Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 7 - Episode #2.7 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

Previously... I found out the
truth about Ines and Pinky.

Ines, run!
He's a Time Collector!
Lena, stop.

We're working together.
How could you?

And I had to work with them
to get Henri back from time jail.

Ines saved the day
by stealing some codes
from the Time Collectors.

I don't understand,
it should be here.

Only, she was so distracted, she
missed her Grand Prix audition
with Armando.

Clara and Lena.

Max and Isaac are also fighting
for the male lead
and things are intense.

Hey. That's
what it takes to be the best.

May the best dancer win.

Oh, thanks. I didn't think
you'd concede so easily.

You wish.

But hey, there's plenty
of other parts for you
since Damien's mine.

I love the confidence, bro,
but I always snag the lead.

It's just the way it is, so...

Good. Good.
This, my bros, is progress.

Okay? Let's keep this whole vibe
and not go all competitive
bonkers, okay?

Okay, good. Good. Good.
This is good.

You're going down.


I'm so hungry.
Not as hungry as I am.

Okay, hold up. Time‐out.

Both of you get a time‐out.
Hm? Thank you.

Lena, I know I messed up,
but you've got to believe me
when I tell you how sorry I am.

Henri is gone.

We were finally together
and now he's missing.
And you chose Pinky over me.

No, I was trying
to get Thea back.

I knew you wouldn't go for it,
but I knew he'd let me see
the portal. That's all, I swear.

Really. I mean,
he's cute and everything,

but we needed to get
to the portal and we need
to bring Thea back.

Lena, I'm sorry. Okay?

No, it's my fault.
How is it your fault?

None of this would've happened
if Thea hadn't found my timepiece
and gone through the portal.

I can't do this alone.

Look, I'm on your team.
We outsmarted them.

These are the files
from Victor's office.
It'll get us Henri back.

Way to bury the lead.
You wouldn't even look at me.

Let's go get Henri.

Maybe after class then?

I would like you
to pick a dancer from history,

and I would like you to tell us
why and how they changed,

influenced or contributed
to ballet in a significant way.

But instead of writing it down,
you're going to present it
to the class.

'What's our plan? What if we
both go spiraling through time?'


What I mean
is... spiraling through time...

to find the perfect ballerina.

Like, say, 1905...

uh, and retrieve Anna Pavlova,

the Russian prima who danced
Menkin's Ondine.

What if I traveled through time
and brought her back

and introduced her
to all the students at this school?

Take note, everyone. This is
exactly the kind of passion

that will get you an A+
in this class.

I've seen enough.

Your technique is extraordinary.

Your strength, your precision.
I have found my Étoile.

See you in rehearsal.

You're going to be in a show
with the company. For Menkin.

And you're the star.
I know.
I'm finally where I belong.


These shoes are useless.
They're so hard.

I don't know how any of you dance
in them. My feet are killing me.


I hope you're all warmed up.

Because we're getting straight
into the choreography. Let's go.

I want to see
your best Damien. He's the lead.

So impress me.

five, six, seven, eight.

You, you're out.

You and you, you're out.
Quickly. Quickly.

Okay, take a breath.

Pst, Jeff.

You're tensing right before you
jump, which makes it look like
you're hesitating.

Think of jumping over a puddle.

Okay. Thanks, man.

Unless you want to be face down
in that puddle, I'd do the
opposite of what he just said.

Okay, let's start again.


And... five, six...

- Don't push me.
- Stop! Again.

This time without the childish
shoving. Yes?

In fact, Max, there.

Isaac, there.
The rest of you, stand by.

I hope you didn't exhaust
yourself trying to impress him.

That was the warm‐up, he's just
getting started, rookie.

And... five, six, seven, eight.

Stop! Stop!

If you're going to behave
like ten‐year‐olds, you can go
and join their class.

No, I'm serious.
Go and join their class.

Division six,
boys class. Now. Now!

This must be the trap
set by the Bureau.

The code should override it.

Guys, I think I might have
almost figured out
a way to get to Henri.

Well, that's no surprise.
Because you're so smart
and beautiful.

Yes, Ms Carré.

I'll let her know.
She's on her way.

Ines, Ms Carré has been
trying to reach you.

Armando is calling you to
audition. He wants to see you.

He's giving you another shot.
Now! Go! You have to run.

Wait. Now?

Uhm... okay.

I'm not really prepared but...
You're always prepared.

You're an incredible dancer.

Okay, I've got this.

I'll wait for Henri in case
he comes out of the portal.

Okay. Uh... You two
don't touch anything, okay?

I think this is going to work out,
okay? And... thanks, Lena.

Good luck.

Yeah, great luck.

That's enough.

What do you have to say
for yourselves, gentlemen?

Sorry, Ms Carré.
Yes, sorry, Ms Carré.


For acting out and focusing on
each other instead of the dance.

You're dismissed.


My guy was way better anyway.
You can't be serious.

My kid could do like seven
pirouettes and he's only ten.
That's raw talent.

Yeah, but he was distracted.
My kid had the focus of a ninja.

Great lesson.
Yeah, yeah, I'll take that
to heart, for sure.

What did you do?
She said not to touch it.

How could I? You haven't
taken your eyes off of me.

Is it working? What if this is
our only chance to get Henri?

No. Don't do it. We don't
have the codes, you'll end up
in time jail, too.

We do have the codes. And
we know that you and Frank
are double‐crossing us.

Ines has had the codes
this whole time.

Looks like my best friend is
smarter than yours.

Wait, no!

Oh, come on!




I'm so sorry.

Are you okay?
I'm better now.

How... How did you get here?

And how do we get out?

Oh boy, I really didn't think
this through.

At least,
now you know how that feels.

I just want us
to get back home.

I take it by "home"
you don't mean 1905?

Not this again.

We're in time jail.

I'd settle for just
getting out of here.

I wish you'd just give my world
a real chance.

Come on, I've tried.
You know I've tried. I just feel
so out of place there.

I even feel out of place
around you with your friends.

What does that mean?

You're so different.

Of course I'm different.

I've traveled through time
to another century.

I just wish we could be
together, like we used to be.

Well, I'm not ready to go back.

Oh, thank goodness. I thought
my feet were going to fall off.

Is that raw meat? Oh, gross.

Oh, yuck.
I think I just went vegan.

Is that
how you soothe your feet?

Just try it. You'll thank me.

'I thought this would
get your attention.

I didn't think raw meat
would be your thing.
Meet me for a surprise.'

What in the world is that?

It's heaven, Claudine.
It's pure heaven.

Okay, I've seen enough.

You're distracted.
No, sir. Just a bit nervous.

Libertalia is focused
and driven. That was neither.

Not your best work, was it?

Okay. You're dismissed.

I wasn't sure if you'd show.

Well, the ice pack
was a welcome surprise.

Where did you get
something like that around here?

There's a lot more
where that came from.

Right this way.


Go on.

Wow. Wait...

What is this place?

And why is it
so dark in here?

This is the time travelers' market.
Time doesn't exist in here.

You can get anything
you want from any time period.

Not just anyone can get
in, though. It's super exclusive,

but you're with me,
so you're golden.

This is totally wicked!

You just saved my life.
Or at least, my feet.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Oh man,
Ines is going to kill me.

First Henri, now Lena.
This is all my fault.

And I should be helping Frank
find Clive.

Who are you talking to?

I do that when I'm nervous
Why are you nervous?

Where's Lena?

You lost my best friend?
Yeah, well, you stole the codes.

That's hardly the same thing.
We need to get her back.

Okay, okay. How can I help?
I think you've done enough.

It's not my fault your friends
keep jumping through the portal.
But you didn't stop her. Okay?

Despite your childish
behavior this morning,

I've decided to give you
another shot at Damien.

Thank you, sir.


Focus. Don't mess this up.

You don't get to be a teacher
and a parent.

You chose to be a teacher,
so now you have to back off.

If I go down in flames,
that's on me.

Oh what, you thought I'd be
his favorite? Guess again.

You have no idea how hard it is.

No, it's just... I've never seen
anyone stand up
to Mr Castillo before.

It's inspiring.

Are you boys quite finished?

Good. Music.

And... one and two...

Why did you do this?

Everyone needs help adjusting
when they feel displaced.

Actually, I meant, why are you
a time traveler?
Or whatever you are.

A long time ago,
the Bureau were the good guys.

Then they weren't, so we've been
fighting them ever since.

And now they have got Clive,

So I'm even more motivated.

Do you like it?
What, traveling through time?


Yeah, I do. I love it.
It's an adventure, you know.

Plus, I got to meet you.

Is this thing going to work?
We have to try.

I've changed the codes.
It was a simple set‐up.

Hopefully it means it gives us
long enough to get in and out.

I go in alone. I can't risk you
going to time jail.

No. I hold on to you.
Human chain. Deal?


I'll squeeze your hand
when I've found them.

Don't let go.
I won't.

Lena? Henri?

Please work. Please work.

Do you see them?


Got them, pull us out.

What just happened?
That was crazy.

- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.

I mean,
Ines is the one to thank.

We have to go to school.

Uh... yeah.

Walk me back?

I think we really need to stop time
traveling. It's too dangerous.

Yeah, you're right.

As long as we're together
and we're safe, then I'm happy
to stay here with you.

You are?


Being away from you
for so long...

I just don't want to lose you

I better go,
before you get in trouble.
Okay, see you tomorrow.

See you.


- Hi.
- Hey.

Uh, I was just...

I was just going down to the
tunnels to rehearse some stuff
for the BLOK. Uhm...

Oh. Uhm, okay.

Do... Do you want me to meet you
down there, then?

Uh... Yeah. Uhm...

Yeah, sure.
If... If you want to.

Uh... Unless
you don't want me to.

No, no. Uh...
Whatever you want to do is cool.


Uh... Uh...

Are you stalking me?

'She might be even
smarter than you, Frank.

And she's so beautiful.'

Alright, come on, you already
know that part. Move on.

'Frank, she might help
us save Clive.'


Of course we are.