Young Sheldon (2017–…): Season 5, Episode 19 - A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband - full transcript
George and Mary insist on meeting the new woman in Georgie's life; Sheldon and Missy have suspicions about what's going on with their family.
Previously on Young Sheldon...
Whatever it is,
I'm here for you.
I got a girl pregnant.
Oh, no.
I messed up.
Oh, no.
What do I do?
Oh, no.
Please, say anything else.
I'm trying!
Are you sure she's pregnant?
Yes, she took a test.
Sometimes those things
are wrong.
She took more than one.
Are you sure it's yours?
Some gals like to get around.
Dad, she's pregnant,
it's mine and she's having it.
Y'all are too young
to have a baby!
I am. She's actually 29.
Oh, no.
♪ Nobody else
is stronger than I am ♪
♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain
♪ I bet I could be your hero
♪ I am a mighty little man
♪ I am a mighty little man.♪
You realize you have to
tell your mother.
Well, I just told you.
Maybe we let it sit awhile.
I can't know this
and keep it to myself.
Dale did. Like a champ.
you have to tell her.
Will you at least be there?
And tell her?
What's going on?
Everything okay?
You might want to sit.
Now you're scaring me.
No one died.
Kind of the opposite, actually.
Tell me.
I-I'm gonna...
I'm gonna have a baby.
Are you kidding me?!
It's true.
Okay, now I do need to sit.
♪ Or you can tell my lips
to tell my fingertips ♪
♪ They won't be reaching out
♪ For you no more
♪ But don't tell my heart
♪ My achy breaky heart
♪ I just don't think
he'd understand ♪
What are you doing?
It felt weird coming in
without being invited.
That's because everything
you do is weird.
Where's Mom and Dad?
I don't know.
I just got home
and no one's here.
You sure?
It's a tiny house
and Dad's a big guy.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Where are you going?
To watch R-rated movies
until they get back, doy.
What do we even
know about this girl?
Well, that's the thing...
Buckle up.
She's 29.
Years old?!
Oh, my...
Guess we're standing again.
What kind of 29-year-old
dates someone your age?!
Obviously the kind
that was lied to.
What are we gonna do?
That's what we're figuring out.
You're gonna have to marry her.
I think so, too.
Hell no!
What do you mean, "no"?
He got her pregnant!
Mary, she's 29.
Well, what choice does he have?
She's not gonna marry him.
What's wrong with me?
You're an idiot.
You're irresponsible.
You live in a garage
and use a sink as a toilet!
Care to jump in?
Yeah, baby?
I was just wondering
where everyone was.
Uh, we're just
in here talking.
We'll be out in
a little bit.
- Everything okay?
- I'm fine.
But Missy's watching
a movie called Porky's.
I don't know
what that is.
That one's rough.
Not good.
I'll be right
back in, baby.
You're gonna have to
introduce us to this girl.
'Cause she's having
our grandbaby,
you dumb son of a bitch.
But what he said.
I'll ask her, but she's not
very happy with me right now.
Yeah, I like her already.
Relax, you earned this one.
Thank you.
You coming back to bed?
In a minute.
Kind of déjà vu, huh?
Kind of.
I wanna be furious at him,
but how can I?
The trick is to forget we did
the same thing, then it's easy.
At the time, it seemed
like our lives were over, but...
then Georgie was born.
With that crazy
head of hair.
And just like that it was
the best thing that
could have happened to us.
What kind of cigarette
are you smoking there?
Oh, so, what do we do now?
We don't have a lot of choices.
We're gonna
be grandparents and, uh...
What's the girl's name again?
And Mandy is gonna be
part of our lives
in some shape or form
until we're, you know, dead.
What do you mean,
"shape or form"?
Georgie's gotta marry her.
No, Mary, he doesn't.
How am I supposed to set foot
in my church
if our son has a child
out of wedlock?
It's nobody's business.
It's a small town, George,
everything is
everybody's business.
You ever stop to think
maybe she doesn't
want to marry a 17-year-old?
He'll be 18 in March.
All right,
you're just being ridiculous.
I'm being a Christian.
When you were born, you were a
gift from God but that does not
change the fact
that I am very mad at you!
All right.
You look like crap.Thanks.
You go out drinking last night?
Of course not.
'Cause when I look that bad,
I been out drinkin'.
I just didn't get much sleep.
Oh? Something bothering you?
there are some things
going on that are...
...of concern.
Good morning.
Everything okay?
You bet.
Don't seem like it.
Well, it is.
Go get ready for school.
Carry on.
Before I say anything,
I owe you an apology.
Love 'em, hit me.
I was just thinking
about the hell
I put you through when...
Mom, have you seen
my Thursday socks? I looked in
my drawer and I could only
find Wednesday and Friday.
Thursday's are in the dryer.
Oh. Here's the little rascals.
You were saying?
I was just thinking about
when I was pregnant
with Georgie, and...
how hard that
must've been for you.
I'm sorry.
Georgie got that girl pregnant?
Keep your voice down.
And... yes.
Something weird's going on.
If you mean my missing socks,
they were in the dryer
clinging to Dad's boxer shorts.
I mean with Mom.
When I was in the kitchen,
she and Meemaw got real quiet.
I was just in there and they
seemed perfectly normal.
And what about last night?
What about it?
They were talking in the garage
with the door shut.
What's odd about that?
Nobody in this house talks.
Hmm. What do you think
is going on?
I don't know,
but I'm telling you, it's bad.
Not necessarily.
Maybe they're planning
a surprise party for us.
Our birthday isn't for months.
True. Maybe they
needed some lead time.
You can't expect Stephen Hawking
to roll in at a moment's notice.
Come on, I'm taking you both
to school. Let's move it.
He looks terrible.
He has had heart problems,
plus he's been having
a rough time at work.
Not to mention
he's pretty chunky.
Oh, dear. I wonder if RadioShack
makes a defibrillator.
That girl is like
ten years older than him.
Because he lied to her.
I told him from the start
that he needed to come clean,
and be honest.
I know everything.
Dang it.
Why'd you have to tell her?
She is my mother, and...
Taking the kids to school.
Have a good day.
I see it now.
Okay, in my defense...
You have no defense.
You're an idiot.
That was a big part
of my defense.
When do we get to
sit down with her
and talk this through?
Ah, yeah, here's
the thing about that:
she ain't real eager
to meet y'all.
Why not?
Did you want to meet George's
parents when he knocked you up?
I was not "knocked up,"
I was with child.
And he's right there.
I love you.
In case it's not apparent,
she was speaking for both of us.
Ah, damn it.
I'm not here to fight with you,
or pass judgment on you,
I just want to talk about...
where we're going with all this.
There's nothing to talk about.
All this is my business.
That's true.
I just thought it might
be nice if you got
to meet Georgie's family.
I haven't even told
my own parents yet.
Just so you know,
I went through this very thing
with my own daughter,
Georgie's mom.
So, we get it.
We just want to be helpful.
Well, I'm not very happy
with Georgie right now.
Nobody is. We get it.
Thanks, Brenda,
I really appreciate it.
Oh, nothing major, just, um,
some family stuff that we need
to talk about and it'd be better
if the kids weren't here.
Great, I'll send 'em
over at 6:00?
Where are we going?
Don't be sneaking up on me.
I wasn't sneaking.
Where are we going?
Brenda invited you
and your brother over
to dinner with Billy tonight.
Because they're nice people!
Wow. Take a pill.
I don't see why
I got to wear a tie.
Because we want to make
a good impression.
She already met this bozo,
aren't we past that?
Hey, let's just keep in mind,
I didn't do this by myself.
It takes two to tango.
Do you even know
what a tango is?
It's sex, ain't it?
Pastor Jeff
is right next door.
Maybe I should invite
him to join us.
So we can bring God
into the conversation.
God let her get pregnant.
I think He's done enough.
Okay, that's her.
Um, everybody, let's make her
feel welcome.
So, Mandy, what do you do?
Right now I'm just
waiting tables.
Well, people need to eat.
You know what I enjoy?
That T-G-I-F Friday.
They got a whole menu page,
just appetizers.
I hope brisket's okay.
Georgie wasn't too sure
what kind of food you liked.
We didn't do a lot of eating
when we were together.
So, Mandy,
your people from around here?
Uh, Oklahoma originally.
Well, we won't hold it
against you.
I guess we don't even know
your last name.
Scottish, right?
'Cause if it was Irish,
it'd be O'McAllister.
So, you're Catholic?
I'm not really anything.
But you'll be
raising this child
with some sort of
religious upbringing.
I haven't
really thought about it.
Well, that's one of the
things we can help with,
starting with grace.
Mom...We're starting with grace!
Heavenly Father...
Why not heavenly mother?
Don't, just don't.
Heavenly Father,
bless this food and the
hands that prepared it.
And thank you for bringing
Mandy into our family
and watch over this child
as he or she grows
and becomes a God-fearin'
Baptist, amen.
You like meatloaf?
Yeah, is that what we're having?
No, just making
dinner conversation.
We're having spaghetti.
With hot dogs
cut up in it?
Ew, no.
I'd like to go home, please.
We can't.
How come?
Yeah, how come?
We don't know.
The leading theory
is my father's dying.
I don't think that's it.
Well, something's wrong.
Maybe they're getting
divorced like my mom and dad.
Billy! We don't talk about that.
Never mind.
So, Mandy,
my mother mentioned that
your folks don't know
about the baby.
No, not yet.
Well, I'm sure
they'll be excited
when you tell them
you're bringing
new life into the world.
Is that how you felt
when she got pregnant?
About the baby?
Yeah. The guy who did it?
They kid around like that.
Yeah, all good fun.
Well, regardless of what
goes on with your parents,
we want you to know
that we are here for you
and the baby, who we will
love and cherish.
Thank you.
Me, too.
In fact, if you want,
I can go with you
to tell your parents.
Yeah, and then my father
can shoot you.
I'm not kidding.
Maybe it would be better
if you went to your parents
with, um, good news first.
And what would that be?
everybody loves a wedding.
Would you stop with that?
It needs to be discussed.
No, it doesn't.
I'm having a baby, I don't
need to marry another one.
I know I'm young now,
but think about it--
when you're a dried-up old lady,
I'll be your hot trophy husband.
Maybe her dad should
put you down.
I just think that
God wants children raised within
the bonds of holy matrimony.
Mary, they already
made one giant mistake,
they don't have to make another.
So, marrying me was a mistake?
I'm not talking about us,
I'm talking about them.
I think we all know who
you're talking about.
You really want
to do this now?
You're honestly happy
with how your life turned out?
You have no regrets?
That "giant mistake" gave us
our children
who I love very much.
What about your husband?
Oh, I love him just fine!
Oh, nice, put that
on a Hallmark card.
What do you want me to say?
I want you to admit
that this marriage
hasn't exactly
been a bed of roses.
Wake up, no marriage
is a bed of roses!
Well, then I guess we nailed it!
I guess we did!
And that kid is
gonna be Baptist!
So, Mandy, glad you came?
Makes perfect sense,
they're getting divorced.
If they do,
I'm staying with Mom.
That's fine, I'll take Dad.
And if he does die, you'll get
the house to yourself.
You can live with us.
Nobody's dying,
nobody's getting divorced.
Except you and Dad.
Just eat your dinner.
I wonder if our dad
met another woman.
Nobody met nobody.
You eat your dinner, too.
My dad's with another woman.
She's nice.
Which would be perfect with
little chunks of hot dog in it.
Her name is Martha Jean.
She works at a tanning salon.
Thanks for coming.
Yeah, it was great.
Okay, so, I'll talk to you?
I guess.
What are you doing?
Giving you a kiss good night.
I think you've given me enough.
Hey. Mandy, hold up.
Go away.
Sorry about all
the yelling.
Are they always like that?
Not in front of company.
So, it's kind of like you're
already family.
Lucky me.
Speaking of which, when
are you gonna tell your folks?
I was thinking about
waiting until my mom
tells me to lay off the pie.
Well, just remember,
if you ever need anything,
call me.
I've already been
through this with my daughter,
so I know how to do it wrong.
You get a hug
and I get nothing.
I know it didn't go great
the other night,
but I meant what I said--
I'll be there for you.
Georgie, not now.
I'm serious.
I'll go to baby classes
with you.
You need to learn
that breathing stuff.
Okay, one chicken fried steak
and a cheeseburger.
Ain't you gonna
refill their water?
Go away!
Also, you'll be throwing up
in the morning--
I'm good with that.
You may not know,
but your feet
are gonna swell up,
and your boobs.
I'll rub whatever
you need rubbed.
Good to know.
Table three, order up.
Want me to get that?
You know, in your condition.
Georgie, I got it.
Sorry, I'll quit
bothering you.
Just one more thing.
I love you.
You ain't got to say it back.
Yeah, I'm not gonna.
Don't forget their water!
I have new information.
What is it?
I heard them
talking about a baby.
Oh, my.
You know what that means.
Mom's pregnant.
Whatever it is,
I'm here for you.
I got a girl pregnant.
Oh, no.
I messed up.
Oh, no.
What do I do?
Oh, no.
Please, say anything else.
I'm trying!
Are you sure she's pregnant?
Yes, she took a test.
Sometimes those things
are wrong.
She took more than one.
Are you sure it's yours?
Some gals like to get around.
Dad, she's pregnant,
it's mine and she's having it.
Y'all are too young
to have a baby!
I am. She's actually 29.
Oh, no.
♪ Nobody else
is stronger than I am ♪
♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain
♪ I bet I could be your hero
♪ I am a mighty little man
♪ I am a mighty little man.♪
You realize you have to
tell your mother.
Well, I just told you.
Maybe we let it sit awhile.
I can't know this
and keep it to myself.
Dale did. Like a champ.
you have to tell her.
Will you at least be there?
And tell her?
What's going on?
Everything okay?
You might want to sit.
Now you're scaring me.
No one died.
Kind of the opposite, actually.
Tell me.
I-I'm gonna...
I'm gonna have a baby.
Are you kidding me?!
It's true.
Okay, now I do need to sit.
♪ Or you can tell my lips
to tell my fingertips ♪
♪ They won't be reaching out
♪ For you no more
♪ But don't tell my heart
♪ My achy breaky heart
♪ I just don't think
he'd understand ♪
What are you doing?
It felt weird coming in
without being invited.
That's because everything
you do is weird.
Where's Mom and Dad?
I don't know.
I just got home
and no one's here.
You sure?
It's a tiny house
and Dad's a big guy.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Where are you going?
To watch R-rated movies
until they get back, doy.
What do we even
know about this girl?
Well, that's the thing...
Buckle up.
She's 29.
Years old?!
Oh, my...
Guess we're standing again.
What kind of 29-year-old
dates someone your age?!
Obviously the kind
that was lied to.
What are we gonna do?
That's what we're figuring out.
You're gonna have to marry her.
I think so, too.
Hell no!
What do you mean, "no"?
He got her pregnant!
Mary, she's 29.
Well, what choice does he have?
She's not gonna marry him.
What's wrong with me?
You're an idiot.
You're irresponsible.
You live in a garage
and use a sink as a toilet!
Care to jump in?
Yeah, baby?
I was just wondering
where everyone was.
Uh, we're just
in here talking.
We'll be out in
a little bit.
- Everything okay?
- I'm fine.
But Missy's watching
a movie called Porky's.
I don't know
what that is.
That one's rough.
Not good.
I'll be right
back in, baby.
You're gonna have to
introduce us to this girl.
'Cause she's having
our grandbaby,
you dumb son of a bitch.
But what he said.
I'll ask her, but she's not
very happy with me right now.
Yeah, I like her already.
Relax, you earned this one.
Thank you.
You coming back to bed?
In a minute.
Kind of déjà vu, huh?
Kind of.
I wanna be furious at him,
but how can I?
The trick is to forget we did
the same thing, then it's easy.
At the time, it seemed
like our lives were over, but...
then Georgie was born.
With that crazy
head of hair.
And just like that it was
the best thing that
could have happened to us.
What kind of cigarette
are you smoking there?
Oh, so, what do we do now?
We don't have a lot of choices.
We're gonna
be grandparents and, uh...
What's the girl's name again?
And Mandy is gonna be
part of our lives
in some shape or form
until we're, you know, dead.
What do you mean,
"shape or form"?
Georgie's gotta marry her.
No, Mary, he doesn't.
How am I supposed to set foot
in my church
if our son has a child
out of wedlock?
It's nobody's business.
It's a small town, George,
everything is
everybody's business.
You ever stop to think
maybe she doesn't
want to marry a 17-year-old?
He'll be 18 in March.
All right,
you're just being ridiculous.
I'm being a Christian.
When you were born, you were a
gift from God but that does not
change the fact
that I am very mad at you!
All right.
You look like crap.Thanks.
You go out drinking last night?
Of course not.
'Cause when I look that bad,
I been out drinkin'.
I just didn't get much sleep.
Oh? Something bothering you?
there are some things
going on that are...
...of concern.
Good morning.
Everything okay?
You bet.
Don't seem like it.
Well, it is.
Go get ready for school.
Carry on.
Before I say anything,
I owe you an apology.
Love 'em, hit me.
I was just thinking
about the hell
I put you through when...
Mom, have you seen
my Thursday socks? I looked in
my drawer and I could only
find Wednesday and Friday.
Thursday's are in the dryer.
Oh. Here's the little rascals.
You were saying?
I was just thinking about
when I was pregnant
with Georgie, and...
how hard that
must've been for you.
I'm sorry.
Georgie got that girl pregnant?
Keep your voice down.
And... yes.
Something weird's going on.
If you mean my missing socks,
they were in the dryer
clinging to Dad's boxer shorts.
I mean with Mom.
When I was in the kitchen,
she and Meemaw got real quiet.
I was just in there and they
seemed perfectly normal.
And what about last night?
What about it?
They were talking in the garage
with the door shut.
What's odd about that?
Nobody in this house talks.
Hmm. What do you think
is going on?
I don't know,
but I'm telling you, it's bad.
Not necessarily.
Maybe they're planning
a surprise party for us.
Our birthday isn't for months.
True. Maybe they
needed some lead time.
You can't expect Stephen Hawking
to roll in at a moment's notice.
Come on, I'm taking you both
to school. Let's move it.
He looks terrible.
He has had heart problems,
plus he's been having
a rough time at work.
Not to mention
he's pretty chunky.
Oh, dear. I wonder if RadioShack
makes a defibrillator.
That girl is like
ten years older than him.
Because he lied to her.
I told him from the start
that he needed to come clean,
and be honest.
I know everything.
Dang it.
Why'd you have to tell her?
She is my mother, and...
Taking the kids to school.
Have a good day.
I see it now.
Okay, in my defense...
You have no defense.
You're an idiot.
That was a big part
of my defense.
When do we get to
sit down with her
and talk this through?
Ah, yeah, here's
the thing about that:
she ain't real eager
to meet y'all.
Why not?
Did you want to meet George's
parents when he knocked you up?
I was not "knocked up,"
I was with child.
And he's right there.
I love you.
In case it's not apparent,
she was speaking for both of us.
Ah, damn it.
I'm not here to fight with you,
or pass judgment on you,
I just want to talk about...
where we're going with all this.
There's nothing to talk about.
All this is my business.
That's true.
I just thought it might
be nice if you got
to meet Georgie's family.
I haven't even told
my own parents yet.
Just so you know,
I went through this very thing
with my own daughter,
Georgie's mom.
So, we get it.
We just want to be helpful.
Well, I'm not very happy
with Georgie right now.
Nobody is. We get it.
Thanks, Brenda,
I really appreciate it.
Oh, nothing major, just, um,
some family stuff that we need
to talk about and it'd be better
if the kids weren't here.
Great, I'll send 'em
over at 6:00?
Where are we going?
Don't be sneaking up on me.
I wasn't sneaking.
Where are we going?
Brenda invited you
and your brother over
to dinner with Billy tonight.
Because they're nice people!
Wow. Take a pill.
I don't see why
I got to wear a tie.
Because we want to make
a good impression.
She already met this bozo,
aren't we past that?
Hey, let's just keep in mind,
I didn't do this by myself.
It takes two to tango.
Do you even know
what a tango is?
It's sex, ain't it?
Pastor Jeff
is right next door.
Maybe I should invite
him to join us.
So we can bring God
into the conversation.
God let her get pregnant.
I think He's done enough.
Okay, that's her.
Um, everybody, let's make her
feel welcome.
So, Mandy, what do you do?
Right now I'm just
waiting tables.
Well, people need to eat.
You know what I enjoy?
That T-G-I-F Friday.
They got a whole menu page,
just appetizers.
I hope brisket's okay.
Georgie wasn't too sure
what kind of food you liked.
We didn't do a lot of eating
when we were together.
So, Mandy,
your people from around here?
Uh, Oklahoma originally.
Well, we won't hold it
against you.
I guess we don't even know
your last name.
Scottish, right?
'Cause if it was Irish,
it'd be O'McAllister.
So, you're Catholic?
I'm not really anything.
But you'll be
raising this child
with some sort of
religious upbringing.
I haven't
really thought about it.
Well, that's one of the
things we can help with,
starting with grace.
Mom...We're starting with grace!
Heavenly Father...
Why not heavenly mother?
Don't, just don't.
Heavenly Father,
bless this food and the
hands that prepared it.
And thank you for bringing
Mandy into our family
and watch over this child
as he or she grows
and becomes a God-fearin'
Baptist, amen.
You like meatloaf?
Yeah, is that what we're having?
No, just making
dinner conversation.
We're having spaghetti.
With hot dogs
cut up in it?
Ew, no.
I'd like to go home, please.
We can't.
How come?
Yeah, how come?
We don't know.
The leading theory
is my father's dying.
I don't think that's it.
Well, something's wrong.
Maybe they're getting
divorced like my mom and dad.
Billy! We don't talk about that.
Never mind.
So, Mandy,
my mother mentioned that
your folks don't know
about the baby.
No, not yet.
Well, I'm sure
they'll be excited
when you tell them
you're bringing
new life into the world.
Is that how you felt
when she got pregnant?
About the baby?
Yeah. The guy who did it?
They kid around like that.
Yeah, all good fun.
Well, regardless of what
goes on with your parents,
we want you to know
that we are here for you
and the baby, who we will
love and cherish.
Thank you.
Me, too.
In fact, if you want,
I can go with you
to tell your parents.
Yeah, and then my father
can shoot you.
I'm not kidding.
Maybe it would be better
if you went to your parents
with, um, good news first.
And what would that be?
everybody loves a wedding.
Would you stop with that?
It needs to be discussed.
No, it doesn't.
I'm having a baby, I don't
need to marry another one.
I know I'm young now,
but think about it--
when you're a dried-up old lady,
I'll be your hot trophy husband.
Maybe her dad should
put you down.
I just think that
God wants children raised within
the bonds of holy matrimony.
Mary, they already
made one giant mistake,
they don't have to make another.
So, marrying me was a mistake?
I'm not talking about us,
I'm talking about them.
I think we all know who
you're talking about.
You really want
to do this now?
You're honestly happy
with how your life turned out?
You have no regrets?
That "giant mistake" gave us
our children
who I love very much.
What about your husband?
Oh, I love him just fine!
Oh, nice, put that
on a Hallmark card.
What do you want me to say?
I want you to admit
that this marriage
hasn't exactly
been a bed of roses.
Wake up, no marriage
is a bed of roses!
Well, then I guess we nailed it!
I guess we did!
And that kid is
gonna be Baptist!
So, Mandy, glad you came?
Makes perfect sense,
they're getting divorced.
If they do,
I'm staying with Mom.
That's fine, I'll take Dad.
And if he does die, you'll get
the house to yourself.
You can live with us.
Nobody's dying,
nobody's getting divorced.
Except you and Dad.
Just eat your dinner.
I wonder if our dad
met another woman.
Nobody met nobody.
You eat your dinner, too.
My dad's with another woman.
She's nice.
Which would be perfect with
little chunks of hot dog in it.
Her name is Martha Jean.
She works at a tanning salon.
Thanks for coming.
Yeah, it was great.
Okay, so, I'll talk to you?
I guess.
What are you doing?
Giving you a kiss good night.
I think you've given me enough.
Hey. Mandy, hold up.
Go away.
Sorry about all
the yelling.
Are they always like that?
Not in front of company.
So, it's kind of like you're
already family.
Lucky me.
Speaking of which, when
are you gonna tell your folks?
I was thinking about
waiting until my mom
tells me to lay off the pie.
Well, just remember,
if you ever need anything,
call me.
I've already been
through this with my daughter,
so I know how to do it wrong.
You get a hug
and I get nothing.
I know it didn't go great
the other night,
but I meant what I said--
I'll be there for you.
Georgie, not now.
I'm serious.
I'll go to baby classes
with you.
You need to learn
that breathing stuff.
Okay, one chicken fried steak
and a cheeseburger.
Ain't you gonna
refill their water?
Go away!
Also, you'll be throwing up
in the morning--
I'm good with that.
You may not know,
but your feet
are gonna swell up,
and your boobs.
I'll rub whatever
you need rubbed.
Good to know.
Table three, order up.
Want me to get that?
You know, in your condition.
Georgie, I got it.
Sorry, I'll quit
bothering you.
Just one more thing.
I love you.
You ain't got to say it back.
Yeah, I'm not gonna.
Don't forget their water!
I have new information.
What is it?
I heard them
talking about a baby.
Oh, my.
You know what that means.
Mom's pregnant.