Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 3, Episode 7 - Slamming Doors - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.


Lena tries to understand
why she can't remember anything
about her past.

And Romy is closing in
on the truth about her.

I knew it, Lena
really is a time traveler, look!

But Bureau agent Nico
is one step ahead of them.

I need somebody
to keep close tabs on Lena.

Portal day is coming.

Happy face!

Clive and Frank prepare
Claudine for the 21st century.

Wassup, I'm Claudine.

And Bree and Oscar promised
they'll meet again in the future.

My shop is in every
single time period.

Just come to the shop
as soon as you get
to the future.

Don't mess up!

Also... training in the south
isn't always just fun in the sun.

I'm here to train,
not have fun.

Something's up with Nico. I get that you like
him, but something just feels off to me.

Agent Nico Michaels here,
reporting on subject
Lena Grisky.

So this is really
great for that super fix
we all need sometimes.

Lemongrass and cilantro, bro!
No, no, it's lemon and basil.

The secret ingredients
are lemongrass and cilantro.

Plus, he used the chill blaster.

I remember putting the post‐its up,
I just don't remember what was on them.

I bet it was Nico.

Come on, you really have
to stop being so hard on him.


Care to explain
what you're doing under here?

I saw the perp's shoes.
I just have to figure out
who's wearing them.

Well, remember you also thought
aliens landed in school?

Oh, come on.
I was only eight when their pod
landed on the playground.

We came here to dance.

Let's just go,
so we don't get kicked out.

No! There's no way.

I know I'm connected to Lena

I just... I just have
to figure out how.

Uhm, hello?
What are you two doing?

Oh, hey, Lena.

Leens. What up?

Why are you acting so weird?

Yeah, Romy.
Why are you acting so weird?

Uh... I was just doing
some next‐level
subterranean stretching.

On the ground.
Which I learned at a retreat.
And it is totally awesome.


I'm gonna keep looking
until I find out
what's really going on.

What's really going on,
is nothing.

Well, then how do you explain
the box of pictures
my dad's hiding from me?

Armando's issued
a dance challenge!

Like a BLOK challenge?

But for ballet. That's so cool!

Yeah, and so hilariously nerdy
that he's trying to be cool.

Come on.
I need to collect
and assess their shoes.

This is so exciting! With all the extra
training plus keeping up with school,

I'm loving that Armando
wants to do something fun!

I know!
I'm totally into
this new Armando, man.

Do you remember
the Armando from last year?
He was a total drag.

I can't picture that.

Yeah, Nico,
that's cause you're new.

Just trust those
who've been here
for the last few years, okay?

Ines. Be nice.
I was new once, remember?

Hm, it's a little chilly
over here.
Excuse me.

Hey, Jenna.

Hello, Isaac. Excuse us, Jeff,

but Isaac and I
have to run through
our training schedule.

Come on, Jenna, lighten up.

Ooh, things
are getting reals, yo.

Jenna wants to be super duper
serious while Isaac wants
to have fun like the rest of us.

Am I right?

the great Armando Castillo

has finally seen the benefit
in fun and has issued us
a challenge.

So, what is it gonna be?
A ballet BLOK‐style battle?

Is that even like a thing?

Of course it's a thing,
Mr. Chase.

At least...
it's a thing now.

Hm, okay, cool.
So who is battling?

Is it you? Oh... please
tell me it's us against you
because that would be so cool.

Well, I may...
I may have sent a challenge from you...

to the CJ Company.

Whoa! That's diabolical.

Now, you can do any kind of ballet.
The rest is up to you.

Guys! This is our chance to show the
CJ Company what we are made of.

Yes! We accept this challenge!

I knew this would motivate you.

Okay, you have
three hours to rehearse,
so make the most of it.

Okay, let's start
with the pow, pow, pah!

Hm, yes. And then
we can do a spin that goes...
neow, chakka, pakka!

Yeah, that works.

I think I'm gonna need
more details than that.

Of course he does.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
We'll get there.
Let's do this!

Let's do this!


What on earth are you doing?

Uhm, it's First Division
appreciation day
and I'm giving back.

I'm cleaning
everyone's shoes.

Wait, uhm...

What's SYL again?

Uhm, it's see you later.
It's just quicker
than saying all the words.


Just remember,
you're a student from Germany

and all you want to do is study
with the Armando Castillo.

I'm fully aware
of my cover story.


You definitely got the bored
and over everything teenage
look. I'll give you that.

Oh... This is a cellphone.

It's got a map
and everything inside of it.

I'll get her there, boss.

Landing in new time periods
with beautiful girls
is sort of my thing.

Oh, just one other thing.
Lena's not gonna
remember you.

Well, that makes this
even more fun.

Well, good luck.

Oh, Frank, thank you.
This is going to be
the best adventure ever!

I can't believe
it's already portal day.
It came so fast.

You can only take one suitcase
through the portal, Bree.

But I'll pay extra.

We're not going on an airplane.
Come on, we have to go.

I'm gonna miss you so much.

All you have to do
when you get there is come
immediately to the shop.

Promise me, okay?

Okay, just...
don't you forget about me.

How exactly
are you going to figure out
who was wearing what?

Okay, I may not
have thought this through.

But either way, these bad boys
have to be polished
before that class is over.

So grab a cloth.

And how are we supposed
to polish sneakers?

Yeah, I really didn't think
this through.

Why am I friends with you?

Guys, this morning,
we were off to
such a good start.

What happened?
I'm just saying, if we don't
pick an idea and stick to it,

we're going to fail,
like, epically.

He's right.
We have to work together.
Guys, we have to nail this.

That's really helpful,
Captain Obvious.

Oh, and that is?
Come on, Jenna.

Yeah, Jenna.

- Really mature, Jeff.
- Yeah, Jeff, that's not helping.

Whose side
are you on, bro?

Lena's. She's my partner
and she's right.
We need to nail this.

Of course he'd say that.

- Oh, hey, Mr. C.
- Whoop.

We're just letting the...
...creative juices flow.

You know how it goes.

You know, whenever
I struggle for inspiration,
I simply close my eyes

and listen to the world
around me.

You don't like me
very much, do you?

No, I'm just saying if Lena
suggested we did the chicken
dance, you'd be up for it.

- What's your problem?
- Uh, my problem...

You stop!
Can you both stop?

I don't trust you!
That's it!

Guys, the tension that we're feeling
right now... We make it into a dance!

What, so we stand around
yelling at each other?

Well, sort of... but instead
of yelling, we're dancing,
or stomping at the very least.

What do you think?

That's a really cool idea.

Yeah, I like that,
that's a solid plan, L!

As usual, Lena's
not making any sense,
but you agree with her. Typical.

Are you being serious
right now?

L comes up with a legit idea
and you're being
all Negative Nelly about it

cause that's just who you are.

Who I am?

Yes! Yes, exactly like this!

I'm not wasting my time
making some stupid dance
with all of you

when I should be rehearsing
with my partner.

That's the assignment.

I'm not like you, Jeff.
I don't laze around
playing video games all day.

Don't diss the games.
Back off.

Guys, let's just take it easy.
Take it easy.

Lena's got a solid plan.
Let's just try it.

Oh, brother.

Well, things are tense, folks,
and the claws have come out.

Jenna's monopolizing Isaac
and Jeff is totally annoyed
and kinda jealous

since Isaac
doesn't have the guts
to tell Jenna to back off.

And, oh, but Nico and Ines.
Well, they just don't seem
to hit it off, yo.


I'm sorry.

Thanks a lot, L.

It's him!

Welcome to the future!

This is totally amazing.


I can't believe it.

I can take it from here,
thank you.

I don't think
that's such a good idea.

Frank specifically
told me he wanted me
to escort you to the school.

How about I say you did.

And you're free
to roam wherever you like.

No more orders from Frank.
No more rules.

My mission is complete.

I bid you adieu, mademoiselle.
I'm going back in time
to ride the dinosaurs.

Don't tell Frank.

I know who took the post‐its!
It's Jeff!

How do you know
about the post‐its?

Uh... I heard you talking
about it at breakfast.

Trust me. It's Jeff.

Why would Jeff do that?

I don't know,
why don't you ask him, eh?

Okay, I will.

Jeff? Come here, please.

What's up, short stop?

You went into Lena's room
and took down all the post‐its.
Admit it.

All the what now?

The post‐its.

The sticky notes?

The evidence.

I have bigger problems,
like trying to get Isaac
to talk to me

or performing a personality
transplant on Jenna.


See, I told you it wasn't Jeff.
He has no reason to steal them.

But it was! He's lying.

Okay, that's a pretty big
accusation and honestly,
I don't have time for it today.

I'll talk to you later.
But... but it...


Fine, but you'll see
that I'm right.

Okay, guys, I know that
you're mad, but we still need
to choreograph this challenge.

Can we just talk about this?

Talk about what, Lena? Your little
broadcast already covered that.

Jenna, can you just try
and stop being so annoying?

- Did you just call me annoying?
- Yes! So it's not just me.

Isaac, did you hear that?
What are you going to do about it?

Don't drag him into this.
Seriously, lady, all you do is complain.

You're clingy,
a total control freak,

you have zero boundaries
and you are the opposite of fun.

Okay? You're driving everyone
crazy, especially Isaac.

At least, that's
what he said to me
at breakfast this morning.

Excuse me?

- Are you serious?
- Isaac?

Can you explain that to me?

Isaac, what are you
telling people about me?

Okay. Good, good.

Ha, that's great!

That's it!
Guys, we've really got something here.

Okay, you wait here.
I'm gonna ask around
and see if anyone's seen Lena.


Oh, a cellphone!
Oh! Can I borrow it, please?

I haven't had a phone in ages.
And I gave mine away,
but this is a total emergency!

- Kennedy! It's me, Bree.
- I'm back!

You're in the South of France?
No way. Oh, that's so awesome!

No way. No way!
No w...

Oh! Well, pardon me all
over the place! How rude!

I totally agree.

I've asked several people
for directions to
the Paris Opera Ballet School

and everyone's ignored me.

I'm Claudine, by the way.

Hey, Claudine By the Way.
I'm Bree Girling.
And I know where the school is.

I was going there,
but then I phoned my friend

and she said that everyone
is at this totally rad workshop
in the South of France.

And what friends may those be?

Oh, it's my BFF Kennedy,
Jeff, Ines, Isaac
and Lena, of course.

Of course.
Well, isn't this a coincidence?
I'm heading there, too.

Oh, Jeff would call it
a "coinkidink".
He's so funny. I miss him.

Oh... but yeay,
we can go together!

Oh, like travel companions?

Oh... fancy! Uhm...
Okay, I'll map it out for you.

And then you can meet me
at the station
and we'll go together.

I just have
one other place to go first.

Great. And... thank you.


They're in the South of France!

Oh, okay, I just have
to go and see Oscar first.

Okay, you go ahead.
I'll meet you there.

I can't wait another second
to see Lena.
I'll see you in the south.


Outstanding! Well done!

Well done!

That was
some next‐level greatness.
We're doomed.

Okay, let's do this!
First division POB, you're up next.

Let's see what you've got.


We're brimming with anger,
so we've got something
they don't, right?

If you keep us
one more second, consider
yourselves disqualified.

Oh no, we're all good, sir.
Right, guys?


Impressive, gang. Impressive.

It was bold.
It was creative. It was fueled.
Well done!

That felt nice, dude.

I'm not one of your little news
broadcasts where you can spill
things I tell you in confidence.

That was low.
I thought I was your boyfriend.



Oscar, where are you?

Guys, I know you don't
believe me, but he was
the one with the shoes.

It was Jeff!
Which means... duh...

He stole the post‐its!

Not this again. You're pretty
obsessed with who took the post‐its.

Maybe this is a misdirect?
Maybe it was you?

I'm trying to help you.

But why?

You don't remember.

And I was hiding in that bed.

Our bed? Romy,
what are you talking about?

Jeff came in here when...

Okay, detective. Let us know
when you've cracked the case,
because it wasn't Jeff.

See you later.