Echoes (2022): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -





- Oh, my God! Honey!
- Mommy!

What happened? Huh? Where'd you go?


What did Gina do? Huh?

What do you mean?
She asked to go to the main road

so she could say goodbye.

Goodbye? Tell me exactly what she said.

She said she loves me and she always will.

And she said to tell you the same thing.

She drive away then?

Did a man pick her up in a truck?

It was a taxicab.

She's gone then?

Oh, yes.

Yeah, I guess she had enough,
you know, of the party.

It would seem so. She is at the Riverside?


Well, I'll see you tomorrow.

Happy birthday.

- Charlie, I'm worried she, um...
- I'll handle it.

Let's go.

Gina, are you really gone for good?

You think Charlie will just let you go?

And Jack will just clean up your mess?

No. There's more trouble to come.


I wonder what it is.

Brush fire?

Those are scary.

I hope not.

Here's everyone. You ready to go, bug?


Let me get my backpack.

What's on the agenda today?

Butterfly farm.
She's loving that right now.

Thank you.

For what?

For always being there. For her. For me.

What brought this on?

I didn't sleep well last night.
You know, the party and Gina.

She gone again?

Yeah, I guess so.

Well, good riddance is all I can say.

- I got it! Mmm-hmm.
- Great. Let's go.

All right. Be a good listener.

I will!

- Love you!
- Love you!

Hey, boo!

Y'all have fun today, okay?
Take plenty of pictures.

- We will.
- Love you!

Love you.

I'm gonna check that smoke.


Mind if I come?


We do these things together, right?

Jack, please.

I want this to work.

I'm trying.

All right.


How did you get that?

I bumped my head. It's nothing.

We think it's Dylan James.


Maybe we should find
somewhere to talk more privately.

He wasn't murdered there.
Somebody moved him to that spot.

But why?

Maybe to send a message?

A message for us?

It could be a coincidence,
but you have to admit

this house has been
the center of a lot of attention lately.

You think someone is targeting us?

I don't know what to think, Leni.

This sort of thing
just does not happen in Mount Echo.


Maybe his truck caught fire.
Maybe he was drunk or something.

No. He had a knife wound
across his abdomen. Significant.

The fire didn't kill him.

Somebody took care of that beforehand.


Mind if I ask you how
you got that abrasion on your forehead?

It wasn't there last night at the party.

Oh, come on.

One of the horses in the barn had a spur.

When I tried to take it out, she jumped.
I took a shot to the head.

It happens all the time.

Anybody else with you?


No, it was early,
before anyone was up. Why?

Well, I overheard some heated words
last night about Dylan and your wife.

So... there's motive.

How about you?
Where were you at the end of the evening?

I went looking for you to say goodbye.

You were nowhere to be found.

I went looking for Gina
and I couldn't find her.

And then I tucked Mattie into bed.

You left your own party
without saying good night to your guests?

That's not like you.

If anything,
you're known for your good manners.

I was worried about my sister.

You ever track her down?


She was upset and left.

Haven't heard from her since.

Mmm. Well, given the circumstances,

I think we should find her
as fast as we can.

Because they had a thing

back in the day, if I remember correctly.

Her and Dylan.

That's right.

Well, I'm not saying she's in any danger,

but until I find who did this,

I think everyone who knew him
should be careful. You understand?

Yes, ma'am.


I'll see myself out.

Holy shit.

Oh, my God. Poor Dylan.

Poor Dylan?

Floss clearly sees us as suspects now.

Just look.

What is she doing?

Collecting evidence.

No, no, no. Jack.

We need to take care of each other
if we're going to survive this.

Look, Floss is going to start digging
and poking around

and doing what she does
until she finds the truth.

I need to know
what's coming, Jack. Please.

All right.

I got into a shoving match last night
with the two owners of the foal.

- Towers and Payne.
- Right.

So it was stolen.

Oh, please, Leni,
you knew what was going on.

No, but you didn't tell me.

But you knew! You...

Look, they'd already
cornered me about the money.

And after you and I fought,
I was pretty worked up.

I agreed to meet them in
a parking lot to settle things.


They threatened you and Mattie
when I didn't have the money.

So I took a swing at Towers.

You got in a fight in a parking lot?

It wasn't much of a fight.
But he landed a shot on me. Okay?

I... I jumped in my truck.
I came home just like I said.

But that's not the end of it, Leni.

They're coming for us.

They want the full value of the foal.

That's 75 grand plus extra
for all the heat this is bringing.

But they're the thieves.
Why don't we just tell Floss?

Tell Floss what?

That we accepted a stolen horse?


And you and your boyfriend
decided to fence it

to pay for your new life?

That's not it!

Then tell me what happened, Leni!

You said we need to tell the whole truth.

Well, I want it all. Right now.

Because he's dead.

Are you accusing me of something?

Are you accusing me?

Leni, none of this would be happening

if you hadn't taken that horse
and tried to run away!

I didn't take any horse, Jack!

That's what I tried stopping.
Why won't you believe me?

Because I've known you my whole life
and I know when you're lying!

So, you're not going to tell me
the plan you had with him?

I can't.

I never had a plan with Dylan.

You know, Leni, as hard as it seems,

the truth's just easier in the long run.


Gina, on the outside chance
that you're still checking this diary,

Dylan was murdered.

Floss says that we all need to be careful.

Charlie says you never came back
to the hotel last night and I'm afraid.

So I'm going to the only other place
that I think you might be.

- Oh.
- Georgia.

They won't let me see him.

I'm so sorry.

Is there something I can do?

He was doing so well.

Starting over.

After his parents were killed, I...

I tried to keep him out of trouble.

But I guess I failed.

It wasn't you.

He was a grown man.

He was making his own decisions.

You did the best you could.

That's what the counselors
have said all along.

But one day, dear,

you'll understand the regret that comes

with realizing that your best
just wasn't good enough.

Grandmothers weren't meant
to arrange funerals.

Now were they?


I hate to ask you...

When was the last time you saw Dylan?

I hadn't seen him much.

He hadn't been around lately.

He seemed busy with his horses and such.


I didn't know he was interested.

Oh, it was new.



Leni, come home quickly.
Something's happened.

Hey, what is happening?

What are you doing? Jack!

Leni, let's not make this
any harder than it has to be.

Why are you taking him?

Dylan James was murdered
at his grandmother's cottage.

Tire tracks at the scene
match the work truck.

And we also found some vials of ketamine
that came from Jack's office.

Jack couldn't have done this!

You and I both know!

What do we know, Leni?

I've been doing some digging of my own.

I know Dylan James
has been involved with horses.

- Maybe...
- Leni, stop!

I appreciate
your sudden interest in police work,

but I'm gonna stick
with the actual evidence

as opposed to vague theory.

And I'm going to want to talk to you
and your sister.

So I'll be in touch.


We'll need a lawyer.

A good one. Someone from DC.

Okay. But this looks bad.

No. He didn't do it, Dad. You know that.

Do I? I don't know what to think anymore.

- What're you hinting at?
- Leni.

You were the one with the ketamine.

I saw you. In the office, remember?

You have access to all the trucks.

You think I'm capable
of killing another human being?

Is that what you think?

Is that what you want to say to me?

Say it. Say it!

You... You of all people...

No. No, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm just...

- I'm confused is all. This...
- Yeah.

Leni, it's happening so fast.

It's the hospital.

- Hello?
- Hello?

Is this the father of Leni McCleary?

Yeah, this is Victor McCleary.

Oh, thank God. We called
because we saw you on television.

First off, she's okay.

She came in as a Jane Doe.
Not really talking at the moment.

We recognized her from the stories on TV.

I'm sorry. What?

Your daughter, Leni.
She's here in the hospital.

That's not Leni.

Let's get Charlie.

I heard about Dylan James.

Wait, how do you know that name?

They were lovers, weren't they?
I mean, in high school?

How do you know that?

Gina doesn't hide her past.
Not from me anyway.

Do you think whoever did that to Dylan

did something to her?

We checked everywhere.

Sorry to come back,
but there was no one out front.

I know. We had an incident.

Your sister's gone.


We had her in here.
We stabilized her.

I went to go call you
and attend to her blood test.

- The doctor found this.
- She pulled the IV out.

That's her blood.

Oh, my God. Was she hurt?

She was disoriented and bleeding.

A truck driver found her
on the side of the road.

Brought her to the hospital.

All right. We need to find her.
She couldn't have gone far.

- Nothing?
- No!

- Leni, why'd she run?
- I don't know.

Somehow, I find that very hard to believe!

Why're you on me like this?

Because if you know anything,
now would be the time.

She is hurt, Leni.

- You did see the blood in there?
- Yes.

What would
she be so desperate to run away from

that she would pull out a fucking IV?

I clearly... I seriously don't know.

She ever say anything about Lake Tahoe?

No. What?
You mean our birthday trip? No. Why?

She marked up some... some maps. I...

I need you to start being honest with me.

- Right now. About everything.
- I am.

My wife is missing. She's gone. Okay?

Something has happened and she's run off.

We know how she can be
when she gets like this.

Would you please, please help me?

This is our family and it's falling apart!


The family that needs me right now...

I'm so sorry, Charlie.

Jack! He fucking needs me.

I'm so sorry.



- You talk to the lawyer?
- Yeah.

Yeah. We got you covered.

Jack, I know you didn't do this.

Oh, it looks bad though, Len.

The tire tracks. The drugs.

I know, but I think I've got a plan.

Always a plan.

In order for it to work,
I'm going to need to know everything

about Towers and Payne,
the horses, last night.

All of it.

I am trying to help.

Then help me understand
why you took that horse,

of all horses, and why...

Why him, Len?

Look, I know no matter what I say,

you'll think
it's because I don't love you,

but nothing could be
further from the truth. All right?

Jack, our marriage...

It's been hard.


I'm sorry we made you unhappy.

But you didn't.

It's nothing to do with you.

Or Mattie.

I wanted to be free.


now I know there is no such thing.

I'm sorry for causing all of this.

I truly am.

It's not all on you.

I made a mistake.

We were going broke, Len.
I didn't know what else to do. I...

Towers and Payne called.
I knew that horse was stolen.

But Towers is a big man in town.

He's a good friend to have.

I told myself
I was doing a favor for a friend.

That I was taking care of my family.

That's the most important thing to me.

Taking care of you, Mattie, our home, Len.

You're the most honest,
honorable man I have ever met.

I'm gonna fix this.

Okay. What are we gonna say to Floss?

The truth, Len.

I accepted a horse
that might've been stolen,

but I didn't kill Dylan.

Do you have any idea who might've done it?

No. If I'd known Gina had
access to the drugs and all this...

If you're ready,
the interview room is open.

All right.

- Hello?
- Leni. Thank God.

Oh, fuck, Gina. Oh, my God.

Where have you been? Are you okay?

They're after me, Leni. Towers and Payne.

They got Dylan and now they want me.

Why would they be after you?
Do you have proof?

Yes, I have proof.

Jesus. Uh, where you at?

I'm on the move. It's not safe for me.

I need your help. Please.
Can you come and get me?

Why the fuck should I help you now?

After everything you put me through?
All of us through?

Because I need you
and I love you and I'm sorry.

You're gonna tell me everything.

Everything. Like always.

Where do I find you?

Can you come to Grandma Georgia's?

It's the only safe place. Hurry, please.

Okay. Yeah.



Georgia! Georgia, what happened?

Two men came for your sister.

- What?
- They tried to force their way in.

I held them off long enough for her
to get away, but I don't...

- Where is she now?
- I don't know.

They came into the house
and searched everywhere.

They came out here,
but she was gone. And then we struggled.

And I slipped. I... I hurt my head.

- Oh, my God. I'm calling the police.
- Oh.

Oh, please don't!

Today has been hard enough.

I don't want any part of this,
whatever it is.

I've lost enough. Please.

Please, just go. Just go.



- Gina!
- It's definitely them, Leni.

The horse thieves.

I know. I went to Georgia's.

Is she okay? Did they hurt her?

She's fine. Where are you now?

I'm on the move.

I think they're following me,
but I can't be sure.

You have to help me.

Meet me at the Riverside.
We'll think of something.

It's not safe for me. They wanna get paid.

And I have to make good on the colt.

We got the cashier's check, right?
We got 60 grand.

Do you think?
But how can we get it to them?

I can do it.

It's not safe.

They want to get paid. I'll pay them.

How do I find them?

She's here.



- I don't plan on staying long.
- You bring the money?

Now, I know you talked to my husband
last night in some parking lot.

But I hope, moving forward,
we can be more civilized.

We saw him for five minutes
at your boring party.

What parking lot?

I have what you want.

A check? Please.

Made out to cash. It won't be a problem.

That's traceable though, right?
Leaves a paper trail.

We don't like trails of any kind.

That explains cutting microchips
out of stolen foals.

She's got a mouth on her.

Sure does.

This is a bit short.

I can get the rest.

From where?

Your farm's on the way out.

I can get it.

I don't know.

If we let you leave here now,
we'll never see you again, right?

That's only traceable
if someone traces it.

You don't let me go,
that give someone reason to.

Oh, yeah?

Your husband knows you're here?

Hmm. I mean, uh,

if he'll spend this much on a horse,

I wonder how much
he'll spend on his own little filly?

You think my husband got you
that fucking money?

I'll get you the rest,
but I can't do it tied to a fucking post.

Maybe your rich sister
will get us the rest.

You leave my sister out of this.

You see,
some of us know how to keep a horse safe.

My husband is at the police station
right now with the lawyer.

He's having a bit of trouble
trying to remember

exactly who it was who brought that horse,

with the chip cut out of it,
to his stables.

So I don't talk to him
in the next five minutes or so...

He might get a flash of memory
and recall all the specifics.

So if you can be satisfied
with what you've gotten here,

his memory will stay foggy

and you can
keep the fuck out of our lives.

Oh, say hello to your sister for me.

Hey. Leave it
here or don't. I couldn't care less.

You told me to call you.
Why aren't you picking up?

All right. I gave them the money,
but Jesus, that was rough.

Call me back. I'm just going to
keep driving until I hear from you.

♪ Tonight with words unspoken ♪

♪ You say that I'm the only one ♪

You've gotta fix this, Leni.

You're always the one who fixes it, right?

♪ When the night meets the morning sun ♪

♪ I'd like to know that your love ♪

♪ Is love I can be sure of... ♪



♪ So tell me now and I won't ask again ♪

♪ Will you still love me tomorrow? ♪


Sorry, can you, um...

Sorry, I know I was speeding. I...

I had it on the open road. I just let it...

Can I get you
to step out of the vehicle, please?

- What? Why?
- Just do it, Leni.



What is this all about?

Paula's gonna escort you
back to the cruiser.

If you could wait there for me,
I would appreciate it.

Just tell me what's going on.


- Fine. I'll go with Paula.
- Thank you.


Paula, please.

Listen, we're friends, right?

You gotta tell me what's happening.

I don't know what's going on
with you and your sister

and everything at that house, but...

Did Gina turn up? Did Jack say something...

Don't put me on the spot, Leni.

It's not fair. Stop talking.





Paula, let me out.

It is real.

It is real.

I didn't do it.

I didn't do it.

- I didn't do it!
- I didn't do it!

Leni, can I get you to step out?

I, um...

I don't understand what is going on,
but it's a mistake. Whatever you found...

Paula is going to read you your rights.

I will take a statement
at the appropriate time,

but I will have to admit into evidence
anything that you say to me.

Do you understand?

Floss, you know me.

Do you understand?


- Am I under arrest?
- Yes.

For what?

The murder of Dylan James.



Please, Jack! What is happening, Jack?

You have to help me, Jack!


Oh, yes. She's been very helpful
in finding you.

Before we begin, it's important that

you understand what we now have
in our possession.

Photos of you seeking to
influence witnesses

and the check you used.

This broken knife handle
might look familiar

because it belongs to this blade

that was found
under the front seat of your car.


We'll run tests, but I'm guessing
that's Dylan James' blood.

But that's not possible.

Yet here we are.

So now,

I think you need
to start from the beginning.