Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 13 - Episode #2.13 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

Previously... After almost getting us
all expelled from the Grand Prix...


...I had to reverse time
to get us back in.

Not only did it work...
There's been a change of plan.

...but I got promoted from
understudy to Libertalia.

I'm Frank, a friend of Thea's.
Like a boyfriend?


Frank will stop at nothing
to get my timepiece,
so he can get Clive back.

And Lex has been reprogrammed
by the Bureau and turned
into an elite agent.

I can't believe I get
to perform as Libertalia today.

Oh no, why did I just curse it
by saying it out loud?

Scared rabbit darts
across the stage and disappears.

Don't listen to her.
I'm not.

But the butterflies
in my tummy feel like
they're playing that game

where everyone twists around.

Maybe I'm coming down
with the stomach bugs.

Lena, it's just nerves.

I wish Henri was here.

He was always good at keeping me
calm before a big performance.

You'll be amazing.
Yeah, but I need to be wild.

Just don't mess it up,
like you always...

What just happened?

Oh no, Thea. You're frozen.

Here, let me help you finish
getting ready.


Ah. It's not like you've got
the most stellar track record

for remaining on stage
during a big performance.

Stop smirking, it's true.

I mean, with the
stage fright and the constant...

- Seriously, stop smiling.
- It's annoying.

Lena. What did you just do?
Did you just freeze us?


Lena, you can't abuse the power.
It's only for emergencies.
Give me the timepiece.

But Thea's always
an emergency.

Lena, hand it over.
I need to figure out
how the science works.

We don't know, it could change
time itself. Lena.

Seriously, come on.

Okay, fine.

But that was awesome.

I'm just getting into character.

doesn't play by the rules.

Nice try.

Right. We must be the example.

So breathe in.

Head up.

Good energy in.
Bad energy out.

Shake it out. Brrr.

Shake it out. Brrr.

Bad energy out.
Flick it, flick it. Brrr.
Flick it. Uh.

- Ahhh. Ah. Ah. Ah.
- Ah, ah, ah.

Brrr. Flick.
Ah, ah, ah. Yes.

- Dad. Dad.
- Ah, ah.

Dad. Easy.
You're going to pass out.

I'm fine. I'm fine.
Fine, fine.

Dad, you're a train wreck.
Even your hair is in a mess.
Go and have an orange.

How did you know about the...

Oh please, I've been around you
long enough to know about
your orange peeling ritual.

I put a bunch in your bag.
Go on.

Right. Good, thank you.

Thank you.
Good, breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

Nice. I love it. Perfect.
Perfect for the character.

- Okay...
- Explain to me again, why this relaxes you?

♪ It controls my breathing.

Phew, I don't think
I've ever been this nervous.

It's the bugs. I know it. And
jumping is making it worse.
This isn't controlling anything.

Work harder.

I'm with L on this one.
This place is off the chizain.

Oh. Look at Armando,
even he's totally freaking out.

You guys are the worst. Come on,
we need to make him proud.

How are you so calm?

Guys, we've done the work.
We've practiced. We're good.

All we need to do
is do what we do every day.

Yeah. Totally.

For sure...

Okay. So why do I feel
like I'm going to puke?

Maybe you're coming down
with something?

I knew it. I have bugs.
The stomach ones.

It's just nerves.
And it's bug. Stomach bug.

There are no actual insects
flying around in your tummy.

Oh. Well, it just feels
worse than usual.

Well, yeah, this is a huge deal.

And Armando's reputation
is on the line.

And if we mess up
we are totally...

Oh... Hmmm. Hm.

Hm. Hm. I don't want to talk
to you guys anymore. Hm.

I don't need it.

Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the
prestigious Choreographer's Grand...

Let's go through it again.
You're sure there's been
no sign of Henri?

He's gone.
He hasn't been seen in weeks.

Then we need Lena's timepiece
more than ever.

We need all the power we can get
if we're going to go up
against the Bureau.

It wasn't in her room
at the school, and I searched
the dressing room, too.

We're not leaving this theater
until it's safely in our hands.

Once we get it,
we'll start figuring out
how to get Clive back. Got it?

Yeah, yeah. Uh...
Just one thing, though.

Those flowers part of the plan?

Never mind.

Oh. Okay.

You just like roses.
Cool. I get it.

Stop talking.


Nice touch.

It's so weird, seeing you as me.


You don't fool me.

You're not here for me.
You're here for the timepiece.

Max told me
you were at the school.

Oh... Boyfriend? Ha.

You weren't looking
for me there either, were you?

A little tip.
I'm not a pushover.

And you are not my boyfriend.
Got it?

You might as well get out of
here, cause you're never going
to find the timepiece.

And the last thing I need on
the day of the most important
performance of my entire life

is some flower‐toting traitor.
Okay? Buh‐bye.


I like her.

Like, I like‐like her.

He's cute. That Owen guy.

Just saying.
Jeff, focus.

Okay. True.
But I think I caught Lena's bug.

It's just nerves.

Okay, guys.
Gather, gather, gather. I don't
want to say this twice. Listen.

I want you to be great.
No, wait. Stop.

I want you to be better than
great, I want you to be perfect.

In fact, I want you to be
absolutely, one hundred
percent... Sorry.

I'm nervous. Bluhbluhbluh. Ah.

What I wanted
to say is: Have fun.

Go out there and enjoy yourselves.
The hard work is done.

Dance with pride. Okay?

Is that
reverse psychology?

Come on, let's take a selfie.

Let's do it.

Don't be nervous.

Wow, we look terrified.

Why do I have a moustache?

That's why everyone's
been laughing at me.

You guys are going to be great.

I just...
I must‐ache you a question?

No, no, no. Jeff, Jeff.
Maybe shave it for later?

Can I help you take it off?


Are you okay?

Maybe.... not.

It's such a big deal
to be at the Grand Prix.
I mean, like whoa.

I'm super overwhelmed and
partially convinced something is
terribly wrong with my stomach.

Okay, it's just nerves.
Big ones, clearly.

They will disappear the moment
you go out on stage. I promise.

How do you know that? What if
I mess up? What if I forget the
steps, or I'm not wild enough?

That's it. I'm not
going to be wild enough.

This is the biggest moment
of my ballet life to this point.
What if I fail?

You're adorable.

Libertalia can't be adorable.

Wait. Is adorable code for
"can't dance"? Oh no. I totally
can't dance. I knew it.

Why didn't anybody tell me?
Why didn't...

I've missed you.

I haven't missed these crazy,
gut‐wrenching moments
before going on stage but...

I have missed dancing a lot.

And I've missed you.

Please welcome
the esteemed students of
the Paris Opera Ballet School,

choreographer Armando Castillo.

Maybe we're going about this
the wrong way.

Mate, you've got
a massive crush on a girl
for the first time in your life,

so you're not thinking straight.

Trust me. We need that
timepiece to get Clive back.
He's like a brother.

That's the mission.
Clive is the mission.

Now, come on,
let's go and get that timepiece.

But it's just
that she's so hard‐core.

You know,
I really like that.
But yeah. You're right.

But I... But I've never met
anyone like her. You know? Ever.

Dude. Stay focused.

No, you're right.

Focused. Got it. Let's roll.


On it.

Where were you?
I kissed Max.

Oh, I kissed Max.

Maybe it's a performance thing?
Maybe I just...

Lena, you're on.

I missed her.


can you give these to Ines?

Oh no.

Where is it?

I mean, they both worked so hard
for this. It would be a shame
to ruin it for them.

You're right.
I mean, look at her, she's stunning.

She's so graceful.

And talented.

But the second they're done...
We're in there like a flash.

Uh oh.

We've got company.

It's go‐time. Now.

Okay, you distract her,
I'll grab the wristband.

I can hear you.

- Uh.
- Get with the new program, rookies.

It's called Lex‐time.

What happened to her?
I don't know, but stay alert.

It only works with my
fingerprints. Nice try, though.



Hm‐hm. Hm‐hm.

I'm going backstage, keep
a safe distance, but stay on it.

This could get interesting.

We have a problem.
We always have a problem.

The Bureau and Time Collectors
are here. I don't care
if he's your boyfriend or not.

Something's going down
and we're in deep trouble.

Here's the plan...
Give me the timepiece.

Keep dancing.
I'm going to reverse time.

Why isn't it working? Come on.

What's happening?

It's her.

She keeps canceling you out.

Can you see her?


Take it and go.

Come on, do something.


Well, well, well, we finally meet.
I've been looking for you two.

Don't do this.

I guess I'm stronger than you.


You'll never get away with this.

Oh, I will, Lena Ballerina.


Now, exit, please.

Wait. Wait, no.
What's going on?

No one can help you now.

Please, don't do this,
what's happening?

Bye‐bye, ballerina.

You can't do this, stop!

Hold it right there, Thea.

You're breaking the rules again. I thought
you learned the first time you met me.

Thank you so much for watching.
It was a pleasure.

I hope you enjoyed
the performance. Good night.

Guys, the bows are coming up.

And I'm on the other side.
Okay, I'm going.

Hey, you came.

Fantastic ballet, right?
You should be really proud
of your friends.

I am.


Hang in there. You'll be back
before you know it.

Bro, you crushed it, man.
Thanks, man.

It was amazing.
You were not so bad yourself.

Oh, thanks.

You guys were great.

Thanks, man.
Thank you.

Hey, good job.

Well, it was nice to beat you...
Oh, I mean, meet you.

Yeah, right.
I'll see you around.

Well, I'm watching you.
Watching you.

Oh yeah.
Have any of you guys seen Lena?

Uh, she was right here.

That was thrilling.
I'm so proud.

You stepped up to the task
and I couldn't be happier.

Where's Lena?
She was sensational.

Uh, I think her and Thea
just went to the girls' room.

I thought you didn't know
where they were. Oww.
I just remembered.

Very good work, guys.

There was a little hiccup in
the middle with some change
to the choreography, but hey...

We won't fuss about that.
Be proud. Cause I certainly am.

Thank you.

And I know how hard
today was for you.

I'm really proud of you for
showing up for your friends.

You know, you don't have to be
dancing for me to be proud
of you. You know that, right?

Thanks, Dad.

Come here.

Good lad.

Lena? Thea?

Oh no. Where did you guys go?

Lena, where are we?

Oh no.
