Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 9 - Episode #2.9 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.


Thea is living her dream
in 1905.

This is everything.

And was chosen
for a ballet world tour.

But she has to be careful.
Lex is watching her closely.

And Frank will do anything to
get his hands on the timepiece.

Whatever it takes, mate.
Even if it means going against
your girl. This is for Clive.

The selections for the
Grand Prix are totally
stressing everybody out.

Max and I wanted
the lead roles so badly

that we tried a lift
that was impossible to perform.

But Max fell and hurt his knee.

Medics, please!
I can't leave him.
I hope you understand.

Hi Lena, it's Henri.

It's been a couple of days
since we've seen each other.

Perhaps we could arrange
a proper outing tonight?

Sorry, Henri, things are
just so crazy right now

and I'm trying to be there
for Max. He's struggling.
But maybe tomorrow.

Hello again, Lena. It's Henri.

I'm excited to see you.
Let me know what time
and I'll be there.

Henri, sorry.

School is just crazy and I still
haven't gotten through to Max.

He just needs a friend,
you know?

By the way, you don't have
to say "it's Henri" every time.
I know it's you.

Oh okay, sorry.

Your friendship with Max
is important, I understand that.

I'm happy to accommodate.
How about tomorrow?

Hi Lena, it's...

Oh... right, you already know.

I never heard back from you
about today.

There might be an issue
with my... message‐box‐thing.

Can you try
telephoning me again?

I'm here for your check‐up.

But first, I have a little gift
for you. Ha. And shake it.

Hi, Lena.

I guess you're busy.
With Max. Again.
You know where to reach me.

Ooh. Ha.

Hihihi, I got you.

Lena, it's Henri.

I've made something.
I need to show you.

How is he?
On a scale of one to ten.

Not precise enough.
On a scale of 1 to 100.

Overcomplicated. On a scale of
zero to five stars, how is he?

He's a bit better.
But it's a serious injury.

I had a friend in London
who went down bad.

Didn't look half as bad as Max
when it happened.
Never danced again.

Why would you
even say that?

Listen, guys, there's no point
speculating until we hear
what the doctors have to say.

And Jeff,
no more star ratings, okay?

Are you okay?

Dude, it's not your
fault. You know that, right?

No, I engaged him
in the Isaac rival method.

None of this would've

No, you don't know Max
like we do.

Last year it was Dash,
this year it's you.

He's a competitor.
It's not your fault, Isaac.

I just feel bad, you know?
We all do.


I'm sorry.
You could have been hurt.

But I wasn't.


Let's go.


Class at the Garnier? Guys, we
never have class at the Garnier.

What's happening?

Do you think Mr Castillo
is holding auditions again?

No, please, no. I'm still having
nightmares about the first

I don't have good
feels about this.

Stay positive.
Maybe he's giving us a break.


Take a look around
at your classmates.

Today... is the last day
you'll be friends.

I'm pretty sure
this is how the movie I watched
last night started.

It was a horror movie,
by the way.

The cast list for the European
Choreographers' Grand Prix

will be posted
at the end of this class.

Minus the part of the sidekick
who I'm still yet to cast.

- Oh.
- At the end of today?

Okay, guys. Quiet.
Quiet, please!

Okay, look...

It's been a harrowing few days
for everyone,

so I'd like you
to take today's class

to, you know, have...


Yep. This is exactly
what it is. A horror flick.
I feel uneasy.

Well, go on then.

What are you waiting for?
Have fun.

Have fun, play,
be merry, relax.


Oh, good job.

You answered on the third ring.
That's progress.

So, William Shakespeare was just
here. And Isaac Newton.

Oh, and that girl who keeps on
blogging about music.

All of those people
were in your shop today?


But when people from different
time periods are in your shop,
that can only mean one thing...


It's portal day.
It's portal day.

Right. Okay.
Thanks, Oscar.

Come on, cheer up, guys.

Armando just asked us to
spend the entire class playing.

Did you ever think in a million
years that this would happen?

It's like seeing a shooting star
or a UFO.

So what's next with Max?

He gets evaluated today.

I wish I could be there.
He'll be okay.

He is a fighter.

Guys, do you think...

it's possible that Armando
is being possessed
by an alien right now?

Or he has a doppelganger.

Or... we've time‐traveled
to a different universe.

Jeff, you've been watching
way too many cartoons.

Lena, come on, pick up. It's
portal day, time to go home.

She's happier here, without me.

I don't need this anymore.

So, doc, are you going
to let me go soon?

I've kind of run out
of videogames to play.

We are doing our best.

Can you move your leg up,

And here? Any pain?

Are you sure?

Yeah, yeah. No, I'm sure.

No, there is
definitely no pain.

It feels quite nice, actually.
It's like a massage.

I should be paying you for this.


Okay, then.


5, 6, 7, 8... And pow...

Great, Jeff. Love it.

So, I turn around.

Boom boom.

And then I...

Oh! Yeah.

Okay, okay, Ines.

So we have Jeff.
You got it, Lena.

- And kitty cat.
- Yes, L.

- And groove it.
- And groove it.

- I'm going to do a Jeff.
- Yeah.

- A kitty cat.
- Classic.

- And groove it and groove it.
- Hey.

Isaac going for the jugular.

I love it. Love it.
Thank you.

Well, this is going
to be a short game.

Hey, I always say, 'Give
a hundred percent, a hundred
percent of the time.'

No, you don't,
you don't have to say that.

Hello? Yes, it is, yeah.

How is he?
Alright. Yeah.

No, of course not.
I'll be right there.

No. Yes, thank you. Thank you.

Okay. Guys, keep this going
until the end of class.

Isaac, you're in charge.

Wait, Mr Castillo.

It's Max, isn't it?
Everything is fine, it's fine.

Just keep the game
going and I'll see you later.

Would you please call me
if he needs anything?

Yeah, thank you.

You're a good friend.

I'm sorry to have to go,
but the world tour awaits.

I know I must have meant a lot
to you gals.

Excuse me, hi.
Could you please come with me?

Don't love the beat cop look,
but I appreciate the hands‐on

You know this woman?
She's my chauffeur, obvi.

It's quite progressive
to have a female carriage driver
in 1905. I like it.

See you later, girls.

I am first class, right?

Ugh, do we have to get a boat?
A ship, yes.
First class, of course.

Ugh, I hate the smell
of the ocean. Whatevs.

For now we just
have to go inside and sign
some travel documents.

I'll wait with your things.
You'll need to get
everything signed.

Guard these with your life.
I'll see you later.

Come on, hurry up, let's go.

Where is she?
Your leader, where is she?

She went inside with that...
beat cop? W... hatever that is?

Beat cop?

Lex. Excuse me.

What travel documents
need to be signed
back here, exactly?

Just some simple forms
and we'll get you on your way.

Wouldn't those need to be signed
by my mother?
She's already signed off.

I'm not going to let
that timepiece slip away.

So you say that you've spoken to
my mother. Yes, that is right.

If I didn't know any better,
I'd say that you weren't
my chauffeur.

Well, then I'm glad
you don't know any better.

No, no, no, no!
I am not going back.
Come on. Let's go.

Don't do this to me!
I won't say anything to anyone.
Yeah, like I trust you.

I have everything I've ever
wanted. I'm the greatest
ballerina in the world!

Just let me go!

I don't know who you are
or what you think you're doing,
but you will regret this.

- I don't respond well to threats.
- That wasn't a threat, it was a promise.

What are you doing?
I'm putting a time‐lock
on this portal

and keeping everyone exactly
where they should be for once.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the portal is now closed.



So, I have some
bad news and I have some sushi.

What would you like first?

I need surgery, don't I?


Spicy tuna rolls.

You remembered.

So what are you watching here?

A little self‐obsessed, no?

Okay, look,
here's how it's done.

You never told me
you were in a boyband.

Hey hey hey, that was
all the rage at the time.

Really? By "all the rage"
do you mean humiliating
for yourself and...

just embarrassing
for everyone else?


This is how you do the lift.

You can take notes
for next time.

If there is one.

Stay positive.
There'll be a next time.

Show me those golden tights.

The hair.
Alright, alright.
Leave me alone.

But... But really, it's awful.

I thought it was hip and groovy.
Eat your sushi.

Okay, and dégagé.
We're going to point our feet today.

No, no.
Jeff, stop messing around.
I'm trying...

...supposed to be going
on tour!


Does that mean it's...
It's portal day.

Just calm down
and give me the timepiece.

T. Hi.

This is a nightmare.
I'm living an actual nightmare.

Is that your show
costume? Is that a new minion?

Come here.

Hi. How was the... tour?

Wait. She's the girl
from the hologram. She's...

She's Bureau. Come on.

Give me
that timepiece now!

I won't let up.

Oh great. A keener.

You know what? Fine. Take me
back to 1905 and you can have
the stupid timepiece.

No deal.
You belong here.

What's it worth to you?

No, no, no, no. Don't.

Thea, no!

I suppose it's no good to anyone
if it's all smashed up.

Lex is after the timepiece.
We have to get it
before she does.

Don't you dare.

Or what?
You don't want to find out.

Wait, she's not
going to drop it.

You know what?

Now's the time. Run.
Go. Go!

I think I do.

Wait, what do I do?
I don't know.

Oh no. No, come on.
Do something.

- I just need a minute to think.
- Uh, Lena?


Whoops, sorry. I just need a
second. Maybe this button? I...

Uh... L?

Sorry. Sorry, guys.

Think, think, think.

Okay, this is
my mother's timepiece.
I know it has special powers.

There must be something
I can do. Come on.

Whoa, this is new.



Why can't you hear me?


What are you doing?

Henri, please.
I'm sorry, don't go.

No, Henri. No!

No. Come on.

Henri, please.


Why won't it let me
re‐start time?

Come on.

I give up.

Hey. Where are you guys going?
T. Hi.

We're gonna talk about that.

We have to hide. What do we do?
Upstairs. Now.

Oh, this is a nightmare.
I want to go back to 1905.
My life was perfect there.

Well, you're staying here.
Unless you want me to just
hand you over to the Bureau.


What are you doing back?

Lena's not with you, is she?

No, she's not.

No, she's not.

Oh no, what have I done?

Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.

Okay. Timepiece.

Oh no. No. No. No.

How could Henri just leave?

I don't know what to do.

You can start by unfastening
my corset, I'm hyperventilating

Do it yourself.

Guys, look.

They look like the guys we saw in Victor's
office. They must be Bureau agents.

We need to keep our eyes open,

They'll never stop
chasing us.

We need to stick together,
you guys.

No matter what.