Wonder Woman (1975–1979): Season 3, Episode 20 - The Boy Who Knew Her Secret: Part 1 - full transcript

Diana Prince investigating a strange alien force in a small suburban community, is seen whirling into Wonder Woman by a young boy.

[instrumental music]

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[theme music]


♪ Wonder Woman ♪

♪ Wonder Woman ♪

♪ Wonder Woman ♪

♪ Wonder Woman ♪

♪ Wonder Woman ♪♪

[instrumental music]

'There goes one!'

Oh, it's beautiful.

It was beautiful.

How often did you say
it's been happening?

Dr. Jaffe?

Dr. Jaffe.

'Uh, I was asking, Dr. Jaffe'

'how often has
this been happening?'

(Dr. Jaffe)
The shower began
almost 24 hours ago.

First, the meteors appeared
every half minute or so.

Now they're tapering off

one every seven to ten minutes.

Excuse me, Dr. Jaffe, you locked
that door, didn't you?



The meteor shower
is result of an object

which enters the earth's
gravitational field

and disintegrates as it plummets
through our atmosphere.

And the fragments
burn out from friction

and that's what we see.

You locked that door

just to give me
a science lesson, doctor?

I observed that object
which caused

the particular shower
you were watching.

It looks like a pyramid.

(Dr. Jaffe)
'Technically, it's
an equilateral tetrahedron.'

A line drawn through its center

would have been a little less
than one meter long.

[doorknob rattles]

[dramatic music]

Who's there?

'Me, doctor, Cameron.'

You asked for coffee. Remember?

Oh, thank you.

Diana Prince

my assistant, Cameron Michaels.

- Hi.
- Hello. Coffee?

Yes, thank you.

Uh, later.

I made that sketch just hours

before the object broke apart
and started falling to earth.

You mean that you
alerted the IADC

just because
of some freak asteroid?

(Dr. Jaffe)
'It's no asteroid.'

It's perfectly symmetrical,
as you can see.

And smooth and flawless.

And it was a satellite.

Of course
it wasn't a satellite.

Did you hear me say
it was orbiting?

'To be frank, doctor'

'I haven't heard you say
anything definitive.'

(Dr. Jaffe)
'I'm saying
it is not an asteroid'

'not a satellite'

and that all its components
are falling to earth

in one certain spot.

Here. They're falling here,
in California.

'Exactly a 117 degrees
longitude, 36 degrees latitude.'

There's a town there.

"Crystal Lake."

'Well, if any meteors have hit,
we would have heard about it.'



[rat squeaking]

[intense music]

It's just a mouse, doctor.

find it and kill it!

Go on!

[door opens]

The rest of what I know
is in here.

You've got to take it and
get to Crystal Lake immediately.

And don't open it again
until you get there.

Wait a minute, doctor.

I've been authorized
to give you direct orders

no questions asked.

I know, but--

I am hereby ordering you

to go to Crystal Lake.

And be careful.


But what is it
that I'm looking for?

You'll know it when you find it.

[dramatic music]

[door closes]

[music continues]

(Dr. Jaffe)
Remember, Miss Prince,
be careful.

Of course, doctor.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Michaels.

[instrumental music]

[birds chirping]

[music continues]

Hi, Mr. Pearson!

[instrumental music]

- Hey, Skip.
- Hi, Pete.

You're looking
very calm and cool.

Well, why not?

In exactly seven minutes,
you're gonna walk

into a surprise algebra test.


Slide-rule Slim's got that
chalkboard covered up.

If you know what that means.

Yeah, it means
I gotta borrow your notes.

- So, what else is new?
- Thanks, buddy.

Think Slim's gonna grade this
straight or on a curve?

- Straight.
- Seven out of ten passing?

Seven or eight.

I'll have it wired
by test time.

Spoken like a true D student.

Why, thank you.

If dad could see you now.

Hey, what were your parents
doing out

by the bike path
so early this morning?

Looks like they were picking
flowers or something.

My parents were picking flowers?

Yeah, your dad even got up

and waved hello and everything.

You're nuts,
my parents wouldn't be up

picking flowers
at this hour of the morning.

My dad didn't even
go to work today.

He told mom, he felt sick.

She was acting strange.

Hi, guys!

- How's it going, Sunny?
- Hi, Sunny.

Supposed to read this
in private. It's from Sal.

- Who?
- Sally.

- Oh.
- Who'd you think I said?

'Hi, Melanie.'

Is she the reason you haven't
asked Sally to carnival?

Sal's the reason why I haven't
asked Sal to the carnival.

Melanie Rose, the cowgirl
from Crystal Lake High?

Carnival's a dance, Skip,
not a rodeo.

Knock it off, Sunny.


To get her attention, Skip

you got to be a horse.

[imitates horse neighing]

'The man is a nut, Steve.'

'Well, somebody up there
takes Eli Jaffe'

'very seriously.'

'Only five people
have ever given'

the IADC a direct order

and he's one of them.

Well, when I got there,
it took ten minutes

and every credit card
in my purse to convince him

I really was who I said I was.

And as for this, well..

You know what he made me promise

before he'd let me leave?

That you wouldn't open it
until you got to Crystal Lake.

Like I said, the man is a nut.

Well, just think of this trip
as an easy assignment.

Yeah, right.

Shouldn't be too hard
seeing I have no idea

what my assignment is outside of

"Go to Crystal Lake
and be careful."

And keep in touch.

I mean it, Diana.

Every afternoon at 4 o' clock
I want to hear that phone ring.

Are you holding something
out on me, Steve?

No, not really.

It's just that
in the course of his research

Jaffe gathers and analyzes
radio signals from deep space.

- I'm aware of that.
- Okay.

A couple of months ago, remember
the rash of UFO sightings

'we had in Australia
and New Zealand?'


Well, it's been rumored
that Dr. Eli Jaffe

predicted those sightings
would occur.

He predicted?

How can someone predict
a UFO sighting?

[dramatic music]

[music continues]




[music continues]

[cat meows]

[instrumental music]

'Not these boots, ma.'

The ones I got from Uncle Rex
in Arizona, the cowboy boots.

You said you wouldn't be
caught dead wearing those.

So now I need them.

What on earth for?

Ma, just tell me where they are.

The closet in the spare bedroom.


How's your homework?

I have no school tomorrow, dad

so I thought
I'd do it tomorrow night.

Do it now.

I'll just do it tomorrow night.

Right now!

You're gonna show it to me
first thing in the morning.

And if I find one mistake,
holiday or no

you're not going anywhere

[doorbell rings]

Seeing that public education

isn't completely wasted on you

is the least I could do
for the taxpayers

in this state.

When's he going to
get off my back, ma?

Skip, you getting decent grades

is very important to him.

Why? Just 'cause he got
straight A's in school?

I mean, nowadays, you
get those kind of grades

kids think you're a freak.

Is that why you get C's
and D's? To be accepted?

No, I get them
'cause I'm stupid.

Well, if that's the reason,
Stephen Keller

you certainly are.

Did I hear Ed Pearson?

Why didn't you ask him in?

He was dropping something off.

Oh, well, good. I was on my way
to the bathtub anyway.

John, could you
take it easy on Skip?

He's a good kid.

[dramatic music]

[birds quacking]

Thank you.

Oh, I'm just gonna have
some orange juice

and toast, please.

Whole wheat.

Thank you.


Well, Dr. Jaffe

let's see what is in here
that is so important.

I feel like a kid
on Christmas morning.

What is it I'm looking for?

You'll know it
when you find it.

I think he is nuts

and I'm sitting here
talking to myself.


Coffee, Diana?

Cameron Michaels.

Thought you'd be more likely
to recognize me this way.

Ahem. Sorry.

The people of Crystal Lake

obviously have
no sense of humor.


I had no idea that Dr. Jaffe

was sending you over here, too.

Last minute orders.

But I'm afraid
he didn't tell me anything

beyond what he told you.


I was supposed to look you up

and, uh,
go over his notes with you.

Well, I just got started.


Do you have any idea
what it is we're looking for?

Well, according to his notes,

...we're after this.

It just landed..


In exactly 99 pieces.

Well, you mean, the pieces
have fallen, don't you?

'No. Dr. Jaffe says landed.'

Hi, mom.

Hey, save some for the fish.


Where's dad?


Well, here's my homework.

Perfect, just like him.

Oh, Skip,
stay home today, okay?

But, ma, it's a holiday.

I think your father's ill.

Well, all the more reason
for me not to stay home.

I can't get sick.
I got things to do.

Bye, mom.

You mean, there's nothing else?

He doesn't explain
why we're looking

for these trapezoids?

- Tetrahedrons.
- Oh.

That's it.

Well, this is crazy.

Anything falling to earth
from outer space

would either disintegrate

or cause a very
noticeable crater.

I guess, unless
they landed instead of fell.

Cameron, is Dr. Jaffe's research
so sophisticated

that he could
possibly have overheard

a celestial conversation
about the pyramid?

It's a possibility.
I'm gonna go over to the police.

See if they've gotten reports
on anything unusual.

Okay, well, I'm gonna
put on my hiking boots

and start combing these hills
for the tetra..

- Hedrons.
- Hedrons.

- See you.
- Yes.

Keep in touch.


[dramatic music]

Hey, Melanie!

Hiya, Mel.

Going riding, too?

I board here.

Oh, this your horse?



Oh, she's beautiful.



Yeah, he.

So, uh, why don't
we go riding together?

Well, I was going
to practice in the ring.

I've got a show coming up.

Thank you.

I didn't know you rode.

Oh, yeah.

I got an uncle in Arizona.

That's where I got these boots.

'They look brand-new.'

'Oh, uh'

I like to keep them
real clean, you know?

Well, have a nice ride.

Well, are you sure
you don't want to go with me?

Uh, give me some pointers?

Always wanted to be
in a horse show.

Well, if you really think

there's something
I can teach you about riding.

Oh, sure there is.



Like everything.

Now, easy, okay? Whoa.

Easy, whoa.


Whoa, whoa.

[instrumental music]

This is crazy.


[music continues]

Why don't you ride ahead of me
so I can watch?

Oh, no, that's okay.

I'll just warm up a little bit.

'So, who taught you
how to ride?'

- I did.
- Oh, yeah, that's right.

You used to live on
that ranch in Wyoming.

How did you know?

Oh, everyone in school
knows that.

Why don't we warm up?

[dramatic music]

Hey! Do you mind?

I'd like to see that.



[horse neighs]

I think my saddle's
a little loose.

Skip, why are you here?

What do you mean?

'I know what kind of games'

you guys play
behind people's backs.

How you make fun of them
without them even knowing it.

I'm not here
to make fun of you, Mel.

I'm here 'cause I like you..

...a lot.

[twig snaps]

[intense music]

[horse neighing]

'Skip! Skip!'

Skip! Skip!


'Turn him, Skip!'

'Turn him!'

- Wonder Woman.
- Please, you've gotta trust me.

Let me take your horse.

Alright, Wonder Woman.



[intense music]

[music continues]

[music continues]


You're okay now, Skip.

Relax. He'll take you back.

Won't you, boy?

Don't be afraid.

[instrumental music]

Whoa. Whoa.

[horse snorts]

You scared me to death!

Did you see
what happened back there?

People who don't know
how to ride

have no business
being on top of a horse!

If you wanna get yourself
killed, fine.

Just don't bother doing it
in front of me.

But didn't you see
what happened?




Wouldn't you know it.

Wonder Woman saves my life

and there's no one to tell.

You can tell me.

- Hi. I'm Diana Prince.
- Skip Keller.

My horse was running away

and-and Wonder Woman
took Mel's and caught up.

Oh, she is incredible!

Well, I understand
she's pretty good

at things like that.

Hey, look who's here.

See? He doesn't
hold any grudges.

There he goes.

He looks pretty hot.
Let's walk him, huh?

I guess it's not his fault
I don't know how to ride.

But I gotta tell you, Diana,
that Wonder Woman is incredible.

- I take it you live in town.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I imagine that things
get around this town

pretty fast, don't they?

Things get around
extremely fast.

Well, now, listen.

Have you seen,
or do you know anyone

who's seen any strange rocks

kinda like solid triangles?


Well, I know this sounds crazy

but, you see,
I'm from out of town

and I need all the help
I can get.

If you come across anyone
who has one or has seen one

will you let me know,
or have them let me know?

I'm staying at
the Crystal Lake Motel.

It's Diana Prince.

And I'm a lot saner
than I sound.

I sure hope so.

[dramatic music]


'Where is everybody?'

Ma, you asleep?

You alright?


[intense music]


[music continues]

It's about time you came home.

What's happened to mom?

It's painless.

No, you're not my father.

Of course I am.

Ma, what's happening?

Tell me, please.

[dramatic music]

[knocking at door]

Just a minute.

- Skip.
- I saw one of those rocks.

Come on in.

- Where?
- My house.

It did something
to my mom and dad.

What are you talking about?

They're not
my parents anymore.

Well, they look like my mom
and dad, but they're not.

'Mom tried to tell me
something was wrong.'

Skip, where do you live?

- I'm not going back there.
- Well, you don't have to.

I was thinking
a, a friend of mine

could check things out.

Well, then you believe me.

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[doorbell rings]

[door closes]

[door opens]

[door closes]

[engine revving]

[cycle bell ringing]

Hey, Pete!

Pete, my gladiator.
I got something to tell you..

[dramatic music]

You do?

Let's go somewhere
and talk then.

'Come on.'

- What's happened to you?
- Nothing.

Come on,
I wanna show you something.

[intense music]

What's going on?

If you'd cooperate,
you'd understand.

It's really not that bad, Skip.



[dramatic music]

What's going on here?

[crickets chirping]


Are you in here?

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[music continues]



[breathing heavily]

- Are you alright?
- Oh!


Yes, I'm alright.
I'm alright, Skip.

What is that thing?

There's something inside of it

something alive.

It was trading places
with me

and I couldn't stop it.

[knocking on door]


- 'Diana, are you in there?'
- Diana, don't let him in.

- It's alright, I know him.
- Well, he may..

Diana, thank goodness
I caught up with you.

The people in this place
have gone nuts!

I was asking questions
at the police station.

They trumped up
a charge against me

and tried to throw me
in jail!

- Everyone I..
- Cameron.

- Pieces.
- Whoa. Don't touch it!

He's right. Keep away from it.

But that's what
we came here to find.

Cam, listen to me.

Dr. Jaffe was right
when he used the word "landed."

The pyramid that broke apart
was no asteroid

and it was no satellite.

'It was some kind of vehicle.'

A spaceship?

Each of the 99 pieces contains
some kind of life-form, a being

intelligent energy,
I don't know, but something.

'In order for them
to function on our planet'

'they need our bodies.'

'Are you trying to say that
those people'

'acting nuts out there
have been..'

'...somehow possessed?'

'I know what I'm talking about.'

'Believe me.'

What do we do?

Well, first of all,
we get a hold of

the good Dr. Jaffe,
now that we know

he knows a lot more
than he's telling.

Skip, what are you doing?

They got my mom and dad.

They got my best friend.

Now I got one of them.

[crowd murmuring]

There gonna be a lot of people
who want to take a look at that.

If we get out of here.

Don't exactly look like
the welcome wagon, do they?

See their faces?

All of them look like that.

They have that same expression
in their eyes.

We've got to get past them.

Meet me at the stables on
Lake Ridge Road in ten minutes.

You're not going anywhere.

I'll divert them,
and you guys take off.


[intense music]

That fool kid has
the meteor fragment.

Cam, let's go.

[music continues]

[engine cranking]

[tires screeching]

[intercom buzzing]

- 'Yes.'
- 'Dr. Jaffe to see you.'

'By all means, send him in.'

Colonel Trevor, I'm Eli Jaffe.

I just hope you've come here
to tell me

why the agent you insisted
I send to Crystal Lake

hasn't reported in.

You've heard nothing from her?

The silence is deafening,

Now, I want some answers.

She has the answers, I'm afraid.

She must have them all.

[crickets chirping]

[intense music]

[horse neighs]


Oh, no.

You're overreacting, Skip.

- We can't just leave him.
- He's not here.

Well, he will be,
he's probably coming by way

one of the horse trails
or something.

It's just taking him
a little longer than he figured.

Every minute we wait
is a minute they gain.

Maybe he's inside.

[music continues]

You're really being
very stupid, Skip.

No. No.

'There's nothing to it.'

No, Pete. Pete, no.


Skip! Skip, are you alright?


Cam, go after those two.

And you stay here.

[intense music]


[theme music]

♪ Wonder Woman ♪

♪ Wonder Woman ♪

♪ Wonder Woman ♪♪