Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 2, Episode 26 - Episode #2.26 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

Previously... I've decided to go
back to 1905 in order to save Ines.

Her new device
got her in time jail.

Before leaving,
I took everyone to Dance Off.

We won.
But it got me expelled.
No more second chances!

But Max and I decided
we'd do the carte blanche

And I finally told him
I'm a time traveler.

I hope I'll be able to pull this
off without anyone finding out,

especially the Bureau.

On the third of June,
the Bureau plans to what?

I can't let Lena
destroy everything.
I have to save Clive.

When I get that done
and we get both timepieces,
we'll take the world by storm.

Take this to the Alexandre III
Bridge and leave it for me
at the west end.

My timepiece is gone.

I've looked everywhere
and my room looks like
it's been through a time rip.

Slow down. Are you sure?

Yes. A man posing
as my benefactor
showed up at the school.

I'm sure he was Bureau.
Please, Pinky,
I need your timepiece.

It's the only one I've got.
If anything went wrong, I'd have
no way to get to you or Ines.

But it's the only way.


You're right.
I'll meet you at the portal.

Thank you.

Yo! Lena and Max did a sick job for
the choreo of the carte blanche!

It's all good.

Okay. Wow!

Isaac's human.
Even he's totally buggin'.

I'm fine.
You're the furthest thing
from fine.

Look at me. Try this,
it'll loosen you up, okay?

Okay? Get it? You can try.

No, that's silly, stop!


Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm good.


Are you sure
you want to do this?


Oh, guys? It's sold out.

Our show is sold out!


I was just
given word that the entire
ballet community is here,

including choreographers
from Russia, Berlin,
and New York.

It's quite an honor.

Enjoy yourselves, but let us not
forget that two students have
been cut and more will follow.

Take your moment tonight, but
remember that everything counts.

Whoa. Who was cut?

Never mind that for now.

Let's just stay focused
on the good stuff.

We're sold out!
How did that even happen?

Okay, so
I may have posted a hint

that the winners of Dance Off
are performing at the Garnier...

Are you serious?

There's a line‐up!
Around the block!

Get it? BLOK.

Dance Off has called, like...

Seventeen times.

You guys, they want
to do a special on us!

They're coming to the show!

Well? You guys taught me
to own it. Go big, right?

Why do you think I'm so nervous?

Oh my man!

there is something
that I need to tell you.


You guys know
how Lena can be.

She sometimes gets a little bit
weepy before the shows.

But, what she's trying
to say is that...

she couldn't be happier
to be performing with a group
of dancers like you.

You guys are my family.

Oh, L. You really do
fall apart before shows.

Come on, we've got this.

Except for Isaac.
He totally just might cave
under the pressure.

Oww. That didn't hurt at all!
Group hug!

Come on! Yeah!

Frank, where are you?
Meet me on the bridge
as soon as the performance ends.

Text to confirm
or we're breaking up.

Don't do radio silence.

Oh, hey, Lena, ready
for the night of our lives?

Okay, we're not going down
without fight.

Next up is the red beam,
so stay alert, okay?

Countdown in progress.
Memory erase activated.

Oh no! Okay, hit the floor!

Okay, let's just go.

Stay here, okay?

Okay, hold the notebook.

Of course.

Thank you.

Ines? Be careful.



Holy moly!

Okay, nice.

Okay, chuck me the notebook.


Okay, get ready to run
when the door opens.

To the right, Ines, duck!

Just stay there,
I'm coming.

Max, Lena, a word, please.

I've never seen this
at a student show before.

It's packed.

Now, are you sure
you want to do this?


Don't change your mind now.

Even if it means not returning
to school next year?

And your classmates agree?


Dad, this dance.
This is who we are.

Let's go on and show the world.

Like father, like son, right?

Right. Right!

Good luck! Good luck!

Ladies and gentlemen,
please take your seats,
the show is about to begin.

Dude, you're not breathing.
Should I call a medic?

I'm breathing.
I just want to take in
every second of this.

I wanted to say thank you.

If it wasn't for you, I...


So... I choreographed
the hardest dance
I could come up with.

Because I didn't think
you'd be able to do it.

But... I was wrong.
You're the real deal, man.

You guys ready?

Go be great.
Show them why you're
dancing with the company.

Thanks. And I do mean
that sincerely, really.

One last selfie!

Everything's going to be okay.


You said
I was going to say that.

Kennedy, I'm minion
number one today.
You totally promised.



Masks on, everyone!

What is this? This isn't ballet!

How could you let this happen?

No... No no no! The codes
you used to break Henri out,
aren't gonna get us out of here.

Then what do we do Frank?


This stops now.

No no no, just... just watch.
It's called carte blanche.

Let them do their thing.

This is ours. Look at them.

I wish
Ines was here to see this.

How do I give it all up?

Nothing's working!

In minutes, our memories are
gonna be erased and we're not
gonna remember how to do this.

You can do this.
I know you can.

I can't, unless... I know!

We must use my device
to make it work!

Yes, your device!
Good idea, come on, quick!

Okay, okay.

Okay, it worked!

Quickly, run!

Oh no...

How are we ever going
to figure out where we are?

- I know the floor plan.
- You what?

I learned it
while I was in captivity.
I like crafts.

Okay, where are we then?

Infinity hall. Two doors in.
One, two... That one!

Good work, Clive!
Thanks, Bossette.

Henri, think.
Did your dad say anything
about a code?

Like a string of numbers
or letters or anything?

When he lost his memory,
he wrote down a date.

What was the date?

Third of June.

He said it was important,
but he couldn't remember why.

That's today!
Zero, six, zero, three.

Portal day!

I have a bad feeling about this.

I have a bad feeling about them.

Hold it right there!
Come on!

Zero, six, zero, three.

Get back here!

Okay, okay. Go, go go go!

Not so fast, Miss Smarty Pants!

I've got this!


You're back!

Pinky! I'm so happy to see you!

Where is she? Where's Ines?

She was right behind us.
Where did she go?

I'm going after her.
No, no! Pinky, you can't!

There's no way out of there.

We've got to go. I'm sorry.
We've got to go, come on.

All that math
isn't going to help you now,
is it, Miss Mathlete?

Smart and fast.
Bet you didn't see that coming!

What is Lena doing
on the stage?

She was expelled!

Just look at her.

I need to go out there, please.

We're in the middle
of a performance.

But there's a piano. Don't you
want to take this performance to
the heights of great epicness?

You sound just like her.

Alright. Go on.

Bring down the music.

Go. Go!

Oh, my god, it's Henri Duquet!

That's Henri.


Pass me a tissue.

Dance with me, chica.


- Fourth post on the bridge.
- You can't miss it.

It's go time.

I'm not letting her wreck this.

She's not going anywhere!

I told you
she was acting crazy again.

Let's go.

We're about to get everything
we've worked for, boys.

Here it is. Henri's timepiece.

don't go. Please don't go,
we can figure this out!

I have to. I have to save Ines.


I'll never forget you.

Dude! You killed it, my friend.

Don't worry, Henri.

In just a few minutes, we'll be
together in 1905 and none of
this will have ever happened.

You have to come to the bow!

I'll see you in the past.

My bag! This must be it!

Zero, six, zero, three. Oh!

Ines, you're safe!
Where is Lena?

She was going back to...
You know, to save you.

Wait. You know?

Yes, she's told me everything.

Max, did she go into the portal?

Yeah, she just left,
a couple of seconds ago.

Okay, we need to get her now.

You made it!

Henri, we need to stop Lena.

I'm coming with you.

Ines! You missed the
performance! What happened?

No time.
I need to rescue Lena.
And it's safer if I go alone.

Wait, what?
What happened to L?
Is she okay?

No time! I need to go!

No, well. If L needs to be
rescued, we're going with you.
We're a family, man.

Okay, then we need to go now!

Alright, okay. Come on.


You guys go get Lena.
I'll hold back
the Lady of Darkness.

Hm? Lady of Darkness?

No way.

Wait, where is Thea?

We can't wait,
we have to get Lena!

Dudes... What's going on?

Yeah, is this one
of those escape games?

Okay, come on!

Oooh, I love escape... Aaah!

Oh no, you leave Lena alone!

Wait, wait!

Max, wait!


What have you done to him?

Tell me you're safe, Ines.
Come on.

This was always the plan, Pinky.
Getting back Clive.
Taking over the Bureau.

Forget your girl.

I don't think your girl
is coming either, Frank.
Just an observation.

Zip it, Clive.

She's... She's coming.

Yes, boss.

My past self will approach
the portal any moment now.

I'll stop her to save Ines.

Lena! I can't let you do this,
come on!

Whoa! Ines!
Oh! It's so good to see you.

I thought I'd lost you
forever, but you're safe!

You don't need to change
the past anymore!

Where is Max?

No time to explain, let's go!

Who are those guys?

Dudes. Someone needs to tell me
what's going on right now!

Do we even want to know?

My mother's guards, run!

Wait, is that you, L?

Uh... yes.

Lena's from 1905.


Let's go!


You have a lot
of explaining to do.
But you came!

And your device worked!


I'm so happy to see you!

No. No no no!
Come on!


I told you she'd come.

Are you ready for this?

I was born ready!

Let's make a time rip!


It's working!
Time is freezing!

It worked!

Mission complete, Bureau.
My mission.

It's officially my time now!

Uh, excuse me. Our time.

Yeah, that's what I meant.
Our time!

We have all the power, Thea.

We are the Bureau now.

Uh, boss?

Why is everything frozen?

Because we're amazing, Clive.
Nothing can stop us now.

Now I can go anywhere,
whenever I want!

Something just happened.
We just got
kicked out of the portal.

Dudes... Where are we?

And when are we?

Whoa... Dudes, why is everyone
dressed like my mom?

Guys, what is that?

OMG, we're in 1983!