Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 16 - Episode #2.16 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.


Just saying,
he's cute, that Owen guy.

Hey, good job.
It was nice to beat you.

Yeah, right.
Hey, I'll see you around.

Love, it seems
so easy for some people.

Hey, beautiful.

You think you're pretty
cute right now, don't you?

But for others,
like Henri and I...

I was born in 2003?

No matter where
we are, one of us will always
be in the wrong time period.

That means the Bureau is
always going to be after us.

It's impossible.

Pineapple, egg salad and yogurt.

Henri and I can't be together.

I can't have
a boyfriend from the past.

Just being together makes us a threat
to each other. It's so messed up.

We'll figure it out, I know
it's a lot, but it'll be okay.

But how do you know that?
I was born in 2003.

Okay. It all means something.

I think that's what Henri's dad
was trying to tell me.

What do you think it means?

That Henri and I are doomed.

That I'm some weirdo born in one
time period, raised in another

and I have no idea
which I belong in.

Lena, you can't stay
in bed all day. You need to keep
busy, keep moving. Something.

Oh man. Is today the 14th?

Happy, happy Valentine's Day.
Isn't it the best?

Or the worst.

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does
not boast, it is not proud.

it's not that patient.

Oh no. What's wrong? This is
terrible. Why are there tears in
your eyes? It's Valentine's Day.

It's nothing.

We do this every year.
We sell secret admirer roses.

You buy a rose for someone
you like. And you can either
keep it a secret

or put your name on the card.

We've sold like,
eighty‐four roses.

How exciting is that?

Two boys both bought
a dozen roses. Each.

Think of the love.

I need to go. Now.


Help us help you.

It's okay,
I really don't feel...

But you only have two choices.
Pretend to be sick
and go back to bed. Or...

Embrace the day. Full on.

I just need to be alone.

I can't actually take you
being so down.

It hurts me right in my soul.
So I got you some things.

And before you say no,
just say you'll consider it.

Isn't it
the most beautiful thing
in the whole wide world?

Hearts connected
to more hearts times infinity.

This bag contains the most
precious, wonderful thing

in the whole world.

And I'd like to pass
this honor on to you.

Be right back.

Okay, so your job is
to hand out the flowers
and then the love spreads.

It's easy. And so rewarding.

Here, you try it.
You just...

Yeah, Lena. You should try it.

I guess it's worth a try.


Give me the list.

But Lena needs it
to hand out the roses.

How will she know
who gets them?
Don't worry. I'll tell her.


Happy Valentine's Day.

One for you.

Oh, thank you.

Nice set‐up.

Do you guys ship to, just as
a theoretical example, Canada?

Why would we ship there?

Did they run out of roses
in Canada?

On Valentine's Day?
What will everyone do? Oh no...

Okay, chill, love twins, I was
just inquiring about getting
my mom some flowers.

You want to send flowers
to your mom?

That is so sweet.

Yeah, well... I do try and call
her every day. Hey, whoa!

Jeffrey, who are you inviting
to the dance?

Oh hey, T. Didn't see you there,
getting all up in my business.

Give me your phone.

I'll pass.

Why don't you just call your
friend Owen and ask him to
the dance? I know you like him.

Hm, okay.
I just have so much to do today.

But let's put a pin in this
conversation... until never.

And then when never is over,
we'll take that pin out

and then we'll get right to it.
Sorry, I touched your hair.

Good luck
with the list, Lena.

Fine. One text.
Happy Valentine's Day, Pinky.

It's the worst.


That outfit sure is something.

Well... One for you. Happy
Valentine's Day. Isn't this fun?

And oh, look. One for you.

Looks like somebody likes you.

Uhm... Yeah.

Oh, lucky.
Who's your admirer?


Who do you admire today?

Nothing, nobody.
What? Never mind.


Oh hey, Jeffrey. I was just
wondering if you'd like to go
to the dance with me.

Now, how easy was that?


Hey, T.
Hey, Jeffrey, it's Owen.

He doesn't call me Jeffrey.

Only you and my mom do.

Oh, and Gabrielle,
but only when she's mad at me.

Fine. Yo, Jeff. It's Owen.

Hey, Owen.


Hey, so there's this, uh, dance
thing tonight at our school

and, uh, I don't know
if you wanted to go maybe...

See? Easy.

Yeah... So easy.

Love. That's the theme of today.

And of course,
the theme of so many ballets.

So, let's take a rep piece from
Romeo and Juliet, which you
already know, but perform it...

with your interpretation
of love.

I call partner.

with your partner what word
best defines love for you.

In fact, throw out
a few buzzwords

and then dance the piece
with that intent.



Hm... Magic.

Rollerblading. Partner dancing.

Longing. Distance. Confusion.

Come on, Pinky. Text me back.

Hey, what do you say?
Since we're anti‐Valentine's
Day crusaders...

Oh, uhm...

I think for a lot of people,
love means hope.

Or despair.

Okay. Anticipation.



Soul‐crushing mayhem.



Uh, okay, I've never heard
that one before.

What about,
I don't know, romance?

No, no, no.
What about disappointment?

You're right, this is dumb.

Let's just do the dance, okay?



What if happily
ever after doesn't exist?

What if it's just always
too complicated?

Sure there is. It
doesn't have to be knights and
stuff, but it'll be totally rad.

Maybe it's just not
what you think it might be.

You got this, L. You make your
own happily ever after, right?

I guess that's true.

Like that Cupid outfit.
I'm going to wear it, all day

if you don't cheer up.

You don't have to do that.

Even you just saying it
cheered me up a little. Thanks.

Okay, guys.

I'll leave you
in the capable hands of Max.

I'll see your pieces
first thing in the morning.

The vibe out here is intense.

What did you do?
Give me the list.

What list?

- My favorite day is turning into a ni...
- nightmare.

All the roses had a to
and a from. And they were
all carefully organized.

On the list. All you had to do
was match the tags
with the list.

I didn't get any list. And I was
too busy handing them out
I didn't notice the tags either.

You are the anti‐Cupid. How
dare you destroy this day? Ha!



You mean this list?

Did you do this?
Do what, Lena?

Destroy St. Valentine's Day?

I tried to give you the list,
but you were running around
being all Cupid‐y.

Whoa. Back up. Okay?

I got this. I will help you.
Happily ever after, right?

So have you ever
been dumped before?


Oh, I get it. You're more
of a heartbreaker then?

Uh, no.

Oh, I get it, you've never been
on a date before, have you?

Whatever. Can we just get
through this assignment?

Up until I met Dash,
neither had I.

He was my boyfriend from
last year. He totally got me.


Oh, I get it. You're avoiding
this whole assignment
cause you're avoiding love.

I understand, trust me.
I'm an expert, but...

It's worth it, just so you know.

Let's just rehearse, yeah?

Well, I'm trying, Isaac,
but pairs require some form
of physical connection.

Well, maybe that's not
what I require.

What's with him?

So, you did all of this?

I didn't know about any list.

Thanks to Thea, the most evil
girl on planet earth.

I mean,
what's the big deal anyway?

Well, I got you a flower, but
I guess Nandy from the Sixth
Division got it instead.

I've ruined
Valentine's Day, haven't I?

Yeah, a little bit.

You got me a flower?

Yeah... I did.

Are you going to fix this
or shall I?

I'll fix it, thanks.
You've done enough.

I don't know
what you're talking about.
Don't even.

You are really good
at paper crafts, L.

Oh, so what?
You messed it up. Who cares?

I'm sure you made
some people happy.

Uh... But we haven't sorted...

She really needed this day. It's
only like her favorite thing.


And she selflessly
let me be Cupid.

I really need
to make it up to her.

Let's both make
our happily ever after.

You were right.
It's totally in our control.

Okay. Let's make
the best Valentine's Day ever.


Hey, Owen, it's Jeffrey. Uh...
It's actually just Jeff. Uhm...

So, there's a dance. Uh, well...

Every day is dancing,
as you know.
But today of all days, I...


Yes, I'm trying to invite you.

You will?

Great. Uh... I'll see you later.

See? My faith has been restored.

- Committing to the full red?
- I approve.


Here's your Cupid outfit back.
I made a few embellishments.
I hope you don't mind.

It's perfect. You put
glitter on the wings. Oh!

I'm going to soar to the dance.
Thanks, Lena.

Don't crush my wings!

I'll go if you go.

Oh, come on. We can dance
the whole bad day off.

Fine. But I'm not wearing red.


How do I look?
Should I go with the blue shirt?

Red is just so obvious.
I look like a department store

Not that there's anything wrong
with that, it's just not the
vibe I'm going for, you know.

It's Owen.

'Sorry, I can't make it

That's cool. I mean, we're
just friends. It's no big...


Yeah, woohoo.

No, I don't...
Come on, it'll be fun.

This music hurts my ears.


You were right.

There's no such thing
as happily ever after.

Oh, you're so right.

Hey. I like your hoodie.

So I really value our friendship
and it's important to trust
and value our friends.

So I would like to say
that it is important to me
that we remain friends.

Okay. It feels like
you're breaking up with me,

which is weird because,
Isaac, we're not a thing.

But you gave me a rose.

No, I didn't.
Lena messed them up.

Okay, yeah, my bad.
I thought you were flirting.

No, I don't flirt.

And did you find
that whole speech
on the internet?


Okay, yeah.

Oh... Is that the guy
you actually like?

Well, get out of here
then, Miss I Don't Flirt.


Good, you're here.

He's been like this all night.
On Valentine's Day.

Come on. Let's go cheer him up.

Come on, Jeffrey. Dance it out.

Yeah, Jeff, dance it out.

Alright, you know what?
You guys are awesome. Thanks.

We got you.

I know. I know.

We're your friends, Jeffrey.

Now, will somebody turn
that sad music off
before I lose it?

Don't just stand there.
Dancing is good for the soul.

Yeah, come on.

Woohoo. Yeah.

Whassup, whassup? Hit us
with something. What you got?

Alright, what about...
What about? Uh. Ah. Ah‐uh.

Uh, uh. Oh, whoa. Whoa.

Look what I do. Woohoo.

Hey, Jeff.

You should at least
ask him to dance.

Happy Valentine's Day, gorgeous.

Yeah, I got your text.

What are you doing?

Why isn't it working?
I checked every single light.

Well, you'll just have to use
your imagination because it was
working, like, five seconds ago.

And it was amazing.

There are a thousand or so
lights strung all over
this place. Just for you.

It's beautiful.

Well, it would be,
if this dumb thing worked.

Come on. It's almost time.

Uhm, what are we doing?


It's a thousand lights.
All for us.

And I didn't need
an extension cord
for that, did I?

I think I know where
the timepiece might be.

You should have led with that.

I was trying to be romantic.

Okay, to be fair,
this is very romantic.

But we need to find it.
What are we waiting for?

Let's just enjoy this
for a minute.

He bought them this morning.
Two dozen.

You know the one. Blonde.

Name rhymes with Frank.

Come on, Bree. You ruined it.
His name is Frank.

I miss you, Henri,
especially today.

I just can't believe
we can't be together.

It's so unfair.

Hey, chica. Let's dance.

Come on, it's Valentine's Day.

Good morning, everyone.

Max will be giving
the critiques today.

What? Huh?

- Max?
- Seriously?

First positions.

No, no, no.
That was disturbing.

What have you done
to my stunning choreography?

Jeff, what are you doing?
You were late from the start.

You were on the wrong foot
as well. I could have done
a better job on one leg.

We're going to switch partners.
No, no.

We're going to switch back,
you're going to switch lanes.

Okay, okay. Very good.
Thank you very much
for the little skit.

I should have known better.

Okay, from the top everyone!
Go! Go! Go!