Echoes (2022): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Oh, my God. Baby. It's okay.

You have to get away from her.

You and our baby. Promise me.

No. No!

Dr. Navarro...

Who is here?

My baby?

I'll get the doctor for you.

Tell me now.

I'm sorry.

We thought you were the girl that
went missing. So we called your family.

They told us it was your sister.

But the good news is
they're coming.

So you just rest, love.
Till they get here.

Dr. Navarro call 312.
Dr. Navarro, 312.

Leni, they're after me, Towers and Payne.

They got Dylan and now they want me.

Are you sure it's them? Do you have proof?

Yes, I have proof.

Jesus. Crap. Where you at?

I'm on the move, it's not safe for me.

I need your help, sis.
Can you come and get me?

Oh, my God.


That was found
under the front seat of your car.


You say Gina framed you.


Why would she do something like that?

She's unstable.

I mean, she has been for a long time.

Yeah, I'm gonna need a stronger motive
than "she's prone to mood swings."

Don't you think it's strange

that this, uh... this photo arrived
in your inbox from an unknown source

and an anonymous caller alerted you

to the fact that I might have
incriminating evidence in my car?

I mean, was the voice
who called you male or female?

You know Mount Echo.

People hold grudges for generations.

They get bent out of shape if you raise
a fence line two inches.

Most of the crimes I solve,

they get done 'cause of a neighbor
or a business partner...

...or a sister

turns someone in.


So if it was Gina, she's been a big help.

Yeah. Big help.

And it would have also mean that
she probably has more information

than she is sharing.

Gina McCleary, you're under arrest.

What? What did she tell you?

She hasn't told me anything. Yet.

She's trying to pin this on me, isn't she?

No, this isn't about Dylan.

This is about Robert Craghorne,

who died in a fire
in an abandoned church 25 years ago.

You remember that, yes?

- You're under arrest for murder.
- What?

Now, why do you think that
Leni would cook up a whopper like that?

You two having trouble?

Not really.

Hmm. Even though she was having an affair
with your former boyfriend.

That might get my dander up.

Leni didn't share with me that
she was having an affair with Dylan.

And I have a wonderful life in Los Angeles
with a husband I love very much.

- You know, Leni's problems are her own.
- Mmm.

Yeah, that's the way I see it.

You lack motive,
because you couldn't care less

about some sketchy criminal.

- No offense, Dylan.
- Yeah.

No. I mean, I care.

I loved him when we were teenagers.

But now I'm being charged
with the murder of someone,

that I don't even know,
who died in a fire decades ago.

I mean, I'd like to know why
you're bringing that up now and why me?

You see, a lot of things
have gotten stirred up lately.

It got me thinking.

You all were questioned
the night of the fire.

But then Dylan skipped town
and I had to let it drop.

I didn't have enough to file charges
or even pursue him, but it was suspicious.

And then, more recently,
your sister disappears.

So now, as you can imagine,

I'm very, very curious
as to how all these things tie together.

And Dylan always seems to be
at the center of these things.

Along with you and your sister.

Maybe you want to help me out with that.

Like I told you when I was a teenager,
I didn't set that fire.

I was at a Halloween party.

Who's that?

- Want me to check?
- Please.


Fire! Shit! There's a fire!

Shit. There's a fire! We gotta get out!

Hey! Hey, there's fire!

Go! I'll get him.

There's a fire! Fire!

- Go!
- Dylan!

Go! I'll get him!


- Dylan!
- Gina!

Dylan's still in there
with someone else.

He's going to be fine. Let's go!

Gina! You have to switch with me.
You have to switch with me now.

But why?

So the cops can't put you with Dylan.

I was at the party all this time.

Whoever was in that church
is going to get in so much trouble.


I'm gonna protect you, Gina.

You can see why I might be
a little suspicious of your story,

that Leni set the fire.

'Cause the only person
who can corroborate that is dead.

And I guess you have someone
who can back your theory?

Let me guess. That person is Leni.

Well, Leni said she never went
inside the church. So, no.

And you believe her.

I questioned you both that night

and you both claimed
to be at the party the entire time.

And no kid could say, for sure, otherwise.

Yeah, that works nicely for Leni.
Don't you think?

What I think is that the two of you
have been doing this for a long time.

You cause trouble
and then you get out of it,

using your twinship to confuse people.

You deceive people on a regular basis
for your own purposes, isn't that right?


As kids.

But we haven't done that
in a long time. Except...

You might want to ask Leni how
she came into possession

of a check for $60,000

that came directly from my bank account.


I gave Eric from the bank
a call about this.

And let me tell you something,
he was cranky.

I guess it is a little late.

But even at this late hour,
his memory's pretty good.

It seems like there was
some confusion around a missing ID,

which then suddenly appeared,
and surprise, surprise,

Dylan was involved.

The part that confuses me is,
if Gina picked up the check,

then how did you get it to hand to Towers?

Uh, she gave me the check at the party.

- Oh. Right.
- Yeah.

As a gift, 'cause she knows
Jack and I are struggling with the farm.


So the tension that you'd witnessed,

you know, that a lot of people
at the party had witnessed,

was around this money.

I mean, I think she's jealous.

You know, resentful of this wonderful life
that Jack and I have.

If your life is so wonderful,
why have an affair with Dylan?

I didn't have an affair with Dylan.

I was trying to help him
get back on his feet.

And that involved
stealing ketamine from Jack's office

to sell on the street?

I never did that.

That's funny.

Wait here for just a minute, okay?

- What's going on?
- Dad.

Why'd she bring you in here?

She's playing me. Playing both of us.

You didn't say anything?
You didn't say anything about...

Leni, baby.

Floss thinks that Gina set that fire
back in the day that killed that man.

And you're in here
because of Dylan's murder?

That's not my family.
That's not the girls I raised.

Daddy, I'm gonna fix it.


I'll love you no matter what.

- No matter what.
- I know.

- Hey.
- Hey.

All right.

Uh, you let Victor in there?

Hell yeah, I put him in there.
He runs that place.

He knows about the ketamine.

She's keeping him very quiet though.

Uh, well,
the test came back from the cabin.

Not only have we got both sisters' prints,
but we have both of their DNA.

Of course. Why would it be simple?

Here's the thing, though. Uh...

They ran DNA
on the dishes in the cabinets,

the towels in the hamper...
Everything that'd been around for a while.

And it's all Dylan and Gina.

No, you mean Leni.

I mean Gina.

Paula, you ever finish
sifting through that CCTV footage?

Uh, no.
We've been a little distracted.

- Yeah, I'mma need you to do that now.
- Why?

I got an idea.

- Were you sharing him?
- What? Who?

Dylan. Were you sharing him?


First thing that gets said
about the McCleary sisters

is that they share everything.

You don't know us.

You have no idea what we're like.
Nobody does.

Then help me understand why I have

both sets of fingerprints in the cabin.

That's a great question for Gina.

Who says she didn't know
you were fucking him?

Pardon my French, but you know what?

I think she did and it was the last straw.

It was the one thing that
she just could not share with you.

Or maybe you couldn't share with her.
Which one was it, Leni?

You're reaching.

Jealous sisters with a proven history
of violent outbursts.

Yeah, like what?

Like Claudia.
Like the church fire. And now this.

Oh, my God.

Fighting over an old flame
and somehow he ends up dead

after a botched robbery attempt
that you were involved in.

Yeah, I think I'm ready for my lawyer now.

I bet you are.

Sheriff, I need you for a minute.

Good work.

You know what, Gina?

I am a people person. I really am.

And you want to know why?
It's because they're made up of patterns.

Things that they do over and over again,
that reveal who they really are.

So when things don't add up,
when they're not part of the pattern,

then I pay attention.

So here's a pattern that I laid out
for Leni, which she did not like hearing.

But I thought that maybe
you might have a different take on. Um...

The two of you have
been confusing outsiders

for as long as you've been alive.

Whenever there's trouble,
you just muddy the waters

about who is who.

But when it comes to matters of the heart,

the emotional side of things,

it always seems to point to you.

Victor told me that's how
your mother could tell you apart.

Gina is the one who
feels things a little more.

The hospital admits
a Jane Doe suffering a miscarriage.

They thought it was Leni,
but it wasn't, it was you.

And that baby was Dylan's.

Am I right about that? I think I am.

He was your one great love
and that baby was a gift.

It's romantic. It's your pattern.

But here's where the pattern doesn't hold.

The part that I now have
to pay attention to.

The timeline doesn't work.

'Cause you only came to town
a few days ago.

So, I am going to need you
to tell me the truth, Gina.

What would Dylan want you to do
at this moment to honor him?

He wanted me to go.

And never look back.

So, yeah, there's a pattern.

And here it is.

Every year since Mattie was born,

Leni and I switched lives on our birthday.

You're screwing with me again.

I've been working on this for 25 years.

Putting it together piece by piece.

You honestly think that I am that stupid?

I'm just some Black country bumpkin,

don't know her ass
from a hole in the ground.

Come on, Gina! Cut the shit!

Well, I'll tell you what, Sheriff,

you can't believe a thing that Gina says.

I mean,
she's a troubled soul, right?

We all know that.

I mean, she will manipulate you and
make you believe things that are not true.

And get you chasing your tail.

I mean, she has done it before.

She will do it again.


Oh, God.

It's not that hard.

We live inside each other's lives.

We fool everyone flawlessly.

So you can't be really sure
who that is on that video.

You can't be really sure who
escaped into the woods with the horses,

or who set a fire, or pushed Claudia

or killed Dylan.

Because nobody knows us.

Except us.

If what you say is true,

then you've been committing
identity theft, bank fraud, polygamy...

And I am just getting started.

When you say "you,"

who exactly do you mean?

'Cause I'm not sure I even know anymore.

You're free to go.

I can't charge either of you

if I don't know
which one of you actually did it.

In both cases. Dylan and the fire.

Yeah, Gina told me about the switching.

How you assume
each other's lives on your birthday.

Makes my life here considerably harder.

And yours too, I imagine,
now that everyone knows.

Can I go?

For now.

You'll be required
to turn over your passports

and remain in town until further notice.

Somewhere along the way

one of you made a mistake.

I'm going to find it.

I don't care how long it takes,
what I have to do, I'mma get you.

Best of luck finding a lawyer.

Sheriff Floss, how much longer?

We're done. I'm releasing them both.

Wait, what happened?

Why don't you ask them, Victor?

It must be a burden lifted.

Finally telling the truth.

It is.

I read your notes.

I gathered.

Why did you go along with it
all these years?

Well, it took a bit of time
for me to be sure

and then I... I just sensed
that it was what you needed.

And if that meant sharing you...

Well, I set aside my... my hurt feelings,

so I could better understand
how to love you.

How to love both of you.

You loved her, too?

Does that upset you?


- Always the therapist.
- No.

Always someone who cares for you.

And always someone who
truly wants to see you find your way

to becoming your own,
fully realized person.

And I believe you're closer now
than you've ever been before, aren't you?

Or you were, with, um... with Dylan.

I truly never meant to hurt you.

I know.

But I'd be lying
if I told you it didn't hurt.

What's done is done.


What the hell are you doing here?

You can't really think it's okay.

Jack, if you just let me...

Floss is getting a search warrant.

She seems very interested
in the dress you were wearing

the night of Dylan's murder.

You don't actually think
I could have done that?

Not the Leni I knew before. But now?

How long, Leni?

- How many times did you switch?
- Does it matter now?

I mean, I did it for Gina.
I didn't expect it to go on for that long.

For Gina?

Who gives a shit about Gina?

What about me?

What about your daughter?

How could you leave her for a year
at a time with your sister of all people?

No, she loves Mattie.

You have betrayed everything, Leni,

and you destroyed our lives here

without a single thought
about the consequences.

My family's whole history
is tied to Mount Echo.

How will I ever walk through the town
where I grew up without folks whispering,

"There goes poor Jack.
You really think he didn't know?"

"I bet he did and he liked it."

You ruined my reputation,

my family's business,
our daughter's future. Forever!

And for what?


- What's wrong?
- Mattie. Baby.

No. Don't.

- Don't you dare.
- Mommy?

Go back to bed, all right?
Mom and Dad are talking.


No, baby.

Go on back up to bed.
I'm going to see you in the morning.

Go on now.

Go on.

That's the last memory she'll have of you.

- Jack.
- I want it clear in your mind.

Clear. That you are not welcome here.

And you never will be again.

You cannot keep me away from her.

Watch me.

I need you to leave.

You've gotta be kidding me. What is this?

It's grocery day.

Thought I'd save you the trouble.

Don't try to make things normal,
get on my good side.

It's too late for that.

Look, whatever you think of me,
Clauds, what I've done...

You need to know, I didn't kill Dylan.
I loved him.

We were going to start a life together.

Leaving behind me, Dad and everybody else?

I'm glad you felt so moved
to clear that up for me.


I admit I made mistakes, all right?

I've made a big mess of this,

but Claudia,
I am asking you to listen to me.

This whole year has been
my goodbye to you.

All right? I wanted to know that
you could have a life of your own,

apart from us, apart from Dad,
and everything that has happened.

So, in my own way,

I tried to be a little bit softer, kinder.

It was you who encouraged me
to pursue Beau, wasn't it? And not Leni?


Why should I believe you now?

You've been lying for years.

You've been trouble
since we were little kids.

You did this to me. You did!

That's not true.

It wasn't me.

It was Leni.

This one's mine!

No, mine has a different button
Mama sewed on it. Yours doesn't!

Stop it, you two!

This is why I wanted to write
your names on them. Stop, this one is...


She's gonna think it was you, Gina.

But it was you, Leni.

No one's gonna believe that.

I'll have to keep being you for a while.

We didn't want people
to know we switched.

I thought Leni was doing it to protect me.

What I didn't understand at the time

was that for the rest of our life that lie

would put a wall between you and I.

So fucking what?
Who cares which one of you pushed me?

You deserve the truth.

You've been sitting
on that secret for our entire lives

and now, only now,
when you're about to go to prison,

you decide to tell the truth.

Fuck you, Gina! Fuck you!

You're right.

And you can't really blame
that one on Leni, now, can you?



Thanks for coming.

So which one are you, then?

Look, I know. The hair,
the clothes, the name.

None of that matters. All right?

It was the person inside and that was me.

Paula, I didn't set that fire
and I didn't kill Dylan

and I need you to believe me.

Well, I want to believe you. I do, but...

I could tell you everything.

You know, admit to all the terrible lies
that I've told over the years.

The little deceptions
that have led to bigger ones.

I could tell everybody.

But that wouldn't help, right?

It'd just give people
more reason to stare.

And I won't give them that.

I can't.


the secret stays secret.

I didn't kill anyone.

Well, for what it's worth,

I don't think you did.

But I don't know how I can help you.

I don't think anybody can.

I hope you don't disappear

because that never solves anything.


Yeah. I'll be right there.


Oh, my God. Dad!

Dad, what happened? Are you okay?


- Oh, my God. Dad, talk to me.
- I can't.

- I can't.
- Talk to me, please.

- Here. I got you.
- Is that you?

Yeah, I got you. Sit up.
All right. Hey. I got you. Okay?

I'm gonna grab my phone to call 911.

No, wait. Wait.

I need to say this. I need you to hear me.

Okay. What is it?

- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
- What?

It's all right, Dad.
It's gonna be all right.

I know it was you.

All those years ago.

- What?
- I should've got you help.

I should've sent you to someone.

What? What are you trying to say?

No child should have to see that.

You weren't supposed to be there.

- I didn't know what to do.
- Dad.

- And it ruined your life.
- What did? It...

Dad, nothing ruined my life.

To see your mother that way.

It's what she wanted, you understand?

She was in so much pain. That's why...

What was? Dad?

Apple blossoms.

You remember there were
apple blossoms everywhere, right?


That spring, all of us...


- Dad.
- Blossoms falling.

Dad, I don't understand.


Please, Dad.





♪ Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream ♪

You're supposed to wait for me
to finish and then you start.

What're my silly girls up to?

Gina, hop on off your sister's lap
and y'all come on inside for dinner.

Victor! Claudia! It's time to eat, y'all!

Dessert first
and it has to be carrot cake.

Oh, yeah? Dessert first?
I don't think so, missy.

- What do you think, honey?
- It's my number one rule.

He's dead.

He's gone, Leni.



Did you call 911?

- No.
- What?

There may still be time.

No, it's... it's done.

No. I...

I didn't get to say goodbye.

There was no goodbye.

He was talking about something that
he thought I understood, but I didn't.



We need to call the ambulance,
get our story straight.


What story?

There's too many eyes on us
to explain another body.

Let's make a plan to save ourselves.

- No!
- You and me.

- Enough!
- We have done it before, Gina.

- We can do it again.
- Leni, stop!

Right. I don't want
to be a part of anything you do!

You killed Dylan.

You wouldn't.

Try me!

Why did you kill him?

I would never.

Stop! I was with him. He told me.

What did he ever do to you?

He attacked me. Okay?

It was self-defense. He was violent, Gina.

I loved him.

He was so good to me.

And you couldn't stand that
I had happiness apart from you, so you...

Oh, fuck!

- No.
- Oh, shit.

This place is going up.
Help me get Dad and get out of here.

No, this is it.
We stick together just like always.

I'm not letting you go.


Why can't people understand?

Why won't you understand
that I love you more than anything?