Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 8 - Episode #2.8 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

- Previously...
- Clara and Lena.

I was shortlisted
for Libertalia, the lead
in the Grand Prix show.

But Ines was benched.

Back in 1905, Thea has been
chosen by famous choreographer
Menkin to be his Étoile.

Your technique is extraordinary.
See you in rehearsal?

Lex's rookie mistakes are
starting to leave some traces.

You deleted Clive.
And she's racing against time
to cover her tracks.

I know you wanted to be
Libertalia. I know you'll get
something good though.

It's fine. You're the one on the
shortlist. Let's focus on you.

You have to beat Clara.

Yeah, I don't care
that she's First Division.

I'm going to represent
the Seconds, yo.

I'm going to embrace
my inner wild child.

I'm going to be unpredictable.
Reckless, even. A risk‐taker.

I mean, how wild is Clara,

Well, she bungee jumped
sixteen times over the summer,
jumped out of a plane twice

and it says that on her last
visit to the zoo, she brushed
a tiger's incisors.

I mean, I'm not sure
if the last one's true,

but that's kind of the least
wild out of the three, so...


Oh no,
I don't stand a chance.

Are you kidding me? Who cares
about jumping out of planes?

You have jumped through time.
And it doesn't get any wilder
than that.


You're right.

Time jumper totally out‐wilds
a tiger tooth brushing plane

Watch out, Clara.
I'm going to get crazy... Oh no!

I am so sorry.

But see, you get
too close to this wild child
and you just might get hurt.

Can someone please
get her an ice pack?

It's the ones
versus the twos, folks.

Game faces are on
and things are about
to get super duper real, yo.

But seriously, what an amazing
opportunity, right? Right.

You okay, man?
I'm fine.

Good. Game on, then.
Game on.

Isaac, we got you
a towel with your name on it
for good luck.

Uh, thanks.

Are you two even in this class?

Well, that went well.
I know. He actually spoke to me.


I do not need to tell you what
an important audition today is.

We're down to the wire
for casting the performers

and today will have a huge
impact on my decision.

I'm going to get
started straight away
with Clara, Isaac, Max,

Lena, Alex and Lenni.

And one more thing...
let's keep it quiet in here.


Okay! You guys know what
a huge deal this is, alright?

So head up, posture tight,
core, posture up.
And let's crush this thing!

What's the definition of quiet?

Oh... Well, uhm...
the opposite of talking.

Got it. Okay.
I'm going to sit
sssuper sssilently.



This is an official invitation
to Buckingham Palace.


This is huge! I've been dying
to meet Harry.

What if Meghan and I
become BFFs

and I get to go to
all the parties on the yachts
and all the polo matches?

Uhm, who and what in the world
are you talking about?

Oh... Right, yeah.

Never mind.

Bet the Queen would love me
though! Let me see.

Maybe there's a plus one.

I've researched the Royal
Family. I know everything.

I could be quite an asset
during that social outing.

- These are from Menkin.
- Menkin?

He's saying I'm getting
introduced. But to who?

To whom. And it's only
the most exciting thing ever.

He's literally the most famous
choreographer in the world

and he's introducing you
to the patrons and benefactors.

And it's tonight.
I need to get ready.

Come on, chop chop.
Let's make me a superstar!

Good. And stop there.

Interesting. I liked it.

Alright, next pair.
Isaac and Clara.

Wait, that's not
part of the choreo.

What are they doing?

I don't usually applaud
a last‐minute change
in choreography.

But that was superb. Well done.

Okay, next pair:
Alex and Lenni, please.

They've changed the choreo.
They're really pulling out
all the stops for these roles.

Maybe Max should slide
on his knees across the floor?

Come on, Clive. Where are you?

There's got to be a clue about
the Bureau in here somewhere.

How did you get in here?
I'd start talking if I were you.

Fine. I know you're Bureau

and I need to find a way in
to get Clive back, so...

I figured your office
was a good place to start.

I'm not Bureau.
You're lying.

No, I'm ex‐Bureau.

Well, you know what they say.
Once Bureau, always Bureau.

Did you ever consider that we
might be on the same team?

Oh, I doubt that.

Suit yourself.
But I can tell you one thing.

If your friend
Clive was deleted,
he'll be much harder to find.

It is not impossible,
but he's in the powers
of the Bureau.

And you need me.

You know you do.

Fine. What were you thinking?

We set a trap for Lex.

And what's your end game?

That is my business.

But stopping the girl
is something
we could do together.

Are you in?

We need a plan.

Something out of the box.
Something bigger
than what they just did.

We need to outsmart them,
out‐dance them. We basically
need to out‐everything them.

Look, I have a crazy idea.

Are you in?
Definitely. I'm not going to get
Libertalia by playing it safe.

Okay. So first,
we change the music.

There's this piece that gets
my dad super sentimental
when he hears it.

I used to put it on
when I knew I was in trouble.
It works every time.

Okay. Music, check.
Music, check.

Next, we change
the choreography.

We do his lift, his signature
lift. It's the one that made him
famous at Empire.

He won choreographer
of the year for that.

I've seen a video of that lift.
It's spectacular!

Shh. Yeah, it is spectacular.

But he doesn't teach it anymore,
because he thinks
it's too dangerous.

Practically no one can do it.
But I think we can.

We can? I mean, yes, we can.
There's no room for doubts.

It's what Libertalia would do.
Exactly, we can do this.
Embrace the wild Libertalia.

Oh, I'm spooning the wild
and I'm brandishing
a toothbrush.

What does that mean?

Never mind.
There's no time.

Okay, I'll meet you
in the studio to rehearse.

Ladies and gentlemen,
may I present the prima and star
Thea Grisky.

I told you not to push me.
You deleted Clive.

Hey, in my defense, I didn't
believe you when you said
we could delete people.

I didn't think
it would actually work.
Well, it did.

- And I need you to bring him back, right now.
- As if!

I might not have planned it, but
deleting Clive was the most fun
I've had in a long time.

Careful, Frank. You don't want
to be next, now do you?

Don't you even think
about threatening me.

Don't you know who I am?

Yeah, you're the Time Collector
who thinks he's the tough one.
It's adorable, by the way.

No, I'm your worst nightmare.

I'll be ready.
And I'll be everywhere.

And when you least expect it,
I'll take you down.


That was a close call,
Agent Dosne.

I don't think you realize
just how dangerous he is.

Well, I've handcuffed
him for now, but we've got to go.

Wait, are you Bureau?

Officer Duquet. Elite Division.

Uh, it's a pleasure
to meet you, sir. I...

I'm so sorry about before.
You're in over your head.

Let's go. There are
too many people around.

We really don't have time
to worry about Thea right now.
You're right.

We'll deal with her
after the auditions.

Oh, Henri! Uh, hi.

Sorry I didn't call you back.

Now's not really a good time.
I need to rehearse
before the auditions.

I know.
I'm here to support you.
I just need a minute.

Go ahead.
I'll catch up with you.
Okay. Don't be late.


You really are a hard girl
to find, you know.
I know.

And I'm sorry, but it's crunch
time and I have to be wild.

I'm literally flying
by the seat of my pants.

You what?

Anyway, I got you a gift.

For good luck.

Yeah, okay.

I know last time
I got you a gift for luck,
this all happened.

But uhm, I've tested it
against the portal and... unexpected
time travel.

Wow. Uhm... Thank you.

Oh, I love it!

Uh... I wanted to get you
something modern this time.

Do you really like it?
Oh, I really do.

Uh... But I'm sorry.
I have to go.

I have to be better than
a bungee jumping plane driver.

That sounds
like an interesting ballet.

It is. And thanks again.
I'll see you later, okay?

Yeah, I'll... see you later.

We can definitely do this.

Yeah, one hand.
The hands like here, no?

No, no, they were over the top.
Okay, yeah. This way?


Yeah, you take a few steps back.

I'm actually supervising
your mission.

You do have a mission,
don't you?

It might not be my mission per
se, but when the opportunity
came, I grabbed it.

There's nothing wrong with
a little ambition, young lady.

Even if this wasn't
your mission to take on.

I didn't mean
to breach protocol.

It's just that people are
all over this time‐rip
and I know I can fix it.

Tell me everything and I'll do
whatever I can to help you
avoid suspension.

I'm going to send everyone back
to their rightful time period.

Lena, Henri, Thea,
the Time Collectors, everyone.

That's quite ambitious.

The work of a top elite agent.

You really think so?
I do.

Thank you, sir.

But you're not
a top elite agent, now are you?

No, sir.

Shut it down. All of it.

You know I'm right! I just
need a little bit more time.

This might not have started as
my mission, but it's mine now.

You're acting outside
of the Bureau's orders.

You're a danger to us
and to the world.

I'll keep this between us,
but next time I won't be
so nice about it.

Do the work
you were hired to do.

Got it?


What exactly
is that on your head?

I'll have you know that Anna
Pavlova wore one of these
beauties for Ondine

and she made history.
So there.


- That is not Anna Pavlova.
- That's Thea.

Get this headpiece off!
It's bad luck! Get it off,
get it off, get it off!

Oh man, this is not good.
She's changing history.

She probably locked Anna Pavlova
in a closet and stole her part.

The more this goes on,
the more change will happen.
This is bad, Lena.

What are we going to do?
I don't know.

But we have to get Thea back
before things get totally
out of control.

Get it off! Get it off, off,
off, off! Get it off, off, off!


She bought every word.

I'll make you the biggest star
the ballet world has ever seen.

I will not let you down.
I was born for this.

This is everything.

You ready?

Let's show him what we've got.



She really does float
across the stage.

Clara doesn't stand a chance.

Dude's killing it!
Totally killing it.

Lena is on top of
her game. This is sick, Jeff.

- Where have I seen this before?
- It's Armando signature lift.


- Amazing.
- Incredible.


- Oww!
- Max!

Don't move.
Just stay completely still.
Call the medics, please!

Okay, it's alright.
I'm right here, Max.

- Something's wrong.
- It's okay, I've got you.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Shh. It's okay, I'm sorry too.

Medics, please!
Can somebody get some ice?

It's all right. Don't move it.

- It hurts so bad.
- Yeah, yeah. It's alright.

Okay. Keep breathing.

Victor Duquet.
Unknown. AWOL.


I've been duped!

Ride with him

to the hospital.
I've got it covered here.

Call me the minute
you hear anything.

Lena, come with me?

Are you okay? Are you hurt?

No, I'm okay.
But I can't leave him.

He's my dance partner
and he took the fall
so I wouldn't get injured.

I hope you understand.

Yeah, of course.
Uh, call me later.

I will. I promise.

go back to the dorms.

Okay, let's go, please.
Come on, no time to waste.
Let's go.

Come on, let's go. Okay.

Hey. How are you feeling?

Dad, I'm sorry. I never
should have attempted the lift.
This is all my fault.

I should never
have agreed to it.
Mr Castillo, I'm so sorry.

Guys, come on.
It doesn't matter now.

All that matters is
how you're feeling.

So can I skate out of here now,
or what?

Someone say something, please.

I'm sorry, Max.

But the news isn't good.

It's fine, come here.

You'll be fine. I know it. Okay?