Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 1 - Moments Later - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

You're leaving, aren't you?

I had one last chance to dance
on the Garnier stage
before going back to 1905.

And it was so amazing!

Henri finally came for me,
but it wasn't easy for him
to get to me.

Oh my god!

The Time Collectors
are constantly chasing us,

and now the Time Bureau
was after us, too.

They're so powerful that
one of their agents froze
Victor, Oscar and my mother

to keep them
from coming after us.

But when Henri and I
got to the portal,
it was already closed.

Oh no...

Now we're both stuck here
and Thea is the one
who ended up in 1905.

Lena Grisky,
you will pay for this!

Lena, where are you going?

Can we at least talk about this
for like, one minute?


You've already had a moment.

I think Lena can talk
for herself, thank you.

It's Henri, isn't it?

Pleasure to make
your acquaintance.

Come on, we really have to go.
We need to figure out
what's happening.

Wait. What do you mean?
What does he mean?

I just need a minute, okay?

Seriously, what is
going on? Who is that guy?

And where are Thea and Dash?

Wasn't she like, just here?
Totally. Unless...

What? What?

Unless she has an evil twin!

I'm so sorry. I should have
told you I was leaving
with Henri. It's just that...

Yeah, but where...
where are you going?

It's too complicated.

Lena, we really need
to go. We might be in danger.

I'm so sorry.
I wish I could explain.

Wait but... What does
he mean, "in danger"?

I'm sorry.

Uh... I still don't understand
why you guys were trying
to go through a brick wall.

So, uh...

What is this place?
Why am I in 1905?

I feel like I'm standing
in the middle of a history book!
Oh, wouldn't that be fun?

How can you make jokes?
Where are all the cars?

Why are there horses everywhere?
This is freaking me out.
I need to go home. Now!

What are you looking at?

You've just got a tiny bit of
something on your face there.

What? This is all the rage.
You look like
you're wearing curtains!

I'll find you a jacket
so you'll fit in.

How did you know
that would be there?

My dad is surprisingly

Let me see that.

"Henri, if you are
reading this, then something
went horribly wrong.

Where are the Time Collectors?

Where is the Time Bureau?

Did you see anyone else
go through the portal?

Because if anyone went through
that portal that shouldn't have,

it will lead the Bureau
right to you."

Duquet's office
is over here. Let's go!

He's hiding something,
we just have to find it.

It will lead us to his son
and the ballerina.

There's nothing here.
Let's go.

This is totally barbaric!
Since when has there
ever been a dress code?

And if I can't get in there,
how am I meant to get home?


What do we do?
Do I get in one of
those pumpkin thingies?

Will that take me home?
W... wait.

No, no, no.
Yes, yes, yes.

I can't even!
It seems you already did.

Fix this, now!
You're mean.

Good luck, all by your lonesome.

Fine! Fine, fine. I'm sorry.

Please help me. Please.


Don't. Get me
some fresh clothes. Now!


Oh, good morning, mam,
I've got some files for you.

Have yourself a good day!

Argh, I get that I'm the rookie.
And I'm willing to play
their little game

and be the perfect little
assistant until they're ready to
give me a mission of my own.

But my boss is away,
and if that means
cutting a few corners

and finding my own mission,
then so be it.

Yeah, I'm still here.
I gotta call you back.

Looks like we've got
a time breach!

Captain Michel's office,
Agent Dosne.

Get me the Captain! There's
been a time breach in 1905.

He's not in at the moment.
But if you give me the address,

I'll make sure
he gets the message.

425 Rue Basque.
Get an agent down there now!

Yeah, got it. Thank you.

Everybody freeze!
You're all under arrest!

But we're already frozen!

Where's Lena?
Where's Henri?

Who are you?

I'm Lex Dosne and I ask
all the questions around here.

I've been brought in
to clean up this mess.

You're Bureau.

Yeah, that's right. And you've
got some explaining to do.

Can you help us?

I'll check the back room!

What if we stayed?

It's amazing here!
You'd love it as much as I do.

Just hear me out.
If we go back,
we'll be separated.

I'll never dance
or make company.

We could have a life here.

But we don't
belong here, Lena.

Under the authority
of the Bureau,

you must surrender any
timepieces that you've used for
any unauthorized time travel.

We don't have any.
At least get
your facts straight.

We were left frozen
by your colleague Francie Parks.

Yeah well, she got fired.
So now, you'll deal with me.

She got fired!

What's with him and why
isn't this working? He must
still be under the spell.

Stop this!


Oh no, I wasn't
meant to do that.

What's going on?
What is this place?

Who are you?
Who are you?

Whoa, that's a lot of clocks.

Young lady, you have
no idea what you've done.

I was just following the orders.
Stop right there, or I'll push
the button again!

What are you still doing here?

Oh no, what have I done?


Where's Oscar?

If he were here,
he would agree that
this is the worst idea ever.

Who are you
and what do you want?

Who am I? Who are you?


Oscar? What on earth
happened to you?


We found this letter
in Victor's office.

And then these three men came in
and just took everything!

And not only that,
but Oscar is seventeen.

What is this?

It's a drawing
of the portal we built.

Lena tells me you're a genius.
Maybe you can make sense of it?


I have to tell him something.




Look, I want to tell you

It's just so complicated
and kind of unbelievable.

I just thought after
everything we've been through,
we were kind of past this thing.

We are.
It's just...

I wish I'd never met you.

Max, wait.

Look, it's curfew.

Then I bid you a good night.

Yeah, okay...

Okay, curfew is really serious stuff.
You really have to go.

Come on!

So you can stay
at Oscar's, yeah?

Yes, he agreed to let me stay.

So much has changed.
Yeah, but at least we're together.

Thank you for coming for me.
You never gave up.

I never did.

You're a wonderful dancer, Dash.
We're very lucky to have you here.

What can I do
to make you reconsider?

I appreciate that, Ms Carré.

But I realized that I spent
the last few years
trying to best Max

instead of trying
to best myself.

But why didn't you come to me
sooner with this?

I can't make guarantees,

you certainly have
an excellent chance
of making company next year.

Thank you.
But I really feel like

transferring to
the London School of Ballet
is the best choice for me.

Very sorry to see you go, Dash,
but I wish you the best of luck.

Thank you.

Why are you being
so weird today?

And why are you coming out
of Gabrielle's office?


I was waiting to tell Ines
before I told you, but
I may as well tell you now.

I'm... I'm leaving.
Cool. I'll come with.

What are you thinking? Yo.
Pizza? Crepes?

Oh, those little
waffle thingies
with the little thing on...

Wait, why are you looking
at me like that?

I'm leaving the school, Jeff.
And Paris.

I got accepted into
the London School of Ballet.

But you just...
But... Nope.

Sorry, that's a...
Bro, come on.

You're not leaving the school!
I won't allow it.

Bro, come on. They offered me a spot
in the company next year, guaranteed.

Wait, what?
Dude, you can't go.

I can't believe you decided this
without even talking to us, man.


Everyone's already leaving
for summer vacation.

Please stay
for the summer workshop.
Please, please, please.

Sorry, Lena, I can't.
I've got to exercise my mind.

Plus, science camp
is a ton of fun,

but if you tell anyone that,
I will totally unfriend you.



Anyway, you'll be busy
with Henri, getting him up
to date with the modern world.

I'm trying.


Ah, seems like just
yesterday that a young
time‐traveling princess

slammed right
into the very same door.

He'll adjust. Just like you did.

I should go rescue him.


Oh, Henri.

I only have a few minutes.
We have pairs next.


Oh hey! There you are!

You are just in time, because
I'm ready to kick your butt

in "Desert Destroyer.
This time it's personal".

Come on, I'll race you.

What's wrong?
Come on.

This is the hardest thing
I've ever had to do so...
I'm just gonna do it, okay?

I got into the London
School of Ballet.

I've been guaranteed a spot
in company next year.

It's the right choice for me.

The only reason
why I'm hesitating is...
is because of you.

You, Ines, have been
the best part about
the last few years of my life.

And if you don't want me
to go, I won't.

You have to go.

Thanks a lot!
I look like a footman!

You're welcome!


Now that I'm stuck here,
I may as well try to fit in.

Wait, are these
company dancers?

I am so much better than them!

Oh my god, I've mastered steps
that haven't even
been invented yet.

I can dance circles
around these amateurs!

Circle dancing is the best.

Take this to
Sir Cafour's carriage.

You're leaving?
Just for the summer.

Bags. Carriage. Now.

"Bags. Carriage. Now."

It's always Clive. Always Clive...

This one's not even a bag!


This must be just before
she disappeared.

It's funny. It's a joke.

Is it? I don't get it.

What's a me?

Totally radical word.

You've been practicing
your slang?

Yes, why, was it wrong?

A little bit.

I have to get to class.
Meet you later, okay?

OK. Sure. Later skater.

What's the matter?
What's going on?

Dash is leaving.

He's going to London.
For good.


There's a lot of love
needed today.

It's going to be okay.

I saw her go through that
backstage door with that usher
guy but that was ages ago.

That was the last time
I saw her too!

That usher guy was so cute.
Yeah, totes cute.

Wait, but she would have updated
her socials and there's no
mention of a door.

Or a cute guy.
We're way off track!

Thea went through the portal!

Oh no!
I threw the timepiece!
Thea must have found it!

I'll be attending the school,
effective immediately.

And you are?

I'm Princess Grisky.
The other one.
The one you didn't lose.

Of course.
We didn't know you were coming.
Our apologies.

And what is your first name,
Princess Grisky?

It's... Olga Svetlana
Annastasia Grisky.

But you can call me Thea
for short.

I am a far more superior dancer
than my cousin Lena.

Welcome. You can join the
summer classes, if you'd like.

I'll be in the back.

Sure, knock yourself out.

What? Portals
in a different time period?

No way! Timepieces! For real?

This place is totally bonkers!

Time travel is totally
a thing, you know.

Trust me, I know.


"Dear Thea. Are you there?
Are you okay? Are you in 1905?

Whatever you do,
hide the timepiece!

There's really nothing we can do
until the portals open,

and we don't know when that
might be, so you'll just have
to do what I did and fit in.

I'm not going to lie.

If you're in 1905, it's going
to be really hard,
especially for you."

Especially for me?
What's that supposed to mean?

Whatever, Lena.
I don't need your help.
I can do this on my own.

How hard can it be?


If Thea's in 1905,
she'll never survive!

And I mean that sincerely.

Ah! No phone, no internet,
no status updates!

She hasn't read it yet.

No shower!

No followers!

Okay, so what now?

Well, we can't force the portals
to open. That's probably not
for a few months.

Why don't we hack into Thea's
socials and pretend to be her.

Oh. Good idea.
She's on that tour all summer
so that buys us some time.

But we'll have to email
Ms Carré and her mother,
so they don't get suspicious.


We just need to figure out
how to get to 1905
and bring her back.

Yeah. Easy!

I can't believe she's gone.

I can't believe Dash is gone.

I know it's best for him
and everything but I just...
I know.

But you have me,
you do know that, right?

I need to tell you something.
Ines, I want to stay.

I want you to, too.

No, I mean forever.
I feel like I belong here.