Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 11 - Episode #2.11 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

Previously... Thea's having a hard
time readjusting now that she's back.

No! My life was finally
how I dreamed it could be.
Everything's gone.

Frank traveled back
to the present time, too.

I'm not going to let that
timepiece slip away.

I still haven't heard from Henri
since he went back to 1905.

I really messed everything up
this time, I feel terrible.

Henri will write,
I know he will.

I can't find the words.

Why don't you use the universal
language of love? Music.

And now that Max is out,
Jeff and I are fighting over
who's going to lead the block.

- We can work together guys.
- No, we can't.

Where were you?

Checking the brick. My letter
to Henri is still sitting there.

Do you think he's okay? I can't believe
he just disappeared like that.

Don't jump to conclusions.
Just keep yourself busy until
we figure out what the deal is.

Yeah. I'm totally distracting
myself with the BLOK.

Distracting or obsessing?

It's the only thing
that keeps my mind off Henri.

We should do a flip
over the barre.
What? Right now?

No, I mean for the BLOK.
It could be part of the dance.

Thea, back me up.

I could be touring the world
right now, but no, I'm stuck
here stretching with you two.

So... whatever.

He's back.
Ines, Max is back.

I can see that. But he does not
look too happy about it.

But he's back.


I'm not going to let go
until you at least smile.

Lena, please...

I appreciate all of this. I do.

But since I've come back,
I'm just not really feeling it.

Just please go to class.
I don't want you to be late.

I got your text. What's up?

Can we call a truce on our BLOK
battle for now and help Max?

Of course. My boy comes first.

We need to find a way
to motivate him.

I know.
He's like really grumpy.

He got mad at me earlier
for breathing weird.

Dude, I was just
regular breathing.

If we let him sulk,
we might never get him back.
I'm really worried.

Me too.

Whoa, wait.

What's the plan? But I need
a plan. I can't go in blind.

Yo, dude.

I totes get
the whole chill method,

but don't you think
you're taking it to like
a whole new level, bro?

Hey, if you want to totally
take advantage of the fact
that you're the son

of Armando Castillo, and just
lounge in your bed all day,

I don't know
what she's doing. I...

Oh, come on.
You're going to fall behind

and fail your history test
and get kicked out and then
you'll end up on the street.


I'm not going to end up
on the street.
You might. How do you know?

It's a BLOK challenge.
But with my leg situation,
there is no BLOK.


What time
is that BLOK challenge?

It totally doesn't matter.
Just curious.
Just uh... making conversation.

It's at five, Jeff.

But it doesn't matter.
It's not like we can go anyway.

Totes, bro. Totes.

Well, time for us to mosey.


Move along, little doggie.
Hihihi. Hm?

Ha, I got a smile.
I'll see you.

That BLOK challenge
was a great idea.

But... I didn't do that.
I thought you did.

So the BLOK challenge
is for realz?

It's for realz, yo.

So it's on?
Oh, it's on.

And I bet Max will want
to help. It'll keep his mind off
the knee. It's a win‐win.

You're going down.

No, you're going down. And me
and my crew are going to win.

Oh, you don't even have a crew.

Well, when I get one,
you're going down.

You're going the wrong way.

Yeah. Okay.

Hey, wait till you see
what I've got up my sleeve.

Please. I've taught you
everything you know.

Wait until you see what you don't have.
Oh, yeah?

- Oh, yeah.
- Stop. Stop the music.

Lena, are you putting on
a little play
in the middle of my ballet?

Because last I checked,
there was no dialogue.

No, sir. I was just taking my
character to an elevated level.

Might I remind you,
Mr Chase,

how important the European
Choreographer's Grand Prix is.

It impacts your place at this
school and your chance of making
company when you graduate.

Now, I have absolutely
no problem pulling both of you
out of this show

if I think you aren't ready.

Yes. Good.
Now let's go again.

Sprites only. Damien,
you can sit this one out.

I still need to cast a Sidekick,
so we're going to take it
from after his entrance.

And please...
Use your imagination.
Can you do that?

Engage the brain.


From the top.


Armando is calling us back. Now!

What, now?
Let's go. Let's go!

- Stop. No.
- We're so late.

Faster start, let's go again.
You must know your beats.

One, two, three,
follow my fingers. Good.

Now, do you feel the difference?

I'm here. Now what?

You told me I couldn't be
your father while at school.

So I'm your teacher
and I'm telling you
to participate or go home.

It's up to you.


Okay, this isn't working.
I need to cast a Sidekick
before we go any further.

So boys, in the studio.
Girls... take a break.

Let's go, let's go.
We need to rehearse.


Feel free to say no, but since
I've learned from the greatest
dance master of the universe...

I want to lead the BLOK.
With your help, of course.

I think I could make something
really awesome, you know.
Something fantastic.

Sure. Whatever.

Thanks, bro. I feel like...

are you with us?

- Uh‐uh.
- Okay, listen.

The Sidekick is just as
important a role as Damien.

So one of you better nail it
soon or I'll be forced
to go to the Sixth Division

and cast a ten‐year‐old
Sidekick. Is that understood?

Good, now let's go again.
Jeffrey, you're up first, please.

Make him light,
make him playful.

He's an entertainer.

No. No, Mr Chase,
that's not what I had in mind.

I'd like to audition,
please, sir.

No, I'm sorry. The two sisters
and the Sprites were cast
while you were on tour.

All that's left is the corps,
I'm afraid.
I understand that, but...

Bro, come on.
Please, I need you.
I said no.

But my crew is
not complete without you.
Okay? We...

Mr Chase! Is there something you
wish to share with the class?


Mr Castillo...
Why are you still here?

Five, six, seven, eight.

One and two, three and four,
down five, up six,
turn seven and eight.

Where were you?
You're late.


We're going to need
to change... everything.

The music, the costumes,
it's all just so... bluh.

- To sum up, it's a total disaster.
- Yeah.

You're right.

I think we should wear
all black except for our masks
and white gloves.

No, I disagree.
We need color.

We need a driving beat.

Wrong, we need
something light and playful.

Look, I'm
the Dance Off expert here.
And I'm in charge.

Would you guys stop it?
You're making me dizzy.

Thea's just pouting
because she's not
in charge of the Blokettes.

She's just a drama queen.
She'll come around. Don't worry.

You think?


Whoa... I guess
Jeff found himself a crew.

Wow. They're good.

We're good. We are good.


Ines, right?

Okay. This just got real.

Hey, you.

Just throwing this out there,
but uhm...

With everything going on, it
would be crazy to expect you to
dedicate your time to the BLOK.

So what if I took over? Just
until you're back, of course.

And everyone's cool with that?

Uh, yep, totes cool.

Okay. I'm going
to level with you, though.
I need your help.

I need to speak to you.

Let me guess, you want to lead
the BLOK, too?

Well, obvi,
but that's not why I'm here.

I need you to convince
your father to cast me as
the Sidekick for the Grand Prix.

He's not going to listen to me.
He's very specific
about what he wants.

Like what?

Uh... I guess, something funny,
but menacing.

Inspired. Different.

Then that is what he'll get.

Five, six, seven, eight.


I want to say something as both
your parent and your teacher.
Don't waste this time.

You may not be able
to dance right now,
but you can still learn.

By assisting me.

Be your assistant?

You do realize
it's quite the honor
to learn from me.

Yeah, yeah...
So I'm told,

mostly by you. Uhm...

I'm afraid the answer's... no?

Uhm, I think they're just really
excited about the European
Choreographer's Grand Prix.

Really excited.

Okay, focus.

You being my assistant
isn't a question.
It's more of a... statement.

As in, you're my assistant.
Welcome aboard.

So what do you think?

It... It was... It was cute.


No, it's supposed to be intense.
Cool. You know? Wicked.

Not cute.

I think you better get to class.

I hear Armando's new assistant
doesn't take kindly
to latecomers.

New assistant?

Oh, please don't tell me
you have another secret brother.

Not exactly.

You better hurry.

Okay, quick announcement.
I have a new assistant.

He'll be in charge
of taking notes and attendance.

New assistant?

I didn't say yes. I just
apparently don't have a choice.

Okay, I'm going
to start with the entrance.

If you could just get over
yourself for one second,

you'd realize we'd all do
anything to be his assistant.

You know what? Have at it.

And music.

Is that Thea?

That's it. That's what
I've been looking for...
for the Blokettes.

We need capes
and hats and boots.

Brilliant. That, ladies and
gentlemen, is how you take a role.

Congratulations, Miss Raphael.
The Sidekick role is yours.

And I love the outfit.
It's perfect.

Okay. That's all for today.
Thank you.

- She was good.
- Well done.


This is good.



You are a lifesaver.
Guess what? I got the part.

So, I'm your muse.
I didn't say that.

Yeah, but you didn't
not say it, did you?

You think you're pretty cute
right now, don't you?

Yeah, but it doesn't matter
what I think. What do you think?

I don't know. Whatever.






We said five o'clock, right?
Yeah. Where is everyone?

Well, look who came.

What's going on?

You two think I don't know
about you arguing over the BLOK
whilst I've been out?

Don't worry. I'm the one who
sent out the challenge request.

So, shall we decide who gets
to keep the BLOK name?

It's on.

See? Win‐win.

Jeff, you're up first.

Let's go.


Let's go, boys.

Yes, Jeff.

Yeah. Cool.

I don't envy
who has to follow that.

Come on, girls.





That was awesome.
You have to teach me that move.

So who won?

Come on, Henri.

Still mine.

Fine, Henri, have it your way.

'I found Max.
Meet me in our dorm. Like, now.'

Dude's totally freaking out.
I don't know what to do.

Me neither.

I don't know if we should go in
or leave him alone.

Let's just be here waiting
when he comes out.

He's going to need to know
we're here for him.