Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 5 - Episode #2.5 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

Previously... Thea has happily
taken over my life in 1905.

I'm princess Grisky, forget
what you've learned in ballet.

One two three four.

Pinky invited Henri to stay at
the Time Collectors' apartment.

Here we are,
make yourself at home.

And Henri has discovered
he has a gift for music.

As for Pinky, he's secretly
working with Ines on the portal.

I want to see the portal
that you built last year.


Oh, and Isaac found out
about the BLOK.

"Thea, I'm sorry we fought
the other day, but there's
no need for the radio silence.

I need to know if you're okay.
Have you managed to fit in?

Probably not,
you've probably fallen flat
on your face, but I can help!

I know we have our differences,
but we're doing everything
we can to get you back."

Thea's a million times better

than her cousin Lena could
ever have dreamed of being.


Can you believe this?
They love me!
What a rush!

You made the front page.

Oh, my...

"Thea Grisky, a born star.

We've never had a student
like her at the Paris Opera
Ballet School.

She's breathtakingly exquisite
and seems to come
from another world."

Thea Grisky?
She's stealing my name!

"In her spare time,
Thea finds enjoyment
in teaching her new friends

a delightful new dance
she's invented
called "Hippity‐Hop"."

She's stealing my life.

This stops now!

We need to get Thea back,
like, yesterday.

Henri, you're not going
to believe this.

Lena! How's it going?

Where's Henri? Is he here?

Henri? Oh... Nope.

Well, where is he then?
Isn't he staying here?

Uhm... I have no idea
where he is, actually.

He's a free man about town.
He could be anywhere... really.

Oh, come on, man.
That's the master key.
It opens everything.

Oh well, then I'd start talking
if I were you.

He's staying with...

It... It's a place for...

It's like
a time travel... hotel.

And when did this happen?

Literally just happened.


Uh‐uh... Well, thanks.

Bye‐bye now!

"Sorry, Henri. Lena outsmarted
me. She's on her way over."

So, anyone up
for doing anything today?

Maybe an epic
video game challenge?

Or maybe a run?

Nothing? Should I continue
talking to myself, or...

I know you're not thrilled
with me being your roommate.

I don't really care.

You'll never get where you want
to be wasting your time
with that street stuff.

Don't know
what you're talking about.

What is your deal?

You think people don't know
about it. But they do.

We heard about it in London.

Don't believe
everything you hear.


Think you can fix it?

Depends. I need to see if my
coordinates match and I need a wrench.

How did you get so smart?


How did you get so beautiful?


Yep! Coming right up!

Okay. Whatever you do,
don't tell you‐know‐who.


Oh no! Lena's on her way!

She can't see us with Pinky!

Where have you been?
And why didn't you tell me
you moved?

Uhm... Oh, yeah,
Oscar found me
a permanent place to live.

It's kind of like a time
travelers' boarding house.

Oh, well, that's good.
I'm steaming mad right now.

You'll never guess what
happened. Thea's completely
taking over my life in 1905.

Only it's worse than that,
because she's bringing
stuff from my modern life

back there with her.
Oh, You don't say. What
do you mean by "taking over"?

What's in there?
What are you hiding?

Hiding? Ha ha!

Why would I ever hide
anything from you, Lena?

Why are you yelling in my face?

Aren't you going
to let me in, then?

Henri Duquet,
where are your manners?

Into the living room,
Lena? Well, of course.

Is this a game?

This place is quite nice,
isn't it?

I don't understand
why we don't just tell her
we're working together?

Are you insane?
Because you're the enemy.

Why don't you have
a seat? No, not there.
Okay, okay.

What is with you today?
You know, Thea told everyone
she's a Grisky.

A Grisky.
I'm a Grisky. Me. Not her.

She stole my name
Get her out of here.

Can you believe her?
Get her out of here!

Get her out of here!

Get who out of where?

You've not seen that?
It's a moving picture.

It's brilliant, it's about
a ghost that uhm...

What did he say?

...lives in this haunted mansion
and there is a family,

and the family are trying
to get her out of there.

What are you talking about?

I don't know.

Okay, Thea?

Yeah! Thea's teaching the girls,
my girls, including
nasty Claudine, hip‐hop!

Hip‐hop in 1905!
Get her out of here.

I'm trying!

Oh, I'm sorry, am I boring you?

No. Not at all. I'm sorry.

I am tired, I didn't sleep
very well last night.


What is going on today?
I can't find Ines
and you're acting weird.

What was that?


Ah... Guitar!

Henri! That's amazing!

Is he going to play her
a whole concert?

He's really good though.

Awesome. I'll tell Thea
we missed the window to save her
because of Henri's music.

You're so cheeky.

You're so good! Don't stop!

Why didn't you tell me
about this?

Oh, I...
I sort of thought I did.

Oh, would you look at the time!

You seem really upset
about this Thea thing but you
need to deal with it right now.

So let me give you some advice.

If you want to beat Thea,
you have to beat her
at her own game.

Okay, so why don't you go
and think about that. Pop!

Off you go, then.

Okay, you really are acting
super weird, but you know what?

You're right. I'm going to beat
Thea at her own game.

Thank you, Henri.

And we're going to talk about
this whole situation later.


Where have you been?
We were supposed to
rehearse this morning. Come on.

I have an idea.
A great one, which
you might not like at first,

but I think if you give it
a chance, you'll love it
as much as I do.


What if we audition the BLOK
for Dance Off?

If Thea could win that thing
all by herself,
surely the BLOK could win!

Have we met? As if I'd take
the BLOK on some lame
cheesy TV show like Dance Off.

Don't tell Thea I said that.

Come on, I think
it could be totally great.

We'd wear our masks.
No one would even know.

Uhm, except for my Dad.

Lena. I've got plans
for the BLOK.

And they don't involve
Dance Off

or being expelled
by the great Armando Castillo.

Fine. I'm going to be a better
Thea than Thea could ever be.

What does that even mean?
Lena, we have rehearsal!

Pinky? Can you get him out
of here so I can work in peace,

What am I supposed
to do with him?

I don't know.
Maybe try getting him some
clothes from this century?

Hey, mate, why don't we
give the genius over here
a little space to work, eh?

I'll be out in a minute.

Look after her.

Okay, now let's take
a double selfie!

Oh, yeah.

I'm so totally posting this.

Hey, Lena. Thea just texted
and asked us
to send her some stuff.

So, we're just taking pictures
to make sure
it's the right stuff.

Totally. Good one!

Never mind that.
You said you wanted a new leader?

Well, guess what?


I'm it!


That's a big way, girls!

I don't understand.

Frank took so many shortcuts.
It doesn't make any sense.

O.M.G.! It works!


Oh my... Oh...

I just don't know about this.
It feels very uncivilized.

Have you got anything without
a million scissor teeth...

Mate, if you want to impress
your modern girlfriend,
you have to get with the times.

Here, try this.


See? That's what
I'm talking about!



It's Ines.
She got the portal working!

Ha... Oh, come on.

Come on, Lena!
Pick up! Pick up!

I can't believe it!
This is amazing!

I knew you'd fix it. But how?

It doesn't matter.

I don't know how long
the power's going to last,
but I can't get a hold of Lena.

I want to wait for her
to make a plan though, right?

I'll go. I'll get Thea
and I'll bring her back.

I know 1905.
I know exactly
where to look for her.

No way, not a chance.

I'm doing
whatever she says.


I have huge BLOK news!

Wait, I need
to tell you something!

Okay, but hurry,
I have to tell you something!


But I haven't even
told you my news yet.

Gotta go. Pinky, wait!

That boy doesn't have a clue.
He can't be left
to his own devices.

I can't lose both of you.
We need to wait for him
to come back, okay?

What if he doesn't come back?

What am I going to tell Lena?

Well, that was weird.
She must be busy.

Okay, girls, we'll teach
Ines the choreo later.
Let's go from the top.

Awesome! Let's do this!



Interesting article,
Miss Grisky?

Oh, hello, Mr Castillo.

I was just catching up on my...
Japanese homework.

I didn't realize we offered
Japanese at the School.

We don't. It's an online course.

If it's an online course,
why are you reading
a Japanese newspaper

in the middle
of the Palais Garnier?

Extra credit.


Carry on then.

Okay, again from the top!

Oh, oops.

Hold on... Wait, this is it!

Guys, let's slow
everything down.

Maybe try to start in a circle.

This is perfect. We've got it!

I booked this studio for myself.
Get out!

Huh? What you got there?

Back off!



I saw you that night,
so what's your plan?

Learn hip‐hop?
Master hip‐hop? Get a crew?

Challenge other crews
and take Max down?

That's gonna take time,
patience, determination

and undoing everything
you know about dance.

So, we better get started.

Look, I was never allowed to
learn any of this kind of dance.

I just wanted to see
what the hype was about.

Hmm... You mean this hype?

You look ridiculous.

No, my man, you do!

And I can't unsee
what you were doing back there.

So it is my job...

No, my duty...
No, my obligation

as hip‐hop master
of the universe to get you
started on the right path.

But I warn you,
you're gonna love it.

You'll blink and you'll be
wearing baggy pants and tie‐dye.

Ha! Doubt it.


Come on, man.
Let's start with your posture.

You're too uptight,
you got to shrug it off. Okay?

Shrug it off, man! Shrug it off.

What are you doing?

Teaching you the basics.

You got a problem with that?


That's what I thought.
Alright, ready?

Shrug... it... off.

Shrug... it... off.

You... are... horrible.

Forget it.
No, no, no!

I'm kidding!
Come on, let's try again.

Shrug... it... off.

Pick it up, hey, hey, hey!
There you go.

Next lesson, ready? Catch me!

There you go. Nice!

Okay, girls,
let's remember the rules.

What is the first rule
of the Blokettes?

Never talk
about the Blokettes.


And if anybody asks
who is in the Blokettes,
what do we tell them?

All of us are in the Blokettes.
What are the Blokettes?

No, Bree. Because the Blokettes
don't exist, remember?

Excellent work, Kennedy.

Oh girls, I just love this!

Seven, eight... One, two...

Is it wrong that I hope
Thea never comes back?

If it's wrong,
then I don't want to be right.

Where is Henri?

It usually takes a bit of time.
We just have to wait.


We can't wait.
What am I supposed to tell Lena?

Nothing. She never has to know.

I have to go to school.
You call me as soon as
Henri gets back, okay?

Yeah, of course.

I knew it was a mistake
trusting you.

Hey, how is this my fault?

This is all just
one giant mistake.

Pinky, I have lost
my best friend's boyfriend.

I've really messed up, okay?

Henri, learn how to
use your phone, already!

Oh, I missed you
so much today! Where were you?

Sorry, I just got consumed
by this project and I...

Oh, it doesn't matter!
I have so much to tell you.

Thea's totally wrecked
everything in 1905.

She's basically taken over what
would be my life if I was back.

She taught hip‐hop to everyone! And then
she sent me this stupid newspaper article!

Anyway, you're totally
in the Blokettes,
with me and Bree and Kennedy

and these other girls I met
at the community center!

Uhm, it's just that the deadline
for Dance Off was tonight,

so we had
to submit the audition.

We're going to beat Thea
at her own game.

Oh, don't worry, I'm going
to teach you every step.

You'll be up to speed
in no time. Check this out.

Tah, tah, tah... Ha!