Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 6 - Episode #2.6 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

Previously... Armando is holding auditions
for the Choreographers' Grand Prix.

You get one shot at this,
so pick wisely.

And Ines and I
are after the same role.

I want to be
the wild sister!

Agent Lex is really
shaking things up.

First, she set a trap
on the porta‐portal
and then she deleted Clive.

You will pay for this!

Henri wanted to save Thea and
jumped through the portal.

But he didn't make it back.

Can you please stop pacing,
you're making me nervous.

How did we let this happen?

It's not like we could stop him.
He was like, 'I'll go, I'll go get Thea.

I'm a 1905 expert.'

Okay, not helping, Pinky.

Right. Stand back
and cross your fingers.

Ha! You did it!

Have I ever told you how
incredible and amazing and...

Oh no, what's that?

This device is in violation
of 1963 infractions.

It's last known user,
Henri Duquet,

has been remanded into
the custody of the Time Bureau.

Okay, I know that's bad,
but what does it mean?

Henri's in Time Jail!

What? How could this happen?

How are we going to get him back?
What am I going to tell Lena?

It's Lena.

Okay, I need to answer.
If I don't, she'll know
something's up.

- Okay, where are you?
- You left so early this morning.

Armando is making his selections
for the Grand Prix today.

Today? That wasn't meant to
be for another three weeks!

I know.
But you know Armando.

'The best dancers
are always ready.'

Okay, yeah.
I'll be there.

Pinky, what are we gonna do?

We need Frank.

He knows about
this stuff, but he's in 1905.

I can work with that.

I want you to go to the roof
and put this in the brick
at the Garnier.

I'm going to school.


I thought with this
crazy‐town audition ambush,

you'd be off doing
a billion pirouettes.

Only weak dancers
cram for selections.


I'm performing my finely
honed audition day ritual.

- Ping‐pong?
- Wait. Is this bizarro world?

Wait. Am I in an
alternate universe?

I put in the work, now I just
need to stay out of my head.

Up for some ping‐pong?
I'm going full chill method.

Oh, well, uhm...

I mean we were... Uhm...

I... He just asked me
if I possibly...

Yeah, no, never mind.
I was going to play some
video games anyway.

That's way more relaxing.

No, but... Max? Uhm...

This is crazy. What is he
thinking springing this on us?

I know! It's so unfair.

Yeah. He could have at least
told you he was going
to do surprise selections.

I love surprises.

Hey. Game face.
Don't let him see you sweat.

Hey, where were you?
Are you okay?

Lena, I'm sorry, I...

You're vying for a spot
in one of the most prestigious

ballet events in the world.

Act like it.
Okay, everyone in position!

Fan mail!
You have one from Prince
Augustus of Sweden again.

And this is from that suitor
who leaves notes for you
on the roof.

So romantic!

'Emergency. Roof. Now.'

Desperate much.
Let me see that one from Gus.


I'll be right back!

You with the fan, follow me.

Okay, thank you, stop there!

The dancers I tapped...

are dismissed.

The rest
may continue for floorwork,

so boys, in position,
and girls, take ten. Thank you.

Please, after you. I know
you must be nervous and first
impressions are everything.

Thanks, but isn't that exactly
why you should go first?

No, honestly, I insist.
No, I insist.

Okay, I'll go first. Alright?

Now, can we end this weird game
of 'politeness chicken', yeah?

Thank you.

Hey, where were you?
What's going on?

I've got to go, I'll tell you
everything so soon, okay?

I did what you said.
I put the letter inside and
waited and it just flashed.

'What do you want?
I'm kind of busy here!'

'It's Ines. Good to know
1905 hasn't changed you.

We're in trouble.
I need your help.'

Why should I help you?

'I love it here.
Just leave me alone.'

'Because Henri is in Time Jail.
He'll tell the Bureau about Lena.

And then, they'll work out
that you're in a different
time period, too.

Go to this adress, it'll
lead you to the
Time Collectors' apartment.

Frank will help.'


Fetch me my shawl
and get me my chaperone.

- I've got nothing.
- Nothing!

I'm so sorry, Clive.
I promise,
I'm gonna get you back.

I'm gonna find a way
into The Bureau, and when I do,
I'm going to rip them apart.

Oh... You're Frank?

Uh, yeah...
Yeah, hi. You're Thea, right?
From the ballet?

Yeah. You're friends
with that guy who does
my laundry, right? Clive?

Our friends at 2019
Future Street need our help.

It's quite the journey
from Future Street.

Did you by chance enlist
the aid of a special clock?

Indeed, I did.
Princess Grisky lent me hers...
more or less.

- Lena's timepiece?
- That's it!

Uhm... Yeah.
Uhm, yes yes, of course.

Yeah, I'd be happy to help.

I've got an idea,
but we'll need to ditch
the chaperone.

I'm already
one step ahead of you.

Shall we all go for a stroll?

I'll get my hat.

Sharper, faster.
Come on, punctuate the movement!

No, no, no, you you you,
you're out! Next line!

Open up!
Remember stage technique.
Guys, open up.

Okay, no, no, no!
This whole line, you're out.

Next line.
Better. Good. Better.

I like it, keep that focus.
I'm happy! Good. Okay, take 5.

Uh, Lena! A word, please.

Yes, Mr Castillo?

I have to say, I'm impressed
by what you're bringing
to this process.

You're becoming
my top pick for Adelaide.

I am very grateful.

But I was really hoping
to be Libertalia.

Libertalia? The girl lashes out at
the world like an injured beast.

Yes, sir. I was hoping...

Well, hope all you want, Lena.
I'm sorry, I just don't see it.

Right, I'd like
to see you individually.
Uhm, Clara, on first, please.

I can lash out. I'm wild!
I'm like a beast. Grrrr.

Oh God.
'Ines, where are you?'

What's happening?
I don't know.



I'm going for pizza,
wanna come?

Okay, dude, I don't know
what your problem is,
but pizza is my thing.

Really? Cause I've been going
for pizza during selections
since my first round

when I was eight.

Guys. Guys.
Everyone likes pizza.

Yeah, but, dude, come on.
I've got the best place.

They do this truffle
and rocket number on
a perfectly crispy thin crust.

My pizza place
has a cauliflower crust.
And it's killer.

Okay, no.
That is not pizza.

I mean...
Still sounds good, though.
I'm in.

Oh well, I mean,
I'll still eat it!
Just don't call it pizza!

Ines? Are you up here?

And you're sure
Frank will help?

Yeah, deep down he's a good guy.

Ines, run!
He's a Time Collector!

Lena, wait.
I know this looks bad...

We have to go!

Lena, stop!
We're working together.


Because, we lost Henri.

You lost him?
What do you mean you lost him?

Henri and Pinky and I got
the port‐a‐portal working again
so we could get Thea back.

And I wanted to tell you...

Wait. You... You and Henri
were working with the Time
Collectors behind my back?

Uhm... Collector. Singular.
And it's not her fault.

Henri jumped through
the portal all by himself.

How could you?

Lena! Lena, wait.

I'll go after her.

Armando is seeing
Libertalias now. Get in there!

No, I can't. No.

Thank you, Lenny,
you can sit down.

Miss Grisky. Alright.

Show me
what you think you've got.

But remember,
this is Libertalia,
not Adelaide.


Just when I thought
you couldn't surprise me again.

It's incredible.

Right, I have one dancer left
to see. Ah, Ines, there you are.

I'm sorry, sir.
Can I have a moment, please?

I still can't believe
your chaperone believed you
wanted to play hide‐and‐seek.

You're going to be in a boatload
of trouble when you get back.

In case you hadn't
noticed, I do things my way.

Pinky, I don't know how to tell you
this. Something's happened to Clive.

It's bad.
The Bureau's back. They got him.

What do you mean
"got him"? What happened?

I trusted you
to take care of him, Frank!

I know. I'm sorry.
There's this new
Bureau agent, Lex.

She and I got into it
and the next thing I knew,

Clive disappeared
right in front of me.

This is our chance
to get him back!
Victor used to be Bureau.

Search his office.
I'll look too from here in 1905.

He should have coordinates
to where Henri is.

That's our way inside,
and once we're in the Bureau,
we get Clive.

Okay, I'm on it.
But Frank, this better work.

Dude, that cauliflower
crust was no joke.

Hey, I know my pizza.

It's not pizza. It's grated
cauliflower with melted
cheese on it. Just saying.

I'm going to catch
you guys later.

I'm going to run a few laps
around the school.

I have to stay lean
if I'm going to play Damien.

I'm going to be Damien.

And I do ten laps of the school with
jumping lunges. Enjoy your stroll!

Lena, wait.
We need to talk.

No, we don't!

Henri's in time jail.


The Bureau put some kind of trap
on the port‐a‐portal.

He's been remanded
into Bureau custody.

What's time jail?
I don't know.

But Pinky and Frank
know about the Bureau.
They'll help us.

They say all we need to do is
get some of Victor's old files.

They'll give us the codes
we need to get to Henri.

They should be in his office.

But why would Victor
have codes to time jail?

I don't know. Let's find out.

Okay. Let's go.

Hey. I'm sorry about...

Don't. The only reason I'm here
is because Henri needs our help.

I get it. But I promise
I'll do everything I can.

Frank's helping too
from 1905. We'll fix this.

This is incredible.

so what are we looking for?

The codes could be on anything.
Uhm, paper files, digital,
or this weird crystally thing

if he went to the future.
Something with a logo
like that.

So, is this the adventure?
Because I have reading circle.

Don't let me keep you from
that cavalcade of excitement.

I'm just unraveling the
mysteries of time travel, but...

By all means.

What's your deal?
Lena calls you a Time Collector

and what's this "Bureau"
everyone keeps going on about?

All you need to know
is that the Bureau are pure evil

and they'll do anything,
destroy anyone!

Well, have fun
at reading circle.

Have you checked over here?

I've checked everywhere.

Maybe there were never any codes
and Frank's deceiving you, too.

Frank wouldn't do that.

I'll go talk to him.
Maybe he found
something in 1905.

A memory stick?
In 1905? That's... weird.

Yes! Yes! That's it!

But computers don't exist
for another hundred years, so
how are we supposed to use it?

That's where our friends
from future street come in.

Back in a flash.

I found the codes! But they're
on a USB stick. It doesn't seem
to work in the chimney.

I can't send it throug the brick
like the letter.

But there's a hiding spot in
the big shelves in the office.
I'll put it there.

This is it, Pinky.
We're getting Clive back.

Whatever it takes, mate. Even if it
means going against your girl, or mine.

This is for the greater good.
This is for Clive.

Are you ready?

You know, there's still time
for reading circle.

You would cause
quite the scandal.

That does sound thrilling,
but I think I'll pass.



Whatever it takes, mate. Even if it
means going against your girl, or mine.

This is for Clive.

Frank found it!

It's in here...

I don't understand.
It should be here!

Never trust a Time Collector!

Maybe he kept it for himself. Or maybe
there were never any codes at all.

Hang on. Frank hid it
over a hundred years ago.

It could have got moved
or something.
Let's keep looking.

Armando's calling everyone back.
The shortlist is ready.

Go. I'll keep looking.
If I find it, I'll come get you.
I promise.

Come on, we can come back later.
We can't keep Armando waiting.


It's been a long day,
so I'll wrap it up now and
continue with you boys tomorrow.

No. No! Mr Castillo, I beg you.

I will dance all night.
Just please don't make me
do this dance again!

You won't be dancing at all,
Mr Chase, if you're not
off the floor in three, two...

Good lad.

Same time, same place?
Where else would I be?

Well, see you then.
Just try and stop me.

Why would I?
You wouldn't.

My shortlist for
the two sisters is as follows.

Charlotte, Sofia and Lenny.


and Lena.

O.M.G., Lena!
You are the only Second Division
dancer to make the list!

You were amazing.
Way better than Thea!

Don't tell her I said that.

Lena, that's amazing.


I'm not ready to talk to you.

But this is important.
You were totally right!

This is the letter
Pinky and Frank
were sending through the roof.

Frank was never helping Henri.

I told you we couldn't trust
the Time Collectors!

Henri is gone
and now we have nothing!

Lena, wait!
