

The key to the gun case.
It's gone.

- Maybe it fell off this morning.
- It didn't.

What's going on?

Locke took the key.
He's after the guns.

I haven't seen him.
You don't know...

No? Then who was it?


It wasn't Locke.

Get in.

It's time.

Stay relaxed and focused.
Drive with the windows down.

The fresh air will keep you alert.

You will need to wear these.

If you run into any problems...

...use this.

You are heroes.

Good luck.

Essam, stop.

Don't be nervous, brother.
We'll be OK.

I'm working with the CIA.


I'm going to give you ten minutes
to get away before I call them.

- You set me up?
- Essam, just go.

- Why would you do this?
- You're wasting time.

We were going to do this together.
You lost someone.

Her name is Nadia.

We were separated years ago.

They know where I can find her.

You used me to find a woman?

- You talked me into this.
- Essam, don't.

- It was for the greater good.
- I'm begging you to go.

You said you were my brother.
You're supposed to be my friend!

I am your friend.

Who told me to do this for Zahraa,

just so you could find
some woman that you love?

Well, Sayid, I hope
she makes you whole again.


She doesn't believe me, Sayid.

- Please listen to me.
- He did it. I know it.

You're not thinking rationally.

You've never fired a gun...

- You don't want to do this.
- Yes, I do.

If you do it,
you can never take it back.

Stay back!

What did you do to him?

I told you it was an accident.

Jack, you told me he was a liar.


- I'm sorry.
- Don't.

- Get away.
- Shannon.

"The low rumble
breaks the crisp fall air

as a flash of red streaks down
the maple-dappled Vermont highway.

The 32-valve V8 engine purrs
as the transmission clicks down a gear

and the vehicle
unleashes 400 horses

and 350 pound/feet
of rear-wheel torque."

Keep going.


"Beneath the hood,
the 4.4-litre power plant

features an integrated supercharger
mated to a six-speed transmission

with a manual
sequential shift feature."

Keep going.

"This smooth-riding sports car

offers a bewitching blend of pace,
comfort and economy."

She just needs time.

She's been through a lot.

Time won't make a difference.

Perhaps I made a mistake.

You couldn't let her kill Locke.
You had no choice.

There's always a choice.

She lives in Irvine, California,
just south of Los Angeles.

Works as a lab tech
in a medical testing company.

Plane ticket.
Walking around money.

You're on an Oceanic flight to LA.
It leaves in two hours.

What happens to his body?

He was a terrorist, so he's not
exactly getting a state funeral.

What happens to his body?

After it's released, he'll be cremated.

A Muslim man
is supposed to be buried.

Yeah? Well, there's
no one to claim the body.

I'll claim him.

You can't claim him
on a plane in two hours.

Then change my flight to tomorrow.

How's your head?

- It'll heal.
- Another war wound.

I know what it cost you...

...to do what you did.

Thank you.

I did it because I sense

you might be our best hope
of surviving here.

But I don't forgive what you did,

and I certainly don't trust you.

And now, you're going
to take me to the hatch.

- Hatch? I already showed you...
- John.

No more lies.