Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 3 - Episode #2.3 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

Previously... Dash has left and a
new guy named Isaac replaced him.

He's the real deal!

You're in my spot.

Armando's teaching
at the school full time now.
Looks like we're stuck with each other.

Which isn't great, since
he knows all about the BLOK.

You have to make a choice.
Is it ballet or is it hip‐hop?
You can't have both.

Max is still mad at me
for not telling him the truth
about Henri.

We finally heard back from Thea.

She's going to school
back in 1905.

Where she'll be with my nemesis,
Claudine Renault.

And we still have no clue where
the Time Collectors ended up.

This is a brilliant idea.

We just have to make sure
her mother and everyone

believe that she's still on tour
instead of 1905.

Lena, I hardly have
any pics with Thea.

It's not like we
run around taking selfies
all day together, is it?

It's hard to know
how to talk like her,

like she would talk
to her mother.

She's a lot different with her
mother than she is with us.


Okay. How's this?

"Dear, Mother."

"The tour has been
excellent so far.

There's been an extension
in several European cities, then
I'll be heading back to school.

All with Ms Carré's
blessing, of course.

Fondly, T."


You have met her mother, right?

Good point.

Okay, according to my chart,
we're due to post something
on her socials this afternoon.

I don't know how long
we can keep this up.

We really need to figure out
a way to get Thea back.

Well, I've been doing
some detective work

and I'm thinking we're gonna
have to build something
to bring her back.

What? You can do that?

Right now it's just
a bunch of wires,

but if I get the frequency right
then I could be onto something.

She's lucky you're so brilliant.

Well, we can't cover
for her forever,

so I've been running some
numbers on the quantum flagpole.

I don't even want to think of
the mayhem Thea's going
to cause while she's there.

Yeah. We need to stop her
before she gets totally out
of control, 1905‐style.


"We're only trying to help, Thea.
I know how lonely it can get."

"Oh please, I've already made tons of
friends. I really don't need your advice.

Oh, and FYI, I've started
at the Paris Opera
Ballet School, circa 1905."

That's good, right?

Yeah, that's what you did.
Tell her it's good and that she
should keep trying to fit in.

Okay. You're right.

"That's great! Do everything
you can to fit in.

Don't gossip, or show
emotion, and be polite.

No offense,
but don't be yourself."


"Oh don't worry, Lena..."

"I'm sure
Claudine Renault can help me."

"Do not under any circumstances
take any advice or befriend that
two‐faced lying snake Claudine.

She'll destroy you, trust me.

She's the one who started
this mess by writing
to my mother!"

Come on, Lena,
we have to work with her.


"There's a reading circle.

You'll meet plenty of nice girls
there, way nicer than Claudine.

She'll be there,
but it's a good way for you
to meet some other people."

"Wow, a reading circle.
You really were wild
back in the day."

"I'm just trying to help."

Fine. Reading circle.
How hard can that be?

What's up?

I mean, may I join you,

What's the book called?

The Governess' Son
by Charmaine Brulette.

It's quite sophisticated.
I'm sure you've never
heard of it.

Never heard of it?

I got an A‐plus
on my paper
for this pile of garbage.



let's talk about the theme.

I have a better idea.
Let's talk about that stupid ending.

The Governess steals the golden
watch away from the Prince

in order to pay for
her son's operation,

but instead of making it
for something life‐threatening
it's for his tonsils.

Like, who cares? Why not making
it for something super juicy

like a liver transplant
or something?

You are incorrigible!

Okay, drama much?
It's not like I insulted
your outfits!


Oh, relax.
I was just leaving.

If we're going to coexist
here, there have to be rules.

Fine. Two dinners a week.

Okay. And I'm continuing
with the BLOK.

Absolutely not.

This is Second Division.
No more hip‐hop.

I've already told Lena.
I'm not messing about with this.

Or I can tell Ms Carré about
your antics from last year

and let her decide
if a retroactive punishment
is in order.

Got it. No BLOK.

I'm dead serious about this.
It's done.

Consider this our first dinner.

I will not. Snacks don't count.

Yes, sir.

No, Henri, you hold it up to
your face, not your ear.

Lena, can you hear me?

No, not like that!

Is anyone in there?

Okay, forget it.
Meet me for lunch!


Drop your hankies,
girls, now pick them up,
that's it.


This is called
the stop and drop.

Stop and drop, Miss Grisky.

Not a chance, Miss Renault.


I am going to report you
to the Directrice.

Oh no, my book walking
and hanky dropping skills
aren't quite up to code?

You are rude and unmannered.
I kindly ask you to leave.

From the top, ladies.

And posture and eyes down.

This is unbelievable.

Look around, girls.

What are manners exactly?
A way for you to all look
exactly the same?

Don't you want to stand out? Don't you
want to be able to think for yourselves?

You're wasting your time,
I can tell you that for free!
Grisky, out!

What is happening right now?

Hey, Lena!

No... Oh, Henri.

Stop it guys, he's new here.

Okay, okay, okay.
What is all this?

I just wanted to impress you.

But I've failed again.

Don't worry. When I first
got here, I slammed
right into that door!

I just don't know
how to act here.

Or what to say
to you and your friends.

I'm totally lost.

You'll get used to it,
don't worry.

We need to go home.

Can't you just give it a chance?

What do you think I'm doing?
I'm done with chances.

We need to
go back to 190...


This was a mistake.
I need to go.

Whoa... Whoa!

Yeah, dude's totally retro.

Ow, aw.
I like him though.


I feel just awful.

I mean, am I a terrible person
for being embarrassed
by Henri's mistakes?

I know you're in genius mode,
but I need your brain, please.

I'm in crisis over here.

I thought that with
my experience of having to
adjust I'd be able to help Henri

but we're just clashing.
There's no connection.
It's awful.

Look, he'll come around.
He just needs to adjust.

But that's just it,
he doesn't want to adjust.
He wants to leave.

Thank you!

A rooftop picnic!
Oh, Henri's so romantic.

Maybe everything's going
to be okay after all.

"BLOK, Warehouse.
Nine, tonight."

BLOK audition!

I'm surprised Max is
even asking me to audition.

We're not exactly
on the greatest terms.

Dudes are weird.
No point trying
to understand them.

You're a wicked dancer,
so why wouldn't he want you?

Plus, he has to forgive you
one day.

Yeah, you're right, I guess.
Thanks. And, oh!

If I time it right, I can go on
my date with Henri and then hit
the BLOK audition right after.

It's perfect!
What are we gonna wear?

Did you see
those bizarre hand gestures?

"And I'll tell you
that for free!"

Are you serious?

Whoever invented these dresses,
clearly never had to wear one!

This entire time period
should be erased!

I can't do this barbaric time
period for another second!

Nobody likes me.
Like nobody.

This is so awesome and romantic!

Oh, and look
at those little ballerinas!

Oh no, what's wrong?

What in the world
are you wearing?

Henri, we're not
in 1905 anymore!

Clearly not.

Oh look, Thea's texting me,

She's struggling.
You know how it is.

Okay. I'm all yours!

Okay. So I found a guitar
in the back of Oscar's shop.

Uh‐huh? A guitar.
That's great.

And it turns out,
I actually really have
a knack for it.

Is everything okay with her?

Uh, yep.
It's all under control.

Where were we?

I don't know. I think
we're pretty lost right now.

- Uh...
- Oh, Henri, I'm sorry.

"Thea. I'm busy, you'll have
to deal with it yourself."

Ha! She's super high maints.

Listen, I know
things have been hard.

But you have
my undivided attention.

I can't wait till we're back
on this same roof in 1905.

Sorry, sorry.
Pretend I'm not here.

I just need to get a few
measurements. I've got
an amazing idea to help Thea.

Sure. Go ahead then.
Anyone else?

Hey! Maybe we should send word
to the street that we are trying
to have a romantic moment?

Wow. Have you seen this?

Never mind. You know what?

Sorry. I can do this later.
Sorry, guys.

Henri, what is your deal?

You're acting like
a totally different person!

Where's the Lena
I know and love?

I'm right here, but I have
a life of my own, okay?

There's a lot going on.


What are you doing here?

Hi, beautiful.
How was space camp?

It was science camp.

Don't worry.
This is neutral ground.

I'm stuck here until the next
portal opening in a few months.

I have no superpowers.

And I totally haven't been
hanging around all summer
waiting for you to get back.

How did you even get here?

Jumped back through the portal
before it closed.

Okay, maybe I was waiting around
all summer for you to get back.

I want to see the portal
you built last year.

Absolutely. Anything
to see you again, gorgeous.

I can't believe
I spent nine hours
watching picnic vlogs for this!

I don't even know
what a vlog is!

No, Henri, wait.

Keep the table cloth
to cover your shoulders.

Fine, go!