Zorro (1990–1993): Season 1, Episode 3 - Water - full transcript

During a drought, which even hits the plaza fountain everyone in the pueblo depends upon, the alcalde heartlessly demands a tax of two pesos per bucket of water. When Don Diego even dares suggest this might start a riot, as the farmers just can't afford it, he is jailed. Fortunately Don Alejandro and the other caballeros make a stand until he caves in, but only to do essentially the same thing two other ways: offering free water but charging a toll to get to it at his estate and, after Zorro puts an end to that, have the garrison collect all arrear taxes the hard way...

If not for the fountain in the plaza,
we'd be in a sorry state.

Now, no one knows where
the plaza water comes from.

It's never dried up in living memory.

The Indians say it was a gift
from the gods.

People must wonder why any sane person
would ever settle in Los Angeles.

Yes, I know, I'm thirsty too, Felipe.

But we'll have to wait our turn,
like everyone else.

Don Diego, you've come
for water too?

Yes. Our well ran
dry this morning.

It almost makes me wish,
that I live in San Francisco.

San Francisco does indeed
have two things we sorely lack...

...an abundance of water
and cooler weather.

Three things. They also have
a good-natured alcalde.

Yes. Unfortunately, our
alcalde is unique.

Stand clear! Wait for the Alcalde!
Out of the way!

Stand clear!

Se?or Alcalde, if your men want water, they
should wait in line like the rest of us.

My men are not here to refresh
themselves, Se?orita.

In a desert country like this,
water is liquid gold.

Yet, some of you have been using
this precious asset extravagantly.

I hereby decree a state of emergency
for the duration of this drought.

One bucket of water,
per person, per week.

That is ridiculous.

Now you know that's inadequate.
What about the farmers?

Fortunately your Alcalde has come up
with a solution to their problem.

You may buy water in excess
of the regulations...

...at a rate of two pesos per bucket,
ten pesos per barrel.

Pay for the water?
Why should we?

The alternatives are simple,
my dear.

You pay or you die.

This fountain has never gone dry.
There is enough water for everyone.


If you persist in this, you may have
an uprising on your hands.

And who will be their leader?
You, Don Diego?

No, of course, not. I'm simply warning you,
that you may have gone too far this time.

Your warning is duly noted.
Arrest him.

Arrest Don de la Vega?

If he's not on his way to the jail in five
seconds, you will be joining him, Mendoza.

Yes, Alcalde.

Sorry, Don Diego.

It's quite all right, Sergeant.
Lead the way.

Felipe, you must run and tell
Don Alejandro what has happened.

Do you understand me?

If it's any consolation, Don Diego,
this is our finest cell.

Yes, I can see that, Sergeant.

Madre de Dios!
Que pasa?

Just when Zorro is needed most.

Stop it! Stop it!

I'll have you flogged for this!
Stop it! This is mutiny!

Did you see who threw that?

Alcalde, perhaps we should leave.
- Leave? I'll hang every one of them!

Ah, the loyal father comes to plead
for his treacherous son.

My son can take care of himself.

These poor people.
You grind their faces in the ground...

...and now you take their
water away from them.

I take nothing away from them.
I merely...

How do you expect them
to pay this tariff?

They're already penniless
from your taxes.

If they want the water,
they'll find a way.

The governor will hear about this from my own lips.
We'll all testify to the truth.

How dare you.

Put me in jail with my son.
Put us all in jail.


Back to the garrison!

I'm happy to report our little revolution is over.
- What happened?

I can't explain now, Don Diego.
The Alcalde is on his way, so please leave.

The Alcalde will not easily forgive
resistance to his plans.

I'm afraid there's work in store for Zorro.

They made me look like a fool.

Oh, no sir. It is not foolish to back down
in the face of overwhelming odds.

Oh, yes. Yes, that's exactly
what I did. Back down.

Me. Me, whose ancestors came to this
continent with Balboa and Cortez.

But I will make them pay for it.

If a new tax cannot be levied, then I will
make sure that the old taxes are collected.

I want you to confiscate all the property of
those people whose taxes are in arrears.

With all due respect, sir, do you
think this is the moment to...

Do you dare to defy me?
- Oh, no sir. No, no.

Believe me, amigos, this hurts me
much more than it will ever hurt you.

But if you don't pay your taxes,
the Alcalde gets, well, nasty.

Oh, what a cute little pig! He is just a tiny
little squealer now,...

...but someday he will grow up
to be a great big...

Zorro. Zorro!

Now, this puzzles me.

Why steal a pig from these poor farmers...

...if you already have the Alcalde,
the biggest pig in California?

Seize him!
- Seize me? Seize my bomb.

A bomb!
He's got a bomb!

Adios, Sergeant.

I knew you were just kidding.
And now, Zorro...

Get him!

Get him!

Water. Water!

Don Alejandro.
May I offer you a drink of water?

Thank you, Victoria.

You know, Don Alejandro.
If it hadn't been for you, and Don Diego...

...this pueblo would have been
in serious trouble.

I just hope it doesn't end up
with more than words.

Well, I think that is best left to Zorro.

And perhaps the Alcalde will think twice
about any new taxes for a while.

What coincidence.

This pueblo will become a ghost town,
without water.

That fountain has never dried up before.

Good people of Los Angeles.

The fountain has run dry,
just when you need it the most.

However, as your Alcalde,
I am here to help you.

I have a plentiful supply of
water on my land.

And during this emergency,
I will gladly share it with you...

For free!

You all know the road to my estate.
Come, my citizens. Come and get your water.

His land is bone dry,
nine months of the year.

Excuse me, Victoria.

The only thing the Alcalde ever gave
away for nothing, was his lash.

Now what is this?

What's going on here?

Buenos dias, Don Diego. Welcome to the
newly built Ram?n State Highway.

This is a state highway?

Well, of course, you know, there will be
improvements. But that will take time, money.

Oh, I see. The water is free but there is
a toll to cross the Alcalde's land.

Two pesos.
But the return trip is free.

Well, we have no choice.

It is the Alcalde's land and we do need his water.
Thank you, Sergeant.

This water is from the plaza fountain.

It contains traces of the mineral dolomite
and causes this chemical reaction.

Now, we test the Alcalde's water.

Just as I thought.

The Alcalde's water is from the same
source as the water in the plaza.

And that source would have
to be north of the pueblo,...

...here in the foothills, so that gravity
would feed the water into the plaza.

Right there, where the Alcalde
is giving away his water...

...and right where Zorro threw Sergeant
Mendoza off his horse yesterday.

No wonder Mendoza was looking so guilty today.

He discovered the source of the plaza water...

...and now the Alcalde
has interrupted the natural flow.

Why not?

Men. Unfortunately, you are going to
have to stay here all night.

Felipe, are you ready for
our little diversion?

I am going home, to some burritos
and my warm bed.

You get my horse.

Can I have my reins, please?

I know you don't like it but...

...there have been many times when
I have been on patrol all night...

The other day I was...

Men! Take cover!
It's an ambush.

Take places everyone!
- OK!

Aim! Lancers aim!
Over there!

Shoot! No no no! Wait!
Wait! Over here!

Shoot! Shoot!

Over there!
Oh, wait! Over here!

Over there!
Over here! Over there!

Over there! Over there!
No no no no, over there!

Can you see anyone?

They stopped shooting.

Why don't you come out
and fight like men?

Madre de Dios. Run for your lives!
We're being attacked by an army!

Yes, Sergeant. An army of one.

How could you withhold water
from the people, Mendoza?

It wasn't me!
- I'm ashamed of you.

It wasn't me, Zorro. I just told the
Alcalde about the hidden spring.

The rest was his idea.

Can we stop now, Zorro?
I don't feel to good.

Feeling the heat, are we?

Well, perhaps a little ventilation
will help.

Oh no, I am running out of tunics.
- You're also running out of time.

Zorro, did you do that?

What are you people doing over there?

The only water in the
territory is on my...


It's a miracle.
A miracle by the name of Zorro.

We had him in our grasp
and as usual, you bungled it.

Sir, Zorro outsmarted us

But then the people should not
have to pay for the water.

And maybe you would like to
stand guard all day...

...in the middle of the courtyard
in full uniform, hmm?

Sir, it is very hot out there.


That will give you something
to think about...

...the next time you want
to question my orders.


I heard about your punishment.
Have some water.

God bless you, Don Diego.


Put that water down. So, Don Diego, now you're
interfering with the running of my garrison?

Not at all, Alcalde.

Sergeant, don't worry. In a moment,
you'll have all the relief you need.

I gave orders that there will be
no relief for Mendoza!

Even your orders may be countermanded
by a higher authority.

There is no higher authority!

I am the alcalde.
I am the supreme authority!

Almost, Alcalde. But not
quite that supreme.

Ann Wauters