Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 10 - Episode #2.10 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

Lex brought Thea back to 2019

and she's really not happy
about being back.


Henri and I had
a misunderstanding.

She's happier here.
Without me.

And he went through the portal
and back to 1905.

No, Henri. No!

And with Max still in the
hospital, I hope the Blokettes
can help keep me distracted.

The deadline for
Dance Off was tonight, so we had
to submit the audition.

'Henri, I'm so sorry.

I was so wrapped up with things
at school. I didn't mean to
leave you out.

This is all my fault.
Why did you have to leave?

Just tell me where you are
so I can fix this.

Please, Henri.
I saw you go through the portal.

I did this weird rewind trick on
the timepiece, but it wouldn't
let me stop you.

Please come back.'

Thea went searching
through our room again.

We need to hide this somewhere
off‐site. I don't think
she's going to stop.

Henri will write.
I know he will.

I was spending all my
time with Max. I didn't know
what else to do.

I really messed everything up
this time. I feel terrible.

Maybe we should leave
the timepiece alone for a while.

We don't know
its full power yet.

I know.
I keep thinking that.

We'll hide it in a good place.

I'm going to keep it on me.
Thea will have to shake me down
to find it.

I can't believe
he's gone.

Now what am I supposed to do?

Uh... Good morning?

Hashtag Theasback?

Oh my God, you're back!

Hello. Guess what?

It's the most
exciting news ever.

We got in.
We're going to be on Dance Off!

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

So what are you thinking?
I'm going to distract myself
with the presentation.

Whoops. Wrong leader.

Oh, great. Maybe the dizzy
sisters will cheer you up.

Guess what?

We got into Dance Off!

That's amazing!
Are you serious?

How dare you
try and go on my show?

Not try. Succeed.

You won't get away
with this.

I realize
you're a bit rattled
from your recent travels...

No, just stop. Okay?
You can't steal everything!

You stole my life.
So I'm taking the BLOK.

I gotta run.
There's this...

- Book that turned into a...
- A movie, for TV. And...

We need to watch it for...


Grand Prix cast list.

Damien... Isaac.

Who's Isaac?

Oh no.

Lena Grisky.
Understudy... Lena.

Lena's the understudy
and the Sprite.

Lena, Lena, Lena...

This is an outrage!

I've checked the brick twelve times.
What if something happened to him?

Lena, he'll write.

But what if he got captured
by the Bureau,
or he's in another time period?

Henri isn't exactly
the most adaptable.

This is horrible.
If I could just talk to him.

Uh, we need to talk to her.
She's totally not adapting
to this time period.

She took a two‐hour shower
this morning and washed her hair
seven times.

I think she's appreciating
some things about being back.

I just really don't want to get
into it with her right now.

The BLOK is the only thing
keeping my mind off Henri.

What is Jeff doing?

No clue.

Oh hey, L! I had some thoughts
about the BLOK and since Max
is down for the count...

Oh, thanks, but I'm already
on it. I've got tons of ideas.

I've even already made
a schedule. Everything is
totally under control.

Yeah, so do I. So uh...

I said I've got it.



Never mind.


I hate pineapple.
It gives me hives.

Oh, no avocado for me, thanks.
The texture totally
freaks me out.

I'm fine, girls, thanks for asking.

I mean for future reference,
I like strawberry, but uh... No?

No? Nobody?

- We need to make a chart.
- With a colorful graph?

- Come on, let's go to class.
- Okay.

I think we should split up.
It's the best we can do
on such short notice.


I can't find the words.

What if I've lost her forever?

You know what, you're terrible
at writing letters.

Why don't you use
the universal language of love?


Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
I should write Lena a song
to win her back.

Yeah. Nothing like
a musical love letter.

I'll get the guitar. Uh...

Anna Pavlova was one
of the most powerful influences
in ballet ever.

No, she wasn't. I was.

She has such
an interesting story.

It all started with the
famous choreographer, Menkin.

He was looking for
the star for his next ballet,

and he found her in an unknown
dancer. But she never made it
into the history books,

because she got too scared
and ran off.

She didn't run! That unknown
dancer was a powerhouse.

She was the best dancer
that anybody had ever seen and
she didn't want to leave ever.

Whoa, T, chill.
It's not like you knew her.

Sit down, Thea.

Lena, please continue.

Anna somehow found
a pair of seemingly
modern‐day pointe shoes

and it changed everything
for her and the world of dance.

It wasn't Anna! It was me!
They're my pointes,
my dance, my tour!

That is enough, Thea!
It's not fair!

Anna had weak ankles
and she looked like a broom.

We've run out of time.

Well, I certainly hope
you'll exhibit
more discipline and control

at the dance portion
of this assignment tomorrow
for Mr Castillo.

It's fifty percent
of your grade. Get focused.

Oh, I will. Just you wait.

No, no, no.

Too on the nose. Too cliché.

Where's the poetry?
Come on, man. Dig deep.

Okay, stop.

It's too much pressure.
I... I can't do it.

Yeah, you can. And I can help.

Let's do some research. We
just need a little inspiration.

Uh... Yeah, okay.
But we're in 1905,

so... it's not like
I can just load down
the new music sensation.

It's download, but I got you.

Which is why you're going
to the Time Travelers' Market
for some inspiration!

Here's the address
and the password.

Keep it on the DL.
This place is pretty exclusive.

Uh, okay.
Here, get everything on this
list and bring it back here.

It'll be great, you'll see.

Thank you.

No worries.

By the time you come back,
you'll be the biggest singing
sensation the world's ever seen.

She's going to love it.

Thank you!

For anyone.
As we demonstrated before,

people all over the world
have tried this product
and enjoyed...

Dude! We have not had
any time to catch up.

I really need your advice
on the BLOK thing.
I don't want to talk about it.

Please, call now.

Do you want to talk about
the tour or the toothpaste?
Your call.

It's the greatest invention
known to man.

Nobody should have
to go without it, no matter
how grand life was.

Yeah, okay. Uh...

I like
the strawberry flavor, too.

Uh... I'm with you, yeah.

Okay... You must be like
super jet lagged? Oh...

No, I was pushed through
pretty suddenly, so...

I'm as rested as can be.

Do you want to play
a video game?

No, I think I'm going to read
and practice my cross‐stitch.

I missed you. I, I...

Okay. We need to rehearse, we
need costumes and a new routine.

This is Dance Off.
We're going to be on TV!

Yaaaay! Why are we jumping?

We're going to be on Dance Off.

No way! That's awesome.
But like I said before...

Bree, start up the schedule.
Kennedy, think about costumes.
Ines, music. Stage managers.

But we have to keep this between
us, okay? Nobody talks about it.

Let's rehearse!
But not here. Go! Go!

Go! Go!
No, but L, I just thought...

Can I tell you my ideas?
I had some.

You can't just let her
bulldoze you like that.

You are the BLOK, Jeffrey.
You're the leader now.
Now have you got this?


Yes! Okay.

You know what, yeah! I'm gonna
give her a proper dose of Jeff.

I need a microphone,
an amplifier

and some cables, it says.
Oh, and some 'vinol'.

What's vinol?


Oh wow.
So this actually contains songs?

That's amazing.

I'll take all of these.

I'm going to write some music
for my girl. This time I'll be

Vinyl... Wow.

And one, two, three.
Okay, a bit more punch though.

Okay, give me some umph.
Okay, and bend your leg.

Bend it. Bend it. Yes.

Okay. Kennedy!

I swear, if you don't bend
that leg, I'm going to lose it.

I've been looking for you guys
everywhere. Why did you change
the rehearsal space?

Hey, L. We moved it to be
on the DL. I thought you knew.

Well, I didn't. And this isn't
what we've been working on.

I've got it from here. Thanks.
From the top.

Well, I actually changed
the beginning, so...

Well, I'm going
to change it back.
And five, six, seven, eight.

And drop it,
drop it, around and up!

And punch it! Punch it!
And shake it!

And again.

Stop. What are you doing?

Well, your stuff
was kind of... soft.

Soft? This is my BLOK.

Well, you weren't here,
were you?

We got into Dance Off
on my choreography.

I asked you
to come to rehearsal,
but you were too busy, okay?

So you can't just barge in here
and just change everything!

Hey, we can
work together, guys.

No, we can't!

You wouldn't even know how
to do this if it wasn't for me.

Well, it's true.

Fine. Good luck.


From the beginning.
Before he came in
and ruined everything.

And five, six, seven, eight!
Are you okay?

I'm totally fine, why?

Jeff's supposed to be
your friend, why can't you
just work together?

Because... I need this, okay?

I'm trying not to think about
Henri, or I'll start to cry.

So, I need to dance.
I don't care what
Armando or Jeff or Thea

or anyone else has to say
about it, okay?
Okay. Calm.

Come on, girls!
And five, six, seven, eight!

Yes. The Time Market.


All looks exactly the same.

Excuse me?

Okay, I will take this one
and this one and this one

and this one. And this one.

You know what? I'll just
take them all. Like, stat.

What is she doing?

Why aren't any of these working?
Come on!

You're acting completely mad.

Everyone's talking about you.
This has to stop.

Everything's gone. Everything.

My life was finally
how I dreamed it could be.
I was happy there!

You think
you've lost everything?

Stop being so self‐centered.
You're coming with me.

I'm not going anywhere with you.

You can either walk
or I'll carry you. Your call.


I feel so bad
every time I look at him.

He was just trying to protect me
when he landed.

You feel bad? I feel terrible.

I didn't even know. I've been
so wrapped up in everything.

Just talk to him.

He'll be happy to see you.


Well, well, well.
Look who showed up.

You know me.
I like to make an entrance.

You missed a killer performance.

I did a triple sow cow.

Stealing moves from
the figure skaters now?

I just thought I would shake
things up a bit, you know.

How bad is it?

It's kind of bad.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, too.

For how I handled
everything between us.

With the break‐up.

With Lena. And...

everything in between.

I'm sorry, I was such a jerk.

No argument from me there.

I really need us to be friends.

Then, let's watch 'Amateur
Bakers Take on the Pros',

because that's what friends do.


I don't know what I'll do
if I can't dance.

You can always bake cupcakes.

Yeah, right.

Okay, guys.
Time to see your pieces
from ballet history class.

- Who would like to go first?
- Hm...

I'd like to go first.

This is Ondine and it was
Anna Pavlova's signature piece.

- Very well.
- Dude, T doesn't do...

Where did she get that costume?
It's amazing.

She just doesn't give up.

She learned some things in 1905.

Elegance, grace, patience.

That was amazing.

Beautiful, Thea.

Inspired. We haven't seen
anything like that all year.

Well done.

Okay, Second Division.
Pay attention.

Who dares to go next?

That was for Max.

Very impressive.
Just when I want to hate her,
she does something like that.

Yeah. That was something.


Okay, I admit it.
You were great.

What I mean to say is...

We could really use someone
like you in the Blokettes,
if you're into it.

I need your mad skills.

You say yes and I will
give you a lifetime supply
of toothpaste.

I'm all ears, Jeffrey.

Check one, two.
Check one, two.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'd like to introduce to you
the massive talent that is...

Henri Duquet!

I feel kind of silly.

Oh, come on, man.

Look, get personal with
your audience. Tell a story.

But you're the only one here.
I'm your test market.

Come on, man.



There was this girl.

And her name was Lena.

I wrote this song for her.

Updated. Check.

Tidied. Check.

- What's our mantra?
- Girl power.

Let's do this.

Seven, eight. And one,
two, three. One, two, three.

Hold up, everyone.

Looks like Queen T's back.
Yeah, that's right.

But you need me.
I know.

Yeah, you do.
I said, I know.

If only there was a way
that you could repay me.

What is that supposed to mean?

You either want to dance with us
or you don't.

Oh really, Lena?

Okay. Bye‐bye.


What do you want?

I want to hear you say it.

Fine. I need you, okay?

Yeah, you do.

You need me.
That's what I just said.

- And I said to say it.
- I just did.

Why are you getting
so argumentative?
Fine. You ready?

I'm always ready.
Then let's dance.