Echoes (2022): Season 1, Episode 7 - Episode #1.7 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Leni! We have to get out of here
and get Dad out!

Dad's gone. It's just us.

Like always. The two of us forever.

Now we made a promise, didn't we?

Now I'm just asking you
to keep that promise.





Come on.

Come on!

Ouch. Shit.

What was that?

I don't know.

There's somebody in here.

There's no one here.

- You want me to check?
- Please.


Gina, stop! Please!

Leni! Are you okay?

Where's Victor? What happened?

What happened, Leni? Leni!

Hey, it's Jack Beck.

We got a fire out at our place.
105 River Bend Road.

Please hurry.

Gina, come on!


Oh, fuck.


Come on, Gina! It's over!

Jack, any sign of Victor?

No. I tried to get in, but the place
was engulfed when I got to it.

The boys have got this.
It won't spread.

They'll figure out how it started.

Did you say
they both took off on horseback?

- Yeah.
- Which way did they go?

Into the woods.

Well, maybe we just
let them go this time.

Yeah, I don't know.

Those two, they're...

They're in a whole mess of trouble.

Yes, they are, my friend.
Yes, they are.

Keep an eye out for poison ivy!

You know how allergic we are!

Mattie's the same way. I...
I use baking soda, just like Mama.

Remember that?

Cakes up, falls off,
leaves a trail wherever she goes.

Hey, look! I got a plan
and it's gonna work, Gina.

It's gonna work. It's gonna allow us
to go back to the way life used to be.

I mean, not with Jack
or anything like that.

I guess we fucked that up.

Why don't we start something new, okay?

You know, we can both leave Mount Echo.

That's a great idea.
You can become whatever you want.

All right? How does that sound?

Good. Now together.

Come on, Gina! It's over!


Come on, Gina!


Come out of the water!

There's nowhere else to go.

Come home!

I have no home.

I'm your home.

You've consumed me.

And now, you've lost me.



I only tried to protect you
from that first night.

What night?

What night, Leni?



He killed Mom, Gina, and I never told you.

No, Leni. That's not what happened.

I saw it.


You remember there were
apple blossoms everywhere, right?

They planned it. Together.

It's what she wanted!

I saw it!

No, listen to me.

You remember, she was so sick that spring
and she loved the apple blossoms.

Oh, I got you.

Come here.

You're wrong.


You've got it all wrong.
It's what she wanted.

That's not what it was.

That's not what I saw.

It's what she wanted.

Were there apple blossoms there?

It's proof.

It's proof, Leni. They planned it.

That's why Dad thought
it was so important for me to know.

He said he didn't want us to see

because there was no way
for us to understand it.

Leni, we were kids!


He wanted to protect us
the way that you protected me,

but it all got fucked up!

Because that secret...

That one thing that
you believed that wasn't true...

It started everything.

Because I was bad Gina.

Dad thought it was me who saw.


No, no, no.

You don't understand.
I had to take care of us.

I always take care of us.

I'm trying to help you.

I promise I'll never
keep a secret from you again.

Just come back to me, all right?

All right? So we...

So we can be together, okay?

Like always.



My granddaddy had a saying,

"Trouble follows some people
like an old yellow dog."

And I'd have to say that about this bunch.

You got that right.

I'll be right back.

- Jack? Uh...
- Yeah?

You ever seen this before?

Yeah. Yeah, they wore those
when they were kids. Why?

Never mind.

Hey, Paula. Feels like it's time
to get our search party back together.

So when you looked down there,
she was gone?

You didn't see her swimming or...

No. Nothing.


You don't believe me.

Well, it seems convenient.

What do you mean?

Leni, I can't confirm
anything you just told me.

That Gina confessed to killing Dylan.

That your daddy died of a heart condition
before the fire started.

See, it's all so complicated now
that you've admitted to switching.

Was she the troubled one or you?

You think she's dead?

The only thing I think
is that she wanted to get away.

And now she has.

I'll see you and your lawyer
in the morning.

What happened tonight?

- Didn't the sheriff find you?
- She did.

They think it was a suicide.
I don't believe that.

I tried to stop her.

- She went over the falls.
- Yes.

Why? What did you do?

Well, I didn't push her, Jesus!

That's not what I meant.
I just want to know what happened.

I followed her into the forest.

I told her how much I loved her.

It didn't matter.

There was something
so broken inside of her that

no amount of love could heal.

I know there's a deep hurt in both of you.

And you...

You knew after all these years.

Why didn't you say anything?

I thought I was doing the right thing.

Being present, accepting, loving you.

Watching, judging, playing along.

Was it play for you, Leni?

Because it wasn't for me. It was a life.

Two lives.


And now?

Do you think she's dead?

I don't know.

I thought I'd know.

Wouldn't I know?

You know, there's two images that I...
I can't get rid of.

The first one is... her body.

On the shore of the river
somewhere in the darkness now.

Waiting. Which, uh...

The second one
is she's on a bus.

Or a plane or something. And...

She's happy.

But in both cases, I can't talk to her.

I can't touch her.
I can't hear the sound of her voice.

She's just gone. Without a goodbye
or any kind of... a resolution.

It's... unfinished.

You are her.

And not her.


I am so sorry, Charlie.

I never judged.

I watched.

I went along.

I never judged.

And I loved both of you.

I love you too.

- Paula!
- Yeah?

Can you pull all those boxes
relating to the church fire again?

- Uh, all of them?
- Uh-huh.

I'll fire up some popcorn
in the microwave.

That'll make it better, won't it?

Um... But do you mind if I ask why?

Slowly, slowly, slowly,
something's starting to creep up on me.

I need to stop thinking
of these sisters as two people

and start thinking of them as one.

So anything that Gina did,
Leni might be guilty of too.

How do you prove that?

Leni claims that she never went
inside the church that night.

So I need a piece of physical evidence
that proves that she did go inside

and she started that fire.

The good sister.

I'm checking right now.

Have a good night, Deputy.

Good night.

I'm pretty sure Floss is
going to file murder one against you

for the Dylan thing.

That was Gina.

Well, that may give us reasonable doubt,
if we can confuse the jury, but...


I've known Floss a long time.

We both have.

She doesn't go into a fight
unless she thinks she can win it.

So I have to ask you,
is there something else?


I mean, the switching...

That's going to make everybody
think that we're evil, pulling a con,

but that wasn't the point.

It didn't benefit us in any criminal way.

But there is a moral component to it
that doesn't reflect well, let's just say.


Well, if they were
putting people in jail for moral failure,

we wouldn't have anybody to sit on a jury.
So I wouldn't worry about it.

We'll just wait and see what
she has to say and take it from there.

Now my guess is that
on the preliminary hearing,

they're going to ask you to turn in
your passport, check in daily.

That sort of thing. So, just be prepared.

One last thing. Jack and Mattie.

I'm a criminal lawyer, Leni.

I can give you a referral
to a good divorce attorney.

But do you think he'll get Mattie?

I wouldn't hazard a guess.

And my condolences on your daddy.

Victor was a good man.
It was a terrible tragedy.


- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

What is she doing here?
I thought she was arrested!

- Did you hear?
- She burnt down his house.

- She's gonna hear you!
- I don't care if she hears.

Hey, thanks for coming right over.

Yeah, well, you said it was important.

Look, I shouldn't be here, but...

I feel sort of connected to you.

I guess. I don't know why, but you...

Well, Gina, really. Um...

But your whole family...

You were really the only ones
who were nice to me when I moved here.

And, uh, not Southern fake friendly.
But real.

Look, I don't think
you and your sister are bad.

Here's what I'm trying to say.

I think that things have been
unfair in your life

and I know what that feels like.

Look, Floss,
she's searching for something.

A piece of evidence that she thinks
will pin the church fire on you.

Why does she care about this?

I mean, that was decades ago.

She's building a bigger case
against you than just Dylan.

What's this?

I wanted to help.

I took it out of the evidence box.

Floss hasn't seen it yet,

but it's also logged in
the evidence inventory,

and I took that page too.

It'll slow her down,

but she'll pull the digital copy
eventually and find out it's missing.

She knows I let Gina see the box
a few weeks ago

and she'll assume
your sister took it to protect you.

Either way,
you're going to get in trouble.

A minor infraction.

I think.

Thank you.


Sheriff, she took
the bait. She's on the way out.

Copy. We got the front.
She's not here! Pearson, you copy?

We didn't see her
come out the back.

God damn it!
All units, find her! Go!

Single file!

Easy. Easy there!

Mattie! Hey!

Honey, come here.

Hey, hon!

Daddy says
I'm not supposed to talk to you.

Yeah, I know. But just this once, okay?

Because, um... You know
when I was about your age,

my mom had to go away.

And I have to do the same thing.

Where are you going?

I just have to figure some things out.

Look, what I'm trying to say is
that I love you so much, honey.

I hope you can forgive me
for what I'm doing.

- Someday, I'm...
- Mattie, Mattie, Mattie!

Come here! Trisha caught a baby bird!

Be there in a minute.

All right.

I love you and I'll see you. Okay?

I'll see you from wherever I am.


Okay, I'm coming!

Jesus! What's going on, sheriff?

- Leni here?
- Of course not.

Sure about that? Could she be hiding?

What is going on?
Leni doesn't live here no more.

We checked the hotel.
She hasn't been there.

We need to find her now! Go look.

Well, she's not here.

Look upstairs!
Have you checked the stables this morning?

Yeah, I did.
She's not there either.

I haven't seen her since last night.

Did you try Ernie? I mean,
he's representing her. Maybe he knows.

He saw her earlier today,
but she's not taking his calls.

Mine either. Do you mind trying?

Leni, it's me. Call me back.

Clearly you know something's going on.
Let me help you. Call me.



These belong to you or, uh...

No, those are Leni's.

Her mom used to call her Leni the Lion.


- Afternoon.
- Hello.

Got a passport or ID
to go along this ticket?

I do.

- So where are you headed today?
- Australia.

- Wow, glamorous!
- Is it?

I got no idea.
I just see the posters.

All right, Kira.

This thing has been
acting squirrelly all day.

I'm sorry. Do you have a driver's license,
Global Entry card or something like that?

No. I thought
the passport would be enough.

Hmm. Got it. It's all good.

Have a pleasant flight, Kira.

Thank you.

Wait. Wait, wait.

Didn't you come past me yesterday?

Um, no.

You look exactly like this woman
who came through here yesterday.

Really? Where was she headed?

Kansas, I think.

Kansas. Nope. Wasn't me.

They say everyone has a twin.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I just hope mine has a better job.

Have a good one.


"Dylan represented something
we all yearn for,

"the Return to Eden.

"To the way things never really were.

"The myth of eternal return.

"But in our human lives,
there is no one true past.

"No one true story.

"For Leni and Gina, their twinship
died that day at the Falls.

"Along with the illusion
that we can ever truly know another.

"That there is
someone out there that will relieve us

"of the fundamental aloneness at our core,

"and at the core
of every single human being.

"We are, each of us, islands

"and intimacy is
only a story we tell ourselves.

"As Plato knew, we are doomed
to forever seek our other half.

"He hoped we might find them, thus healing
the wounds that were left on us

"when they were torn from us
at the beginning of time.

"But Plato's myth was precisely that,

"a myth.

"A fiction.

"Like the fictions
that we each live every day."

Thank you.


We've got a little time left
for some questions, I believe.

Yes. You in the back.

I'm interested to know,

the sister who killed herself
in the Falls...

Did they ever find a body?


No. No, that was Gina,

my wife.

And the sheriff and the search teams
told me that with all the undergrowth,

all of the fallen trees,
that the body could have lodged there.

And that's just one of a ton
of things that could have happened.

Yes, you.

So I'm an identical twin myself.

And when my brother and I
were in junior high,

we'd occasionally swap, because, you see,

I preferred the humanities
and he was more into the sciences...

You know, it felt silly sometimes,
not changing the locks.

Like I was holding out
too much hope, you know?

Not being realistic.

Doesn't sound like you.

Well, this changed me.

Probably for the better.

That's nice to hear.

You prefer a twist,
if I remember correctly.

- That's right.
- Hmm.

I did think the hat and glasses
were bit much though.

The hat and glasses?

Yes, at the reading just now.

That was you, right?
With the first question?

Uh... No.

I've been waiting here tonight
for over an hour.

- Hmm.
- Hmm.

I'll find out,
you know, which one you are.

Maybe. Maybe even I don't know anymore.

Do you know why you came back?

So many scores to settle, Charlie.

Thought I should start with you.