Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 14 - Episode #2.14 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

Previously... The Choreographer's
Grand Prix was a huge success.

Very good work, guys.
Be proud. I certainly am.

That is until Lex
showed up as an elite agent
with new powers.

She froze everyone in the
theater and captured Thea and I.

Bye‐bye, ballerina

You can't do this, stop!

Where did you guys go?

Hi, Lena, where are you guys?
What is going on? I'm totally
freaking out. Just call me.

Pinky, it's Ines, right.
Just give me a ring
as soon as you can, okay?

Good morning. As I call your name,
please make your way to the bus.

Aaron Abrams.

Jeffrey Chase.

Lena Grisky.

Ms Carré? Lena has gone
back to Paris with Thea.

Yeah. Thea's mum was
so impressed with the show
that she drove them in a limo.

Well, she didn't drive the limo.
There was a limo driver.

But, you know,
she was telling them
where to go, she was talking...

I didn't realize
Mrs Raphael was in town.

Oh, uhm...
It was a surprise. Surprise!

Lena, I am going to ask you this
one more time. Where are we?

I can't believe
that just happened.

I was sucked through
an actual door that just
appeared out of thin air.

I could have used a little help
by the way, so thanks a lot.

Seriously? I only pushed like
every button there was
a hundred times, nothing worked.

Now, where are we?

Time jail.

Time jail. There is
always something with you.

This isn't my fault.

Oh really? None of this
would have happened
if it wasn't for you.

We are stuck in an abyss
and there is no door!

Yeah, I have eyes. And how is
yelling at me going to help?

We're never getting out of here.

Of course, we are. We just need
to stay calm and work togeth...

You're right.
We are never getting out of here.

Oh no, you don't get to
freak out. This is your fault.

I'm just an innocent bystander.

Oh really? An innocent bystander
who ran around 1905
changing history?

Well, I wouldn't have gone to
1905 if you hadn't time traveled
here in the first place.

That doesn't mean you have to
jump through a portal yourself.

Yeah, well. It's a bit late
for that now, isn't it?

I can't believe you.
Why can't you ever admit
when you're wrong?

Oh, here we go again. Little
Miss Perfect has a problem
with the way I live my life!

That's not the point
and stop calling me that.

You better think
of a solution

because I am not spending
the rest of my life in here...
with you.


I was so impressed by your
conduct in Brussels that I have
arranged for a special treat.

Today's academics
have been canceled.


I've arranged
for the costume department
to bring over some costumes

from previous performances
at the Garnier.
Choose whatever you like.

Dudes, this is awesome.
Dibs on the ones
from the disco years. Hmm.

Are you quite done?

Uh, yes, Mom. Ma'am.
Sorry, Ma'am.

I'm glad you
approve, Mr Chase. Is that all?

Find something that inspires you
and perform a short pairs
or trio piece based on it.

Have fun. You've earned it.

Ms Carré?

Lena, Thea and I
will be in a group.

They're stuck in traffic.

Their limo broke down
and they decided
to go for ice cream.

I mean, it happened to break
down in front of someone
that did ice cream.

Which was super convenient
because Mrs Raphael
has always wanted to try

kale and raspberry flavor,

and they totally had it,
which was great, it was amazing.

Sorry, that was too much
information. Stuck in traffic
would have sufficed.

I'm so sorry. Thank you.

Hey, want to pair up with the
most fashionable guy in here?

Sure. Where is he?

Oh. Burn. No, but seriously,
dude, with my fashion skills,

we can get this assignment done
in five minutes, tops.
Then it's video game city.

You honestly think we can
get this done in five minutes?

Easy‐peasy, cloaks are breezy.

Okay, but we still have
to choreograph a piece.

Yes, but...
costumes first, my man.

Okay. Let's do it.

I've got it. Hmpf.

I've got one for you, too.


Four minutes...
Video game waits for no man.

Oh. What about this?

I cannot take you
seriously with that collar.
We need to fix that.

I think my dog wore
one of these once.

This one's much nicer though.

I can't believe Thea and Lena
get to go in a fancy limo
and get a fancy ice cream.

And that we weren't in Brussels
so we could go with her.

Yeah. Thea would invite us
for limo ice cream, right?


What kind of ice cream
would you go for?

No way, me too.

I have an idea.

Let's go get some frozen yogurt.

Thea and Lena
always get to have the fun.

You're right.

I'm just saying, it's weird that
you called yourself a Grisky.

It's not like I had much of a
choice. I had to say something
so they'd let me stay.

Well, whose fault is that?

Yours, obviously.
Oh, come on. I can't...

Oh no.

There is no way
I'm going out there.

What are you talking about?

When you're locked in a room
and the door opens, you leave.

No way.
Anything could be out there.

Okay. Well, I'm escaping.

And while you're in here,
I guess it'll be up to me

to become the best dancer
at the school,

maybe even
in all of history. Bye.

You wouldn't leave me.

Oh, I totally would. And I am.


Oh, so you're coming, then?

Only to prove
that I'm the better dancer.

Seriously? This is like
the exact same hallway.

What is happening right now?

I don't know, okay?
Stop pressuring me.

Well, what?
Does it just go on forever?

I need to build a time machine.
Today. Like, now.

And I can't use
the port‐a‐portal because
it'll land me in time jail.

Slow down. What's happened?

Lena, Henri's Lena, and Thea
have disappeared.

I need a time machine to go back
to when they were here and stop
whatever happened to them.

Oh, man,
Lena and that bossy girl?

Yeah. I need to get them back
and I'll do whatever I can.

Tell me everything
that happened.

Okay, Lena was messing with
the timepiece right before the
performance and the day before.

I'm guessing that's why the girl
from the Bureau showed up.

I saw her in the audience right
before and after the performance
Lena and Thea were gone.

You mean... this Bureau girl?

Yes... Do you know her?

Oh yeah. That's Lex.

And believe me, you don't
want to mess with her.

Okay, you need to help me.

You need to let me know
everything you know
about the Bureau and Lex.

Okay. You got it.


Come on, dude,
no more black.

What about you?
You're going to look
like a unicorn barfed on you.

You are just jealous
of my fashion prowess.

Sure. That's what it is.
Okay, okay.

What about this?
It's simple, it's classic.

Are you serious? What is it
with you? Why the color hate?

I don't like standing out.

Well, you chose the wrong
school for that one, bud.

I don't like standing
out except when I'm dancing.

I got teased... a lot.


Because I was dancing.

So you were teased for dancing
and then you were like:

'Oh, I'll show them.' And then
you just kept doing it more?

Yeah. Kind of exactly that.


I went head‐to‐head
with Ben Chambers
in my first ever dance marathon.

Not Ben Chambers!

Twelve hours straight.
I was the last man standing.

I raised fourteen hundred quid
for charity.

But they still teased me
the entire time.

The last three hours
was a Texas Line Dance.

Cause that's all my legs
could handle.

The horror.

I was twelve, okay?

And I come
from a very small town.

I just wanted to dance,
and they laughed at me.

It was bad.

Well, I'd say it paid off,

only cause you're in the best
ballet school like, anywhere.

So, own it. Like you owned
that Texas Line Dance.

You know
you make no sense, right?

Maybe, but...
this makes total sense.

Uh‐uh. I'm not wearing that.
I think so.


Well, your opinion doesn't
matter at the moment.

That's what it's going to be.

This never stops.

This is a nightmare.

We are never
getting out of here.

Okay, what happened? And what is
with that chick from the Bureau?

I had to get out of there fast,
so I missed the whole thing.

But I can't find Frank.
I'm laying low for a few days.

And what about the girl?

- Agent Alexa Dosne.
- Lex.

Parents are elite agents
with the highest clearance
in the Bureau.

She started at the bottom doing
clerical, but on November 21st
she was promoted to...

Just tell me.

It seems she's been reprogrammed
and is working
as an elite agent.

She has one mission
and one mission only.

But what does that mean?

It means she's even more
dangerous than we could have
ever imagined.

What is her sole mission?
Stop Lena Grisky.

Like delete her. For like, good.

Let's get Lena, no matter what.

Okay, let me know if you find
Frank or anything useful, okay?

Will do.

Okay, move. I need to know
everything there is to know.

We're never getting out of here.

We don't know that for sure.
This has to lead somewhere.

To where, Lena? The moon?

We have to keep trying.


They have us.

It's over.

I swear, if I ever make it
out of here, I am done
with time travel.

Forever. Like, I'm not even
going to wear a watch.

Good, you're here.
Mr Duquet?

- What are you doing?
- This is obviously a trap.

No, he's Henri's father.
He knows all about time travel.

There's no time for foolishness.

I've been able to dismantle
the Bureau's security, but
it will be back up any second.


It's Viper girl.
What are you waiting for? Go!

Okay, seriously...
What is happening?


'Beware of the Time Bureau.

Time Travelers,
heed my words.

The Bureau has warped
with greed.

They pretend to be our
allies, but their only aim is to
gain absolute control of time.'

seize timepieces,

erase memories, and even delete
anyone who stands in their way.'

Oh no. Lena.


We've lost her, for now.

Go back to school,
pretend everything is normal.
You'll be safe there.

Mr Duquet...

Live your life, follow
your dreams, make company,
and take the world by storm.

But, this is important:

you must forget about Henri.

What are you talking about?

You and my son
can never be together.

It simply isn't possible.

You must trust me
on this, Lena.


Lena, go!

Run now! Get out however
you can. I'll hold her off.

But what about you?

Don't worry about me.

Tell Henri that I love him.

you can wear the unitard,
but you have to try on the coat.

Alright? Okay.

How about that?

How about no?

It's either
the unicorn vomit or no deal.

What's going on?

Uhm... Well, me of all people
would have loved the limo ride,
you know. Just saying.

What are you talking about?

What are you, the unison twins?
Ines is looking for you.
Get a costume.

And we are T minus...
100 minutes away
from assignment time.


You see that?
Now, that's how it's done.

They are on their way
to video game city.

Yeah, but seriously, dude.
We still need to choreograph a dance.

Details, details. But more importantly,
what are we going to wear?

Seriously, the only thing
we could decide on
were those stupid collars.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Leave those girls and my son
alone, and I'll surrender myself
to the Bureau.

Trust me, that's a deal
you want to make.

Why should I even listen to you?

Read my file.

I'm worth much more to you
than a few ballerinas
and a foolish boy.


You don't want to fight me.

Okay. You have a deal...

For now.

What am I supposed to do? I can't take
on Lex and the Time Bureau alone.

Why isn't there
a Time Bureau handbook
when you need one?

I've got it.

What's this?

It's an old journal that Henri
left behind, like a hundred
and whatever years ago.

Couldn't you have led with this?

Sorry. I haven't seen that thing
since 1905.
I forgot about it till now.

Take it. He left it behind,
so he probably won't notice.

It has blueprints and secrets
and, well, all sorts of stuff.

It's Lena.

She's back. Okay, I need to go.
Thank you for this. Bye, Oscar.

Thank you.

Are you okay?

Where were you?

It's okay. We're fine,
but there's so much to explain.

I'm not fine.
I'm so far from fine.

It was crazy. I don't
even know where to start.

It was beyond crazy, Lena.

I said it was crazy.
I'm not going to debate
how crazy it was with you.

- Don't even think about starting on me right now.
- Me?

Whoa. Okay.
I get it, it was intense.

Talking of crazy, some
pretty serious stuff happened,
but I'll tell you later.

I'm just so glad you're safe.

The assignment. I totally forgot
we need to use costumes.
I don't have a costume.


Hey, don't worry.

I've got you.

And now all we need
is some brilliant choreo.

Okay. Come on, let's go.

Come on.

We can come from the corners.
Uhm, chassé, port de bras.

And then...
She can do
her solo from last year.

Yeah, so do your solo
from last year.

And then after eight
we'll come in from the left.

And then that leads us
to the final pose.

Love it. Did you get that Thea?




what happened today?

It's so good to be home.
I honestly thought Thea and I
were never getting out of there.

I'm so glad you're okay.

I was freaking out
when I couldn't find you
after the show.

It all happened so fast.

Okay. You need to tell me
everything from the beginning,
and don't skip any details.

You are acting a ton of degrees
off‐center today

so start talking.

I wouldn't even know
where to start.

Well, I saw Lex
when we were dancing.

I tried to stop her, but nothing
on my timepiece worked.

No matter what I did,
she shut it down every time.

So the timepiece
must have set off the alert.

Totally. And then
when everyone was frozen,

she pulled Thea and I through
a door that just appeared
out of nowhere.

That's crazy. I didn't see
anything about that in my
research. Okay, tell me more.

We went through a door...

and then there was a white room.

Where you got ice cream
with your mom?

I mean, I would have thought
you'd invite me along
for the ride

considering my love
for ice cream is right up there

next to video games.
But, I am just saying...

And then the door just
popped open and we ran...

Yeah, but a quick text and
I would have met you outside.

Okay, Come on, T.
That is common sense.

Then Victor showed up.

Victor? How did he even know
where you were?

I have no idea,
but I can tell you

I've never been so happy
to see anyone in my entire life.

Lena. You know
where you were, right?


Bureau Headquarters.


All I know is Victor saved us.

I don't know what would have
happened if he didn't come.

I've literally never been
so scared in my entire life.

I think I need to lay down.

Okay, I know your mom is
really scary, but you'll call me
next time, right? Okay? T?

OMG. Tell us everything.
How was the limo?

What kind of ice cream
did you get?

We got the bus
to get frozen yogurt.

Shhh. Let her talk.

Was it totally awesome?

Why is everyone talking
about ice cream and limos?

Because it's so exciting.

I just can't even... Just...

Are you okay?

Jeffrey thinks
I've lost my mind.

You didn't tell him anything,
did you?

He thinks
that we went for ice cream

with my mother

in a white room with a door
that we ran from.

So what happened to Henri's dad?

That's the thing.

I have no idea.

He rescued us,
but... he was stuck with Lex.

Look, I'm just happy
you guys are safe, okay?

Don't worry about Victor.
He'll have a plan or something.

Victor Duquet, you have been
found guilty of 2376 infractions
by the Time Bureau.

Do you accept the terms
of your surrender?


You know what happens next.

Brace yourself.