Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 18 - The Brainy Bunch - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

Time travel.

What is this?

It's a drawing
of the portal we built.

Lena tells me you're a genius.
Maybe you can
make sense of it.

For Ines, it is
the most exciting thing ever.

It worked.

But for me,
it's not that simple.

No matter where
we are, one of us will always be
in the wrong time period.

Things with Max and Henri
have always been complicated,

and it's been even harder
since Henri and I found out
we can't be together.

Especially since
he's still stuck in 1905.

There was this girl, and her name was
Lena. I wrote this song for her.

Thea is not
going to get away with this.

- The Blokettes are mine.
- I'm steaming mad.

There was no yogurt
in the dining hall this morning.

I need a strategy to take
Thea down once and for all.

Hello? Are you in there?

Where were we?

Oh yes. I was about to announce
that it's that time of year

the annual science fair.

Oh. That's why
you're acting so weird.


Now. You're going
to work in pairs.

And you can choose
what you want,

just as long as there's
research, a hypothesis,
and a scientific explanation.

This is so cool.
I know what I'm going to do.

But this year, there is a twist.

Because we're going to be doing
a typical American science fair,

which means
that you each get a booth

that demonstrates and explains
your subject, instead
of presenting it to the class.

That's so wicked.

I know,
this sounds like so much fun.

I'm glad you think so, girls.
And it actually counts
as a third of your grade,

so choose your partners
and your subjects wisely.


Hey, where's the love, friend?

Hey. I'm talking to you.

I am your partner,
whether you like it or not.

Uhm... Well, I was waiting for
a handwritten invitation, but...

Very funny.
So shall we work together?

Yes. Yes, I believe we shall,
Miss Grisky.

Ines. Ines. Look.
Look, look, look, look, look.

Come on. Obviously,
you're like, the smartest person
in our class.

You're like, the smartest person
in our school.

You're like,
the smartest person anywhere.

Jeff, I'm not interested.

Your brain
should be in a museum.

Please? I'm begging you.
I need an A‐plus in this class.

I don't need a partner.
I work alone.

Okay, see, that's why we could
be the perfect match then,

cause science
just ain't my thang.

Pelletier said pairs, so...

Fine. Whatever.

Aces. Thanks.
So, what are we doing?

Okay. Reading that look
loud and clear.

I will load up
on snacks and refreshments

while you stay focused.

Not really.


They should totes do
their assignment on...

the chemistry of love.

Shut it, Jeffrey.

So are they officially
a couple now, or what?

I'd say, or what...

What about vacuum cleaners?

Like, how exactly do they get
the right amount of suction
to pull up the dirt.

Or thin‐screen TVs.
I mean, how do they get
all that in there?

Yeah, or blow dryers.


Oh. Oh. When I first got here
I was fascinated by motorcars.

The modern‐day ones,
I mean.

What do you mean, when
you first got here? Got where?

Oh. Uhm, to Paris.

All those cars.
All that traffic.

We don't really have traffic
like that in Russia,

in the palace,
where I come from...

We'll think of something.

Hey, girl. What is up?

Let me guess. You need
a partner for the science fair.

Is it that obvious?

You're not really
the "hey girl" type.

Okay, busted.

So, I know you've probably
already got a partner, but...

Actually, I don't.


I mean, I get that I don't
cause I'm like, the new guy
or whatever,

but I thought you'd have
like, a gaggle of minions at
your feet begging to be yours.

That was a different time.

Okay, great. Gravity.


I was thinking about some cool
stuff we could do about gravity

in the body
and how it affects dance.

Stop talking about gravity.

My forte is social media
and how to use my influence
to get more followers.

Now, that is science. Top that.

Uh, I can't. Uh...

I don't know how... I mean,
I don't know what you're talking
about or how to do yoga.

Clearly. Show me your socials.

Uh, I don't do any
of that stuff.

Like, none?


How do you live?
How do you function?

How do you even know
how to feel?

I seriously don't know
how to answer that.


don't do any of that stuff.
It distracts me from dance.

Go away, take some selfies and
report back to me in an hour.

Uh, okay. But what does this
have to do with science?

Cause and effect, Isaac.
Cause and effect.



What about dry ice?
We could emerge from the fog.

Or smartphones. Wow, look at
this. Did you know phones used
to look like giant shoeboxes?

Oh. Let's do this one. Let's
spray gibberellic acid on plants

and watch them grow
like Jack and the Beanstalk.

Lena, those are all
really great ideas,

but I was thinking
maybe we could do something
a bit more personal.

Okay, like what?


I don't know. Maybe
something related to dance?

I've got it. Let's do something
related to your injury.

There have been
so many advances in medicine.

Back in the day, they would
just hope you got better.

But now, they send in a scope
and look at the ligaments.

Look. This is
what it looks like inside.

It's astonishing. Oh. There are
so many things we could do.

Uh, hello? High and wide.
Nobody wants to see your pores.

Like, get a selfie stick.

Yeah, totally.
Or get a selfie friend.

This is an epic fail.

And I don't fail,
epically or otherwise.

Meet me
in the courtyard in an hour.

And wear something beachy
or something from the tangerine
or aubergine family.


But I don't know what that is.

Fine. I'll go look that up.

We could use your X‐ray
to show exactly what happened,

and then document all the rehab
you're doing to heal.

Well, I was thinking...

We should show a video
of the accident. Surely,
there's footage somewhere.

No. Lena, stop. Okay.

This is a terrible idea.

But it's been
really hard on you.

I think researching it
and talking about it

would really help you
deal with everything.

Are you for real?

What's wrong?

You have no idea what
it's like to lose everything.

I just want to do something fun.
Like, the science behind dance,

or I don't know,
the evolution of music.

Not some lame, sad study
about my stupid injury.

How do you not get that?

It's not lame. I'm just
trying to help you, Max.

By being totally insensitive?


Max is being so unreasonable.

Doing our science fair project
on his injury kills two pigeons
with one branch.

You mean kills two birds
with one stone?

That seems harsh. Anyway,
we do a scientific hypothesis
for the assignment

and it helps Max deal
with all this injury stuff.

I can't believe he called me
insensitive and lame.

Look, as interested as I am
in your little love quarrel...

I'm too excited
to hold it in any longer.

Okay. I think I figured out
how time travel works.

Like how to travel through time
without a timepiece.

If I can get the final piece,
then we can pierce
the fabric of time.

Are you serious? You're so
brilliant I can't even stand it.

Shhh. There's still
a missing part of the puzzle,
but I'm working on it.

And if you figure it out,
does that mean...

Don't get too excited. But in
theory, yes, it means we could
travel freely through time.

But don't start packing
just yet.

Also, I think
you should apologize to Max.

Me? He called my idea lame.

Yeah, but Lena...
Of course, he did.

Why do you think he'd want
to focus on dance, never mind
do a whole assignment on it?

Oh no.

I totally messed up.
I just thought

that it would help him deal
with everything that's going on.

But Lena, that's up to him.
Not you.

Sorry, dude, but I'm kind of
Team Max on this one.

I think you went too far.

I need to apologize.

I'll see you later.

He is the perfect partner.


I'm sorry.

It was just an idea.
I'm just trying to help.

I don't need your help.

And if you don't want to be
my partner, then just say it.

That's not what I'm saying.

Well, maybe it's
what I'm saying.


No. Just no.


Never in a million years.


Okay. Turn to your left,
chin down, look brooding.

Okay, what is that?
Uhm, try smiling.

Okay, just stop. I can't even,
with this guy. Uhm...

Think... sunshine,
and waves, and sand.

Hm‐hm. I don't like sand.
It gets everywhere.

And this doesn't feel
like science, by the way.

The algorithm to social media
is very specific.

Your photo has to be
eye‐catching. If not
you're just one in a billion.

You have to stand out!

You know what?
I think it's time for a break.

Go to the studio,
get some inspiration

from a dance workout.
I think it'll clear your head.

Yeah, yeah, I'll do that.

- I'll see you later.
- Bye‐bye.

We have to do a sneak
attack. Clearly, he'll never
model. I mean, come on.

So we're going to attack?
That's extreme.

Whassup, my genius friend?

So, what are we doing?

Time travel.

That's hilarious.

But seriously,
what are we doing?

For centuries, the time‐space
continuum has continued

to allude physicists
all over the world.

And if we try to get
the time‐space ratio...

Oh, come on. Time travel?

Like that even exists. Not!

I'm going to have to stop you
right there.
I'm having massive doubts.

And this is not A‐plus material
and I need an A‐plus. You feel?

You didn't even let me finish.

Yeah, that's because I've
already had my nap today.

Come on!
We need a volcanic explosion.

Jeff, I was doing volcanos
in preschool.

Well, we need
a wow factor because this
ain't cutting it, my friend.

Where's the pizzazz,
where are the fireworks?

Alright. That's it.
We're going. We're doing it.

We're moving. Moving
and grooving, honey. Let's go.

Yep. That's it. We're off
to make a science fair.

Okay. I need a glue gun.

This isn't working.

Where did I...
Oh, it's going to work. Okay?

I just need better glue.

Ooh. And some green
tissue paper. Ha‐ha!


This is good, this is good.
This is good.


Now, this is
what I'm talking about.


meet Isaac Portier.

We didn't have much
in the way of antibiotics
in 1905.

Did you know that they can stop
the growth of mold?

No, Lena, I didn't,

but that's probably because
your project idea is... boring.

You okay there, Lena?

Come to Oscar's shop,
you might get some inspiration.

Plus, I need some answers.
Please, come with me.


Well, I guess that leaves you
with nobody.

Get it? No body. Aaaaah.

I just need a few missing pieces
and if I can find them, my time
travel project will be perfect.

Well, we're in the right place.

I tried apologizing to Max
and I made things worse.

We were so in sync this morning
and now we're not even talking
and it's all my fault.

I have to fix this.

Maybe if you come up with
a wicked idea for the project
then he might come around.


These are cool. What are they?

That's my epic vinyl collection.

There's something
from almost every time period.

I don't know
what any of that means.

It means,
it's all about the music.

Music makes you feel
all the feels, man.


Max said he wanted
to do something about music.
That could be cool.

And I think I might just have
the thing for you, too.

Music makes you feel
all the feels.

I've got it.

I heard you talking about
your project. Check it out.

It's the model we built
for the port‐a‐portal.

I'm not sure if it helps,
but I really think that it...

I've been going about this
all wrong.

I've been basing everything
on the power of the timepieces.

What if...

Wait. If this is possible,
this changes everything.

You're the best. Thank you..
Okay, Lena, we need to go.

Bye, Oscar.

Before you say anything,
please just listen.

I was totally out of line.

I was just trying to help, but
I pushed you and I'm so sorry.

I have something to show you.

Someone once said that music
makes you feel all the feels.

So, what about the science
behind what happens in the brain
when music moves you?

Like which synapses
in the brain fire and why.

I mean, rock music
would have a different effect
than a ballad, right?

I love it.

I'm so sorry.

Well, I guess we just breezed
through our first relationship
hurdle. Science differences...


Yeah. If... you want to.

Well, are you asking?

Well, I wrote you... a letter.

You did? Then yes. Yes.

Yo, check it out. I have got
like, a gazillion followers.

Of course, you do.

How do you even do this?

It's called influence.
I re‐posted your pic on my page,

so now
you're officially trending.

Which means you'll be
popular in like, seconds.

Scientifically, it's all about
redirecting the traffic
to your page. Watch.


It's very... Thea.

Not quite what I would expect
in a science project,
but it's current.

And I commend you for putting
so much of yourself
into the project. Well done.

Great teamwork.
Thanks, Ms Pelletier.

Okay, all that brutal "go!"
stuff was totally worth it.

Okay. So, uhm...

time is circular.

At least, that's what
some scientists claim. So...

the ratio of time‐space...

The laws of attraction indicate
that like energy...

Wo wo wo wo wo.

And... At certain times
of the year, due to...

Due to the gravitational pull
of the earth, we have the...


Oh, ladies and gentlemen,
I have come
to explain everything.

To save you from
Miss Blah Blah Blah over here.

So I can tell you,
if you push this button...


You'll be transported to...
another time.

How totally futurific.

Please, Doc, continue.

Okay. Uh...

When the fabric of time
is at its thinnest point...

in theory, we could pass through

energy can be measured by units.

Just like matter.

Yeah, what matters is we survive
this presentation, am I right?

Get in.

Go on.


In I go.

She's gone. Vanished.
Traveling through to 1970

where she may not
make it back home.

According to Heisenberg...

That I threw into the portal
and is now learning
how to pop circa 1980.


Uh, we have to adhere
to the uncertainty principle.

Right, and I'm certain I can't
get home. But now, I can.

Thanks to this genius mind.

Go, go, go, go, go.


No way.

Thank you.

Well, your theory wasn't very
sound, so I had to jazz it up.

Yeah. I mean
it was just a theory, so...

Yeah. I mean, come on?
Time travel? Yeah, right.

Someone has been watching
too many movies.


Whatever, dude. It works.

You both did a great job.

I mean, to tackle such
a complex subject. Well done.

Thank you, Ms Pelletier.

Okay, this is a game
of music roulette.

The theory is that music makes
you feel certain emotions
when you hear it.

So we're going to randomly play
some songs.
We don't even know what's next

and you're going to tell us
what you're feeling. Ready?



Three, two, and one.

Happy, right?


Okay. Next song.

Uhhh. Ohhh. Yeah.

Come on.

See. Music affects the brain,
but it affects everyone
in a different way.

So it's emotional,
but the way that I'm feeling

is different to what Max feels,
which is different to
what Jeff feels. It's so cool.

We can all process music, but we
all have a different reaction.
Isn't it awesome?

This sounds familiar.

All the feels...

What did you say?

Uh, nothing, I'm sorry...

And the part of the brain
that controls emotion

is the frontal lobe,
which is right here.


I'm telling you, man,
you are onto something.

Do you love it?
Because I love it.

We'll call it "Love Letters".

I do love it. I just hope
Lena loves it, too.