Lost (2004–2010): Season 1, Episode 23 - Exodus: Part 1 - full transcript

The French woman arrives at the camp with a dire warning about a group of survivors known as the Others.

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Previously on Lost:

I found the wire on the beach.

I thought it might have something to do
with a transmission we picked up,

a Frenchwoman
repeating on a loop for 16 years.

Has it been that long?

Have you seen other people
on this island?

No. But I hear them. They whisper.

- We need to get off.
- Are you suggesting something?

Yeah. We build a raft.

- You're making a lot of progress.
- Yeah, trying.

Got this bamboo for the decking,

a piece of the fuselage for the cabin.

It'll work. We can do this.

It's raining every afternoon.

That means that we are on
the cusp of monsoon season.

Why are we listening to Arzt? You're
a damn high school science teacher.

I was assuming you didn't want to die.

- So when do we have to leave?
- Yesterday.

Yeah! All right!

- What're you doing?
- Watching TV.

- Yeah! Oh, yeah!
- The power's amazing!

Oh, man, you see what time it is?
Go back to sleep, Walt.

I always watch this show.

OK, then.
At least turn it down?

I said turn it down.

- Brian lets me watch it as loud as...
- I'm not Brian.

- Dang.
- Let's go, Vincent.

Hey, where are you going?

- Get away. Leave me alone.
- Don't even... Don't you think...

- I said get away.
- Don't you walk away.

I don't think so.

- Get off of me.
- I don't like this either.

- You're getting on the plane.
- What's going on?

- It's OK. I'm his father.
- You're not my father!

- Dad, wake up!
- What?

Somebody's here.

Hey! Stop!

Slow, slow down.

- Who is that?
- Must be the French chick.

Calm down, everyone. It's all right.

Fine. OK.


What are you doing here?

The others are coming.

Our ship went aground

on this island 16 years ago.

There were six of us.

My team. Six.

By that time,

I was already
seven months pregnant.

I delivered the infant myself.

The baby and I were together
for only one week,

when I saw black smoke.

A pillar of black smoke
five kilometers inland.

That night, they came.

They came and took her.


They took my baby.

And now they're coming again.

They're coming for all of you.

- Who's coming?
- The others.

You have only three choices.



Or die.

This woman blew up her own shelter.

Now she talks about black smoke
and hearing whispers.

She's not playing with a full deck.

That doesn't mean
what she's saying isn't true.

You can focus on the "what ifs."

I'm sticking with the tangible,
and that's the launching of the raft.

- How's it going?
- I wanted to get off today,

but realistically, man,
after we get the rudder done,

we still gotta lay the rails
to get her down to the water.

Wouldn't it save time to lay the rails
while you finish the rudder?

Manpower shortage.

What do you need?
To lay the rails and move the boat?

Get it all done today?
Pretty much everybody.

All right, give me 20 minutes.

Grab as many palm tree logs
as you can find,

the longer the better,
over to the raft area.

- Michael knows what to do.
- See ya then.

You need to get 'em in there tight,

and leverage to get 'em on the rails.

That's good.

OK, that's good, man.

Just get it under there. OK.

- You all right?
- Yep.

So listen, on my count,

I'll do, "one, two, three, lift,"
and then push, OK?

Got it? Come on.

Once it's down to the water line,
we'll drop it and load it up.

All right. Ready?



Three. Lift!


Push! Come on, guys.


Use the levers.

Yeah. Good, good.

One, two, three, lift.

Hey, keep it straight.

Oh, no! Come on! I can't believe this.

Can't believe it.

- What are you looking at me for?
- You missed the lever!

- You couldn't keep the raft straight!
- I couldn't keep it straight?

Dad! Look.

- How many of them are there?
- I told you all I know.

There has to be more to tell.
How did you know?

You have a bigger problem.

I can vanish into the jungle,
but I'm just one person.

You have 40 people.

Where will you hide them?

Dude. Whoa.

What is this?

We hoped you could tell us.

- I've never seen anything like it.
- Question.

How do you know we can
all, like, fit in there?

No handle on outside, must be another
way in. Another entrance means space.

This is a mistake.
We don't know about these others.

We're reacting with no information,
no intelligence. This might be theirs.

Black smoke doesn't mean...

- It means they're coming.
- Yeah, we got that.

You booby-trapped your shelter
with explosives. Have any more?

Dynamite. At the Black Rock.

The Dark Territory.

That's three reasons to go right there.

If we're to make it back by sunset,

we have to leave within the hour.

Tequila and tonic with a wedge of lemon.

Why were you yelling?

The girl at the check-in counter.

You were yelling at her.

Sorry... do I know you?

I'm on your flight. LA.

So, your dad died?

I thought you didn't hear
what I was yelling about.

I was being polite.

Yeah, my dad died.


A heart attack.

Not a drinker?

No, not really.

No ring 'cause you're single
or because you don't like wearing one?

You asking me if I'm married?

Are you married?

No, not anymore.

Can we get another
tequila and tonic, please?

I didn't think you were listening.

- So, what's your name?
- Ana-Lucia.

So, tell me, Ana-Lucia,

why are you drinking tequila and tonics

- at ten to noon?
- I hate flying.

And they stuck me all the way
in the back of the plane

where the wheels come down
right under your damn feet.

So, where are you sitting?

23 B.

42 F. Wanna trade?

Hey. Yeah, I'm in Sydney. Hold on.

- Sorry...
- Jack.

Jack. I gotta talk.

We'll have the next drink
on the plane, OK?

- 42 F.
- 42 F. Right.

And Jack?

The worst part's over.

They stuck me all the way
in the back of the plane.

Look, I know you're all scared.

I know everybody has a lot of questions.

All I can tell you now
is we do have a plan.

We have to go into
the jungle for supplies.

We'll be back in a few hours.

In the meantime,
do everything you can

to help get that raft on the water.

And after that, go to the caves.

We'll be back
as soon as we can. I promise.

Hey, nice speech.

Plan's a little flawed,
but nobody's perfect.

- My plan?
- Your plan. Go in the jungle,

and get dynamite
and blow open a hatch,

and then hide everyone inside.

You wanna keep a secret,
don't tell the fat guy.

What do you want, Arzt?

God knows how long
that dynamite has been out there.

And from what I can tell, Madame Nutso

doesn't seem too concerned
with how to handle it.

So unless you want to blow up,
I'm coming with you.

OK. Grab some water bottles.

We're leaving in a half an hour.

We can salvage the cables but
we need new bamboo for the mast.

We need to fix the rudder
before we think about that.

- You need help?
- Let's get this done first.

Hey, this wasn't my fault.
So put me to work.

No offense.
We just work faster this way.

All right! What do you think
I'm doing over here?

You remember me?

Three nights ago.

You were hauled in here
thrashing and fighting.

As you were being escorted by,
you kicked my desk.

And you broke my mug.

Nice kids.

Sadly for you, breaking my mug was not
the most significant mistake you made.

Come on, doctor.
I got into a bar fight.

Ain't that a badge
of honor in this country?

You know who you
head-butted in that bar?

You headbutted
the Honorable Warren Truss...

...Minister of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry.

- The most important...
- He head-butted me.

We have witnesses.
He did no such thing.


You think this is funny, James?

James Ford. Assault, wire fraud,

identity theft, bank fraud,
telemarketing fraud...

- This going someplace?
- You're a blight, a stain, scavenger.

You're a con man preying
on the weak and needy.

Tell me something, James,
how do you live with yourself?

- I do just fine.
- Do you?

You're not even worth
the cost to incarcerate you.

Which is why you're being deported.

Your plane leaves this afternoon.
And James,

you're banned from
setting foot in Australia again.

Don't you worry.
I ain't ever coming back here.

Best not, mate.

A lumberjack.

'Scuse me?

I never asked what you did
back in the real world.

I'm taking a wild guess. Lumberjack.

Something I can help you with, doc?
'Cause I got work to do.

I got something for you.

You're the only one on the raft
who knows how to use one.

- What do I need a gun for?
- Just in case.

You think we're gonna
run outta food and water?

I put the kid out of his misery?

Just in case.

What're you doing with the rest?

Giving 'em to Sayid.

Going into the jungle
after the boomsticks?


Time you get back,
we'll be in the water.

Guess this is pretty much goodbye then.

Yeah, I guess it is.

Good luck, Sawyer.


About a week before
we all got on the plane,

I got to talking to this man
in a bar in Sydney.

He was an American too. A doctor.

I've been on some benders in my time,

but this guy was going
for an all-time record.

So it turns out this guy has a son.

Son's a doctor too.

They'd had some kinda
big-time falling out.

The guy knew it was his fault...
even though his son

was back in the States
thinking the same damn thing.

See, kids are like dogs.

You knock 'em around enough

and they'll think they did
something to deserve it.


...there's a pay phone in this bar

and this guy...


...tells me he wishes he had the stones

to pick up the phone and call his kid.

Tell him he's sorry.

That he's a better doctor
than he'll ever be.

He's proud.

And he loves him.

I had to take off...

...but something tells me
he never made that call.

Small world, huh?


Good luck, Jack.

- You're gonna be armed?
- Yes, sir, an ankle holster.

Stow this in the crew luggage
compartment in front.

No problemo.

Why do you need five guns?

Gee, you wanna tell him, Kate?

Why do I need five guns?

She's shy.

What's this, then?

That's a good story. You wanna tell it?

This belonged to her
childhood sweetheart,

who she got killed a couple of years ago

when she was on the run.

Poor guy. Had a wife. Two-year-old kid.

What was his name?

Somewhere along during
the three years I chased her,

she starts calling me at my house,

and whining on about
her mitigating circumstances.

But what she's really doing...
is taunting me.

So I tell her that I've got

what's-his-name's little toy airplane

in a safe deposit box in New Mexico.

So she somehow figures out which bank,

which safe deposit box.

She seduces some idiot
to rob the damn bank,

then puts a bullet in her new friend
because she's done using him.

But she leaves all the money.
She just takes the plane.

Because that's the one thing
in the whole world

that Kate does care about.

She has no attachments.

And I think she's
telling herself she needs it

to atone for killing her boyfriend,

Come on. What was his name?

It was Tom, you son of a bitch.

And that is why I need five guns.

You're heading out?


I was thinking
that I might go with you...

...for old time's sake.

I wanna help.

You won't be here
for the raft launching.

Yeah, well, I'm not
very good at goodbyes.

Grab your stuff.

- Thanks, man.
- Keep it safe.

Locke, you have a message?
It's going on the raft.

You know, "Dear Mom,
everything's fine. I'm on the island.

Unless the Black Smoke People
turn up. Love..." Your name here.

When they get rescued,
they can contact your family.

Message in a bottle. That's sweet.

- You're ready?
- Here you go.


- Don't look at it.
- Got it.


Do not look at it.

- Arzt! You want paper?
- I gave at the office.

- Take care.
- Good luck, dude.

- Keep dry, kiddo.
- I will.

- Good luck.
- Same to you.

- See you soon.
- Yes, you will.

- You look after your dad, OK?
- I will.

All right.


Good luck.

- Have you seen Sawyer?
- No.

All right, let's go!

Take care, OK?

Where'd you get the scratches?

A bush.

Mean bush.

We've got to keep moving.

Let me ask you something, Arnzt.

- Arzt.
- Arnzt.

Not Arnzt. Arzt. A-R-Z-T.

Sorry, man, name's hard to pronounce.

I know a bunch of ninth graders
who pronounce it just fine.

How about I call you by your first name?

- How about you don't.
- Why not?

I remember it
from the plane's manifest.

- Leslie's a bitching name.
- "Arnzt" is fine.

Le Territoire Foncé.

The Dark Territory.

The Black Rock is not far.

This is where it all began,
when my team got infected,

when Montand lost his arm.

We must move quickly.

You know what? I'm going back.

Hey, I thought you wanted to help.

Yeah, I wanted to help,

before Montand lost his frigging arm.

What about the dynamite?

Just be very careful with it.

No! This one goes there, that one there.

Hey, chief!

Cut and measured to length.

- Perfect mast.
- Thanks.

Well, all right.

Are we gonna get off this rock
or just stand around talking about it?

Did you hear that?

Run! Run!


- What are you...?
- Just be still.

Here! In here.

Dude, we gotta book.


It's headed the other way.

We're safe now.

- What was that thing?
- It's a security system.

Security system?
What does that mean?

Its purpose is that
of any security system's:

To protect something.

- Protect what?
- The island.

- Where's Arnzt?
- It's Arzt, you idiot.

Dude, I thought you were dead.

Can we just please go get the dynamite?

Why are you folding clothes?

Because I'm anal.

Is there something you want?

I think you should take Vincent.

Are you serious?

He'll take care of you.

What makes you think I need
a dog to take care of me?

Vincent took care of me
when my mom died.

And nobody would talk to me.

They pretended like nothing happened.

So I talked to Vincent.

He's a good listener.

You could talk to him
about Boone if you want.

All right.

But only until you get us rescued, OK?

Flight 338 to Fiji will be delayed.

Please check the board
for flight details.

Excuse me, would you mind
watching my bag for a moment?

I'll be right back.

- Sure. Whatever.
- Thank you.

Couldn't get us into first class.

Why not?

You shouldn't have yelled
at the gate agent.

What, you're on his side now?

One day you'll appreciate
all I do for you.

Yeah, I can't wait for that day.

- Try again with the gate agent.
- Would you let it go?

Excuse me for not being
pathetic enough

to want to sit next to a crying baby
for the next 15 hours.

- Oh, God, you can be a bitch.
- Oh, you wanna play?

- I'll get you thrown off this flight.
- How?

I can do what I want.
I can tell them...

Tell them what?
Who's gonna believe you?

- You're not even capable of...
- You have no idea what I am capable of.

- Excuse me, sir.
- Yes, ma'am.

Some Arab guy left his bags in the
chairs downstairs and walked away.

Can you describe him?


He went towards the shops.

How's that?

I salvaged a few things for you
from the Beechcraft.

This is the plane's radar emitter.

It needs to be mounted
on the mast or at the top of the cabin.

I'll do it.

To conserve power, turn it on
only once every hour or so.

It shows you any ships
within the horizon line,

approximately 25 miles.
The same with the radio transmitter.

This was in the plane's toolbox.
There's only one flare.

Choose wisely when you use it.

- Why are we stopping?
- Because we're here.

This is the Black Rock.

This is pre-boarding
for flight 2599...

You catch me doing anything
like that for you, shoot me.

Don't knock it. Their divorce rate's
20 times lower than ours.

It's Memoirs of a Geisha
come to life.

Hey, volume.

Relax. They don't speak English.

Star... Starboard.


Go, go!

Bye, Vincent.

That's it.

Stay, Vincent.

Go back.

What'd I tell ya?

We did it.
