Wrecked (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - The Community Pile - full transcript

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We're gathered here today

to witness the holy union of
Jess Kato and Todd Hinkle.

I can't believe this
is actually happening.

I can.

It's all I've ever wanted.

Todd has chosen to recite his
vows in Jess' native language.

Babe, you learned Japanese for me?!



Oh, my God!









I love you so much.

And now the rings.

My God, babe!

It's so beautiful. Is that...

My Callaway.

I melted it down and forged this ring.

After all, it's just a golf club.

That's what I said!


do you take this woman to be
your lawfully wedded wife?


- Yes!
- Forever?

Like, you're 100% sure?

Of course.

It's been seven years.

I think I'd know after seven years.

Then I can now pronounce
you Mr. and Mrs. Todd Kato.

Ohh! Oh!


- What? What, what, what, what, what?!
- Todd!

Oh, Jesus! Ew! Who beefed in here?

Oh, Jess, go outside
if you have to fart.


What are we doing?

Well, I was trying to sleep.

No, Todd, I'm serious.

We've been together for seven years.

Do you want to build
a life with me or not?

Do I really have to
answer this right now?

Oh, my God!

I'm sleeping outside!

Jess, come on! It's the
middle of the night.

I get sleepy brain. You know that.


Jess! Come on!

Bugs out here!



Holy hell.

Why is the water so high?

The pile!



The stuff!

All the chips... so many chips!


The tide is gonna take...

...all the stuff.


Yep, looks like the tide got

the community pile during the night.

The ocean can be a fickle bitch.

Wait, so all the airline food

and sun block and first-aid stuff...

It's all just gone?

The only thing left are those two bags,

and they're both completely empty.

And I haven't been able to catch
any boar in a couple of days.

Damn it! Whose genius idea was it

to put all of our stuff
next to the water?

Well, at this point,
does it even matter?

It was Turdhole's.

Oh, come on, Karen!

I didn't want the jungle bugs to get in.

You shitting me, Turdhole?!

I should kill you.


I'm so tired of this island.


think of it as your
sacrifice to the ocean.

Enjoy those peanut butter-filled
pretzels, Mother Gaia.

Are you high right now?

A little bit, yeah.

Hey, Jess, I need to talk to you.

What do you want, Todd?

Meet me in the tent in 10, please.

Owen: Okay.

Relax. You can do this.

Deep breath.

Owen, hurry up, I got to go!

I'm going, okay?


You're in a safe place.

You're in a beautiful marble bathroom.

What do you got? What do you got here?

There's a big... big old roll
of double-ply right there.

Okay. Here we go.

Other people have to
use the shit hole...

Diane, I am going!

One second!


Nobody's here. Nobody's here.

You are all alone.

Owen, it has been half an hour!

Don't look at me!

What do you want, Todd?

Oh, my God!



Will you...

check this shit out!


What... What is this?

It's the community pile. I saved it,

and now everyone thinks it's gone.

How rad is that?

Why do you look so disappointed?

No, no, no. There's, like,
a ton of beef jerky in here.

This stuff belongs to everyone, okay?

No, no, no, no. They think it's gone.

This is ours now.


Baby, this is for us.

All right, remember what you said.

You want to build a life together.

Well, that's what I'm trying to do.

And this... this can be...

our nest egg.

Oh, my God, you are so unbelievable!

What are you talking about?!

When I said that, Todd, I
wasn't talking about things.

- Hey, keep your voice down.
- I was talking about a proposal.


I thought you were going to
propose to me on this trip.

But instead, it was a
"Hangover 2" locations tour.

You love the Wolf Pack.

When I first met you,

I thought you were the
coolest senior at ASU.

- I was.
- And when we both graduated,

I followed you to Scottsdale
because we had fun together.

But now...

...I need something more.

Okay, Jess, just...

Return the stuff

or I'll tell everyone you took it.

Pack: Chet?


Chet?! Chet?!

Oh, hi. Hey, whoa.

Hey, little man. What's up?

I'm done with this island.

There's no food. It's all
in the water somewhere.

I'm starving. I'm covered
in rashes right now.

I don't have my jacket anymore.

You want to know why?

That dude's wearing it.

Okay, it doesn't even fit him!

And I can't get it back because
he doesn't know English.

So whatever it is that has you all chill

and totally okay with
dying here, I want in.

I want to do your drugs.

Buddy, drugs are for
expansion, not escapesion.

You do not want drugs.

Yes... I... do.

- All right.
- Great.

But you got to promise to expand.

Yeah, yeah, I'll open up my
mind, whatever, expansion.

Dope, dope, dope, dope.


Follow me.

What? Where are we going?
Why can't we do drugs here?

Easy! First I'm gonna take
you on a vision quest, man.

We're gonna explore your unconscious.

It's gonna be a lot of fun.

I, for one, am very excited
about being inside you.

That's very weird. Don't say that.

Hey, where's my SkyMall?

I lost it. Okay?

Yeesh! What's up with you?

I don't know, Danny. Maybe
it's that we're starving.

Or maybe that it feels like a
hot fart outside all the time.

Owen, come on. It's me. What's going on?

Ever since the crash, I
have not been able to, uh...

- To go.
- To go?

- To evacuate.
- Evacuate, like the plane?

To go, dude. I haven't been able to go.

To go? Where do you have
to go? We're on the island.

We're kind of stuck here.

To go.

- Like poop?
- Yeah, poop.

Oh. Owen, it's been like two weeks.

- Has it been two weeks?
- I think.

Oh, my G... I know it's
been two weeks, man.

I'm just...

There's people everywhere, always.

And I have to be alone.

All right. Come with me.

There's something I need to show you.


I gave you a chance
to tell them yourself.

Fine. Coming in!

Oh, hey.

What's happening?

Look, Jess, the truth is,

I was going to propose
to you on this trip.

I was just...

waiting for the perfect moment.

But then I realized...

that every moment with
you is perfection.


will you marry me?

Oh, my God!

Babe, yes, of course!


And you won't tell anyone
about the stuff, right?


Oh, God, Jess.

Look, if I didn't save this crap,

the tide would have swept it away.

We can't trust those
dodo brains out there.

We can only trust each other.

I-I guess, I...

Babe, are we a team?

Or not?

Hell yeah, we are.

- Mm-hmm.
- Whoo!


I knew you'd say yes.

I knew you'd waffle,
and then you'd cave.

Danny, where are you taking me?


Don't shush! I am a grown man.

What could be so secret you shush me?


Mother of God.

The center cabin bathroom.
It just landed here?

I found it a few days ago.

Had I known, I would
have told you earlier.

I'm a shy pooper myself.


- Have you told anyone about this?
- No.

The others, they cannot
find this, Danny.

They're animals. They're animals, Danny!

- They'll tear it apart.
- Owen! Owen, Owen...

You're safe here, okay?

This will just be our little secret.

Danny, thank you.

Thank you.


Oh, my God, this is so good.

Yeah. Melty Pop-Tarts are the best.


And anyone who doesn't like
Brown Sugar-Cinnamon...

can go to Hell.

I have to admit,

it is very nice having sun block.

Yeah, well...

maybe your future husband
isn't so selfish after all.

Maybe not.

What the hell was that?

I don't know.

All right. Hold on.

- Go check it out.
- Hold on.

Stay here.

Whoa! Awesome!

What are they fighting over?

Airline pretzels.

They're fighting over airline pretzels?

It's the only food we have left.

Finish him!

Oh! Yeah.


Oh, wow.

These guys must really
be hungry, then, huh?

Is that brown sugar-cinnamon
on your mouth?

What? No, the Pop-Tarts
washed out to sea.

Let me taste it.

- Taste?
- Come on. Let me taste it.

Hey, hey! Hey, no, no, no!

Get off of me, you pervert!

Isn't it glorious, Pack?

You know the Iroquois Nation

used to call their
land chimi-chok chok...

for "sacred mother."

How did they say, "Can we
do the drugs now, please?!"

Look around, man!

Get high on this, brother.

Listen to that waterfall.

Just trees and bullshit.

Just do me a favor. Open one eye.

Open the other eye.

Now see.

Okay? What else do you need?

What about my Audi?! Huh?

I just bought a charcoal-gray Audi.

Buddy, it's just rubber and
metal and whistles and glass.

Who cares about your
Audi? Your legs, dude!

Don't... All right, don't.

Your legs are flesh Audis.

Yeah, I'm out of here, man.

Thank you, Chet, for this
enormous waste of time!

I just want to do drugs, okay?

And you had to be a turd!

I'm going to the beach.

- Hey, Pack?
- What?

You and I are brothers in this
existential search for wisdom,

and I was just wondering... Wow, man!

Dang, that was fast.

♪ Sunshine ♪

♪ Don't you hide away ♪

♪ I want sunshine ♪

♪ Each and every day ♪

♪ Sunshine ♪

Ah, I love that bathroom.

I used to hide from
passengers in that bathroom.

- No kidding.
- Yes.

Hey, hey! Hey, whoa!

How did that get there?

Can you imagine if I
took this back to camp?

They'd have found the bathroom for sure.

That cannot happen.



Karen: Ooh, beautiful
rock. How did he hide that?

Did he swallow it and crap it out?

No, Karen, he didn't crap it out.

Oh, look, it's Diane from Toledo.

Oh, Jess, I heard you got engaged!

Let me see your ring.

What do you think?

That is my ring?

- What?
- What?

That's my ring. Read the inscription.

"To Diane.

We'll always have Toledo."


But why would Todd have this?

It's got to be a mistake.

Or he didn't bring a ring

'cause he doesn't want to marry you.

Seems pretty obvious.


Why are you looking at me like that?

You're right, Chet, it is glorious.

Cool. How do you feel?

I feel like I'm finally at peace.

Go in deeper, Pack.

What's making you so relaxed?


No, uh, you're surrendering
to the island, bro.

It's mostly drugs.

You don't have any more fancy cars.

You don't have to follow
any stupid corporate ladders

all the way up.

All the hard work you've been doing

for all these years is gone.

It's gone?

And the only thing that's
left is the jungle.

And you... primal-ass,
raw-ass wild Pack.

Wild Pack?

You okay, little buddy? Pack?

What did you give me?

The most powerful drug of all, bro...


No, seriously. What was it?

Was it, like, MDMA or, like, acid?

Yeah, that was just Claritin, man.

- What?!
- Yeah. I get, like, a runny nose.

You gave me a Claritin?! Why?!

So you'd think I was giving you
drugs and you'd listen to me.


My heart... it's beating very fast.

I can't breathe.

Oh, that sounds like a...
like an actual panic attack.

Oh, there's too many people!



Pack, the beach is that way!

What's going on? Another pretzel fight?


Where did you get this ring?


the most expensive jewelry
store in all Scottsdale.

You're welcome.

Ow! What's up your butt?

You're a liar, Todd!

That's Diane's ring!

So why are you throwing it in the sand?

You were never gonna propose, Todd.

Why are you so obsessed
with getting married?

I just wanted a commitment, Todd.

A promise that in 10 years,
you're not just gonna trade up.

You're being insane right now.

There's no way I could
trade up from you.

Crowd: Aw!

You're, like, the hottest
chick I ever banged.



I know I screwed the pooch,

but being engaged to
you today, it was...


And I don't know why I
was scared before, but...

the moment we get back to Scottsdale,

I am taking you ring shopping.

So until then...

Jess, I love you so friggin' much.

Will you marry me... for reals?



What?! Why not?

Because you lied to me, Todd.

And you stole the camp's stuff.

He did what?!

Wait a minute, so that wasn't
the last bag of pretzels

we were fighting over?

No, no. There are dozens more.

Oh, dear God.

I put Brian in a coma.

Let's go take back what's ours!

Crowd: Yeah!

No, yeah, I was gonna... I
was just holding on to it.

How could you do this to me?

I thought we were a team.

Yeah, I thought so, too, Todd,

until I realized that you
only care about yourself.

Whatever, dude.

I can't wait to be single.

I'm gonna crush so much tail
all over this island, just...

crushing tail.

So much.

Goodbye, Todd.

Tail! I'm gonna...

crush it.

I have no standards right now.

I will hit anything!


You know, it's weird.

Even though we're eating less and less,

I feel like I'm going more and more.

You know what? I don't even
pee in the woods anymore.

I just use this now. Is that weird?

Hey, no skin off my back.

My God.

Turdhole, you bastard.

You followed us, didn't you?

If I told everybody about this,

they'd have to forgive me for the pile.

Hey, hey, take it easy, Turdhole.

Okay, we're gonna work this out.

I wouldn't be Turdhole
anymore. I'd just be Kurt.

- No, no.
- Turdhole, wait!

I'm so sorry.

We'll stop calling you Turdhole.

We'll call you Kurt.


Danny and Owen have a bathroom out here!

- No!
- No, Turdhole!

- Turdhole!
- Get back here!

Turdhole is a liar!

Turdhole is a liar!

Maybe they won't totally destroy it.

- Man: Shitter's full!
- Oh!

Well, there's nowhere to hide now.

So where we gonna poop next, man?

There's a bamboo clearing
in the forest. I thought...

I got to get off the island.
I have to get off the island.

I can't stay here.

Danny, I can't stay in the same
place with the same people...

I'm gonna chart the island.

Great idea. I'll come with.

We can poop anywhere, man.

You know, actually, Danny,

I think I'm gonna go
by myself on this one.

Oh. Oh, yeah, yeah.

- Yeah.
- That's just... look.

- That's 'cause I just...
- I would never... oh...

- I understand.
- Thank you.

Of course. Please, please, please.

So where you gonna go?
Like, into the jungle?

Am I gonna go into the jungle?


Uh, no, I don't think so.
I'm gonna stay on the beach.

Can you imagine going into
the jungle by yourself?

Especially at night?
Oh, hell no, no way.



Shit! What the

What the shit was that?!

Hey, what's going on?

Where's our stuff?!

It was in here!

What is this, a joke?

I told you I don't get many jokes.

It was in here, Karen, I swear.

Todd: Hey, boners!

It's all gone!

I hid it.

From now on, I control the stuff!

God damn it, Todd! Who
do you think you are?!

I'm the friggin' king of the island!



