Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Harassment - full transcript

The K321 unit heads into enemy territory to carry out their "harassment" mission while 10 months ago, back in the Kitchen, their training begins.

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I'm sending you
the coordinates to the artillery.

Go there in your armored vehicle

and wreak as much havoc
as you possibly can for us.

I'm sending over a drone now
to resupply your ammo.

Huh? Hold on a sec.

You want us to break an enemy siege
with just five of us?!

Not only that, you're wanting
us to attack the artillery?!

I'm not asking you to take them all out.

Just distract them long enough for us
to get some reinforcements on the ground.

You're really asking us to do this?


Good luck, Yakitoris.

We're counting on you.



- Is this all of it?
- Yeah.

- Huh?
- You done?

Yeah, almost.

Huh? What the heck
are they doing over there?

Come back!
You'll get shot if you go that way!

Come back!
Come back here now!

Look at them,
running away like scared animals.

Well then, I guess we can use it
to our benefit as they distract the enemy.


Ammo has been loaded.

We're good to go!

So, what exactly are we supposed
to wait for before we move?

I think Rimel said something like...

"It's up to all of you."

"Head out when there's a lull
in the enemy assault."

- Something like that.
- Yeah.

We don't want to waste all the ammo
since we just replenished here.

We're just gonna have to roll the dice.

I'm not really a fan
of leaving things up to chance, but...

But what?

But it seems like we don't have a choice.

Kick it into overdrive on my count.

- Copy that.
- All right.

Look at Akira having a good idea for once.

But who decides when we go?

I don't think
you're the best person for the job.

- Let Zihan do it then.
- Uh...

We can all agree
she's the best at reading situations.

Yeah, that works.

- Okay.
- Uh...

- Erland, let's switch.
- Yeah, okay.






- K321? Is unit K321 here?
- Here! That's us!


You, come this way.


Leave all your things and head inside.

Yeah, sure.


What is this thing supposed to be?
Are they trapping us in here?



What the hell?

- Unit K321!
- Huh?

Welcome to the Memory Transfer Room.

I will be your drill instructor here.

The name's John Doe.

And what exactly are we supposed
to be learning in this place?

Aren't you in a hurry?

Remove all metal from your person

and then get into one of the cocoons
you see behind me here.

Your brains will be implanted
with the language Space Lingua Franca,

or Srilankan, which you might know

as the working language
of the Trade Federation.

Wait. Does anyone else go through this

or is it only us
getting our brains filled?

Regular Yakitoris also receive
combat techniques and tactical knowledge,

along with other important info
soldiers should know.

So, what is our team supposed to do
since we won't have this knowledge?

Well, it's my job to teach each one of you
everything you need to know.

All right!

Enough of the questions.

Now get into a cocoon!

First the cold shower, now this.

What'll be next?

Come on.

What is this?

Cramming us into this strange machine.


What is this? What the hell's going on?

This won't have
a negative effect on you physically,

but some people
might experience side effects.

Try to stay calm.

If you squirm too much,
you'll fry your brain.

- Ah!
- That's all!

Zihan! Not yet?

Not yet.

If we don't move soon,
these rats are going to kill us!

Just hang on.

Hang on? We gotta do something!

You're breaking my concentration.

Don't return fire yet.

- What?!
- Stay quiet.

They don't know we're here,

so wait.



Whoa! Ah!

That was dangerous.

Hey! How about you give a warning, huh?

I got it.
I'll be sure to do that next time.

- We did it!
- Yeah!

If they get past
the second line of defense,

do you think the base will hold out okay?

Like I care.

Stay focused on the job we were given.

But what's the point
if we don't have anywhere to return to?

Must be nice to think about the future.

- Hmm.
- Let's worry about this first.

Uh, I guess.

If we can successfully execute
this plan we have,

the situation will change.

Besides, we don't have a choice anymore.

Sounds good to me.

Let's do this then.



You want us to just wait
in this big open area?

- We'll be sitting ducks!
- So we're just supposed to run?

Don't you remember what happened
when we listened to you last time

and the time before that?

We got our asses handed to us.

You'd like to take a bigger risk instead?

If we stay here, we're going to be
completely surrounded. Then what?

That's true.

But at least we'll get some points.

Erland! Have you lost your mind?

The score doesn't matter
if we end up dead.

Are you stupid?

This is a drill, like playing a game.

Why not try something out?

You're saying that
we should defend this point

to get completely wiped out?

What a joke!

You want to convince us that you're brave,
but you're just an embarrassment.

At least I've got the skills
to back up my ideas!

Akira! Amalia!

Please stop this fighting.

- Hmph.
- Zihan?

What do you think we should do?

You always think things through
before you make a decision.

- Mm-hmm.
- It doesn't matter what we do.

- Huh?
- As long as we all do it together.

There you go again,
acting all neutral.

- Just stop it!
- No, you should stop it!

Hey, hey, hey!

Let's flip this coin.

We don't have much time,

so this will help us. Yeah?

- Tails.
- Heads is fine.

Now who's gonna flip it, though?

I'll flip it.

Thank you.

That way no one can complain about it.


All right! I won!

Okay, let's head out, then.

This is The Kitchen. The drill is over.

I repeat, the drill is over.

- Here.
- Uh.

Rimel hooked us up.

He got us weapons, tea,
and Great Satisfactions. How nice of him.

And he gave us a generous supply, at that.

We've got a week's worth here,
so go ahead and eat your fill.


What's up?

We received intel
from the orbital Trade Federation fleet.

This came in from the recon satellite.

We can see everyone's position from this.

I think you mean we have front-row seats
to watch our untimely demise.

Oh, the garrison is putting up a fight.

I suppose we should give
the Trade Federation a little credit.

We have a problem.

What's wrong?

An enemy spider tank squad
blockaded the road.

They're stopping anyone
from entering the city.

Ah! What do we do?

- Should we fight through them?
- Ah.

What? And use up all the ammo we got?

It doesn't look good.

If we charge down this road,
we'll be easy targets.

- Anyway around them?
- Hang on.


Damn it!

- I said to warn us!
- I did this time.

That was a good suggestion, Akira.

We'll lose a bit of time
because we'll have to drive slower here

off of the pavement.

But this route is the quickest way
to the artillery position.

Things are starting
to look like an old Western movie now.

If we follow that logic,

this would be the part
where we get attacked by someone. Yeah?

Stop that.

Don't jinx us.

I took a look at the satellite images,

but from what I can see,
this area's clear.

Protected environmental zone ahead.

Please follow the speed limit
and watch out for pedestrians.


The heck are those?

Hell no.

We're surrounded by them!

Oh, you just had to go
and mention us getting attacked.

This isn't my fault!

Why are there Barkan soldiers
hiding up here in the hills?

This is the Guadal Wasteland Sanctuary.

The traditional ancient Barkan
living environment has been preserved...

Shut up!

Would've been helpful
if we knew that earlier!

Then they all live here in this area?

Why would they be so well armed?

Who cares? Just fire back at them!




Don't let them latch on!

- Go faster!
- That's all it's got!

Shut your mouth, Erland!

You gotta be kidding me.
Just how big is this rats' nest?

I told you
not to wear perfume, Zihan!


- I can do whatever I want.
- Yeah?

Well, if you wear that crap into battle
and get sniffed out,

the whole team
is gonna have to pay the price.

It's dumb.

Oh, we're a team?

Akira, have you ever covered anyone
or had our backs?

At least I'm not dragging you down.

Don't expect any more than that.

Well, if this group didn't have your back,

you would've been taken out several times.

From the sound of it,
you didn't even know.

Maybe you should check your attitude.

Did I ask you to cover me?

Zihan's right.

Akira, you always act
like you're so amazing,

like you're always right
and everyone else is wrong.

I'm sure as hell doing better
than you are.

Amalia's providing cover for you too,
you know? Or did you miss that?

So that gives you the right
to lecture me and talk down to me?

You know what's right?

Come on, guys. That's enough.

Damn it, Erland!

You don't always have to be
the peacemaker around here.

Come on! Hey!

There's no need to get mad at him too.

Be quiet!

I don't care about covering
anyone's backs!

I'm in this for myself!

Do whatever you want
as long as you don't get in my way!

Okay. So you think
you're the only victim here?

Hello, Unit K321.

You all look well.


You're all so energetic today!

Why are you here, sir?


Oh, I just wanted to come by

and check in
on how your training is going so far.

Line up!

Pick up the pace!

Planetary Mobile Infantry Skill Assessment
Exercise, Process A.

Currently you're 0 for 11

with a loss rate of 100%.

Survival rate, battle results,
tactical contribution, individual skill,

and overall rating
all score at the bottom.

An F.

You've done extremely poorly, huh?

Well, that's impressive in its own right.

It's good.

Keep up the excellent work.

All right, chickens!

So, have you really devolved
into arguing right after you've failed?


Looks like you've still got
tons of energy left.

Isn't that nice?

You're in good health.

Although, if you're training
on Mars is so boring,

then I must be going too easy.

I've failed you.

Your failures are on me here.

So I ask...

Should I apologize to you?

Or maybe you should

try dying!



Oh God. Help us.

Stop clinging to things
that don't exist, you worm!

Please stop.

I can't breathe.

But if you think praying's gonna save you,

then go ahead and do it!

Come on.

Is no one going to get up
and help rescue Erland from his suffering?

What happened
to all that vigor you had earlier?

Why the hell are you
a part of this unit, you chickens?

You know, you rejects
are heartless and brainless!

I am not a reject.

- What did you say?
- That's not true! I'm not a reject!

Fine. I'll say this Unit 321

is exceptionally good
at dragging each other down.

I'd love the chance
to see your parents' faces sometime.

What kind of people gave birth
to such useless chickens?

Old man!

Don't do it!

I'm gonna have to take you on.

No one insults my family!

You really think
you can take someone like me on? Idiot!

Wish I could see
the look on your parents' faces.

They gotta be disappointed.

If I showed up as pathetic
as you wusses do,

hell, I wouldn't be able
to look mine in the eye.

- Shut your damn mouth!
- Zihan, wait. No!

You're all just awful.

Maybe Earth mistakenly thinks that Mars
is some sort of garbage dump for them.

Right, Akira?

This sound correct to you?


I'm not garbage, you ass!

Pupkin, this is the new future
you've been going on about?

They're probably going
to need more training

before actual combat.

But you're looking at a prized golden egg.

You can't expect them to fly when they
haven't even hatched yet, correct?

As it stands,
Yakitoris are meant to be disposable.

Pupkin, I understand you are
an excellent example of the human species.

But I do think you tend to overestimate
how talented humans are.

I would have to say it's the opposite,
Officer Egs.

Pardon me. The Trade Federation

tends to underestimate
species they believe are beneath them.

Their lack of advancement
cannot be denied.

No, you have it wrong!

What is happening before you
is great progress,

which means they'll advance.

They were easily subdued
by their instructor.

He was outnumbered.

These people were thrown onto Mars
and into this situation.

This is just a spirited brawl
with their instructor.

This is how we get
the results we're looking for.

All we need is to teach them
discipline and tactics.

That can be done?

Yes, of course.

Notification: Nearing target destination.

That's it. That's the base.

That's the artillery base?

They certainly have
an impressive antiaircraft turret.

We're outgunned.

You really think
five people can handle this job?

No one likes people who complain too much.


What will we do?

Huh, I have no idea.