Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Counterattack - full transcript

Ten months ago, Tyrone Baxter, Erland Martonen, Amalia Schulz, Zihan Yang and Akira Ihotsu meet for the first time on Earth before launching to Mars.

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That was a close one.

But we made it.

No, the real fighting will start now.

Isn't that...

It's a spider tank! Am I right?



That cannon's powerful.

Not that I expect less
from the Trade Federation.

We have to take that down?

If we want to live,

we have no choice

We gotta move now!


- Tyrone!
- Okay!

If they were going to shoot us,
they would've.

Working together.


They're coming in pairs.

Are you serious?

They don't want us,

uh, 'cause they're busy
blowing up pillboxes.

Hey, you might wanna take a look at this.

A white flag?

Why do they have that?

I suppose the meaning isn't universal.

There are infantry squads
behind the tanks.

- The enemy is doing it by the books.
- You sure?

- I think they might be dead already.
- Yeah.

- Let's get moving!
- Agreed.

While our vehicle is in working order.




Welcome to TUE-2171.

This room is for you, Yakitoris.

You have got to be joking!

Why am I sharing
this tiny room with these boys?!

- You want us to split up cargo by gender?
- What?!

- This is so inappropriate!
- Just ignore her.

Is there anything else
we need to prepare for?

There will be some training sessions
and lectures before getting to Mars.

Don't skip out on them.

Don't think you can get out of this!

Spend your days wisely.

As long as you don't kill each other,
you're free to do whatever you wish.

Oh, that's kind of you.

Now paw.


That's all, Yakitoris.

Have a nice trip.


Hmm. It's early, but we can try it, right?

Let's try
and make friends with each other.

Yeah, yeah. Uh...

It's not like they told us
this would be some fancy vacation to Mars

when we signed up for service.


Why don't we
just appreciate what we've got?

All right.

How about we just start things off slow
by introducing ourselves?


I'll kick things off!

Listen up, ladies and gentlemen!

The name's Tyrone Baxter. I'm an American.

Yang Zihan. I'm from China.

Wish this was under better circumstances.

Erland Martonen, and I'm Swedish.
Nice to meet you.

Akira Ihotsu. I'm Japanese.

I am Amalia.

Oh, Amalia Schulz.

And I'm from Britain.

Now don't start acting like
we're already best friends, all right?

- Why the attitude?
- Now, I know that was a bit aggressive.

But I think it's worth noting
that she has a point.

All right, then.

Calm down.

We can get to know each other
during the trip.


Attention, crew and Yakitoris.
This is your captain speaking.

We will be embarking shortly.


- Uh, we're moving already.
- Hmm.

As expected of a Trade Federation ship,
it has great artificial gravity.

What is this music?

It's Mozart.

The "Turkish March," I think. Right?

Yes, that's right.

I recall them asking me if I liked Mozart.

It was a little weird
for an interview question.

Yeah, I got asked that too.

Was that because of this?

So why this song?


Speaking of why,

does anyone know why
we were given the name Yakitori?

My recruiter, Mr. Pupkin, said
it was a Japanese word.

I have no idea what it means, though.

So tell us, Mr. Japan.

In Japan, Yakitori is a grilled chicken,
often served on a skewer.

- Grilled chicken?
- Huh?

Wait a second.

Uh, are you saying
we're the equivalent of grilled chicken?

It means we're grilled chicken. Huh.

Alert! Our spaceport has fallen!

That was faster than I thought.
The enemy forces are too strong.

That's not good.

After taking out our spaceport,

the enemy would naturally
want to come finish us off.

The runway is completely blocked
by enemy cannon fire.

We have no reinforcements
or any hope for a retreat.

There's a chance...

If we could take out the enemy artillery,
then maybe...

We are greatly outmatched here.

I'll try consulting with Fleet Command.


Fleet Command, this is Rimel.

We need more weaponry

and any reinforcements you have.

I'm sorry, Officer Rimel,

but the runway remains unsafe
for us to land there currently.

What about our safety, huh?

We need some heavy weaponry down here.

My unit is already struggling
with our firepower

because of the financial decisions
that were made!

We don't have any more armored shuttles
because of cost cuts.

What do you suggest?

So be creative, damn it!

Just airdrop them!


But that could ruin all of them.

I didn't say "suborbital."

I said "airdropped."

You should be able to do that
with a damn armored shuttle.

Just do your job

and get me the reinforcements
and supplies that I need!

What are you gonna do?

W... We will look into doing that for you.

Look into it?

Yes, we will gather
the relevant departments

and look into it, sir.

I see, then.

Well, feel free to take your sweet time
while you're at it, why don't you?

Those of us here on the ground

would greatly appreciate
an answer from you

before we're wiped out!


Does anyone here
have any damn professionalism?

Erland, turn off auto-drive
and take the wheel yourself.

Check if there are any weapons left.

- On it.
- Got it.

Admin AI, activate monitor.

Activating perimeter monitor.

Where are we going?
To the second defensive line?

We didn't get any orders for a retreat.

If we pull back,
they might say we went against them.

I'd rather not get shot by our allies.

- Our only option is to attack.
- Yeah, that's right.

Erland, head that way
around the side of the enemy tank.

Copy that.

Find any?

We sure did!

That's perfect.

Where do we shoot?

Admin AI, what's our best move right now
given the weapons we have?


Recommendation: If you focus
the multipurpose missiles on the legs,

you'll be able to trip it.

Admin AI, what if we aim for the cockpit?


The TUF-MAGAK spider tank
utilizes space armor,

so make sure to use
tandem-charge warheads.

Where are we supposed to get one of those?

We're here!
We made it to the nearest tank!


Admin AI, open the roof!

We gotta make do with what we have.

Let's beat this thing!


What went wrong?

I think that was the armor.

Defense system operation confirmed.

I recommend a saturation attack.

- Fire all at once.
- Could've said that first.

Let's go!

- It jumped.
- It did.

I guess we saw it jump this afternoon.

Stop reminiscing! Dodge it!

Which way should I dodge?

Just use any rocks we have
for cover and close in on them!


We need to get closer
to aim at the legs, so just listen to me!

- Whoa!
- Hey!

Okay, keep going!

I got it!

It's got wheels too?

Of course it does.


- What the hell?!
- No way! They're going to flank us now!

Ugh, then do something, why don't you?

I'm doing the best I can!

- Why don't you shut your mouth?
- Excuse me?

What's wrong?

You two have gotten close.

No, we haven't!

- I'll never get used to these.
- Don't be rude.

"Complete nutritional meal
with great satisfaction"? No way.

It may work for your body,

but definitely not your taste buds.

Well, at least the tea they provide us
is somewhat decent.

They got it way too hot in here.

Hey, Japanese dude,
turn on the air for us.

Or better yet, what if we could figure out
a way to turn these speakers off?

Oh, count me in!

I swear, if I gotta listen
to that damn Mozart for one more second,

my brain is gonna turn to mush.

Oh, just shut your mouth and do your job.

Hey, Englishwoman,

have you ever thought about being polite?

Oh yes!

How silly of me, dear gentleman.

I politely ask you to cease
with all this foolish behavior.

Shut up, you white trash.

Stupid fool! You, shut up!

Look, the temperature and music

aren't something
we can't do anything about, everybody.

There's no reason to argue.

Stay out of this one, Swede!

Well, I'd love to watch you argue.
Check out what time it is.

- Huh?
- It's time for the lesson.

What the hell is your problem?!

- Shut up and give me some space!
- What?!

Tandem warhead, direct hit.

Notification: Ally troops
have commenced a support attack.

No, that wasn't supporting us!

They just used us as a decoy!

Who was it?

Thanks a lot, decoys!

Notification: ID code:

Trade Federation Marine Corps,
2nd Marine Expeditionary Force,

14th Orbital Descent Regiment,
3rd Battalion, Alpha Company.

They don't respect us here.
No surprise.

- We managed to strike it down.
- Uh.

Erland, get us closer now.

Wait. You wanna help?

Not at all.

It's time for us
to start using them as our decoys.

Hell yeah!

- Take aim!
- Yeah!

I don't know what part exploded,

but that was insane!

Thanks, decoys!

- You... You bastards!
- Huh?

Tell me something. Was that the Yakitoris?


the Trade Federation's inner suits

have a muscle-strengthening function

and are expected to increase performance
by approximately 20%.

That concludes today's lecture.

Please feel free to discuss
amongst yourselves

until the end of the lesson time.

I don't think I'll ever get accustomed
to using these methods.

Talking during class is strange.

They only want us to talk
amongst ourselves

to ensure we understood it all,

the typical treatment
one would get in primary school.

Okay. Why is it only us getting educated?

Other units don't need them.

When they arrive on Mars,

they're going to have their knowledge
instantly implanted in their minds.

They'll use memory transcribers.

Mr. Pupkin mentioned that.
It was confusing.

During the recruitment process,

he said that our group
would be the test subject

for a new training method,
whatever that means.

I didn't expect it to just be us.

- It's possible they're impressed with us.
- Mm-hmm.

Or maybe...


Or maybe what?

We're guinea pigs.

Easy to get rid of.


I don't mean to sound conceited,
but I think they're impressed with us.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.

- Agreed.
- Mm-hmm.


your lack of interest and attitude
are horrible.

Could you at least pretend
to join in on the conversation?

I mean, we are gonna be
working together, you know?

I'm not gonna drag any of you down.

And if you don't drag me down,
we'll be fine.

Japanese dude,
you always get straight to it.

You're cool.

You can call me by Tyrone now.


but I guess you'd call me Akira.

You got it, Akira.

- Mind if I join you two?
- Huh?


I told you
my name is Zihan, didn't I?

Will you please call me that
instead of Chinese?

It's far less offensive.

Labeling by ethnicity is rude.


Zihan, sorry, but we just
don't know each other that well yet.

All right, then how about we go and chat?

We can go make some more tea,
perhaps share a nice meal.

We only have
that Great Satisfaction to eat.

You really think we can become
better friends over that crap?

And besides,
we just finished eating... Sweden.

I think we're past this.

You can call me by my name, Erland.

Don't you know that the first step
toward becoming friends

is overcoming a hardship together?

So you want us
to go through hell together?

Ah, come on.

It sounds nice, right?

Amalia, was it?

Yes, uh, Erland.

Whatever you say.



They took one down?

A spider tank?!

Sir! Confirming
that an enemy vessel has been destroyed.

That's a job well done, then.

The close-combat attack worked just fine.

Which unit ended up taking the thing out?

Oh! Any losses?

- Well...
- Huh?

What's wrong?

The ones who took it down,
they are Instants.

Are you making a joke, soldier?

It was a unit called K321.

There were no losses.

No way!

Well, I don't care
if they're Instants or not.

Right now, I'll gladly take
whatever the hell I can get.

Emergency orders.

Command to all units!
Command to all units!

Gather to the second defensive line!

I repeat,

gather to the second defensive line!

The official Army has retreated,

so I think we should do the same.

I do too, before the enemy
can set up their counterattack.

besides we only have one missile left.

And I'm so hungry.

I would even eat
that Great Satisfaction stuff.


Unit K321!

Unit K321!

Do you copy?

Unit K321,

can you hear me?

Respond at once. I repeat.

We hear you,
but you're way too close to the camera!

My name is Commanding Officer Rimel.

Admin AI, share my code!

Chain of command confirmed.

This is Barka District
Ground Force Commander,

Officer Rimel of the military clan.

All right, commander.
What the hell do you want with us?

You're a lot more direct than I thought,

for an Instant.


Yakitoris, I guess.

But screw formalities for right now.

I respect you as professionals

for your accomplishments
on the battlefield.

Got a job for you.

A job?

While the spider tanks
are causing us plenty of issues overall,

the artillery pose
a much more immediate problem.

As long as those are still in commission,
we're unable to get backup from space.

I'm sending you
the coordinates to the artillery.

Go there in your armored vehicle

and wreak as much havoc
as you possibly can for us.

I'm sending over a drone now
to resupply your ammo.

Huh? Hold on a sec.

You want us to break an enemy siege
with just five of us!

Not only that,
you're wanting us to attack the artillery?

I'm not asking you to take them all out.

Just distract them long enough for us
to get some reinforcements on the ground.

You're really asking us to do this?


Good luck, Yakitoris.

We're counting on you.