Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 17 - Episode #2.17 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.


You're going down.
It's on.

Jeff and I are having
a major battle about
who will run the BLOK.

- We can work together, guys.
- No, we can't.

And now Thea's back...
Let's do this.

...things are about to get
a whole lot messier.

We're going to need to change...

But on the upside...
Guess what?

...the Blokettes
got onto Dance Off.

Are you serious?

Things have been really tough
on Max since the accident.

I need surgery, don't I?

Ines and I have
looked everywhere
for my missing timepiece,

but we still haven't found it.

I think I know where
the timepiece might be.

Now, this is
where it becomes a bit tricky.

Obviously, you'll never be
as good as me,
but you can try your best.

You're late.

My post said "Be on time".
Get out. Go.


You know,
I'm not doing this for myself.

There are plenty of other ways
I'd like to spend
my Saturday morning,

No, Thea. You're
so talented, you must give back
and teach the other girls.

Nobody knows how to cross‐stitch
and sew these days,

so that's a tragedy
in my opinion.

What are you all staring at?
Go, go.

Blokettes meeting. Normal place.

Please and thank you.'

Whatever, Lena.

You're on your own, girls.

I didn't say stop, did I?

Come in, come in, come in.

This better be a real emergency,
Lena. I was just getting
to the herringbone stitch.

It is my mission to teach
these girls how to sew. It's
a lost art form, if you ask me.

Oh, I love the herringbone.
But have you tried the Van Dyke
stitch? It's like whoa....

Oh, totally. I know. It took me
a while, but when I finally
got it, I nailed it, obviously.

Lena, focus. You called
an emergency meeting
for a reason, right?

So, guess what?

Ooh! You finally figured out
how to use the toaster?

No, I mastered that
like a month ago.

We're all getting matching
leopard‐print tutus?

Please tell me
you're transferring schools?

Very funny.

I got a call from the producers
at Dance Off

and they want to choreograph
a new dance with us
that they'll use in the promos!

What? That's actually
great news. Like, major.

I know, right?

Okay, team. Listen up,
because we've got
like a million things to do.

Bree, iron my cape. Kennedy,
you see this hand? It's empty.

Go get me a smoothie
with extra pollen in it, stat.

Lena? Let's face facts. We need
to talk about your pop and lock.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What do you think you're doing?

This is my crew, not yours.
Get real, Lena.
Do you want to win

or are you just one of those
people who are excited about
getting a participation ribbon?

Come on. We just got
amazing news. Don't ruin it.

- Who do you think you are?
- You're so bossy.

I'm a leader, unlike you!

Would you stop yelling?
Everyone can hear you.

Do you want Armando
and Gabrielle to hear you, too?
Just stop with all of the drama.

Drama. We need more drama!
Competition shows
like this love drama.

The dance is the drama.
That's what people want.

Fine. Have it your way.
I mean, what do I know?

I only came first place
when I competed on Dance Off,
but whatevs.

This is the new schedule.

Follow this and we won't need
to fake some stupid drama.

Oww, oww, oww.

Any plans for the weekend? Maybe I can
join you at Tia Isabella's for lunch.

Yeah, whatever.

Doctor, what's the prognosis?

I'm afraid the news isn't good.

You're not going to be able
to have a dance career, Max.

Maybe after months of rehab,
it can be a hobby, but...
a career just isn't possible.

But dance is everything.

I... I don't do anything else.

I'm so sorry.

Right, come on. You promised
to show me the timepiece.
Where is it?

Alright, alright.

You're going to love this.

Ladies and gentlemen...

Right, that's it.
I'm hanging up.
Okay, okay, okay.

Oh, hang on.
Lena just sent me a text.

Drumroll, please. Tadaa...


'Where are you? The
Blokettes are heading out soon.'
Hurry up.

- Where is it?
- What do you mean, where is it?

Come on, you promised to show me
the timepiece. It's not funny.

It was here, I swear.

Well, where is it then?
I don't know.

What do you mean,
you don't know?

Don't worry,
it's around here somewhere.

I'm always forgetting
where I put things.

I've got to go. Text me
as soon as you find it, okay?



How are you holding up?

If I can't dance,
I don't want to be here.
I want to go back to London.

Okay. Okay. Uhm... Let's just
give it some more time
because we have options...

It's what I want.
At least let's get a second

opinion before you do
anything too drastic.

I just don't want you to...

I'm... I'm sorry.



I wish I could change your mind,
but uhm... I understand.

I'll let Ms Carré know.

This is it, gentlemen. I am one
roll away from a perfect game.

Remember where you were when
the great Jeffrey Chase won...

So close.

What are you doing?

Well, I was bowling an excellent
game. Why? What are you doing?

I mean, why are you
and your crew not rehearsing?
For what?

A true champion is
always prepared, Jeffrey.
Did you read that on a poster?

Like one of those "hang in
there" cats? My mom loves those.

Okay, Jeffrey, pay attention.

The producers of Dance Off
are here in Paris
filming for the show.

So? We're not in Dance Off.
Plus, my crew missed
the audition deadline.

If only you knew someone
with some pull on that show.

Someone who could get you
a last‐minute audition.

Yes. Yeah,
that would be awesome.

Hm. You saw that, right?

Hello? It's me, Jeffrey.
I got you the audition.

T, you're awesome.

Uh, uh. Hm, hm.

Show me what you got.


Oh yes. Oh yeah. This is
what's going to win Dance...

Tell your crew to wear
black hats and jackets.
It'll help you stand out more.


Okay. Thanks, T.

Where are Bree and Kennedy? We don't
want to be late for the promo shoot.

Oh, and we still
have to pick up the other girls.

You got somewhere else to be?

What are you not telling us?


Pinky and Frank
have the timepiece.

- What?
- How do you know this?

Pinky told me.

We'll talk about Pinky
later. But first, we need
to get the timepiece.

Right, the thing is uhm...
It's missing.

What do you mean, it's missing?
Pinky hid it in the apartment
and then it was gone.

But if anyone can get it back,
it's Pinky, right?

Look, let's just focus
on Dance Off just now,

and then we'll get it after.
I trust Pinky, okay?
Well, I don't.

Yeah, as if.
Yeah, I get that.
But you guys trust me, right?

Uh, no.
Of course.

Come on. Dance Off first
and then timepiece after.

You'll have it
by the time we're done, right?

Don't look at me.
I'm all for Dance Off first.

Okay, Dance Off first and then
we find the timepiece. Shhh.

Sorry we're late, but somebody
wouldn't stop taking selfies.

And by somebody,
she means me.

We're going to look awesome.



Come on, girls, let's go.

You okay?

What are you doing here?
You know this is my space.

Not anymore, right?
Aren't you leaving?

Come on.

Stop. What are you doing?
Extend your arms fully, Isaac.

Like father, like son.

You know, quitting's the easy
way out. You could stay.

And do what?
Maybe learn a few things
from your dad?

I'm a dancer,
not a choreographer.

What part of "I can't dance"
do you not understand?

Dancing has been
everything for me
and now it's over.

I'm just saying
he's the best there is
and you're a lot like him.

I didn't take you for a quitter.

I'm not. It's just that
I've wasted my whole life.

It's only a waste
if you let it be.

I didn't just come here
to be taught
by the best teachers.

I also wanted to dance
with the best.

Well, again, I can't dance,
so have fun.

This is it.

This is too cool.
Girls, huddle up.

'Make me proud and have fun.'

What is Jeffrey doing?
Stealing our spot like that?

I mean, it's your crew,
so it's up to you,

but I say we show him
who's boss.

Girls, masks on.
Let's show them what we've got.

We're ready
to roll. Positions everyone.

Don't let her
steal your thunder.

How could you do that?
I would never do that to you!

You ambushed my audition.

Your what? And those moves.
Did you just spy
on my rehearsal?

No, they're mine and Thea
gave me a last‐minute audition
to Dance Off.

I told you we needed drama.

Are you serious, T?
I thought we were friends.

Of course, you would do
something like this.

Thea Raphael, I should've known you were
behind this. Is this your new crew?

- It sure is.
- Well, great.

I guess I'll see you all
on Dance Off in... London.

Your crew?

I did what the show needed.
And they loved it.

Check your phones. I've taken the liberty
of updating the rehearsal schedule.

I can't...

Hey. You've almost got it.

It's so important that you
tighten your core. In here.

And you have to elongate
your spine. It's up, up, up.

Nice. So you can relax at first.

And then tense, tense, tense,
tense, as hard as you can.

There you go.

Nice. Nicely done.

He reminds me of someone I know.


Where's the timepiece?

What are you talking about?

Okay, fine.

I hid it.
I don't trust you right now.

Your judgment is clouded
by your little girlfriend.

And after everything, after all
that we've been through, how
can you say you don't trust me?

You're spending
too much time with Ines.

So what?
So you can't have it both ways.

Clive or Ines?

Who got out of the museum

Who took the rap when you
"borrowed" the Queen's tiara?

Clive or Ines?
I'm not gonna dignify
that question with an answer.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

And one, two,
three and four,

five, six, seven, eight.

See, I told you
I had a better idea.

Okay, come here.

Now, before I go,
just remember what I said.

Don't just practice it
until you get it right.

Practice until
you can't get it wrong.

It's simple, right?

Tighten your core.


Hm... I was wondering
when you were going to show up.

Let me guess,
you've got the timepiece,
but you can't trust Pinky?

But listen, I've got a plan.
I'm going to give it to you...

So I can hide it
from Lena and Ines

where they'll least suspect it?
Right under their noses?

I really like you.

I know.

I'm innocent, L. Really.
I'm just as mad as you are.

Oh yeah, right.
You expect me to believe you?

Uh, yeah, L.
Because we're like friends.

Thea. Don't you
walk away from me.

Does it look like
I'm going anywhere?

I cannot believe you.

You just swooped in
and stole the Blokettes
right out from under me.

Wait, what am I saying?
Of course, I can believe it.

Whatever, I don't know
why you two are unhappy.

You're going to be on Dance Off.
Isn't that what you wanted?

The Blokettes were already
going to be on Dance Off,
with or without you.

Yes, but now you actually have
a chance at winning.

And what about you, Jeffrey?
There was no Dance Off
without me, so you're welcome.

Yeah, but it was like totally
underhanded or whatever. Why
didn't you just come talk to us?

I did what I had to do
for the greater good.
I stand by my methods.

You are unbelievable.

Whoa, whoa,
slow down there, cowgirl.

This isn't over.

Whatever, Lena.

Uh? Hm...

So, I guess you heard, huh?
Heard what? Have you seen Max?

No, not since he bailed.
Bailed on what?

What do you mean?
What do you mean?

Oh man, you haven't heard,
have you?

I don't like this game.

Max dropped out of school.

I have to go find him.
It's too late.
I already saw him leave.

You're making a huge mistake.

I get that it's hard right now,
but I don't think
you should leave.

Yeah, but Lena...

No, Lena.

♪ Hold on, hold on
Ground control ♪

You really are something,
Miss Grisky.

Max! Lena texted us
you're leaving.

We really don't want you to go,
but we have
a little parting gift for you.

Guys, I'm not leaving. I just
didn't want to interrupt that.

Are you serious, bro?

Okay. FYI,
you started a third behind.

I need a whole lot
more energy from you.
And as for you, Lena...

What are you doing?
I'm giving notes.

As the new leader of the BLOK,
it's my responsibility.

Ha! Don't make me laugh.
Except for that "ha" I just did.

Get it through your brain.
The BLOK is mine.

Excuse me? Yours?

Uh, yeah. Mine. Right, Max?

Such drama queens.